FREE SPEECH AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Archit Cate Jessica Introduction Free Speech: what is it? What isn’t it? Social responsibility: Does the government or any other forum have the ability to regulate this? Background Information Long time Issue Open to interpretation m/watch?v=5N3WJXK2 PAM Background Information Recently, it has been limited, especially after 9/11 Very hard to regulate Senate Bill Positive Aspects Negative Aspects Ensures that all points Certain opinions can be of view are considered Protects minority views Form of expression Upholds Constitutional rights offensive or derogatory Disclosing information can threaten security Can cause tension and violence Our Opinion Our group believes in maximizing freedom of speech without infringing on the rights of others. It isn’t the government’s job to tell its citizens, especially on the internet, what can and cannot be said. In addition, the public chooses willingly to enter a certain website. At the same time, we acknowledge that free speech cannot be completely unregulated for the sake of cyber security. In technology, however, we propose that it should be fairly unregulated unless someone is attempting to deface or destroy public or private property. Sources ech 48.stm m_free_speech_Police_State.html