-~---~-------.. -- ...... ---.-----.-.~.~ ----.-----~.-~-----.-------.-.~--. _. . -- BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK Agenda for the Meeting or April 6, 1995 Salisbury Ceoter..8:00 p.m. ,---".- I. DETERMINATION OF A QUORUM AND CALL TO ORDER II. HEARING ON PROPOSED 1995196 BOCES ADMINISTRATIVE OPERATIONS BUDGET III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES March 27. 1995 IV. COMMUNICATIONS V. ITEMS FOR ACfION A. Facilities B. Finance I. Approyal of Bid The Boord is asked to approve the award of the following bid to the lowest responsible bidder mecung specifications as ~ommended in the atlnched bid resume report: Ocscdptioo 94195-086 Amount New Intertom/Paging System, Cannan Road School. Massapequa Park. NY 539.200 2. a. BudKC' AdjuslmepJs .. PrjQc Approyal (oyer $SO,ClOOl In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budgel Adjuslmcnls." the Board is asked to approve the attached budgel adjustmcnt requests: Nsl. T ) Budi:ct Description 94195·17 Instructional Programs and Services Increase in revenue and related expenditures of$66.141 due to additional requcsts for services and for Hepatitis B inoculations for the special education staff. 94195·18 Instructional Programs and Services Increase in revenue and related expenditures of $66.936 due to an increase in enrollment 94195·19 Special Education Increase in revenue and related expenditures of $569.770 due to an increase in the number of students and services provided. 13 1" >;: d o ) Agenda--April6,1995 b. BudKet Adjustments-Ratification funder $50.Q{)Q} In accordance with Board Policy No. 3160 "Budget Adjustments," the Board is asked to ratify budget adjustments for the month of April 1995, as listed on the attached schedule. and to authorize the District Superintendent or his designee to reflect such budget adjustmenL') in the accounts and records of the Board. 3. Proposed Poliex In accordance with the discussion held at the March 27 Board meeting. the Board is asked to adopt the attached policy #4314. Drug and Alcohol Testing for School Bus Drivers. C. Personnel 1. Personnel Actions Report The Boan! is asktd to approve the resignations. appointments, and salary adjustments. as detailed in the attached PersoMcl Actions Repon. D.Odler 1. Appmynl of A8n:cmen~ The Boud is askc:d to authorize the Pn!sident to sign an agreement wilh the Town of Hempstead under which BOCES provides classroom instruction in Action for Personal Choice for JTPA eligible pnrticiprulls for the period July 1. 1994 through June 30. 1995. Under the tcnns of the agreemenl. which has been a~proved by Counsel. BOCES will receive the sum of $629.60 per parucipanL VI. ITEMS FOR INFORMATION A. Facilities B. Fmance 1. Financ;jai Summru:y The fmancial summary for the month ending February 1995 is attached for the Board·s information. o C. Personnel D. Other , t~e o . VD. SUPERINTENDENTS INFORMAnON REPORT (Attached to Cover) VID. REPORTOFCOUNSEL ) -s e >~ J o , Agenda-April 6. 1995 IX. AUDIENCE TO VISITORS <LIMITED TO 1 HOUB) X. OLD BUSINESS XI. NEW BUSINESS '---- Setting of Date for Administrative Budget Vote XII. ADJOURNMENT JAF:tfo Au.achments 25xlo ---------,-~----------- --- -.- - Page 1 of ii4.G71G BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY L BID RESUME REPORT TITLE: #94/95-086 New Intercom/Paging System, Carman Road School, Massapequa Park, NY DATE: March 20, 1995 - 2:00 P.M. GENERAL STATEMENT: To provide system for Division's Massapequa a new intercom and paging the Special Education Carman Road School, Park, NY Number of vendors to whom specifications were issued: Number of vendors who Bubmitted bids: BIDDER AMOUNt Commercial Wiring Inc. Craftsman Sound , Security Systems, Inc. Functional Syatems Meacham Electronics RECOMMENDATION: , $42,660 ~53 480 C[39!20g) $39,975 It is recommended that--based on the detailed information included in the bid (i.e. item specifications, unit price where applicable, etc.)--the bid be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder meeting specifications for an amount not to exceed $39,200 as indicated above. Anticipated date of award: Provision in 1994/95 budget: Account to be charged: Fund: April 6, 1995 Yes 709-8098-490 General • I gp 4/6/95 bd. mtg. • t *' o . me 8 4 j • : 5 p, (j o ) ii't;.G711 BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNlY BAR # Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) RscaI Year 94/95 ---------- 0f1QinaI BucSgetor CoSeC' No./T1tJe "550 94/95-17 Health & Welfare --------------------------------- Reauestod Budoet MiusUneot ApprOY9d AdiustOd Increase Docreaso Adjustod BudQeC Budget REVENUE SCHOOL DCS1lUCtS 0Ch« BOCES DMsfons 1,659,8"17 55,841 1,715,118 125,897 10,300 136,191 Increased subscription Additional Hepatitis B inocol~tior.s for spcci~i Education QUwFtRRnQ O'os:s ClcdnlCts QUw staff tOTAL REVENUe 1,785,774 66,141 1,851,915 1,108,355 21,697 1,130,052 1,108,355 21,697 EXPe«lCTURE3 STAfF CXJSI s: SAl..AP.aat AOC:rt. PACMSIOHS TOTAL SAU.RES FRNGE TOTAL SAU.RES& ea&n'8 eee:ns 36,764 l6,764 318,531 1,130,052 281,767 1,426,886 II ,697 1JU\PMEHT 11,477 ",52.1 16,000 SUPPUES 58,000 S,OOO 63,000 173,061 29,953 .203,014 UTIJ11ES 4,013 8 4,021 PROGRAM 46,350 315 46,66S 65,987 41,300 109 41,300 66,096 1,785,774 102,905 IAJ I tv'...&noN;S & IfTBDV'ISIONS Staff Incr~3~~ duo to Incroased subacrlptlon and ~dAln19trQtlon and clorlc41 ~41arle9 transferred frca Conor 1930 ()ocro490d ~oats 1,411 ,61'J Equlp=ont for new pDycholoql~ttl off lCC!l duo to Incr0490 Tech Support lncrOA~O of 56,420, C~nlrdl Offl~~ 1ncr0450 58,000 dnd rCdlloc3te~ Contral Off1co for Sll,033 froa COSOt -450, Facilities increase of S3,500 for lnstallation of Incro4~ed ~uppll~9 ~ubncrlpLlon ~oor locks. PAVMENTSTO 01liER BOCeSI SCHOOlIXSTRICTS Anticipated Refund tNSURAHCE IOTAL ~omJRES 36,764 ~" Originator DMsionHead ~ Treasurer Heeting April 6, 1995 ~oard Ass" Supt. fO( Business SeNices Deputy ···21 S~pt. $ .) Co.pen~A­ 1,851,915 SIgnature APPROVAlS: Increase in Workers' tion 1l.2p/e,Aji.,y HUl v U~;~p. fZ,1~ trT~~~ ~ 31_6/gc ~7r L2br } ~l~~ J q,s- yz0r - = BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNlY BAR # Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) 94/95~18 RscaI Year _9_4_/9_5_ _ _ CoSet NoJ11de __ti_40_6_T_e_e_n_ag_e_p_re_gn_an_c_y__ pr_o_g_ram _ _ __ OrigInal BudQatot Apptowd Adfusted f3eguested Bod~ Adiustm«1( Incmase Ooc:rease &pIanatfon AdjustGd BodQol Budget REVeruE SCHOOl DCSTRtCTS 651,200 22,200 673,400 Additional Subscription ~RmJnQ 134,332 44,736 179,068 Additional babies in nurseries 785,532 66,936 852,468 520,186 68,601 588,793 520,186 150,703 68,607 670,889 68,607 :~_ eoces DMsIons Cross CocICJ1lCts OCher IlOTAL REVeU: EJCPe«X1\JAES STAfF COSTS: SALARIfS: ADO"L PROV&SIONS trorAL SAI.AAES RWU:see:rrs trorAL SAI.AAES & BENERTS BlUIfMS(1" 25,000 1:2 ,462 139,241 12,462 727 ,034 4,850 5,000 S,OOO 30,000 iX!cr(!uod costs Rcducod noQd for oqulpaont Incro~~cd nood for duo lO lncr04S0 of !AH~'1'1OHS & IN'l"SUlMSIONS 30,33C UTI.Jl1ES )5,238 PROGRAM 5,750 6,124 30,l14 Md b.