Expenses & Benefits Error Message Catalogue Origin/Author : SEE DOCUMENT CONTROL Approved by : SEE DOCUMENT CONTROL Date Approved : SEE DOCUMENT CONTROL NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Contents 1. Introduction 3 1.1 1.2 3 3 Overview Purpose and Scope 2. Generic Schema Validation 4 3. CORE Error Messages 3.1 IRHeader Validation 5 4. Expenses and Benefits (EXB) Validation Errors 4.1 P11D Error Messages 4.2 P9D Error Messages 4.3 P46(Car) Error Messages 6 6 28 33 APPENDICES 43 Appendix A: Changes Made for 2015/2016 Appendix B: Document Control 44 46 5 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 46 PAGES INCLUDING TITLE PAGE © HM Revenue & Customs 2015. All rights reserved. Capgemini and the Capgemini logo are trade marks of Capgemini SA. Fujitsu and the Fujitsu Logo are trade marks of Fujitsu Ltd. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 2 of 46 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 1. Introduction 1.1 Overview Whenever an attempt is made to electronically file a PAYE tax form, a message should be returned to confirm the result of that attempt. This may take the form of either a success message, which confirms successful filing of that form, or a number of error messages. Error messages have two functions: to identify errors within the form itself and establish corrective action to be taken, and secondly to recognise errors within the connection, system or elsewhere which has prevented the form from reaching the validation stage. 1.2 Purpose and Scope The response message proposed in this document is intended to allow messages to be easily processed by Third Party software, while maintaining a degree of flexibility for changes to message handling in the future. Further error codes have been included to allow meaningful HTTP error messages. This document is applicable to both the test and the live service. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 3 of 46 2. Generic Schema Validation Code 5012 Condition The data used is not within the standards set by the schema. 5016 An element exists, but it has no entry within it. 6010 Elements that are defined as mandatory in the schema are not present in the submission. And: Elements included in the submission are not defined in the schema. And: Badly-Formed XML Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. For certain fields, a more specific error message is generated. Entry required For certain fields, a more specific error message is generated. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. When a 6010 error is thrown, the error locator will be as per a 5012 error locator. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc 46 Version: 1.0 Page 4 of Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 3. CORE Error Messages 3.1 IRHeader Validation Element Validation TaxOffice Must be tax office corresponding to password and user ID Must be a 3 digit number 000 is invalid Must be employer reference corresponding to password and user ID 1st Character must be Alpha/numeric TaxOfficeNumb er TaxOfficeRefer ence Error Locator 5018 IR Header Tax Number Tax Office Reference Code Office 7890 7880 Message Text Tax Office Number and Tax Office Reference in message header do not match values in message body Entry must be a 3 digit number and must not be 000 Invalid Reference entered. First character must be Alpha/Numeric. This must be the employer reference corresponding to the password and the user ID. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 5 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4. Expenses and Benefits (EXB) Validation Errors Missing MANDATORY fields will throw a 5016 error with message: ‘Entry required’. If the schema namespace provided is invalid then a 5012 error will be triggered with the message "Your submission contains an unrecognised namespace". 4.1 P11D Error Messages 4.1.1 Employer Details BVR No. 1 Element Error Locator Name Name P11D Class ExpensesAndBe nefits / P11D Class Rule No. 1 Validation 2 1st character must be present and not 6010 space Code Designated character set 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 6 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4.1.2 Employee Details BVR No. 2 Element Error Locator DirInd 3 Ttl Director Indicator Title Rule No. 1 Validation 1 2 4 Fore Forename 1 2 5 Sur Surname 1 2 6 WksNo WorksNumber 1 7 NINO NINO 1 Code If present must be ‘yes’ 5012 If present, first character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set Designated character set 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. First character must be Alpha. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier.' This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 The NINO should be in the format:5012 - Characters 1 & 2 must be alpha and must be one of the issued National Insurance number prefixes (See 7601 Appendix 1) - Characters 3-8 must be numeric - Character 9 must be alpha and A, B, C, D or a space Each employee must only appear 7930 once in the employer’s return 2 Message Text NINO not entered in the correct format. Should be in the format of 2(letters), 6(numbers) followed by a space or 1(letter) A,B,C,D. NINO not entered in the correct format. Characters 1 and 2 must be one of the issued National Insurance number prefixes. Each Employee must only appear once in the employer’s return. Duplicate NINO’s not allowed. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 7 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 8 Element Error Locator BirthDate BirthDate Rule No. 1 Validation Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. At least one benefit type A – N is mandatory for each submission 2 9 Gender Gender 3 1 2 P11D Code P11D class Message Text 7863 Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. 5012 Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. 7865 7866 Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. 5012 Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. 7810 At least one benefit type A-N is Mandatory 4.1.3 Section A – Assets transferred. BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. Asset P11D class 10 Type P11D class 1 11 Desc Description 1 Validation Code This can be repeated 5 times once 6010 and only once for each of cars; property: precious metals; other; multiple Valid character = ‘A’. If benefit = A 6010 then either Description of asset or Description of other asset must be present Select one from; cars; property; 7610 precious metals; multiple or other Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Description can have 1 (and only 1) entry for each of the following: ‘cars’, ‘property’, ‘precious metals’, ‘other’ or ‘multiple’ NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 8 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. 