Positive Output Super-Lift Luo-converters Dr. Fang Lin Luo, IEEE Senior Member and Mr. Lesheng Zhang School of EEE. Nanyang Technological University Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798 Abstract The Elementary circuit is shown in figure 1 Voltage Lift Technique has been successfully employed in design of DC/DC converters, e.g. four series Luo-Converters. However the output voltage increases in arithmetic progression. Luo series Elementary, Re-lift and Super- lift converters introduces a novel approach –Super Lift technique that implements the output voltage increasing in geometric progression. It effectively enhances the voltage transfer gain in power series. Iin D1 Io L1 + Vin - C2 + R V C2 - + Vo - Figure 1. Elementary circuit Voltage Lift (VL) Technique is a popular method widely used in electronic circuit design. It has been successfully employed in DC/DC converter applications in recent years and opened a way to design high voltage gain converters. Four series LuoConverters [1-9] are the examples of VL technique implementations. However, the output voltage increases in stage by stage just along the arithmetic progression [10]. Luo series Re-Lift and Super lift converters introduces a novel approach – Super-Lift (SL) technique that implements the output voltage increasing in stage by stage along the geometric progression. It effectively enhances the voltage transfer gain in power series. In order to sort these converters different from existing VL converters, we entitle converters “Positive Output Super-lift converters”. These are two sub-series: main series and additional series. Each circuit of the main series has one switch S, n inductors, 2n capacitors and (3n-1) diodes. Each circuit of the additional series has one switch S, n inductors. 2(n+1) capacitors and (3n+1) diodes. The conduction duty ratio is k, switching frequency is f, switching period is T=1/f, the load is resistive load R. The input voltage and current are Vin and Iin, output voltage and current are Vo and Io. Assume no power losses during the conversion process, Vin x Iin=Vo x V0 V in Here we introduce the first three stages of Positive Output Super-Lift Converters. For convenience to explain, we call them Elementary circuit, Re-Lift circuit and Triple-Lift circuit respectively. We can number them as n=1, 2 and 3. 1.1 Elementary circuit + V C1 - C1 1 Introduction Io. The voltage transfer gain is G: G = D2 The Voltage across capacitor C1 is charged to Vin. The current iL1 flowing through inductor L1 increases with voltage Vin during switching-on period kT and decreases with voltage – (Vo –2Vin) during switching-off period (1-k)T. Therefore, kTVin = (1 − k )T (V 0 − 2Vin ) Vo = 2−k Vin 1− k (1) 1.2 Re-Lift circuit The Re-Lift circuit is derived from Elementary circuit by adding the parts (L2-D3-D4-D5-C3-C4). Its circuit diagram is shown in figure 2. Iin D1 D2 D6 D4 Io L1 C1 + V C1 - L2 + C3 + V C3 + D5 Vin - D3 C2 + V C2 - S C4 R Vo + V C4 - - Figure 2. Re-Lift circuit The voltage across capacitor C1 is charged to Vin. As described in previous section the voltage V1 across capacitor C2 is V1 = 2 − k Vin 1− k The voltage across capacitor C3 is charged to V1. The current flowing through inductor L2 increases with Voltage V1 during switching-on period k and decreases with voltage –(Vo-2V1) during switching-off period (1-k)T. Therefore, the output voltage Vo across capacitor C4 is: kTV1 = (1 − k )T (Vo − 2V1 ) Vo = 2− k 2−k 2 V1 = ( ) Vin 1− k 1−k (2) 1.3 Triple-Lift circuit Triple-Lift circuit is derived from Re-Lift circuit by secondly repeating the parts (L2-D3-D4-D5-C3-C4). Its circuit diagram is shown in figure 3 below, Iin D1 D2 D6 D4 388V D10 D8 The data inputs were Vin=12V, L1=L2=10mH, C1-C4=2.2uF and R=10MO, k=0.5 and f=10kHz. To make the simulation results as close to the actual experimental results as possible, the setting of the MOSFET (model IXTH24N50) was modified according to its capacitance curves of Cbd, Cgso and Cgdo. The final setting for Rd, Cbd, Cgso and Cgdo were 0.23O, 2000p, 3.8n and 2000p respectively. The simulation results are as shown in figures 4-5. Io L1 C1 + VC1 - L2 + C3 + VC3 - C5 D5 + VC5 - + D9 R Vin D3 - C2 D7 + VC2 - C4 + VC4 - Vo S C6 + VC6 - 0V Figure 3. Triple-Lift circuit The voltage across capacitor C1 is charged to Vin. As described before, the voltage across capacitor C2 is 2−k V = V , and the voltage across capacitor C4 is 1 1− k 200V - in 2− k 2 . V2 = ( ) Vin 1− k The voltage across capacitor C5 is charged to V2. The current flowing through inductor L3 increases with voltage V2 during switching-on period and decreases with voltage –(Vo-2V2) during