\bhHI 41,362 Greatof utilization ~uppl1os ~tudonts 5,750 PAYMENTS TO 0'rnER BOCeSI SCHOOl DCSTRtCTS lNSURANCE crOTAl. ~OO\JRES 8,471 4,517 785,532 84,248 12,988 17,312 APPROVALS:: Division Head Treasuref 852,468 Signature ~r .) B. 2p&Laez::,t . n.~ .. 7.;1/2' loard Meeting .Apri1 6, 1995 Deputy Supt. -----.O--.. ililiij;jliIIiiIiIlfS---_a_-__,.·.I.EIII!JIl".U.... /~...................._ttea==;:o.::;::;;,;CO=:i;li··-iiil;i·_·IIiiI'.· O Inbables 588,793 9,850 SUPPUES tncr~ased ~taf£ du~ to crea~~ of students and r ,~, r H19hQf insurance costs ) BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BAR # 94/95-19 Budget Adjustment Request (BAR) Fascal Yoar 1994/95 CoSorNoJTltle SPECIAL EDUCATION STUDE~;TS - AGES 5 THROUGH 21 Original Budget or Approved Adjusted Budget REVENUE saiOOL OtSllVCTS 0thGr BOCES OMsfons Other Funding Cross Contracts EXPENomJRES STAfF COSTS: SAlARIES: ADO'L PROVlSK)NS TOTAL SAlNtIES maNGE BENEFTTS TOTAl SAlARIES & BENEFTTS Incroase Adjusted Budget Decrease 50,708,034 1) 486,925 2) 3, 121 130,000 1,118,397 Other FtOfAL REVENUe 1) Is t qsr-. E!Planation Reouested Budne« Adiustment .1 J 1 51, 194,959 1 )Increase in number of 3,121 students and services 130,000 provided, 1, UH, 397 2 }&3)Interdivisional -;11 7 ') ,: 7Q 7"l.1 ir;'" r; '')f, S(,C) .770 12,.387,402 .\) 711, 011 1,507,620 'Ill, Oil ,U, U'J5 ,02;! 9,039,150 ..... f, 177 .. -1:> , 'lI.' 711,Oll transfer of fund5 from Instructional Services. ")()l ll,ll f)H".11 -l } InCn~il!H:! in number of 1, SfH, 620 , uOh, () ) \ H, '/O'! ,5]0 5) JH,620 4Jl.h~W ;:r J, I 1 \, ~lf) ] staff due to increased .~~i proportion of 'nCt' IV :;tudents .1nd rcl.'ltcd ~a~rViCC!l. r. .:auIPMENT 137,OOQ 6) 2.10,000 J7'/ , oon SUPPlIES JJS,OOO 7) 25,000 lI,t), (JOO 130,000 B> 1 Hl,OOO ""Jilt; of ~~chor) 1 V.lIHi. 1,2>lO,')()S Jh'ttdith"m.-.l p\ln:h(l~1(l of iIH.tnlct:iou'-11 ~uppl1.os. 1,007,63(, B)F:X t t';l fcC)s-lloPoltitis U i noC'ul.-1 t ions, 45, )7') A.U.OCAllONS & lNTERDMSIONS 3,195,526 ununES 1,007,636 PROGRAM 1,701,526 1,701,526 PAYMENTS TO ornER BOCESi SCHOOl, DISTRICTS 1, llR, 397 625,529 1, llB, 397 771,645 771,6·15 INSURANCE TOTAL EXPENomJAES EJ)PlH'dhHh~ {)1' In!ltnlctlor .11 lhluipmclll; .Ind l'C'!pl.,< 625,529 51,956,431 1,021,390 331,620 52.,6·16,201 APPROVALS: Originator Division Head Treasurer Budrd t-teeting April 6, 1995 Ass't Supt. for Bu~n~SeN~es~ __~__________~~__~~~_____ Deputy Supt. • til • J >4 r o " ----------aIIIIIII;;;;;;;;:;t==:=~=======:===== ~'::':, - . . ..,., /I \, II L Page 1 ",r 2 ( o BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OF EXPENSE APRIL 1995 Bud&d AdjWiiM all 10creasc in Object of Expease or Surplus, or (J)cc:rasc) in ReYcauc COSERIBUDGET ~ 4S0 Description Drug Ccu.terl Code lSI Dcscriptioo Certified Salaries IDae:uc in Rln/ame or Deficit, or ExpIaDatioa Certified salaries iDcreued due to ($12.,033) liDcreascd staff &. contract settlemeat. Amoual S14,590 Hospital Tutorial 811 Stale TCKbcr Retire:mcat (2.SS7) ICentral Office allocation reallocated to Coser ISSO. State teacher retirement beDefit percentage was reduced. S06 Curriculum Development o. S30 I: 446 Equipmall Workers' Comp. Ed. CoasuItaDts 493 Moving 850 230 2,000 I,SJO CoatractuaJ 7.40S Coordination of 1400 Special Projccts 162 162 800 Nc.-ccrtified Salaries (4,610) IReallocation of budget liDc items due to a position that was unfilled put of the year. NoD-ccrt. Salaries FriDge 8cDefits (6,760) IReallocation of budget line items due (64S) to a position that was unfilled put of the year. 617 Health &. Safety 162 Training &. Informatioa Prog. 200 300 Non-catified Salaries Equipmem Supplies 401 Tech. Support 446 Prof. CoasulL Equip. Repairs Travel Coaftn:DCC Business expease 473 486 488 1980 Rcvcauc 2,S21 1,769 17.622 Ilncreased revenue due to increased district participation IlL security guard training. e::J -,1 1,290 Non-certified salaries increased due 2.700 7,206 to contract settlement. 1,250 380 SOO Other expenses iDcreued due to additiooal services to districts and security guard training. ...., (;, ~ ~: ~~I V-- ~---~-~ '1 Page 21"1f 2 ~ o I', BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCAnoNAL SERVICES OF NASSAU COUNTY BUOOET ADJUSTMENTS BY OBJECT OF EXPENSE APRIL 1995 .... __ . . I u . Increase in Object of Expease or COSERIBUDGET , DescriptiOil 702 Facilities SVC5. Surplus, or (Decrease) in Code Descriptioo _ 490 Renovaboos I- R.evemae AII)OIIDf $3.soo Adjm:lJDCDlt f.acre.ae in Rcveaac ex' ~ or (I)ecrcue) in Object of EJlpeate Code DcsaipCioa AmoaDt 1910 ialcrctiVilior.l RaveaDC $3.soo o Board Meeting April 6, 1995 - Explanatioa ,JnstaIJatioa of by loeb OIl aU doon, secaJd fJoor-Seaford Aveaue Scbool. 4314 1 of 1 DRUG AND ALCOHOL TESTING The Board of Cooperative Educational Services of Nassau county will conduct random drug and alcohol testing of all school bus drivers in its employment in accordance with the Omnibus Transportation Employee Act of 1991. The District Superintendent or his/her designee shall promulgate administrative regulations to implement this policy and comply with the Omnibus Act, the DOT regulations and other applicable laws. Drug and Alcohol Testing Educational Material that comply with DOT regulations shall be developed for distribution to covered employees. The Superintendant shall arrange for training of all supervisors who may be called upon to determine whether reasonable suspicion exists to test a driver for alcohol misuse or controlled substance use. Any violation of this Policy, the BOCES Administrative Regulation, the Drug and Alcohol Testing Educational Material, tho Omnibus or DOT Regulations by a covered employee shall be grounds for disciplinary action, including discharge. '- The Superintendent shall also provide for an informal administrative appeal process whereby a covered employee may appeal a posi ti va alcohol test and/or controlled substance test. Sa id process shall not interfere with DOT mandated actions. Testing shall cover the following: 1. Pre employment 2. Random as required by Regulations 3. Post accident 4. Reasonable Suspicion 5. Return to Duty I . Adopted April 6, 1995 '- , e .... __ . o . ) $ 6 "-' .~ " ~.A- _ _ _ •. . - ........ '" ( \11' 01 BOARD OF COOPBRATXVE BDOCATIORAL SD.v.IaB OF .ASSAU I comrrr April 6. 