Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) Products SL1021A/B Series SL1021A/B Series Description Agency Approvals AGENCY AGENCY FILE NUMBER E128662 3 Electrode GDT Graphical Symbol a b a = TIP b = RING e = GROUND (center electrode) e Features •RoHS compliant •Low insertion loss •Excellent response to fast rising transients •Ultra low capacitance Product Characteristics •10KA (A suffix devices) / 20KA (B suffix devices) surge capability tested with 8/20μs pulse as defined by IEC 61000-4-5 •Available with thermal failsafe option (add ‘F’ suffix to part number) Applications SL1021: •Broadband equipment •ADSL equipment •XDSL equipment •Satellite and CATV equipment •Splitters •General telecom equipment GDT circuit protection devices dissipate electrical surge energy safely within a contained plasma gas. Commonly used to help protect sensitive telecom and networking equipment and lines, GDTs protect from damage that may result from lightning strikes and equipment switching operations. The Littelfuse GDT series described in this document are available in a variety of leaded and surface mount forms and offered with and without optional failsafe clip. Please refer to the electrical specifications, dimension and packaging options section of this document for additional information. SL1021A/B Series: SL1021A/B series GDTs are designed to offer high levels of performance on fast rising transients in the range of 100V/μS to 1KV/μS, which are those most likely created by induced lightning disturbances. These devices feature ultra low capacitance (typically 1.5pF or less) and are extremely robust with SL1021A devices able to divert a 10,000 Amp pulse without destruction, and SL1021B suffix devices able to divert a 20,000 Amp pulse without destruction. These series offer optimized internal geometry which provide low insertion loss at high frequencies, ideal for the protection of broadband and other high speed transmission equipment. •Telecom network interfaces • Telephone line cards • Repeaters • Modems • Line test equipment Materials Dull Tin Plate 17.5 ± 12.5 Microns. with ceramic insulator Product Marking ‘LF’ mark, voltage& date code: SL1021A - Red/White text SL1021B - Blue/White text Glow to arc transition current ~ 1Amp Glow Voltage ~60-200 Volts Storage and Operation Temperature -40 to +90°C Transverse Voltage (Delay Time) < 0.2µSec (Tested to ITU-T Rec. K.12) Arc Voltage ~10 to 35 Volts Holdover Voltage <150mS (Tested to ITU-T Rec. K.12) © 2015 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Revised: 03/31/15 Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) Products SL1021A/B Series Electrical Characteristics Device Specifications (at 25°C) Part Number DC Voltage 100V/Sec. DC Voltage 100 V/ μSec. MIN TYP MAX SL1021B075 60 75 90 SL1021A090 SL1021B090 72 90 108 SL1021A145 SL1021B145 116 145 174 SL1021A150 SL1021B150 120 150 180 SL1021A200 150 200 250 SL1021A230 SL1021B230 184 230 276 450 SL1021A250 SL1021B250 200 250 300 500 SL1021A260 SL1021B260 210 260 310 550 DC Voltage 1kV/ μSec. Life Ratings Capacitance (@1Mhz) Insulation Resistance MIN AC Current 50Hz 1Sec.x101 Surge Current 8/20μSec x101 Max Single Surge 8/20μSec1 >1010 Ω (at 50V) 650 Max Single Surge 10/350μSec1 Surge Life 10/1000 μSecx3001 4kA2 5kA3 500 600 650 700 SL1021A300 SL1021B300 240 300 360 650 850 SL1021A350 SL1021B350 280 350 420 700 900 SL1021A400 SL1021B400 320 400 480 SL1021A420 SL1021B420 