DESIGN AND TEST OF VEGETABLE OIL IMPREGNATED POLYPROPYLENE FILM CAPACITORS MR. BOONCHOO SOMBOONPEN A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL POWER ENGINEERING SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL THAI-GERMAN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (TGGS) GRADUATE COLLEGE KING MONGKUT'S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK ACADEMIC YEAR 2007 COPYRIGHT OF KING MONGKUT'S UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY NORTH BANGKOK Name : Mr.Boonchoo Somboonpen Thesis Title : Design and Test of Vegetable Oil Impregnated Polypropylene Film Capacitors Major Field : Electrical Power Engineering King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok Thesis Advisor : Assistant Professor Dr.Teratam Bunyagul Co-Advisor : Dr.Thanapong Suwanasri Academic Year : 2007 Abstract The principal objective of the thesis is to do about a feasibility study about the manufacturing of the polypropylene film capacitors impregnated with three different types of fluid. The types of fluid are sunflower oil, soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid. Sunflower oil and soybean oil were filtrated by a small experimental purifier. The electrical attributes of both oils is qualified according to the fluid insulation standards (ASTM D6871). The design of model capacitors is single-element with 1.9 microfarad capacitance and AC voltage at 1500 volt. The dielectric used in capacitor element is double-layered, double-side rough type polypropylene film wounding together and then flattened. Two capacitor elements were pressed, in order to have distinct space factor, and packed together in a model tank capacitor. Each model capacitor of each liquid dielectric was impregnated at four different treated levels of temperature. From the comparison capacitor characteristic of test results in accordance with IEC 60871-1 standard, it was found that the space factor, the temperature level during impregnation, and the vegetable oil type affected to the capacitance and dissipation factors in capacitor. (Total 101 pages) Keywords : Vegetable oil, Impregnating temperature, Space factor, Polypropylene film capacitor ______________________________________________________________ Advisor ii ชื่อ ชื่อวิทยานิพนธ สาขาวิชา : : : อาจารยที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธหลัก อาจารยที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธรวม ปการศึกษา : : : นายบุญชู สมบุญเพ็ญ ออกแบบและทดสอบตัวเก็บประจุโพลีโพรไพลีนแบบใช น้ํามันพืชแชอมิ่ วิศวกรรมไฟฟากําลัง มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกลาพระนครเหนือ ผูชวยศาสตราจารย ดร.ธีรธรรม บุณยะกุล อาจารย ดร.ธนพงษ สุวรรณศรี 2550 บทคัดยอ งานวิจยั นี้เปนการศึกษากระบวนการผลิต ตัวเก็บประจุโพลีโพรไพลีนแบบแชอิ่มในฉนวน น้ํามันพืช 3 ชนิด คือน้ํามันทานตะวัน น้าํ มันถั่วเหลือง และฉนวนไฟฟาเหลวที่ผลิตจากน้ํามันพืช (Envirotemp FR3 Fluid) โดยทําการกรองน้ํามันทานตะวัน และน้ํามันถั่วเหลืองให ดวยเครื่อง กรองน้ํามันฉนวนไฟฟาขนาดเล็กที่สรางขึ้น ผลการทดสอบคุณสมบัติทางฉนวนไฟฟาของน้ํามัน พืชทั้งสองชนิดไดคาตามมาตรฐานของฉนวนเหลว (ASTM D6871) การออกแบบตัวเก็บประจุ เปนแบบตัวเดียว มีคาความจุ 1.9 ไมโครฟาราด คาพิกดั แรงดันไฟฟากระแสสลับ 1,500 โวลทใช แผนฟลมโพลีโพรไพลีนแบบมีความขรุขระสองดาน สองชั้นเปนไดอิเล็กตริก สรางแบบพันมวน และบีบแบน มีขั้วตอแบบยืน่ ออกสลับดานกัน บรรจุในถัง ถังละ 2 ตัว แตละตัวถูกบีบใหมีคาตัว ประกอบชองวางตางกัน กระบวนการแชอ่มิ ใชวิธีการดูดอากาศออกแลวเติมน้ํามันทีม่ ีความบริสุทธิ์ ดวยความแตกตางของอุณหภูมิ 4 ระดับ ผลการทดสอบและเปรียบเทียบคุณลักษณะของตัวเก็บประจุ ตามมาตรฐาน IEC 60871-1 ระหวางตัวเก็บประจุที่ใชฉนวนน้ํามันพืชแชอิ่มทั้งสามชนิด พบวาตัวประกอบชองวาง อุณหภูมิ ของน้ํามันขณะแชอิ่ม และชนิดของน้ํามัน มีผลตอความเปลี่ยนแปลงคาความจุไฟฟา และคาตัว ประกอบกําลังไฟฟาสูญเสียในไดอิเล็กตริกของตัวเก็บประจุ (วิทยานิพนธมีจํานวนทั้งสิ้น 101 หนา) คําสําคัญ : น้ํามันพืช,อุณหภูมิขณะแชอมิ่ ,ตัวประกอบชองวาง,ตัวเก็บประจุแบบโพลีโพรไพลีน _____________________________________________อาจารยที่ปรึกษาวิทยานิพนธหลัก iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express the profound and sincere gratitude to my advisors, Assistant Professor Dr.Teratam Bunyagul and Dr.Thanapong Suwannasri, for the invaluable information about the step-by-step design and in-depth testing process of vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitors which is the crucial subject of this dissertation. This work would not have been possible without the support, which also brought about my improvement and advancement of scientific knowledge, particularly in the area of an empirical investigation and experimentation. I owe my most honest thankfulness to Assistant Professor Sarawut Kleesuwan, for his on structive comments and useful solutions to this study, including vegetable oil purification system, the methodology in dielectric test and the impregnation process of capacitors, the investigation of their characteristics, and above of all that matter, his cordial encouragement when in time of difficulty. In addition, I would like to state my appreciation officially to the Electrical Engineering Department, Pathumwan Institute of Technology, for all materials and equipments provided. I am deeply grateful to Nissin Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd., for the production of model capacitors which consists of the support on raw materials, winding process the capacitor’s element, especially Mr. Pravich Prachumthes, for advice capacitor impregnation process. I am also considerably indebted to Tusco Trafo Co., Ltd., Tira Thai Co., Ltd., and High Voltage Laboratory, Transmission Line Maintenance Division, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) for their supports on specific instruments for dielectric test and the measurement of the dissipation factor in vegetable oil and model capacitors applied in this study. Boonchoo Somboonpen iv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract (in English) ii Abstract (in Thai) iii Acknowledgements iv List of Tables vii List of Figures ix Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 High voltage capacitor 1 1.2 Oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor 2 1.3 Vegetable oil in power capacitor 3 1.4 Vegetable oils 4 1.5 Purpose of the study 8 1.6 Scope of the study 8 1.7 Methods 9 1.8 Tools 9 1.9 Utilization of the study 9 1.10 The structure of thesis 10 Chapter 2 Material property in high voltage capacitor 11 2.1 Previous work on power capacitor 11 2.2 Dielectric materials 18 2.3 Liquid dielectric 22 2.4 Insulating oil purification system 26 2.5 Polypropylene dielectric 27 2.6 Composite dielectric 30 2.7 Wound capacitor flat winding 34 2.8 Capacitor impregnation process 41 2.9 Standard test method of capacitor (IEC 60871-1) 43 Chapter 3 Design and test of impregnated capacitor 45 3.1 Vegetable oil purification system 45 3.2 Vegetable oil properties 49 3.3 Design of capacitor element 54 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED) Page 3.4 Correction factor of capacitance for the reference temperature 60 3.5 Assembly of model capacitor 62 3.6 Impregnation process 66 3.7 Experimental test 68 Chapter 4 Testing of the capacitors 75 4.1 Capacitance of capacitors 75 4.2 Voltage test between terminals, and between terminals and container 86 4.3 Dissipation factor of capacitor 87 4.4 Short circuit discharge test 92 Chapter 5 Conclusion and recommendations 95 5.1 Conclusion 95 5.2 Recommendations for further work 97 References 99 Biography 101 vi LIST OF TABLES Table page 1-1 Envirotemp FR 3 fluid Values, and specification limits for natural ester fluid and mineral oil 1-2 Typical initial Envirotemp FR3 fluid properties 7 8 2-1 Dielectric properties of some liquid dielectrics 25 2-2 Physical, chemical and thermal properties of polypropylene film 28 2-3 Electrical properties of polypropylene film 28 2-4 Dimension properties of polypropylene film 29 2-5 Space factor of polypropylene film 29 2-6 Electric withstanding capability of BOPP film 36 3-1 Vegetable oil properties from test results compared with natural ester fluid standard and synthesis aster fluid for capacitor application 49 3-2 Relative permittivities of vegetable oils subjected to temperature level as per IEC 60247 standard 51 3-3 Dissipation factors of vegetable oils subjected to temperature level as per IEC 60247 standard 3-4 Correction factor of capacitance for 20 °C reference temperature 53 61 4-1 Capacitances of model units at the element thickness of 9.0 mm, with rated capacitance of a capacitor designed at 1.9 µF at 30 °C 75 4-2 Capacitances of model units at the element thickness of 9.4 mm, with rated capacitance of a capacitor designed at 1.9 µF at 30 °C 76 4-3 Capacitance of Sunflower oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 77 4-4 Capacitance of soybean oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 78 4-5 Capacitance of Envirotemp FR3 Fluid impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 79 4-6 Capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures vii 82 LIST OF TABLES (CONTINUED) Table page 4-7 Capacitance of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 83 4-8 Capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 84 4-9 Dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 87 4-10 Dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 88 4-11 Dissipation factors of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 89 4-12 Summary of changes in capacitance of model capacitors impregnated with three fluids at four different impregnating temperatures viii 92 LIST OF FIGURES Figure page 1-1 Comparison of dietary fats 4 2-1 Insulating oil purification system 26 2-2 Capacitor comprising two layers of different dielectric materials 32 2-3 Capacitor Element of flattened wound capacitor 34 2-4 Two layer PP film wound capacitor 38 2-5 PP film and Al. foil of element capacitor wound type 38 2-6 Dimension of flattened type element wound capacitor 40 3-1 Small vegetable oil purification diagram 47 3-2 Small vegetable oil purification system 48 3-3 Dielectric breakdown voltage test of vegetable oils 50 3-4 Measurement of relative permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor 50 3-5 Dielectric breakdown voltages of vegetable oils 51 3-6 Relative permittivities of vegetable oils in temperature 52 3-7 Dissipation factors of vegetable oils 53 3-8 Rolling of capacitor element 55 3-9 Capacitor element 59 3-10 Model capacitor 62 3-11 Element pressing diagram 63 3-12 Capacitor element pressing process 64 3-13 Insert element to model capacitor 65 3-14 Impregnation process diagram 66 3-15 Impregnation process system 67 3-16 Model capacitors 68 3-17 RLC bridge meter and measurement 69 3-18 Capacitance and dissipation factor measurement at 1.5 kV. 70 3-19 Capacitance of capacitor at differential temperature test 70 3-20 Capacitance and dissipation factor test at 500 V for the first of test 71 3-21 AC withstand voltage test between terminals 71 3-22 DC withstand voltage test between terminals 72 ix LIST OF FIGURES (CONTINUED) Figure page 3-23 Short circuit discharge test 4-1 73 Plotted capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 4-2 80 Plotted capacitances of soybean oil impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 80 4-3 Plotted capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 4-4 Plotted capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 4-5 85 Plotted capacitances of Vegetable oils impregnated model capacitors for element thickness 9.4 mm 4-9 84 Plotted capacitances of vegetable oils impregnated model capacitors for element thickness 9.0 mm 4-8 83 Plotted capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 4-7 82 Plotted capacitances of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 4-6 81 85 Plotted dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 88 4-10 Plotted dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 89 4-11 Plotted dissipation factors of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 90 4-12 Plotted dissipation factors of model capacitors impregnated with vegetable oils for element thickness 9.0 mm 91 4-13 Plotted dissipation factors of model capacitors impregnated with vegetable oils for element thickness 9.4 mm 91 4-14 Plotted changes in capacitance of model capacitors impregnated with three fluids at four different impregnating temperatures x 93 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, basic terms and structures related to oil impregnated capacitors are explained. These are high voltage capacitor, oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitors, vegetable oil in power capacitor, and vegetable oils. An overview including the purpose and the background has also been done to illustrate the orientation of this research. 1.1 High voltage capacitor The high voltage capacitor is a required element in the electrical power system. It is applied to power factor correction in medium voltage and high voltage, DC high voltage system and impulse generator. Most of power factor correction capacitors use polypropylene film as the dielectric. Because polypropylene film is the least of dielectric loss. For a better capability in their applications, It is impregnated with the synthesis ester fluid. Polychlorinated biphenyl are the synthesis ester fluids that used in the high voltage capacitor. But they are toxic to human and the environment such as being a carcinogenic substance, it was considered to be banned [1]. As a result it is necessary to search for a substitution which should be an environmental and human friendly impregnant. This also never causes any pollution problem in the future. Castor oil is the first replaceable material used as an impregnant inside Kraft paper capacitors. Although this fluid is superior in the application for the DC high voltage and discharge capacitor, its viscosity is significantly high. Developers found that there are five interesting vegetable oils to consider whether they are suitable to use as an impregnant in high voltage capacitors. These are sunflower oil, soybean oil, canola oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil and Envirotemp FR3. All of these fluids are biodegradable and have good electrical attributes. In addition, their viscosities are lower than the castor oil. At 100 ํC, their viscosities are nearly the same as synthesis ester fluid. 2 Typically, high voltage capacitors are applied in the field of induction heating, pulse, commutation, broadcast transmission, drives, bypass equipment, igniters, frequency converters, filters, high voltage power supplies, snubbers, couplers, voltage dividers, spark generators and harmonic filters. Voltages applied to these capacitors are in the range of 1 to 300 KV, and capacitances from 100 pF to 5000 µF. 1.2 Oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor The oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor is constructed of oil impregnated polypropylene films wound together inside the element. The determination of polypropylene film used in an oil impregnated capacitor relates to a stretched, rough electrical insulating film of polypropylene, comprising zones having different degrees of roughness which lie side by side and form fine channels between each other. The polypropylene film is particularly suitable for the fabrication of impregnated capacitors and for the sheathing of cables. The determination relates also to a process for the manufacture of such film. Materials presently used inside these impregnated capacitors are often combinations of paper-aluminum, paperpolypropylene film-aluminum, or paper-metalized polypropylene film [2]. Generally, there are various types of polypropylene film capacitors made by such material combinations. When considering the trend in constantly decreasing dimensions of electrical components, development tends toward capacitors which are constructed of polypropylene films and aluminum or of metalized polypropylene films only and which are called "all-film capacitors". In the past, there was a development in improving impregnate ability of oil polypropylene film used in this type of capacitor, in which the film was roughened by systematically influencing the morphology. Although it has been possible to improve the impregnation of capacitors produced from films manufactured according to these processes, non-impregnated areas cannot be completely eliminated and, as a consequence, the above-described disadvantages experienced with smooth films will still occur. The following development in polypropylene film used in this oil impregnated capacitor was by adopting super high-purity capacitor-grade homo-polypropylene resin; the rough film is produced by biaxial-orientation tented process. This kind of 3 film features excellent physical and electrical properties, such as good profile evenness, high electric strength, low dielectric dissipation and good wind ability etc. The film can be compatible well with several types of oil impregnated capacitors. According to the investigation by National Power Capacitor Test Center [3], this new developed polypropylene film conforms to all the requirements of capacitor insulation materials. Thus, it is widely used as dielectric in the oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor as well. 1.3 Vegetable oil in power capacitor In general, energy storage power capacitors are designed to meet the needs of each specific application. These include magnetizing equipment, laser, fusion research, metal farming equipment, strobes, and defibrillators. Power capacitors used in the light duty and low repetition rate applications that required high energy density are made with either metalized polypropylene or metalized Kraft paper. Besides, an aluminum foil is functioned as the extended electrodes with soldered connection. The dielectric for these can be selected from either polypropylene or Kraft paper with a specially refined castor oil impregnant; for example, impulse capacitor for impulse generator. Power capacitors are important elements that can help in proper design of transmission and distribution networks, reduce system losses, control the voltage, and reactive current. Due to the facts, the capacitor fluid is the core material in a capacitor which eliminates voids by permeating through the solid dielectric, as internal voids results in electrical discharges leading to premature failure of dielectric system. In addition, it serves as a heat transfer medium by dissipating heat generated inside the windings. Since two decades, the search for a reliable, environmental friendly capacitor fluid was on throughout the world. This research aimed to determine a metalized film power capacitor used in an alternating current, more particularly to such the capacitor constructed with dry film capacitor bodies employing a vegetable oil as an impregnant. Appropriate vegetable oils which may be applied in the oil mixture of the present invention are selected from sunflower seed oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, castor oil and maize or corn oil. 4 1.4 Vegetable oils Vegetable oils are triglyceride-based fluid-staged materials extracted from plants. Although there are several parts of plants that can yield oils, but in a commercial approach these oils are extracted primarily from seeds of oilseed plant in actual. Vegetable oils, of food grade, are distinct by dietary fats which are expressed in Figure 1-1. Triglyceride fats are contained not only in edible vegetable oils, but also in some other inedible vegetable oils such as processed linseed and castor oil. These inedible oils are widely used as the elements in lubricants, paints, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, discharge capacitor and other industrial purposes [4]. Comparison of Dietary Fats Fatty acid content normalized to 100 % DIETARY FAT Castor oil** 2%→ Canola oil Safflower oil Sunflower oil Corn oil Olive oil Soybean oil Peanut oil Cottonseed oil Lard* Beef