1995 P,r'QDp,l MattIa - telching ape! Aclaipl.tr.tiD: I. A. Re,ignltioD('): Eff,cti". IiAU Daron, Arlene ~ 06/30/95 Ltngth of Suyic. TUune! M,iqpMpt/Loc;atioa/Diri,ioa 10 Months No Teacher - Speech/Hearing Handicapped Rosemary Kennedy School Speci.l Educ.tioa Personal (S) 7 Years 1 Hontb Yes Teacher- Speech/Hearing Handicapped Rosemary Kennedy School Special Education Personal Close of day Oliver, CAryn 03/13/95 Close of day Tracy, Laurette 03/28/95 Close of day B •• ,oa 3 Months No Part - time Teacher t. 6) Hearing Impaired Bethpage Special Education Page 1 "'" - • Personal f\ '-...... • o~ G - .,.. -= " .tI \1 II /" o BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCATIODL SDVICBS OF DSSAU COOJrrY PBRSOIDIEL ACT'I01IS April 6, 1995 I. Per,onnel Matter, - Teaching and Adaipi'tr. tive : B. Appointment (p) Mult ProgEP - piv1.i09 of OCCVRItioaal IcIuc.tioa: Bffective Date(,) Tenure Area/ Certification StatUI Klinitzke, Gerhard 02/15/95 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area N/A N/A Instructor • Industrial Diesel Technical Advisor Contract Small Business Institute Short-term Training (Formerly Part-time Instructor) $25.00 per hour 50 hours $1,250.00 maximum Nussbaum, Melissa 03/13/95 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area Certified filA Part-time Adult Educator Workplace Literacy • Hughes-Treiter - Garden City Industrial Contract $18.00 per hour 150 hours • $2,700.00 maximum Rothstein, Mary Kay 03/01/95 - Non-tenured Area Certification Pending NIA 06/30/95 Part-time Adult Bducator ABE/ESL • - Federal Detention Center - Brooklyn (Formerly Part-time Adult Bducator) Adult Enrollment $20.00 per hour 255 hours $5,100.00 maximum 03/13/95 06/30/95 Non-tenured Area Certified N/A Part-time Adult Educator • ABE - U.S. Social Security Administration - Jamaica (Formerly Part-time Adult Educator) Adult Snrollment $23.80 per hour 80 hours $1,904.00 maximum HAg o. • Servillo, Patrick Tenure ~ coa·gt Par~·time • State funded program. Comp.R •• tiOD ~i l'~ GJ Page 2 ~ f(~ .-., • \ ~- . ,- '1 " ( o \' BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCA'J'IOJIAL SDVICBS OP JIlSSlU eotDI'TY PBRSoaaEL ACTXORS April 6. 1995 I. Personnel Matters - Teaching and A"'dnistrative: c. Appointment (,) • Pivi,ion of Speei.l l<Iue.t1oa: Tenure Areal Effective Certification Statu. Pttt ProqrM NIA Teacher - General Special Bducation • Bec • Jericho (Formerly Substitute bH Date (,) Meisner, Arlene 04/01/95 - Non -tenured Area - 06/30/95 Certified '1'eDura ~rary COIMDt Replacement for Donna CompeD•• tion $38,096.00 per annum Hakanson Teacher) Slavinski, Sandra 03/14/95 Education of Children with Handicapping Conditions - *. 09/01/97 Teacher - Speech/Hearing Handicapped· Rosemary Kennedy School (Formerly Temporary Teacher) Replacement for Caryn $32,478.00 per annum Oliver Education of Speech/Hearing Handicapped - Certified o * Nassau County funded program. ** Served six months and thirteen days as temporary teacher. c::.;. t~ C'j -...1 Page 3 00 (".:'1 "'" ~~ ,. G _ .. .-0. .J BCWtD 01' COOPERATIVE EDOCATIOltlL SlaVICU OF DSSAU COmrrY PDSOIIDL ACTlOlJS Aprl1 6, 1.995 I. P,r,onn,l Jlatttr. - Te.q"" and !4IIini'trttiD: D. Appointment. - Sub.titut. reICher«,): ~ 'ffectiD pate CotPpep.atiOD * Lala, Angelo 03/13/95 - 09/06/95 $71.00 per day ... . * Subject to negotiations. ~ r.:.· C:, Page 4 I!'J ~ • o '-'. \) r o BOARD OP COOPERATlVB EDOCATl:OKAL SDVICBS OF DSSAO COUJl'1'Y PBRS(WVRr. AC'nOJlS " April 6, 1995 I. Per.oMel Matter. - 'J.'eachipg and Maipi't:rat!D: B. Appointment (.) - Con.ultant.: CONSQLTAHTS - pivi.iop of Computer and CQ!PUAicatiOQl Techpoloqyz HIU Bffectiy! patel,) AI,iCDIIIIAt C9p!plp•• tiQD Farkas, Robert 03/08/9S • OS/lS/9S IDservice Course - -1Iic:roaott Windova and IDtroduceion to WordPerl'ect Nindova· Hempstead - Instructional Computer Services $50.00 per hour 20 hours $1,000.00 I .' maximum o c; 1" (,) ~ Page 5 " u ~~ :., • G _ .. __~.~ ___ ~ \1 I I" Oi BOARD OF COOPERATIVE B'DUCATZODL SBRVXCU OJ' DSSAD COmrrY PERSODBL ACnmlS April 6. 1995 I. Per.onpel Hatt.r. - niching and AdIIipi'trttiya: E. Appointment(.) - Cop.ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Cooperative Arta ProqrM (CAP) - Pivi,iop of I.p'tnqtigpal Proaz_ IRd BHyig.,: Pitt") JiIU Bfleetly! Sibovits, Keren 12/01/94 - 06/30/95 AI.iapwpt Ccpp.D•• tiop Science • Typise • Objective 15 - Bast Meadow $8.90 per hour 50 hours $445.00 maximum • o C'j ~ Page 6 c;) --J ~ » I ,~- . \1 G -! 0 -" -. == " r- ~f BOARD OF COOPDATIVE I:DDCA1"lODL SlRVICI'S OF USSAV CUUltl"1 , I. • ~, t April 5, 1995 I. Personnel Matters - Teaching B. and A4Pinj'tratiye: AppoiPtment«.) - COQ.ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Division of Instructional Proqr... agd Servic,.: o HIu Stt,ctlY' pat,«,' M.i9'Wpt Ccppen.atiOD Alverez, Zulma 04/01/95 - 06/21/95 Enrichment Consultant - Hispanic Outreach Counselor - Great Neck/.Manhaaset/BOCBS Parent Child Hcme Program $100.00 per day 15 days $1,500.00 maximum Anderson, Joan 03/20/95 - 04/20/95 Perto~oe $800.00 per day 1 day $800.00 maximum Bell, Laura 03/12/95 Presenter - "Beyond the Bell CUrve" Nassau County Council of School Superintendents - Institute for Educational Dialogue Bernstein, Vivian 03/23/95 - 04/23/95 - ·Author's Visit" - Manhasset - Arts in Education Presentation - ·Writing" - Grades 4-5 Hicksville - Arts in Education $250.00 per presentation 1 presentation $250.00 maximum $300.00 per day 1 day $300.00 maximum Bird, Elliott 01/13/95 - 05/30/95 Inservioe Course - ·Comprehensive School Mathematics Program" - Bellmore Cooperative Staff Development $660.00 per day 10 days $6.600.00 maximum c:-:....; ~. C', Page 7 ~ e.g:, - ~'sa • G .... __~ .J \) " "j o j. BOARD OP COOPERAT:tVB BDOCATIOHAL SDVICBS OP DSDO CotJII"!'Y April 6# 1995 :I. Per,onnel Matter, - Te.ebJ..pg aqd A4aW't;ptiD: I. ARpointpent (.) - Con.ultant.: CONSQLTANTS - Division of :Ipstructional Proqr'P' apd D.t.«,) HIH Eff,ctiYl Bolognese, Don 03/13/95 - 04/23/95 StEVie.,: AI'iqp=at Cga!ptn•• tiOD Workshop Leader - -Hands-On Drawing- Grades 3 - 6 - Bellmore - Arts in Education 4. $700.00 per day days $2~800.00 Bush, Sheila o 04/01/95 - 05/15/95 maximum Bnrichment Con¥ultant - Great Neck/Manhassot/BOCBS Parent Child Home Program $100.00 per day 15 days $1~SOO.00 maximum . Bush, Timothy 03/20/95 - 04/22/95 Presentation - ·Process of Publishing a Book- . Grades K-6 - North Bellmore - Arts in Bducation Performance Contract $1~400.00 maximum Conrad, Pam 03/13/95 - 04/13/95 Workshop Leader . ·Social Studies w 5 • Great Neck • Arts in Education $1,200.00 per day - Grade 1 day $1,200.00 Davis, Genieve 03/08/95 - 06/30/95 TUtoring in shelters for the McKinney Act Homeless Youth and Child Grant participants . McKinney Act Homeless Child and Youth Grant • • Federally funded program. maximum $7.00 per hour 40 hours $280.00 maximum c::; 'Ill 0,' '" , C~ Page 8 --.l ~ '" \1 o (" I. BOARD OF COOPERATXVE BDOCA"nOllAL SDVICBS OP DSSAO COtnl'l'Y PERSOJIlImL ACTIOirS April 6, 1995 I. Per.onnel Natter. - Teachigg and AdaiAi.tratiye: E. Appointment«.) - Con.ultant.: CONSULTANTS - Divi.i on of In.trvctiogal ProqrtaI 'Ad itrvict.: bH Effective pate'.) AI·iQ'DMPt COIII)eD··tion Dolce, Josephine 03/09/95 - 04/09/95 Presentation - ·OUtgrovtb Activity and Support: Goals of Music. Reading and Vocal Techniques'" - Baldwin - Grades 4-6 Baldwin • Arts in Education 1 day Dove, Maria 03/01/95 - 06/30/95 $375.00 per day $375.00 maximum Inservice Course . ·ESL for the Classroan Teacher· . Valley Stream - Cooperative Staff Development $50.00 per hour 7.50 hours $375.00 maximum . Duffy, Bdward 03/15/95 - 05/15/95 Presentation . ·Integrate Art History and Museum Artifacts into Elementary eocial Studies CUrriculum" - Grades K-5 Plainedge - Arts in Education Performance Contract $4,000.00 maximum Eisenberg, Michael 02/22/95 - 03/15/95 Presentation - ·What's Next in Information Technology: Transforming Learning & Teaching- . Nassau School Library System * $1,250.00 per day 1 day $1,250.00 maximum . Plus expenses $500.00 maximum 'j * State funded program. '-..,0.