850 950 345 420 500 SL1021A450 SL1021B450 360 450 540 900 1000 SL1021A500 SL1021B500 400 500 600 950 1100 SL1021A600 480 600 720 1000 1200 <1.5pF NOTES: 1. Total current through centre electrode, tested in accordance with ITU-T Rec K.12 2.SL1021A series 3.SL1021B series © 2015 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Revised: 03/31/15 10Amps >10 Ω (at 100V) 10 10kA2 20kA3 15kA2 25kA3 200Amps 2.5kA 5kA3 2 Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) Products SL1021A/B Series Voltage vs. Time Characteristic Time vs. Current for Failsafe 60 Max dynamic breakover voltage SL102xA with Failsafe SL102xB or PMT8 500 Volt Higher Melting Point Solder SL102xB or PMT8 350 Volt Higher Melting Point Solder SL102xB or PMT8 90 Volt Higher Melting Point Solder 30 20 Voltage (V) 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Hold-over voltage On-State voltage 0.5 1 2 5 10 15 0 30 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Time (ns) Soldering Parameters - Reflow Soldering (Surface Mount Devices) Pb – Free assembly Pre Heat - Temperature Min (Ts(min)) 150°C - Temperature Max (Ts(max)) 200°C - Time (Min to Max) (ts) 60 – 180 secs 3°C/second max TS(max) to TL - Ramp-up Rate 5°C/second max - Temperature (TL) (Liquidus) 217°C - Temperature (tL) 60 – 150 seconds 260 Time within 5°C of actual peak Temperature (tp) 10 – 30 seconds tL Ramp-down Preheat TS(min) 25 Peak Temperature (TP) +0/-5 Critical Zone TL to TP Ramp-up TL TS(max) Average ramp up rate (Liquidus Temp (TL) to peak Reflow tP TP Temperature Reflow Condition tS time to peak temperature (t 25ºC to peak) Time °C Ramp-down Rate 6°C/second max Time 25°C to peak Temperature (TP) 8 minutes Max. Do not exceed 260°C Soldering Parameters - Hand Soldering Solder Iron Temperature: 350° C +/- 5°C Heating Time: 5 seconds max. Soldering Parameters - Wave Soldering (Thru-Hole Devices) Recommended Process Parameters: 280 Wave Parameter 260 Lead-Free Recommendation Preheat: 240 220 (Depends on Flux Activation Temperature) 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 (Typical Industry Recommendation) Temperature Minimum: 100° C Temperature Maximum: Preheat Time: 150° C 60-180 seconds Solder Pot Temperature: 280° C Maximum Solder Dwell Time: 2-5 seconds Note: Surge Arrestors with a Failsafe mechanism should be individually examined after soldering 40 230 240 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 90 100 80 70 60 50 40 20 0 0 30 20 10 Temperature (°C) - Measured on bottom side of board 300 Time (Seconds) Cooling Time Preheat Time Dwell Time © 2015 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Revised: 03/31/15 Type 04 / R 11.8 [0.464] 9.0 [0.354] 10.10 [0.398] 8.1. [0.319] Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) Products 0.3mm Minimum Gap SL1021A/B Series Type 01 / C [0.354] 10.10 [0.398] 8.1 [0.319] 0.3mm Minimum Gap 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 15 [0.590] 16.8 [0.661] 4.4 [0.173] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] NOTE: Failsafe option dimensions shown in green. 