Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany Single-Phase Transformers It should be mentioned here that the electric power is generated at voltage in the range of the 11-30KV. Transmitting a given amount of power requires a fixed product of voltage and current. Thus the higher the voltage, the lower the current can be. Lower line currents are associated with lower losses (I2Z). Transmitting the power in low voltage range for long distance is not feasible since all the power will be lost as a voltage drop on the transmission line. An obvious solution to this problem is to raise the voltage level to some hundred KV (ranging from 110 to 700 KV). Here comes the function of the transformer. This device is one of the most important inventions of all times. Without a doubt, they are the most important piece of equipment along the power transmission and distribution systems. Transformers make it possible to convert the energy taken from generators into usable, transmittable form. Without them, it would be next to impossible to use the energy produced by the utility companies. Transformers are used indifferent applications, such as: 1. Step-up transformers for transmission 2. Step-down transformers for distribution 3. High voltage measurements (potential transformers) 4. High current measurement (current transformers) 5. Insulating one circuit from the other 6. Insulating DC circuits from AC circuits 1. Transformer Construction A single-phase transformer consists basically from two or more windings coupled by magnetic core as shown in Fig. 1. When one of the windings (primary) is connected to an AC source, a time varying flux is produced in the core. This flux is confined within the magnetic core and it links the second 1 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany winding (secondary). When any electric load is connected to the secondary winding, a current will flow. Fig. 1 Single-phase transformer construction φ Fig. 2 Single-phase transformer circuit 2 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany 2. Ideal Transformer For ideal transformer, the following assumptions are valid: 1. No leakage flux (all the flux produced by the primary winding links the secondary) 2. No winding resistance (V1= E1 and V2= E2) 3. The core reluctance is zero ( ℜ = 0, and μ = ∞ ) 4. No core losses (eddy + hysteresis) Let the mutual flux linking both windings φ m be sinusoidal, such that: φ m = φ p sin ω t . According to Faraday's law, the induced emf can be expressed as: e1 = dλ 1 e2 = dt dλ 2 dt = N1 dφ m = ωφ p N1 cos ω t dt = N2 dφ m = ωφ p N 2 cos ω t dt The RMS values of the induced emf are: E1 = 1 ωφ p N1 = 4.44 fφ p N1 2 E2 = 1 ωφ p N 2 = 4.44 fφ p N 2 2 The polarities of the induced emf are given by Lenz's law, that is, the emfs produces currents that tend to oppose the flux change. The ration between the primary and secondary induced emf is: E1 N1 V1 = = = a , which is known as E 2 N 2 V2 the transformer Turns Ratio. Since the transformer is ideal and there is no losses, then the input power equals the output power, V1 I1 = V2 I 2 , then: E1 N1 V1 I 2 = = = =a E 2 N 2 V2 I 1 3 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany From the above equation, we can show that: V1 = aV2 and I1 = 1 I2 a Dividing the above two equations we obtain: Z1 = V1 a 2V2 = = a 2 Z 2 = Z 2\ I1 I2 where Z 2\ is known as the secondary winding impedance referred to the primary winding. In addition, both the current and the voltage in the secondary circuit can be referred to the primary circuit as follows: V1 = a , then V1 = aV2 = V2\ V2 I1 1 1 = , then I1 = I 2 = I 2\ a I2 a The equivalent circuit of the transformer Referred to the primary is given as shown in Fig. 3. I 2\ = I2 a V2\ = aV2 E2\ = aE2 z 2\ = a 2 Z 2 Fig. 3 Transformer equivalent circuit referred to the primary side The equivalent circuit of the transformer Referred to the secondary is given as shown in Fig. 4. 