FIELDS AND RADIATION FROM A MOVING ELECTRIC CHARGE Musa D. Abdullahi, U.M.Y. University P.M.B. 2218, Katsina, Katsina State, Nigeria E-mail:, Tel: +2348034080399 Abstract A particle of charge Q and mass m, moving at time t with velocity v, is associated with electrostatic field Eo and potential ψ at a point in space. It has kinetic energy ½mv2, self-potential U and intrinsic energy ½QU. A magnetic field Hφ and an electric field Ev are generated due to velocity and a reactive electric field X due to acceleration. The sum of energies of Hφ and Ev is equal to the kinetic energy of the particle. The reactive electric field X acts on the same charge to produce a force, QX, equal and opposite to the accelerating force m(dv/dt), thereby causing inertia. An oscillating particle of charge Q emits electromagnetic radiation with directivity of 1.5. It is shown that En = ½ Mc2 is the sum of intrinsic energies of the electric charges constituting a neutral body of mass M. For a moving body the total energy is E = ½ M(c2 + v2), in contrast to the relativistic mass-velocity formula E = Mc2. Keywords: Acceleration, charge, energy, fields, mass, potential, radiation, spherical shell, velocity 1. Introduction 1.1 Configuration of a Stationary Electric Charge If a stationary electric charge is to assume any configuration, it is most likely to be a spherical shell of charge Q and radius a as shown in Fig.1. Such a figure has electrostatic field of intensity Eo and potential ψ at a distance r from the charge. The field at the outer surface of the shell pushes the charges inward while the surface tension pushes them outward. Equilibrium is reached at a certain formation and a stable particle is obtained. Such particles occur in pairs of opposite charges as a doublet. If there is a God-particle, such a pair is one. Eo. Eo r ψ Eo, Eo. Q a Eo Eo a U Eo. Eo Eo. Eo Fig. 1. A stationary particle of positive charge of magnitude Q in the form of spherical shell of radius a, with constant electrostatic potential U and zero electrostatic field inside the shell and electrostatic field of intensity Eo and potential ψ at a distance r outside. A negative charge has opposite fields. A particle of charge Q and mass m, moving at time t with velocity v, has electrostatic field of intensity Eo and potential of magnitude ψ at a point in space. The moving charge 1 generates magnetic fields Hφ and electric Ev due to velocity and a reactive electric field X due to acceleration. The moving charge exhibits a reactive force or inertia QX = –mdv/dt and it emits electromagnetic radiation if it undergoes acceleration. The potential ψ and fields Hφ and X are well known in electrodynamics but not Ev. Deducing expressions for the fields Hφ, Ev and X and explaining the source of electromagnetic radiation and the cause of inertia are the purposes of this paper. The reactive electric field X acts on the same charge to bring about the inertial force or reactive force QX, equal and opposite to the accelerating force m(dv/dt). This explains the cause of inertia as a reaction to accelerating force. In the process, an equation en = ½mc2 is derived as the intrinsic energy of a charged particle, in terms of mass m that is independent of velocity. For a body of mass M, a composite of numerous charged particles, the electrostatic energy becomes En = ½ Mc2, in contrast to the relativistic equation En = Mc2 [1, 2], where: c= 1 (1) µoε o where µo is the permeability and εo the permittivity of a vacuum, as shown by Maxwell [3]. 1.2 Kinetic Energy of a Moving Charged Particle Newton’s second law of motion gives the impressed force f on a particle of mass m moving with velocity v at time t, in terms of its acceleration dv/dt, as vector equation: f =m dv dt (2) For motion through a distance s in a straight line, equation (2) becomes a scalar expression: f =m dv ds dv dv =m = mv dt dt ds ds Work done by an external agent in increasing the speed of the particle from 0 to v is the kinetic energy k of the particle, given by the integral: s v o o k = ∫ f (ds) = ∫ mv(dv) = 1 2 mv 2 (3) In addition, the agent, such as an electric field, may do work against a frictional force, which