Lot Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Description Decca "Junior" portable Gramophone, Wkg. Pye 1930's Receiver. Tray of asorted Valves. Marconiphone 1920's HT supply unit. Home constructed 1 valve, swinging coils Receiver. 1930's ST300 receiver. Ekco model PB189 Motor Tuned receiver. Marconi model 255 m/c Receiver. Telefunken "Gavotte 8" AM/FM Receiver. Blaupunkt "Sultan" type 23300 AM/FM Receiver. Selection Box of Crystals and Transistors. Bush model DAC10 Bakelite Receiver. Zenith "Trans-Oceanic" Transistor Receiver. Perdio "Town & Country" Transistor Radio. Scott Taggart ST400 4 Valve Screen Grid Receiver. Philips SBC521 Signal Generator. RGD model T10 Receiver. Ferguson model 383A AM/FM Receiver. Burndept screened portable 4 V, for Restoration. Screen Grid, 3 Valve Receiver. Philips model 531A-15 Receiver. Invicta model 65 Receiver. Murphy model A252 AM/FM Receiver. Ekco model A160 Receiver. Hameg HM512 Oscilloscope. Home Constructed 3 Valve Receiver, 1920's. GECoPhone "Inductor type" Cabinet Speaker. 1020's Oak cabinet Speaker. Columbie 78rpm Record playing Desk. GEC model BC4750 Receiver. Philips model 2532 Battery Bakelite Receiver. Philips model 2531 AC Bakelite Receiver. Metal Horn Speaker. Philips model 588C AC/DC Receiver. 1930's American 'Art-Deco' Radio. 1920's £ valve Receiver. Radio Rentals model 68 Bakelite Receiver. GEC model BC5244 Bakelite Receiver. The "Curry" Curry's Crystal Set. Western Electric paper cone Speaker. Marconi Oak Cabinet Speaker, Geometric design. Hallicrafters SX28 "Super Skyrider" Comms. RX. Bush model TV12B 9" 405 Line TV. Home Constructed 1920's style radio, new valve. Taylor 45C Valve Tester. CAV metal horn Speaker. Philips model 680A Receiver. Ekco model U76 "Consort" brown Bakelite Receiver. Home Constructed 1 Valve 1920's Receiver. Qty. of most interesting Radio books. GEC model BC635 Bakelite Receiver. Lot Number 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 Description HMV Console Gramophone, Wkg. Murphy model B143 Battery Portable. Murphy model A24 Receiver. Cossor Melody Maker Receiver. Large Qty. Cossor Sales & Service Data. GEC model BC3248L Bakelite receiver. French Receiver. Murphy model A362 AM/FM Bakelite Receiver. Bush model DAC90, brown Bakelite Receiver. French Bakelite Receiver. Tonfunk Bakelite Receiver. Two Ekco Battery Elliminators. Metal Horn Speaker. Columbia model 353 Receiver + PSU. Box of assorted Valves. Air Ministry 4A Valve Tester with l/Book. Pair of HMV 801 Amplifiers/PSU's no valves. Box of Wireless World Magazines. Pair of Bowers and Wilkins DM3 Speakers, Wkg. "Panda Cub" AM Amateur Transmitter. Tray of Transistor radios. Qty. Plastic tubs or Valves and radio parts. Large tray of 50 plus assorted boxed Valves. Bestone USA wooden midget Receiver, 1930's. Large box of voltage stabilisers - mixed. Philips model TG1101U 12" 405 Line TV. 1920's 2 Valve, swinging coils Receiver. Emerson "Emersonette" in orig. box. British Zetavox model A Receiver. Tray or assorted Valves. Tray of assorted Valves. Radio Rentals model 63 Bakelite Receiver. HMV early Oak table Gramophone. Ekco model AC85 brown Bakelite Receiver. BTH C2 Metal horn Speaker. Cigar box Crystal Set. Crystal set with phones. 