Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple

Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
By Anoop Joshi, Cadence Design Systems
Power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) is an important parameter for many electronic systems
because it measures system performance, enabling designers to verify a system meets required
performance specification. This white paper discusses how to drive high-frequency sinusoidal
ripple over capacitive loads for PSRR testing
Introduction.................................. 1
Circuits......................................... 2
Circuit 1: Basic circuit for adding
supply ripple (no decoupling
capacitor)...................................... 2
Circuit 2: Adding supply ripple (with
decoupling capacitor).................... 4
Circuit 3: Adding supply ripple at
frequencies greater than 10MHz
(with decoupling capacitor)........... 7
Conclusion.................................... 8
References ................................. 8
This white paper discusses a method for driving high-frequency sinusoidal
ripple over capacitive loads for power supply rejection ratio (PSRR) testing,
an important performance parameter for many electronic systems such as RF
and wireless systems, power management systems, data converters, clocking
systems, and high-speed serial interface systems. PSRR measures how well a
circuit rejects ripple coming from input power supply at various frequencies,
measuring system performance with a ripple (e.g., sinusoidal ripple) of specific
amplitude and frequency added to the power supply, and verifying that it
meets the required performance specifications.
One key factor while adding supply ripple is the presence of a decoupling
capacitor at the supply pin. Systems usually have decoupling capacitors on
all their supplies to decouple the power supply from the switching noise
caused by switching currents across the PCB trace inductance. As the ripple
frequencies increase, the shunt impedance to ground presented by the decoupling capacitors decreases and the current required to achieve a specific ripple
amplitude across the capacitor increases. For example, for a 0.1μF decoupling
capacitor, the impedance for a 1MHz ripple frequency is about 1/(Cω)=1.59Ω,
which is fairly low. To achieve a 200mVpp (70.72mVrms) sinusoidal ripple
amplitude at the supply pin with the decoupling capacitor in place requires
a root mean square (RMS) current of 70.72mVrms /1.59 Ω, which is nearly
45mArms. As frequencies go even higher, the currents required will scale up
accordingly. This makes the required ripple amplitudes somewhat difficult to
achieve when driven by normally available signal sources or op-amp-based
circuits, and may require high-performance components with high current
driving capacity, wide signal bandwidths, and tolerance of high-capacitive
loads—which may be expensive. Even with these components, it may not be
easy to achieve the desired results, and the system may have stability issues
due to the capacitance load, especially in op-amp-based approaches. An easy
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
solution would be to remove the decoupling capacitors during the PSRR tests, but this may not be acceptable for
highly automated test systems, where all the tests are supposed to run one after the other at the click of a button
without any interruptions.
The circuits discussed in this white paper use the higher current drive capability of the DC power supplies by
deriving the AC current for generating the ripple directly from the supplies, and thus isolate the signal source/
op-amp amplifier from the task of delivering this load current across the decoupling capacitors. In addition to the
basic circuit used to drive a sine/square supply ripple at a supply pin without the decoupling capacitor in place, this
white paper discusses two enhanced versions, one that drives a 1MHz sinusoidal 200mVpp supply ripple across
a 0.1μF decoupling capacitor, and another that delivers a 30MHz sinusoidal 50mVpp supply ripple across a 0.1μF
decoupling capacitor. All circuits have been simulated using Cadence® OrCAD® PCB Designer with PSPICE® tool.
This white paper describes three circuits:
1. Basic circuit for adding supply ripple (no decoupling capacitor)
2. Circuit for adding supply ripple (with decoupling capacitor)
3. Circuit for adding supply ripple at frequencies greater than 10MHz (with decoupling capacitor)
Circuits 2 and 3 are modified versions of the basic circuit, and are both capable of driving a supply ripple even
when a decoupling capacitor is present. This approach allows designers to leave the decoupling capacitors on the
board during PSRR testing, saving time during the testing stage and enabling more automation.
Circuit 1: Basic circuit for adding supply ripple (no decoupling capacitor)
Figure 1 shows a basic circuit that drives a sine/square supply ripple without a decoupling capacitor. This circuit
makes use of negative feedback to ensure that the ripple signal is an exact replica of the signal applied on the
non-inverting terminal of the op-amp. It works well for even square wave ripple with faster rising edges and for
high-ripple frequencies up to 100MHz, assuming appropriate high-speed op-amps and MOSFETS are chosen.
