LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Overview Students will learn about electricity as a form of energy, and explore static electricity through experimentation. Student Learning Targets • • • • NGSS MS-PS1-1. Background I can define electricity and describe how electrons move within and between atoms to create electricity. I can construct a model of an atom and explain the atom’s particles and their charges. I can explain static electricity and give an example of static electricity that I find in everyday life. I can tell about lightning and how static electricity relates to how lightning works. Develop models to describe the atomic composition of simple molecules and extended structures. [Clarification Statement: Emphasis is on developing models of molecules that vary in complexity. Examples of simple molecules could include ammonia and methanol. Examples of extended structures could include sodium chloride or diamonds. Examples of molecular-level models could include drawings, 3D ball and stick structures, or computer representations showing different molecules with different types of atoms.] [Assessment Boundary: Assessment does not include valence electrons and bonding energy, discussing the ionic nature of subunits of complex structures, or a complete description of all individual atoms in a complex molecule or extended structure is not required.] Electricity is an integral part of everyday life that most people can’t imagine being without. Because most people take electricity for granted, few understand what it is or how it is generated. Electricity can be either static or current. When two objects come in close contact with each other (often through friction), one object can lose electrons to the other. Thus, one object becomes negatively charged because it gained electrons; while the other becomes positively charged because it lost electrons. Static electricity is the instantaneous movement of electrons due to this imbalance of states in which electrons move from negatively charged atoms towards positively charged atoms to restore balance. To LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 50 understand static electricity, students must grasp the following principles with regard to atoms and their charges: Everything is Made of Atoms All things on earth are made up of elements. Each element on earth has a defined number of neutrons, protons, and electrons, making it unique. Individual particles of elements are called atoms. Atoms are the smallest piece of an element. Multiple atoms bonded together make molecules, and molecules bond together to make objects. Parts of an Atom Atoms are made up of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutrons, which have no charge. The protons and neutrons are held tightly together in the nucleus or center of the atom. Negatively charged electrons orbit around the nucleus like planets orbit around the sun. The charge (strength) of one negatively charged electron is equal to the charge (strength) of one positively charged proton. When an atom has the same number of electrons and protons, the positive charges and negative charges are equal. This makes the overall atom neutral, or what scientist call “balanced.” Moving Electrons The neutrons and protons in an atom are held very tightly together in the atom’s nucleus. However, electrons orbiting (moving in a path) around the nucleus are less tightly held, especially the further from the nucleus their orbit. Electrons far from the nucleus that are more loosely held can move from one atom to another. This movement of electrons generates electricity. Simply put, electricity is the movement of electrons. Some substances, like metals, lose electrons fairly easily. This property of metals makes them good conductors of electricity. Substances like glass, rubber, and wood hold on tightly to their electrons, making them poor conductors of electricity, and good insulators (opposite of conductor). Electrical Charges When an atom loses electrons, the electrons take their negative charges with them. Now the protons outnumber the electrons giving the atom an overall positive charge. When an atom gains electrons, the electrons outnumber the protons, giving the atom an overall negative charge. Because atoms make up molecules, which in turn make up objects; molecules and objects can have an overall positive or negative charge because of the charge of their atoms. LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 51 When two objects of opposite charges come in contact with each other they attract each other (like the north and south poles of two magnets). When two objects of the same charge (whether both are positive or negative) come in contact, they repel each other. This repelling action is similar to that of magnets when like poles repel. opposite charges attract like charges repel http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/static.html Static Electricity Electricity can be generated in a couple of ways by moving electrons from one place to another. How this movement occurs determines whether static or current electricity is produced as a result. With static electricity, electron movement is instantaneously. Whereas, in current electricity electrons move continuously along a pathway called a circuit. Lightning, static cling, and static shocks are all examples of static electricity. Static electricity is generated when two differently charged objects come in contact with each other (usually through friction) causing the instantaneous movement of