QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT No. 17| January 2015 INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING REPORT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ray A. Wilkerson, Chairman James H. Mills, Vice-Chairman Robert L. Bennett, Jr., Treasurer Nikelle S. Meade, Secretary David Singleton Charles Heimsath David B. Armbrust EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Mike Heiligenstein GENERAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANT (GEC) DESIGN/BUILD CONTRACTOR PROJECT PARTNERS QUARTERLY PROGRESS REPORT No. 17 INTRODUCTION The MoPac Improvement Project is a $204 million project which will add one Express Lane in each direction along an approximately 11-mile stretch of MoPac from Cesar Chavez Street in downtown Austin to Parmer Lane north of Austin within existing right of way. The Project is an effort to address the mobility problem in this corridor and takes into account the needs of drivers, transit riders, pedestrians, bicyclists, and the concerns of surrounding neighbors. Environmentally cleared in August 2012, the Project will be built in cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO), the City of Austin, Capital Metro (CapMetro), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The Express Lanes will be located in the middle of the MoPac corridor separated from the existing general purpose lanes by a four foot wide striped buffer zone with flexible pylons. Drivers will be able to access the MoPac Express Lanes at Cesar Chavez Street, near Far West Boulevard, or near Parmer Lane. While this addition of lanes will require widening of the pavement, the Express Lanes project requires no property acquisition and all existing non-toll general purpose lanes and the UPRR corridor will remain. In addition to the Express Lanes, the MoPac Improvement Project will include: sound walls; a Collector/Distributor road under Steck Avenue; aesthetic enhancements and significant landscaping; bicycle and pedestrian improvements including two shared-use paths; full mainlane overlay with porous friction course (PFC) pavement which serves as a wet weather safety improvement measure; enhanced incident management (cameras and traffic data collection); and a significant community relations effort. The Mobility Authority entered into a contract with CH2M HILL to design and build the MoPac Improvement Project. The agreement requires the project to be substantially complete by September 17, 2015. The Contractor developed an acceptable Baseline CPM (Critical Path Method) Schedule for the Project. The Mobility Authority issued Notice to Proceed (NTP) on April 18, 2013. This report describes the status of the MoPac Improvement Project and documents the activities accomplished from October through December 2014. MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 1 Segment 1: Parmer to UPRR Segment 2A: UPRR to US 183 Segment 2B: US 183 to RM 2222 Segment 3: RM 2222 to Enfield Segment 4: Enfield to Cesar Chavez MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 2 SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The following activities have been accomplished by the Mobility Authority, its consultants, and the D/B Contractor during the reporting period. DESIGN ACTIVITIES • • • Task force meetings continue on an as needed basis and over the shoulder informal reviews have been completed. The Mobility Authority's GEC is performing oversight of the Contractor activities. 42” waterline plans being finalized by City of Austin. Prompt completion and required permitting by the City is important to avoid impacts to schedule. Utility easements and rights-of-entry still need to be acquired. Reviewed and accepted NDC (Notice of Design Changes) for specific design changes. CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES • • • • • • Segments 1 & 2A (Parmer Lane to US 183) o Continued installation of drilled shafts for bridges o Placement of flexible base (preliminary activity of paving) o Initial asphalt paving layers placed o Construction of retaining wall foundations and panels o Drilling for bridge foundations Segment 2B (US 183 to RM 2222) o Forming and placement of median retaining wall footings and stems o Drilling for large guide sign foundations o Construction of temporary ramps Segment 3 (RM 2222 to Enfield Road) o Girders placed on bridge widening for southbound lanes at 45th Street o Embankment and select fill being placed along mainlanes o Installation of drilled shafts for Noise Barrier o Continued subgrade preparation on northbound and southbound lanes Segment 4 (Enfield Road to Ladybird Lake) o Installation of drilled shafts for noise barriers o Cast-in-place panels for retaining wall along Johnson Creek Trail constructed o Tunneling operations for 60” and 54” drainage pipes continues. 