Growing Communication Module and Chapter Guide Modules Topics Covered Module 1: Start by Stopping Chapter 1: You > Breathing > Starting in neutral > Connecting non-verbally to the audience Chapter 1 Tab #1 : The 4 Fives Breathing Exercise Chapter 1 Tab #2: Starting in Neutral Chapter 2: Your Audience > Investigating the audience > Giving one “gift” for one person > Managing the pace/having time to think Chapter 2 Tab #1:Giving the Gift Chapter 2 Tab#2: Investigating Your Audience Chapter 3: Invitation > Cutting the “Pre-amble” > Finding the “Hook” > Using “The Seed of Action” Chapter 3 Tab#1: Traps of the First 30 Seconds Chapter 3 Tab # 2: The Same Old, Same Old Module 2: The Seed of Action Chapter 1: Your Message in one sentence > Peeling the onion to uncover “What is your message in one sentence?” Then peeling it again to ask –“is it really that?” uncovering your deepest meaning as one phrase > Honing the sentence down to its most powerful iteration to create an “anchor” > Tying your speech to that “anchor” - connecting the anchor sentence to the larger speech Chapter 1 Tab # 1: Peeling The Onion - Tab #1 Chapter 1 Tab #2: A Few Layers More - Tab #2 Chapter 2: Defining the destination > What specific action do you want them to take? > When specifically do you want them to take it? > And what specific result do you desire from this communication? Chapter 2 Tab #1: Just Be Cause - Tab #3 Chapter 2 Tab #2: Causing The Spark - Tab #4 Chapter 3: Navigating the journey Chapter 3 Tab#1: Completing the Cause – The Doorway to Action - Tab #5 Chapter 3 Tab #2: An Action Complete - Tab #6 Page 1 of 3 > Using your message in one sentence as a tool to craft your speech for maximum impact > Using the answers to the questions drawn from the crafting tool as a creative platform > Creating the real pathway for action towards your intended destination Growing Communication Module and Chapter Guide Modules Topics Covered Module 3: The World According to You Chapter 1: The content of your character > Content, Craft & Character – 7%,33%, 60% > Character is the undervalued resource > How an audience perceives you through your character Chapter 1 Tab #1 : “Underneath The Impact Equation” Chapter 1 Tab #2: :”Visible Values” Chapter 2: The Value of Values > Character reveals your values > Values connect you to your audience > Connecting to your values creates authentic language Chapter 2 Tab #1: “Character in the Mirror” Chapter 2 Tab #2: “Raising the Bar” Chapter 3: The courage of your convication > Leading by example – looking at how other use their values at critical junctures > How your values connect you to your passion > Crafting the authentic language of your values into your presentation Chapter 3 Tab #1: “Stealing From Greatness” Chapter 3 Tab #2: “Testing Your Passion” Module 4: The Story Within Chapter 1: The Classic Story Spine > Why are stories important to us? > What makes a good story? > Mapping out the journey of your story Chapter 1 Tab #1: “The First Story” Chapter 1 Tab #2: “Shaping the Journey” Chapter 2: Bringing your story to life > Fleshing out the story spine > Researching your story > Defining the essential details of your story Chapter 2 Tab #1 : “The Story Spine Revealed” Chapter 2 Tab #2: “A Story Unto Itself” Chapter 3: Putting them in the picture Chapter 3: Tab #1: “Lots of Lots” Chapter 3: Tab #2: “Making It Experiential” Page 2 of 3 > Using language of the senses > Working with imagery > Creating an experience for the audience Growing Communication Module and Chapter Guide Modules Topics Covered Module 5: The Developing Story Chapter 1: Metaphorically speaking > Defining metaphors > Finding and developing a core metaphor > Implementing metaphor in a business presentation Chapter 1 Tab #1 : The Animal Chapter 1 Tab #2: Choosing The Right Metaphor Chapter 2: This time its personal > Selecting a personal story > Distilling a key lesson > Connecting the lesson and the story Chapter 2 Tab # 1: Capturing Stories Chapter 2 Tab #2: Becoming the Listener Chapter 3: Choosing the Frame > Introducing the Framing Tool > Defining the starting points > Developing the story through the Frame Chapter 3 Tab #1: Applying The Framing Tool Chapter 3 Tab #2: Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again Module 6: TBD - PowerPoint in Action - NO TABS Chapter 1: Information Overload Chapter 2: Crafting The Right Deck Chapter 3: Anchoring The Slide Page 3 of 3 > Gifford presents to Donald with way too much information – they then explore simplicity and some practical rules for PPT. > Donald presents his deck, forgetting about information overload. Gifford and Donald then re-craft Donald’s deck using the story spine as a guide. > Donald enters the final chapter alone bringing all his new found PPT skills with him.