tallow* Palm oil Butterfat* Coconut oil ←3% 7% 21% 10% 12% 13% 15% 9% 15% 19% 27% 43% 48% 51% 68% 91% SATURATED FAT 94% ( 90% Ricinoleic acid 4% Oleic acid ) 1%→ 11% 61% 76% Trace→ 14% 71% 1%→ 16% 57% 1%→ 29% ←1% 75% 54% 8% 23% 33% ←Trace 48% 54% Trace→ 19% 9% ←1% 47% 2%→ ←1% 39% 10% ←Trace% 39% 3%→ ←1% 28% 7% 2%→ POLY UNSATURATED FAT Linoleic Acid MONOUNSATURATED FAT (Oleic acid almost) Alpha-Linolenic Acid (An Omege-3 Fatty Acid) Source : POS Pilot plant Corporation Saskatchewan, CANADA June 1994 * Cholesterol content (mg/tbsp):Lard 12 ;Beef tallow 14;Butter fat 33 ** Refer to wikipedia free encyclopedia: and not food ingredient FIGURE 1-1 Comparison of dietary fats Although there are glycerin esters and various mixtures of fatty acids, these oils contained free fatty acids and diglycerides as well. Vegetable oils are increasingly 5 used in the electrical industry as an insulator since they are non-toxic to the environment, biodegradable if spilled and have high flash and fire points. Vegetable oils, however, have to be traded-off their benefits with biodegradable characteristics. Thus, they are generally used in systems with no exposure to the atmospheric oxygen and are much more expensive than crude oil distillated ones. As mentioned, vegetable oils have high stability to an oxidation reaction so they have found to be used as engine lubricants. Vegetable oils are mostly applied to produce bio-degradable hydraulic fluid and lubricant. Normally, vegetable oils have also been used experimentally as cooling agents in PCs. The only limit factor in industrial purposes for vegetable oils is that all such oils can eventually be decomposed and turned into rancid by their chemical reaction. Vegetable oils that are more stable, such as mineral oil and synthesis ester fluid, are preferred for some industrial uses. Some vegetable oils are suitable for being the liquid dielectric since they have a high dielectric breakdown voltage and high flash point characteristics. These oils are, for example, castor oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil. 1.4.1 Sunflower oil: Sunflower oil is the non-volatile oil extracted from sunflower seeds. It is commonly used for frying foods and being an element of some cosmetics such as a skin softener. Predominantly, it contains linoleic acid in triglyceride formatted. The British Pharmacopoeia had listed that these sunflower oils produced can be categorized into two types regarding their linoleic acid containments. These are high linoleic and mid oleic sunflower oil, which typically contained at least 82% and 69% of linoleic acid respectively. A variation in fatty acid profile is strongly influenced by both genetics and climate. In addition, sunflower oil contains high essential vitamin E and low saturated fat. The two most common types of sunflower oil are linoleic and high oleic. Linoleic sunflower oil is common cooking oil that has high levels of the essential fatty acids called polyunsaturated fat. It is also known for having a clean taste and low levels of trans fat. High oleic sunflower oils are classified as having monounsaturated levels of 80% and above. Recently, sunflower oil has been developed as a hybrid containing linoleic acid. They have monounsaturated levels lower than other oleic sunflower oils. The hybrid oil also has lower saturated fat levels than linoleic sunflower oil. Sunflower oil of any kind has been shown to have cardiovascular benefits as well. 6 1.4.2 Soybean oil: To the world, soybean is an important cereal crop, which also provided oil and protein. Solvent-extracted soybeans turned them into the vegetable oil and defatted soybeans can also be used as animal feed. A small proportion of the crop is consumed directly by humans. Soybean products do appear in a large variety of processed foods. The major unsaturated fatty acids in soybean oil triglycerides are 7% linolenic acid (C18:3); 51% linoleic acid (C-18:2); and 23% oleic acid (C-18:1). It also contains the saturated 4% of fatty acids and 10% of stearic and palmitic acid. The soybean oil has a relatively high proportion, 7–10%, of oxidation prone linolenic acid, which is an undesirable property for continuous service, such as in a restaurant. This kind of oil contains 1% of linolenic acid. There were three companies, Monsanto, DuPont/Bunge, and Asoyia who introduced low linolenic, (C18:3; cis-9, cis-12, cis-15 octadecatrienoic acid) Roundup Ready soybeans to the world in 2004. In the old days, hydrogenation was used to reduce the instauration in linolenic acid, but this produced the unnatural trans-fatty acid trans fat configuration, whereas in nature the configuration is in cis formatted. 1.4.3 Envirotemp FR3 fluid: This fluid is a Fire Resistant Natural Ester based dielectric coolant specifically formulated for use in distribution transformers [5]. It is unique environmental, fire safety, chemical, and electrical properties are advantageous. Envirotemp FR3 fluid is produced from edible seed oils and food grade performance enhancing additives. Hence, it does not contain any petroleum, halogens, silicones or any other hazardous material. It can be quickly and thoroughly biodegraded in both soil and aquatic environments. This fluid showed non-toxic characteristics in aquatic toxicity tests. Artificially, it is tinted green to reflect its favorable environmental profile. Also, Envirotemp FR3 unique characteristics are its high fire point of 360°C and flash point of 330°C. It has the highest ignition resistance of less-flammable fluids currently available. Being referred as a High Fire Point or “less-Flammable” fluid and listed as a Less-Flammable Dielectric liquid by Factory Mutual and Underwriters Laboratories made it suitable applications used in complying with the National Electric Code (NEC) and insurance requirements. 7 In addition, Envirotemp FR3 fluid is also compatible with standard transformer insulation materials, components and with liquid processing equipment and procedures. It has particular and most preferable thermal characteristics with a viscosity closer to conventional transformer oil, superior dielectric strength in new and continued service applications, and excellent chemical stability overtime. TABLE 1-1 Envirotemp FR 3 fluid Values, and specification limits for natural ester fluid and mineral oil Tested property ASTM Method Typical Envirotemp FR3 fluid New AS-Received Fluid Dielectric Breakdown(kV) 1 mm gap 2 mm gap Kinematic Viscosity (cst) 40°C 100°C Water Content (mg/kg) Dissipation Factor (%) 25°C 100°C Volume Resistivity (Ω-cm) D877 50-55 ASTM D6871 ≥ 30 D1816 28-33 60-70 ≥ 20 ≥ 35 ≥ 20 ≥ 35 32-33 7-8 ≤ 50 ≤ 15 ≤ 12.0 ≤ 3.0 20-30 ≤ 200 ≤ 35 0.02-0.06 1-3 ≤ 0.20 ≤ 4.0 ≤ 0.05 ≤ 0.30 - - Pour Point(°C) D97 Flash Point (°C) D92 -18 - -21 325-330 ≤ -10 ≥ 275 ≤ -40 ≥ 145 Fire Point (°C) D92 355-360 ≥ 300 - D445 D1533 D924 D1169 20-40 x 1012 ASTM D3487 ≥ 30 Envirotemp FR3 is the trademark of COOPER Power systems Since that it has excellent environmental, fire safety and capable characteristics, applications for Envirotemp FR3 fluid have been expanded into a variety of other equipments, including sectionalizing switches, transformer rectifiers, electromagnets, and voltage supply circuits for luminaries. Other potential applications under previous studies include voltage regulators, high voltage cables, and power substations. 8 TABLE 1-2 Typical initial Envirotemp FR3 fluid properties Electrical Property Value Test Method 56 kV@25°C (0.080 gap) 47 kV @25°C 33 cSt @ 40°C 8 cSt @ 100°C ASTM D1816 ASTM D877 Relative Permittivity [Dielectric Constant] 3.2@25°C ASTM D924 Moisture Content 20 mg/kg ASTM 1533B Dissipation Factor [Power Factor] 0.05%@25°C ASTM D924 Volume Resistivity 30 x 1012 Ω-cm @ 25°C ASTM D1169 Dielectric Strength Kinematic Viscosity Pour Point Flash Point (Open Cup) Fire Point ASTM D445 -21°C ASTM D97 330°C ASTM D92 360°C ASTM D92 Envirotemp FR3 is the trademark of COOPER Power systems 1.5 Purpose of the study 1.5.1 To study the electrical properties of vegetable oil and oil purification system 1.5.2 To study the design of vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor 1.5.3 To study the capacitor impregnation process and find the most suitable impregnating temperature for producing vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor 1.5.4 To determine characteristics of vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor 1.6 Scope of the study This research investigates the process of producing the polypropylene film capacitors impregnated with three types of vegetable oils. Sunflower oil, Soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid are taken into consideration. The process, prior to this research, contains the purification of Sunflower oil and Soybean oil to have 9 electrical properties with respect to the standard specifications of natural ester fluids; design and production of the polypropylene film capacitors impregnated at four different levels of temperature, determination of space factor effect, suitable impregnating temperature and capacitor characteristics. 1.7 Methods 1.7.1 Purify vegetable oil and determine typical values of electrical properties by standard test method 1.7.2 Design and produce capacitor elements according to manufacturing 1.7.3 Impregnate the elements of polypropylene film capacitors with Sunflower oil, Soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid at four different levels of temperatures 1.7.4 Capacitor test in accordance with IEC 60871-1 standard 1.7.5 Analyze results of the test by calculation and graphic plot 1.8 Tools 1.8.1 Small vegetable oil purification system 1.8.2 Sunflower oil, Soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 Fluid 1.8.3 Elements of impregnated polypropylene film capacitor 1.8.4 Model capacitors impregnated tank 1.8.5 Heating tank with temperature control 1.8.6 Boiler tank with temperature control and clear vacuum chamber 1.8.7 Two stage vacuum pump 1.8.8 High volt laboratory with AC and DC medium voltage testing. 1.8.9 Liquid insulation tester 1.8.10 Electric strength of insulating materials tester 1.8.11 Capacitance bridge meter 1.8.12 Capacitance and dissipation factor tester 1.9 Utilization of the study 1.9.1 The knowledge of vegetable oil purification system 1.9.2 The designing of the polypropylene film capacitor impregnated with vegetable food oil 10 1.9.3 The suitable impregnating temperature of sunflower oil, soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid for impregnated polypropylene film capacitors 1.9.4 The vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene capacitor characteristics. 1.10 The structure of thesis This research presents the study of a feasible occasion in the manufacturing of polypropylene film capacitors impregnated with three of vegetable oil types. Capacitor elements are designed and impregnated at four different levels of temperature, space factor, and capacitor characteristics. This paper contains five chapters. In the following chapters are: Chapter 2: Previous works on power capacitors, material properties in high voltage capacitors and flattened wound capacitors Chapter 3: Vegetable oil purifier, electrical property test, design and assembly of model capacitors, impregnating process and testing method Chapter 4: Measured results of capacitance, dissipation factor, withstand voltage and short circuit discharge test Chapter 5: Conclusion of the research and recommendation for further work CHAPTER 2 MATERIAL PROPERTY IN HIGH VOLTAGE CAPACITOR 2.1 Previous works on power capacitor This session focuses on support information from previous researches involved with oil impregnated polypropylene film power capacitors. The summary of related papers will be included in this chapter as well. One interesting literature focused on oil-impregnated film HV capacitors [6]. The purpose of this journal was to determine the breakdown behavior of Polypropylene film with/without rapeseed oil impregnation as function of temperature. The aging test was measured with their life-time acceleration under higher electric fields and temperatures compared with operating field and temperature. Polypropylene film was chosen as dielectric because of its superiority in dielectric strength and permittivity. Dehydrated rapeseed oil was used as an impregnant processed in closed glass containers within a circulation air oven. The breakdown strength of this experiment can be measured in accordance with DIN 0303 standard. The authors found that when the temperature was increased, the breakdown strength of dry and impregnated PP films was decreased accordingly. Beside, the impregnant, rapeseed oil, help enhanced the breakdown strength of the films by 25% or more. They also found that increasing oil impregnation temperature brought to the increase in breakdown strength. In addition, the impurity of the PP film itself from additives brought to the abrupt change of slope in breakdown strength. They concluded that additives in PP film can cause the unfavorable breakdown behavior at higher temperatures. This study recommended further researches that oil solubility should be high enough so that the impregnation is completely distributed throughout the polymer. Also, oil and PP film should be well and carefully chosen to provide no influence from any reactive group or additive to the experiment. The other interesting paper focused on the rapeseed oil derivative as a new capacitor impregnant [7]. This research was subjected to evaluate other types of fluids as a replacement of the well-known toxic and non-biodegradable agent, Poly 12 Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) which has been used for decades. Methyl ester from rapeseed oil (MRSO in short term) was chosen as an impregnant. The evaluation has been done in comparison to other commercial capacitor fluids (i.e. Midel, Baylectrol, and PCB). This MRSO was made by transesterificating process using excess methanol. Its flash point, pour point, and lower viscosity are imperative to capacitor applications. In addition, the dielectric constant of MRSO is at moderate level which is suitable to this application. With its low value of dissipation factor, the power loss in a capacitor can be optimized. In their empirical process, there were two coupling capacitors impregnated with MRSO fabricated in a close collaboration from the manufacturer. The investigation was all referred to IEC 358-1971 standard. It was resulted that the capacitance and voltage acquired was obtained well within specified limits. The discharge magnitudes showed no change during the last ten minutes of voltage application. In addition, the measurement of temperature coefficient ranged from -10 to 65 °C exhibited a very small value which were not significant nor exceed the manufacturer’s restriction. The investigation recommended further studies to pursue on the in-depth research of this MRSO impregnant, which was proved that it can be replaced to existing fluids. They concluded that MRSO’s electrical properties were mostly compatible with those commercial fluids used in capacitors. Pursuing previous investigation on MRSO [8], the same authors made a consequential study of this fluid impregnated in power capacitors. The reason was that during these two decades the demand of power generation has outgrown the supply and there was also a requirement in energy conservation by improving the system design. Due to the facts, Central Power Research Institute or CPRI (Bangalore) had developed 10 kVAR MRSO impregnated power capacitors which are already qualified as per IS2834-1986. Some had been installed in related industries and worked satisfactory. This paper aimed to study about the production and evaluation of MRSO impregnated power capacitors in pilot scale, which consisted of two experimental tests. The first test of this paper was done related to MRSO properties itself. They found that all of its properties were satisfied when compared to other fluids and can be used as an alternate impregnant in power capacitors. The second test was arranged 13 according to IS2834-1986 standard, to investigate two types of MRSO impregnated capacitors; the LT and HT power capacitor. For LT capacitor test, it showed that all figure was passed and qualified. The HT capacitor test result, however, was failed. Explanations were that its close proximity to the edge of aluminum foil electrode and the close proximity to an electrode or from the top metallic plate used for stacking might cause this failure. It was concluded that the review of design and manufacturing process for HT capacitors is required. Besides, the test of MRSO properties itself showed satisfactory result when compared to other existing fluids. In addition, it was encouraged to any future research to determine the opportunity of using rapeseed oil extracted agent in pilot scale, especially for the capacitor industry. Back in 1999, the application of polypropylene film with capacitors was determined [9]. This literature aimed to summarize research results of Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film (BOPP) and provide an experimental test in the application performance of this material. This paper stated that the performance in reserving energy of capacitors mainly depends on dielectric constant (ε) and the square of the electric withstanding capability (E2). There are several drawbacks caused by its physical properties which lead to the lower performance and the breakdown of capacitors. These disadvantageous attributes are voids and impurities. Because it is important for the capacitor design to increase the electric withstanding capability, those newer designs of BOPP filmed capacitors are required to be evaluated. Focusing on their experimental tests, the first investigation was on the capacity performance. There were two methods for this necessary evaluation; the electrode and element method. The first method was inexpensive and easy to carry out, while the second method was much more expensive and difficult in carrying out than the first one but intensively significant in its accuracy and certainty. With both methods applied, authors found that, in terms of breakdown and field intensity, some capacitors were qualified using the electrode method but proved tin pot under the test using the second method. The second investigation was to check out if capacitor’s surface condition itself could influence the impregnate performance and the capability of electric withstanding in BOPP film or not. The setup of this test was to impregnate three types of BOPP filmed capacitors; the non-roughened film, one side roughened 14 film and double sides roughened film, into an impregnant and measure their capacitance values in every hour. The figures showed that the double sides roughened filmed capacitor was best performed in impregnate performance, followed by the one side roughened filmed and non-roughened filmed one. The explanation was that the double sides roughened film help increased voids between the film and aluminum foil, which brought to an improvement of impregnate performance of the capacitor. With the electric withstanding capability comparison test of the one side and double sides roughened filmed capacitor, their average electric withstanding values (MV/μm) showed no significant difference. The next investigation was on the compatibility of BOPP film with impregnant. In this case, the authors used PXE and M/DBT as impregnants. It was found that swelled and resolved degree of BOPP film in M/DBT impregnated was smaller than in PXE due to the lower in molecule weight and viscosity. The final investigation was to optimize the combination usage of BOPP film with impregnants. For the test, 4 model capacitors was produced from BOPP film with the same physical attributes; the width of the film and aluminum foil, number of layers, impregnant applied, and the capacitance. Three constraints were taken into consideration; the relation between dielectric loss (tanδ) and capacitance, the relation between partial discharge and temperature, and the endurance of capacitors. From this experiment, it was found that tanδ values of all tested capacitors within all range of temperature were smaller than 5x10-4 and failed within the designed restriction. Additionally, the partial discharge performance of all capacitors was up to the demand within the temperature limitation. For the endurance investigation as per GB 1102489 Chinese National Standard, there was no breakdown in any model capacitor. It also showed that there was a small influence from the overload and over voltage to capacitors, but the purity effect brought the tanδ values down to about 50%. This paper concluded that no matter the capacitor was one side or two sides roughened, it took no effect to the performance. Besides, the element method was rather recommended than the electrode method due to its accuracy and certainty. For any further study, the authors’ guideline was to focus mainly on electric withstanding capability and the compatibility with impregnant of BOPP film because these were important indexes when considering about the development of power capacitors. 