4 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany I1\ = aI1 V1\ = V1 a E1\ = E1 a Fig. 4 Transformer equivalent circuit referred to the secondary side Example A 240/120 volt, 60Hz, ideal transformer is rated at 5 KVA. a) Calculate the turns ratio b) Calculate the rated primary and secondary currents c) Calculate the primary and secondary currents when the transformer delivers 3.2KW at rated secondary voltage and 0.8 power factor lagging. Solution: N1 V1 240 = = =2 N 2 V2 120 a) a= b) I1rated = 5000 = 20.83 A 240 I 2rated = 5000 = 41.67 A 120 or I 2 N1 = =a=2 I1 N 2 c) For the given load, I 2 = and I1 = 3200 = 33.33 A 120 × 0.8 I 2 33.33 = = 16.67 A a 2 5 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany 3. Non-Ideal (Actual) Transformer The assumptions made in the previous section for ideal transformer are no longer applicable when analyzing the performance of an actual transformer. Characteristics of non-ideal transformers 1. The primary and secondary windings have resistances 2. Not all the flux produced by one winding will link the other winding because of flux leakage 3. The core of an actual transformer has a finite permeability. 4. There are core losses (Hysteresis and Eddy current) due to the presence of alternating flux in the core; (iron losses). Consider the actual transformer circuit shown in Fig. 5 m R1 V1 I1 R2 + + E1 E2 - 12 11 - N2 N1 Fig. 5 Actual transformer circuit Where: φm = The mutual flux (linking flux) φ 11 = Primary leakage flux φ 21 = Secondary leakage flux N1 = Primary winding number of turns N2 = Secondary winding number of turns R1 = Primary winding resistance R2 = Secondary winding resistance 6 I2 V2 Load Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany For the primary winding, the flux linking the winding is given as: φ 1 = φ m + φ 11 The voltage equation for the primary loop can be written as: V1 = R1i1 + dλ 1 = R1i1 + N1 dt dφ m Thus V1 = R1i1 + N1 + N1 Since N1φ 11= i1 L1 , ∴ N1 dt ∴ V1 = R1i1 + L1 dφ dφ 1 dt dφ 11 dt 11 dt = L1 di1 dt dφ m di1 di + N1 = R1i1 + L1 1 + e1 dt dt dt (A) In the secondary circuit, the voltage equation may be written as follows: V2 = − R2i2 + dλ 2 dt = − R2i2 + N 2 dφ 2 dt From the flux direction, φ 2 = φ m − φ 12 , Thus: V2 = − R2 i2 + N 2 dφ m dt ∴ V2 = − R2 i2 − L2 − N2 dφ 12 dt dφ m di2 di + N2 = − R2 i2 − L2 2 + e2 dt dt dt (B) where e1 and e2 are the induced emf in the primary and the secondary windings, respectively. It can be shown that: e1 N1 = =a e2 N 2 Equations A & B can be written in frequency domain as follows: ∴ V1 = R1i1 + jω L1i1 + E1 7 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany ∴ V 2 = − R 2 i 2 − jω L 2 i 2 + E 2 To model the core losses of the transformer a parallel circuit consists of an inductor Lm and a resistor Rc is added usually to the primary side of the transformer equivalent circuit, where: Lm = Represents the core magnetization Rc = Represents the core losses (Hysteresis & Eddy current losses) The core related circuit elements Lm & Rc are usually determined at the rated voltage and referred to the primary. They are assumed constant when the transformer is operating at or near the rated conditions. 4. Equivalent Circuits The equivalent circuit of the transformer is shown in Fig. 6. R1 R2 L1 Rc Lm E2 L2 V2 Fig. 6 Equivalent circuit The equivalent circuit of the transformer in the frequency domain is given as shown in Fig. 7. 