However, because the output node is part of the negative feedback loop, supply decoupling capacitors must be
removed for testing to avoid instability.
Figure 1: Circuit 1 – Basic circuit for adding supply ripple (no decoupling capacitor)
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
In this circuit, the signal required to be replicated at the supply pin is applied to the non-inverting input of the
op-amp U1. For illustrative purposes, consider a case where a 1MHz 200mVpp sine/square ripple riding on a 3.63V
DC supply is required. A 1MHz 200mVpp sine/square signal riding on 3.63V DC level is applied to the op-amp
non-inverting input using a signal generator. The op-amp output drives the gate terminal of the N-channel
enhancement MOSFET T1. The drain terminal of T1 is connected to a 10V DC supply (a 5V DC supply may be
adequate, depending on the DC level required at the output). The source terminal of T1 is connected to the
inverting input of U1, with the RC combination (consisting of R2, R3, and C1) connected between the source
terminal and ground. The functionality of R1, R4, and R5 will be discussed later in this white paper. The final output
signal appears at the source terminal, denoted by node VM1.
Once the required input signal is applied at the non-inverting op-amp input, the op-amp tries to replicate the
same signal on the inverting input by resorting to negative feedback to reduce the difference or error between the
inverting and non-inverting inputs. In this case, the inverting input is not directly connected to the op-amp output,
but to the source terminal of T1, and op-amp output is connected to the MOSFET gate terminal. The op-amp can
control how much the MOSFET turns on by setting the gate voltage to allow the MOSFET to turn on just enough so
that the current that flows across it from drain to source (derived from the 10V DC supply) creates a voltage across
the R2, R3, and C1 combination that closely mimics the voltage applied on the op-amp non-inverting terminal.
Here, the MOSFET behaves somewhat like a voltage variable resistor controlled by Vgs. Thus, we replicate this signal
at the output node, but the required current is fully delivered by the 10V DC supply and not by the op-amp or
signal source.
When implementing this circuit in hardware, there are practical considerations that the designer must keep in mind
to realize the performance achieved in simulations, such as choosing the proper components and reducing of the
effects of board parasitics on circuit operation. Additional considerations are listed below:
• The choice of the op-amp and MOSFET—The op-amp should have sufficient bandwidth and slew rate to be
able to track the input signal fast enough using negative feedback. The op-amp used in this particular example
has a GBP of 165MHz. The MOSFET should also be able to respond fast enough to the gate signal variations to
ensure the negative feedback action is good enough. A low threshold voltage and a low RgCgs time constant—
where Rg is the internal series gate resistance and Cgs is the internal gate-source capacitance—are desirable traits.
Unity gain stable op-amps may be preferred.
• The op-amp output swing and DC supplies required—This is dictated by the threshold voltage Vgsth for
the MOSFET. Assuming a Vgsth of 3V, if the required output DC level (which is the same as the source terminal
voltage) is 3.63V, the gate voltage should at least be 6.63V. Therefore, the op-amp and the DC supply levels
used need to support the required output swing.
• Use of R1, R4, and R5—These are not always strictly necessary, but can be very helpful. R1 helps to isolate the
op-amp output from any direct capacitive loading (such as the gate-source capacitance of the MOSFET) and
helps maintain stability. R4 helps to reduce ringing in the output, especially in cases with a square wave ripple
or high-frequency sine wave ripple with fast rising edges. R5 is not strictly required in this case, but will become
more important in the cases to follow. Nevertheless, it may be useful to leave the option to add a resistance here
so that this circuit can be easily modified in the future.
• Minimize inductance—Be careful to minimize the inductance on the trace driving the gate signal, as this
inductance could form a parasitic LC circuit with the MOSFET gate-source and gate-drain capacitances and
oscillate. Minimizing the trace length will help.
• Adjust DC drain voltage as necessary—If 10V drain DC voltage is used, the output may approach 7V for a
brief period of 50us after powering on the circuit before settling to the final value, so it may be better to connect
the output to the chip supply pin after this time, i.e., after the output is settled (a relay can be used for this).
Alternatively, a lesser DC drain voltage, e.g., 5V, may be used, as the startup output overshoot will always be less
than this. The series drain resistor value for T1 may have to be reduced accordingly.