- t: ' C) ~ Page 9 ~,ilI ) o \~ • G - .. __~.J \\ ! o r !, BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDOCATIOJIAL SDVICU 0,. DSS&U comrn PBRSOHNBL ACTIOHS April 6.. 1995 I. Per.onnel Hatter. - Teaching apd Adaipi.q.trn: B. Appointment(,) - Con,ultan t .: CONSULTANTS - Di vi. ion of Instructional Proar,.. aDd Berrie,.: H!!!!t Effective Dat.(,) AI,iggMRS; CoaIp.D.aS;ion Fix, Bill 03/17/95 • 04/17/95 Performance . -Dramatizes and Encourages Environmental Awareness and Responsibility· . Grades K-2 - Bellmore - Visiting Expert $600.00 per day 1 day $600.00 maximum Fix, Bill 03/10/95 • 04/10/95 Perfo~ce - ·Wildlife, Adaptations and Affect of Changes in Environmental Survival- - Grades K-2 • Glen Cove Visiting Expert $375.00 per day 1 day $375.00 maximum Geffner, Jonathan 03/29/95 - 04/29/95 Performance - -Ventriloquism- - Grades 1-6 • Massapequa - Arts in Education $700.00 per day 1 day $700.00 maximum Gellert, Karen 03/13/95 - 04/30/95 Workshop Leader - -Bassist Residency- Grades 6·7 - Plainedge - Arts in Education Performance Contract $325.00 maximum Glass, Larry 03/23/95 Presentation - -Awareness and Training on New Science , Hath Technology Frameworks" Malverne - Eisenhover Hath and Science • $250.00 per half day * Federally funded program. 1 half day $250.00 maximum e::) -,., <', f' Page 10 < C) ttl ., "" (,~ t \~ G 0 j ... :.._~_"'.___.-.J' y (' o BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIODL SBRVICBS 01' DSSAU COO'RTr PERSOJDIBL AC'TIOIIS April 6, 1"5 I. Personnel Matters - Teaching and Adaipi.tr.ti".: B. Appointment's) - Con.ultant.: CONSULTANTS - Division of In.tructional o 'roar..' apd Service.: ~ aff.cti ve Pat.(.) AI'i9DMRt CcI!p.p •• tion Gooding, Kathleen 03/01/95 - 04/30/95 Inservice Course - -Visual Arts Standards Workshop- - Roslyn - Cooperative Staff Development 1 day $250.00 per day $250.00 maximum Graham, Thomas 03/15/95 - 04/15/95 Performance - -Author/Writing & Reading~ Grades 3-4 - Farmingdale - Arts in Education $175.00 per day 1 day $175.00 maximum Greenberg, Melanie 03/08/95 - 04/08/95 Presentation - -How to Develop and Create Books- - Grades K-2 - Bellmore - Arts in Bducation $675.00 per day 1 day $675.00 maximum Harris, Steven 03/07/95 - 04/07/95 Performance - ·Student's Love for Literature and Writing- - Grades 3-6 Valley Stream - Arts in Education 1 day $600.00 maximum Performance - -In Search of - Arts in Education 1 day Harrold, Mel 03/16/95 - 04/16/95 Poe~ - Bethpage . $600.00 per day $385.00 per day $385.00 maximum Page 11 .,.c::.i., G" ~ ~ ,) /'" I o ", BOARD OF COOPERATIVE BDOCATIOJIAL SDVICU 01' DSSAU COOH'l'Y , lj PBRSOJOIlU, ACTIOJIS April 6. 1995 Personnel Hatters - Teachipg and Adpini.tratiye: I. E. Appointment',) - Copsultant': CONSULTANTS - Pivision of In'tructioqal ProgrMf apd SlltY!c•• : ~ Bffectiy! Dat.(,) AI.ismMRt COIIptD,ation Laird, Bruce 03/28/95 - 04/30/95 Presentation - -Dinosaurs- - Grade K Ha.&sapequa - Arts in Education $300.00 per day 2 days $600.00 maximum Lee, Vanessa o 03/08/95 - 06/30/95 Tutoring in shelters for the Kc:lCinney Act Homeless Youth and Child Grant participants - McKinney Act Homeless Youth and Child Grant • $7.00 per hour 40 hours $280.00 maximum • Lehr, Susan 03/13/95 - 04/30/95 Performance - ·Cellist Residency· - Grades 6 -7 - Plainecige - Arts in Education Performance Contract $350.00 maximum Letta, Nancy 04/26/95 Ioservice Course - -Balancing Gender, Race and Economic Class- - Roslyn - Cooperative Staff Development $300.00 per day Levy I Elizabeth 03/21/95 - 04/21/95 Presentation - -Enhance Reading/Writing Goals- - Grades K-5 - Seaford - Arts in Education * Federally funded program. 1 day $300.00 maximum $1,025.00 per day' 1 day $1,025.00 maximum ~ ': G"' l~ Page 12 tll h~ o \) ~ (" ! BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCATIODL SBRVICBS Ol' DSSAU COUln'Y PEIlSOlOIBL AC"nOJIS April 6, 1995 I. Per.onnel Matter. - T.aehipg and Ade1ni.tr.tiD: E. Appointment(.) - Cop.ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Division of Ipstruetiopal ProqrtJlll apd Seryic•• : JiIg 'ff.etiv. Dat.(.) AI.iqpMJlt COPl'DtD'ltion Martin-Kniep, Giselle 07/01/94 - 06/30/95 Presentation - -Loag Island Performance Assessment Project- - Compact Implementation Program Expenses only $745.00 maximum McDonald, Joseph 05/04/95 - 06/04/95 Presentation - -Graduation by Exhibition- Westbury - Compact 1mplementation Program $300.00 per day .. 1 day $300.00 maximum Plus expense!! $400.00 maximum McDonald, Joseph 01/10/95 - 02/10/95 o McHugh, Dorothy 02/15/95 - 06/30/95 Presentation - -Graduation by Bxhibition w Rockville Centre - Caapact Implementation Program - Inservice Course - -Human Relations: A World of Difference- - Roslyn - Cooperative Staff Develogment $300.00 per day 1 day $300.00 maximum Plus expenses $400.00 maximum $40.00 per hour 8 hours $320.00 maximum C:-_' J';' Page 13 C·~ cJ C:J o f,,,,,,... • G _ .. __~ .J \\ ( o BOARD OF COOPERATnB EDOCATIOJIAL SB'RVZCBS 0., USDO C01Dl'1'Y PBRSOJInL ACTIOJIS April 6. 1995 I. P,r.onn.l Matt.r. • Teaching apd AdaJpi,tr,ti,..: B. Appointm.nt(,) - Con.ultant.: CONSULTANTS • Divi,ion of In'tructional P£9tIT!e, and Servia': ~ Bff.ctive Dat.(.) A,t.iggMllt Comptn.ation Meyers, Franklin 03/08/95 - 04/08/95 Presentation - -carnival,· - Grades 9-12 Port WaahingtOD - Arts in Bducation 1 day $1,000.00 per day $1,000.00 maximum , I J! 0 Pran, Dith 03/29/95 - 04/29/95 Presentation - -Genocide- - Grade 9-12 Hicksville - Arts in Education Ratner, Jodi 03/13i95 - 04/30/95 Performance - ·Violin Residency" - Grades & 7 - Plainedge - Arts in Education Rosenblatt, Helen 03/15/95 - 05/15/95 Workshop Leader - ·Consti tution Works" Conference for Kids - Grades 5 - 6 - Merrick - Gifted and Talented Program $250.00 1 day $250.00 Performance - ·Violin Residency· - Grades 6 & 7 - Plainedge - Arts in Bducation Performance Contract rt ' $500.00 per day 1 day $500.00 maximum 6 • Performance Contract $325.00 maximum per day maximum '. Rudoff, Patricia 03/09/95 - 04/30/95 $325.00 maximum -,:c:-~. c; ~ c:J") Page 14 " _ \1 ......... J .. I •I ~~ BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCATIOHAL SDVICBS OF USDU comrrr to PDSOIOIEL ACTIORS II ~ ~ ~ I April 6. 1995 I. 