12.4 ± 1 [0.488 ± 0.039] Mounting Area 9.0 [0.354] Shaped Leaded Devices: 11.8 Type 05Radial /P [0.464] 12.4 ±1 10.10 [0.488 ±12.4 0.039] ±1 [0.398] [0.488 ± 0.039] 11.8 12.4 ±1 [0.464] 11.8 [0.488 ± 0.039] [0.464] 10.10 11.8 [0.398] 10.10 [0.464] [0.398] 10.10 [0.398] Type 04 / R Type0.3mm 04 / R Minimum Gap Type 04 /R 0.3mm Minimum 0.3mm Gap Minimum 15 Gap 0.3mm [0.590] Minimum Gap 4.4 15 [0.590] 15 [0.173] [0.590] 15 [0.590] 4.4 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± [0.173] 4.40.12] [0.173] 4.4 [0.173] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] Type 05 / P 0.3mm Minimum 0.3mm Gap Minimum Gap 0.3mm 0.3mm Minimum Minimum Gap Gap 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 16.8 9.9 [0.661] [0.354] 8.1. [0.319] Area Mounting Mounting Area 9.0 [0.354]9.0 [0.354]Area Mounting 8.1. 9.0 [0.319] 8.1. [0.354] [0.319] 8.1. [0.319] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 8.3 +0.3/-0.0 [0.327 +0.019/-0.00] 8.0 +0.3/-0.1 [0.315 +0.019/-0.004] Core Devices: Mounting Area SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW 11.8 Mounting Area 9.0 [0.464] 11.8 [0.354]9.0 [0.464] [0.354]Area 2.2 ± 0.0 10.10 Mounting 8.1 11.8 [0.087 ± 0.000] [0.398] 10.10 9.0 [0.319] 8.1 [0.464] [0.398] 1.2 ± 0.0 [0.354] 1.2 ± 0.0 0.3mm [0.047 ± 0.000] [0.047 ± 0.000] [0.319] 10.10 Minimum 8.1 0.3mm [0.398] Gap [0.319] Minimum Gap 0.3mm Minimum 9.9 6.0 ± 0.0 8.5 ± 0.0 Gap [0.354] 9.9 [0.236 ± 0.000] [0.335 ± 0.000] [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] PROFILE VIEW Type 01 / C Type 01 / C Type 01 / C Mounting Area Mounting Area 9.0 [0.354]9.0 [0.354]Area Mounting Mounting Area 8.1. 9.0 9.0 [0.319] 8.1. [0.354] [0.354] [0.319] 8.1. 8.1 DIA. MAX. [0.319] [0.319] 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 16.8 23.8 [0.937] [0.661] 16.8 [0.661] 16.8 [0.661] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. 1.0 DIA.. [0.039] [0.039] 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± 5.5±0.12] 0.3 [0.216± 0.12] 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± 0.12] [1.968 ± 50 0.118 ± 3] [1.968 ± 0.118 ] 11.8 50 ±3 [0.464] 11.8 [1.968 ± 0.118 ] [0.464] 10.10 11.8 [0.398] 10.10 [0.464] [0.398] 10.10 [0.398] 22 [0.866] 22 [0.866] 22 [0.866] 7.7 ± 0.3 [0.303 ± 0.019] 7.7 ± 0.3 [0.303 ± 0.019] 7.7 ± 0.3 [0.303 ± 0.019] 8.3 +0.3/-0.0 [0.327 8.3 +0.3/-0.0 +0.019/-0.00] [0.327 +0.019/-0.00] 8.3 +0.3/-0.0 [0.327 +0.019/-0.00] 14.7 [0.579] Type 06 / Y 8.0 +0.3/-0.1 [0.315 8.0 +0.3/-0.1 +0.019/-0.004] [0.315 Mounting Area +0.019/-0.004] 9.0 8.0 +0.3/-0.1 [0.354] [0.315 +0.019/-0.004] 8.1 DIA. MAX. TOP VIEW [0.319] TOP VIEW 11.8 [0.464] PROFILE VIEW PROFILE VIEW 0.3mm Minimum Gap 10.10 [0.398] SIDE VIEW SIDE VIEW 2.2 ± 0.0 SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW [0.087 2.2±±0.000] 0.0 [0.087 ±1.2 0.000] ± 0.0 [0.047 1.2±±0.000] 0.0 2.29.9 ± 0.0 [0.047 ± 0.000] [0.354] [0.087 ± 0.000] 1.2 ± 0.0 [0.047 ± 0.000] PROFILE VIEW 1.2 ± 0.0 [0.047 ± 0.000] 1.2 ± 0.0 [0.047 ± 0.000] 1.2 ± 0.0 [0.047 ± 0.000] 15 6.0 ± 0.0 [0.590] [0.236 ± 0.000] 6.0 ± 0.0 [0.236 ± 0.000] 6.0 ± 0.0 [0.236 ± 0.000] 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.25 ± 0.25] 16.8 [0.661] 8.5 ± 0.0 [0.335 8.5±±0.000] 0.0 [0.335 ± 0.000] DIA. 8.51.0 ± 0.0 [0.039] [0.335 ± 0.000] 10.75 ± 0.0 [0.42310.75 ± 0.000] ± 0.0 [0.423 ± 0.000] 10.75 0.0 SOLDERING PAD±LAYOUT 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.423 ±PAD 0.000] SOLDERING LAYOUT [0.25 ± 0.25] Overall Product Space DO NOT ENCROACH Overall Product Space DO NOT ENCROACH Overall Product Space DO NOT ENCROACH SOLDERING PAD LAYOUT Type 06 / Y Type 06 / Y Mounting Area Mounting Area 9.0 [0.354]9.0 [0.354]Area Mounting 8.1 DIA. MAX. 9.0 [0.319] 8.1 [0.354] DIA. MAX. [0.319] 8.1 DIA. MAX. [0.319] 23.8 [0.937] 23.8 [0.937] 23.8 [0.937] 1.0 