appears as heat or light radiation [4]. The energy of the latitudinal magnetic field Hφ of a moving electric charge is not equal to the kinetic energy of the particle. The discrepancy is accounted for in the energy of a radial electric field Ev. The sum of energies of the magnetic field Hφ and dynamic electric field Ev is equal to the kinetic energy ½mv2 of the moving particle. While the well-known latitudinal magnetic field Hφ takes part in the generation of reactive electric field X and emission of electromagnetic radiation the less-known radial field electric field Ev is not involved in radiation. The radial field Ev serve as a storage medium for the balance of kinetic energy of a particle moving with velocity v relative to an observer. 1.3 Total Energy of a Moving Charged Particle It is shown in this paper that the total energy e of a moving charged particle is the sum of the intrinsic energy en and the kinetic energy k as given by: 2 1 2 1 mc + k = m ( c 2 + v 2 ) (4) 2 2 For a body of mass M composed of equal numbers or equal amounts of positive and negative electric charges, moving at speed v with kinetic energy K = I/2 Mv2, the total energy E is: 1 1 E = Mc 2 + K = M ( c 2 + v 2 ) (5) 2 2 e = en + k = This is in contrast to the relativistic mass-velocity formula, which makes the total energy content E = Mc2 [1, 2]. 2. Electrostatic Field, Potential and Energy of a Spherical Charge A stationary charge shown in Fig. 1 is a spherical shell of radius a. The figure has intrinsic potential U and intrinsic energy en. It has electrostatic field Eo and potential ψ at a point outside the sphere. For points outside the shell, it is as if the charge Q is located at the centre. 2.1 Electrostatic Field of a Spherical Charge The electrostatic field intensity at a point distance r outside the shell, enclosing the charge Q, is given by Gauss law [4, 5] as: Eo = Q 4πε o r 2 û=− ∂ψ û = −∇ψ ∂r (6) where εo is the permittivity of vacuum, ψ is the electric potential at a point distance r from the centre of the charge, û is a unit vector in the radial direction and ∇ψ denotes the ‘gradient’ of a scalar ψ. A closed surface inside the shell does not enclose any charge. So Gauss law makes the electric field inside the spherical shell zero and the potential there becomes a constant U. 2.2 Intrinsic Potential of a Spherical Charge In Fig. 1 the space inside the spherical shell is a region of constant potential U. But the potential ψ varies inversely as the distance outside the sphere, thus: ψ = −∫ r ∞ Q 4πε o r 2 (dr ) = Q 4πε o r (7) The electric potential is the work done in bringing a unit positive charge from infinity to a point distance r from the charge. The intrinsic potential U at a point on the surface of a spherical shell of charge Q and radius a, as well as inside the shell, is given by: U= Q 4πε o a (8) 2.3 Intrinsic Energy of a Spherical Charge The intrinsic energy en is work done, against the electric field, in composing the magnitude of the electric charge from 0 to Q, at constant radius a, by infinitesimal amounts dq, thus: en = ∫ Q 0 q 4πε o a (dq ) = Q2 1 = QU 8πε o a 2 (9) Equation (9) may also be obtained by integrating the energy density (energy per unit volume) throughout volume Y of space occupied by an electric field Eo, to give: 3 1 Q2 1 2 en = ∫ ε o Eo (dY ) = = QU Y 2 8πε o a 2 3. (10) Magnetic and Electric Fields of a Moving Electric Charge Fig. 2 shows a particle of charge Q in the form of a spherical shell of radius a moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt. The charge is associated with a magnetic field Hφ and a dynamic electric field Ev, as shown in Fig. 2 below. The orthogonal fields Hφ and Ev, in spherical coordinates (r, θ, φ), with respective unit vectors (û, ȋ, ê), are given, according to the law of electromagnetism [4, 5], by: ẑ v dv/dt Eo. X X Ev . Eo. Hφ Hφ Hφ Hφ Hφ X Ev X Ev û ψ Eo rP ….………… a………………..xHφ ……………… .θ…………….xHφ .……………Q…………….....xHφ .………………… …………..xHφ ...