60” tunnel is complete – 54” is very close to completion o Construction of temporary ramps Utility relocations Roadway maintenance is being performed as required MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 3 PROJECT PROGRESS As of December 30, 2014, 670 of the 882 calendar days to scheduled Substantial Completion have expired. There are 261 calendar days until Substantial Completion and the Contractor is allowed an additional 120 calendar days for Final Acceptance. The D/B Contractor has brought on additional resources (self-performing and subcontractors) to the Project to help address production level concerns. The D/B Contractor is assessing opportunities to expedite the delivery of the Project and has indicated they will deploy additional resources as applicable. The D/B Contractor has developing a schedule to provide a better understanding of the effort involved with completing the remaining work from the base contract. The Oversight Team is reviewing the schedule for reasonableness of activities, task sequencing, and durations. The Oversight Team will continue to work with the Contractor to identify opportunities to expedite activities. The focus of the scheduling efforts going forward will be to provide an understanding of the impact of the numerous Owner-Directed change orders to the overall completion date of the Project. Tunneling operations for the 60” and 54” drainage pipes in Segment 4 near the south end of the project have taken much longer than anticipated due to the existing insitu material being harder than originally contemplated and the need for additional equipment to excavate the material. Primary issues currently impacting the project schedule include D/B Contractor staff resources and production levels, Owner Directed Change Orders, and the City of Austin 42” waterline design completion and associated permitting and easement acquisition. Construction Progress through December 2014 Based on the assessment of the GEC, the summary of the project progress achieved on major work tasks through the end of December 2014 is as follows: MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 4 MoPac Improvement Project Progress For the Period Ending December 2014 Design + Construction Tasks Development Design Traffic Control/Detours/Temp Barrier Earthwork/Demolition/Removals/Drainage Structures/Bridges/Retaining Walls Sound/Neighborhood Walls Geotech/Survey Utilities Pavement/Subbase/Base Course Environmental Monitoring Lighting/Signing/Striping Toll Facilities Landscaping/Shared use Path/Sidewalks % Complete 92% 31% 34% 27% 15% 100% 59% 13% 47% 14% 18% 0% SCHEDULE OF CONTRACTUAL PROJECT MILESTONES • • • • February 27, 2013: Selection of Best Value Proposer April 18, 2013: NTP Issued September 17, 2015: Substantial Completion January 15, 2016: Final Acceptance NEXT QUARTER ACTIVITIES Segments 1 &2A (Parmer Lane to US 183) • Pedestrian Bridge Substructures and Superstructure • SUP Path Grading Approaches for Pedestrian Bridge • Retaining Walls P1 and P2 for Shared Use Path • Landscaping at Duval and Parmer • Median Widening from Parmer to Cap Metro crossing • Set Girder for Northbound and Southbound Bridges at Cap Metro crossing • Northbound and Southbound Bridge Substructures and Superstructure at UPRR crossing Segment 2B (US 183 to RM 2222) • Median Widening from Far West to RM 2222 • Sign Bridge Installation • Toll Gantry Erection at RM 2222 • RM 2222 Bridge Substructures and Girder Set Northbound • Retaining Walls 4, 5, 8, 9 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 5 Segment 3 (RM 2222 to Enfield Road) • Enfield Bridge Superstructures • Windsor Bridge Substructures and Superstructures • Westover Bridge Superstructures • ITS/Lighting from 45th to Enfield • 42” Waterline Bore • Drainage Structures from 45th to Windsor • Duct Bank from RM 2222 to Hancock • Sign Bridge Installation • Drilled Shafts for Sound Barriers 4, 6, 11, 15, 17 • Retaining Walls C, 13, 14, 19 • Panels and Post Installation for Sound Barriers 7, 14, 15, and 16 Segment 4 (Enfield Road to Ladybird Lake) • Paving for Traffic Shift • Undercrossing Drainage Outfall Jack & Boring • Begin Undercrossing Excavation and Shoring • Panels and Post Installation Sound Barrier 20 • Retaining Wall 36 Fascia • Retaining Wall near Johnson Creek PROGRESS PHOTOS Paving Express Lanes near Braker Lane October 2014 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 6 Excavation and Retaining Wall Construction for Cesar Chavez/6th Street Northbound Entrance Ramp November 2014 Grading Base Material for MoPac Roadway Widening at Enfield Road November 2014 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 7 Drilling for Soil Nail Wall Construction at Enfield Road November 2014 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 8 PROJECT FINANCIAL STATUS Progress billings are received each period from CH2M HILL approval. All draw requests are accompanied by an approved progress schedule. The original contract amount is $136,632,100. The D/B Contractor’s November and December 2014 Draw Requests have been received and are under review; pending progress schedule approval. Summary of Project financial status through December 2014 Original CH2M HILL Contract Amount: Authorized Changes (Change Order and/or Amendments): Previous Period Change Orders Current Change Orders: No. 05A – RM2222 NB West Retaining Wall at Abut #21 No. 06 – Westminster Manor and Hancock Fence Current Authorized Contract Amount: $136,632,100 $99,247.41 $65,454.38 $157,374.29 $136,954,176.08 CH2M HILL Payments: Amount of Draw Nos. 01-14 (July 2013 – August 2014) Amount of Draw No. 15 (September 2014) Amount of Draw No. 16 (October 2014) Total Requested Amount To-Date through Draw No. 16: $38,001,926 $2,892,096 $3,714,963 $44,608,985 Retainage withheld**: Approved Amount for Work Completed through Draw No. 16: _____$0 $44,608,985 Total Project Budget Expended Through December 2014: Amount remaining for work to be completed: 32.6% $92,347,191.08 **Retainage to be withheld only after 95% of the Authorized contract price has been paid. Summary of Change Orders During Reporting Period Change Order No. 05A – RM2222 NB West Retaining Wall at Abutment #21 –The RM 2222 Northbound West Wall at Abutment 21 is experiencing movement. This change order allows the D/B Contractor to design and construct a repair to mitigate the existing wall movement. Change Order No. 06 – Westminster Manor and Hancock Fence - This change