20 x Brimar New Old Stock 6SL7 Valves. Blue reproduction Ekco AD65. Gerry Wells. Red case of assorted Valves. Clarkes Atlas model A758 Receiver. Box of Headphones. Box of assorted Valves. Cossor model 916 10" 405 Line TV (1). PYE model D18T 9" console 405 Line TV. Cossor model 916 10" 405 Line TV (2). Home Constructed 3 Valve 1920's Receiver. Philco model 56 Cathedral 1930's Receiver. Metal Horn Gramophone, Wkg. Murphy model A90 Receiver. Ultra model 66 Receiver. Lot Number 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 Description PYE model PE60 Cambridge Multi-Band Receiver. Telefunken "Jubilate 6" Export Receiver. BTH type E form C Bakelite Speaker. Philips model 840HU Receiver. Celestion 1920's Cabinet Speaker. Large tray of assorted components. Large tray of 1920's components etc. PAL Colour Bar Generator. Watkins-Johnson racj mount Receiver. Ultra model 50 Receiver. Philips model 555A/U Bakeltie Receiver. Philips model B5G64A AM/FM Receiver. Ekco model AD37 brown Bakelite Receiver. Tray of valves, many double Triodes. PYE model V4 14" 405 Line TV. Bush model TV26 14" 405 Line TV. Radio Rentals model RR797 Bakelite Receiver. FADA model 185-A Neutrodyne Receiver, 1923. Box of Radio Magazines and Data. Selection of mixed Transistor Radios. Unknown make, 1920's Receiver. Qty. Assorted Valves. Qty. Trader Service Sheets. Box of assorted radio Spares. Marconiphone Television. Qty. Workshop Parts etc. Radio Magazines and Manuals. Qty. Assorted Radio Parts. USA midget Receiver, green rexine case. Radio Rentals model 204 Bakelite Receiver. Tray of assorted Valves. Tray of assorted Valves. Cossor AC power unit with U8 rectifier. Qty. Wireless World + PW Magazines. Sobell model T278 17" 405 Line TV. Collection of Radio interest books. SG Brown Cabinet Speaker, 1925. Qty. 78rpm records. KB 169 3 Valve AC Receiver. Philips model 834A Super Inductance Receiver. McMichael model 387 "Roller Bar" Transportable. Philips model 209U Bakelite Receiver. Taylor 47A Valve Tester. Grampian 392 PA Amplifier. Philco model 269 wooden "People's Set". Ferguson 1930's Receiver. Murphy model A3A Receiver. Lumophon 3 Valve+Rect Receiver. PYE model B18T 9" 405 Line TV. PYE model V310 17" 405 Line TV. Ferguson model 941T 9" 405 Line TV. Lot Number 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 Description Philips model 577A Super Inductance Receiver. Cossor model 924 12" 405 Line TV/Radio. PYE model LV30 9" 405 Line console TV. Pilot model CV35 12" 405 Line TV. Bush model TUG24 12" 405 Line TV. Cossor 234 "Empire Melody Maker" Receiver. PYE model PE80 Cambridge International Receiver. Tannoy PA Horn Speaker. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. BTH 'Bijou' type C Crystal Set. Large Tray of valves, all boxed. Bush 4 speed (Garrard) Record Player, Vgc. Ever Ready 'Sky Queen' portable, Vgc. Bush model DAC90A Bakelite Receiver, Vgc. Masteradio 'Sandown Saphire" D121 Receiver, Vgc. Emerson Radio, Vgc. Ekco model U159 Receiver, Vgc. GECoPhone BC2001 Smoker's Cabinet, repro internals Philips model B3X66V, Dutch made, Vgc. Ultra model U506 Receiver, Vgc. Early Philips HT Elliminator with Valve, Vgc. 1920's paper cone table/wall Speaker. Philco Empire Automatic Receiver, black Bakelite. Philco model 1280 wooden receiver. BCG Crystal Set. PO No. 447. Bush model TV22 9" Bakelite 405 Line TV. Philips "T-Vette" 11TG190AT, new in box. Zenith 6A41 Trans-Oceanic brown leather portable. Ultra model 122 Receiver. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Large tray of Assorted Valves. Western Electric "Crystal receiving Set". Ekco model TS105 9" 405 Line TV/Radio. Ekco model M23 Bakelite Receiver. Alba model C112, White Bakelite midget Receiver. GECoPhone BC3140 1930/31 Power Receiver. GECoPhone BC1001 Crystal Set and Coil. Osram 33 Bakelite Battery Receiver. Silvertown Brass Telegraph Relay. Beethoven Screen Grid "Super Four" Receiver. Lot Number 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 Description GEC model BC4050 push Button Bakelite Receiver. Box of TV Valves, some new and boxed. Box of TV Capacitors and other spares. Box of assorted Transformers. Box of Transmitter Valves. McMichael model 371 Receiver with handbook, Wkg. Bush model SSW37 Receiver, Wkg. Ferranti model 145 Bakelite Receiver. Perophone portable Gramophone, Wkg. Marconi model 703 "Mastergram" 1937 TV/Radiogram. Tray of assorted Test Equipment. 