Summary of changes to coastal plans

Summary of key issues considered in coastal water sharing plans commenced or
replaced on 1 July 2016
All replacement plans have had changes to:
ensure consistency with the current legislative framework
update share components and Basic Landholder Rights estimates
correct errors or omissions in the original plan
improve alignment of vision, objectives and strategies
refine references to environmental water advisory groups (where relevant)
remove redundant amendment provisions and simplify others
reflect current plan provisions.
The following provides a brief overview of other key changes or issues considered in the plans:
Regulated River water sharing plans
Hunter Regulated River water sharing plan replacement
New Major Utility (Barnard) licence category created to ensure extraction occurring as part of the Barnard
Reserve scheme is managed by under the plan.
Introduction of “dry condition” minimum daily flow as indicated by the Belltrees gauge. Introduction of this rule will
mimic natural catchment conditions more closely resulting in improved environmental outcomes, and ensure
storage levels are not unnecessarily drawn down in dry periods.
Potential use of Environmental Water Allowance expanded to explicitly include water dependent Aboriginal
cultural values. Governance role of the Environmental Water Advisory Group in managing the Environmental
Water Allowance has been clarified.
Changes to supplementary water rules have simplified and improved the announcement process, increased
operational efficiency, and will improve environmental outcomes. This will be achieved through rule changes
such as decoupling the available water determination (AWD) announcement from the supplementary water tally,
setting an initial available water determination of 1 with additional AWD announcements subject to continued wet
conditions, and increasing the supplementary window while retaining daily and annual limits.
Increased carryover for general security and high security licence holders to 25% carryover and removal of
forfeiture to increase flexibility for users and encourage efficient water use.
Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plans
Snowy Genoa Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
Ski Resorts sought net flow water use accounting – this was not included as the plan allows for purchase of
entitlement and carryover and net flows not applied in other surface water sources.
Improved information from Thredbo River flow gauge – this will be provided via intranet or phone.
Environmental interests sought increased environmental flows from the Snowy Water Initiative – this is not a
water sharing plan issue.
Clyde River Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
There were no changes to the draft plan provisions following Public Exhibition.
Deua Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
Cease-to-pump level for Araluen Creek was considered too restrictive - alternative access rues have been
Opportunities to purchase water – the plan provides for trade within water source.
Metering of irrigation pumps – this is an issue for individual licence holders not the water sharing plan.
Impact of mine and groundwater extractions on base flows in Araluen Creek – an assessment of the impact was
undertaken and no changes made to conditions.
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Summary of key issues considered in coastal water sharing plans commenced or
replaced on 1 July 2016
Tuross Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
This plan includes the Wandella water sharing plan replacement
Changes to access rules for Bega Shire Council from Wandella Creek to remove the cease to pump rule and
only apply the translucency condition during periods when Council are taking water. These changes were
discussed with downstream water users.
Sufficiency of visible flow rule for cease-to-pump – further assessment considered visible flow rule appropriate.
Concern about environmental impacts of access and trade rules – an assessment was undertaken and no
changes to rules required.
Clarence Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
This plan includes the surface water component of the Dorrigo water sharing plan replacement
Introduction of a Special Environmental Flow Rule requiring that licence holders in targeted water sources cease
pumping for 24 hours when the river rises to above the 80th%ile over a 48 hour period, after being below the
cease to pump.
Allowance for limited pumping when river below cease-to-pump.
Prohibition on in-river dams in the Blicks River lifted.
Applications for Aboriginal Community Development Licences permitted.
Macleay Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
This plan includes the Toorumbee, Apsley, Commissioners Waters water sharing plan replacements
Rules for releases from Malpas Dam revised – plan includes new bypass rules that mimic flow variability in the
system, provide more water for environmental and consumptive uses, and provides certainty in timing and
release volumes. Discussed with Armidale Council and downstream users
Cease-to-pump rules and daily pumping restrictions in Toorumbee Creek, Apsley River and Commissioners
Waters made consistent with rules for broader catchment.
Brunswick Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan development
This plan includes the Upper Brunswick water sharing plan replacement
Review of access rules – plan provides for commence-to-pump, first flush and some restrictions when flows are
Prohibition on in-stream dams in Upper Brunswick - reviewed and lifted.
Conversion of surface water to alluvial licences – plan provides for this.
Applications for Aboriginal Community Development Licences in some water sources permitted.
Ourimbah, and Jilliby Jilliby Creeks water sharing plan replacements
These plans have been merged into the existing Central Coast Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing
Review of access conditions for Wyong Shire Council from Ourimbah Creek - t provisions amended to include
an amendment provision to change the access conditions if the operation of the fishway on the Ourimbah Creek
Weir is being compromised by upstream extraction.
