This document describes the layout and content of the Open Catalog Interface (OCI). This Interface must be filled and send back to the calling SRM-System. The usage of the OCI is a prerequisite to run Internet-punch-out-catalogs with the Merck ePurchasing system called iShop. Item Name NEW_ITEM-DESCRIPTION[n] Required/ Optional Required The description of the item to be ordered Type Length CHAR - 40 Description Product master NEW_ITEM-MATNR[n] Optional The SAP product master number in the buyer system CHAR - 18 Quantity NEW_ITEM-QUANTITY[n] Required CHAR - 15 Unit of measure Material Price NEW_ITEM-UNIT[n] NEW_ITEM-PRICE[n] Required Required Quantity to add. There can be a maximum of 11 digits to the left of the decimal point, and there must be 3 digits to the right. If the quantity contains decimal places, there must be a decimal point, not a comma. Otherwise problems will occur. Unit of measure of the item. Must be the standard ISO code. Price of the item in the catalog. There can be a maximum of 11 digits to the left of the decimal point, and there must be 3 digits to the right. "BROM-TEST 0.020 - 7.50 MG/L BR2" Fill with correct value or keep empty "1.000" CHAR - 3 CHAR - 15 "PCE" "25.200" Currency Price unit NEW_ITEM-CURRENCY[n] NEW_ITEM-PRICEUNIT[n] Required Optional CHAR - 5 CHAR - 9 Lead time NEW_ITEM-LEADTIME[n] Required CHAR - 5 "EUR" Fill with correct value or keep empty "1" Long description NEW_ITEM-LONGTEXT_n:132[] Optional Must be the ISO code for the currency. The number of units that must be purchased at the given price. This quantity defaults to one. Number of days from today until the product will be available. If not specified, no assumptions will be made about the lead time. Description of a configuration, for example. Vendor NEW_ITEM-VENDOR[n] Required Fill with correct value or keep empty "527123" Vendor product number Manufacturer's code NEW_ITEM-VENDORMAT[n] NEW_ITEM-MANUFACTCODE[n] Required Optional If the product is purchased through a multi-supplier catalog, this field contains the business partner number in the buyer system. The vendor product part number of the product The manufacturer's code in the buyer system CHAR - No restriction CHAR - 10 CHAR - 22 CHAR - 10 Manufacturer's product number Material group NEW_ITEM-MANUFACTMAT[n] Optional The manufacturer's product part number of the product. CHAR - 40 "1.00605.0001" Fill with correct value or keep empty "1.00605.0001" NEW_ITEM-MATGROUP[n] Required CHAR - 10 "32161002" Service flag NEW_ITEM-SERVICE[n] Optional 1. Eclass version 4.0 or 4.1 2. Merck material group (SAP) 3. UNSPSC version14 A flag which indicates if the line refers to a service or to goods. CHAR - 1 Contract number NEW_ITEM-CONTRACT[n] Optional The number of the contract with the vendor. CHAR - 10 Item of a contract NEW_ITEM-CONTRACT_ITEM[n] Optional The number of an item within a contract with the vendor. CHAR - 5 Quotation NEW_ITEM-EXT_QUOTE_ID[n] Optional A reference to an external quotation ID. Example: The catalog is able to create a quotation in the selling system. This is a reference to this quotation. CHAR - 35 Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Details Example Item Name Quotation item NEW_ITEM-EXT_QUOTE_ITEM[n] Required/ Optional Optional Product ID Attachment NEW_ITEM-EXT_PRODUCT_ID[n] NEW_ITEM-ATTACHMENT[n] Optional Optional Title of the attachment NEW_ITEM-ATTACHMENT_TITLE[n] Optional Purpose of the attachment Schema NEW_ITEMOptional ATTACHMENT_PURPOSE[n] NEW_ITEM-EXT_SCHEMA_TYPE[n] Required Unique key for an external category Unique key for an external category Name of SLD NEW_ITEM-EXT_CATEGORY_ID[n] Optional NEW_ITEM-EXT_CATEGORY[n] Optional NEW_ITEM-SLD_SYS_NAME[n] Customer-specific field Details A reference to an external quotation item. Example: The catalog is able to create a quotation in the selling system. This is a reference to this quotation. Key to identify a product in the catalog The field contains a URL to an attachment. The buyer system (SAP Business Connector) connects to the URL. You could use this field to append a particular configuration as an XML file, for example. Title of the attachment (if this is empty the file name from the URL above is used) Purpose of the attachment. C corresponds here to configuration. Depending on NEW_ITEM-MATGROUP Type Length CHAR - 10 Example Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR - 40 "1.00605.0001" CHAR - 255 Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR - 255 Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR - 1 Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR - 10 1. keep empty for eclass 4.1 2. "merck" for Corporate Categories 3. "unspsc14" for UNSPSC version 14 Optional Unique key for an external category from the schema above, independent of the version of the schema Unique key for an external category from the schema above, dependent on the version of the schema Name of a system in the System Landscape Directory (SLD) CHAR - 60 CHAR - 60 NEW_ITEM-CUST_FIELD1[n] Optional at least order quantity. CHAR - 10 Customer-specific field NEW_ITEM-CUST_FIELD2[n] Optional Depending on catalog CHAR - 10 Customer-specific field NEW_ITEM-CUST_FIELD3[n] Optional CHAR - 10 Customer-specific field NEW_ITEM-CUST_FIELD4[n] Optional Customer-specific field NEW_ITEM-CUST_FIELD5[n] Optional Not used Customer-specific field, which may be handled in a business add-in in the SAP Business-to-Business Procurement system Not used Customer-specific field, which may be handled in a business add-in in the SAP Business-to-Business Procurement system Depending on catalog Information about Cluster_ID, -Counter,- Unit CHAR - 40 Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Fill with correct value or keep empty Possible value: keep empty/Free/RMD Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR - 20 Fill with correct value or keep empty CHAR -50 <C>Cluster_ID#Cl.-Counter#Cl.Unit</C> or keep empty Following you will find an example of an OCI-message reflecting the field description described on the page before !-- BEGIN OCI ARTICLE LOOP --> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-DESCRIPTION[1]" value="BROM-TEST 0.020 - 7.50 MG"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-MATGROUP[1]" value="32161002"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-QUANTITY[1]" value="1.000"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-UNIT[1]" value="PCE"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-PRICE[1]" value="25.200"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-CURRENCY[1]" value="EUR"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-LEADTIME[1]" value="0"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-VENDORMAT[1]" value="1.00605.0001"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-MANUFACTMAT[1]" value="1.00605.0001"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-EXT_PRODUCT_ID[1]" value="1.00605.0001"> <input type="hidden" name="NEW_ITEM-LONGTEXT_1:132[]" value=""> <!-- END OCI ARTICLE LOOP -->