electrons. The electrons move from the negatively charged object to the positively charged objects restoring balance of both to neutral. A charged object will also attract an object that is neutral. Through friction, an insulating material such as a rubber balloon will take on an overall negative charge. This happens when you rub the balloon on your hair or wool because the balloon picks up electrons from the hair or wool on that side of the balloon. If you hold the side of the balloon charged with the extra electrons next to a neutral object like wood, it will stick. This is because the negative side of the balloon repels the electrons in the surface of the wood, causing the electrons to shift to the far side of their orbits. In doing so, the atom’s nucleus containing the positively charged protons is closer to the wood surface. The opposite charges of the balloon and wood surface attract each other. This attraction lasts for a LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 52 very short period of time. The extra electrons in the balloon leak off, and both the balloon and surface of the wood return to their natural neutral states. Adapted from http://www.teachengineering.org/ See handout “Fundamentals of Electricity” which can be shared with students. Vocabulary Electricity, proton, electron, neutron, charge, static electricity, current electricity, conductors, circuits, negatively charged, positively charged, elements Resources Static Electricity – http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/static.html Static Electricity 4 – http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/static-electricity4/ Activity: Charge It – Free resources for K-12: www.teachengineering.org NDT Resource Center – an easy to understand website on electricity that explains what electricity is, using atom models. Animated: http://www.ndted.org/EducationResources/HighSchool/Electricity/eleme nts.htm. Energy Story – another good website that explores energy and electricity: http://energyquest.ca.gov/story/chapter02.html. LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 53 Materials For each student 1 pencil 1 science notebook 1 paper towel 3 colored pencils of different colors 1 small bag of M&Ms Renewable & Nonrenewable worksheet For each table group 2 colored pencils of each color: orange, brown, red, yellow, blue, green 2 magnets For the class Overhead transparencies of helium and copper atoms Overhead 2 “Atom” Overhead 6 “Static Electricity: Charged Atoms” Overhead 7 “Static Electricity: Investigation” Six balloons, inflated up to a circumference of about 15 inches Three pieces of wool or fleece cloth, each piece about 2’ x 2’ or larger Access to a faucet with a steady stream of water, a table and a wall Six packets of unflavored gelatin; place dry contents of two packages onto each of three paper plates One copy for each activity station of “Static Electricity: Investigation” Preparation Gather together supplies, and set up static experiment stations. Time 60 minutes Procedure 1. Prior to starting a new topic have students review the previous lesson by individually completing the “Renewable & Nonrenewable” worksheet (Overhead 1). 2. Tell students that during this lesson they will have a chance to share what they know about the form of energy called electricity. Tell them that they are going to begin with a brainstorming activity in which each student will take turns sharing what they already have learned or know. Ask students to raise their hands to share their ideas. OR, 3. THINK-PAIR SHARE: Ask students to list in their journals: “What do you already know about electricity?” After a minute, have students LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 54 turn to a partner and share what they have recorded with each other. Ask students to raise their hands to share their ideas and record them on the white board or newsprint. When a duplicate response is mentioned, put a check next to the item to indicate that another student responded the same, rather than writing it down again. Alternatively have students complete a K-W-L about electricity in their journal. “What do you Know? What do you Want to know?” and then at the end of the lesson have them reflect on the following question: “What did you Learn?” One example could look like this: There are good ideas on how to set students up to activate prior learning and to explore more information once they have gone through the K-W-L activities http://www.tpsnva.org/handbook/part4/ch9/prereading_strategies.php 4. Share with students that there are two kinds of electricity – static and current. 5. Tell students that to understand electricity, they have to first understand atoms and the parts to an atom, as atoms are the source of electricity. Ask students: “Do you know what an atom is and the three parts of an atom?” Take responses from students and positively reinforce their enthusiasm. If students are already familiar with atoms, parts of the atom, and charges, you may choose to skip the first activity and proceed with Static Electricity. 6. Explain that: “An atom is the smallest part of any substance. Atoms are so small that we can’t see an individual atom. A group of atoms is called a molecule. Even molecules are too small to see.” Ask students LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 55 to: “Look at your hand, the desk, your paper, etc. These items are all made up of atoms and molecules.” 