2 12 Other Assets Transferred Description Other 13 Cost Cost 14 MadeGood 15 CashEquiv Amount Made 1 Good Cash Equivalent 1 Validation Code If ‘other’ is selected ‘Description of 7610 Other Asset’ can be completed Invalid data 5012 Designated character set 5012 1 1 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be equal to Cost less Amount made good 2 Message Text 5012 If the Tag other is present then the Description must be set to other. This entry is not in a valid format This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format. 5012 This entry is not in a valid format. 7610 The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good 5012 4.1.4 Section B – Description of payment BVR No. Element Error Locator Payment P11D class Rule No. Validation Code Can be repeated 7 times, once (and only once) for each of domestic bills; accountancy fees: private education; private car expenses; season tickets; other; multiple 6010 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 9 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 16 Element Error Locator Type Payments Made Rule No. 1 17 Desc Description 1 Payments Made 2 Validation If benefit type = ‘B’ then at least one of the following must be present: Description of payment – rule 15 Description of other payment – rule 16 or Tax on notional payments not borne by the employee within 90 days of receipt – rule 18 Select one from: domestic bills; accountancy fees; private education; private car expenses; season tickets; multiple; other If ‘other’ is selected ‘Description of other payment’ can be completed If present then cash equivalent must also be present 3 18 Other Description Payments Made 1 19 CashEquiv Cash Equivalent 1 20 Tax Payments Tax 1 Payments Made 2 Code Message Text 7830 When Payments Made Type is ‘B’. Must have either Payment Details or Tax on Notional 5012 This entry is not in a valid format. 7830 If the Tag other is present then the Description must be set to other. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This entry is not in a valid format Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This entry is not in a valid format 6010 Invalid data 5012 If present then cash equivalent must 6010 also be present Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format If benefit type = ‘B’, this must be 7830 present if no other items in section B are present This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. When Payments Made Type is ‘B’. Must have either Payment Details or Tax on Notional NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 10 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator P11D class Rule No. 3 Validation Code Can only be entered once 6010 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. 4.1.5 Section C – Vouchers or credit cards BVR No. 21 Element Error Locator Type 22 Gross VouchersOrCCs Type Gross Amount 23 MadeGood 24 CashEquiv Rule No. 1 Validation 1 Amount Made 1 Good Cash Equivalent 1 Vouchers or 2 Credit Cards Code Valid character = ‘C’ 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Gross Amount’ less ‘Amount Made Good’ 5012 Message Text 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format 5012 This entry is not in a valid format 7620 The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Gross Amount less the Amount Made Good 4.1.6 Section D – Living accommodation BVR No. 25 Element Error Locator Type 26 CashEquiv LivingAccomTy pe Cash Equivalent Rule No. 1 Validation Code Valid character = ‘D’ 1 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 11 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4.1.7 Section E – Mileage allowance and passenger payments BVR No. 27 Element Error Locator Type 28 TaxablePmt MileageAllowT ype Taxable Payment Rule No. 1 Validation Code Valid character = ‘E’ 1 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format. 4.1.8 Section F – Cars and car fuel. BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. Validation Car P11D class 29 Type CarsType 1 This section can be repeated up to 50 times Valid character = ‘F’ 30 Make MakeAndModel 1 Designated character set 5012 31 Registered Invalid date 5012 32 AvailFrom DateFirstRegiste red AvailFrom 1 33 AvailTo 6010 5012 Must be within the tax year for which 7860 the return is being made Must not be later than date last 7667 available Invalid date 5012 3 DateFirstAvaila ble AvailTo Code 1 Must be within the tax year for which 7860 the return is being made Must not be earlier than date first 7666 available 3 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Must be during the current tax year Must be on or later than date first made available. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Must be during the current tax year Must not be later than date last available. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 12 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 34 Element Error Locator CC DateCarLastAva ilable EngineSize Rule No. Validation 1 Code Invalid date 5012 Must be present if:Car registered before 1 Jan 1998 7665 Fuel Fuel 1 Fuel Type 1 CO2Emissions 1 Acceptable values are: ‘A’ for Petrol ‘D’ for Diesel (not Euro lV) ‘D’ for Euro lV emissions standard diesel ‘A’ for Hybrid electric ‘A’ for gas only or Bi-fuel with approved gas CO2 figure ‘A’ for conversion or older Bi-fuel ‘A’ for E85 compliant ‘A’ for zero emission cars, whatever the technology Must be present if car registered on or after 1 Jan 1998. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Must be present if date first registered is before 1 January 1998 Must be present if car registered on or after 01/01/98 and ‘No Approved CO2 figure’ is not present. Car registered on or after 1 Jan 1998 and ‘No Approved CO2 figure’ is present 35 Message Text 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant category letter. Acceptable characters are ‘A’and ‘D’. 7655 Must be present if car registered on or after 01/01/98. . 