8 Transformers MTE 320 R1 jX 1 Rc Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany I 2\ = I 2 a R2 jX m E2 Fig. 7 Equivalent circuit in frequency domain Where: E1 = Primary induced voltage E2 = Secondary induced voltage V1 = Primary terminal voltage V2 = Secondary terminal voltage I1 = Primary current I2 = Secondary current Ie = Excitation current Im = Magnetizing current Ic = Core loss current Xm =Magnetizing reactance X1 =Primary leakage reactance X2 =Secondary leakage reactance Rc = Core loss resistance R1 = Primary winding resistance R2 = Secondary winding resistance 9 jX 2 V2 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany 4.1 Transformer equivalent circuit phasor diagram: The load is V2 , I 2 and θ 2 V1 = R1i1 + jX 1i1 + E1 V2 = − R2 i2 − jX 2 i2 + E 2 Ie = Ic + Im I1 = I e + I 2\ I 2\ = I 2 a a = N1 N 2 I c // E1 I m ⊥ E1 V1 E2 Ic I1 R1 V2 θ2 Im Ie jI 1 X 1 E1 jI 2 X 2 I 2 R2 I 2\ I2 I1 Fig. 8 Transformer equivalent circuit phasor diagram 4.2 Referred Transformer Equivalent Circuit 4.2.1 Referred to primary side R2\ = a 2 R2 X 2\ = a 2 X 2 I 2\ = I 2 a E 2\ = aE 2 V 2\ = aV 2 a = N1 N 2 E 2\ = E1 10 Transformers MTE 320 I1 jX 1 R1 Ie Ic V1 Spring 2006 a 2 R2 a 2 jX 2 R2\ jX 2\ I 2\ E.F. EL-Saadany I2 a I2 Im jX m Rc V2\ aV2 V2 N1 N2 Ideal Transformer Fig. 9 Transformer equivalent circuit referred to the primary side V1 E1 = E 2\ Ic I1 R1 Ie jI 2\ X 2\ V2\ θ2 Im jI 1 X 1 I 2\ R2\ I \ 2 I1 Fig. 10 Transformer equivalent circuit, referred to the primary side, phasor diagram 4.2.2 Referred to secondary side R1 a2 X X 1\ = 21 a R1\ = I1\ = aI1 E1 a V V1\ = 1 a a = N1 N 2 E1\ = 11 Transformers MTE 320 I1 aI1 Spring 2006 R1 a2 E.F. EL-Saadany jX 1 a2 R2 jX 2 I2 I e\ I c\ V1 V1\ V1 N1 V1 a Rc a2 I m\ jX m a2 V2 N2 Ideal Transformer Fig. 11 Transformer equivalent circuit referred to the primary side Example A 25 KVA, 440/220 V, 60 Hz transformer has the following parameters: R1 = 0.16Ω , R2 = 0.04Ω , Rc = 270Ω , X 1 = 0.32Ω , X 2 = 0.08Ω , X m = 100Ω . The transformer delivers 20kW at 0.8 power factor lagging to a load on the low voltage side with 220 V across the load. Find the primary terminal voltage. Solution Step #1 Determine the load voltage and current: The voltage across the load is taken as a reference in this case and is equal to V2 = 220∠0 V . For a load of 20 kW at power factor of 0.8 lag, the load current is equal to: I2 = P2 20,000 = ∠ − cos −1 0.8 = 113.64∠ − 36.9 A V2 cos θ 2 220 × 0.8 Step #2 Refer the circuit to the primary side: a= N 1 440 = =2 N 2 220 12 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany V2\ = aV2 = 440∠0 V I 2\ = I 2 113.6 = = 56.82∠ − 36.9 A 2 a R2\ = a 2 R2 = 0.16 Ω X 2\ = a 2 X 2 = 0.32 Ω Step #3 Solve the equivalent circuit I1 R1 R2\ jX 1 jX 2\ I 2\ I2 a Ie Ic V1 Im jX m Rc V2\ aV2 Fig. 12 Equivalent circuit ( E1 = V2\ + I 2\ R2\ + jX 2\ ) E1 = 440∠0 + 56.82∠ − 36.9(0.16 + j 0.32) = 458.2∠1 = 458.2 + j 9.07 The shunt branch current is: Ic = Im = E1 458.3∠1 = = 1.7 + j 0.03 Rc 270 E1 458.3∠1 = = 0.09 − j 4.58 jX m j100 I e = I c + I m = 1.79 − j 4.55 Thus the primary current is given as: I1 = I e + I 2\ = 61.04∠ − 39.3 A 13 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany The primary voltage is: V1 = E1 + I1 (R1 + jX 1 ) = (458.2 + j9.07) + (61.04∠ − 39.3)(0.16 + j 0.32) = 478.4∠2.2 V 4.3 Approximate Equivalent Circuits The approximation is based on the fact that the magnetization (no load) current I e is small compared to the full load primary input current. In practice I e = 3 − 5% I1 . Moreover, since the primary and the secondary winding resistances and leakage reactances are very small, then the internal voltage drop is very small such that ΔV1 = I1 (R1 + jX 1 ) ≤ 3 − 5%V1 . V1 = E1 + I1 (R1 + jX 1 ) Since I 1 = I e + I 2\ , then: V1 = E1 + I e (R1 + jX 1 ) + I 2\ (R1 + jX 1 ) 4.3.1 First approximation If I e is very small compared to I1 and R1 & X 1 are also very small, then I e (R1 + jX 1 ) is very small and neglecting it will have negligible effect on both E1 and V2 . The approximate equivalent circuit can thus be given in the form: Rc R1 jX m E1 = E2\ V1 I 2\ = I 2 a jX 1 R2\ jX 2\ V2\ = aV2 Fig. 13 Approximate equivalent circuit 14 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 I 2\ = I 2 a jX m Rc jX eq E1 = E2\ V1 Req E.F. EL-Saadany V2\ = aV2 Fig. 14 Approximate equivalent circuit Where: Req = R1 + R2\ = R1 + a 2 R2 X eq = X 1 + X 2\ = X 1 + a 2 X 2 The phasor diagram of the approximated equivalent circuit is given as: V1 Ic V2\ θ2 Im Ie \ 2 jI 2\ X eq1 I Req1 I \ 2 I1 Fig. 15 Approximate equivalent circuit phasor diagram 4.3.2 Second Approximation If the current I e can be neglected, then the circuit is reduced to the second approximation as shown in the figure below: 15 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 I 2\ = I 2 a Req E.F. EL-Saadany jX eq V1 V2\ = aV2 Fig. 16 Second approximation equivalent circuit Req and X eq are the equivalent resistance and reactance referred to the primary side. The phasor diagram of this circuit will be as shown below: V1 V2\ θ2 \ 2 jI 2\ X eq1 I Req1 I = I1 \ 2 I1 Fig. 17 Second approximation equivalent circuit phasor diagram 5. Voltage Regulation Distribution and power transformers are often used to supply loads that are designed to operate at essentially constant voltage. The amount of the secondary current drawn by the load depends on the load magnitude. As this current change, the load voltage will change consequently. This change is due to the voltage drop on the transformer internal impedance. A measure of how much the voltage will change as the load is varied is called “voltage regulation” Definition The voltage regulation is defined as the change in the magnitude of the secondary voltage as the current changes from full load to no load with the primary voltage held constant. 16 Transformers MTE 320 Voltage regulation = ε = ε= Spring 2006 V2 nd no −load − V2 nd V2 nd E.F. EL-Saadany full −load full −load V1 − V2\ V1\ − V2 = V2\ V2 6. Efficiency The percentage efficiency of the transformer is defined as the ratio of the power output to the power input. η= η= Poutput Pinput × 100 Poutput Poutput + losses × 100 where the losses are the core and copper losses. ∑ losses = P ∑ losses = P core + Pcopper core + I12 Req1 ∑ losses = P NL + Psc− fl 6.1 Efficiency at any load “x” If the transformer is loaded with x% of its full load, then the copper losses at this loading level will be x 2 Psc . For any loading percentage x, I x2 Req1 = x 2 I 2fl Req1 . The output power at any percentage x of the full load is: Poutputx = xPoutput fl = xV2 I fl cosθ 2 The efficiency for any loading condition is: ηx = Poutput Poutput + losses = Pinput − ∑ losses Pinput 17 = 1− PNL + x 2 Psc xPoutput + x 2 Psc + PNL Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany 6.2 Maximum Efficiency For maximum efficiency, ∂η = 0 . This will lead to PNL = x 2 Psc . In other words, for the maximum dx efficiency will occur at the loading level where the no-load losses is equal to the copper losses. Consequently, the loading level at which the maximum efficiency occurs is given by: x= PNL Psc 7. Transformer Parameters Determination The transformer parameters are R1 , R2 , X 1 , X 2 , Rc , and X m . These parameters can be determined experimentally by two tests; the open circuit and the short circuit tests. 