15 In 2006, there was a research on the loss tangent (tan δ) on cleaning effect for oil in oil impregnated all-film capacitors [10]. This value was said to be the life or aging acceleration factor in any oil-impregnated all-film shunt capacitor. To lengthen the life expectancy value of a shunt capacitor, this parameter should be considered when designing a new capacitor. The tanδ value of capacitor film and oil affects directly to the tanδ value of a capacitor, which means that the lower value in tanδ of the oil and film applied leads to the lower value in tanδ of a capacitor, also. The partial discharge process (PD) must be carried out in order to clean the oil impregnated in shunt capacitors so that their tanδ value were lower. In this paper, there was a particular design and production of model capacitors. Three model capacitors impregnated with oils of different tanδ were investigated. In each model capacitor, eight element capacitors were contained. Connected through one common terminal sharing, the average values of these element capacitors were measured. For this study, Polypropylene (PP) was used as the capacitor films and Phenyl Ethyl Phenyl Ethane (PEPE) was applied as the impregnant inside. The aging of capacitors were accelerated by placed them in an oven at the temperature of 75 °C for 500 hours. Finally, aged capacitors were taken out and the oil inside model capacitors but outside element capacitors was measured for tanδ values by the method of ChromatographyMass Spectrometry (GC-MS). Upon the test, result was that after applying specified voltage, measured tanδ value of first model capacitor was the same, while second capacitor and third capacitor was lower to nearly the same as the first unit though their calculated tanδ value should be at 10 and 20 times of its pre-measured value, respectively. The tanδ value of aged model capacitors showed that there was a small change in each capacitor when compared between the figures just before and after the process. Furthermore, the PD value of all capacitors was close to each other after aging process with a little higher amount than before the aging had been done. The PDIV measured values of model units also showed the similar pattern; rising at the beginning and falling at the end of this aging process. It was concluded that though elements capacitors inside the second and third capacitor, impregnated with inferior oil than the first one, were not deteriorated much and their qualities were in good shape as element capacitors inside the first model capacitor after the aging process. 16 This phenomenon was caused by the cleaning effect for oil during impregnation and the aging process. The reason was that most of impurities (larger than 1 μm) were mainly blocked by the elements. However, some small impurities could invade into these elements which brought to the effect mentioned. The oil inside the elements was then trapped and could not diffuse with the outside oil. This caused to the reduction of tanδ values in other model capacitors as well. There was an investigation of vegetable oil characteristics in HV AC capacitors in 1995 [11]. In this study, commercial-grade rapeseed oil and polypropylene film was chosen as the impregnant and the dielectric of the test. The fluid was purified and filtered, and impregnated into the film. The capacitor models were accelerately aged and measured for their electrical losses, average breakdown voltages, and discharge characteristics. Along with this setup, there was a parallel investigation of an existing impregnant such as benzyltoluence (BT) which was mainly composed of an ester of pentaerythritol (EPE) and the mixture between rapeseed oil and BT. Finally, figures of these two impregnants obtained from the measurements were compared and analyzed. In term of the absorption, tested rapeseed oils nearly proportioned to the concentration. In this case, there was no interaction between the oils and PP films. In the breakdown strength, PP films impregnated with rapeseed oil with 10% BT were at normal agreed range, with larger breakdown strength when films used were thinner. Their discharge characteristics of rapeseed oil impregnated films itself can be improved by addition of an aromatic liquid, which could be achieved and qualified near the characteristics of M/DBT. With additional concentration in BT of more than 25%, impregnated films made the metallization cracked by the swelling. Finally, the capacitor models were tested. The models, made of two rough PP films pressed, were placed with the temperature at 80ºC in Q2 atmosphere to accelerate the electrical degradation of PP films inside. From the measured figures, the breakdown voltage of rapeseed oil impregnated PP films was somewhat inferior when compared to those BT impregnated. Also, it was found that the breakdown voltage of PP films with rapeseed oil/BT mixture impregnated was about 10% larger than PP films with BT impregnated. The conclusion of this paper stated that although rapeseed oil impregnant’s electrical characteristics were less favorable than BT, these characteristics could be improved. 17 Some attributes of rapeseed oil fluid such as resistivity and the inception voltage of discharges could be treated to the optimization of usage by additional aromatic liquid. The most important attribute and was advantageous to rapeseed oil impregnant was that, there was no crack of the metallization when increasing its concentration or swelling. This study also recommended further research to investigate impregnated liquids other than this rapeseed oil, or the mixture between the rapeseed oil and other liquids, to study about the influence of various additives. Also in 1996, there was an investigation on increasing the breakdown, especially in DC voltage, in oil-impregnated filter capacitors [12]. The reason was that DC filter capacitors are widely used in electronic apparatus, which are subjected to hard service conditions with their capacitance of about 600 µF. In this paper, model units consisted of the PP film, the Kraft paper/PP mixed dielectric, and the M/DBT impregnant with additional cleaning to help increasing their electric stresses. The authors claimed that there were two advantages in using M/DBT as an impregnant. Firstly, its distribution is well uniformed for AC electric stress in the film and layer. Secondly, its electric loss is low. The model dielectric was made of a basic resin. The rough film was 7 to 7.8 μ in compromised thickness with controlled surface roughness to facilitate the completeness of its oil impregnation. For the measurement of dispersion in breakdown stress, it was found that values of DC breakdown stress were higher than AC ones. The more of DC voltage applied to DC filter capacitors, the higher to their failure rate. In the pollution effect investigation of DC dielectric strength, results were that the all-film unit with polluted liquid impregnated was increase in their dielectric strength when compared with a reference capacitor which had no impurity in its impregnant. Moreover, the DC dielectric stress was varied directly to the liquid resistivity at certain linear rate. When reducing its resistivity, it was also meant to an increase in the total dielectric breakdown of the capacitor, especially at the low temperature. It was also an important note that, when increasing the additive cleaning in their impregnants, model units tended to be decreased in the number of element failures because of an improvement in its dielectric stress property. Due to the satisfactory results of all investigation on power electronic capacitors obtained from this study, which was according to the IEC 1071-1 standard, the 18 authors concluded that the model capacitors were qualified and achieved in their successful records. 2.2 Dielectric materials A dielectric material is a substance that is inferior in electrical conduction, but efficiently support in electrostatic field property. An electrostatic field can help store energy if the flow of current between opposite electric charge poles is minimally kept while the electrostatic lines of flux are not impeded or interrupted. This property is useful in capacitor applications and the construction of radio-frequency transmission lines. Most of dielectric materials are actually in solid state. These materials include ceramic, mica, glass, plastics, and the oxides of various metals. Besides, some liquids and gases can serve as good dielectric materials. In practice, an excellent dielectric is dry air, and is used in variable capacitors and some types of transmission lines. Also, distilled water can be used as a fair dielectric. A vacuum is an exceptionally efficient dielectric. As mentioned, one of the most important properties in a dielectric is its ability to support an electrostatic field while dissipating minimal energy in the form of heat. The lower the dielectric loss (the proportion of energy lost as heat), the more effective is a dielectric material. Another important electrical property to be considered is the dielectric constant, the extent to which a substance concentrates the electrostatic lines of flux. Low dielectric constant materials include a perfect vacuum, dry air, and most pure, dry gases such as helium and nitrogen. Moderate dielectric constant materials include ceramics, distilled water, paper, mica, polyethylene, and glass. Among high dielectric constant materials, metal oxides can be included. Practically, there are three types of electrical properties for dielectric materials which should take into consideration; the dielectric constant (or relative permittivity), dissipation factor and dielectric strength. 2.2.1 Dielectric constant. This factor is the ratio of capacitance of a capacitor with test material as the dielectric to the capacitance of a capacitor with a vacuum as the dielectric. When determine the performance of a capacitor, its dielectric materials should have dielectric constant should be high so that the capacitor dimensions can be 19 minimized. This factor can be calculated using: εr = Cs/Cv where Cs is the capacitance with the specimen as the dielectric, and Cv is the capacitance with a vacuum as the dielectric. 2.2.2 Dissipation Factor. This value is the ratio of the power dissipated in the test material to the power applied, which is equal to the tangent of the loss angle, or the cotangent of the phase angle. The dissipation factor can be calculated using; DF = tan δ = cot θ = where δ = the loss angle, θ = Phase angle, f = Frequency, 1 (2 πfR pC p ) Eq.2-1 Rp = Equivalent parallel resistance, and Cp = Equivalent parallel capacitance. The determination of chosen dielectric materials for capacitors depends on the capacitance value, frequency of application, maximum tolerable loss, and maximum working voltage. The size and cost of required capacitors is also additional external constraints. In practice, selection criteria of high voltage power capacitors are distinctly different than those used in small integrated circuits. Large capacitance values can be acquired at low frequencies due to low-frequency polarization mechanisms such as interfacial and dipolar polarization. On the other hand, it becomes more difficult to achieve large capacitances at high frequencies, and at the same time maintain acceptable low dielectric loss, in as much as the dielectric loss per unit volume is εoεrωE2 tan δ. The principles of capacitor design can be determined from capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor as following, C= εoεr A d Eq.2-2 There are various applications for these dielectric loss capacitors, which can be also made of many different materials in many different styles. Basically, 20 capacitors can be classified into three types; AC capacitors, DC capacitors, and capacitors for pulse applications. AC capacitor is the most widely used because it can also work with DC and pulse applications. For AC capacitors, it is important to consider losses in their applications. Losses of a dielectric (except vacuum) can be divided into two types; conduction loss, and dielectric loss. A conduction loss represents the flow of actual charge through the dielectric. A dielectric loss is occurred due to movement or rotation of the atoms or molecules in an alternating electric field. It is the reason why food and drink gets hot in a microwave oven. One way of describing dielectric losses is to consider the permittivity as a complex number, defined as; ε = ε ′ − jε ′′ = ε e − jδ Eq.2-3 where ε′ = AC capacitivity ε″ = Dielectric loss factor δ = Dielectric loss angle Capacitance is a complex number C* in this definition, becoming the expected real number C as the losses approach zero. That is, it can be defined as; C * = C′ − jC′′ Eq.2-4 One reason for defining a complex capacitance is that we can use the complex value in any equation derived for a real capacitance in a sinusoidal application, and get the correct phase shifts and power losses by applying the usual rules of circuit theory. Equation 2-3 expresses the complex permittivity in two ways, as real and imaginary or as magnitude and phase. The magnitude and phase notation is rarely used. Instead, people usually express the complex permittivity by ε′ and tan δ, tan δ = ε ′′ ε′ Eq.2-5 21 Where tan δ is called either the loss tangent or the dissipation factor DF. The real part of the permittivity is defined as ε′ = εrεo where εr is the dielectric constant and εo is the permittivity of free space. They also need to have a lower dissipation factor than capacitors used as DC filter capacitors. The AC circuit term power factor PF may also be defined for AC capacitors. It is given by the expression PF = cos θ where θ is the angle between the current flowing through the capacitor and the voltage across it. cos θ = ε ′′ (ε′′) 2 + (ε ′) 2 Eq.2-6 For good dielectric, ε′ >> ε″ cos θ ≈ ε′′ = tan δ ε′ Eq.2-7 Therefore, the term power factor is often used interchangeably with the terms loss tangent or dissipation factor, even though they are only approximately equal to each other. We can define the apparent power flow into a parallel plate capacitor as S = VI = V2 = jV 2 ωC * − jXc S = jV 2 ωA (ε′ − jε′′) d S = jV 2 ωA (ε′ − jε′′) d Eq.2-8 By analogy, the apparent power flow into any arbitrary capacitor is S = P + jQ = V 2 ωC( j + DF) Eq.2-9 The power dissipated in the capacitor is P = V 2 ωC′′ = V 2 ωC(DF) Eq.2-10 22 Where εr infers εr′. Large capacitances can be achieved by using high εr dielectrics, thin dielectrics, and large areas. 2.2.3 Dielectric strength. This term can be defined as the maximum electric field strength of an insulating material that it can withstand intrinsically without breakdown, or without failure of its insulating properties. In a given configuration of dielectric material and electrodes, this factor can be assumed as the minimum electric field that produces breakdown. 2.3 Liquid dielectric 2.3.1 Liquid dielectric: In high voltage applications from molecular arrangement point of view, liquids can be described as ‘highly compressed gases’ in which the molecules are closely arranged. It is known as kinetic model of the liquid structure. For the movement of charged particles, however, their microscopic streams and interface conditioned with other materials cause a distortion in the otherwise undisturbed molecular structure of the liquids. The well known terminology describing the breakdown mechanisms in gaseous dielectrics, such as, impact ionization, mean free path, electron drift etc. is, therefore, also applicable for liquid dielectrics. Liquid dielectrics can be classified in between the two states of matter, which is a gaseous and solid insulating material. This intermediate position of liquid dielectrics also characterized by its wide range of application in power and instrument transformers, power cables, circuit breakers, power capacitors etc. They function as elements in parts of various systems as following: Insulation between the past carrying voltage and the grounded container, as in transformers. Impregnation of insulation provided in thin layers of paper or other materials, as in transformers, cables and capacitors, where oils or impregnating compounds are used. Cooling action by convection in transformers and oil filled cables though circulation. Filling up of the voids to form an electrically stronger integral past of composite dielectrics. 23 Arc extinction in oil circuit breakers. High capacitance provides by liquid dielectrics whit high permittivity to power capacitors. Many natural and synthetic fluids can be used as dielectrics. Physical and electrical attributes such as electric strength, viscosity and permittivity can be varied in the wide range. The appropriate application of a liquid dielectric in an apparatus is determined by its physical, chemical and electrical properties. In addition, applications also depend upon the requirements of the functions to be performed. Apart from mineral oils, there are some vegetable oils found to be fitted their applications in electrical equipments. These available oils are castor, linseed, rapeseed, soya, groundnut, corn, olive, sunflower, mustard, clove, almond, mangoseed, cottonseed oils, etc. Basically, there are fatty acids accumulated in vegetable seeds. Chemically, these are ester compounds produced form sebacic acids and glycerine. Some volatile vegetable oils, however, have a strong odor and are extracted from leaves, wood and roots of special plants. Higher the molecular weight of these oils, more is the specific resistance and lower is the loss tangent (tan δ ). Most of an important component for the production of ‘oil modified alkaline resins’ is made from rapeseed, soybean and castor oils. Such resins incorporate the advantages of oils to improve their elasticity as against the hard dried resins. Soybean oil whit epoxy resin is known as ‘softener’ for some synthetic materials. Castor oil, which has hydroxide content of about 5%, is an important polyisocyanide reagent. The chemical composition of this unsaturated oil which has a high relative permittivity between 4.2 and 4.5. Castor oil has therefore found wide application as impregnating agent in power capacitors. 