Indian Journal of Chemical Technology Vol.2, September 1995, pp. 271-275 Liquid-liquid extraction studies of some metal complexes using crown ethers A G Gaikwada, H Noguchib& M Yoshiob "RegionalResearch Laboratory, CSIR,Trivandrum 695 019,India bDepartmentof Applied Chemistry,Faculty of Scienceand Engineering,SagaUniversity, Saga 840, Japan Received 10 August 1994;accepted 15February 1995 liquid-liquid extraction investigations of Pd(ll), V(V), Co(ID), Cu(ll), Ni(ll) and Fe(ll)-PAR[4-(2pyridyl azo )-resorcinol] complexes by using dicyclohexano-18-crown-6- have been carried out. Anioic complexes of Pd(ll), V(V), Co(ID), Cu(ll), Ni(ll) and Fe(ID)-PAR extracted into organic phase as increase in order Pd > V> Co > Cu > Ni > Fe.-During thermodynamic studies, it was observed that the entropy effect is one of the important factors responsible for the selective extraction. However, the shape of the complexes may be one of the causes for the selective change in entropy during the extraction of chelate. In effect, planar palladium-PAR-SCN- ichelate was extracted selectively in comparison with other chelates. 1 Liquid-liquid extraction is one of the powerful techniques for identification, separation and preconcentration of metal ions. Crown ethers containing 0-, N -, S- have been successfully utilised for the selective extraction purposes of ions 1. Enhanced extractabilities for some transition ·metal ions were observed with use of macrocyclic polythia-coronandsz• The cationic complexes of crown ethers are normally extracted into organic phase as an ion-paif3-5• The methods for selecting the best ligand-saIt-solvent combinations for the effective and selective extraction have been worked out and applied in ion pair extraction. In general, the efficiency of cation extraction increases with the hydrophobic nature of the counter ion, e.g. picrate> SCN- = > NOi > Extraction applications of crown ethers are copper-zincon6, fhiorimetric detenilination of potassium, eosin and bromocresol extraction7, protonated amino acids8 and metanil yellow. When crowned ion pairs of metal· cations are extracted from aqueous phase to organic phase, water molecules which are strongly hydrated9 to cations cotransferred into organic phase. During complexation process, the release of water molecules from cation and anion may play a significant role in extraction of ion pair. No attempt has been made on investigation of extraction of Pd, ·V, Co, Cu, Ni and Fe-PAR complexes with dicyclohexyl-18crown-6. The present work describes the extractiQl1Sof such complexes. - 00; 0-. Experimental Procedure Picycloh~xyl-18-crown-6 lOCC) was obtained from Nippon Soda and its solution was prepared in 1,2-dichloroethane. The resulting solution was washed with 0.01 M lithium hydroxide in order to avoid pH change after extraction. The stock solutions of vanadium and the other metals used were prepared by dissolving ammonium metavanadate and metal chloride in 1 M hydrochloric acid, respectively. The concentration of stock solutions was determined by the complexometry with disodium ethylenediamine tetra acetate10• The solution of 4-(2-pyridyl-azo)-resorcinol (PAR) (Dojin Kagaku) was prepared in 0.01 M lithium hydroxide. The stock solution of lithium thiocyanate was prepared and its concentration was determined by precipitation titration with silver nitrate10• 1,2Dichloroethane and the othe'r.reagents were all of analytical grade and used without further purification. The proceudrl;used was as described earlier6·11• Lithium thiocyanate solution was used in the case of palladium in order to improve the efficiency of extraction. The solution of cobalt(m)-PAR complex was prepared trom CoClz and PAR solutions, and oxidation state of cobalt was ascertained12• For pH adjustment dilute phosphoric acid and lithium hydroxide (pH 5-8) or boric acid and lithium hydroxide (pH 7-11) were used. The resulting aqueous solution (20 mL) was transferred into a 50 mL centrifuged tube equipped with well grounded stopper. Then, 20 mL of'1,2-dichloroethane (10 mL for Fe(ll) and Ni(ll) containing the crown ether (10-5-0.1 M) was added to the above solution. The mixture of two phases was shaken in 1"111'1'111 IlIllIIIHI;.td·Mlit'llll",IOl~ ••.