switching-off (1-k) T. Therefore, the output voltage Vo across capacitor C6 is; 97.700ms 97.750ms 97.800ms 97.850ms V(D5:2) V(D3:2) V(M5:g) V(C3:2) 97.900ms 97.950ms 98.000ms 98.050ms Time Figure 4. Waveforms of Vgs, Vds and Vout that are indicated on the Pspice simulation graph by V (M 5: g), V (D3: 2) and V (D5: 2) respectively 184mA 100mA kTV 2 = (1 − k ) T (V o − 2V 2 ) Vo = 2−k 2−k 2 2−k 3 V2 = ( ) V1 = ( ) Vin 1− k 1− k 1− k (3) 0A 1.4. Higher Order Lift circuit Higher order Lift circuit can be designed by just multiple repeating the parts (L2-D3-D4-D5-C3-C4). For nth order lift circuit, the final output voltage across capacitor C2n is Vo = ( 98.05ms 98.10ms 98.15ms 98.20ms 98.25ms Time Figure 5. Waveforms of IL1, IL2, and IR1 2− k n ) Vin 1− k The Voltage transfer gain is G = Vo = ( 2 − k ) n Vin 1− k 97.90ms 97.95ms 98.00ms I(L1) I(L2) I(R1) (4) The simulation results show that Vout can reach 388V that is much higher than the theoretical one. For IL2, there is a ripple when it drops from a high value to zero, but it does not affect the circuit operation much. 2.2 Simulation results of Triple-Lift circuit 2 Simulation Before building up the circuits, Pspice simulation software package was used to these converters to verify the design and calculation results. 2.1 Simulation results of Re-Lift circuit The data inputs were Vin=10V, L1=L2=L3=10mH, C1-C6=2.2uF and R=10MO, k=0.5 and f=10kHz. The final values for Rd, Cbd, Cgso and Cgdo were 0.23O, 450p, 3.8n and 150p respectively. The simulation results are as show in figures 6-7. 1.3KV 1.0KV 0.5KV 0V 487.35ms V(D9:2) 487.40ms 487.45ms V(C5:1) V(V4:+) 487.50ms 487.55ms 487.60ms 487.65ms 487.70ms Time Figure 6. Waveforms of Vgs, Vds and Vout that are indicated on the PspiceSimulation graph by V (V4:+), V(D10:2)and V(D9:2)respectively Figure 8. Waveforms of Vgs(channel 1) and Vds(channel 2) at Vin=12V and k=0.5 529mA 400mA 200mA 0A 483.105ms I(L1) 483.150ms 483.200ms I(L2) I(L3) I(R1) 483.250ms 483.300ms 483.350ms 483.400ms 483.450ms 483.500ms Time Figure 7. Waveforms of IL1, IL2, IL3 and IR1 Vout is 1265V shown in figure 6 that is also much higher than the theoretical one. It will be explained later. Figure 9. Waveforms of Vgs(channel 1) and Vds(channel 2) at Vin=12V and k = 0.33(changing point) 3. Experiment results A total of 5 experiments have been carried out to investigate the behaviours of three circuits namely the Elementary circuit, Re-lift circuit and the Triple-lift circuit. The main components used for the experiments are shown below: C1. 2.2uF/100V C2, C2, C3, C4 and C5. 2.2uF/250V C6. 2.5uF/1000V R1. 10MO D1-D10. IOETS12 MOSFET. IXTH24N50 3.1 Experiments results on Re-Lift Circuit Figure 10. Waveforms of Vgs(channel 1) and Vds(channel 2) at Vin=12V and k=0. 70(changing point) After careful measurement, we obtained the voltage value of Vo=108V. For Re-Lift circuit, there are two ‘changing points’ during the variation of k. One occurs at about 0.33 and the It is clear that when the value of k is outside the range of 0.33other occurs at about 0. 7. Based on the setting of Vin=12V and 0.70 (as shown in figures 9 and 10), the shape of the Vds waveforms changes in alternate periods. The voltage between f =100kHz, the waveforms are shown as in figure 8-figure 10. the drain and source becomes alternatively high and low in every two continued periods. 3.2 Experiments results on Triple-Lift Circuit Base on the setting of Vin=10V and f=10kHz, we obtained the voltage value of Vo=425V. The waveforms of Vgs and Vds are shown in figure 11-12. 4. Conclusion In conclusion, a new series of DC/DC converters – Positive Output Super-Lift Converters have been successfully created. It effectively increased the voltage transfer gain in the power series. It is also observed that the experimental results were better than the theoretical ones, especially when the circuits were operated within the most effective frequency range. This series of Luo-converters will also be applied in industrial applications. 5. Acknowledgements Last but not least, we wish to thank NTU Power Research Lab staff for their patience and excellent support. 6. References Figure 11. Waveforms of Vgs (channel 1) and Vds (channel 2) at Vin=10V, f=10kHz and k=0.5 Figure 12. Waveforms of Vgs (channel 1) and Vds (channel 2) at Vin=10V, f=10kHz and k=0.64 Comparing the experimental and simulation results, the experimental values are generally lower than those of simulation. It is because the components in simulation are ideal. In the actual situation, voltage drop exists across each component along with some power loss in the form of heat. 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