Figure 2 shows the input and output waveforms from simulation for a 1MHz 200mVpp sine and square signal
riding on 3.63V DC level. VM1 is the output and VM2 is the input. The output tracks the input closely, as both
signals overlap almost perfectly in both cases.
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
Figure 2: Input and output waveforms for Circuit 1 (no decoupling capacitor)
Circuit 2: Adding supply ripple (with decoupling capacitor)
Figure 3 shows a circuit that drives a 1MHz 200mVpp sinusoidal supply ripple across a 0.1μF decoupling capacitor.
This circuit does not require designers to remove the decoupling capacitor for PSRR testing, saving testing time and
enabling more automation.
Figure 3: Circuit 2 – Circuit for adding supply ripple (with decoupling capacitor)
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
If a decoupling capacitor is added directly to the T1 source terminal in the circuit in Figure 1, a capacitor is
connected directly to the inverting input of the op-amp, which contributes to a phase lag within the negative
feedback loop. This affects the loop function and may make the circuit unstable, as shown in Figure 4. It is also
difficult to compensate for this phase lag using phase lead compensation and other compensation methods, and
will continue to affect the negative feedback operation to some degree.
Figure 4: Circuit 1 shows output oscillations when a 0.1uF decoupling capacitor is connected to the output node
To prevent the negative feedback loop being affected by the decoupling capacitor’s capacitive load , an extra
output stage with a MOSFET T2 identical to T1 is added as shown in Figure 3. The gate terminal of T2 is shorted to
match T1 so that both receive the same gate voltage from the op-amp. An RC combination consisting of R4 and C2
(which is the decoupling capacitor) is connected between the source terminal of T2 and ground.
It is not as straightforward as simply shorting the gate signals of the 2 MOSFETS together. For just a DC level, we
could use an R4 value that is the same as R2 and would receive an identical DC output. In this case, for the AC
signal component, the load impedance present at the output of the second MOSFET is much lower compared
to the first one due to the decoupling capacitor. This is calculated by ~1/(Cω), and is approximately 1.59Ω for a
frequency of 1MHz and C= 0.1uF. The AC current required to flow across the MOSFET to get a 100mV amplitude
is likewise higher, i.e., a sinusoidal current of around 45mArms or around 64mA amplitude should flow across it.
To allow for the full swing of this AC current, the DC current must be biased to a high enough value (at least
64mA) so that the AC current is not clipped during the negative cycle, as the current across the MOSFET cannot be
negative. The circuit uses a much lower value of 50Ω for R, so that the DC current bias point is set high enough to
allow for the full range of variation for the AC current. This is critical to make the output stage MOSFET react well
enough to the gate signal to deliver the required AC current across the output load per the AC excitation, and to
improve its linearity. Ensure R4 has the required power dissipation capability.
In turn, the DC and AC component of the gate excitation for T2 must be scaled sufficiently higher to achieve the
required output. The easiest way to find the scaling required for the gate voltage’s DC and AC components is
to simulate using a simple circuit as shown in Figure 5 and find what DC and AC signal levels are required at the
MOSFET gate to achieve the required DC and AC levels at the output. For example, for this circuit and components,
the required gate input for a 1MHz 200mVpp sine wave riding on 3.63V DC level at the output is a 240mVpp sine
wave signal of the same
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
Figure 5: Circuit for finding the required gate AC and DC excitation levels
This is achieved in Circuit 2 by using the indicated values for R2, R3, and R5. For the DC signal, the feedback point
connected to the inverting input is taken from the junction of the resistive voltage divider formed by R2 and R5.
The AC signal is taken from the junction of the voltage divider, which consists of R5 at the top and the parallel
combination of R2 and R3. (The impedance of C1 is in series with R3, but at frequencies as high as 1MHz, the
series combination would still be nearly equal to R3 as the capacitive reactance will be negligible in comparison.)
This ensures that the DC and AC components in the op-amp output are individually scaled by the respective values
required, and this signal is applied to the gates of both MOSFETs.
This architecture will not work well with square waves, as the amount of switching current required for getting
sharp rising edges across the capacitive load will be too high, and the edges will start to slow down and become
distorted. The scope for this circuit is restricted only to sinusoidal ripple.
Figure 6 shows the input and output waveforms from simulation of a 1MHz 200mVpp sinusoidal signal riding on
3.63V DC level. VM1 is the output and VM2 is the input. The output tracks the input fairly accurately even though
there is a small phase shift, which should not be an issue.