'ef,onnel Mattef' - 1J.cbinq apeS AcIa1al'trltl": E. Appointment") • Con,ultapt': CONSQLTANTS • Pivision of In,tructioptl proqraaa and Beryl;•• : ~ Effective Datel,) At,l9'QMRt Cqaptp,ation Sansone, Frank 02/13/95 • 03/10/95 Performance - ·Stone Carving and Welding"' Grade 12 • Bellmore/Herrick - Arts in Bducation Performance Contract $400.00 maximum Segal, Bruce 03/21/95 • 04/21/95 Presentation - ·Multi-CUltural Celebration Week· - Grades K-6 • Valley Stream - Arts in Bducation $550.00 per day day $550.00 maximum Bnrichment Consultant - Great Neck/Nanhasset/BOCES Parent Child Home Program 4 Siegel, Lucille o Tewel, . Kenneth 04/01/95 - 04/28/95 03/01/95 - 04/30/95 Workshop Leader - ·Networks Enriching Teaching: A Vision for Staff Development Parts 2 & 3· - Nassau School Library System .. 1 $100.00 per day days $400.00 maximum $250.00 per day 2 days $500.00 maximum Plus expenses $75.00 maximum * State funded program. .,.c:2..;-, Page 15 c;~ ~ -.J '" \1 (' o :. BOARD OF COOPDATIVE BDOCA'l'IORAL SUVXCBS 01' DSSAU CUUM'l:x April 6, 1995 I. Personnel Matters • 'leaehipq pst Ae"dul.k.tiD: E. Appointment(s) - Consultants: CONSULTANTS - Language Proqrp. - Pivi.ion of Ip'tructiopal Proar',' agd SUyic•• : ~ Effective Pate(,) At,iqgMQt COPIpep.atiop Ferrara, Elizabeth 03/16/95 - 06/30/95 Presentation - ·Day care Provider Preparation and Training" - Hempstead - 1 day BETAe • $150.00 maximum $150.00 per day Rojas, Numelia 03/16/95 - 06/30/95 Provide babysitting services for workshop series - Hempstead - BBT.AC • $10.00 per hour 60 hours $600.00 maximum Sridhar, Kamal 05/01/95 Workshop Leader - ·Students fram India: Cultural Background and Family Values" $400.00 per ~orkshop 1 workshop $400.00 maximum o * State funded program. ~ t< C~ Page 16 ~ Cl) u G f\ ~ O~' ' •••.......:_1IL.'C:-1!f._,_ \' r' o r' BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDUCA'nODL SBRVl:CBS OP DSSAU COUR"rY PBRSODEL ACTIOIIS April 6. 1995 I. Personnel Matters - Teachinq and Adaipi.q.tiu: B. AppointmentCs) - ConSUltants: CONSULTANTS - OUtdoor Bducatiop - Pivisiop of Ig'tructiORAl Prpag" agd s.rnce.: Name Bffective DateC., AI.icmaegt Bennett, Robert 02/27/95 - 03/01/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program - Oyster Bay Camp Bilello, Gregory 02/27/95 - 03/01/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program - Oyster Bay Camp CC!IIpen.atiO!! $128.87 per night 2 nights $257.74 maximum $128.87 per night 2 nights $257.74 maximum Miller, Benita 03/15/95 - 03/18/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program - Syosset Camp $202.44 maximum I Schwer, Marie 01/30/95 - 02/03/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program - Levittown $67.48 per night 3 nights Camp $55.00 per night 4 nights $220.00 maximum Wieland, Frederick Page 17 03/15/95 - 03/18/95 Overnight Supervision - Resident Program - Syosset Camp $67.48 per night 3 nights $202.44 maximum e',...1.J", .",C, . ~ \~ 11\ G _ .. -=~__ -...J '\i o ("' BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDOCATXODL SERVXCKS OP DSSAU C'II''I'II1IPDSOIDIEL ACnOliS April 6. 1995 X. Per,onnel Matter, - " ••chipo and A"P1g i 'tntiD: E. Appointmept(') - Cop,ultapt.: CONSULTANTS - Division of Occupational B4ueatiog: HIm!. Iff,ctive Dat,«,) AI,icmMpt; Comp.a,.t;iOR \ 1 !" Carson, Deborah Libow, Bernice 02/06/95 - 05/06/95 04/14/95 - 06/30/95 Develop 4 busine.. and marketing plan • Bstablish a business/industry network Facilitate customized training contracts Develop public relations/marketing materials • Customized Training Program Intertm Admdnistrative Replacement - Nassau Tech/Bethpage $100.00 per day 65 days $6,500.00 maximum $250.00 per day 20 days $5,000.00 .. ~mum o J ~ ...... e.' 'J Page 18 C, § ~~,~~ - .. .e~___"~ \j oj i ~t "'" BOARD OF COOPERATIVE mUCATIODL SEIlVIaB 01' JfASSAU COOftY ~ I, PDSOIDIEL AC."l'XORS I: r II ~ II .&pril 6. 1995 I. i Per,onnel Matter. - Teaehing lAd adaipi.tr.tiyt: B. Appointment«.) - Con.ultant.: CONSQLTANTS - Divi.ion of Sp.eial Edueation: ~ Bffeetive Dat.«.) AI·icmMpt COIpptplatim Aronow, Annette 04/04/95 Workshop Leader - -Creating a Positive Classroom Environment: Addressing Adolescent Depression - - SBTRe • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum DeRiso, Joseph 04/05/95 Workshop Leader - • Post Secondary Options for Students vith Disabilities: Parent Training'" • Garden City • SETRC • $40.00 per hour 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum Driscoll, Maryanne 03/23/95 Workshop Leader - -Helping Build Self-Bsteem in Children - Parent Training- Program for the Hearing Impaired - 2.50 hours $100.00 maximum $40.00 per hour SBTRC • Silver, Larry 03/30/95 Workshop Leader - ADD/ADHD Conference -What To Do?- - Melville - SBTRC • $200.00 per day 1 day $200.00 maximum Silver, Larry • State funded program. Page 19 03/29/95 - 03/30/95 Keynote Speaker - ADD/ADHD Conference Melville - SEALTA • $600.00 per day 1 day . $600.00 maximum e:; l,·: C, ~ L",,; ... r~''''''' \~ '1 •G c: .J _ .. .e= ,r ;-" ·1 ot. BOARD OP COOPBRATrVB EDDCATIOItAL saaVIcas OP IlUSAU C01DITY PDSOIIHBL AC'rIOilS ~ April 6. 1995 I. Per'onnel Matter. - Teachipg apeS AdIISpi.tnti".: E. Appointment (.) - Con.ult.ant. : CONSULTANTS - Division of Speci.l Bduc.tiOD: H!g Effective Vetrone, Karen 03/23/95 patt'" AI.iCUlMpt Cqap.R.ation Workshop Leader - -Creativity io the $40.00 per hour Classroom- - M1Deola - SBTRC • 5 hours $200.00 maximum • o * State funded program. ~I "t;, ~ ", Page 20 ......, G f \ ~, ~ 1 0 - _______ . , - __.4 i "'" _~ 1'-' - BOARD OF COOPERATIVE BDOCA'l'IODL SBRVICBS OP IlISSAU COmr.rY PERSOIDIEL ACTIOJIS April 6. 1995 I. Per.opnel Matter. - Te.eb1pq tAd Adllipi.tr.tiD: P. Appointment. - Additional Atp.i9'lUltpt.: HIID. Bffect!ve Dat. At.ignmant D"giptiog 8oU'd AI.iqDMDt arM Coap.p.ation Anderson, David 05/09/95 05/12/95 Overnight Supervision • Raquette Lake - S.A.V.B. students - Special Education Teacher Speci.al Bducatiog $75.00 per night 4 nights $300.00 maximum Anderson, David 06/13/95 06/16/95 Overnight Supervision Fairview Lakes - S.A.V.E. students - Special Education Teacher - $75.00 per night 3 nights $225.00 maximum 03/13/95 06/30/95 Part-time Instructor - Auto Mechanics - Twilight Program Nassau Tech/Westbury Occupational Education Teacher OCcupational Bducation 04/26/95 04/27/95 Overnight Supervision - CCA House - CCA. students Special Education Teacher Special Education Baisley, Arthur Bertisch, Arlene Special Education $23.00 per hour 150 hours $3,450.00 maximum $75.00 per night 1 night $75.00 maximum e:; "1' ": C) Page 21 ~ ~ - • L .G •• 7C~.J \ I /,,?,.