7. Using Overhead 2, show a diagram of a simple atom. Point out the protons, neutrons, and electrons. Explain that “Atoms are made up of three parts. In the center of an atom, what scientist call the nucleus, are neutrons and protons. Orbiting around the neutrons and protons are electrons. They travel around the neutrons and protons like the planets orbit around the sun. Protons have a positive electrical charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative electrical charge.” Overhead 2: "Atom." Primary Energy Flipbook. Manassas, VA: NEED Project, 2009. 68. Print. 8. While showing Overheads 3 and 4, explain that atoms have different numbers of protons, neutrons, and electrons, depending on what kind of atom it is. For example, helium atoms have two neutrons, two protons, and two electrons; while copper atoms have 35 neutrons, 29 LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 56 protons, and 29 electrons. Explain that, “helium is a gas used to fill party balloons and copper is a metal used to make wire.” 9. Explain that: “In a stable atom – or atom ‘in balance’ – there are the same numbers of protons and electrons. However, there may be a different number of neutrons.” 10. List on the board or overhead these rules of atoms: • Neutrons and protons in the center (the nucleus) • Electrons orbit around the nucleus • Same number of electrons (- charge) and protons (+ charge) 11. Tell students: “Using the five steps on Overhead 5, you will make a model atom of your own with M&Ms on a paper towel. Use different colored M&Ms for each part, one color for neutrons, one color for protons, and one color for electrons. Once your model is done, raise your hand and the teacher or a classroom helper will check your model for accuracy. Once your model is correct, draw it in your notebook using different colored pencils to match the colors of the M&Ms. Be sure to also mark your electrons with an “E” and a negative sign (-) and protons with a “P” and a positive (+) sign in your notebook.” Draw the – and + signs on the board/overhead. Neutrons are marked with an “N”. 12. Five minute Reflection: use your Science Journal to draw your atom and then reflect on what your atom represents and what you have learned. Use your observation skills and past knowledge. Some starter questions, if needed: Does your model represent an authentic atom—why? What are the characteristics of your atom? How could you change your atom and what do you think would happen? What questions do you have about atoms? 13. Tell students: “Don’t eat your M&Ms until I say so.” Pass out supplies or have each student group select one person to get supplies from the supply table. 14. Have classroom helpers roam the room and check student work for accuracy and to facilitate student thinking as needed. 15. When everyone is done, ask a couple of students to share their work. Point out to students a couple of different atoms and say “notice that we have different atom models. How many of you have a model that LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 57 looks different from your neighbor? Maybe it has more neutrons or more protons and electrons.” Further explain that “an electron with a negative charge is equal to the strength of a proton with a positive charge. If an atom has the same number of protons and neutrons, the charges cancel each other out and the atom is consider overall to be neutral or in balance. The number of negative charges balances the number of positive charges, so overall the atom has no charge.” 16. Ask students: now take one of your model’s electrons and move it away from your atom. Explain that some kinds of atoms, like metal atoms, lose their electrons more easily than others, such as rubber. That is why we often find that metals are good conductors of current electricity, and poor insulators. We’ll explore conductors and insulators more another day. 17. Ask students if their atoms are in balance now that they’ve “freed” an electron? Why or why not? Has the overall charge of the atom changed? Explain to students that only electrons can move within an orbit, and between atoms. This is because the protons and neutrons are held tightly together in the nucleus; whereas electrons are less tightly held in their orbits. The further out from the atom’s nucleus the more loosely electrons are held. Also explain that the overall charge of an atom changes to positive when it loses an electron; and to negative when it gains electrons. Have students practice with their models and extra M&Ms gaining and losing electrons. Ask them to draw their atoms when they have an overall negative charge, and again with an overall positive charge. 18. Ask students to look at the electron they moved – it represents electricity. We can’t see the moving electrons but we can see their effect, and use them to do work. We can even measure them, which we will do in another lesson. Explain and write on the board for students to copy: “Electricity is produced when an outside force upsets the balance between charged protons and electrons in atoms, causing the electrons to move. This movement of electrons produces electricity.” LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 58 19. Explain while writing on the board/overhead: “Notice that the words ELECTRONS and ELECTRICITY are very similar. They both start with ELECTR. The word electricity comes from the word electrons. That will help you remember that electricity comes from moving electrons.” 