2.3.2 Breakdown in liquids: Liquids are used in high voltage equipment to serve the dual purpose of insulation and heat conduction. They have the advantage that a puncture path is self-healing. Temporary failures due to over voltages are reinsulated quickly by liquid flow to the attacked area. However, the products of the discharges may deposit on solid insulation supports and may lead to surface breakdown over these solid supports. The causes of breakdown voltage in liquids are classified into three types; electronic breakdown, cavitation breakdown and suspended particle mechanism [13] 24 Highly purified liquids have dielectric strengths as high as 1 MV/cm. Under actual service conditions, the breakdown strength reduces considerably due to the presence of impurities. The breakdown mechanism in the case of very pure liquids is the same as the gas breakdown, but in commercial liquids, the breakdown mechanisms are significantly altered by the presence of the solid impurities and dissolved gases. The most common insulating liquids are made from petroleum refinery oils. Askarels, fluorocarbons, silicones, and organic esters including castor oil, however, are used in significant quantities. The selection of dielectric liquid in any application can be considered by its inherit properties. The important electrical properties of the liquid include the dielectric strength, conductivity, flash point, gas content, viscosity, dielectric constant, dissipation factor, stability, etc. Polybutanes are widely used in the electrical industry Because of their low dissipation factor and other excellent characteristics. Askarels and silicones are particularly useful in transformers and capacitors and can be used at temperatures of 200 °C and higher. The suitable application for castor oil is high voltage energy storage capacitors because of its high corona resistance, high dielectric constant, non-toxicity, and high flash point. In practical, most of these liquids are used at voltage stresses of about 50-60 kV/cm when the equipment is continuously operated. On the other hand, in applications like high voltage bushings, where the liquid only fills up the voids in the solid dielectric, it can be used at stresses as high as 100-200 kV/cm. [14] 2.3.3 Standard test method of insulating liquid There are three electrical properties of liquid taken into consideration; dielectric constant, dissipation factor and dielectric breakdown. These properties are scoped within the two standards shown below; Standard testing methods of insulating liquids for relative permittivity, dielectric dissipation factor (tan δ) and DC resistivity (IEC 60247): This International standard describes methods for the determination of the dielectric dissipation factor (tan δ), relative permittivity and DC resistivity of any insulating liquid material at the test temperature. It is primarily intended for making reference tests on unused liquids, which can also be applied to liquids in service in transformers cables and other electrical apparatus. The standard, however, is applicable to a single 25 phase liquid only. With insulating liquids other than hydrocarbons, alternative cleaning procedures may be required. Standard test method for dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids (ASTM D877-02, 2007): The dielectric breakdown voltage is a measurement in the ability of an insulating liquid to withstand electrical stress. This factor can be reduced by contaminants such as water, conducting particles, and dirt. Lower value of this factor in this test method indicates significant concentrations of contaminants in the liquid investigated. 2.3.4 Electrical property of liquid dielectric: Core electrical properties of the liquid considered in this paper, when used as a dielectric, are withstand breakdown capability under electrical stress, electrical capacitance per unit volume determined by its relative permittivity, power factor or loss tangent which is an indication of the energy loss under AC conditions, and its resistivity. Some electrical properties of sampled liquids as a dielectric are shown in Table 2-1[15]. TABLE 2-1 Dielectric properties of some liquid dielectrics Transformer oil Cable oil Capacitor oil PETEP oil Silicone oil 15 kV/mm 30 kV/mm 20 kV/mm >15 kV/mm 30-40 kV/mm Relative permittivity (50Hz) 2.2-2.3 2.3-2.6 2.1 2.7 2-73 Tan δ (50Hz) (1kHz) 0.001 0.0005 0.002 0.0001 0.25×10-3 0.10×10-3 0.1×10-3 0.5×10-3 10-3 10-3 1012-1013 1012-1013 1013-1014 >1014 3×1014 Specific gravity at 20ºC 0.89 0.93 0.88-0.89 0.960.97 1.0-1.1 Viscosity at 20ºC (cst) 30 30 30 80 10-1000 Property Breakdown strength at 20ºC on 2.5 mm standard sphere gap Resistivity (ohm-cm) 26 2.4 Insulating oil purification system Impurities in liquid dielectrics mostly mean dust, moisture, dissolved gases and ionic impurities. Purification and filtration process such as centrifuging, degassing and distillation, and chemical treatment are required to provide uniformity and purity of these liquids. Dust particles, which reduce the breakdown strength of the liquid dielectrics, can be removed by careful filtration. In normal condition, liquids contain a small amount of moisture and dissolve gases, which can significantly affect the breakdown strength of the liquids, also. This impurity can be treated by distillation and degassing. Water vapour, an ionic impurity in liquid, which leads to high conductivity and heating of the can be removed using drying agents or vacuum drying. A commonly used closed-cycle liquid purification system to prepare liquids as per the above requirements is shown in Figure 2-1. VACUUM BREAK SOLENOID VALVE VACUUM CHAMBER TRAP PRESSURE VACUUM GAUGE PRE FILTER OFFTION ( 5 MICRON ) TEMP GAUGE TEMPERATURE GAUGE HEATER OUT LET SAMPULING VALVE LEVEL CONTRON VALVE PUMPRELIEF VALVE INLET BOOSTER PUMP VACUUM PUMP CHAMBER BY-PASS INLET PUMP TEMP GAUGE PRESSURE VACUUM GAUGE AFTER FILTER OFFTION ( 0.5 MICRON ) CHECK VALVE DISCHARGE PUMP FIGURE 2-1 Insulating oil purification system This system can provide purification process of liquid in cycling loops. From the reservoir, the liquid flows though the distillation column to remove ionic 27 impurities. Getting rid of water, applied drying agents or frozen out in the low temperature bath can be employed. To remove dissolve gases, the liquid is passed through the cooling tower and/or pumped out by the vacuum pumps. There are two system filters; pre-filter and after filter, which are taken care of particles screening of 5 and 0.5 micron, accordingly. In this stage, the liquid is purified ready to be used in the test cell. The liquid used then flows back into the reservoir. The system will begin purification process again and so on. Description of process in brief; oil, at ambient or elevated temperature, is introduced into the vacuum chamber, where by vacuum distillation, water, dissolved air and gases, and other low-boiling-range volatile contaminants are removed. There are four functions for chemically-inert accelerator cartridges inside the vacuum chamber; coalescence filtration before the evaporation stage, expand liquid’s surface area using glass fibers, releasing gases and vapors from the liquid quickly by sharp points of the glass fibers, and fine filtration removing solid contaminants. This method is more efficient than previously used spray nozzles and baffles. 2.5 Polypropylene dielectric For the experiment, we applied with bi-axially oriented polypropylene film, two-side rough designed for impregnated film-foil capacitors. 2.5.1 Physical, chemical and thermal properties of polypropylene film: Some other distinct characteristics of PP film present a crucial influence to test result, too. There are five characteristics in our determination; specific gravity, water absorption, maximum continuous working temperature, maximum peak working temperature, and melting point. Table 2-2 shows these characteristics in details. 2.5.2 Electrical properties of polypropylene film: Five electrical characteristics are taken into consideration; permittivity, loss factor, volume resistivity, dielectric strength, and electrical defects. The values of each characteristic of PP film are shown in Table 2-3. 2.5.3 Dimension properties and space factor of polypropylene film: The dimension of PP film, especially its thickness, can affect test result during impregnation process. The impact of different space factor (≥5μm) can also influence our investigation. These two characteristics; are shown in Table 2-4 and Table 2-5. 28 TABLE 2-2 Physical, chemical and thermal properties of polypropylene film Measurement method or reference norm Characteristics Value Tolerance/ Typical value Specific gravity 0.905 Typical value ASTM D 92 Water absorption (%) 0.005 Typical value ASTM D570 100 Typical value 120 Typical value 167 to 169 Typical value Max. working temperature (continuous) (°C) Max. working temperature (peak, °C) Melting point (°C) DSC Source: Bollore′ Inc. TABLE 2-3 Electrical properties of polypropylene film Characteristics 50Hz 20°C 100°C 2.20 2.15 Permittivity Loss factor tg δ (10-4) Tolerance/ Typical value Typical value 1MHz 2.20 2.15 50Hz 1.5 1.6 Typical value 1MHz Volume resistivity (Ω-cm) 1.6 2.5 1018 1017 Typical value Dielectric strength (Vdc / μm) 560 Typical value Electrical defects at 300Vdc /μm 1.3 Number at 6 μm 1 Number at 8 μm 0.6 Number at 1.2 μm 0.5 Number at 15-18 μm Maximum value Source: Bollore′ Inc. 29 TABLE 2-4 Dimension properties of polypropylene film Tolerance / Typical value +/- 6% on 1m2 of film on roll weight Characteristics Value Thickness by weight (μm) 5 go 17.8 Thickness variation in % of nominal thickness GR 0 GR + GR - +2 to -2 % on roll weight +2 to +6% on roll weight -2 to -6% on roll weight Film width (mm) 8 to 239.5 240 to 398 ≥ 400 +/- 0.5 +/- 0.7 +/- 1 Source: Bollore′ Inc. TABLE 2-5 Space factor of polypropylene film Characteristics Value Tolerance / Typical value Space factor for thickness 5μm (%) 7.5 +/- -2.5 Space factor for thickness >5μm (%) 10 Measurement method or reference norm Space factor Measurement +/-3 Source: Bollore′ Inc. The value of space factor can be calculated from Eq.2-3 as following; SF = Tpm − Tpg Tpg × 100 % Eq.2-11 Tpm = Micrometer thickness at pressure = 1 Bar (µm) Tpg = Thickness by weight, by weighing 1 m2 of film, for density = 0.905 (µm) For Example; two-side roughened polypropylene film is SF = 10 % ,thickness by weight Tpg = 17.8 µm for density = 0.905 therefore Tpm = 19.58 µm. 2.5.4 Standard test method of solid insulating material Electrical strength of insulating materials - Test methods - part 1 (IEC 60243-1): Tests at power frequencies: It is set to determine the short-time electric strength of solid insulating materials at power frequencies between 48 Hz and 30 62 Hz. There is no consideration of liquids and gases testing methods, although these are specified and used as impregnants or surrounding media for the solid insulating materials. This standard includes methods for the determination of breakdown voltages along with the surfaces of solid insulating materials. IEC 60243-2: electric strength of insulating materials - testing methods - part 2: Additional requirements for tests using direct voltage: This standard gives methods of test for the determination of the short-time electric strength of solid insulating materials at direct current voltage. There is no consideration of liquids and gases testing methods, although these are specified and used as impregnants or surrounding media for the solid insulating materials. 2.6 Composite dielectric 2.6.1 What is composite dielectric In general, insulation system can not achieve its task perfectly without composing of more than two insulating materials. These different materials can be in parallel with each other, such as air or insulating oil in parallel with solid insulation or in series with one another. These insulation structures are called composite dielectrics. Being a part of mechanical requirements, the composite pattern of an insulation system concerned with separating electrical conductors at different potentials. In actual, single materials will commonly have at least small volumes of another elemental material such as gas or voids in a solid. Meanwhile, there may be dust particles or gas bubbles in a liquid or gas. One common composite dielectric is the solid/liquid combination or liquid impregnated flexible solid like thin sheets of paper or plastic. It is widely used in low and high voltage equipments such as cables, capacitors, transformers, oil-filled switchgear, bushings etc. 2.6.2 Properties of composite dielectric General speaking, a common composite dielectric can comprise plenty of layers superimposed one over the other. It is called “layered construction” which can be found in many applications such as cables, capacitors and transformers. There are three important properties of composite dielectrics which affect the performance as following; 31 Effect of multiple layers: This is advantageous property of composite dielectric based on the fact that two thin sheets have a higher dielectric strength than a single sheet of the same total thickness. The advantage is significant particularly when materials have a wide variation in dielectric strength values measured at different points on its surface. Effect of layer thickness: For this property, a composite dielectric’s breakdown voltage will be increased if there is an increase of its layer thickness. This is because in this layered construction a breakdown can be occurred at the interfaces only, not directly through another layer. In addition, a discharge penetrated through one layer can never enter the next one until the interface also reaches the discharge channel. This is certainly important to the insulating paper since its thickness can be varied and consequently the dielectric strength across its surface to the paper which can produce an electric field stress comparable to that of the discharge channel. Furthermore, impregnation process can be enhanced by the rough surface of the paper when tightly wound. Whereas the lower thickness areas within the paper can also cause breakdown even at considerably lower voltages. Previous studies on composite dielectrics indicated that the discharge inception voltage depends on the thickness of the solid dielectric, together with the dielectric constant of both the liquid and solid dielectric. The difference between the liquid and solid dielectrics in the dielectric constants does not significantly affect the change of electric field at the electrode edge with the change in the dielectric thickness. Effect of interfaces: Determining pre-breakdown and breakdown strengths of dielectrics, the interface between two dielectric surfaces in a composite dielectric system is one of the key factors. Discharges usually occur at the interfaces and the magnitude of the discharge depends on the associated surface resistance and capacitance. When the surface conductivity increases, the discharge magnitude also increases, resulting in damage to the dielectric. 2.6.3 Permittivity of composite dielectric As the result of reducing electrical breakdown at the interface of two different insulation materials[18], the interfaces in highly stressed field regions should be normal to the field lines. The ‘parallel-plate capacitor’ which contains two layers of 32 different materials represented by the permittivity ε1 and ε 2 is therefore typical for many applications. Figure 2-2 (a) shows the arrangement and dimensions assume. For usual dielectric materials with power frequency AC voltage application, the conductivity of the materials can be ignored and hence no free change is built up at the interface between the two layers. The displacement vectors D1 and D2 are then equal, starting from and ending ay the equal free changes on the plate only. As D = εE, which is the same in both materials, the ratio of the field strength becomes; E1 ε 2 = E 2 ε1 (a) Eq.2-12 (b) FIGURE 2-2 Capacitor comprising two layers of different dielectric materials: (a) Smooth parallel plates (b) Parallel plates with oil filled As the field remains uniform in each layer, the voltage V or potential difference between the two plates is V = E 1d 1 + E 2 d 2 Eq.2-13 where d1, d2 are the individual values of the thickness of the two dielectrics. Introducing Eq. 2-12 into Eq. 2-13, we obtain the following absolute values of E1 and E2 with reference to the voltage applied: 33 E1 = E2 = V ⎛d d ⎞ ε1 ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎝ ε1 ε 2 ⎠ V ⎛d d ⎞ ε1 ⎜⎜ 1 + 2 ⎟⎟ ⎝ ε1 ε 2 ⎠ = = V 1 V = d d1 ⎛ ε 2 ⎞ ⎛ε ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ + 1 d 1 + d 2 ⎜⎜ 1 d ⎝ ε1 ⎠ ⎝ ε2 ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ V 1 d d1 ⎛ ε 2 ⎞ ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ + 1 d ⎝ ε1 ⎠ Eq.2-14 Eq.2-15 In theoretical approach, either Eq.2-14 or Eq.2-15 shown above may be applied in our calculation for the mean value of dielectric materials’ permittivity in homogeneous mixture such as resin- or oil-impregnated Kraft papers shown in Figure 2-2 (b). These layers mentioned are usually oriented in parallel to the electrodes, any multiple-dielectric system can be separated into an infinite number of layers with materials designated by their intrinsic properties ε1 and ε2 and the resultant permittivity (εres) of composite dielectric can be defined as; D = ε res E Eq.2-16 where D and E are macroscopic mean values. As the microscopic values E1 or E2 will remain unchanged by multiple layers, we can write D = ε res E = ε1 E 1 = ε 2 E 2 Eq.2-17 or after replacement of E1 or E2 in Eq.2-14 or Eq.2-15 and rearranging the numbers 1 ⎛V⎞ ε res E = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d ⎠ (d 1 / d ) + (d 2 / d ) ε1 ε2 Eq.2-18 As before, V/d represents the mean value of the field strength within the mixture, and the distances can be replaced by relative volumes v1 and v2 as the relationships d1/d and d2/d represent also the volumes of the two materials. Therefore; 34 ε res = 1 (v 1 / ε 1 ) + (v 2 / ε 2 ) Eq.2-19 for a mixture of n materials ε res = n ∑v with i =1 i =1 1 (v1 / ε1 ) + (v 2 / ε 2 ) + ... + (v n / ε n ) Eq.2-20 or 100 percent. Example: An oil impregnated capacitor using a dielectric made from two rough side polypropylene film that space factor (SF) = 10 % , Tpg = 17.8 µm and Tpm = 19.58 µm. We can calculate the volume of polypropylene film by v1 = 17.8WL , and space for oil impregnation v2 = (19.58-17.8) WL . The percent volume of each value is, v1 = (17.8WL)/(19.58 WL) × 100 = 90.91 % or 0.9091 p.u. and v2 = (19.58-17.8)WL/(19.58 WL)×100 = 9.09 % or 0.0909 p.u. , where relative permittivity of polypropylene εr1 = 2.2 and Vegetable oil εr1 = 3.1. The resulted permittivity εres can be defined according to Eq.2-19 ; εres = 2.26. 2.7 Wound capacitor flat winding 2.7.1 Basic construction of impregnated polypropylene capacitor Extended part of foil Aluminum Foil Folded part of foil Folded part of foil Extended part of foil Polypropylene Films Aluminum Foil FIGURE 2-3 Capacitor Element of flattened wound capacitor 35 The element has been pressed flat in the height direction and is called flattened pressed element. Element or (active) foil length is obtained on unwinding the element in the length direction. Height is always determined from the side on which the bushings are fitted, to the opposite side. The process is shown in Figure 2-3. Normally, the length direction of the flattened element corresponds to the depth direction of a container. Depending on the design, the element width direction may correspond either to container height direction or to container width direction. After being processed, the dielectric and electrodes are ready in thin foil form, then they can be wound to achieve a technically suitable shape. The principle of a wound capacitor is shown in Figure 2-3. Generally, the capacitor mentioned will consist of electrodes made of about 6 μm thick aluminum foil. Sometimes dielectrics can be made from impregnated paper or plastic films with several layers. The effective area of an individual winding will become smaller caused by the winding with each electrode used on both sides. With projected electrodes or so called extended foils, external connections can be achieved as shown in the figure. 