© EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Laboratory #2 PSpice Analyses I. Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. Know the development of SPICE. Learn to install the PSpice software. Learn to use the Capture CIS to draw circuit. Learn to use the four analyses provided by PSpice. (1) (2) (3) (4) Bias point analysis DC sweep analysis AC sweep analysis Transient analysis II. Components and Instruments 1. Components (1) Not required 2. Instruments (1) Computer with OrCAD PSpice installed III. Reading There are lots of resources for PSpice learning either in library or the internet. For example, a brief primer is provided in the University of Pennsylvania website, which gives more detail introduction for PSpice operation. http://www.seas.upenn.edu/~jan/spice/PSpicePrimer.pdf IV. Preparation 1. Brief introduction To complete an electronic product, it needs the processes of design (approximate calculation), verification (measurement), manufacture and quality control. Before SPICE’s invention, the designed circuit is verified through breadboard and instruments (power supply, signal generator, oscilloscope, etc). Such verification is actually not efficient either in time or cost, since wrong connection or design would most probably happen. Especially for IC, which is composed of thousands of transistors or much more components, is absolutely not possible to verify the function using breadboard. Other than that, high cost of 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-1 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. manufacturing prerequisites for IC requires that the designed IC is predicted almost perfect. In order to solve such problems, SPICE is thus invented. SPICE is abbreviated from Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis, which is developed at the Electronics Research Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley, is a bundle of programs. To SPICE, we could consider it as software-type breadboard, but much more powerful than breadboard. SPCIE has virtual probes, measurement (more accurate calculation), which speeds up the verification process and makes mass production of IC to be possible. Nowadays, there are different commercialized SPICEs in the market and they are used in different orientations: OrCAD PSpice of Cadence for regular simulation, ICAP4 IsSpice of IntuSoft for power application and HSpice of Synopsys for accurate simulation. 2. Setup guide The PSpice software could easily be obtained from the back cover of the text book “Microelectronics Circuits 6th edition, Sedra/Smith”. Launch the CD-ROM and install the PSpice as the directions in the setup processes. Click the “Link to Simulation Software Cadence○ R OrCAD○ R ” to download the PSpice software. The CD-ROM also contains SPICE examples and sedra_lib, which you will need in some Pre-Lab simulations. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-2 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. After clicking the “Link to Simulation Software Cadence ○ R OrCAD○ R ”, you will enter the website shown as below. Click the “OrCAD PCB Designer Lite DVD (Capture & PSpice only)” and select the “Download Free” option. Fill in the required information and your email, and you will receive a link in your email. Click this link and select the “OrCAD 16.5 Demo Software (Capture and PSPICE only)” under “OrCAD Demo Software” to download the installer. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-3 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Especially note that, there are three items should be selected, a. Capture CIS (for circuit drawing); b. PSpice (circuit simulation) and c. Layout (printed circuit board), which will be used in this lab experiment. These three items are used separately in normal circuit design flow. 3. Use of Capture CIS (1) Opening a new project From the design flow above, we know that have to draw a circuit before all the steps. So, we need “Capture CIS” to help us. To start the program, we click on “Start (開始)” and follow “All Programs (程式 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-4 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. 集)”, “Orcad Family Release 9.2 Lite Edition”, and “Capture CIS Lite Edition”. Next, we are going to open a new project, the displayed window is as below. When opening a new project, it should note either in the “Name” or “Location” column, only English typing is allowed. (2) Placing part (electrical components) After this setting, a new project and a blank schematic are thus ready for drawing circuit. To place parts, click the button at the right toolbar. When first using the new project, there are no any added libraries. To add libraries, we can follow the instructions shown as below. The libraries are in “.olb” for its file extension and they are under the folder of “C:\Program Files\OrcadLite\Capture 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-5 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. \Library\PSpice” (XP version). Each library contains different parts (components), select the specified libraries if you are sure of it. Figure next to the instructions shows frequently used components while designing circuit. (3) Wiring parts together To wire parts together, click the button as the figure below and click on two points where need a connection. Especially note that whether the “junction” exists or not when it needs a connection there. As the figure below, R1, C1 and L1 are connected together in the left circuit; while R2, L2 are not connected in the right circuit. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-6 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. (4) Editing parts’ properties There are mainly two properties we used to edit, “Part Reference” and “Value”. For instance, double click “R1” can edit its “Part Reference”. This is needed when the same “Part Reference” is occurred, and it is not accepted while compiling (netlist generating). It is similar method for editing “Value”. 4. Circuit analyses (1) Setting of Ground part (component) While drawing circuit in Capture CIS, the ground should first be set, or else the compilation (netlist generation) will generate an error message. To set the ground component, double click on it and the following window would be displayed. Change the content in the “Name” column into “0”, close that window and 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-7 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. thus complete the setting of ground component. (2) There are four analyses illustrated below and related examples come with them. These are examples are simple, but meaningful when first using PSpice. (3) Bias point analysis The purpose of this analysis is to observe the voltage and current at steady state. First of all, the designed circuit is drawn using “Capture CIS”. Here, we are going to observe the simple Ohm’s law for this circuit. Before the simulation, we have to open a “New Simulation Profile”. The window in the next figure will be shown after choosing that option. In “Simulation Setting”, we have to choose “Bias Point”, and there is no any other modification. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-8 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. To start running the simulation, click on the Run PSpice button. After simulation, the simulation result as the right side can be obtained by using the three buttons enable bias voltage, current and power display. (4) DC sweep analysis The purpose of this analysis is to sweep input voltage and observe output current. Here, we are going to observe the relationship between voltage and current in Ohm’s law for this circuit. Note that the current marker should be connected at PIN. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-9 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Similar to the setting in “Bias point analysis”, we have to open a “New Simulation Profile” before the simulation. Since we already have a simulation profile, we can choose “Edit Simulation Profile” instead. In “Simulation Setting”, we have to choose “DC point”. In the column of “Sweep variable”, it is needed to choose the sweeping source and type in its name, such as V1 here. In the column of “Sweep type”, “Linear” means the input voltage is swept in the form of 1, 3, 5…; while “Logarithmic” means the input voltage is swept in the form of 1, 10, 100… To start running the simulation, click on the “Run PSpice” button. Another window “PSpice A/D Lite” would pop up to show the simulation result. We can observe that the Y-axis is current and X-axis is voltage, and they are in linear relationship. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-10 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. (5) AC sweep analysis The purpose of this analysis is to sweep input frequency and observe output response. Here, we are going to observe the frequency response of RC network which had been learnt in “Electronics lesson”. The transfer function for the circuit shown is as below which has one pole at ω=1/CR. Vo s 1 Vi s 1 sCR In the column of “AC Sweep Type”, it is just similar to the setting in “DC sweep analysis”. But here, it is normally going to sweep in logarithmic way. Especially note that, in AC sweep 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-11 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. analysis, the source is component, VAC. To start running the simulation, click on the Run PSpice button. In the simulation result, we can observe the pole’s frequency is around 320 kHz, which matches with the transfer function provided (ω=1/CR). In previous part, the trace is shown based on the voltage or current marker added. Now, in this part, we need to add traces “Gain” and “Phase”. Choose the option of “Add Trace” in window of “PSpice A/D Lite”. Then, in the window of “Add trace”, there are two columns, “variables” and “functions”. For instance, in order to add the trace of gain plot, choose the dB function at the right column, then choose the related variable in the left column. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-12 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Other than that, we may need to add parallel simulation result in one window to compare the waveforms, such as gain and phase. To do this, click on “Add Plot to Window” and a new plot would be generated. (6) Transient analysis The purpose of this analysis is to sweep time variable and observe the time-variant voltage or current. Here, we are going to compare the input voltage and output voltage, where they are different in amplitude and phase. We can explain this phenomenon based on the simulation result in AC sweep analysis. Similar to the previous setting, here, we have to choose 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-13 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. “Time Domain (Transient)”. “Run to time” means what time do you want to stop the time sweeping. “Maximum step size” means the time sweeping accuracy, the smaller the step size, the simulation result is more accurate. Having insight into the RC network, various input frequencies (50 kHz, 300 kHz and 1000 kHz) are applied. These frequencies are set around the 3-dB pole frequency to observe the pole’s effect. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-14 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. The derivation provided here is based on the Bode plot shown in AC sweep analysis. As the input frequency is 50 kHz, the gain is around 0 dB and phase delay is not obvious. As the input frequency is 300 kHz, which is around 3-dB pole and the phase delay is around 45o. As the input frequency is 1000 kHz, the attenuation is much more obvious and the phase delay is around 90o. Through these analyses, we could have a quick understanding on specified circuit without implementing on the PCB and real measuring. 5. Editing parts (components) If we would like to simulate MOSFET other than the parts provided in OrCAD PSpice, we need to open a new library and modify its parameters. Since we are going to modify a MOSFET, we could open a new part based on the PSpice provided MOSFET. So, follow the instructions shown below, we could copy the parts (IRF150) and paste it in the new library. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-15 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. After copying the parts under the new library, we can modify both its name and displayed picture. There are tools at the right side to draw a line, an arrow or other shapes. To edit the parameters, follows the next instruction figures. The electrical parameters could be found in the related companies. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-16 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. V. Exploration 1. Re-do the four examples as shown in this report, which come with the introduction of four analyses. Show the simulation results as what we have done. (1) Bias point analysis and (2) DC sweep analysis (Ohm’s law) (3) AC sweep analysis (transfer function) (4) Transient analysis 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-17 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Laboratory #2 Pre-lab Class: Name: 1. Student ID: Obtains the PSpice CD-ROM from the text book, “Microelectronics Circuits 5th/6th edition, Sedra/Smith” and install it in your own computer. Familiarize with this software. (This does not need any answer) 2. What is the newest version of OrCAD demo at Cadence official website? And, what is the version do you get from Smith’s text book? 3. Do you know that nodal analysis is chosen instead of mesh analysis when developing SPICE? What conditions support nodal analysis? 4. What benefits will you expect that SPICE would bring to you while you are designing an electronic circuit? List down as much as you can think. 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-18 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Laboratory #2 Report Class: Name: Student ID: Exploration 1 1. Bias point analysis (Ohm’s law) (1) Simulation result 2. DC sweep analysis (Ohm’s law) (1) Simulation result 3. AC sweep analysis (RC network) (1) Simulation result 4. Transient analysis (RC network) (1) Simulation result 1 (2) Simulation result 2 (3) Simulation result 3 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-19 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. Problem 1 There are four other circuits shown below and you are required to complete them with the related instructions. 1. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “Bias point analysis” in PSpice. (1) Observe the bias points in the circuit. (2) Verify the simulation result with your hand calculation, Ohm’s law. Is that matched? 2. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “DC sweep analysis” in PSpice. (1) Observe the relationship of Id to Vds. (2) Show the ohmic and saturation region on the simulation result. 3. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analyze it with the “AC sweep analysis” in PSpice. (1) Observe the frequency response of signal Vo. (2) Verify the simulation result with your hand calculation, transfer function. Is that matched? 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-20 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan © EE, NCKU All rights reserved. 4. Use OrCAD Capture CIS to draw the circuit as below and try to analysis it with the “Transient analysis” in PSpice. (1) Observe the relationship between signals Vi and Vo. (2) What are the differences between waveforms Vi and Vo? What phenomena do you observe at the instance when the input rising or falling? Conclusion (Remark: this report is provided you a format, more meaningful comment or understanding on your simulation result is welcome) 電子學實驗(一) Electronics Laboratory (1), 2013 p. 2-21 成大電機 EE, NCKU, Tainan City, Taiwan