20. Ask students if they can tell you the two kinds of electricity and/or give you examples of each. Explain that when electrons move they generate either static or current electricity depending on how they move. 21. Ask students if they have ever seen lightning? Explain that lightning is an example of static electricity. “When was the last time you walked across the carpet in your socks, went to open the door to another room, and ‘ouch!’ you felt a small shock? Have you ever pulled your clothes from the dryer and heard them crackle? How are these situations related? What is causing the shock you feel or the crackle you hear? Explain to students that during this activity they will explore static electricity, the electrical phenomenon that is causing all of these ‘mysterious’ things to happen.” From “Charge It” at www.teachengineering.org. 22. Provide the following definition for students to copy in their notebooks: Static electricity is an electric charge caused by friction that results in attraction of dust or hair; crackling noises or sparks. The friction causes a rearrangement or transfer of electrons giving the item the electrical charge. 23. Tell students that to understand static electricity, we must first understand how positively charged and negatively charged atoms and the objects they make up react to each other. Share using diagrams that unlike charges attract each other and like charges repel each other. Sometimes it is easier for students to remember this principle in romantic terms, “opposites attract.” LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 59 opposite charges attract like charges repel http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/static.html 24. To further illustrate this phenomenon of charges, pass out magnets to teams of students. Ask them to manipulate the magnets to see if they can get the magnets to repel and attract each other. Once they have had a few minutes to manipulate the magnets, ask teams to share how they did this and why it happened. 25. Explain that charged atoms react similar to magnets in that opposite charges attract each other and like charges repel each other. Ask students, what would happen if: • Two positive atoms came within close proximity to each other? • How about two negatively charged atoms/objects? • How about a positively charged and a negatively charged atom or objects? You may want students to draw examples of the above situations in their notebooks and label. 26. Explain to students, while drawing for visual learners, that lightning occurs when clouds become charged; the atoms in the upper portion of the cloud become positively charged and the lower portion of the cloud becomes negatively charged. Since opposites attract, the negatively charged lower part of the cloud causes a positive charge to build up on the ground beneath the cloud. The ground’s positive electrical charge concentrates around any object that sticks up including single trees, people, and mountains. The positive charge coming from these points that are higher than the ground eventually connects with the negative charge reaching down from the cloud. If the charges build up and become too great, lightning flashes. The flash of the lighting is due to electrons instantaneously moving from the negatively charged cloud to the positively charged object on the LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 60 ground. When lots of electrons pass from the cloud to the object, they heat the air space causing it to glow. Remember, moving electrons are electricity and electricity is a form of energy. Thus static electricity is transformed to heat and light energy in the form of lightning. You can watch a quick 1:58 min video about how static electricity is generate in a cloud and causes lighting. http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=27642&Categ oryID=2670 27. Tell students they are going to be doing activities that show how static electricity works. Make sure you have identical stations set up so that students can work in small groups, each with the following materials: • • • • • two balloons (blown up to a circumference of about 15 inches) a piece of wool or fleece cloth (two feet by two feet or larger) a copy of “Static Electricity Overhead #7: Investigation” a pencil a paper plate with unflavored gelatin on it (pour the dry contents of two packages of gelatin onto the plate). Note: this activity is adapted from “Charge It” at http://www.teachengineering.org/. Demonstration: a. Show “Static Electricity Overhead #6: Charged Atoms” while you rub a balloon on a piece of wool or fleece cloth. Explain to LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 61 students that the surface of the balloon changes from being uncharged to negatively charged after you rub it on the wool or fleece cloth, or your hair. Remind students that electrons are the negatively charged particles in an atom. When you rub the balloon on the cloth or hair, friction causes the hair or cloth to give up electrons to the rubber where the balloon was rubbed. The negatively charged electrons line up (within their atoms) on the outer edge of their orbits on the side of the balloon that was rubbed with the cloth or hair. b. Show how a charged balloon will stick to the wall. Ask students why they think this happens. Remind them that the wall has an overall neutral charge and doesn’t gain or lose electrons, though something about the atoms and electrons in the wall closest to the balloon does change. Let students try to guess what is happening and then share the following explanation. “The negatively charged side of the balloon and the neutrallycharge wall are attracted to each other because the negative charge of the