2.7.2 Design of wound capacitors Rated voltage of capacitor Rated voltage can be defined as the operating field strengths of AC and DC voltage capacitors. For high-voltage capacitors, the most important dimensional factor is the operating field strength E as it is applied frequently in the calculations for power and energy density. Relating to polypropylene film properties, in 1992 the research made by Lu Youmeng and Li Zhaolin had studied about testing methods of plastic films for electrical applications [19]. The result of this research is shown in Table 2-6. It is mentioned that when compared between two testing methods of electric withstanding capability of BOPP film (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene film), the electrode and the element method, it was found that the maximum breakdown voltage of the model capacitor when using the electrode method was less than a half value resulted in the element method. They also found that the breakdown voltage from the element method was less than a half value of the unit done by the electrode method. It means that the maximum voltage from their voltage test between terminals of a capacitor 36 without safety factor was not more than a half of calculated maximum breakdown voltage for the dielectric strength of a film. TABLE 2-6 Electric withstanding capability of BOPP film 19.5μm Sample Breakdown voltage (kv) Field intensity (MV/m) 18.0μm 15.0μm 12.0μm 10.0μm 9.0μm 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# 1# 2# average 12.8 7.8 11.8 7.2 9.2 6.2 7.2 4.6 5.4 3.8 5.2 3.3 min 11.8 5.0 11.0 5.0 8.2 4.1 6.9 3.2 4.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 average 666 - 657 - 618 - 610 - 592 - 569 - medium - 400 - 400 - 413 - 383 - 380 - 367 min 606 256 614 278 537 273 585 267 534 280 530 233 Note: 1# electrode method; 2# element method Referred to the research of testing methods of plastic film for electric usage in 1992 The rated voltage of capacitor (UN) is the R.M.S. value of the alternating voltage which is very important for a capacitor design. It is a half value of maximum voltage in an AC voltage test between terminals (as refer to IEC 60871-1, voltage test between terminals = 2UN for AC test and = 4UN for DC test). Ubmin = k×2UN at k is the safety factor used in a capacitor design. According to IEC 60243-1 and IEC 60243-1 testing method, the reported value of dielectric strength in insulating materials is the median of the dielectric strength (Eb) in kV/mm. Sometimes Eb value of a dielectric material may be less than 15 % of reported value or electrical property data of materials. In that case, Eb value for a capacitor design becomes less than 15 % of Eb value on electrical property data of material. Example: In a case of polypropylene film with thickness by weight (Tpg) = 17.8 µm and Dielectric strength (Eb) = 560 Vdc/ µm (IEC 60243-2), then the designed E = 0.85Eb = 0.85×560 = 476 Vdc/µm. From our research, Eb of the chosen element = 0.5 Eb of PP film = 238 Vdc /µm. According to IEC 60871-1; dielectric strength at UN ;E = 238/4 Vdc/µm = 59.5 V/µm. The safety factor applied in the study is between 130 %, with E = 45.77 37 kV/ µm to the safety factor = 150 % , with E = 39.67 kV/ µm. Therefore, the dielectric strength of our designed capacitor can be defined as; Eb = 40 - 45 Vrms/µm for UN and, Eb = 80 - 90 Vrms/µm for UNdc . For AC voltage application, the following effective field strengths are chosen; power capacitors: Eb = 15-20V/μm for Askarel-impregnated paper and Eb = 35-40 V/μm for Askarel-impregnated paper/foils, and measuring and coupling capacitors:Eb = 10-15V/μm for Mineral oil impregnated paper. For DC voltage application, the instance of usual operating field strength is; smoothing capacitors: Eb = 80…100V/μm for Mineral oil impregnated paper Example: The vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor designed to use two-side rough PP film with thickness by weigh (Tpg) = 17.8 µm and dielectric strength ( Eb ) = 560 Vdc/µm (IEC 60243-2). When applied with Eb = 42 V/µm, then UN = 747.6 V for the dielectric of a single layer PP film and UN = 1495.2 V for the dielectric double layer PP film. Capacitance of a winding: The winding process, in manufacturing basis of a wound capacitor, is show in Figure 2-3 with a cross section in Figure 2-4. In this case, a four-layer film (two-layer PP film between aluminum foil; Sp = 2) are wound one above the other on the mandrel. Assuming the dielectric has total thickness of d and the overlapping width of both the metal foils is W. For the capacitance of the winding besides d and εr, it is only the value of W as well as the length of the upper metal foil L (the measuring foil) that are certainly significant. Doubling the effective capacitance can be achieved by the winding process. From the winding capacitance we have; C = 2ε o ε r W×L d Eq.2-21 The edge spacing We is put to prevent an external flashover and is usually chosen to be about 5 to10 mm. From the designed flattened type element wound capacitor shown in Figure 2-5, all dimension is taken into consideration for its capacitance (C) in μF as following; 38 PP Film Al. Foil PP Film W Tpm Tpg PP Foil V1 d Tpm Tpg PP Foil L (a) V1 V2 Al. Foil (b) FIGURE 2-4 Two-layer PP film wound capacitor; (a) Cross section of two-side roughened PP film between Al plates; (b) Cross section of four-layer PP film with two folded Al. foils FIGURE 2-5 PP film and Al. foil of element capacitor wound type 39 C = 2 × 8.854 × 10−6 ε res × L × W Sp × Tpm μF Eq.2-22 L = C × Sp × Tpm 2 × 8.854 × 10-12 × ε res × W m Eq.2-23 m Eq.2-24 LT = L + πD1 2 L Average length of aluminum foil used in capacitor (m) LT Total length of aluminum foil Tpg Thickness by weight of polypropylene film (m) Tpm Micrometer thickness of polypropylene film (m) Ta Thickness of aluminum foil (m) Wp Width of polypropylene film (m) Wa Width of aluminum foil (m) Wpe Width of polypropylene film edge between aluminum foil (m) W Width of capacitor plate (m) We Width of folded edge foil (m) Wct Width of capacitor terminal (m) LT Length of aluminum foil (m) L T = nπ[Do + (n - 1)T ] m Eq.2-25 A = LW Area of capacitor plate (m2) DR Roller diameter (m) Do Roller diameter with start only polypropylene film (m) D1 Average diameter of first aluminum winding (m) Nps Number of turns in first winding of polypropylene film (4) Npe Number of turns in last winding of polypropylene film (4) Sp Number of layers of polypropylene film placed between foil n Number of turns wound in aluminum foil D 0 = D R + 4 N ps S p Tpm m Eq.2-26 40 T = 2S p Tpm + 3Ta m T Total thickness of PP film and aluminum foil before winding 2T Increase in diameter per turn ln Length of ‘n’ turns of aluminum Foil D1 = D 0 + 2Sp Tpm + 3Ta Eq.2-27 m Eq.2-28 (3Ta for Folded foil and 2Ta for non Folded foil) l n = π[D1 + (n − 1)2T ] m Eq.2-29 L = nπ[D1 + (n − 1)T ] m Eq.2-30 Furthermore, number of turns wound in aluminum foil can be defined as; 1 2 ⎡⎧ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎫ L⎤ ⎛D ⎞ n = ⎢⎨0.5⎜ 1 ⎟ − 1⎬ + ⎥ − 0.5⎜ 1 ⎟ − 1 ⎝ T ⎠ ⎢⎣⎩ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎭ πT ⎥⎦ 2 Eq.2-31 2.7.5 Calculation of element thickness and width TE T CE WE FIGURE 2-6 Dimension of flattened type element wound capacitor TE = total PP thickness + total aluminum foil thickness + total kraft paper thickness then, TE = ∑Tpms+ ∑Tpmd +∑Tpme+∑Ta + ∑Tkp TE = Element thickness Eq. 2-32 41 ∑Tpms = Total start PP insulation thickness While ∑Tpms = 2Sp× 2Nsp×Tpm Eq. 2-33 ∑Tpme = Total end PP insulation thickness And ∑Tpme = 2Sp× 2Nep×Tpm Eq. 2-34 in most case, Nsp = Nep therefore ∑Tpme = ∑Tpms ∑Tpmd = Total polypropylene film dielectric thickness ∑Tpmd = 2Sp× 2n×Tpm ∑Ta = Total aluminum foil thickness with folded edge ∑Ta = 2n×3Ta ∑Tkp = total kraft paper thickness ∑Tkp = 2Nkp×Skp×Tkp Tkp = Kraft paper thickness Nkp = Number of turns wound in insulating kraft paper Skp = Number of layers in insulating kraft paper Eq. 2-35 Eq. 2-36 Eq. 2-37 If Nsp = Nep = 4 and Sp = 2 (For double layer of PP film) TE = 32Tpm+ 2n(4Tpm+3TA) + 2 Nkp ×Skp×Tkp then, Eq. 2-38 Complete capacitor element thickness (TCE) can be determined as; TCE = TE + ∑Tpb ∑Tkp = Total insulating Kraft paper thickness Tpb = Pressed board thickness Eq. 2-39 Complete capacitor element width (WE) WE = πD R + TE 2 Eq. 2-40 42 Example: where PP Film and Al. Foil; Tpm=19.58 µm, TA = 6 and n = 35 turns, and Tkp = 50 µm, Skp = 3 , and Nkp = 6; so capacitor element thickness (TE) = 9.168 mm and two pressboards with Tpb = 5.0 mm are used; then the value of complete capacitor element thickness (TCE) = 19.168 mm. and capacitor element width (WE) = 103.41 mm 2.8 Capacitor impregnation process An impregnated electrical capacitor is a capacitor having a dielectric at least partly consists of polypropylene film and aluminum foil, which is expanded by an impregnation filled with liquid dielectric. To produce such capacitor, the temperature during and after impregnation and the degree of winding compression or tightness may be varied to provide desired control of the expansion and assure complete impregnation and control of the final volume comparable with the original capacitor structure. In addition, it comprises at least a pair of electrodes. Moreover, at least one thin insulator sheet should solely consists of a polypropylene plastic film wound between electrodes mentioned and is impregnated with an insulating oil. The insulating oil features an oil having physical properties which allow the impregnated film to expand at 80° C by an amount no greater than 0.5% over the non-impregnated film at room temperature, and physical properties which allow insulating oil to be presented in the film at 80° C in an amount no greater than 10% by weight of the film. There are developments in which to enhance and optimize the drying time of the capacitor stack after it has been placed inside the insulator housing without influencing the dryness of the active part before impregnation. In the past, capacitors were dried together in a large drying chamber. Presently, there is an adjustment to this process so that fewer capacitors are dried in smaller drying chambers, while the number of chambers has been increased to maintain the same overall capacity. This results to shorter drying and impregnation cycle which might take only a couple of days instead of 2 to 3 weeks as it was made before. Furthermore, using independent modular units enhances different technologies in impregnation process at the same time. This allows optimal fabrication lots and number of fabrication units to be defined. Therefore, cycles of drying and impregnating capacitors can be maximized which also leads to superior flexibility. The assembly of the complete capacitors can 43 be done with “dry” parts. And full drying and impregnation can be performed on the assembled unit. [16] During impregnation process, a liquid dielectric capacitor impregnant; including the halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon, castor oil, and mineral oil is filled into polypropylene resin and diffuse throughout the film. After a capacitor has been made with the pre-incorporated impregnant, it is impregnated to increase the amount of liquid dielectric therein.[17] 2.9 Standard test method of capacitor (IEC 60871-1) The international standard, IEC 60871-1: Shunt capacitor for AC power systems, is applied to an investigation at a rated voltage above voltage 1000 V part 1. The scope of this standard in details is shown below; 2.9.1 Test conditions: Unless otherwise specified for a particular test or measurement, the temperature of the capacitor dielectric shall be in the range + 5°C to +35 °C. 2.9.2 Capacitance measurement: The capacitance shall be measured at 0.9 to 1.1 times the rated voltage, using a method that excludes errors due to harmonics. The final capacitance measurement shall be carried out after the voltage test. For capacitance tolerances, The capacitance shall not differ from the rated capacitance by more than -5 % to +10 % for capacitor units. 2.9.3 Measurement of the tangent of the loss angle ( tan δ ) of the capacitor: The capacitor losses ( tan δ ) shall be measured at 0,9 to 1,1 times rated voltage, using a method that excludes errors due to harmonics. The accuracy of the measuring method and the correlation with the values measured at rated and frequency shall be given. 2.9.4 Voltage test between terminals: The AC test shall be carried out with a substantially sinusoidal: Utac = 2 UN ;and the DC test voltage shall be as follows: Utdc = 4 UN 2.9.5 Short- circuit discharge test: The unit shall be charged by means of DC and then discharged through a gap situated as close as possible to the capacitor. It shall be subjected to five such discharges within 10 min. The test voltage shall be 2.5 UN, and to find differences of capacitance within 5 minutes after this test. CHAPTER 3 DESIGN AND TEST OF IMPREGNATED CAPACITOR The discussion in this chapter includes design and test of vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitors. There are three type of vegetable oils in our study; sunflower oil, soybean oil, and Envirotemp FR3 fluid. For the two commercial oils, sunflower oil and soybean oil, purification process is required to provide appropriate electrical properties according to specifications of natural ester fluids. During the test, model capacitors were impregnated with mentioned fluids at four impregnating temperatures, and then test results, their electrical properties, were measured. 3.1 Vegetable oil purification system 3.1.1 Function of insulating oil purification system In this research, insulating oil purification system can be defined as the system in which to filter and purify selected vegetable oils impregnated with model capacitors for their better liquid dielectric characteristics. It was designed with similar to principles of liquid insulating purification system utilized in dielectric manufacturing industry for a commercial purpose. Elements and procedures of this system are shown previously in chapter 2. It was designed to be a small-scale system with clarified view for an observation to reduce expensive automatically-controlled mechanisms. Also, it is made particularly for an impregnant preparation of this study. This system performs a purifying treatment to remove impurities contained in vegetable oils, which help them in improving the insulating property. In addition, it can also help remove water content, bubble gases or moisture in these fluids. These vegetable oils are for human consumption, which are generally required fillings of nitrogen gas inside. The system consists of large particle removal filter which can screen most of 5 micron or larger particles from a fluid. This filter is made from polypropylene, which 46 is also called ‘PP sediment removal cartridge water purifier’. The impurities contained in vegetable oils can cause to lower dielectric property of these fluids, too. 3.1.2 Elements of the system Constructs and elements consisted in this system are shown in Figure 3-1 with its actual process shown in Figure 3-2. Filtering processes: There are two steps of filtration; pre-filter and after-filter. The first pre-filter will operate when the machine is rotated. Its filter element inside the cartridge is made from polypropylene. In addition, it works well within the pressure range of 1.4 to 6.9 bars, at the maximum temperature 52°C, with screen size of 5 micron. Another filter consisted is called the after-filter or fine filter. Besides, it is made from polyethylene with screen size of 0.3 micron. This filter operates particle removal from a fluid before it flows back to the anti-moisture reservoir. Heater: It is an equipment used for heating vegetable oils with the temperature limit at 60°C. There are copper tubes inside this equipment, which help in the heat-exchanging process. Vacuum chamber: This part is made from clear acrylic with its diameter of 15 cm and 140 cm long. It functions as a vacuum chamber for degassing or moisture removal and a reservoir or oil tank in this system. There are glass balls inside the chamber to increase surface area of the fluid, along with nozzles to quickly remove moisture contained. Oil pump: The power steering pump of a car is used to compress the oil to have suitable pressure and flow rate. It is driven by a DC motor to adjust the oil pressure controlled by speed adjust. The suitable pressure of oil is important for oil filter, oil spray in vacuum chamber and oil flow rate in closed-cycle oil purification system. Two-stage vacuum pump: It is used for vacuuming a fluid so that moisture contained can be removed by the extremely low temperature at 55°C. It can also help degas bubbles by 0.2 Torr pressure conditioned. Pressure vacuum gauge: This equipment displays the minimum pressure in the system for an investigation of leakages or broken seams which lead to lower performance or failure of operation. 47 3.1.3 Operations In purification process within the system, two vegetable oils; sunflower oil and soybean oil, will be brought into the consideration to find out their dielectric strengths PRESSURE VACUUM GAUGE TWO STAGE VACUUM PUMP WATER TRAP OIL SPRAY OIL OUTLET FINE FILTER 0.3 MICRON VACUUM CHAMBER FILTER 5 MICRON OIL INLET DRAIN TEMPERATURE GAUGE OIL PUMP M MOTOR HEATER FIGURE 3-1 Small vegetable oil purification diagram (breakdown voltages) as per standard testing methods for dielectric breakdown voltage of insulation liquids using disk electrodes (ASTM D877). From test results, breakdown voltage of food grade sunflower oil and soybean oil is less than 30 kV. Then chosen oil is filled into the system at a half volume of the vacuum chamber. A fluid in the system will be conditioned certainly at 55 ±3 °C and 0.2 Torr of pressure for 24 hours. During purification process, pre-filter will screen out particles sizing at least 5 micron from the system. Then the fluid will flow through a fine filter to screen out 0.3 micron particles by suction back to the vacuum chamber. The measured outcomes of dielectric breakdown voltages of these oils are shown in Table 3-1. When 48 oil in the system is changed, it is also necessary to change filter elements inside the cartridge and flood all the system with the replaced fluid. In every test, dielectric breakdown voltages will be recorded before applying into model capacitors. 3.1.4 Vegetable oil preparations After purification process, each fluid is then impregnated to model capacitors. Electrical property test measured are shown in Table 3-1. FIGURE 3-2 Small vegetable oil purification system The process shown in Figure 3-2 leads to measured results in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3. It is referred to IEC 60247 standard; Insulating liquids – measurement of relative permittivity, dissipation factor (tan δ) and DC resistivity. Dissipation factors and dielectric constants are demonstrated in Figure 3-5 and Figure 3-6. 