36 CO2 Must be present if: Date first registered is on or after 1 Jan 1998 and NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 13 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 37 38 Element NoAppCO2Fi g List Error Locator Rule No. Validation 1&2 Must be present if: 7605 Date first registered is on or after 1 Jan 1998 and The No Approved CO2 figure indicator is not present at Field 35 Must be present if car registered on or after 01/01/98 and ‘No Approved CO2 figure’ is not present CO2 Emissions 3 CarsAndCarFue l 1 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. CO2 Indicator 2 If present must be greater than or 5012 equal to 0 6010 Must be present if: Approved CO2 emissions figure for cars registered on or after 1 Jan 1998 is not present at Field 34 If present must be ‘yes’ 5012 List Price 1 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Minimum value of £1000.00 5012 Must be greater than or equal to 1000.00 and less than or equal to 9999999.99 Price of 1 Accessories CapitalContribut 1 ions 2 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Maximum contribution is £5000.00 5012 PrivateUsePaym ent Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be greater than or equal to 0.00 and less than or equal to 999999.99 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Must be greater than or equal to 0.00 and less than or equal to 9999999.99 2 39 Accs 40 CapCont 41 PrivUsePmt 1 Code 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 14 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 42 Element Error Locator FuelWithdraw n FuelWithdrawn Rule No. 1 Validation If present then cash equivalent of fuel for each car must be present. Date must be within the tax year reported Date must not be earlier than the ‘Date car first available’ (BR30) Date must not be earlier than the ‘Date car last available’ (BR31), if either or both are provided Invalid date 2 3 3 FuelWithdrawn 43 Reinstated FuelWithdrawn Reinstated 44 CashEquiv Cash Equivalent 45 FuelCashEqui v FuelCashEquiva lent Code 7630 If present then fuel cash equivalent must be present. 7860 Must be during the current tax year 7861 Must be on or later than date first made available. 7861 Must not be later than date last available. 5012 Invalid Entry. Fuel Withdrawn date must be in the format CCYY-MM-DD. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Invalid Entry. Entry can only be ‘yes’ if present. This entry is not in a valid format. 1 Must only be completed if ‘date free 6010 fuel was withdrawn’ is present 2 1 If present must be ‘yes’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format If present must be greater than 0.00 If car registered before 01/01/98 or No approved CO2 figure indicator present, then engine size must be completed If car registered on or after 01/01/98 fuel type must be present 1 2 3 Fuel Type 4 FuelCashEquiva lent 5 Message Text 5012 5012 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 6010 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. 7655 Must be present if car registered on or after 01/01/98. Must be present if date free fuel was 7630 withdrawn is present Must be present if date free fuel was withdrawn is present NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 15 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator FuelCashEquiva lent 46 TotalCars Total Cars Rule No. 6 Validation If present either Approved CO2 figure or engine size must also be present Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be equal to the sum of all cash equivalents of each car Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be equal to the sum of all ‘cash equivalent of fuel for each car’ 1 2 47 TotalFuel Total Fuel Code 1 2 Message Text 7868 If present either Approved CO2 figure or engine size must also be present. 5012 Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 The Total Cars value does not equal the sum of all Cash Equivalent fields for Car Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99. The Total Fuel value does not equal the sum of all Fuel Cash Equivalent fields for Car 7650 5012 7660 4.1.9 Section G – Vans BVR No. 48 Element Error Locator Type VansType Rule No. 1 49 CashEquiv Cash Equivalent 1 50 FuelCashEqui v FuelCashEquiva lent 1 Validation Code Valid character = ‘G’ 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 4.1.10 Section H – Interest-free and low interest loans. BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. Validation Code Message Text NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 16 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. Validation Loan P11D class 51 Type LoansType 1 Valid character = ‘H’ 5012 52 Number 1 Designated character set 5012 53 JointBorrower s InitOS 1 FinalOS 55 MaxOS Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Cannot be less than Amount of loan outstanding at 5 April 2015 or at date loan was made if earlier or Amount of loan outstanding at 5 April 2016 or at date loan was discharged if earlier Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be within the tax year for which the return is being made Must be within the tax year for which the return is being made Must be later than date loan was made 5012 54 Initial Outstanding Final Outstanding Maximum Outstanding Code This section can be repeated 10 times 1 1 2 56 IntPaid Interest Paid 1 57 Date Date 1 58 Discharge Discharge 1 Discharge Date 2 6010 5012 5012 7680 5012 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 The Maximum Outstanding value must not be less than the Initial Outstanding or the Final Outstanding Value 7860 Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 Must be during the current tax year 7860 Must be during the current tax year 7690 The Discharge Date must not be earlier than the Loan Date NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 17 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 59 Element Error Locator CashEquiv Cash Equivalent Rule No. 1 Validation Code Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Message Text This entry is not in a valid format 4.1.11 Section I – Private medical treatment or insurance BVR No. 60 Element Error Locator Type MedicalType Rule No. 1 61 Cost Cost 1 62 MadeGood 1 63 CashEquiv Amount Made Good Cash Equivalent Validation 1 2 Code Valid character = ‘I’ 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format 5012 5012 7700 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format 4.1.12 Section J – Qualifying relocation expenses payments and benefits BVR No. 64 Element Error Locator Type RelocationType Rule No. 1 65 Excess Excess 1 Validation Code Valid character = ‘J’ 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate format 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 4.1.13 Section K – Services supplied NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 18 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 66 Element Error Locator Type ServicesType Rule No. 1 67 Cost Cost 1 68 MadeGood 1 69 CashEquiv Amount Made Good Cash Equivalent Validation 1 2 Code Valid character = ‘K’ 