~ ( o BOARD OP COOPDATlVE EDUCATIOJIAL SBRVI:C&S 01' DSSAU ""lftDIIO'V PBRSODBL ACnOllS '"I April 6, 1"5 , i ,I Il! I. II Per'OPQel Hatter. - -r.aehipg and AMini.tati".: P• Appointments - Additional AI,iQl1!lHUJt.: Effeetive o. ',. ~ Boa:cS JIDI. ~ AI.lgDR1pt pe.crlptiop Bird, Alison 03/13/95 06/30/95 Complete evaluationa in the home and corrmunity for children referred by dne Department of Health - Homebound Program • Special Education Teacher Special Bducation $27.12 per hour •• 20 hours $542.40 maximum Bird, Alison 03/13/95 06/30/95 Provide direct instruction to children referred by the Oepar~nt of Health • Homeb:>und Program .. - Special Edt!CAtion Teacher - $40.00 per hour 160 hours $6,400.00 maximum OS/22/95 OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Horse Ranch - CArman Road st.udents - Special Education Teacher Special Education 06/13/95 06/16/95 Overnight Supervision Fairview Lakes - S.A.V.E. students - Special Education School Psychologist Special Education Campbell, Ellen Cetta, Frank homebound AI'igpMpt kI. Special. Education Comp.D•• tiou l-I • $75.00 per night 2 nights $150.00 maximum $75.00 per night 3 nights $225.00 maximum • Nassau County funded program . •• Based on 1/200th annual salary. Page 22 ~ 'lit. ", ~ ,;-:-. \' ('" o '. BOARD OF COOPBIllTrvI EDDCArIOIIIL sancu ov DSSAU t"ntftiI'IIY April 6, 1995 I. Per.onpel Matter. • Te.chiRq ap.d MaW.trAtiye: P. ARpoiptm'Rt.· Additional AI.iQ'RMpt.: Bffective Board AI,iCIRMDt arM BAH RAn AI.iqnmept pt.eriptiop Cetta, Frank 05/08/95 • 05/12/95 Overnight Supervision • Raquette Lake - S.A.V.B. students • Special Education School Psychologist· Special Education $75.00 per night 4 nights $300.00 maximum Cohen, Donna 05/04/95 05/05/95 Overnight Supervision caumaett - carman Road students - Special Education Teacher Special Education $15.00 per night 1 night $75.00 maximum Cqap.a •• tion. • Gershberg, Sondra OS/22/95 OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Horse Ranch - ca.rman Road students • Special Bducation Heinrich, Nancy 03/13/95 • 06/30/95 Part-time Instructor • Office Automation S~~lls - Young Adult Workforce Transitional Program - Short·te~ TrAining OCcupational Education Teacher Special Education $75.00 per night 2 nights $150.00 maximum Part-time Instructor - $25.00 per hour 200 hours $5,000.00 maximum Occupational Education c::; ,It. i ,. Page 23 01, ~ (;,,,, () \) o ,. r ~ ... ~. BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDOCAT'IORAL SD.VIaB 01' DSSAO Cn l'ft1llll!lw PBRSODZL ACTIOIIS April 6. 1995 I. Personnel Matt.rs - T.aching apd "daipi.tnti".: p• Appointment. - Additional AI.iggMRt.: I.I!!!J. Bffective Rf.g Board M.iqDMDt ArM AI.ignment D.scriptiOQ Comp.nsAtiOD Hunter, Gertlean 03/20/95 06/30/95 Instructor Clinical - Nurse Assisting Bvening Program Nassau Tech/Westbury • Occupational Education part-time Instructor Occupational Education $30.00 per hour 200 hours $6,000.00 maximum Hurley, Kristen 03/14/95 06/30/95 Part-time Instructor Institutional Housekeeping Marriott Hotel - Short-te~ Training - Occupational Education Teacher Aide - $20.00 per hour 80 hours $1,600.00 maximum • 03/01/95 06/30/95 Provide training and placement for disabled individuals in competitive employment Occupational Education Adult Educator - 03/06/95 06/30/95 Part-time Instructor - Office Automation Skills - Young Adult Workforce Transitional Program - Short-term Training Occupational Education Illicete, Cynthia o Kreuder, Catherine Part-t~e OCcupational Bducatian Occupational Bducatian Adult Bducator Occupational Bducation $31.73 per hour • 52 hours $1,649.96 maximum $20.00 per hour 150 hours $3,000.00 maximum c::J • Based on 1/200th annual salary. t· -/ ~en Page 24 u o ·. \) ,,- ( I () ii" BOARD OF COOPERATIVB BDOCATIOKAL SBRVXCBS 0. DSSAO COmr.n PBRSOJIKBL ACTXOIIS April 6, 1995 I. Per.onnel Matters - Teaching and Adaini,!;ratiye: F. Appointment. - Additional AI.igDMpt.: Bffective ~ ~ AI.iqnpept D•• criptiop Board M.iCIJIiMRt Pesantes, Bsther 04/10/95 • 04/11/95 Overnight Supervision • CO House - CCA students Special Bducation Teacher Special Bducation $75.00 per night 1 night $75.00 maximum Philcox, Laura 03/15/95· 09/06/95 Substitute Teacher . Special Bducation Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $63.00 per day • 40 days $2,520.00 maximum Schutz, Joseph 05/04/95 05/11/95 Workshop Leader . ·Understanding and Managing Attention Deficit Disorders ft SBTRC •• - Special Education School Psychologist Special Bducation $40.00 per hour o Spanburgh, Cara 04/26/95 04/27/95 ana Compensation 3 hours $120.00 maximum - Overnight Supervision . CO House . CCA students . Special Bducation Temporary Teacher Special Education • Subject to negotiations . •• State funded program. $75.00 per night 1 night $75.00 maximum c:!J ~, Page 25 v , - ~ o ___<1._ .. _J. \' 'I ( o BOARD OP COOPBRA'l'IVB BDUCA'l'ZODL SBRVICBS OF DSs'&U CUUIfrT PB:RSODBL ACTIOIIS April 6, 1995 :t. Perlonnel Matterl • Teaching and Maini'tratiD : P. Appointment.· Additiopal A•• iqgaent.: Bffective Board ~ ~ AI.iggment D'Icriptiop AI.igpMut Arta CompeplatioD Theodorellis, Beth 06/13/95 06/16/95 Overnight Supervision • Fairview Lakes . S.A.V.B. students • Special Education Teacher· Special Bducation 3 nights Overnight Supervision Raquette Lake . S.A.V.B. students • Special Bducation Teacher Special Bducation Theodorellis, Beth 05/08/95· 05/12/95 $75.00 per night $225.00 maximum $75.00 per night 4 nights $300.00 maximum • Webster, Carol o 03/20/95 • 06/30/95 Instructor • Clinical • Nurse Assisting • Bvening Program • Nassau Tech/Westbury Occupational Education Part·t~ Part-time Instructor Occupational Education $30.00 per hour 200 hours $6,000.00 maximum ~ .,.to, ; Page 26 ~ CO f \~ • O· Q ~ - .. -=.-./ \\ I ,f " o BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDOCATXOaAL SD.VICBS 01' DSSAO Ct'mUI'IIY ,"I April 6, 1995 I. Per80nnel Matter8 G. D.qhino apd A4I!h!i8tratiye: Sal.ry M1u8tmtnt(8): Effective H!g I!AH Al8iqD89Rt/piyi.iop Castelli, Joseph 02/06/95 Substitute Teacher Special Education Dununler, Mary Rose 01/01/95 School Psychologist Rosemary Kennedy School Special Education CUrreDt Salary Adjusted Salary $76.00 • $84.00 • per day per day $37,590.00 $38,618.00 per per annum an:m.DD RU80n Completion of 70 days substitute teaching Completion of 12 academic credits • Walsh, Diane * ** 01/01/95 Teacher Rosemary Kennedy School Special Education $36,378.00 $41,663.00 •• per annum per annum Movement from Level IA to Level II Subject to negotiations. Minimum of the range. c::.., Page 27 ~~. ~ (,,':) .. \) r ., /.- o BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIOJIAL SBRVICKS OF DSSAU ~ comrrr PBRSORJIBL .AC'1'ZOIfS " I April 6. 1995 II. Per'onnel Hatt¥r. - Hop-Te.chipq: A. g •• igpati on (.): Effective ~ Henderson~ Length of Seryice IlttI. Edyth Kanner, Harlie Year 03/15/95 1 Close of day 10 IIODths 03/24/95 7 Months Tepured AI' iggllpt/Loqatiopfpivi.iop Bel·on No Systems Control Clerk Provisional . Salisbury Center . Business Services Personal No Occupational Therapist Provisional Ece • . Jericho . Special Education Personal Close of day 0 • McCrystal, Margaret 03/15/95 6 Years 1 Month No Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education Personal St. ViI, Nadine 03/06/95 3 Years 3 Months Yes Occupational Therapist Assistant caraaan Road Special Bducation Personal I _I * Nassau County funded program. ~ ~.) ~ o Page 28 v • \) o ,." I· BCWlD OP COOPDATIVE BDOCATIOJI.