……………………………..xHφ Q Q Ev Ev Ev X X X X Hφ = εov× ×Eo = êεovEosinθ Ev = û(v/c).Eo) = û(v/c)Eocosθ Er = Eo + Ev = Eo{1 + (v/c)cosθ} Eo Fig. 2 An electric charge of magnitude Q, in the form of a spherical shell of radius a with centre O, moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in the ẑ -direction, generating a magnetic field Hφ and an electric field Ev due to velocity and a reactive electric field X due to acceleration. The magnetic field Hφ (dotted horizontal arrows), in the latitudinal ê-direction, is out of the page on the lefthand side and into the page on the right-hand side and the electric field Ev (green radial arrows), in the radial û direction, is away from the centre O at the top and toward the centre at the bottom. The direction of the reactive electric field X (dashed vertical arrows) is opposite the acceleration dv/dt. The charge moves with its radial electrostatic field of intensity Eo (red radial arrows) and has potential ψ at a point distance r and at an angle θ to the velocity v. The total electric field at a point P due a charge moving with v is Er = Eo{1 + (v/c)cosθ}, where θ is the angle between v and OP. Hϕ = ε o ( v × Eo ) = êε o vEo sin θ (11) v v Ev = û .Eo = û Eo cos θ c c (12) Er = Eo + Ev = Eo {1 + (v / c) cos θ } (13) The latitudinal magnetic field Hφ is well known but not the dynamic (radial) electric field Ev. The total electric field Er due to a charged particle moving with velocity v, relative to an observer, is given by equation (13). 3.1 Energy of Magnetic Fields due to a Moving Electric Charge Energy of magnetic field Hφ and dynamic electric field Ev due to an electric charge moving with velocity v is obtained, from equations (11) and (12) as volume integral: 4 v 2 en 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ( µ Hϕ + ε Ev ) (dY ) = 2 ∫Y Eo ( µ ε v )( sin θ + cos θ ) (dY ) = c2 2 ∫Y (14) where Y is the volume of space occupied by the field and en is the intrinsic energy. 3.2 Reactive Electric Field due to an Accelerated Electric Charge Equations (11) can also be expressed as: Bϕ = µo Hϕ = µoε o ( v × Eo ) = − µoε o v × ∇ψ = µoε o∇ ×ψ v = ∇× A (15) where ∇ψ denotes the gradient of scalar potential ψ, ∇. denotes the divergence of a vector, ∇× is the curl of a vector, E = -∇ψ, ∇.v = 0 and ∇×v = 0. The magnetic vector potential, at a point P in space, is: A = µoε oψ v (16) If the charge is accelerated, a reactive field X is generated, given by equation (16) and Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction [5, 6], thus: ∂Bϕ ∂ ∂A ∇ × A = −∇ × ∂t ∂t ∂t ∂A ∂v X=− = − µoε oψ ∂t ∂t ∇×X = − 4. =− (17) Radiation from an Oscillating Electric Charge For a charged particle oscillating with angular frequency ω and velocity v = vmsinωτ of amplitude vm, the magnetic vector potential A, measured by an observer at a point distance r from the charge and at present time t and retarded time τ = t – r/c, is: A = µoε oψ v m sin ωτ = µoQv m r sin ω t − 4π r c (18) where c is the speed of light in a vacuum. The retardation of vector potential in equation (18), as a result of finite speed of light c, is responsible for electromagnetic radiation. Equations (17) and (18) give Bφ and X as: Bϕ = ∇ × A = û × µ Qv ∂A = −û × o m 4π r ∂r X=− 1 r ω r sin ω t − + cos ω t − c c c r ∂A −ωµo Qv m r = cos ω t − ∂t 4π r c (19) (20) Taking the vector (cross) product with X and Hφ gives the Poynting vector: 2 Q r 1 r ω r X × Hϕ = ωµo v m × ( û × v m ) cos ω t − sin ω t − + cos ω t − 4π r c r c c c (21) Equation (21) gives the power flow across unit area. This is made up of power Ps stored in the magnetic field Hφ and power Pr dissipated as electromagnetic radiation into space. The total power flow P, across surface area S surrounding the charge, is: 5 2 Q r 1 r ω r P = ∫ ωµo cos ω t − sin ω t − + cos ω t − v m × (û × v m ).