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format 5012 5012 7710 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format 4.1.14 Section L – Assets placed at the employee’s disposal. BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. Asset P11D class 70 Type AssetsAvailable 1 71 Desc Description 1 Validation Code This section can be repeated 7 times 6010 once (and only once) for each of holiday accommodation; timeshare accommodation; aircraft; boat; corporate hospitality; multiple; other If benefit type L then either 6010 ‘Description of asset’ or ’Description of other’ must be present Select one from: holiday 7720 accommodation; timeshare accommodation; aircraft; boat; corporate hospitality; multiple or other Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: ‘holiday accommodation’, ‘timeshare accommodation’, ‘aircraft’, ‘boat’, ‘corporate hospitality’, ‘multiple’ or ‘other’ NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 19 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator AssetsAvailable Rule No. 2 72 Other Other 1 73 AnnVal Annual Value 1 74 MadeGood 75 CashEquiv Amount Made 1 Good Cash Equivalent 1 Validation Code If ‘other’ is selected, ‘Description of 7720 Other’ can be completed Designated character set 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Annual value’ less ‘Amount made good Numeric characters in the appropriate format 2 5012 5012 7720 5012 Message Text If the Tag other is present then the Description must be set to other. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Annual Value less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format 4.1.15 Section M – Other items. BVR No. Element Error Locator Class1A P11D class Rule No. Validation Code Description of other Class 1A items can be repeated 6 times once (and only once) for each of: subscriptions and fees; educational assistance CL1A; non-qualifying relocation ben; stop loss charges; other; multiple 6010 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 20 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 76 Element Error Locator Type Other Rule No. 1 77 Desc Description 1 Class1A 2 78 Other Other 1 79 Cost Cost 1 80 MadeGood 81 CashEquiv Amount Made 1 Good Cash Equivalent 1 Validation 2 Code Message Text If benefit type = M then at least one of the following must be present CL1A descriptions – rules 74 or 75 Non CL1A descriptions – rules 79 or 80 or Income tax paid but not deducted from director’s remuneration – rule 84 Select one from: subscriptions and fees; educational assistance CL1A, non-qualifying relocation ben; stop loss charges; multiple or other If ’other’ is selected, ‘Description of Other’ can be completed Designated character set 7940 When Other Type is ‘M’. Must have either Class1A or NonClass1A entry 7730 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format 5012 Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: ‘subscriptions and fees’, ‘educational assistance CL1A’, ‘non-qualifying relocation ben’, ‘stop loss charges’, ‘other’ or ‘multiple’ If the Tag other is present then the Description must be set to other. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format 7730 5012 5012 7730 5012 The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format 4.1.16 Section M – Other items. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 21 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 82 Element Error Locator Rule No. NonClass1A P11D class Desc Description 1 Non Class1A 2 83 Other Other 1 84 Cost Cost 1 85 MadeGood 86 CashEquiv Amount Made 1 Good Cash Equivalent 1 Validation Description of other non-class1A items can be repeated 6 times once (and only once) for each of: subs and professional fees; nursery places; educational assistance; loans written or waived; other; multiple Select one from: subs and professional fees; nursery places; educational assistance; loans written or waived; multiple or other If ‘other’ is selected, ‘Description of other’ can be completed Designated character set Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format If benefit type = M, this must be present if no other items in section M are present Can only be entered once 2 87 TaxPaid Other 1 P11D class 2 TaxPaid 3 Code 6010 7740 7740 5012 5012 5012 7740 5012 7940 6010 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 Description can have 1 and only 1 entry for each of the following: ‘subs and professional fees’, ‘nursery places’, ‘educational assistance’, ‘loans written or waived’, ‘other benefits’, ‘multiple’ If the Tag other is present then the Description must be set to other. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Cash Equivalent value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format When Other Type is ‘M’. Must have either Class1A or NonClass1A entry Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 22 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4.1.17 Section N – Expenses payments made to, or on behalf of, the employee BVR No. 88 Element Error Locator Type Expenses Payments 89 Cost Cost 90 MadeGood 91 TaxablePmt Amount Made 1 Good Taxable 1 Payment 2 92 93 Rule No. 1 Validation If benefit type = N then at least one of the following benefits must be present: Travelling and subsistence Entertainment General expenses Home telephone Non-qualifying relocation expenses Other Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be present if ‘Entertainment’ cost to you, amount made good and taxable payment present If present must be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ 1 TradingOrgInd P11D class 1 2 Cost Trading Organisation Indicator Cost Code 1 Message Text 7635 When Expenses Payments Type is ‘N’. Must have either Travelling and Subsistence, Entertainment, General Expenses, Use of Home Telephone, Non-qualifying Relocation Exp or Other 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format 5012 7750 5012 6010 5012 Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 23 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 94 Element Error Locator Rule No. Made 1 Validation MadeGood 95 TaxablePmt Amount Good Taxable Payment Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less’ Amount made good Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ 1 2 96 Cost Cost 1 97 MadeGood 98 TaxablePmt Amount Made 1 Good Taxable 1 Payment 2 99 Cost Cost 1 100 MadeGood 101 TaxablePmt Amount Made 1 Good Taxable 1 Payment 2 102 Cost Cost 1 103 MadeGood 104 TaxablePmt Amount Made 1 Good Taxable 1 Payment Code Message Text 5012 This entry is not in a valid format 7760 The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format 5012 5012 5012 7750 5012 5012 5012 7750 5012 5012 5012 7750 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 24 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element Error Locator Rule No. 2 105 106 Desc Cost Description Cost 107 MadeGood 108 TaxablePmt Amount Made 1 Good Taxable 1 Payment 2 Validation Code Numeric characters in the appropriate format Designated character set Numeric characters in the appropriate format Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must equal ‘Cost to you’ less ‘Amount made good’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format 1 1 Message Text 5012 This entry is not in a valid format. 