&L SDVXC&S OP DSSAU comrrrr PBRSODEL AcnOJlS April 6, 1995 II. Per'op.ne1 Matter, - Mop-1'Hcb.ipq: B. Appointment«,) - Cl.,.ifi.4: IfY!l Effective Date (,) ~ Dowling, Gary 03/16/95 09/14/95 1'eDure ,..iggllpt/Loqatioa/Diyi.lqa Head CUstodian I - carman Road - Special Bducation Replacement for Robert SchwArzenberg Salary, Clu,ter and Range $31,500.00 Cluster M Range 6 (Formerly Temporary Head CUstodian I) Ryan, William 03/27/95 N/A P.C. Applications Specialist I Provisional Salisbury Center Occupational Education $30,500.00 Cluster C Range 9 • c::.J It ~: C, Page 29 e2 ~~ o \) o ;", (' .... ij 8CWU1 OF COOPERATIVE KDUCATIODL SDnaa OP IIISSAO COUJI'ft' PBRSOJDIBL ACTIOJIS .april 6. 1995 II. f.r'onn.l Matt." - 1l00-THeb.1pq: c. ~I Appoiptment«') - Sub.tltyt. apd part-tiM: ~ Bff.ctive Dat.«.) Alterson, Kristina 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special EducatiOD $9.06 per hour Bagnall, Heather 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Ballaban, Bllen 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.94 per hour • Bauco, Jennifer 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Education $9.06 per hour Bertisch, Hilary 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour AI.iqp!lDt/L9catiop/Diyi.iop COIIp.n,ation C'!.J l-"; @ Page 30 ~ v _ .... _ tI# \) ( " o BCWtD OP COOPBRATIVB BDUCATXou.r, SlDtVICIrS OF DSSAIJ COtDft'!' PasoD&L AC'nOilS April 6, 1"5 II. '.r.oppel Matter. C. ~ Ion -THehipq: AppoiPtment(.) - Sub.titut. apd 'Art-tile: bY .ffeeti"., pate(., Blanco, Mary 03/23/95 AI.i9pl9Rt/Locltiop/Diyi.lop Cqmpp.ation Part-tiDe Food Service Helper School Lunch - $6.72 per hour Seaford - Business Services Replac:etDeDt for Liea Levine Brown, Florence 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour • o Bushman, Jeanette 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation Calandra, Kristen 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.94 per hour Callahan, Susan 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special EducatiOD $9.06 per hour . $9.06 per hour ~ I'; ., Page 31 ~ l!...? v .. \\ 1/ ,~. I o BOARD OP COOPERATl:VE EDUCA'l'XODL SBRV%CBS Ol' DSSAU C01DI'l'Y April 6. 19'5 II. Per'onnel Matter, - 'on-THchiAq: c. Appointment f,) - Sub.titute apd Part-tiM: ~ Bffective Pat. (,) Campanella, Maria 03/1.3/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Cohen, Allison 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Corrado, Jennifer 03/1.6/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour • Crevier, Ursula 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.51 per hour Cunneen, carolyn 03/1.3/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour o AI.iaa-egtlLocltiopIDiyi.ioa COmpensation ~ ll~: Page 32 ....&:5 ~ u I \~ • r6 __ C.J GO· \1 o /,,""'. i BOARD OF COOPDATXVB EDUCATXODL SDv.tCBS 01' DSSUJ CnIftPIIlf' J PDSOIIIIBL ACnOB8 ~ ~r1l II. 6, 1995 Personnel Matter. - lfop-t. .ch1pq: C. Appointment(,) - Substitute ape! Part-tiM: Bffective 01 at ,iqpatpt/Loc't1op/Diyi.igp IIa patel,) DeRosa, Michael 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Dobranski, Melanie 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Giordano, Julianne 03/01/95 Part-time Licensed Practical Nurse HAS/TAP Seaford Instructional Programs/Services Replacement for Ellen McGurl $14.23 per hour Gitlin, Daniel 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Goldstein, Wendy 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour Cqgp'g,atiog • ~ 'I:~ . C, Page 33 ....., (,;) C:J -- f\ C ~>te • 0 • • ~. __ 4 \) I o r !. BOARD OP COOPERAT:r:vB BDOCATIODL SDV%CBS OF DSSAO COUJI!'! PDSOIDIEL ACTIOIIS April 6, 1995 II. P.raona.l Mattera - Iop-T.achlpg: C. AppoiPtMpt(l) - Subltitute lAd hrt-tiM: HIH Bff.ctive pat. (,) Hajko, Nora 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.94 per hour Huldie, Kathleen 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Iredell, Colleen 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Part-time Licensed Practical Rurse- $14.23 per hour Johnson, Blisabeth 03/01/95 All iqgaapt/Locltiop/Diyi.iop Camp'plation • HAS/TAP - o Seaford Instructional Programs/Services Kross, Jennifer 03/13/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour ~ r,r .?, C) .... Page 34 Q:) (1) .""", • .----~~ \' J ..,.... o 8CWU) OP COOPERA'1'XVE EDOCA"nOUL saVIas OF ItISSAU COUliI'l'Y PERSOJDlEL ACTIOJIS ~ April 6. 1995 II. Personnel Hatter, - Mop-Teaching: C. AppoiPtment«,) - Sub,titut. apd Part-tiRe: Bff.ctive 01 BIH Dat. (,) Lovelace, Iretta 03/22/95 Part-time Licensed Practical Nurse Teenage Pregnancy Program Seaford Inscructional Programs/Services Replacement for Linda Van Name $14.23 per hour Marlow, Christina 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour McKibbin # !CriSCi 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Education $9.51 per hour Minkoff, Joy 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education ($9.51 per hourI Miritello# Michele 03/16/95 Substicute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour AI.igDPtDt/L9catiop/Diyi.iog C91PptD •• tion c:.. J' ., REVISED 1 CJ ~ ....] Page 35 '"' ~~ • G _ "tpC~ .J \\ ',I o '. ,/~' ( 11 "I BOARD OP COOPBRA"1'XVB BDUCA"1'l:ODL SBRnaB OF DSSAU CotD1T'Y PERSOIOIII. AC"nOilS April 6, 1995 II. '.r.onn.l Matt.r. - Mop-'l'eaehipq: C. AppolPtmtptf,) - Syb'tltut, ADd r,rt-tiBI: Bff.etive AI,i9QI9Dt / Lgeati oufpiyi'iog Hu!l Pat. (,) Mott, Gwendolyn 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide • Special Bducation $9.94 per hour O'Neill, Sherri-Anne 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Educatioo $9.51 per hour Panos, Erika 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Bducation $9.06 per hour • Piervincenzi, Diana 03/16/95 Substitutc Teacher Aide • Special Education $9.06 per hour Ravens, Robert 03/08/95 Part·time Teacher Aide • Ames Special Education (Formerly Substitute Teacher Aide) $9.62 per hour o C9JI!I).D •• tiop e..,1 C;, ~<', Page 36 ....en Q) • \) ,/""''' o~ BOARD OP COOPBRATrVB BDUCATIODL URVIaB OF DSSAU COOWII April 6. 1995 II. P.r'onn.1 Hatt.r. - Mon-'1'••ebipq: c. Appoiptment«.) - Sub.titute ap4 Part-tta.: I., Effeetive o IlIH pat. Regan, Dawn 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Single, Joanne 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Sininsky, Amber 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Educatioa $9.06 per hour Sorrentino, Victoria 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special EducatiOD $9.06 per hour Tingwall, Virginia 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide SpeCiAl Education $9.06 per hour ,..iqgllQt/LocItiop/Diyi.iop CoIpR.p.atiOQ . .,.'C). ~ Page 37 ....to Q) I GO' \';;:w, • - ..... I .J \1 I (-- r • 0' BOARD OP COOPBIlA'1'IVB EDDCATIOlDL SDVICU OF BSSAO COOllTY PBRSOIDIBL AC'1'%OIIS April 6, 1995 II. Per,onnel Hatt.rs - Pop-Tuchi.pq: c. o Appointmept(,) - Sub'titut. ADd Plrt-ti8t: IlIH Effee:tive Patt(,) Tordy, Kathleen 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour TUrkovich, Nicole 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour TUrner, Shari 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Ufier, Lisa 03/21/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour Omile, Blizabeth 03/16/95 Substitute Teacher Aide Special Education $9.06 per hour AI'iggeeptlLocttigglPiyi·iop C9!PP.p,.tion .' • o t~.