7.1 Open circuit test This test gives information regarding the losses in the transformer core. It can be used to determine Rc and X m . If we connect the circuit as shown in Fig. 18. φm Fig. 18 Open circuit test connection The equivalent circuit of the transformer will be as shown in Figs. 19 and 20. Measuring the voltage, current and power, then: 18 Transformers MTE 320 R1 jX m E1 = E2\ V1 I 2\ = 0 Rc Spring 2006 jX 1 E.F. EL-Saadany R2\ jX 2\ V2\ = aV2 Fig. 19 Open circuit test connection equivalent circuit I 2\ = 0 V1 \ jX m V2 = aV2 Rc Fig. 20 Open circuit test connection equivalent circuit The measured values are: PNL , I NL and V1 . From the above circuit: V12 I and Yo = NL V1 PNL RC = Yo = 1 1 −j Rc Xm ∴Xm = 1 ⎛ 1 ⎞ Yo2 − ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ ⎝ Rc ⎠ 7.2 Short circuit test This test provides the values of the total leakage impedances and the value of the losses in the winding at full load. 19 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany In short circuit test, we short-circuit the low voltage winding and we put the input voltage on the high voltage winding. Increase the input voltage in steps until we reach the full load current (about 20-30% of input voltage) and measure the voltage, current and power. The circuit connection and the equivalent circuits will be as shown in Figs. 21 and 22, respectively. LV HV φm I1 W A V1 V + + E1 V2 - N1 N2 Fig. 21 Short circuit test connection I 2\ = I 2 a R1 jX 1 R2\ jX 2\ V1 Fig. 22 Short circuit test connection equivalent circuit Req = Psc I12 Z eq = V1 I1 X eq = Z eq2 − Req2 If the transformer is designed to have equal losses on the primary and secondary circuits, then: R1 = R2\ = Req X 1 = X 2\ = 2 X eq 2 20 Transformers MTE 320 Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany Example A 50 KVA, 2400/240, 60 Hz, single-phase transformer has a short circuit and open circuit tests performed on the high-voltage and low-voltage sides respectively, and the following results were obtained: Voltage (V) Current (A) Power (W) Open circuit test 240 5.4 186 Short circuit test 48 20.8 620 a) Determine the approximated equivalent circuit referred to the primary side. b) Determine the voltage regulation and the efficiency at rated load, 0.8 power factor lagging and rated voltage at the secondary terminals. Solution a) The parameters of the transformer referred to the primary side are: R1 , R2\ , X 1 , X 2\ , Rc and X m . From the short circuit test Z eq = Vsc 48 = = 2.3Ω I sc 20.8 Req = Psc 620 = = 1.43Ω 2 I sc (20.8)2 X eq = Z eq2 − Req2 = (2.3)2 − (1.43)2 = 1.8Ω From the open circuit test Since the open circuit test was performed on the low-voltage side, then the determined parameters are going to referred to secondary side. Yo\ = I NL 5.4 = = 0.0225 S Voc 240 ⎛ PNL ⎞ ⎟⎟ = 81.8 Lagging ⎝ Voc I NL ⎠ θ oc = cos −1 ⎜⎜ Yo\ = 0.0225 ∠ − 81.8 ° S Yo\ = Gc − jBm = 0.0225 ∠ − 81.8 ° = (3.23 − j 22.3) × 10 −3 S 21 Transformers MTE 320 Rc\ = Spring 2006 E.F. EL-Saadany 1 = 309.6Ω Gc X m\ = 1 = 44.8Ω Bm Rc\ = 1 = 309.6Ω Gc Rc\ = Rc , a2 ∴ Rc = Rc\ × a 2 = 309.6 × (10) = 30.96 kΩ 2 ∴ X m = X m\ × a 2 = 44.8 × (10) = 4.48 kΩ 2 b) At the rated secondary conditions and 0.8 power factor lagging, V2\ = aV2 = 10 × 240∠0 = 2400∠0V I 2\ = 50,000 ∠ − cos −1 0.8 = 20.83∠ − 36.9 A 2400 V1 = V2\ + I 2\ (Req + jX eq ) = 2400∠0 + (20.83∠ − 36.9)(1.43 + j1.8) = 2446.6∠0.3V The percentage voltage regulation is: ε= 2446.6 − 2400 × 100 = 1.9 % 2400 The transformer efficiency is: η= Output × 100 Input Output power = 50,000 * 0.8 = 40,000 Watt Input power = Output power + Losses Losses = Core losses + Copper losses = 186 + 620 = 806 Watt ∴η = 40,000 ×100 = 98 % 40,000 + 806 22