5012 5012 This entry is not in a valid format This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This entry is not in a valid format 5012 7770 5012 The Taxable Payment value must equal the Cost less the Amount Made Good This entry is not in a valid format. 4.1.18 P11D (b) Data items BVR No. Element Error Locator P11Db P11Db Summary Rule No. Validation Code All P11Ds must be filed together with a P11D(b) 7920 7920 109 110 TotalBenefit AdjustmentRe quired Total Benefit Class1Acontribu tionsDue Must be total of all 1A items on all 7780 P11Ds in this submission, namely benefits A, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L & M. Invalid data 5012 1 1 Must be present if ‘NIC payable’ not 7645 completed Message Text There must be at least one P11D present. P11Db Summary must be present The total benefit value must equal the total of all 1A items on all P11D’s Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds. Either Adjustment Required must be ‘yes’ or NIC payable must be present NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 25 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element 111 NICsRate 112 NICpayable Error Locator Rule No. 2 Validation Must not be present if ‘NIC payable’ is present If present must be ‘yes’ 5012 AdjustmentReq 3 uired NICs Rate 1 attribute NIC Payable 1 Class1Acontribu tionsDue 2 Percentage in the format of four 7820 numerics to two decimal places e.g. 13.80 Must equal 13.80% of Total Benefit 7790 Must not be completed if 7645 ‘adjustments required’ = ‘yes’ If ‘adjustments required’ is not completed then ‘NIC payable’ must be present Invalid format. 5012 Must be total of all 1A items on all 7780 P11Ds in this submission, namely benefits A, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L & M Invalid data 5012 3 113 114 115 116 117 TotalBenefit Description Adjustment Description Adjustment NIC Payable Total Benefit Code 1 Description Adjustment 2 1 Designated character set Must be equal to or greater than 0.00 5012 5012 Amount Due 2 Description Adjustment 2 1 Must be greater than 0.00 if Amount 7900 not due is 0.00 Designated character set 5012 Must be greater than or equal to 0.00 5012 Message Text This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This is a mandatory attribute and must be set to 13.80 The NIC Payable value must equal 13.80% of the Total Benefit Either Adjustment Required must be ‘yes’ or NIC payable must be present This entry is not in a valid format. The total benefit value must equal the total of all Class1A items on all P11D’s Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds There must be a value greater than zero in either Amount Due or Amount not Due for adjustments. This entry is not in a valid format Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 26 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 118 119 120 121 Element Total Payable P11DrecordCo unt P11Dincluded Error Locator Adjustments Total Rule No. 2 Validation Code Message Text Must be greater than 0.00 if Amount 7900 due is 0.00 There must be a value greater than zero in either Amount Due or Amount not Due for adjustments. Invalid data 5012 1 Must be greater than or equal to 0.00 5012 2 Must equal Total benefit plus 7910 Amount due MINUS Amount not due Must be greater than or equal to 0.00 5012 Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds Must be greater than or equal to zero. Must be whole pounds Must be result of Total Benefit plus Amount Due minus Amount Not Due Payable 1 NIC Payable 2 Record Count 1 P11Dincluded 1 Must equal total of benefits 7790 multiplied by NIC’s rate (13.80%) Must be total of all P11Ds in the 7920 submission Allowable values are ‘are enclosed’ 5030 or ‘are not due’ Must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 9999999.99 The NIC Payable value must equal 13.80% of the Total Benefit. Must be total of all P11Ds in the submission. Value does not comply with published validation rules.. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 27 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4.2 P9D Error Messages 4.2.1 Employer Details BVR No. 1 Element Error Locator Name Name Rule No. Validation 1 1st character must be present and not space Rule No. 1 Validation Code 6010 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 4.2.2 Employee Details BVR No. 2 Element Error Locator Ttl Title If present, first character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set If present, designated character set 2 3 Fore Forename 1 2 5 Sur Surname 1 2 6 WorksNumber WorksNumber 1 7 NINO National Insurance Number (NINO) 1 Code Message Text 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. First character must be Alpha. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 The NINO should be in the format:5012 - Characters 1 & 2 must be alpha and must be one of the issued National Insurance NINO not entered in the correct format. Should be in the format of 2(letters), 6(numbers) followed by a space or 1(letter) A,B,C,D. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 28 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 8 Element BirthDate Error Locator BirthDate Rule No. Validation number prefixes (See Appendix 1) - Characters 3-8 must be numeric - Character 9 must be alpha and A, B, C, D or a space Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. 1 2 9 Gender Gender Code 3 1 2 Message Text 7602 NINO not entered in the correct format. Characters 1 and 2 must be one of the issued National Insurance number prefixes. 7869 Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. 5012 Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. 7872 7873 Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. 5012 Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. 4.2.3 Expenses Payments BVR No. 10 Element Error Locator TotalExpenses Expenses Payments Rule No. 1 Validation Code Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Entry must be greater than or equal to £25.00 Must be whole pounds 2 3 Message Text Invalid Entry. If present Entry must be numeric and equal to or greater than 25. 