balloon causes a temporary reorientation of the negatively-charged electrons of the atom in the surface of the wall close to the balloon. The orientation of the electrons of the wall move to the furthest most part in their orbits from the wall surface, leaving the protons in the nucleus of the atom closer to the outside of the wall and the balloon. What’s in the nucleus of the wall atoms? Positively charged protons! So the negatively charged balloon is attracted to the positively charged protons of the wall atoms. While the electron doesn’t leave the atom, it moves to a different position in its orbit. This is called charge polarization.” Draw a diagram of the reorientation of the wall atoms to help students visualize what is happening at the atomic level. LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 62 Adapted from http://www.teachengineering.org/ Activity Stations (Divide students into small groups so they can try activities at a station; all stations are identical): Direct two students at a time at each station to rub the balloons on the cloth to negatively charge a side of the balloons. Students will try each activity listed below at their station and record their observations to share at the end of the lesson with the class. Static Electricity Investigation Activity – rub balloon on cloth again after each activity to recharge balloon! 1. Move a finger toward the balloon, observe and listen. 2. Bring the charged side of your balloon close to the charged side of your partner’s balloon; observe and listen. 3. Put the charged balloon on the table and try to gently roll it. 4. Try to stick the charged balloon to the wall. 5. Hold the charged balloon above a bowl of gelatin. 6. Hold the charged balloon near a thin, steady stream of water. Observation – record what happens Adapted from http://www.teachengineering.org/ LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 63 Troubleshooting Tips: • Ask students not to hold inflated balloons next to their faces or other students’ faces, in case the balloon pops. • Remind students to recharge the balloon between each experimental trial. Students sometimes unintentionally hold or touch the part of the balloon that they charged, thus discharging the balloon. If they do this, they might not be able to “attach” it to another surface. • A charged balloon does not stick to surfaces very long in humid weather because the presence of water facilitates the removal of electrons from the balloon to the surface more quickly than the electrons naturally disperse on a dry surface. This demonstrates that water is a good conductor while dry air is a good insulator. Activity Explanations: A balloon rubbed on clothing becomes negatively charged because the balloon is made from an insulating material (usually natural latex from rubber trees). Electrons deposited on the balloon are confined to the region that was rubbed, so only a portion of the surface of the balloon is negatively charged. When you hold your finger near a charged balloon you hear a crackling sound due to the balloon discharging. The spark is too small and fast to see with the human eye. The same thing happens if you hold two charged balloons near each other. When you try to roll a charged balloon, you notice that the balloon only rolls a short distance; then it stops and wobbles about the portion of the balloon that you charged. This charged portion of the balloon “sticks” to the floor (a neutral insulator) due to charge polarization that occurs in the molecules of the floor. A charged balloon “sticks” to a wooden door, wall, ceiling, plastic chair, window, mirror, and clothing due to charge polarization in these insulators. It quickly slides down a metal surface because metal is a good conductor and electrons “leak off” the balloon to the metal. A charged balloon deflects or attracts a stream of water because water is a polar molecule. Water molecules have an uneven charge distribution such that the oxygen end is more negative and the hydrogen ends are more positive. When the negatively charged balloon is brought near the stream of water, the negative ends of the water molecules are repelled LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 64 by the balloon. If the water molecules spin around so their negative ends point away from the negative balloon, the attraction between the positive ends of the water molecules and the negative balloon causes the water stream to move toward the balloon. When you hold a balloon over a bowl of gelatin, small stalactites of gelatin form and hang from the balloon surface. This attraction is explained by the polar nature of the gelatin molecules. The positive ends of the gelatin molecules are attracted to the negative balloon. The gelatin molecules form a chain because the positive end of each molecule is attracted to the negative end of another molecule. (However, it may also occur because the gelatin molecules are hydrated, meaning that each gelatin is attached to a water molecule. If this is the case, the positive ends of hydrated molecules form a chain.) Some of you may have seen anti-cling or anti-static products that you place in the dryer with your clothes or spray onto your clothes if they stick together due to static electricity. How do you think they work? The dryer sheets work by reducing the friction between the clothes rubbing together. Each dryer sheet has a waxy substance on it that is transferred to your clothing in the dryer and reduces static electricity. The anti-static sprays work the same way by adding a waxy