DIA.. [0.039] 1.0 DIA.. [0.039] 1.0 DIA.. [0.039] Type “R” is available for SL1021B075 device only. © 2015 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Revised: 03/31/15 Type 60 Type 60 Overall Product Space DO NOT ENCROACH SOLDERING PAD LAYOUT 10.0 ± 0.3 [0.394 10.0 ± 0.019] ± 0.3 [0.394 ± 0.019] Ø7.0 ± 0.1 ±±0.3 [0.27510.0 ± 0.004] Ø7.0 0.1 [0.394 [0.275 ±± 0.019] 0.004] Ø7.0 ± 0.1 [0.275 ± 0.004] Straight Radial Leaded Devices: Type 60 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 4.4±0.12] 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] Type 14"T" / XLeaded Devices: Straight Type 14 / X 50 ± 3 0.3mm Minimum 0.3mm Gap Minimum Gap 0.3mm Minimum Gap Ø7.0 ± 0.1 [0.275 ± 0.004] 10.75 ± 0.0 [0.423 ± 0.000] 16.8 [0.661] 5.5± 0.3 16.8 [0.661] [0.216± 0.12] 16.8 [0.661] 12.4 ± 1 [0.488 ±12.4 0.039] ±1 [0.488 ± 0.039] 11.8 50 ± 3 [0.464] 12.4 ±1 11.8 [1.968 ± 0.118[0.488 ] [0.464] ± 0.039] 10.10 11.8 11.8 [0.398] 10.10 [0.464] [0.464] [0.398] 10.10 10.10 [0.398] [0.398] 15 [0.590] 15 [0.590] 15 [0.590] 22 4.4 [0.173] 4.4 [0.866] [0.173] 4.4 [0.173] 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± 0.12] 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± 0.12] 5.5± 0.3 [0.216± 0.12] Type 14 / X 7.7 ± 0.3 [0.303 ± 0.019] 4.4± 0.3 [0.173± 0.12] Device Dimensions Type 14 / X Type 05 / P Type 05 / P 10.0 ± 0.3 [0.394 ± 0.019] Type 60 Type 06 / Y 0.3mm Minimum 0.3mm Gap Minimum Gap 0.3mm Minimum Gap 15 [0.590] 15 [0.590] 15 [0.590] 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.25 ±6.35 0.25] ± 0.5 [0.25 ± 0.25] 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.25 ± 0.25] 14.7 [0.579] 14.7 [0.579] 11.814.7 [0.464] 11.8 [0.579] [0.464] 10.10 11.8 [0.398] 10.10 [0.464] [0.398] 10.10 [0.398] Mounting Area Mounting Area 9.0 [0.354]9.0 [0.354]Area Mounting 8.1 DIA. MAX. 9.0 MAX. [0.319] 8.1 DIA. [0.354] [0.319] 8.1 DIA. MAX. [0.319] 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 9.9 [0.354] 16.8 [0.661] 16.8 [0.661] 16.8 [0.661] 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.256.35 ± 0.25] ± 0.5 [0.25 ± 0.25] 6.35 ± 0.5 [0.25 ± 0.25] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] 1.0 DIA. [0.039] Gas Discharge Tube (GDT) Products SL1021A/B Series Part Numbering System and Ordering Information SL102x x xxx x x PMT8 xxx x x Packaging For 'SL1021A/B' device type C, R, P, Y packing Series Series PMT8 SL1021 SL1024 Surge Capability A = 10kA B = 20kA Breakdown Voltage 090 = 90V 145 = 145V 150 = 150V 200 = 200V 230 = 230V 250 = 250V 260 = 260V 300 = 300V 350 = 350V 400 = 400V 420 = 420V 450 = 450V 500 = 500V 600 = 600V Breakdown Voltage 090 = 90V 230 = 230V 250 = 250V 350 = 350V 400 = 400V Configuration Code Configuration Code (See Device Dimensions section) C Y R X P (See Device Dimensions section) 01 10 04 14 05 60 06 Option Code Option Code Blank = No failsafe F or G = With Failsafe Blank = No Failsafe F = With Failsafe For 'SL1021A/B' device type X packing Device Type Description Quantity Type C 100pcs/tray x 5 trays per carton 500 Type R 100pcs/tray x 5 trays per carton 500 Type P 100pcs/tray x 5 trays per carton 500 Type Y 100pcs/tray x 5 trays per carton 500 Type X 50pcs/tray x 5 trays per carton 250 * Please contact the factory for further packaging information. © 2015 Littelfuse, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Revised: 03/31/15 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Littelfuse: SL1024B150RF