FLORAL PARK MEMORIAL HIGH SCHOOL THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT 2015-2016 GRADE 11 Student’s Name ______________________________________________________________________ Teacher’s Name Mrs. Baranov and Ms. Di Re ______________________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: 488-9323 Teacher’s E-mail Address: mbaranov@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us gdire@sewanhaka.k12.ny.us Teacher’s Productivity Period - 1st Semester____, 2nd Semester ____ TEXTBOOKS: NOTEBOOK: grammar, literature anthology, supplementary novels and plays vocabulary workbook (purchased by each student by the second week of school) Each student must have a loose-leaf binder with subject dividers and loose-leaf paper, as well as an agenda book. RESPONSIBILITIES: Each student is responsible for -purchasing an agenda book. -purchasing a vocabulary workbook. -attending class daily unless excused by the health or attendance office. -being punctual to class daily. -being prepared for class with a pen, pencil, notebook and textbook(s) as stipulated by the teacher. -completing homework which will be assigned in accordance with the District Homework Policy and which can be accessed at any time via the teacher’s website. -seeking extra help when the work is difficult. -completing all assignments and makeup work in a timely manner in accordance with district and teacher policies. -displaying behaviors in class which are respectful to the teacher and other students. -accepting the consequences which will ensue if these responsibilities are not met. -taking the New York State Comprehensive English Regents Examination, which will also be used as the final exam. Summer Reading: All students were required to complete the summer reading assignment distributed by their teacher. The students were asked to read one piece of literature over the vacation and will take a multiple – choice exam on the required novel. This will take place early in September. REPORT CARD GRADE POLICY GUIDELINES: -50% Tests/Quizzes -30% Essays/Projects -20% Homework and Class Participation Any work that has been plagiarized will receive a grade of 0. ___________________________________________________________________________ I have read the above Grade Expectation Policy and understand what I must do to be successful in English. _________________________ Student Signature ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature