Pressure and Temperature Relief Valves - 684 • Fully automatic pressure and temperature relief protection. • Product certification in accordance with European Standard EN 1490 (for settings 4 - 7 - 10 bar). • WRAS approved. • Accurate and proven probe, exclusively designed and manufactured by WATTS INDUSTRIES. PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVES PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVES Dimensions (mm) 68400-68401 68402 Ø 33 Ø 33 53 46 85 86 Application: Application: Fully automatic automatic pressure pressure and and temperature Fully temperature relief relief protection protection for fordomestic domestichot hotwater water supplytanks tanks and and heaters. heaters. supply 68403 Ø 33 53 94 15 mm comp. F 1/2" 1 5 m m co m p . 188 188 M1/2" 188 Self-closing Heaters. Self ClosingP&T P&TRelief Relief Valves Valves for Water Heaters. Thecombined combined22inin11P&T P&Trelief reliefvalve valves provides least expensive proven The provides thethe least expensive andand proven meansfor for protection protection against both excessive means excessive pressure pressureand andtemperature temperatureemergency emergenconditions. cy conditions. Provides fully fullyautomatic automaticpressure pressureand andtemperature temperaturerelief reliefprotection protectionfor forhot hotwater water Provides storagetanks tanks and and heaters. heaters. storage Typical Typical installation: installation: refer to to local local Regulation Regulation.and ensure installation is by a suitable qualified person. Please refer M 1/2" 1 5 m m c om p. All codes require requirethat thataatemperature temperatureactuated actuated relief valve installed a storage water heater, All recognized recognised codes relief valve be be installed on aon storage water heater, generally in such a manner that the temperature sensing element is in contactiswith hot water in hot the water top 6 in inches (152mm) of generally in such a manner that the temperature sensing element in contact with the top 6 the tank.(152mm) of the tank. inches A line must must be befitted fittedtotoeach eachP&T P&Tvalve valve. A drain drain line and discharge into a floor drain. It is important that the drain line should The drain line intotoasee floorthat drain, check to line see is that a discharge linevalve is connected this valve discharge into should a floor discharge drain, check a discharge connected to this directing to the flow of hot directing the flow of hot from the valve to a proper place of disposal otherwise personal injury may result. water from the valve is towater a proper place of disposal otherwise through a tundish in a safe and visible position to alert The drain pipe from must discharge through a tundish, to a safe and visible position to alert the housethe householder of athe faultP&T condition with the system. holder of a fault condition with the system. The P&T relief valves must be installed by a qualified plumber in accordance with current regulations. The P&T relief valves must be installed by qualified technical plumbers in accordance with current regulations. The P&T relief valve must be installed observing the direction of flow indicated by the arrow on the valve body and The P&T relief valve must be installed observing the direction of flow indicated by the arrow on the valve body. the 684 P&T relief valve can be fitted vertically or horizontally, but not inverted, see below. The 684 P&T relief valves can be fitted vertically or horizontally, but not overturned. Ø 33 Watts Art.Nr. 68400 68401 68402 68403 68404 68450 68451 68452 68453 68454 68455 68456 68457 68458 68459 Type P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief P&T relief valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve valve Size Ø inlet - outlet M 1/2” - comp.15mm M 1/2” - comp.15mm Comp.15 mm - comp.15 mm M/F 1/2” M/F 1/2” M/F 3/4” M/F 3/4” M/F 3/4” M/F 3/4” M/F 3/4” - 9” probe M/F 3/4” M 3/4” - comp. 15 mm M 3/4” - comp. 15 mm M 3/4” - comp. 22 mm M 3/4” - comp. 22 mm ND 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 1/2” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” 3/4” Setting 7 bar 10 bar 7 bar 7 bar 10 bar 3 bar 4 bar 6 bar 7 bar 7 bar 10 bar 7 bar 10 bar 7 bar 10 bar Weight 190 gr. 190 gr. 215 gr. 217 gr. 217 gr. 192 gr. 192 gr. 192 gr. 192 gr. 215 gr. 192 gr. 202 gr. 202 gr. 230 gr. 230 gr. 68458-68459 Ø 33 47 22mm comp. M 3/4" 292 M 3/4" 85 Features: Features: These P&T P&T valves valves feature feature aa unique unique probe specialwith thermo-bonded coating. Thermostat is accurateis and proven and are These special thermo-bonded coating. Thermostat accurate and proexclusively designed and manufactured by WATTS INDUSTRIES. ven. Exclusively