order allows the D/B Contractor to remove existing fence at the Westminster Manor property and Hancock and replace with Precocrete Stone double sided precast concrete panels. MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 9 Project Cash Flow Curve – September 2014 Cash Flow Curves are provided by CH2M HILL at the time of draw request submittal. EMPLOYMENT REPORTING STATUS Design and construction of the MoPac Improvement Project is estimated to have supported approximately 370 jobs during the reporting month of December 2014. This estimated number of jobs supported by the project includes: the design personnel and management staff; the construction personnel and their subcontractors; construction management staff, including inspectors and subconsultants; and the general engineering consultant staff and their subconsultants. DBE STATUS CH2M HILL plans to meet the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 11.7% for both the design services and the construction work. The overall total DBE requirement for the project, based on the original contract value, is $15,985,955. The current committed total for all DBE subcontracts is $17,012,278. The charts below reference the current DBE Commitments vs. Payments to date. MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 10 Design DBE Design Commitment vs. Payment For Period Ending December 2014 156% of Goal $2,500,000 $2,000,000 100.1% of Goal Paid Design Goal $1,474,200 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Payments To Date $1,624,710.59 Commitments To Date $2,309,344.41 Construction DBE Construction Commitment vs. Payment For Period Ending December 2014 Construction Goal $14,511,755 16,000,000.00 101.3% of Goal 14,000,000.00 12,000,000.00 10,000,000.00 8,000,000.00 6,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 19.85% of Goal Paid 2,000,000.00 0.00 Payments To Date $2,880,105.56 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Commitments To Date $14,702,934 Page 11 COMMUNITY RELATIONS The Community Outreach Team utilizes a robust set of communication tools to supply timely information to numerous audiences. The team also provides several avenues for the public to ask questions and provide comments. • Within the reporting period, the team received approximately 107 inquiries via the 24/7 Hotline, Web Comment Form, and Email. The visibility of the restriped lanes continued to be a major topic among the community, but after a complete restriping of the corridor in November calls have decreased significantly. Inquiries regarding sound wall specifications and the installation schedule are steadily increasing. The Team meets regularly with the D/B Contractor to provide residents the latest updates on the design and installation schedule of the sound walls. The majority of the other inquiries were general project questions. Specific comments included: o “When the sound wall is installed directly behind my home, will it be taller, shorter or identical in height as the existing wooden fence mounted on the existing concrete barrier?” o “Please provide me an update of the schedule for that stretch of the wall. I am unable to rent that property until it is complete because of the noise from construction.” o “Please consider doing something to reduce the reflection of the blacked-out lane dividers. When the afternoon or morning sun is shining on the roadway, it's impossible to see the difference between the newly-painted white dotted lines and the blacked-out former lane dividers, which reflect the light and show up clear as day. I've had too many very near-misses when other cars swerved into my lane, thinking they were in the correct lane because they were unknowingly following the path of the older lane dividers.” • • • • • Construction updates continue. The Team provides daily and weekly updates for the project Website (www.MoPacExpress.com), Social Media (Twitter and Facebook), Smartphone Application (available for Android and iPhone), Email and Text Alerts, and the Highway Advisory Radio (800 AM). At the end of the reporting period, the Twitter account @improvemopac had 2,327 followers and the Facebook page had 151 likes. E-Newsletters and the MoPac Man blog are distributed periodically to the mailing list with a project update. Currently there are over 941 subscribers on this list. Within the reporting period, an E-Newsletter was launched on December 29th; a Blog was posted on November 19th highlighting the history of Express Lanes. Sound Wall Installation outreach continues along the corridor. A holiday card with a $25 gift card was mailed out to the residents directly along the corridor as a token of appreciation for their patience with the delay in the installation of sound walls. Adjacent project coordination with the Mobility Authority’s multiple ongoing environmental studies continues. MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 12 • Community outreach continues. The Team provided presentations to the Northwood Neighborhood Association on October 16th, Bryker Woods Neighborhood Association on November 15th, and participated in the Pressler Street Open House on November 17th. On December 3rd the MoPac Improvement Project hosted an in depth-tour of the project site for University of Texas engineering management graduate students. 185 residents who live next to the MoPac Expressway received a free five-gallon tree as part of a partnership with the non-profit group TreeFolks. UT Engineering Students Tour of MoPac December 2014 MoPac Man celebrates Texas Arbor day with Tree Giveaway November 2014 MoPac Improvement Project Quarterly Progress Report, No. 17 Page 13