• ,._, ••"· •• I~·I 272 INDIAN J. CHEM. TECHNOL., a thermostated water bath at different temperatures in the range 12-43°C for a day (20 min for vanadium). After separating both organic and aqueous phases, the concentration of metal-PAR complexes extracted into organic phase was determined spectrophotometrically at maximum absorption wave length. These are 541, 552, 515, 513, 524 and 493 nrn for Pd(II), V(V), Co(III), Cu(n), Ni(n) and Fe(II), respectively. The molar extinction coefficients determined of extracted ion pair complexes into organic phase are 3.3 )(104, 3.3 x 104, 60 x 104, 5.4 x 104, 3.2 X 104 and 3.3 x 104 for Pd(II), V(V), Co(III), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Fe(II), respectively. The concentration of metal ions in organic phase were confirmed after stripping and determining with atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The concentration of metal-PAR complex in the aqueous phase was calculated from the concentration of that extracted in the organic phase by using mass action's law. SEPTEMBER 1995 ... (3) DCC-=DCCo [DCC]o [DCC] Kd.DCC= , j l'llijll ... (4) The 10gKd,Dcc was found to be 2.88 at 25°C13. The complexation of potassium ion with DCC in the aqueous phase is represented by Eqs (5) and (6). K+ + DCC-=KDCC+ [KDCC+] KKDCC+ = [K+][DCC] ... (5) ... (6) The association of the complexed potassiumDCC cation with anionic metal-PAR complexes in aqueous phase is expressed by Eqs (7) and (8). KDCC++ MC- -=KDCC+ MC[KDCC+MC-] ... (7) ... (8) Results and Discussion Ka,KDCCMC[KDCC+]rMC~] Extraction equilibria-The overall extraction equilibrium between aqueous and organic phases for the extraction of anionic metal-PAR complexes with cationic potassium-crown ether complex would be represented as follows:· The distribution of the ion pair complexes between aqueous and organic phases can be represented by Eqs (9) and (10). DCC ... (9) DCCK+MC[KDCC+MC-1, Organic Aqueous 1~ Kd,KDCCMC[KDCC+MC] ~ K" DeC K,DCCK+MCDCC+K+ +MC- -=DCCK+MC- The distribution ratio of metal-PAR complex, D, between organic and aqueous phases can be given in general by Eq. (11). However, the metalPAR complex is predominantly present as KDCC+MCin organic phase and as MC- in aqueous phase under the experimental conditions. The distribution ratio of metal-PAR complex can be represented by Eq. (12). where MC- is an anionic metal-PAR complex and KDCC+ - MC- is the ion-pair. The expression for the extraction of anionic metal-PAR complexes can be given by Eq. (1). Kex K++DCCo+MC-~ KDCC+MC; ... (1) The overall extraction equilibrium constant can be expressed by Eq. (2). ... (10) (Kex) total concentration of metal-PAR complex [KDCC+MC-]o Kex D= ... (2) = [K+] [DCC1,[MC-] The subscript '0' denotes the organic phase. The overall extraction equilibrium can be represented in terms of the. following equilibria. The distribution of the uncomplexed DCC between aqueous and organic phases can be given by Eqs (3) and (4). , , ! I 11' '''1'1'1'' "I' r in the organic phase total concentration of metal-PAR complex in the aqueous phase [MClo+[KDCC+ MC-]o D= [MC]+[MC-]+[MC2-] [KDCC+ MC-lo D=----[MC-] I I' I f II" 111'III ... (11) ... (12) GAtKWAD et aL: liQUID-liQUID EXTRACTION where MC, MC- and MC2- denote neutral, single and double negatively charged complexes. It is also reported 14 that the single negative charged complexes predominantly present in the aqueous phase. The following relation can be obtained from Eqs (1) and (12). logD;{K+] = logKex + log [DCC1 .,. (13) Eqs (14) to (16) can be obtained from the mass balances. Cocc = [DCe] + [KDCC +J+ (Vo/V )[DCe]o + (Vo/V)[KDCC+MC-]o CMC- (14) =[MC-]+(Vo/V)[KDCC+MC-1 (15) CK+ = [K+][KDCC+] + (Vo/V)[KDCC+MC-Jo ... (16) where Coco CMC + and CK+ are the initial concentrations of crown ehter, metal-PAR complex and potassium ion in the aqueous phae. Vo and V represent the volumes of organic and aqueous phases. In the experimental studies, C~ + is much larger than Cocc or CMC , hence CK = [K+J in Eq. (16). Then, Eq. (13) is rewritten as follows: logD'cK+ = logKe" + log [DCC1 ... (17) The concentrations of DCC and KDCC + in the aqueous phase can be neglected in Eq. (14) because Kd,occ is much larger than unity. Finally, the value of [DCClo can be calculated by using Eq. (18). DCCo=(V/Vo)Cocc- [KDCC+MC-]o '" (18) The Eq. (17) shows that the plot of logD/CK+ versus log[DCC]o should give the straight line with slope one and the