designed and manufactured by WATTS INDUSTRIES. Temperature nominal opens between 89ºC and 95ºC. Temperature nominal setting: setting 92ºC, : 92°C,the thevalve valve opens between 89°C and 95°C. The European European Standard StandardEN EN1490: 1490:2000, 2000,entitled entitled“Building “Buildingvalves valves - Combined pressure temperature relief - Combined pressure andand temperature relief valves valves Tests and requirements”, describes the constructional and performance specifications relief - Tests –and requirements”, describes the constructional and performance specifications that P&T that reliefP&T valves must have. must have. valves The WATTS INDUSTRIES INDUSTRIESseries series684 684P&T P&Trelief relief valves certified to comply requirements of European this The WATTS valves areare certified to comply withwith the the requirements of this European Standard EN 1490 (for settings 4 – 7 – 10 bar). Standard EN 1490 (for settings 4 - 7 - 10 bar). Range Range PN10 PN10 M 3/4" 44 F 3/4" 1 5 m m co m p . 188 188 HOT WATER STORAGE HEATER 188 HOT WATER STORAGE HEATER Ø 33 85 85 F 3/4" HOT WATER STORAGE HEATER 48 Ø 33 48 85 Incorrect installation 68456-68457 68454 68450-68451-68452-68453-68455 Correct installations M 3/4" PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE RELIEF VALVES � The valve valvestem stemisisnot notmanufactured in brass as controlknob knobmade madeofofPA6GF, PA6GF, ins� The control in brass like of other onbut themade market, other valve the valves market, of but made of PA6.6and fiberglass reinforced PA6.6 fiberglass reinforced high high resistance polymer. resistance polymer. This synethic syntheticmaterial materialpresents presents exceptional exceptional mechanical mechanicalresistance, resistance, and itit is is largely largelyused usedininwater watermeters meters and valves. valves. 100% recyclable, recyclable,PA6.6 PA6.6isisparticularly particularly appreciated appreciated by by leading-edge leading-edgeindustries industries for its its endurance, endurance,insulation, insulation,and andtotal total absence absence of of corrosion. corrosion.This Thisensures ensures correct correct operations operationseven evenwith withcorrosive corrosive atmosphere atmosphere (ie (ie close closetotothe thesea) sea)oror with an an outside outsideinstallation installationas assolar solar roof top any risk of binding top and and avoids avoid any binding or locking. locking. instead a lever typevalve, valve,isismore more tead of of a lever type aesthetic and aesthetic andwith withaamodern moderndesign design to to complement thefinish finishofoftoday’s today’ssyscomplement the systems. tems. � The pressure pressurerelief relieffunction functionisisreliable reliable and guaranteed guaranteedby byboth botha aEuropean European ISO9001 production ISO9001 productionand andaawealth wealthofof experience gained world experience gainedininitsitsdifferent different world markets. markets. of EPDM and � The diaphragm diaphragmisismade in EPDM and sani- sanitary approved. tary approved. insert This piece piece of is cast castsolid, solid,the thebrass brass is vulcanised with a rubber diaphragm, insert is vulcanized with the rubber providing a better reliability and reliabilino risk diaphragm, providing a better to escape. ty and no risk of escape. � Robust Robust and and low lowcomplexity complexity construc- � The probe probe isishung hungby byan a innovative innovating construction providing reliability tion providing superiorsuperior reliability and and longevity. longevity. attachment unit. attachment unit. probe isisaccurate accurateand andproven. proven. � The probe � Dezincification Dezincification resistant resistantbrass brass hou- Exclusively designed Exclusively designedand andmanufactured manufactuby WATTS INDUSTRIES. red by WATTS INDUSTRIES. housing. sing. Installation example: Approval: WRAS N°1003045 Discharge rating: - 1/2” and 3/4” Ø 15 : 10 kW - 3/4” Ø 22 : 25 kW Technical specifications Pressure opening Temp. opening Medium Nominal pressure 3-4-6-7-10 bar 92°C Sanitary water PN 10 Material specifications Body Spring Control knob Diaphragm DZR Brass Steel PA6 GF EPDM WATTS Industries UK Ltd WATTS INDUSTRIES France Grosvenor Park - B.P. 40339 06, avenueBusiness Gustave Eiffel Evesham, Worcestershire, WR11 1GA, England 28006 CHARTRES Cedex (France) Phone +44(0) 1386 446997 Fax+33 +44(0)2 (0)1386 Tel. +33 (0)2 37 25 11 00 - -Fax 37 2541923 11 11 E-mail E-mail Site Re-order no. 54(2)-UK-09/04 The photographs, illustrations and descriptions contained in this brochure are given for information only. Watts Industries reserves the right to change the technical specifications or the design of these products without prior notice.