4.2.4 Any Other Payments or Benefits NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 29 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 11 Element 12 Telephone 13 GiftsInKind 14 NotMarketVal ue 15 Other NICpaid Error Locator Rule No. Employees own 1 NINO contributions 2 paid by you 1 Employees Personal Telephone Bills 2 paid by you Gifts in Kind 1 Validation Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Must be whole pounds 2 1 Anything bought for you or paid to the 2 employee other than at market value Other 1 Benefits Description Code Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format 2 If an entry greater than zero is 7955 present then business rule 23 ‘Description of Benefits Previously Mentioned Field’ is mandatory Message Text Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Invalid Entry. If ‘Any Payment or Benefit not included elsewhere’ is present then Benefits Description must be present. 4.2.5 Vouchers & Credit Cards NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 30 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 16 17 Element Error Locator Validation Transport Travel Transport Vouchers including Season Tickets Gift Vouchers Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format Must be whole pounds Gift Rule No. or 1 2 1 18 Meal Meal Vouchers 2 1 19 Other Other 2 1 20 CreditCards Code Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds 2 Credit Cards 1 provided for the employee and 2 his or her family/househol d Message Text Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 4.2.6 Accommodation BVR No. 21 Element Error Locator Line Accommodation Property Address Rule No. 1 Validation 2 Designated character set Code If present Line 1 is mandatory. 6010 5012 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 31 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 22 Element Error Locator Validation PostCode Rule No. 1 PostCode If present, designated character set 5012 23 Country Country 1 If present, designated character set 5012 24 RateableValue 25 RentAndInsur ance 26 Accommodati onValue Rateable value 1 of Property 2 Rent and 1 Insurance borne by you 2 Cash Value of 1 Accommodation 2 3 27 BenefitDescrip tion Benefits Description Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds If present either ‘Rateable Value of Property’ and/or ‘Rent and Insurance Borne By You’ must be present If there is an entry in this field there must be an entry in the ‘Any Payment or Benefit not included elsewhere’ field at business rule 13 If present, designated character set 1 2 28 P9DrecordCou nt P9D Count Code Record 1 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 5012 Invalid Entry. Entry must be numeric. 7960 Mandatory if either or both ‘Rateable value of property’ and ‘rent and insurance’ are present 7955 Invalid Entry. If ‘Any Payment or Benefit not included elsewhere’ is present then Benefits Description must be present. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. P9D Record Count must equal the actual number of P9D submissions. Numeric characters in the appropriate 5012 format This must equal the number of P9D’s 7970 within the submission 2 Message Text NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 32 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED 4.3 P46(Car) Error Messages 4.3.1 Employer Details BVR No. 1 Element Error Locator Name Name Rule No. 1 Validation 2 Code Message Text 1st character must be present and not 6010 space Designated character set 5012 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Validation Message Text 4.3.2 Employee Details BVR No. 2 Element Error Locator Ttl Title Rule No. 1 If present, first character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set First character must be alpha Remaining characters must conform with the designated character set The NINO should be in the format:- Characters 1 & 2 must be 2 3 Fore Forename 1 2 5 Sur Surname 1 2 6 NINO National Insurance Number (NINO) 1 Code 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. 5012 This field contains an invalid character. First character must be Alpha. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. NINO not entered in the correct format. Should be in the format of 2(letters), 6(numbers) followed by a space or 1(letter) A,B,C,D. 5012 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 33 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 7 Element BirthDate Error Locator BirthDate Rule No. Validation alpha and must be one of the issued National Insurance number prefixes (See Appendix 1) - Characters 3-8 must be numeric - Character 9 must be alpha and A, B, C, D or a space Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. 1 2 8 Gender Gender Code 3 1 2 Message Text 7603 NINO not entered in the correct format. Characters 1 and 2 must be one of the issued National Insurance number prefixes. 7875 Must be completed if the NINO is not known. If both date of birth and NINO are not known a default of 1st January 1901 should be used. 5012 Must be a valid calendar date in the appropriate format. 7877 7878 Must be today or earlier. Must be completed if the NINO is not known. 5012 Must indicate Male or Female in the appropriate format. At least one of the indicators 1 – 5 must be present. BVR No. 9 Element Error Locator Indicator 1 SubmissionReas on ProvidedCar SubmissionReas on ProvidedCar 10 Indicator 2 Replaced Rule No. 1 Validation Code Allowable combinations indicators: ‘1’, ‘1 + 4’ Invalid data Allowable combinations indicators: ‘2’, ‘2 + 4’ 1 of 7977 5012 of 7977 Message Text Invalid combination of Indicators. Allowable Combinations are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1+4, 2+4, 3+4 Invalid Entry. Entry can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Invalid combination of Indicators. Allowable Combinations are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1+4, 2+4, 3+4 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 34 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 11 12 Element Error Locator MultipleCars Replaced MultipleCars MultipleCarIn dicator MakeAndMod el MultipleCarIndi cator Rule No. Validation Invalid data Must be present if ‘Replacement Car Indicator’ (Indicator 2) is ‘yes’ Must be present if ‘Replacement Car Indicator’ (Indicator 2) is ‘yes’ Mandatory if the answer to ‘Does the employee have more than one car’ is ‘yes’ Designated character set 1 1 1 MakeAndModel 2 13 EngineSize ReplacedCar Category Indicator 3 SecondCar 7981 6010 5012 Mandatory