Figure 6: Input and output waveforms for Circuit 2 (with decoupling capacitor)
Proper thermal management for the MOSFETs is important, because MOSFET power dissipation can be non-trivial
especially at higher ripple frequencies or higher capacitance load values. MOSFET power dissipation can be calculated as I DS X V DS , where I DS is the drain to source current of the MOSFET and V DS is the drain to source voltage
differential. Clearly, the choice of a lower drain voltage (e.g., 5V instead of 10V) can reduce this power dissipation.
Designers should also reduce the MOSFET junction-to-ambient thermal resistance using good heat-sinking practices
to minimize the internal temperature increases with power dissipation. This is required because MOSFET operating
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
characteristics can be affected by temperature changes, and the performance may deviate from expectations if
thermal management is not adequately managed. The goal should be to limit the junction temperature rise as
much as possible for the given ripple amplitude,frequency specifications and decoupling capacitor value.
Circuit 3: Adding supply ripple at frequencies greater than 10MHz (with decoupling capacitor)
Figure 7 shows a circuit that drives a 30MHz 50mVpp sinusoidal supply ripple across a 0.1μF decoupling capacitor
This circuit is an enhanced version of Circuit 2 shown in Figure 3 that is capable of driving comparatively higher
ripple frequencies by using a much faster op-amp.
Figure 7: Circuit 3 – Adding supply ripple at frequencies greater than 10MHz (with decoupling capacitor)
The Circuit 3 architecture uses a different op-amp than Circuit 2, with a much higher bandwidth (420MHz) and
slew rate. This is required for the negative feedback to work fast enough to adequately track the input signal. If a
lower bandwidth/slew rate op-amp is used, the input signal applied to the non inverting op-amp input may need
to be scaled up to attain the desired output ripple amplitude. Also, the values for the R2, R3, and R9 resistors have
been changed to set the appropriate scaling ratios for the AC and DC components of the signal. In addition, an
even lower value of 10Ω has been used for R4 to account for the higher DC biasing current required to support the
higher output swing for the AC current.
Figure 8 shows the simulation input and output waveforms for a 30MHz 50mVpp sinusoidal signal riding on 3.63V
DC level. VM1 is the output and VM2 is the input. The output tracks the input fairly accurately even though there is
a noticeable phase shift, which should not be an issue.
Testing PSRR with High-Frequency Ripple
Figure 8: Input and output waveforms for Circuit 3 (with decoupling capacitor)
Note that, at high speeds (≥10MHz), the PCB layout, the choice of the components, and the parasitics of the
components—especially the MOSFETs, trace parasitics, etc.—become extremely important. Also, supplying the
right amount of current to achieve the desired ripple amplitude becomes more difficult as the speeds increase,
because the impedance across which the ripple voltage is to be generated scales down with the ripple frequency.
For instance, at 30MHz, the load impedance becomes ~53mΩ, so the load current required to achieve a particular
ripple amplitude becomes that much higher. Also, if you are using a current feedback op-amp as in this case,
you have to carefully follow the circuit recommendations, usually given in the datasheets for such amplifiers.
For example, do not use a feedback resistor with a value less than the suggested value (in this circuit, R9 can be
considered the feedback resistor), and ensure the board parasitic capacitance at the op-amp pins is low enough by
removing the ground planes from beneath them. Also make sure that the DC power supply can drive the required
output current.
Affecting PSRR measurements with the decoupling capacitors in place for the supplies can be challenging. This
white paper discusses how to insert high-frequency ripple on a DC supply to affect PSRR measurements without
removing the decoupling capacitor on the supply pin. This capability is especially important in highly automated
test and measurement systems where all the tests are run on batches of devices without changing the hardware
setups. With this solution, designers can avoid spending the time and money required to implement a dedicated
PSRR test hardware setup without decoupling capacitors. To ensure the most effective circuit, designers should pay
attention to the practical considerations such as optimal component choice, proper thermal management practices,
and reduction of board parasitics.
• Understanding power supply ripple rejection in linear regulators by John C. Teel, Texas instruments
• Current Feedback (CFB) Op Amps, MT-034 tutorial by Analog devices
• Driving and Layout Design for Fast Switching Super-Junction MOSFETS, AN-9005 by Fairchild Semiconductor
• AC Analyses, The Designer’s Guide to SPICE and Spectre by Kundert
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