49 3.2 Vegetable oil properties Vegetable oil properties, in this case, are according to standard testing methods for dielectric breakdown voltage of insulating liquids using disk electrodes. These vegetable oils were previously prepared by filtering and tested with dielectric oil tester as per ASTM: D 877, until their dielectric breakdown values measured are close to 47 kV as shown in Table 3-1. TABLE 3-1 Vegetable oil properties from test results compared with natural ester fluid standard and synthesis aster fluid for capacitor application Typical Tested property Dielectric Breakdown (kV) Dielectric constant (20°C) Kinematic Viscosity (cst) 40°C 100°C Water Content (mg/kg) Dissipation Factor (%) 25°C 80°C 100°C Volume Resistivity (Ω-cm) Pour Point (°C) Flash Point (°C) Fire Point (°C) Method Sunflower oil Soybean oil Envirotemp FR3 Fluid Natural ester fluid (vegetable oil) standard (ASTM D6871) ≥ 30 Synthesis ester (PXE) (Nissin Electric) ASTM D877 53.52, 57.34 50.00, 46.96, 46.76, 55.48 40.27, 37.12 (47 from Specification) IEC 60250 3.105 3.091 3.062 - 2.5 at 80 °C - - - - 33.98 8.22 20-30 ≤ 50 ≤ 15 ≤ 200 5.2 - 0.508 6.452 - 0.496 5.768 - 0.033 0.689 0.02 - - - ≤ 0.20 ≤ 4.0 no (≥1×1013 from specification) 80 ASTM D445 D1533 D924 D1169 13 3.9×10 9.4×1014 D97 - - -24 ≤ -10 ≤ -40 D92 - - 316 ≥ 275 145 D92 - - 364 ≥ 300 167 50 FIGURE 3-3 Dielectric breakdown voltage test of vegetable oils Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4 shows actual dielectric breakdown voltage test of these fluids and measurement (with a courtesy of Tira Thai Co., Ltd.) of their relative permittivities (dielectric constants) and dissipation factors, accordingly. FIGURE 3-4 Measurement of relative permittivity and dielectric dissipation factor 50 37.12 40.27 60 50 46.76 46.76 55.48 70 57.34 53.52 Dielectric breakdown voltage (kV) 51 40 30 20 10 0 1 2 Sunflower 1 2 3 4 Soybean oil 1 2 Envirotemp FR3 fluid FIGURE 3-5 Dielectric breakdown voltages of vegetable oils TABLE 3-2 Relative permittivities of vegetable oils subjected to temperature level as per IEC 60247 standard Temperature (°C) Relative permittivity Sunflower oil Soybean oil 5 10 3.211 3.175 3.245 3.193 Envirotemp FR3 Fluid 3.228 3.178 15 3.140 3.143 3.119 20 3.105 3.091 3.062 25 3.071 3.044 3.012 30 3.039 2.999 2.971 35 3.006 2.965 2.940 40 2.978 2.941 2.917 50 2.923 2.896 2.880 60 2.882 2.865 2.853 70 2.845 2.841 2.825 80 2.807 2.816 2.801 90 2.773 2.793 2.780 100 2.751 2.768 2.758 52 3.3 Sunflower oil Relative permittivity 3.2 Soybean oil Envirotemp FR3 fluid 3.1 3 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Temperature (°C) FIGURE 3-6 Relative permittivities of vegetable oils in temperature According to test results shown in Figure 3-3 and Figure 3-4, relative permittivities and dielectric dissipation factors of these fluids as per IEC 60247 standards are summarized in Table 3-2 and Table 3-3, respectively. Their dielectric breakdown voltages are plotted graph demonstrated in Figure 3-5. Please note that in each measurement, dielectric breakdown voltages of these fluids are slightly different. In addition, outcomes of these fluids shown as plotted curves in Figure 3-6 indicate that their relative permittivities subjected to temperature levels ranged from 5 °C to 100 °C are similar to each other without any significant difference. In Table 3-3 and Figure 3-7, outcomes from the measurement of dissipation factors of vegetable oils subjected to temperature level and their plotted graph are shown. As the adjusting temperature rose from 20 to 80 °C, dielectric losses of these fluids are increased continuously. The overall maximum measured dissipation factor of 6.452% is from sunflower oil at 80 °C, and the minimum value of 0.0536% comes from Envirotemp FR3 at 20 °C. From Figure 3-7, it is noticeable that a plotted curve of sunflower oil is highest among these fluids, while the lowest plotted curve is of Envirotemp FR3 fluid. 53 TABLE 3-3 Dissipation factors of vegetable oils subjected to temperature level as per IEC 60247 standard Temperature (°C) 20 Dissipation factor (%) Envirotemp Sunflower oil Soybean oil FR3 fluid 0.442* 0.432* 0.0536 30 0.574 0.561 0.069 40 1.189 1.124 0.227 50 2.126 2.000 0.595 60 3.275 3.099 1.162 70 4.741 4.421 1.880 80 6.452 5.786 2.600 * Corrected by k = 0.77 of Envirotemp FR3 Fluid’s correction factor 8 Sunflower oil Envirotemp FR3 Fluid 7 Soybean oil Dissipation factor(%) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Oil Temperature (°C) FIGURE 3-7 Dissipation factors of vegetable oils 90 54 3.3 Design of capacitor element In studying about the production of polypropylene film capacitor impregnated with three vegetable oils; sunflower oil, soybean oil, and Envirotemp FR3 fluid, the selected rated voltage of a capacitor element is at 1.5 kV with its capacitance of 1.9 µF. This production process can be described as following; 3.3.1 Capacitor dielectric material: Because capacitors of this production are to be impregnated with vegetable oils which have high viscosity, an appropriate dielectric material used in this research is chosen to be two-side roughened polypropylene film. The breakdown voltage property of this material, from manufacturer’s specifications, is shown in Table 2-3. In addition, studies of this property in polypropylene film are collected in Table 2-6. The breakdown voltage of capacitor element effective field strength made from this material is between 40-45 Vrms/µm. According to this research, the chosen value of this property is E = 42 Vrms/µm with polypropylene film thickness of 1500 V/(42 Vrms/µm) which is equal to 35.71 µm. Thus, appropriate thickness of a dielectric in the capacitor can be obtained by an engagement of two PP film (two layer film) with maximum thickness of 17.8 µm each, which is equal to 17.8×2 = 35.6 µm. For the selection of electrode materials, aluminum foils with thickness of 6 µm are considered based on the fact that this is the only available standard size in the market. 3.3.2 Wound capacitor element design: In this section, properties of selected materials are described for better understanding of capacitor element design in details. Aluminum foil: This material is used as dielectrodes of capacitors. The dimension of aluminum foil in our test is 6 μm thick, with its width of 316 mm. Polypropylene film: PP film applied in the element design is two-side roughened film with the thickness of 17.8 µm by weight and 300 mm wide. Its specific space factor is 10%, which brings to its total thickness of 19.58 µm when this factor is taken into account, with its relative permittivity (εr) of 2.2. Vegetable oils: Relative permittivity(εr), measured at 20 °C, of sunflower oil, soybean oil, and Envirotemp FR3 fluid is 3.105, 3.091, and 3.062, 55 respectively. The designed relative permittivity(εr) of all fluids is calculated to be used at 3.086. 25± 1 267 ± 17± 1m m 1 7±1 7±1 60 17± 1 351 ± 300 1m mm m 25± 1 FIGURE 3-8 Rolling of capacitor element Figure 3-8 presents a design of the capacitor element. These elements are made from aluminum foils with thickness of 6 µm and 316 mm wide. The selected dielectric is a polypropylene film, double-sides rough designed. It is 17.8 µm thick by weight, 300 mm wide, with total thickness (with space factor) of 19.58 µm. The film’s permittivity is 2.2 (ε r = 2.2 ) . By the way, a wound element has a diameter of 60 mm of rolled film. For the first winding, polypropylene film was rolled in 4 turns, and placed at the center. 25 mm wide aluminum foils used as extended terminals were placed at both sides of the rolled film. Each aluminum foil was folded to have a diameter of 7 mm. For element winding process, a diameter-adjustable roller was used in order that an element could be pulled out from the roller. There are 35 turns per one element in a winding. After the process, an element was pulled out and then pressed as shown in Figure 3-9. Terminals were then placed at each side by using copper wires weaved together with aluminum foils, which were overlapped. By finishing the process, we 56 obtained one capacitor element. In our element design, some figures can be obtained by the calculation. From Figure 3-8 , The rolling of capacitor element and below that are specifications of the designed element taken into our consideration, Tpg Thickness by weight of polypropylene film (17.8 µm) Tpm Micrometer thickness of polypropylene film (19.58 µm at SF = 10 %) Wp Width of polypropylene film (300 mm) Wa Width of aluminum foil (316 mm) Wpe Width of polypropylene film edge between aluminum foil (17 mm) We Width of folded edge foil (7 mm) Wct Width of capacitor terminal (25 mm) Nps Number of turns in first winding of polypropylene film (4) Npe Number of turns in last winding of polypropylene film (4) DR Roller diameter with polypropylene film (60 mm) A= LW Area of capacitor plate (m2) where; 20 °C and hence, Relative permittivity of polypropylene (εr1) = 2.2, Relative permittivity of sunflower oil (ε21) = 3.105, Relative permittivity of soybean oil (ε22) = 3.091, Relative permittivity of Envirotemp FR3 fluid (ε23) = 3.062, The average of relative permittivity of three vegetable oils (ε2) = 3.086 According to section 2.6.3 in previous chapter, resultant permittivity (εres), when taken into Eq. 2-23, can be obtained as εres = 2.259 From Eq.2-23, the length of aluminum foil can be defined as following; L = where L C × Sp × Tpm 2 × 8.854 × 10-12 × ε res × W Average length of aluminum foil used with capacitor (m) Tpm Micrometer thickness of polypropylene film = 19.58 ×10-6 m W Width of capacitor plate = 0.267 m 57 Sp Layers number of polypropylene film dielectric = 2 (from designed) 1.9 × 10 −6 × 2 × 19.58 × 10 −6 L = 2 × 8.854 × 10 -12 × 2.259 × 0.267 therefore, L = 6.966 LT = L + from Eq. 2-24, m πD1 2 Where the term LT is the total length of aluminum foil D o = D R + 4 N psSp Tpm from Eq.2-26 where, m Do Roller diameter with start only polypropylene film (m) D1 Average diameter of first aluminum winding (m) DR Roller diameter = 6 × 10-2 m (Source: Nissin Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd.) Nps Number of turns in first winding polypropylene film = 4 D o = 0.06 + 4 × 4 × 2 × 19.58 × 10 −6 = 0.06062 m D1 = D o + 2Sp Tpm + 3Ta m As per Eq. 2-28, (3Ta is referred to folded edge foil) where, Ta = Thickness of aluminum foil = 6 × 10-6 m D1 = 0.06062 + 2 × 2 × 19.58 × 10 −6 + 3 × 6 × 10 −6 D1 = 0.06071 L T = 6.966 + π × 0.0607 = 7.061 2 m m from Eq. 2-27, T = 2S p Tpm + 3Ta m Therefore T = 2 × 2 × 19.58 × 10 −6 + 3 × 6 × 10 −6 = 9.632 × 10 −5 m 58 In addition, the number of turns wound in aluminum foil can be defined from Eq. 2-31 as; n = Number of turns wound in aluminum foil. 1 ⎡⎧ ⎛ D ⎞ ⎫ 2 L ⎤ 2 ⎛D ⎞ n = ⎢⎨0.5⎜ 1 ⎟ − 1⎬ + T ⎥ − 0.5⎜ 1 ⎟ − 1 πT ⎥ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎢⎣⎩ ⎝ T ⎠ ⎭ ⎦ turn 1 2 ⎡⎧ ⎛ 0.0607 ⎞ ⎫ ⎤ 7.06 ⎛ 0.0607 ⎞ n = ⎢⎨0.5⎜ − 1⎬ + −1 ⎥ − 0.5⎜ −5 ⎟ −5 −5 ⎟ π × 9.632 × 10 ⎥⎦ ⎝ 9.632 × 10 ⎠ ⎢⎣⎩ ⎝ 9.632 × 10 ⎠ ⎭ 2 [ ] turn 1 n = (314.0955) + 23331.27 2 − 314.0955 2 1 n = [98655.98 + 23331.27]2 − 314.0955 1 turn turn n = (121987.25)2 − 314.0955 turn n = 349.26 − 314.0955 turn = 35.17 Thus, total number of turns wound in aluminum foil is chosen to be 35 turn. 3.3.3 Calculation of capacitor element thickness and width From Eq. 2-34 TE = Element thickness and Nsp = Nep = 4, Sp = 2 (double layers of PP film) TE = 32Tpm+ 2n(4Tpm+3TA) + 2 Nkp ×Skp×Tkp where, Tkp = Kraft paper thickness Nkp = Number of turns wound in insulating Kraft paper Skp = Number of layers in insulating Kraft paper Tkp = 50 µm, Skp = 3, and Nkp = 6; Capacitor element thickness (TE) = 9.168 mm, and two pressboards with Tpb = 5.0 mm are applied; complete capacitor element thickness (TCE) = 19.168 mm. If without kraft paper; a capacitor element thickness are shown in Figure 3-9 it has capacitor element thickness = 7.368 mm. 59 In this research, two element thickness (TE) = 9.0 mm and 9.4 m are selected so that space factors of model elements can be divided into 2 terms. Distance was measured inside between two pressboards. Calculation of capacitor element width (WE) can be defined as; WE = from Eq. 2-36 therefore, Capacitor element width, WE = πD R + TE 2 π × 60 + 9.168 2 WE = 103.42 mm Capacitor element width (WE) = 103.42 mm Apart from the design mentioned, the dimension of our model capacitor element was arranged. It is 103.4 mm wide, 3,500 mm long, with the thickness of 9.17 mm. The entire dimension of capacitor element is shown in Figure 3-9. FIGURE 3-9 Capacitor element Finally, after we obtained the dimension and specifications of the element, all information were sent to a manufacturer, Nissin Electric (Thailand) Co., Ltd., for the production of these model elements. 60 3.4 Correction factor of capacitance for the reference temperature Due to the surrounding temperature of model capacitors, relative permittivity of polypropylene and vegetable oil dielectric was changed. εr value of polypropylene was changed from 2.2 at 20 °C to 2.15 at 100 °C as shown in Table 2-3. In addition, εr values of vegetable oils were changed according to figures shown in Table 3-2. A calculation was made to achieve the rate of change in relative permittivity of polypropylene which was constantly linear from 5°C to 100 °C as expressed in Table 3-4. Every step of temperature the Resultant permittivity (εres) are calculated by Eq.2-19 that the volume of polypropylene v1 = 0.9091 and volume of vegetable oils v2 = 0.0909 are used. C = K× εres From Eq.2-22 μF 2 × 8.854 × 10 −6 × L × W K= Sp × Tpm As Eq.3-1 Eq.3-2 where is L = 6.97 m , W = 0.267 m, Sp = 2 and Tpm =19.58 μm K= 2 × 8.854 × 10 −6 × 6.97 × 0.267 W = 0.8452 2 × 19.58 All capacitance values at different temperature of these three vegetable oils impregnated polypropylene film capacitor were calculated, while k = C20°C/ Ct as shown in Table 3-4. Changes in capacitance of these values are plotted in Figure 4-1 to Figure 4-3. When a correction is applied, the reference temperature for the consideration is + 20 °C , unless otherwise it agreed the manufacturer and purchaser or standard. FR3 Fluid Envirotemp oil Soybean oil Sunflower 3.193 3.245 3.1780 3.2280 1.9181 0.9948 1.9224 0.9926 2.2694 0.9952 0.9929 2.2746 1.9187 1.9231 2.2701 0.9958 0.9938 2.2754 1.9180 2.2692 3.175 2.2063 10 1.9218 2.2739 3.211 2.2094 Relative permittivity of Polypropylene; εr1 Relative permittivity; εr21 Resultant permittivity; εres1 Capacitance (μF) C = K*εres1 Correction factor to 20°C; k1 Relative permittivity;εr22 Resultant permittivity; εres2 Capacitance (μF) C = K*εres2 Correction factor to 20°C; k2 Relative permittivity; εr23 Resultant permittivity; εres3 Capacitance (μF) C = K*εres3 Correction factor to 20°C; k3 5 Temperature (°C) 0.9975 1.9130 2.2635 3.1190 0.9976 1.9140 2.2647 3.143 0.9979 1.9139 2.2645 3.14 2.2031 15 1.0000 1.9082 2.2578 3.0620 1.0000 1.9094 2.2592 3.091 1.0000 1.9099 2.2599 3.105 2.2 20 1.0025 1.9035 2.2522 3.0120 1.0024 1.9048 2.2538 3.044 1.0021 1.9059 2.2552 3.071 2.1968 25 1.0047 1.8992 2.2471 2.9710 1.0047 1.9004 2.2486 2.999 1.0041 1.9021 2.2506 3.039 2.1937 30 1.0068 1.8953 2.2426 2.9400 1.0068 1.8964 2.2439 2.965 1.0061 1.8983 2.2461 3.009 2.1906 35 TABLE 3-4 Correction factor of capacitance for 20 °C reference temperature 1.0087 1.8918 2.2384 2.9170 1.0087 1.8928 2.2397 2.941 1.0082 1.8945 2.2416 2.978 2.1875 40 1.0123 1.8851 2.2304 2.8800 1.0125 1.8858 2.2313 2.896 1.0121 1.8870 2.2328 2.923 2.1813 50 1.0156 1.8788 2.2230 2.8530 1.0160 1.8793 2.2237 2.865 1.0159 1.8801 2.2246 2.882 2.175 60 1.0191 1.8724 2.2155 2.8250 1.0193 1.8732 2.2164 2.841 1.0195 1.8734 2.2166 2.845 2.1687 70 1.0224 1.8663 2.2083 2.8010 1.0227 1.8670 2.2091 2.816 1.0232 1.8666 2.2086 2.807 2.1625 80 1.0258 1.8603 2.2011 2.7800 1.0261 1.8609 2.2018 2.793 1.0269 1.8599 2.2007 2.773 2.1562 90 1.0291 1.8542 2.1940 2.7580 1.0295 1.8547 2.1945 2.768 1.0302 1.8539 2.1936 2.751 2.15 100 61 62 3.5 Assembly of model capacitor 3.5.1 Model capacitor tank The capacitor tank (or the container) for vegetable oil impregnation is 63 mm wide, 150 mm long, with its height of 470 mm. Please note that all of precedent dimension is inside the container. The design of this tank, made from 5 mm of thickness stainless steel, is showed in Figure 3-10. (a) (b) FIGURE 3-10 Model capacitor Figure 3-10 shows model capacitor diagram. In picture (a), the model capacitor designed was during impregnation process, which consists of a cover sealed in vacuum condition. Picture (b) illustrates a complete impregnated model capacitor which contains the fluid inside. For safety concern, a gap between each capacitor element must be at least 10 mm when these elements are put into the capacitor tank. From the particular design of this research, one capacitor tank can hold capacitor elements up to two units. 63 3.5.2 Capacitor element pressing process: Before impregnating vegetable oils, it is necessary to press these capacitor elements so that they will be exactly fitted in the tank. Referring to previous related researches, there are two sizes of pressed thickness in our consideration; 9.0 mm and 9.4 mm as showed in Figure 3-11. The actual picture of this process is shown in Figure 3-12. 9.0 mm 9.4 mm (a) (b) FIGURE 3-11 Element pressing diagram In our pressing process, there are two papers placed in between an element. The capacitor element used in this step can be achieved from previous winding and pressing process. Terminals at the end of both sides were curved out because their aluminum foils ended were folded to 6 mm thick. At this stage, the dielectric with total thickness of 50 micron was wound around a model capacitor element at 18 turns 64 to compensate the gap inside. Then it was pressed to the designed thickness of 9.0 mm and 9.4 mm. In measuring pressed thickness, vernier meter was used as a measuring tool. When achieve thicknesses mentioned, elements were wrapped to prevent themselves from loosening. Figure 3-11 (a) illustrates a side view of the wound element. After the winding process, capacitor elements were pressed with two different thicknesses (9.0 and 9.4 mm). From figure 3-11 (b), it is remarkable that pressing elements without any arrangement can cause a large gap between capacitor element and papers inside. To solve this unanticipated gap, papers were wound firstly and put in between the element to compensate the lack of this structure. This made the element being proportionally pressed and left no space between. Figure 3-12 illustrates a side view of the wound element. After the winding process, capacitor elements were pressed with two different thicknesses (9.0 and 9.4 mm). From figure 3-13 it is remarkable that pressing elements without any arrangement can cause a large gap between capacitor element and papers inside. To solve this unanticipated gap, papers were wound firstly and put in between the element to compensate the lack of this structure. This made the element being proportionally pressed and left no space between. FIGURE 3-12 Capacitor element pressing process 65 FIGURE 3-13 Insert element to model capacitor 3.5.3 Heating capacitor element A complete model capacitor can be moisture contained at its surface area, which leads to the decline in capacitance tolerance. Thus, when elements were placed into the capacitor tank, a cover made from stainless steel should be sealed. Two valves were connected to holes on the cover to begin moisture removal along with the heating process. At this stage, the element was placed in the container as shown in Figure 3-13. When impregnating a model capacitor, moisture in each capacitor element should be removed along with the process. Moisture removal process was operated by heating at 80 ± 5 °C and vacuuming with double-stage vacuum pump for 48 hours. At this particular step, heat was transferred from 1500 watts spotlight used as a heat source beside the element container. In controlling required temperature, a thermometer was placed at the element tank. When it reached to the desired temperature, heat was reduced by variable transformers shown in Figure 3-15. 66 3.6 Impregnation process FIGURE 3-14 Impregnation process diagram FIGURE 3-14 Impregnation process diagram After model capacitors were well provided, these units would be ready for the next process. Three impregnants; purified sunflower oil, soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid were impregnated into each model unit under four different levels of temperature. As previously mentioned, it is necessary to remove moisture in capacitor elements by heating them at 80 ± 5°C and vacuuming with two-stage vacuum pump throughout 48 hours. Figure 3-14 shows an idea of moisture removal via heating process, which was processed in the boiler. In a theoretical basis this impregnation process must be done just through free ideal space, which cannot be accessible in reality. Thus, the process was conditioned under a vacuumed pressure by two-state vacuum pump, instead. 