if the answer to ‘Does the 6010 employee have more than one car’ is ‘yes’ Invalid data 5012 ReplacedCar 1 EngineSize 2 Mandatory if the ‘Engine Size’ field 6010 has been completed Acceptable Values for Target System = ‘1’ (Up to 1400cc) ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc) ‘3’ (2001cc or more) ‘4’ ( 0 (No engine size e.g. electric car)) Category entered must correspond to 7972 the entry made in the ‘Engine Size’ Field 3 15 5012 7981 1 EngineSize 14 Code SubmissionReas on 1 Allowable combinations indicators: ‘3’, ‘3 + 4’ of 7977 Message Text Invalid Entry. Entry can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Must be present if ‘Replacement Car Indicator’ (Indicator 2) is ‘yes’ Must be present if ‘Replacement Car Indicator’ (Indicator 2) is ‘yes’ Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant Engine Size category. Acceptable characters are ‘1’ (up to 1400cc), ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc), ‘3’ (2001cc or more), or ‘4’ (0 (no engine size)). Invalid combination of Indicators. Allowable Combinations are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1+4, 2+4, 3+4 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 35 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. Element 16 Indicator 4 Director 17 Indicator 5 Withdrawn 18 DateWithdraw n Error Locator SecondCar SubmissionReas on Director Rule No. Validation Invalid data 5012 Allowable combinations of 7977 indicators: ‘4’, ‘1 + 4’, ‘2 + 4’, ‘3 + 4 Invalid data 5012 1 SubmissionReas on FuelWithdrawn 1 SubmissionReas on 1 Allowable combinations indicators: ‘5’ Invalid data DateWithdrawn 19 20 MakeAndMod el EngineSize Code of 7977 5012 Mandatory if Indicator 5 is ‘yes’ 6010 Invalid data 5012 SubmissionReas on 1 Mandatory if Indicator 5 is ‘yes’ 6010 MakeAndModel 2 Designated character set 5012 SubmissionReas on 1 Mandatory if ‘Indicator 5’ is ‘yes’ 6010 2 Enter the Actual Engine Size of the car withdrawn i.e. 1600cc If the car has no engine size i.e. 7972 Electric Car, enter ‘0’ 3 Message Text Invalid Entry. Entry can only be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Invalid combination of Indicators. Allowable Combinations are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1+4, 2+4, 3+4 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier Invalid combination of Indicators. Allowable Combinations are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1+4, 2+4, 3+4 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Date Withdrawn not entered in valid format CCYY-MMDD Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant Engine Size category. Acceptable characters are ‘1’ (up to 1400cc), ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc), ‘3’ (2001cc or more), or ‘4’ (0 (no engine size)). NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 36 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 21 Element Error Locator Category SubmissionReas on EngineSize Rule No. 1 Validation Code Mandatory if the ‘Engine Size’ field 6010 has been completed Acceptable Values for Target System = ‘1’ (Up to 1400cc) ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc) ‘3’ (2001cc or more) ‘4’ ( 0 (No engine size e.g. electric car)) Category entered must correspond to 7972 the entry made in the ‘Engine Size’ Field 2 3 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant Engine Size category. Acceptable characters are ‘1’ (up to 1400cc), ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc), ‘3’ (2001cc or more), or ‘4’ (0 (no engine size)). If Indicator 5 is answered as ‘yes’ in Part 1, Parts 2, 3, 4 & 5 do not need to be completed. Go straight to Declaration Section. BVR No. 22 23 Element Error Locator MakeAndMod el P46Car Rule No. 1 MakeAndModel 2 P46Car 1 EngineSize Validation Code Must be present if any of Indicators 1 6010 – 4 are ‘yes’ Designated character set 5012 Mandatory if the answer to ‘Does the 6010 employee have more than one car’ is ‘yes’ If the car has no engine size i.e. 7972 Electric Car, enter ‘0’ 3 Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant Engine Size category. Acceptable characters are ‘1’ (up to 1400cc), ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc), ‘3’ (2001cc or more), or ‘4’ (0 (no engine size)). NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 37 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 24 Element Error Locator Category P46Car Rule No. 1 Validation Mandatory if the ‘Engine Size’ field 6010 has been completed Acceptable Values for Target System = ‘1’ (Up to 1400cc) ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc) ‘3’ (2001cc or more) ‘4’ ( 0 (No engine size e.g. electric car)) Category entered must correspond to 7972 the entry made in the ‘Engine Size’ Field 2 25 26 DateFirstRegis tered FuelType Code EngineSize 3 P46Car 1 Must be present if any of indicators 1 6010 – 4 are ‘yes’ DateFirstRegiste red DateFirstRegiste red P46Car 2 Must not be later than ‘Date of 7951 Submission. Invalid date 5012 1 Must be present if any of indicators 1 7957 – 4 are ‘yes’ Message Text Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010 Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant Engine Size category. Acceptable characters are ‘1’ (up to 1400cc), ‘2’ (1401 – 2000cc), ‘3’ (2001cc or more), or ‘4’ (0 (no engine size)). Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Must not be later than ‘Date of Submission’ Date Car First Registered not entered in valid format CCYY-MM-DD Must be present if car registered on or after 01/01/98. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 38 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 27 28 Element Emissions Before1998 Error Locator FuelType Rule No. 2 CO2Emissions Validation Code Message Text 5012 Acceptable Value = ‘A’ for Petrol ‘D’ for Diesel ‘D’ for Euro IV emissions standard diesel ‘A’for Hybrid electric ‘A’ for Zero emission cars whatever the technology ‘A’ for Bi-fuel ‘A’ for E85 compliant ‘A’ for Conversion or older Bi-fuel Invalid Entry. Entry must correspond to the relevant category letter. Acceptable characters are ‘A’ and ‘D’ 1 Can only be present if any of 7975 indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ Must be present if any of the indicators ‘1-4’ are ‘yes’ 2 If this data item is not present then either Was Car First Registered Before 1998?’ or ‘No Approved CO2 Emissions Figure Indicator’ must be present Can only be present where any of indicators 1 – 4 is ‘yes’ Can only be present if ‘Date First Registered’ is earlier than 01.01.98 Mandatory if ‘Date First Registered’ is earlier than 01.01.98 7605 Can only be present if ‘Date First Registered’ is on or after 01.01.98 6010 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. 