Wyong Council requirements – reviewed, Council entitlement not increased.
Kangaroo River water sharing plan replacement
This plan has been merged into the existing Greater Metropolitan Unregulated water sharing plan
Increase to the cease-to-pump rule for Kangaroo River.
Merger of the Kangaroo extraction management unit with the Shoalhaven River unit.
Revised estimate for domestic and stock landholder rights.
New trade rules for natural and artificial pools prohibit trades in certain circumstances.
Raising the limit on the escarpment trade rules to increase the cap on trades from 1257 to 1633 ML.
Limits and prohibitions on trades into specific zones of the Shoalhaven River water source.
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Summary of key issues considered in coastal water sharing plans commenced or
replaced on 1 July 2016
Wybong Creek water sharing plan replacement
This plan has been merged into the existing Hunter Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing plan
Access rules and location of gauges – management zones and flow reference points reviewed. Wybong gauge
Installation of meters – matter for individual licence holders.
Cease-to-pump rules should apply to mining operations- rules apply to all water users and aquifer interference
policy applies to mining operations.
Karuah River water sharing plan replacement
This plan has been merged into the existing Lower North Coast Unregulated and Alluvial water sharing
Simplification of management zones - plan reduces number of zones.
Conversion of unregulated river licences to high flow licences- provision included in plan amendments.
Conversion of surface water licences to alluvial licences – provision included in amendments.
Aboriginal Community Development Licences – applications permitted.
Extension of access rules to allow for further assessments in 6 water sources – provision included in
Coopers Creek water sharing plan replacement
This plan has been merged into the existing Richmond River Area Unregulated, Regulated and Alluvial
water sharing plan
Cease-to-pump rule for Coopers Creek too stringent – rule reviewed and further assessment undertaken with
regard to the requirements of the Eastern Freshwater Cod –revised rule is consistent with less restrictive access
rules in broader Richmond River catchment .
Introduction of daily pumping restrictions – based on consultation with water users proposed rule allows
maximum pumping of 12 hours/per day.
Groundwater water sharing plans
North Coast Coastal Sand Groundwater water sharing plan development
This plan includes the Stuarts Point, and Tomago Tomaree Stockton Groundwater water sharing plan
Interpretation of Hunter Water Corporation’s access in the Tomago Groundwater Source – no change as a result
of further review.
Setback distances from high priority groundwater dependent ecosystems in the Stuarts Point Groundwater
Source were reviewed, but not changed as consistent with policy.
Williamtown RAAF base contamination in the Tomago Groundwater Source – no changes in replacement plan,
but subsequent amendments may be required following further broader review of the contamination and
appropriate response.
Replacement stock and domestic bores exempt from setback distances from acid sulfate soils due to low
oxidation risk.
Provision for review of the contribution of Yarrahapinni Mountain runoff to recharge in the Stuarts Point
Groundwater Source once unassigned water has been allocated.
Increased recharge extraction limit as a result of further review, additional limit shared between consumptive and
environmental water.
High priority groundwater-dependent ecosystems in the Stuarts Point Groundwater Source were reviewed – no
changes made to the areas.
North Coast Fractured and Porous Rock Groundwater water sharing plan development
This plan includes the Alstonville, Kulnura Mangrove Mountain, groundwater component of the Dorrigo
water sharing plan replacements
Limited access to stored water in Sydney Basin – North Coast Basin permitted, not Gloucester Basin.
Includes accounting rules for stored water licences in Sydney Basin – North Coast.
Aquifer risk classification in Sydney Basin – North Coast – no change as a result of further review.
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Summary of key issues considered in coastal water sharing plans commenced or
replaced on 1 July 2016
100% Carryover allowed for unused entitlement in Sydney Basin-North Coast and Gloucester Basin
20% Carryover allowed in all other groundwater sources.
Concern about Local impacts as a result of unconstrained trade due to amalgamation of water sources – no
change to plan, impacts assessed as part of trade application process.
Reducing Long-term Average Annual Extraction Limit (LTAAEL) and granting of access licences in Kulnura
Mangrove Mountain to ensure security of supply to licence holders.
South Coast Groundwater water sharing plan development
Size of water sources and upper extraction limits – reviewed and considered consistent with methodology.
Extraction limit increased in Lachlan Fold Belt Coastal Groundwater Source as a result of revised methodology
for final plan.
Access to a portion of stored water in the Sydney Basin provided for in the plan.
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