extrapolation to [DCC]o = 0 gives 10gKex value. The PAR forms negatively charged complexes with several metal different geometries V(V) Ni(Il) \Co(IlI) Fe(Il) Cu(Il) Pd(Il) ions with and their complexation has been wellDCC established14• During these studies different geometries of metal-PAR complexes were selected such as Pd(D}-PAR (square planar), V(V)-PAR (square pyramid, semi-spherical), Co(m), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Fe(II)-PAR (octahedral, spherical). The extraction studies of negatively charged complexes of metalPAR with crown ethers are interesting and make more attraction to new aspect of spectrophotometric studies in the field of crown ether chemistry. Effect of thiocyanate, bromide, chloride, iodide anions on extraction of palladium-The effect of chloride, bromide, iodide and thiocyanate anions OF METAL COMPLEXES 273 on the extractability of Pd(ll)-PAR complex with potassium-DCC cation have been studied at same pH (8.25). It was observed that the extraction of Pd(II)-PAR complex with potassium-DCC cation complex depends on· the concentration and nature of anion used along with them. During the investigation of effect of these ions on the extraction of Pd(II)-PAR complex it has been observed that the thiocyanate ion shows highest extractability among the four anions. The constant absorbance was observed in the concentration range of thiocyanate· ion from 2.5 x 10-4-4.0 x 1O-4M. Further, the extraction studies of Pd(II)-PAR-SCN- complex was carried out in this concentration range. Effect of pH on the extractability-The extraction of metal-PAR complexes with potassium-DCC cation complex into 1,2-dichloroethane was attempted at various pH. The constant absorbance was observed in the pH range from 5 to 6.8 for V(V), 5.8 to 8.5 for Pd(II), 6 to 7.5 for Co(I1I), 8 to 9.2 for Cu(II), 7.8 to 8.5 for Ni(II) and 7.8 to 9.9 for Fe(II), respectively. It can be inferred from the maximum and constant absorbance in each case of metals that the one type of complex is extracted into the organic phase and it exists predominantly in the aqueous phase. Therefore, further extraction studies of these metal-PAR complexes were carried out at these pH ranges. Effect of Dee concentration variation-The investigation relation between logD/CK+ versus 10g[DCC]o for (Pd(II), V(V), Co(m), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Fe(II)) metal-PAR complexes at 25°C shows a linear relationship for the all metal ions with slope one. It can be concluded that the overall extraction equilibrium described by Eq. (1) is valid for these extraction equilibrium systems. Thus it Table I-The log K ex values and the composition of extracted metal-PAR complexes with potassium-DCC and Zephiramine* Metal ion 4.8 2.0 3.5 11.16*** 6.37 8.59 6.1 3.3 compositon** Ni(HL)LFe(HL)LPd(L)SCNV02LCu(HL)LlogKex Zephiramine CoLi *obtained from Ref. 11. **PAR is described by H2L and the ratio of PAR/metal determined by using continuous variation method ***Divalent anion Ni~ - is extracted ion is j,lb,j·[j - ;; II 274 INDIAN 1. CHEM. TECHNOL., SEPTEMBER 1995 would indicate that the extraction of metal-PAR cal complex. It may be possible that the contribucomplex is a negatively charged complex. The tion of entropy term to free energy would be one composition of ion pair complex is 1: 1 with re- of the causes for the high extractability of planar spect to anionic metal-PAR complex and pota- complex. It reflects the intramolecular interactions within the complexes. These interactions seem to ssium-DCC cation. The log Kex values extrapolated and the composition of the ion pairs extracted be very different for the complexes fo Pd(IT), V(V) are listed in Table 1. The 10gKex values are 6.1 and Cu(n). They are stronger in case of the planar anion of Pd(ll)-PAR-SCN-. However, symmetry for planar Pd(II)-PAR-SCN-, 4.8 for semi-spheriplays an important role at the level of the entropy cal V(V)-PAR and 3.5, 3.3,2 and 2 for spherical contribution. Co(III)-, Cu(II)-" Fe(II)- and Ni(II)-PAR complexes at 25°C, respectively. It can be seen from the There is no gradual change in ~Ho values for above logKex values that the palladium-PAR com- the extraction of PAR complexes of palladium, vanadium and copper with potassium-DCe. The plex is extracted more easily than the complexes of the other metal