7975 Can only be present if any of indicators 1,2 or 3 are yes 7952 Can only be present if ‘Date First Registered’ is earlier than 01.01.98 Must be present if date first registered is before 1 January 1998 P46Car 3 CO2Emissions 1 Before1998 2 3 7952 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 39 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 29 30 31 Element NoApproved CarPrice AccessoriesPri ce Error Locator P46Car Rule No. 4 CO2Emissions 1 NoApproved 2 P46Car 3 P46Car 1 Must be present if any of indicators 1 6010 – 4 Part 1 is ‘yes’ CarPrice 2 MonetaryDetails 3 1 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Can only be present if indicators 1 – 4 is ‘yes’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Must be present if any of indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ AccessoriesPric e 32 DateFirstAvail able DateFirstAvaila ble Validation Code Can only be present where ‘CO2 6010 Emissions’ is blank Can only be present where any of 7975 indicators 1 – 4 is ‘yes’ Can only be present if ‘Date First 7953 Registered’ is 01.01.98 or later Can only be present where ‘CO2 6010 Emissions’ is blank 2 3 1 2 5012 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes Can only be present if ‘Date First Registered’ is on or after 01.01.98 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Invalid Entry. Entry must be greater than or equal to 1000.00 and less than or equal to 9999999.00 7954 Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes 5012 Must be greater than or equal to 1.00 and less than or equal to 999999.00 6010 Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. Must be after start of Current Tax Year. Must be after start of Current Tax 7974 year Cannot be later than ‘Date of 7974 Submission’ 3 Message Text Must not be later than ‘Date of Submission’ NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 40 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 33 34 Element CapitalContrib utions PrivateUsePay ment Error Locator CapitalContribut ions MonetaryDetails PrivateUsePaym ent Rule No. 4 Validation Cannot be earlier than ‘Date First 7974 Registered’ Invalid date 5012 1 Must be present if any of indicators 1 6010 – 4 are ‘yes’ 2 Numeric characters in the appropriate format Must be whole pounds Maximum Value £5000.00 Can only be present if any of indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ Numeric characters in the appropriate format If present entry must be greater than 0.00 Must be whole pounds Can only be present if any of indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ Acceptable values – ‘W’ = Weekly ‘M’ = Monthly ‘Q’ = Quarterly ‘Y’ = Yearly Mandatory if ‘Amount Paid by Employee for Private Use of Car’ is present Can only be present if any of indicators 1, 3 or 4 are ‘yes’ 3 4 1 2 3 35 Interval MonetaryDetails 4 1 Interval 2 3 36 & 37 Fuel Code Fuel 5012 Message Text Cannot be earlier than ‘Date First Registered’. Date Car First Available not entered in valid format CCYY-MM-DD Your submission is not in the correct format – please contact your software supplier and quote Error Code 6010. The Capital Contributions value must be greater than or equal to 0.00 and less than or equal to 5000.00. 7954 Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes 5012 Must be greater than or equal to 1.00 and less than or equal to 9999999.00. 7954 Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes 5012 Invalid Entry. Can only be entered when any of indicators 1,2 or 3 are ‘yes’. Acceptable values are ‘W’, ‘M’, ‘Q’ or ‘Y’. 7958 Invalid Interval: must be one of ‘Y’, ‘Q’, ‘M’ or ‘W’. 7957 Invalid Entry. 'yes' can only be entered when any of Indicators 1, 3 or 4 are 'yes'. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 41 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED BVR No. 36 37 Element Error Locator PrivateUse MonetaryDetails FuelPaidByE mployee FuelPaidByEmp loyee Rule No. 1 Validation 1 2 3 38 P46CarDeclara tion P46CarRecord Count 1 P46CarRecordC ount Code Message Text Can only be present if any of 7954 indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes Can only be present if any of indicators 1 – 4 are ‘yes’ Must be present if ‘Fuel For Private Use Indicator’ = ‘yes’ Must not be present if “Fuel For Private Use Indicator” = ‘no’ Must always be present and answered “yes” in the appropriate format Invalid data 7954 Can only be present if any of indicators 1-4 are yes 7976 Must be present if ‘Fuel For Private Use Indicator’ = ‘yes’ 7976 Must not be present if ‘Fuel for Private Use Indicator’ = ‘no’ 6010 7971 This field contains an invalid character. Please try again and if the problem recurs contact your software supplier. Invalid P46Car record count. NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Page 42 of 46 Uncontrolled when printed APPENDICES NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 43 of 46 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Appendix A: Changes Made for 2015/2016 Year’ changes from 2014/2015 to 2015/2016 where applicable Changes made to P11D messages BVR34 – Remove Rule 2 BVR35 – Remove Rule 2 and Format E. Added’A’ for zero emission cars, whatever the technology BVR36 – Remove Rule 3, Rename Rule 4 to Rule 3, rewording of rule 3 to …greater than or equal to 0 BVR37 – Remove Rule 3 BVR45 – Remove Rule 5, Rename rule 6 and 7 to 5 and 6 Changes made to P46Car messages BVR16 – Remove ‘EarningsOr’ BVR26 – Rule 2 replace ‘E’ with ‘A’, replace format E with A BVR27 – Remove Rule 4, remove or from Rule 3, after ‘1998?’ add or BVR29 – Remove Rule 4 BVR36 – Remove Rule 2 No Changes made to P9D messages NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 44 of 46 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 45 of 46 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Appendix B: Document Control Version History Version Date Comments Author 0.1 08/07/2015 Version 0.1 issued for review Jane Taylor 0.2 10/07/2015 Updated based on comments from WD Jane Taylor 1.0 15/07/2015 Baselined Jane Taylor Document Distribution Name Location Responsibility Action / Information SDST HMRC SDS Team – PAYE Action Dean, Wendy HMRC IMS C&R Action Troy Newton Capgemini, eDelivery Aspire Development Action Referenced Documents Ref 1 2 3 Document Title P11D 2015-16 BVRs P9D 2015-16 BVRs P46 CAR 2015-16 BVRs Version 1.0 1.0 1.0 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED Filename: Expenses and Benefits Error Catalogue 2015-16 v1 0.doc Version: 1.0 Uncontrolled when printed Page 46 of 46