Houston Community College System Spring 2014 Digital Fundamentals, CETT 1425 Instructor, John Zerby Course Description Overview This is an introductory course in digital technology. It presents the basic concepts of binary logic and digital electronic circuits. This course provides the necessary foundation for subsequent more advanced and more specialized courses in digital computing, digital data acquisition, digital communications, and other digital technologies. Course Objective The objective of Digital Fundamentals is to help the student acquire a clear and practical understanding of the fundamental electronic and mathematical principles that underlie all digital computers and related technologies. The student will become familiar with number systems, binary arithmetic, Boolean algebra, electronic logic building blocks, and both combinatorial and sequential logic. Laboratory exercises will complement the theoretical principles presented. Course Procedure The course will be presented as alternating lectures and laboratory sessions. In the lectures the instructor will explain theoretical electrical concepts and illustrate them by examples of circuits and calculations. In the laboratory sessions the student will demonstrate these theoretical concepts for himself by building circuits and observing their operation. The student will be asked to take written examinations during the course in order to measure his progress in mastering the course material. Student Requirements Upon entering this course the student should know basic algebra, have previous practice in reading and solving scientific problems, and have completed or be concurrently enrolled in CETT 1403, DC Circuits. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of the course the student should understand • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The distinction between digital and analog values, functions, operations, and processes Electronic representation of analog and digital variables Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion Serial and parallel data transfers Number systems using positional notation Binary codes for number representation Binary arithmetic Binary logic – AND, OR, NOT Boolean algebra, truth tables Combinatorial logic using AND, OR, NOT, NAND, and NOR gates Simplification of logic functions – Boolean algebra, Karnaugh Maps Building blocks of electronic logic -- gates and flip-flops Logic families – TTL, CMOS, specifications, data sheets Digital integrated circuit technologies – SSI, MSI, LSI Combinational logic functions – add, encode, decode, convert, multiplex, de-multiplex, Sequential logic functions using flip-flops, counters, and shift registers Types and applications of binary counters Types and applications of shift registers Solid state memory technologies and specifications 1 Houston Community College System Spring 2014 Digital Fundamentals, CETT 1425 Instructor, John Zerby Class Administration Instructor can be contacted as follows: Office hours: Mon - Wed 2:30 - 4:30 PM, Room 100, Science and Technology Building, NE Campus. Telephone: (office) 713-718-6467, (home) 713-681-3365 E-mail: (office) john.zerby@hccs.edu, (home) jczerby@aol.com Class meets twice weekly. Generally, there will be lecture sessions and lab sessions in an alternating sequence. See the published schedule for class time and room number. Absence, tardiness. If you are absent or late for a class, you will miss some course material. It is your responsibility to stay current with the course material by reading the textbook assignments during your absence. If you need help, see your instructor. Cell phones Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be allowed in class. Turn your cell phone off, and put it away while class is in session. You may not use a cell phone as a calculator. Textbook: Floyd, Thomas L., Digital Fundamentals, Tenth Edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 2009. Lab manual: Lab assignments provided by instructor. Calculator: Each student will need a scientific pocket calculator. Please bring your calculator to each class every day. You will be required to make calculations during lectures and during labs. Lab exercises will be as much as possible coordinated with the lectures. For each exercise, data sheets and questions are to be completed and incorporated into a written report. Reports are due one week later. Lab work will not be accepted if late. Laboratory work will be graded on written and oral communication as well as technical content and form. Quizzes will be frequent and unannounced. Quizzes will take 10 - 15 minutes and cover current topics. There will be no make-up quizzes. Three major exams will be given during the semester, approximately one every three or four weeks; dates are shown in the schedule. Exams will take approximately two hours and will cover all material presented since the previous exam. There will be no make-up exams, except in special circumstances approved in advance by the instructor. A final exam will be given at the end of the semester. It will take two hours and will cover all material presented in the course. You must take the final exam to pass the course. Grading will be as follows: Labs 30 per cent Quizzes 10 per cent Exams Final Exam 30 per cent 30 per cent A: 90 - 100; B: 80 - 89; C: 70-79; D: 60-69; F: 59 and below. A grade of W will be given for students who withdraw from the course on or before March 31, 2014, 4:30 PM. A student who decides not to complete the course, but does not submit a drop form, will receive a grade of FX. A Portfolio of all graded work -- quizzes, exams, and lab reports -- will be maintained by each student during the semester, and submitted to the instructor at the end of the semester. 2 Houston Community College System Spring 2014 Digital Fundamentals, CETT 1425 Instructor, John Zerby HCC System Policies Students should refer to the Student Handbook for school policies and procedures, available in print or on line at the HCCS web site. Excessive absence will be treated according to College policy as stated under “Class Attendance”, p. 3 of the Student Handbook. For this course (4 credit, 16 weeks) the instructor may drop you from the class for more than four absences. If you know you will miss a class, or if one or more absences are unavoidable, such as for a work assignment or illness, confer with your instructor. Cheating on exams or quizzes will not be tolerated. Any student who either gives or receives answers to test questions or uses notes or other unauthorized material during a test will be subject to immediate disciplinary action in accordance with College policy. See “Scholastic Dishonesty”, p. 13 of the Student Handbook. Cell phones and other electronic devices will not be allowed in class. Turn your cell phone off, and put it away while class is in session. You may not use your Smart Phone as a calculator during exams. Students with qualifying disabilities, who require reasonable accommodations, should contact the Disability Services Office at the college. Faculty members are only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Services Office. EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of researchbased questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. 3 Houston Community College System Spring 2014 Week 1 Mon Digital Fundamentals, CETT 1425 Date Session Topic Instructor, John Zerby Description 1st 2nd Ch 1 Ch 1 Introductory concepts, digital / analog Arithmetic operations, logical operations, integrated circuits 1st 2nd Holiday Ch 2 Number systems, arithmetic operations, and codes Mon 1st 2nd Ch 3 Lab 1, 2 Logic Gates, IC families Basic Logic Gates, TTL Electrical Specifications Mon 1st 2nd Ch 4 Ch 4 Boolean algebra, laws, rules, truth tables, equations Simplification, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh Maps Mon 1st 2nd Exam 1 Exam 1 Ch 1,2,3,4 Return graded exams and work exam in class Mon 1st 2nd Holiday Lab 3 Exclusive OR circuits Mon 1st 2nd Ch5 Ch6 Combinational Logic Analysis, timing diagrams Functions of Combinational Logic Mon 1st 2nd Lab 4, 5 Lab 6,7 Binary to octal decoder, Octal to binary encoder Gray to Binary Converter, Binary adder Holiday Spring Break 1st 2nd Exam 2 Exam 2 Ch 4,5,6 Return graded exams and work exam in class 1st 2nd Ch7 Lab 8, 9 Latches, Fliip-flops, and Timers Introduction to Flip-flops, Monostable multivibrator 1st 2nd Ch8 Lab 10,11 Counters Introductions to Counters, MSI counters 1st 2nd Ch8 Lab 12,13 Counters Design of special counters, Gray Code Counter 1st 2nd Ch 9 Lab 14 Shift Registers Shift register counters 1st 2nd Exam 3 Exam 3 Ch 7,8,9 Return graded exams and work exam in class 1st 2nd Ch 10 Review Memory and Storage Review for final exam 1st 2nd Final Exam None Ch 1 - 10 No class 2 Mon 3 4 5 6 7 8 Mon 9 Mon 10 Mon 11 Mon 12 Mon 13 Mon 14 Mon 15 Mon 16 Mon 4