substance or lubricant to the fibers of your clothes. From “Charge It” at http://www.teachengineering.org Career Exploration Invite in a scientist or engineer who uses static electricity to develop industrial air filters that remove pollutants or design printers and copiers. Tell students that scientists, environmental engineers, and electrical engineers use their understanding of static electricity to develop industrial air filters to help our environment. These “electrostatic precipitators” use static electricity to remove pollutants without impeding the production efficiency of industrial plants. In the home, electrostatic air cleaners use an electrostatic force to move air molecules and trap small airborne particles as they circulate past an array of electrically-charged stainless steel blades. Other technologies that exploit the properties of static electricity may be found in appliances and machines such as copy machines and printers designed by electrical and mechanical engineers. From “Charge It” at http://www.teachengineering.org LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 65 Assessment The brainstorming session will provide you with some information about each student’s current knowledge of electricity and provide a baseline against which to evaluate their progress as they complete the following lessons. Drawings of atoms in the student notebooks can also be graded for understanding. Score worksheets provided (handout 8 of 8). Have students write their personal answers to the following questions in their notebooks; then discuss with their teammates. 1. Describe how to charge an object such as a balloon. How does the object change at the atomic level? 2. What happens when two objects with the same overall charges come in contact to each other? 3. What happens when two objects with opposite overall charges come in contact with each other? 4. What happens when a negatively charged object comes in contact with a neutral object? Draw a diagram of the charges of the objects before and after contact. 5. What part of an atom can move within and between atoms? LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 66 RESOURCES: Short Videos that demonstrate energy It is five times hotter than the sun and turns sand to glass in an instant. It can shoot 80 kilometres up above storm clouds. And it may even have provided the original spark that created life itself. This stylish documentary reveals the full power of lightning, why it is so dangerous, and what scientists are doing to protect us. (7:46) http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=14106&CategoryID=2670 Incredible dissection of lightning a great discussion for you to facilitate about electricity and lightning. A clip from Discovery Channel's "Raging Planet" on the subject of lightning. If you find lightning a fascinating and beautiful force, then check this clip out. Camera technology has gotten to where scientists have been able to record and playback a lightning strike at over 200X slower with really cool results. (03:16) http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=56780&CategoryID=2670 Simple and quick…talks about static electricity and how it creates lightning! As clouds get bigger with the continuous rising of air, they interact with particles of ice and dirt to create a buildup of static electricity. Learn about the interaction of electrical charges in a cloud with charges on the ground with help from a meteorologist in this video on understanding weather. (01:58) http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=27642&CategoryID=2670 Graphic and quick with positive and negative charges labeled. Lightening is a high current electrical discharge in the atmosphere. Learn more about how these electrical discharges occur in this educational video. Run time 01:04. http://www.watchknowlearn.org/Video.aspx?VideoID=22848&CategoryID=2670 INTERACTIVE Simple but quick interactive graphic showing transfer of electrons and static electricity https://www.classzone.com/books/ml_science_share/vis_sim/emm05_pg7_charge/emm05_pg 7_charge.swf Page of all kinds of interactive games and graphics that center on electricity SOL 4.3 Electricity - Activity Page
Conductors, insulators, open/closed circuits, parallel/series circuits, static electricity, electromagnets http://www.solpass.org/5s/AP/4.3scienceactivityy.htm K-W-L charts and strategies A Before, During, and After reading strategy http://www.schools.manatee.k12.fl.us/711LBENNETT/reading/before__during_and_after_read ing_strategies_.html LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 67 K-W-L chart http://www.eduplace.com/graphicorganizer/pdf/kwl.pdf Here are other ways to think about the standard K-W-L charts that might work for your science classroom. K-W-F This is what I Know, This is what I Wonder about, This is how I will Find out K-T-F This is what I Know for sure, This is what I Think I know, This is how I Found out O-W-L This is what I Observed, This is what I Wonder about, This is what I Learned P-O-E This is what I Predict, This is what I Observed, This is how I can Explain it K-W-L-H Same as K-W-L, adding this is How I learned it K-W-L- Plus Same as K-W-L, adding Plus= Mapping and Summarizing by drawing a concept map or graphic organizer B-K-W-L-Q Same as K-W-L, adding beginning step B= background knowledge and Q= (at end) new questions https://framework.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Determining+Starting+Points+for+Student+Growth LESSON 5 What is Static Electricity? Nagele, et al. 2016 page 68