(dS) S 4π r c r c c c 2 2 Qvm ωµO r µ oω r P=∫ sin 2ω t − + cos 2 ω t − sin 2 (dS ) S 4π r c c c 2r 2 2 Qv ωµ r µω P = ∫ m o sin 2ω t − + o S 4π r 2c c 2r r 2 1 + cos 2ω t − sin θ (dS ) c (22) where: ( v m × û ) . ( v m × (d S) ) = vm2 sin 2 θ (dS ) 4.1 Power in the Fields of an Oscillating Electric Charge Equation (22) gives the power in the magnetic and electric fields as: 2 2 Qv ωµ r µ ω r Ps = ∫ m o sin 2ω t − + o cos 2ω t − sin 2 θ (dS ) S 4π r 2c c c 2r (23) Power is exchanged between the magnetic field and the electric field. Over one cycle or several cycles, the energy dissipated in the fields is zero. 4.2 Energy Radiated by an Oscillating Electric Charge Equation (22) has a steady term, which indicates dissipation of power. The power radiated is: 2 ωQvm Pr = sin 2 θ (dS ) ∫ S 2c 4π r µo 2 Pr = µo ωQvm 2c 4π Pr = µo µ 2 2 (ωQvm ) ∫ sin 3 θ (dθ ) = o (ωQvm ) 16π c 12π c where dS = r2sinθ(dθ)(dφ) and ∫ π 0 1 ∫∫ r 2 sin 3 θ (dθ ) = (24) sin 2 θ {r 2 sin θ (dθ )(dϕ )} (25) 4 . The energy radiated, in time T, is TPr. 3 4.3 Directivity of Emission Equation (24) gives the maximum intensity of radiation (radiant power per unit area) Rm, with θ = π/2 radians, as: µ ωQvm Rm = o 2c 4π r 2 An isotropic radiator with power intensity R emitting the same power Pr (equation 25), through spherical surface area 4πr2, makes: µ ωQvm R= o 3c 4π r 2 The directivity DR is: DR = Rm = 1.5 R 6 (26) 5. Inertia of a Moving Electric Charge An electric charge of magnitude Q in the form of spherical shell of radius a, under acceleration, generates a reactive electric field X as given by equation (17). This field acts on the self-same charge Q to produce a reactive force F equal and opposite to the accelerating force in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion, thus: F = QX = − µoε oψ Q ∂v ∂v = −m ∂t ∂t (27) Equation (27) explains the cause of inertia. At the location of the charge, the potential ψ = U and zero everywhere else, and, therefore, equation (27) becomes: µoε oUQ ∂v ∂v =m ∂t ∂t m = µoε oUQ = 2en µoε o (28) (29) where en is the intrinsic energy of the charge as given by equation (10). Substituting for U from equation (8) we obtain equation (29) as: m= µo Q 2 2e = 2en µoε o = 2n 4π a c (30) Equation (30), expressing mass m in terms of electrical quantities, gives: en = ½ mc2 (31) Substituting for en from equation (10) gives kinetic energy k as: k= 1 2 v2 1 mv = 2 en = µoε o2 v 2 Eo2 (dY ) ∫ Y 2 c 2 (32) Equation (32) is the same as equation (14). 6. Conclusion Equations (12), (13), (14), (15), (16), (17), (25), (26) and (27) are what this paper set out to derive. The dynamic electric field Ev is missing in electrodynamics. The kinetic energy of a moving charged particle is contained in the magnetic field Hφ and electric field Ev. Equation (25) shows that whenever an electrically charged particle is somehow disturbed or shaken, it emits electromagnetic radiation of power proportional to the square of product of amplitude of disturbance and frequency of oscillation. So, electric charges oscillating in the electric fields of an atom also emit corresponding electromagnetic radiations at the microwave frequencies of oscillation. This is in addition to emission of heat and light radiation, as shown by the author [4], due to ‘frictional’ motion of charged particles, in the electric field of the nucleus of an atom or in the electric fields between the charged particles. This may explain the source of microwave background radiation [7]. An interesting result of this paper is the derivation of directivity of emission from an oscillating charge. Equation (26) gives the directivity as 1.5, same as that of a dipole antenna. The paper also succeeded in explaining the cause of inertia, expressed in equation (27), as due to the reactive electric field X, generated by an accelerated charged particle, acting on the same charge to produce the inertial force equal and opposite to the accelerating 7 force. For a body of mass M composed of electrically charged particles moving with velocity v at time t, the reactive electric fields act at the location of the respective charges to produce the sum of the inertial forces equal and opposite the accelerating force M(dv/dt). In this paper, the mass of a charged particle is expressed in terms of electrical quantities and the mass-energy equivalence law for a body of mass M moving with speed v is derived as E = ½ M(c2 + v2), where En = ½ Mc2 is the electrostatic energy of the electric charges composing the body. The mass-energy equivalence law, derived here from basic electrical principles, differing from the relativistic equation by a factor of 1/2, is noteworthy. 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