Kehoe-France Back To School Information August, 2015

Back To School Information
August, 2015
8:00 A.M. -- 3:05 P.M
All students arriving before their respective morning car pool time should be placed in before
care and all students not picked up by 3:35 will be placed in after care.
NOTE: YOUR CHILD WILL BE TARDY AFTER 8:00 A.M. (Preschool to 7th Grade)
Gates/Car Pool Open
Little Pioneers, Children Center & Preschool 7:30 AM – 8:00 AM
1st through 7th Grade 7:20 AM – 8:00 AM
Children Center
1st – 7th
2:45 PM – 3:15 PM
2:45 PM – 3:35 PM
3:05 PM – 3:35 PM
See Attached Carpool Information
BOOK ORDERS: Your textbook order form was sent under separate mail. It is very important
that you send the order with payment immediately, if you have not done so already. It is
impossible to process the order in time to distribute on the opening day of school unless we
have the order at this time. Please be sure that any used books you purchased are in good
condition. These books will be checked on the first day of school and if they are not acceptable
another book will have to be purchased. No textbook with any markings will be allowed. If you
wish to sell your books next year please instruct your child that no marks should be made in the
LOST AND FOUND: Please mark all belongings -- hats, coats, sweaters, underclothing, school
bags, lunch boxes, etc., with the child’s full name. No initials please. Lost articles not claimed by
the end of each nine-week period will be given to charity.
LUNCH: Students order from Piccadilly or pack their lunch. Fast foods (Burger King,
McDonald’s,etc.) are not allowed to be delivered to students at their lunch period. The only
exception is a class sponsored event authorized by the teachers.
APPOINTMENTS: Parents are urged to communicate with the teachers concerning any
problem which occurs or seems to be developing. If we are aware of problems when they begin,
we are better equipped to solve the problem. If you have a question concerning the school, call
the school, not another parent. Please contact teachers by note, e-mail or by calling the office
with a message. To contact our teachers via e-mail access our web site at for individual addresses. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE TEACHERS AT THEIR
VISITORS: No visitors (including parents) are to go to a classroom or be in the halls without an
appointment. Make an appointment so that the teacher’s time can be devoted to you personally.
If you are coming on campus to volunteer your time and services, please stop in the
office to sign-in and get a nametag. This is a safety precaution.
ABSENT STUDENT: If your child is absent, call the office by 10:00 A.M. and let us know who
will pick up the assignments, or e-mail the teacher through Kehoe-France’s web site: Your child’s books and assignments will be ready for pick up after 2:45
P.M. in the front office. Assignments cannot be faxed to students or parents, nor will the school
accept faxed documents requiring parental signatures, i.e., homework slips, permission slips,
discipline reports ,etc.
CHECKING OUT A STUDENT PRIOR TO DISMISSAL: Should you need your child before the
end of the day, please come to the office and sign your child out. Please do not go to or wait in
the hallway for his/her dismissal. He/she will be called to the office via the intercom when
you arrive in the office, not before. If you know you are checking your child out early, please
send the teacher a note advising of this so class work and assignments will given to your child
before departing.
MESSAGES: The office will not interrupt classes to deliver messages except for
emergencies. Forgotten lunches, assignments, books, etc. will be delivered from the front office.
Students are allowed the use of the office phone with permission from the office and their
teacher. Students are not allowed to have cell phones in school.
MEDICINE: Kehoe-France will only dispense prescription medication at school. The
prescription medication must come to school in the pharmacy-dispensed packaging
(prescription label attached). Medication will be dispensed at 12:00 noon each day from the first
aid room. The prescription medication must be turned into the office with the appropriate KehoeFrance parental permission authorization. Kehoe-France does not dispense any over the
counter medications, i.e. Tylenol, cough syrup, cough drops, Benadryl, etc.
ILLNESS: If your child complains of not feeling well, he/she will be sent to the office where our
nurse or the office staff will call you to come and pick up your child. Please be assured that by
the time your child gets to the office, every effort has been made to verify his/her illness.
SWIMMING: On swimming days, send the child’s swimsuit, swim cap and towel (marked with
full name) in a separate bag. Waterproof bags are for sale at school for $20.00 and swim caps
are available for $11.00. Swim caps are required for all children (boys and girls). Girls are
required to wear a one-piece swimsuit. The swimming period depends on the weather; outside
temperature must be 70º F or higher. Swimming information will be announced by our P.E.
Department upon the start of school.
BAND PROGRAM: The Kehoe-France Band is entering its 19th year under the direction of Mr.
Hotstream! We have begun programming for this school year and are excited about several new
musical events. We are looking forward to a dynamic and adventurous year of music!
NAMETAGS: During the first week of school, please pin a nametag on your child (grades
Children Center through 2nd). Please put the child’s name and room number on the nametag.
GENERAL RULES OF CONDUCT: Please familiarize yourself with the rules of conduct and
dress as written in the Student/Family Handbook which can be viewed on our website at
Thank you for choosing Kehoe-France.