67 Before impregnating them, specific vacuumed pressure should be down to 0.1 Torr. In this process, oil storage reservoir was used to contain insulating oil. The insulating oil passed through an electrical heater to heat the oil before flowing into the capacitor. This electrical heater then heated up the oil to the setup temperature, after that the hot oil flew into the model unit. Processing temperature can be checked by a thermometer at the oil path and can be controlled manually. The temperature set point was setup previously according to the scope of this study. Meanwhile, the capacitor was conditioned at vacuumed pressure down to 0.1 Torr until the insulating oil was fully filled into the tank. FIGURE 3-15 Impregnation process system It is remarkable that during this stage, the flow rate of this hot fluid would be extremely slow and expected to be fully filled into the capacitor within 2 hours. When this process was done, the overflowed oil would be shown in a clear chamber; the whole processes was then automatically halted and wait until next 24 hours to restart 68 the whole process again. While in the process, pressure was always controlled as vacuumed. When the impregnation process was accomplished, the cover of each capacitor was changed for additional connects at both poles as shown in Figure 3-16. Afterwards, the unit would be ready for the next process as per IEC 60871-1 standard. FIGURE 3-16 Model capacitors In Figure 3-16 above, complete model capacitors are shown. After these model units were achieved, they were then ready for the final investigation, our experimental test. 3.7 Experimental test The IEC 60871-1 standard aims to stipulate in electrical properties of high voltage capacitors as discussed in chapter 2. For this research, there is an arrangement in our experimental test for its capacitance, AC withstand voltage between terminals, AC withstand voltage between terminals and the container, measurement of the tangent of loss angle (tan δ) in each model capacitor, and its short circuit discharge test. 69 3.7.1 Capacitance measurement. All experimental tests in this study are according to the capacitance testing methods as per IEC 60871-1 standard. This standard is applied to shunt capacitors for AC power system having a rate voltage above 1000 V. Vegetable oil impregnated polypropylene capacitors were preliminary measured with the voltage at 0.15 UN by RLC bridge meter as shown in figure 3-17. Another voltage was measured at 0.9 to 1.1 times of the rated voltage, using the method that excludes errors due to harmonics with Glynna bridge capacitance measurement as shown in Figure 3-18. Figure 3-19 demonstrates capacitance test with respect to four different impregnating temperatures mentioned as a plotted graph previously shown in Figure 4-3. The preliminary arrangement of capacitance and dissipation factor test is illustrated in Figure 3-20 (a) and (b). The final capacitance measurement was carried out after the voltage test. The accuracy of the measuring method is such that the tolerances can be met, and does not differ from the rated capacitance by more than -5 % to +10 %. FIGURE 3-17 RLC bridge meter and measurement 70 FIGURE 3-18 Capacitance and dissipation factor measurement at 1.5 kV. FIGURE 3-19 Capacitance of capacitor at differential temperature test 71 (a) (b) FIGURE 3-20 Capacitance and dissipation factor test at 500 V for the first of test 3.7.2 Voltage test between terminals. FIGURE 3-21 AC withstand voltage test between terminals Every capacitor is subjected for 10 sec to both the test of AC test and DC test. The AC test was carried out with a substantially sinusoidal voltage at 3.0 kV (Ut = 2.0 UN, UN= 1.5 kV), while the DC test was carried out with a substantially sinusoidal at 6.0 kV (Ut = 4.0 UN, UN= 1.5 kV), is shown in figure 3-21 and 3-22. 72 FIGURE 3-22 DC withstand voltage test between terminals 3.7.3 AC voltage test between terminals and container. Capacitor unit having all terminals insulated from the container is subjected for 10 sec to a test voltage applied between the terminals (joined together) and the container. The test voltages is 13 kV applied. This process is shown in Figure 3-23. 3.7.4 Measurement of the tangent of the loss angle (tan δ) of the capacitor. The capacitor losses (tan δ) was measured at 0.9 to 1.1 times rated voltage with Glynna bridge capacitance measurement, using a method that excludes errors due to harmonics. This testing method to find dissipation factor is shown in figure 3-20. In capacitance and dissipation factor measurement, this equipment can be used to measure and then calculate an actual value at the same time. 3.7.5 Short circuit discharge test. The unit is charged by means of DC and then discharged through a gap situated as close as possible to the capacitor. It is subjected to five such discharges within 10 minute. The test voltage is 3.75 kV (Ut = 2.5 UN). Within 5 minute after this test, the unit is subjected to a voltage test between terminals. The capacitance was measured before the discharge test and after the voltage test. The short circuit discharge test is shown in figure 3-24. 73 FIGURE 3-23 Short circuit discharge test CHAPTER 4 TESTING OF THE CAPACITORS 4.1 Capacitance of capacitors For this research, The bridge meter is applied in order to measure capacitance properties of model capacitors. Determining capacitance properties, there are two attributes in our consideration, that is, capacitances and capacitance tolerances of these units. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 demonstrates capacitances of model units measured at 30 °C, 0.9 to 1.1 times of rated voltage with Glynna bridge capacitance measurement, with the element thickness of 9.0 and 9.4 mm, respectively. TABLE 4-1 Capacitances of model units at the element thickness of 9.0 mm, with rated capacitance of a capacitor designed at 1.9 µF at 30 °C Vegetable oil impregnating condition Sunflower oil at 30°C k =1.0041 Soybean oil at 30°C k =1.0047 Envirotemp FR3 Fluid at 30°C k =1.0047 Impregnating temperature (°C) Capacitance (Cn) (µF) Measured Corrected to at 30 °C 20 °C Capacitance tolerance (%) 60 1.930 1.938 + 2.00 70 1.974 1.982 + 4.32 80 2.000 2.008 + 5.69 90 2.010 2.018 + 6.22 70 1.739 1.747 - 8.04 80 1.822 1.831 - 3.65 90 1.904 1.913 + 0.68 100 1.910 1.919 + 1.00 70 1.765 1.773 - 6.67 80 1.795 1.803 - 5.08 90 1.952 1.961 + 3.22 100 1.983 1.992 + 4.86 76 TABLE 4-2 Capacitances of model units at the element thickness of 9.4 mm, with rated capacitance of a capacitor designed at 1.9 µF at 30 °C Vegetable oil impregnating condition Sunflower oil at 30°C k =1.0041 Soybean oil at 30°C k =1.0047 Envirotemp FR3 Fluid at 30°C k =1.0047 Impregnating temperature (°C) Capacitance (Cn) (µF) Measure Correct to at 30 °C 20 °C Capacitance tolerance (%) 60 1.920 1.928 + 1.47 70 1.973 1.981 + 4.27 80 1.980 1.988 + 4.64 90 1.985 1.993 + 4.90 70 1.713 1.721 - 9.42 80 1.793 1.801 - 5.19 90 1.832 1.841 - 3.13 100 1.761 1.769 - 6.88 70 1.744 1.752 - 7.78 80 1.783 1.791 - 5.72 90 1.935 1.944 + 2.32 100 1.971 1.980 + 4.22 As per testing methods, all measured temperature is required to be corrected from 30 to 20 °C. In most cases, capacitances of model units tend to increase when impregnating temperature is increased. From the overview, it was found that the most satisfied model capacitor, with capacitance as the constraint, seems to be the unit with element thickness of 9.0 mm rather than of 9.4 mm. Theoretically, this is right to the statement that a capacitor with lower space factor should be superior to the other in term of its capacitance property. Our test results also indicate that Envirotemp FR3 fluid is most favorable for this property, with sunflower oil as the worst one. This might be because Envirotemp FR3 is the fluid developed to be used in electrical applications but sunflower oil and soybean oil are necessary to be filtered and purified to remove impurities contained. Remaining impurities i.e. small particles and water content, if there is any, can then affect these measured figures, unanticipatedly. 1.9218 1.9180 1.9139 1.9099 1.9059 1.9021 1.8983 1.8945 1.8907 1.8870 1.8835 1.8801 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Calculate 5 (°C) Temperature Capacitor 1.8917 1.8952 1.8984 1.9013 1.9052 1.9086 1.9119 1.9155 1.9227 1.9305 1.9365 1.9401 1.8821 1.8854 1.8892 1.8926 1.8958 1.9004 1.9047 1.9103 1.9172 1.9235 1.9302 1.9344 Impregnating temperature at 60°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 1.9459 1.9477 1.9488 1.9513 1.9534 1.9562 1.9607 1.9684 1.9732 1.9796 1.9841 1.9885 1.9352 1.9369 1.9391 1.9421 1.9457 1.9500 1.9545 1.9606 1.9658 1.9728 1.9785 1.9840 Impregnating temperature at 70°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 Capacitance (μF) 1.9779 1.9803 1.9834 1.9890 1.9945 1.9984 2.0038 2.0125 2.0210 2.0283 2.0341 2.0399 1.9602 1.9631 1.9682 1.9728 1.9781 1.9827 1.9872 1.9925 1.9980 2.0054 2.0122 2.0186 Impregnating temperature at 80°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 1.9720 1.9760 1.9797 1.9860 1.9928 1.9990 2.0060 2.0152 2.0225 2.0300 2.0382 2.0430 1.9601 1.9568 1.9611 1.9645 1.9700 1.9750 1.9820 1.9890 1.9958 2.0040 2.0122 2.0200 Impregnating temperature at 90°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 TABLE 4-3 Capacitance of Sunflower oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 77 1.9231 1.9187 1.9140 1.9094 1.9048 1.9004 1.8964 1.8928 1.8893 1.8858 1.9000 1.8825 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Calculate 5 (°C) Temperature Capacitor 1.7163 1.7170 1.7193 1.7199 1.7218 1.7250 1.7286 1.7327 1.7427 1.7494 1.7562 1.7635 9.0 1.6732 1.6741 1.6765 1.6770 1.6790 1.6821 1.6868 1.6938 1.7009 1.7073 1.7139 1.7200 9.4 Impregnating temperature at 70°C Element thickness (mm) 1.7873 1.7899 1.7922 1.7952 1.7995 1.8033 1.8088 1.8141 1.8193 1.8253 1.8319 1.8350 9.0 1.7566 1.7592 1.7615 1.7644 1.7681 1.7716 1.7769 1.7821 1.7872 1.7934 1.8001 1.8035 9.4 Impregnating temperature at 80°C Element thickness (mm) Capacitance (μF) 1.8596 1.8634 1.8676 1.8715 1.8753 1.8812 1.8875 1.8931 1.9007 1.9075 1.9154 1.9234 9.0 1.7773 1.7811 1.7855 1.7894 1.7941 1.8002 1.8077 1.8175 1.8250 1.8334 1.8382 1.8431 9.4 Impregnating temperature at 90°C Element thickness (mm) 1.8683 1.8757 1.8800 1.8845 1.8883 1.8956 1.9030 1.9075 1.9133 1.9191 1.9250 1.9328 9.0 1.6989 1.7024 1.7059 1.7099 1.7139 1.7186 1.7245 1.7345 1.7439 1.7504 1.7562 1.7604 9.4 Impregnating temperature at 100°C Element thickness (mm) TABLE 4-4 Capacitance of soybean oil impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 78 1.9224 1.9181 1.9130 1.9082 1.9035 1.8992 1.8953 1.8918 1.8884 1.8851 1.8819 1.8788 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Calculate 5 (°C) Temperature Capacitor 1.7126 1.7133 1.7156 1.7162 1.7181 1.7213 1.7249 1.7290 1.7390 1.7457 1.7524 1.7597 1.7363 1.7372 1.7397 1.7402 1.7423 1.7455 1.7504 1.7577 1.7650 1.7717 1.7785 1.7848 Impregnating temperature at 70°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 1.7668 1.7690 1.7715 1.7743 1.7768 1.7798 1.7834 1.7878 1.7924 1.8002 1.8094 1.8177 1.7515 1.7532 1.7561 1.7589 1.7607 1.7642 1.7673 1.7721 1.7765 1.7829 1.7912 1.7989 Impregnating temperature at 80°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 1.9137 1.9150 1.9175 1.9183 1.9218 1.9268 1.9328 1.9375 1.9450 1.9532 1.9623 1.9695 1.8965 1.8978 1.9003 1.9015 1.9045 1.9105 1.9165 1.9203 1.9300 1.9361 1.9443 1.9533 Impregnating temperature at 90°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 Capacitance (μF) 1.9629 1.9663 1.9729 1.9792 1.9835 1.9882 1.9943 1.9995 2.0050 2.0120 2.0168 2.0239 1.9386 1.9339 1.9453 1.9513 1.9564 1.9625 1.9680 1.9735 1.9799 1.9874 1.9952 2.0003 Impregnating temperature at 100°C Element thickness (mm) 9.0 9.4 TABLE 4-5 Capacitance of Envirotemp FR3 Fluid impregnated polypropylene film capacitor on surrounding temperature 79 80 _______ Element thickness 9.0 mm _ _ _ _ _ Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.10 Calculate 70°C 80°C Capacitance (μF) 2.05 60°C 70°C 90°C 60°C 80°C 90°C 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Capacitor temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-1 Plotted capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures _______ Element thickness 9.0 mm _ _ _ _ _ Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.00 Calculate 80°C 90°C Capacitance (μF) 1.95 70°C 80°C 100°C 70°C 90°C 100°C 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Capacitor temperature (°C) FIGURE 4-2 Plotted capacitances of soybean oil impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 81 _______ Element thickness 9.0 mm _ _ _ _ _ Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.10 Calculate 80°C 90°C 2.05 70°C 80°C 100°C 70°C 90°C 100°C Capacitance (μF) 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Capacitor temperature (°C) FIGURE 4-3 Plotted capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 impregnated capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures From Figure 4-1 to Figure 4-3, plotted capacitances of sunflower oil, soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 impregnated capacitors are illustrated. According to these plotted graphs, it can be described that changes in capacitances of these three vegetable oil are varied directly to their dielectric constants. Also, whenever these capacitor temperature decrease the capacitances of all are increased the same capacitance calculation, it means that fluids can be much more impregnated into dielectrics. Plotted values of these charts can be found in Table 4-3 to Table 4-5 in chapter 4. All type of vegetable oils that have lower space factor (9.0 mm element thickness) are better than higher space factor (9.4 mm element thickness). As subjected to the impregnation, capacitances of model units with sunflower oil, soybean oil, and Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated, with four different impregnating temperatures are expressed in Table 4-6 to Table 4-8, accordingly. These tables and their plotted graphs are also shown in Figure 4-4 to Figure 4-6. Capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors and their plotted graph measured at 1500 Vrms, 50 Hz, and 30 °C are shown in Table 4-6 and Figure 4-4. 82 According to test results, capacitances of 9.0 mm element thick model units impregnated at 80 and 90°C are slightly higher than designed value (2.00 and 2.01 μF, respectively). Also, capacitances of 9.0 mm element thick model units are higher than ones with element thickness of 9.4 mm. The test results are shown in Table 4-3 to 4-5. When compare capacitances from mathematical calculation to measured values, it was found that there are significant differences between them but in the same parallel direction. This might be due to physical properties of impregnants which affect test results other than ideal calculations. A change in impregnating temperature leads to higher relative permittivity because the spacing between two plates is changed which is affected by an impregnating fluid inside. TABLE 4-6 Capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Impregnating temperature ( °C ) Oil Dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) 60 70 80 90 57.34 57.34 53.52 57.34 2.20 Element thickness 9.0 mm 1.930 1.974 2.000 2.010 Element thickness 9.4 mm 1.920 1.973 1.980 1.985 Element thickness 9.0 mm 2.10 Capacitance (µF). Capacitance (μF) Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 50 60 70 80 90 Impregnating temperature ( °C) 100 FIGURE 4-4 Plotted capacitances of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 83 Table 4-7 and Figure 4-8 shows capacitances and a plotted graph of these values for soybean oil impregnated model units at four different impregnating temperatures measured at the same condition. Please note that there is a decline of a measured capacitance impregnated at 100 °C (1.761 μF) for the model unit with element thickness of 9.4 mm. Based on theoretical assumption, the failure might be caused by element pressing process so that it is not similar to the direction of model units with element thickness of 9.0 mm. TABLE 4-7 Capacitance of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Impregnating temperature ( °C ) Oil Dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) 70 Capacitance (μF) 50.00 Element thickness 9.0 mm 1.739 Element thickness 9.4 mm 1.713 80 46.96 1.822 1.793 90 46.76 1.904 1.832 100 55.48 1.910 1.761 2.10 Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm Capacitance (µF). 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 1.50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-5 Plotted capacitances of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 84 Similarly, Table 4-8 and Figure 4-6 shows capacitances and a plotted graph of units impregnated with Envirotemp FR3 at four different temperatures measured at the same condition. There is an abrupt change of the capacitances in both element thicknesses at the impregnating temperature ranged between 80 and 90 °C (from 1.795 to 1.952 μF in 9.0 mm element thick units and 1.783 to 1.935 μF in 9.4 mm element thick units). This change indicates the most favorable range of temperature for impregnating Envirotemp FR3 fluid into model units. The maximum capacitance of 9.0 and 9.4 mm element thick model unit at 100 °C is 1.983 and 1.971 μF. TABLE 4-8 Capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Impregnating temperature ( °C ) Oil Dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) 70 80 90 100 40.27 40.37 37.12 37.12 Capacitance (μF) Element thickness 9.0 mm 1.765 1.795 1.952 1.983 Element thickness 9.4 mm 1.744 1.783 1.935 1.971 2.20 Element thickness 9.0 mm Capacitance (µF). 2.10 Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-6 Plotted capacitances of Envirotemp FR3 impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures 85 2.20 Sunflower oil Envirotemp FR3 fluid 2.10 Capacitance (µF) Soybean oil 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.70 1.60 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-7 Plotted capacitances of vegetable oils impregnated model capacitors for element thickness 9.0 mm 2.10 Sunflower oil 2.05 Soybean oil Envirotemp FR3 fluid Capacitance (µF). 2.00 1.95 1.90 1.85 1.80 1.75 1.70 1.65 1.60 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-8 Plotted capacitances of Vegetable oils impregnated model capacitors for element thickness 9.4 mm 86 Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8 illustrates the overview of capacitance property in oil impregnated model capacitors with the elements pressed to 9.0 and 9.4 mm thick, respectively. A fluid with good measured capacitances is sunflower oil impregnated start at 70 °C. As mentioned, these values are higher than the designed value (1.9 μF) but are still in the acceptance level. Envirotemp FR3 fluid, however, is in a good shape of its trend when considered to the change in impregnating temperatures. Due to the scope of this study, we did not determine the effect of impregnating temperature larger than 100 °C according to the fact that at that range of temperature, other elements used in electrical applications can be damaged as well. Anyway, one proven fact from results is that we can increase capacitance property by reducing the element thickness (or so-called space factor) of a capacitor. 