1930's AC Mains Receiver, similar to Lotus. General Electric GD-500 USA Bakelite midget radio. Philco model 444 "People's Set", Black Bakelite. Ultra model Y7216 12" 405 Line TV/Radio. Bush model TUG34A 12" 405 Line TV. Excelsior Metal Horn Gramophone, Wkg. Ekco model 313, Black Bakelite Receiver. HMV Early 1930's Table Radiogram. HMV 1940's Table Radiogram. Ekco AC mains HT elliminator type 3F20. Large tray of early valves. Large tray of early valve empty boxes. Philips model BX695A Multi-band Receiver. Home Constructed 1920's 2 Valve Receiver. Bush model DAC90A, brown Bakelite Receiver. Fellophone "Little Giant Three" 1920's Receiver. HMV model 264A Receiver. Cossor 1930's Table Radiogram. Philips model 830A Super Inductance Receiver. 1020's Conch shell Speaker, like "Magnifone". GECoPhone "Compact Three" AC Receiver. HF Medical Health machine. PYE model 806 push button Receiver, 1938. Tray of 1920's Components, lots of varied items. Philco model 564 Receiver. PYE model 36H, Export Receiver, uses EF50. Ultra model T457 Export Receiver. HP 54201D 300MHz Digitising Oscilloscope. PYE model P35 Multi-band Receiver. Marconi TF888 portable Receiver Tester. Ekco model AD65 'Circular Ekco', Brown Bakelite. "Luxuri" Japanese minature valve Radio, Black. "Luxuri" Japanese minature valve Radio, Pink. Philips model 274A Receiver. Marconi V2 (RB1A) Early version with added Regen. Marconi model 882 radio, like new in orig. box. Radio Perfecta, French Receiver. Crystal Set, unknown type. Crystal Set, unknown type. Brownie No. 2 Crystal Set. Lot Number 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 Description BCM Junior. Crystal Set. Ekco model TMB272 9" 405 Line Portable TV. Ekco model AW77 Bakelite Receiver. Philips model 634A "Ovaltiney" Super Inductance. Grundig Satellit 650 multi band Receiver. British Tempovox Mantle Clack Radio type R3G. JARS No. 7 glass Variable Condenser. Large tray of assorted radio Workshop items. Wireless related Crested China items. Wireless related Crested China items. Wireless related Crested China items. Wireless related Crested China items. PYE model G rising Sun Receiver. Tray of WW and PW magazines, 1920's - 50's. Tray of WW magazines, 1920's - 30's. Dynatron 17" 405 Line TV. Bush model DAC90 brown Bakelite Cabinet. Home Constructed 1920's 3 valve SG with coils. Ekco model BV67 black/cream Bakelite Receiver. "Brown" Microphone Amplifier, 1923. Tray of assorted Workshop items. Tray of assorted 1920's Components etc. Large tray of assorted Radio Valves. Echophone model S-5 Superhet, Cathedral Receiver. Emerson USA midget Receiver. Sterling No. 1 Crystal Set + Sterling Phones. Ferguson 378 large tombstone Receiver. 1920's 2 Valve (Wecovalve) Swinging coils Receiver Telegraph demonstration unit. Tray of Vintage Telephone Equipment. Ekco model RS2 Bakelite Receiver. Ekco model RS3 Bakelite Receiver. Bulgin Valve tester with Cossor P1 bright valve. Murphy model AD94 Bakelite Receiver. 1920's 2 Valve (top pip) Amplifier. Regentone "two Valve" all electric Receiver. Philco model 582 1930's Receiver. Philips model 930A ham tin "Local station" radio. Crystal Detectors and Cats Whiskers. Wimshurst Machine. Display cabinet of "Valves through the ages". Selection of early Valves. Ultra Lynx Receiver, pull out Aerial wire. Ekco model AC97, brown Bakelite Receiver. Addison model L2F maroon/cream Receiver, Canadian.