Product Dimensions: Weight: 4.5 kg Width×Height×Depth 303mm×145mm×288mm = 1. Electronics Lines Debug 2. Circuit function test 3. Signal logic relationship verification 4. Education and technical training Model DS5202CA/5202MA DS5152CA/5152MA DS5102CA/5102MA DS5062CA/5062MA Bandwidth 200 MHz 150 MHz 100 MHz 60 MHz Real-time Sample Rate 1 GSa/s Equivalent Sample Rate 50 GSa/s Memory Depth 4K points per channel refresh rate 1000wfms/s Model DS5152C/5152M DS5102C/5102M DS5062C/5062M DS5042M Bandwidth 150 MHz 100 MHz 60 MHz 40 MHz Real-time Sample Rate 500 MSa/s Equivalent Sample Rate 50 GSa/s Memory Depth 4K points per channel refresh rate 1000wfms/s In the product model, mark C means color LCD, mark M means mono LCD. 1. Real-time sample rate is up to 1 GSa/s and equivalent sample rate is up to 50 GSa/s 2. Capture rate is up to 1K/s 3. Dual channels and bandwidth from 25 MHz to 200 MHz 4. Digital filter and waveform recorder 5. Color LCD display or mono LCD display 6. 20 automatic measurements 7. Cursor measurements: Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes 8. 10 waveforms, 10 setups: Storage and Play-back 9. Add, Subtract, Multiply and Divide math functions 10. Powerful triggers: Edge, Video, Pulse width, Delay 11. Built-in FFT spectrum analyzer function 12. Automatic self cabiration 13. Built-in hardware frequency counters 14. Standard interface: USB Device 15. Optional extension module: Pass/Fail test module, RS-232/GPIB communication module 16. Multiple-language user interface 20 automatic measurements DS5022M 25 MHz Multiple math functions Waveform record, play-back and storage Pass/Fail waveform test Built-in digital filter function Built-in digital filter function EM5-CM GPIB, RS-232 communication "Pass/Fail" test EM5-COM GPIB RS-232 communication 、 EM5-P/F "Pass/Fail" test Ultrascope is designed for DS5000 series digital oscilloscopes. User can implement the communication between PC and DS5000 through RS-232, GPIB and USB Device using Ultrascope. User can read measurement data, waveform and capture data. It can also setup control panel, store and print waveform, measurement data and capture data. Power Cord Probe × 2 User Manual EM5-CM integrated module EM5-COM communication module EM5-P/F test module Model DS5202CA/5202MA DS5152CA/5152MA DS5102CA/5102MA Bandwidth Real-time Sample Rate Equivalent Sample Rate Rise Time Input Impedance Time Base Range Bandwidth X-Y Operation Phase Difference Display Model Bandwidth Real-Time Sample Rate Equivalent Sample Rate Rise Time 200 MHz 1 GSa/s 50 GSa/s 1.8 ns 1 MΩ || 13 pF (50 Ω) 1 ns/div to 50 s/div 200 MHz 150 MHz 100 MHz 2.3 ns 3.5 ns 1MΩ || 13 pF 2 ns/div to 50 s/div 150 MHz 5 ns/div to 50 s/div 60 MHz ± 3° Color LCD/Mono LCD DS5152C/5152M DS5102C/5102M DS5062C/5062M DS5042M 150 MHz 100 MHz 60 MHz 40 MHz 500 MSa/s 50 GSa/s 2.3 ns 3.5 ns 5.8 ns 8.8 ns 1 MΩ || 13 1MΩ || 13 pF pF 50 Ω Time Base Range 2 ns/div to 50 s/div Time Base Precision Bandwidth X-Y Phase Operation Difference Display ±50ppm 150 MHz 100 MHz DS5022M 25 MHz 14 ns CH1 Horizontal Time Accuracy ± 0.01% Automatic Measurements Cursor Measurements Storage 40 MHz 25 MHz 、CH2、Ext、Ext/5、AC line 、 、 400 V(DC + AC peak 1 MΩ Input Impedance 10X), 5 V (Vrms, 50 Ω Input Impedance, BNC) Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide, Reverse Vpp, Vamp, Vmax, Vmin, Vtop, Vbase, Vavg, Vrms, Preshoot, Overshoot, Frequency, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Positive Duty Cycle, Negative Duty Cycle, Delay 1→2 , Delay 1→2 Manual, Track and Auto Measure modes 10 Waveforms and Setups Window modes Hanning Sample Size 60 MHz Mono LCD Trigger Math 10 ns/div to 50 20 ns/div to 50 s/div s/div Color LCD/Mono LCD Dual Channels + External Trigger 4K points per channel 2 mV/div to 5 V/div 8 bits DC, AC, Ground Edge, Video, Pulse Width, Delay Auto, Normal, Single Maximum Input Voltage 5 ns/div to 50 s/div ± 3° Common Parameters Channels Memory Depth Vertical Sensitivity Vertical Resolution Input Coupling A1 & A2 Trigger Modes Trigger Sweep Modes Power Weight 5.8 ns , Input Impedance FFT 100 MHz DS5062CA/5062M A 60 MHz ,Hamming,Blackman-Harris,Rectangular 1024 points Worldwide Use, 100 - 240 V / 40 VA Max 4.5 kg