4.2 Voltage test between terminals, and between terminals and container 4.2.1 Voltage test between terminals The test and measurement of AC withstand voltage test has been done between terminals of model capacitors. In each model unit, our test was taken for 10 seconds both in AC and DC applied voltage. The AC test was carried out with a substantially sinusoidal voltage at 3.0 kV (Ut = 2.0 UN, UN= 1.5 kV), while the DC test was done under a direct current voltage at 6.0 kV (Ut = 4.0 UN, UN 1.5 kV). The detailed testing methods, designed process, and plan of voltage test between terminals are discussed previously in chapter 3. All vegetable impregnated polypropylene film capacitors, pressed in different space factors and impregnated at four different temperatures, were passed with favorable results both in AC and DC withstand voltage test. All soybean oil and Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated polypropylene film model units were also qualified in both tests as well. 4.2.2 Voltage test between terminals and container In AC withstand voltage test between terminals and container (capacitor tank), every model unit was subjected to a test interval of 1 minute. This test was carried out with a substantially sinusoidal voltage at 8 kV (standard insulation levels for Um < 52 kV – series I). According to test results, it was found that all model units were qualified without any failure, also. 87 4.3 Dissipation factor of capacitor Dissipation factor is the specific value of tangent of the loss angle (tan δ) of model capacitors. In our dissipation factor test, capacitor losses (tanδ) were measured at 0.9 to 1.1 times rated voltage with Glynna bridge capacitance measurement, using a method that excludes errors by harmonizing model units. All model units were measured at 1500 Vrms, 50 Hz, 30 °C. Envirotemp FR3 fluid, in this case, is the ready-to-use fluid which had been improved in its dissipation factor (or dielectric loss) by the manufacturer as can be seen in the manufacturer specifications. Thus, it was used particularly as the reference to compare with two treated vegetable oils; sunflower oil and soybean oil. Dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model units are shown in Table 4-9. Additionally, these figures are plotted and demonstrated in Figure 4-9 below. According to test results, dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model units with the element thickness of 9.4 mm are higher than those with the element thickness of 9.0 mm. Please note that from 60 to 70 °C impregnating temperature, there is an abrupt incline of dissipation factor (%) from 0.0264 to 0.0418 in the units with element thickness of 9.0 mm and from 0.0306 to 0.0581 in the units with element thickness of 9.4 mm. This indicates the poor impregnating temperature at 60 °C of sunflower oil through the dielectric of model units due to higher viscosity of the fluid, which leads to the unsuitable impregnation process of the model unit. TABLE 4-9 Dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Dissipation factor (%) Impregnating temperature ( °C ) Oil dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm 60 57.34 0.0264 0.0306 70 57.34 0.0418 0.0581 80 53.52 0.0437 0.0635 90 57.34 0.0468 0.0698 88 0.09 Element thickness 9.0 mm 0.08 Element thickness 9.4 mm Dissipation factor (%) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 50 60 70 80 90 100 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-9 Plotted dissipation factors of sunflower oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated model units at four different impregnating temperatures, measured at the same condition are showed in Table 4-10 and Figure 4-10. Though trends of these factors are mostly the same, the 9.0 mm element thickness impregnated at 90 °C is very well because it less of dissipation factor . Moreover, units with element thickness of 9.4 mm tend to be highly inclined, which is caused by the space factor of the units in pressing process. TABLE 4-10 Dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Impregnating temperature ( °C ) Oil Dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) Dissipation factor (%) Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm 70 50.00 0.0252 0.0218 80 46.96 0.0281 0.0357 90 46.76 0.0367 0.0552 100 55.48 0.0367 0.0793 89 0.09 Element thickness 9.0 mm 0.08 Element thickness 9.4 mm Dissipation factor (%) 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 60 70 80 90 100 Impregnating temperature ( °C) 110 FIGURE 4-10 Plotted dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Likewise, dissipation factors of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model units are shown in Table 4-11. From a plotted graph in Figure 4-11, it was found that most of dissipation factors of 9.4 mm element thick model units are greater than those of 9.0 mm. However, the greatest value of dissipation factor (0.0645 %) in the 9.4 mm element thick unit impregnated at 100 °C is the lowest value, which indicates an excellent performance of this fluid when impregnating temperature is increased. TABLE 4-11 Dissipation factors of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures Dissipation factor (%) Oil dielectric breakdown (D877) (kV) Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm 70 40.27 0.0144 0.0145 80 40.37 0.0283 0.0372 90 37.12 0.0327 0.0623 100 37.12 0.0354 0.0645 Impregnating temperature ( °C ) 90 0.09 Element thickness 9.0 mm Dissipation factor (%) 0.08 Element thickness 9.4 mm 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnate Temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-11 Plotted dissipation factors of Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model capacitors at four different impregnating temperatures To summarize all measured results, these figures are plotted and illustrated in Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13. All capacitances of model capacitors impregnated with each fluid at four impregnating temperatures, with element thickness of 9.0 and 9.4 mm are shown, respectively. According to test results, it should be noted that units impregnated with soybean oil at 100°C has highest dissipation factor (0.0793). The overview of these results is that, when thickness of the element is in our consideration, the dissipation factor of the unit with thinner pressed element is lower than the other. This indicates that the dissipation factor will be increased when the thickness of the element inside is increased, also. In addition, it should be noted from Figure 4-13 that dissipation factors of soybean oil impregnated units with the element thickness 9.4 mm tend to increase continuously when impregnating temperature is increased while units impregnated with other two fluids at any element thickness, or impregnated with this fluid at the element thickness of 9.0 mm, seems to be saturated with a small change at their last impregnating temperature This can be interpreted that dielectric loss of soybean oil will consistently increase whenever impregnating temperature is increase, too. 91 0.07 Sunflower oil Dissipation factor (%) 0.06 Soybean oil Envirotemp FR3 fluid 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-12 Plotted dissipation factors of model capacitors impregnated with vegetable oils for element thickness 9.0 mm 0.10 Sunflower oil Envirotemp FR3 fluid 0.09 Soybean oil Dissipation factor (%) 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.00 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-13 Plotted dissipation factors of model capacitors impregnated with vegetable oils for element thickness 9.4 mm 92 4.4 Short circuit discharge test In this test, the measurement has been done with the setup condition at 2.5 UN (3.75 kV) and 25 °C, at four different impregnating temperatures with model units. Table 4-12 and Figure 4-14 below shows the changes in capacitance of model capacitors impregnated with four different temperatures in each impregnant. TABLE 4-12 Summary of changes in capacitance of model capacitors impregnated with three fluids at four different impregnating temperatures Vegetable oil impregnated type Sunflower oil Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm Soy bean oil Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm Envirotemp FR3 Fluid Element thickness 9.0 mm Element thickness 9.4 mm Impregnated temperature (°C) 60 70 80 90 60 70 80 90 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100 70 80 90 100 Capacitance (Cn) (μF) Before discharge After discharge 1.9146 1.9612 1.9909 2.0059 1.9078 1.9607 1.9911 1.9752 1.7240 1.7995 1.8840 1.8933 1.6772 1.7672 1.8077 1.7245 1.7427 1.7787 1.9394 1.9722 1.7167 1.7701 1.9237 1.9602 1.9259 1.9690 2.0001 2.0125 1.9185 1.9693 1.9992 1.9842 1.7455 1.8223 1.9014 1.9086 1.7011 1.7900 1.8270 1.7491 1.7691 1.7981 1.9556 1.9846 1.7469 1.7830 1.9406 1.9708 Capacitance differences (%) 0.59 0.40 0.46 0.33 0.56 0.44 0.41 0.46 1.25 1.27 0.92 0.81 1.42 1.29 1.07 1.43 1.51 1.09 0.84 0.63 1.76 0.73 0.88 0.54 93 _______ Element thickness 9.0 mm _ _ _ _ _ Element thickness 9.4 mm 2.40 Sunflower oil Soybaean oil Envirotemp FR3 Fluid 2.20 Capacitance different (%) 2.00 Sunflower oil Soybaean oil Envirotemp FR3 Fluid 1.80 1.60 1.40 1.20 1.00 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Impregnating temperature ( °C) FIGURE 4-14 Plotted changes in capacitance of model capacitors impregnated with three fluids at four different impregnating temperatures From test results, it was found that the largest change in capacitance of sunflower oil impregnated model unit is at 60°C with the element thickness of 9.0 mm (0.59%) and the minimum change of the unit is at 90°C with the element thickness of 9.0 mm (0.33%). For soybean oil impregnated model units, the largest change in capacitance is at 100°C with the element thickness of 9.4 mm (1.43%) and the minimum change of the unit is at 70°C with the element thickness of 9.0 mm (0.92%). Finally, in Envirotemp FR3 fluid impregnated model units, the highest change in capacitance of the fluid impregnated model unit is at 70°C with element thickness of 9.4 mm (1.76%) and the minimum change unit is impregnated at 100°C with the element thickness of 9.4 mm (0.54%). 94 According to the overall results, the model unit with the most change in capacitance among these three fluids is the Envirotemp FR3 impregnated capacitor, with the element thickness of 9.4 mm and impregnated at 70°C (1.76%). This is because of insufficient pressing of the unit. On the other hand, the model unit with the least change in capacitance among these three fluids is the sunflower oil impregnated one, with the element thickness of 9.0 mm and impregnating temperature at 90°C (0.33%). The reason is that when pressing the unit to the specified thickness, the fluid cannot penetrate into the dielectric thoroughly. Although a model unit can be damaged more easily when its discharge difference is high, we cannot conclude that a unit with the highest discharge difference is worst due to reasons above. Moreover, to consider the performance of a capacitor, other electrical properties, i.e. capacitance and dissipation factor, should be taken into account, too. CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Conclusion During a few decades, polypropylene all-film power capacitors impregnated with fluids made from biodegradable and non-toxic vegetable oils are of interest among researchers world-wide. This study delicates to the design and test of model capacitors impregnated with three different vegetable oils; sunflower oil, soybean oil, and Envirotemp FR3 fluid. The main purpose is to investigate and evaluate model units impregnated with these fluids, then find out the best circumstance in generating a prototype of power capacitor. Particularly in this research, there are three main processes; model design, the production, and electrical property test of model capacitors. In our design process, materials were well selected in order to achieve a favorable result. Polypropylene, two-side roughened film with thickness of 17.8 μm by weight was chosen as dielectrics in model capacitors. During the production of model units, it was necessary to provide purifying treatments for two vegetable oils, i.e. sunflower oil and soybean oil, before impregnating into the capacitor tank. Purification system was utilized to remove particles and water content in fluids. Impregnation process has been done carefully under certain vacuum condition. In the last stage, an experimental test was carried out with thoughtful attentions. Also, measuring equipments such as the dissipation factor tester were well standardized to obtain accurate and error-free outcomes. All testing methods applied in this research is referred to the International standard, IEC 60871-1 Shunt capacitor for AC power systems at a rated voltage above 1000 V. According to the test result, it was found that impregnant types, impregnating temperature, and space factor or thickness of the element are major factors which affect electrical properties of model capacitors. There are four electrical properties of model capacitors which are taken into considerations; capacitance, withstand voltage, 96 dissipation factor, and short-circuit discharge. All measured temperature was corrected from 30 to 20 °C in accordance with standard testing methods. In term of capacitance, model capacitors were measured by Bridge meter. The designed units are subjected to the test with designed capacitance rated at 1.9 μF at 30 °C. From test results, sunflower oil was found to be the worst impregnant in term of capacitance property. It impregnated not well at low temperature range, but should be noted that model units with element thickness of 9.4 mm impregnated at 80 and 90 °C its capacitances were higher than 2.0 μF (2.003 and 2.013 μF, respectively). The most favorable results are from model units impregnated with Envirotemp FR3 fluid with both element thickness of 9.0 mm (1.956 μF at 90 and 1.987 μF at 100 °C) and 9.4 mm (1.939 μF at 90 and 1.975 μF at 100 °C). For soybean oil, it was found that at 100 °C impregnating temperature their capacitances were declined in both units with element thickness of 9.0 and 9.4 mm (1.939 μF and 1.975 μF, respectively). In withstand voltage test between terminals intended to determine the failure of model units, the AC test is carried out with a substantially sinusoidal voltage at 3.0 kV while the DC test is done under a direct current voltage at 6.0 kV. From test results, it was found that all units are qualified without any problem. For the dissipation factor or dielectric loss test, all model units are conditioned and measured at 1500 Vrms, 50 Hz, 30 °C. The highest value was from 9.4 mm element thick model unit impregnated with soybean oil at 100 °C (0.0793%), and the lowest value was from 9.0 mm element thick model unit impregnated with soybean oil at 70 °C (0.0144%). From the overview, it can be concluded that Envirotemp FR3 fluid is the most reliable impregnant which caused minimum loss to model units. The measurement of our last investigation, short circuit discharge test, has been done with the setup at 2.5 UN and 25 °C. In this case, we considered the difference of capacitance between before and after discharge in each impregnant. From test results, the lowest difference was found in 9.0 mm element thick model unit impregnated with sunflower oil at 90 °C (0.33%) which might be caused by the poor impregnation of the fluid itself because most of the differences in units impregnated with this fluid were nearly be the same Though the highest difference was found in 70 °C Envirotemp FR3 impregnated unit with element thickness of 9.4 mm (1.76%), the 97 overall value of this impregnant was in good shape when impregnating temperature was increased and thus found to be reliable. Even if there was no failure happened in this study, the purification and element pressing process were found to be one of the most important factor affect with test results. Insufficient fluid filtration can lead to non-throughout penetration of a fluid to a dielectric inside, which consequently brings to unsatisfied test result, also. Though model units can achieve better performance in the element with lower thickness, overpressing to obtain thinner element leads to inferior impregnation by reducing the penetration rate of a fluid. Also, It should be noted that under-pressing of the element can cause unfavorable result in short-circuit discharge as shown in chapter 4. When pressed strength of the element is not sufficiently enough, the penetration of impregnant through a dielectric cannot be done effectively. This phenomenon leads to larger change in capacitance, the difference of before and after discharge, which can be brought to the damage of our model capacitor. When compared between these fluids, there are conclusions that, firstly, all fluids can achieve designed capacitance, thus can be considered as suitable impregnants along with proper element thickness. Secondly, the lower the space factor, the better performance of fluid, however, a fluid cannot penetrate well in extremely low space factor (lower than 9.0 mm thick in this case). Thirdly, sunflower oil can be impregnated at lower temperature (70 ºC), thus might be considered as superior impregnant to other two fluids. Finally, higher space factor may cause a decrease in capacitance and an increase in dissipation factor, leads to unexpected failure 5.2 Recommendations for future work From the experience in our research, there are several recommendations which are expected to be useful in any area of study involved with a power capacitor impregnated with vegetable oil as following; 5.2.1 It is recommended to future research on including the aging test to investigate electrical properties; capacitance, dissipation factor, withstand voltage, and short circuit discharge of model units impregnated with the similar vegetable oils. 98 Aging test can be used as a shortcut in accelerating the life of capacitors, which is useful when consider about their life cycle in continuous or heavy-duty applications. 5.2.2 It is also encouraged to future research on shunt capacitors. This type of capacitor is widely used in medium voltage applications for the purpose of power factor correction. Any study in the future could apply similar design and test of this research to investigate the function of the capacitor in term of electrical properties of interest. 5.2.3 There are many natural vegetable oils which have appropriate attribute for capacitance applications, castor oil for example. It is a sensation to investigate these fluids with some interesting application such as in storage or impulse capacitor. In addition, a comparison between the measured results of vegetable oils impregnated in such capacitor can leads to other brand new contents. 5.2.4 Dissipation factor is a key parameter in evaluating performance of capacitors. Future research should consider arranging an investigation to develop better quality of any vegetable oil as an impregnant in order to reduce this dissipation factor so that loss in a capacitor can be preserved effectively. REFERENCES 1. 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First, I graduated Vocational Education Certificate in Electricity from Lopburi Technical College, Lopburi in 1983. Second I got Diploma from Electrical Technology, Faculty of Technical Education and Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok Campus, Bangkok in 1985. Third I graduated Bachelor degree from Faculty of Technical Education and Science, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok Campus, Bangkok in 1987. Fourth I graduated Master from Science Technical Education (Electrical Technology) major, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok in 1995, and I graduated Bachelor from Engineering (Electrical Engineering), Faculty of Engineering, Rajamangala Institute of Technology, Pathumthani in 2003. My Workplace address is : Electrical Engineering Department, Engineering Faculty, Pathumwan Institute of Technology, 833 Rama 1 rd. Wangmai Pathumwan Bangkok 11000 My Address is 833/9 Rama 1 rd. Wangmai Pathumwan Bangkok 11000, and my email address is