~; Page 38 C~ CilJ ~ o G I\ ",-. 0 • - .... ".- C J , I ' .J \1, /"" () BOARD OF COOPERATn'B BDOCA'nODL SBRYICBS OF DSSAU CUUJt.f1 PDSQMIIRt· AC'f'IOMS April 6, 1995 II. P,r'onnel Natter. - Non-tuchipq: c. ltppoiPtMAt III - Subltitute lAd Pst-tiM: Effective l!.I!a Plte l •• Vincent, Richard 03/16/95 AI·iqgwtpt/Loqaticg/Diyi.iop Part - time Teacher Aide Rosemary Kennedy School - COIIp.glat1oa $10.12 per hour Special Education (Formerly Substitute Teacher Aide) Watkins, Robin 03/01/95 Pare-cilDe Licensed Practical Nurse - $14.23 per hour HAS/TAP • Seaford Instructional Programs/Services • o ~ ~. Page 39 C, ~ .-", :, .. \1 _. _ 1I ,'-- o ;' BOARD OP COOPERATIVE BDDCATIODL SDVICU OP DSSAU COOJrrY PER.S()JDIRT· ACTXOJIS April 6. 1"5 n ,,! II. Per,onnel Matter, - Mop-Teachipg: D. Appointment. - Mdition.l AI,igpMDt.: Bffective Board iii!!! ua AI.lqppept pe.crlptlOA AI.lqp"pt ktf Compen.ation Bedoya, Fidel OS/22/95 OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Korse Ranch - carman Road students - Special Bducatioo Teacher Aide Special Bducation $45.00 per night 2 nights $90.00 maximum Brun, Youri OS/22/95 OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Korse Ranch - ca rman Road students - Special Educatioo Part-time Teacher Aide Special Bducaticn $45.00 per night 2 nights $90.00 maximum Debiak, Lenora 05/04/95 05/05/95 Overnight Supervision CAumsett - carman Road students - Special Bducation Part-time Teacher Aide Special Bducation $45.00 pe~ night 1 night $45.00 maximum DeMott, Judith OS/22/95 OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision - Rocking Korse Ranch - carman Road 8tu~ent8 - Special Education Part-time Teacher Aide Special Bducation $45.00 per night 2 nights $90.00 maximum Kozlowski, Bllen 05/04/95 05/05/95 Overnight Supervision .. e&umsett - carman Road students Physical Therapy Assistant Special Bducation $45.00 per night 1 night $45.00 maximum' 01 - Special Education c::.' It'' @ Page 40 ~ v BOARD OP COOPERATIVE EDUaTIOD.L SDVICU or DSSAU COmrrY PBRSOlIDIBL AC"!'%a.s " April 6, 1995 II. Personnel Natter. - Hon-Teachipg: D. Appointment.· Add.iticmal AI.ismatpt.: HH!!l Effective J2.Aa Oxford, Sonia 04/10/95 AI.ismMpt De'qlptiOQ Board M.I9PMPt ArM Coprp9n.ation Overnight Supervision . CCA House - Rosemary Kennedy Center students - Special Bducation Teacher Aide Special Bducation 1 night $45.00 per night $45.00 maximum Resemini, Carol OS/22/95 • OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision . Rocking Horse Ranch • C4rINLD Road students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Bducation $45.00 per night 2 nights $90.00 maximum Rosa, Nancy OS/22/95 • OS/24/95 Overnight Supervision· Rocking Horse Ranch - C4rINLD Road students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Bducation $45.00 per night • 2 nights $90.00 maximum Scali, Denise 05/04/95 05/05/95 Overnight SuperviSion Caumsett - C4rtM.D Road students - Special Bducation Teacher Aide· Special Education Overnight Supervision . C&umsett - C4rtM.D Road students - Special Bducation Teacher Aide Special Education 01 Versichelli, Michele 05/04/95 05/05/95 $45.00 per night 1 night $45.00 maximum $45.00 per night 1 night $45.00 maximum' c::' ~ Page 41 u \1 / ....." r -. " o BOARD or COOPBRATIVB BDDCATlODL SDVICBS o. DSSAU comrrr pasonll, ACTZmlS April 6. 1995 II. Per.onnel Matter. - Bon-t.achipg: D. Appointment. - Additional AI.iqgMDt.: Bffective Board HI!Y. ~ AI.iqgMDt D"c;riptiog AI.iqRMAt Area Compep.ation Whitney, Wilbert 04/10/95 Overnight SupervisioD - CCA House - Rosemary Kennedy Center students - Special Education Teacher Aide Special Education $45.00 per night 1 night $45.00 maximum .. • o e:.: ~\~ ", C;, CD Page 42 ~ o \' r~' ( /" o BOARD OP COOPERA'1'ZVB EDUCI.'1'IODL S&RVIC'.U OF •• SSAU COUJn! PDSOJOlBL AC'l'IOifS April 6_ 1995 II. P.r'onn.1 Matt.r. - Mon-'1'tacbiga: L.,ve (,) of Ab,egc. Without pay: Eff.ctive Length of HIM r.lAY SHyic. TtPvre4 AI'i9P"pt/Locttiop/Div i,iop Braun, Helen 03/28/95 • 04/03/95 10 Years No Teacher Aide • Carman Road • B···OB Family circumstances Special Education Flecker, Jill Reynolds, Charles 0 03/30/95 04/05/95 * 9 Years 1 Month Ho 04/07/95 06/30/95 10 Years 2 Months No Te~cher Aide • Medical Bast Broadway Special Education Cleaner • Nassau Tech/Carle Place Occupational Education Medical I * Extension of leave of absence as reported on the March 9. 1995 Personnel Actions Report. <::'1 1"-, C, ADDITIONAL Q') L'i Page 42A ., ~ 'I r " BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES NASSAU COUNTY, NEW YORK SUPERINTENDENT'S INFORMATION REPORT April 6, 1995 Student Honors: Regional V(CA Competition I am pleased to report that Nassau Tech produced a number of winners at the recent VICA (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) Regional Competition, held at SUNY Farmingdale on March 21. There were two first-place finishers: Sabrina Gilbert, a first-year Child Development student from Baldwin High School, finished first in "Action Skills," which evaluated her ability to demonstrate and explain a skill in her field. Yasmin Linten, a second-year Health Occupations student, also from Baldwin, was the top scorer in the "Health Core" competition, which called for her to demonstrate basic skills such as performing the Heimlich manuever and applying a splint. Thirteen students came away with third-place trophies-eight of them members of the "Chapter Business" team. Their names, districts, Nassau Tech courses and competition categories are as follows: Michael Beza, Bellmore-Merrick Carlos Castaneda, Great Neck Tom CopperiU, Massapequa Robert Czyzak, Massapequa David Mackenson, Uniondale Louis Ferrantino, Great Neck Ryan Ferraro, Hicksville Craig Kalish, Bethpage Danielle La Rose, Bellmore-Merrick Matthew Menendez, E. Meadow /~-:--.:~. f r ... - o. n==:r:mte· ) a. 3 Construction Electricity Aviation Maintenance Multimedia Aviation Maintenance Carpentry Aviation Maintenance Carpentry Avi~tion Operations Practical Nursing Aviation Maintenance >; J a p -p 0 ~-------------~~~~======~====~ Trade Electricity Chapter Business Video Production Chapter Business Chapter Business Chapter Business Chapter Business Cllapter Business Prepared Speech Chapter Business o · ~·~~~--·_..-.-_--..iIo"..~~~---.... ____ L~ __ ......-.-_._-____ ._ vi;,G827 Shaun Rafie, Roslyn Kimitra Wallen, Baldwin Carina Wieck, Glen Cove Multimedia Practical Nursing Aviation Operations Video Production Extemp. Speaking Chapter Business o \ l · " 2sxlo