ions. The log K ex values of ex- thermal effect to the free energy is larger than the entropy contribution in all three cases. But, the ortraction of metal-PAR complexs with potassiumDee complex are smaller than that of with ze- der of the decrease in T ~SJ values correspond phiramine for the cobalt and iron cases. The ex- with that in K ex values. Therefore, it can be contraction sequence of metal ions can be given as cluded that the entropy effect may be one of the follows Pd> V> Co> Cu > Fe > Ni. The log K ex causes for the high Kex value in planar palladiumvalue of Pd(II) complex is enough large to allow an PAR-SCN- complex. The overall extraction constant can be rewritten analytical application of this extraction method in by using Eqs (1 )-(18) as follows: comparison with the log K ex values of other metal IOns. Determination of thermodynamic quantitiesThe liquid-liquid extraction studies of palladium, vanadium and copper-PAR complexes with potassium-DCC complex have been carried out at different temperatures such as 12, 16, 25, 34 and 43°e. The 10gKex values for palladium, vanadium and copper-PAR complexes were determined at different temperatures. It was observed that the 10gKex value decreases with increase in temperature for all elements. The determined 10gKex values were plotted against 1IT for these elements to estimate the thermodynamic quantities. The determined ~ HO and T ~ So values are given in Table 2. The extraction sequence of metal-PAR complexes remains same as described at 2Ye. The ~Go values for the metal-PAR complexes show the negative sign. However, the entropy term for these complexes shows the different signs. The different sign of entropy contribution shows that the contribution of entropy term to free energy is decreased when the shape of metal-PAR complex is changed from planar or semi-spherial to spheriTable 2-Thermodynamic Dee ... (19) Here, K d,DCC and K KDCC + are constant for all the case8. The extraction of metal-PAR complex depends on the Ka,KDCCMC and Kd,KDCCMC values. The high extractability of planar palladium-PAR complex due to the entropy term during the association of ions in aqueous phase or the distribution of ion-pairs in the aqueous and organic phases may be one of the causes. During the extraction process, the following model \yould be applicable for the entropy change of the association of ions in aqueous phase. These are the combinations between planar-planar ions (a) and planarspherical ions (b) with the same sizes. On the basis of the proposed models, it has been suggested that the number of water molecules released during the ion association of ion pairs and extraction of ion pairs into organic phase would be large and more in the case 'of (a) than that of in (b) can be represented by Eq. (20). MC -. mH20 dHo, TdSJ, Kllmol Kllmol -34.8 -27.8 -25.0 -39.6 2.4 -27.4 -18.8 I +. nH20 F MC -. DCCK + 7.0 -20.8 n+x)H20 ... (20) where m, n and x denote the number of hydrated water molecules to metal-PAR, potassium-DCC and ion pair complexes, respectively. Since the contact surface area in planar-planar complex (a) is large in comparison with that of case (b), the number of water molecules released, m + n - x, III' 'I + DCCK 'xH20+(m+ complexes at 298K d GO, Pd(II)-PAR-SeNV(V)-PAR eu(II)-PAR K KDCC + • K a,KDCCM' K d,KDCCMC quantities of metal-PAR-potassium- Kllmol Metal-PAR K ex = K~,DCC' 1111111 GAIKWAD et al.: LIQUID-LIQUID EXTRACTION during the complexation process would also be large in case of (a). The release of a large number of water molecules would be one of the causes for the enhancement of extraction. Therefore, it is expected that the entropy effect is higher for planarplanar ions, potassium-DCC-Pd(ll)-PAR-SCN" complex than that of for planar-spherical ions, potassium-DCC-V(V)-PAR complex or potassiumDCC-Cu(II)-PAR complex. Conclusion It was observed that the planar-Pd(ll)-SCN- complex shows the higher extraction in comparison with that of other metal ion-PAR complexes. The entropy term plays an important role in the ion pair formation process and its partition between aqueous and organic phases. References 1 Yoshio M, Ugamura M, Noguchi H & Nagamatsu M, Ana/ Lett, 11 (1978) 281. 2 Shinkai S & Shing Matsu K, J Chern Soc Perkin Trans, 1 (1981) 3279. 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