CHAPTER 1 ELECTRONICS AND SEMICONDUCTORS Chapter Outline 1.1 Signals 1.2 Frequency Spectrum of Signals 1.3 Analog and Digital Signals 1.4 Amplifiers 1.5 Circuit Models for Amplifiers 1.6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers 1.7 Intrinsic Semiconductors 1.8 Doped Semiconductors 1.9 Current Flow in Semiconductors 1.10 The pn Junction with Open‐Circuit Terminals 1.11 The pn Junction with Applied Voltage 1.12 Capacitive Effects in the pn Junction NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐1 1.1 Signals Signal processing Signals can be of a variety of forms in order to carry information from the physical world It is most convenient to process signals by electronic system, therefore, the signals are first converted into an electric form (voltage or current) by transducers Input signal (voice, speed, pressure, etc.) Signal Processor Transducer v(t) Electrical Signals v(t) Transducer Output signal (voice, speed, pressure, etc.) Electrical Signals t t Signal sources Thevenin form: (voltage source vs + series resistance Rs) Presenting the signal by a voltage form Is preferred when Rs is low (Rs can be neglected) Norton form: (current source is + shunt resistance Rs) Presenting the signal by a current form Is preferred when Rs is high (Rs can be neglected) In electronics systems, the signal is taken from one of the two forms for analysis Two forms are interchangeable with vs(t) = is(t) Rs NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐2 1.2 Frequency Spectrum of Signals Sinusoidal signal A sinusoidal signal is given as: va(t) = |Va|sin(at + a ) Characterized by its amplitude (|Va|), frequency (a) and phase (a ) va(t) Va Frequency domain representation Any time‐domain signal can be expressed by its frequency spectrum Periodic signal Fourier series Non‐periodic signal Fourier transform t a T Periodic signal The fundamental frequency of periodic signals is defined as 0 = 2/T. A periodic signal can be expressed as the sum of sinusoids at harmonic frequencies (n0) Example: a square‐wave with period T v(t ) Time‐domain representation 4V 1 1 (sin 0t sin 30t sin 50t ...) 3 5 Frequency‐domain representation NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐3 v(t ) 4V 1 1 (sin 0t sin 30t sin 50t ...) 3 5 Non‐periodic signal The Fourier transform is applied to a non‐periodic function of time The spectrum of a non‐periodic signal contains all possible frequencies Time‐domain representation Frequency‐domain representation NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐4 1.3 Analog and Digital Signals Signal classification Analog signal: signal can take on any value Digital signal: can only take on finite quantization levels Continuous‐time signal: defined at any time instant Discrete‐time signal: defined only at the sampling instants Sampling: the amplitude is measured at equal time intervals Quantization: represent the samples by finite values Quantization error: Difference between sampled value and quantized value Can be reduced by increasing the quantization levels Continuous‐time analog signal v(t) t Discrete‐time analog signal Data conversion t Analog‐to‐digital converter (ADC): A/D converter ... Analog vA input b0 b1 Digital output bN‐1 b Digital b0 1 input bN‐1 ... Digital‐to‐analog converter (DAC): D/A converter Analog vD output Sampling Digital signal Quantization 3 2 1 0 vD b0 20 b1 21 ....bN 2 N 1 3,3,3,2,3,3… t Quantization error t vA = vD + quantization error NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐5 1.4 Amplifiers Gain of amplifiers Voltage gain Av vO / vI Current gain Ai iO / iI Power gain Ap vO iO / vI iI Amplifier gains are dimensionless (ratio of similarly dimensioned quantities) Voltage and current gain can be positive or negative depending on the polarity of the voltage and the current The gain is frequently expressed in decibels: Voltage gain Av (dB) 20 log | Av | Current gain Ai (dB) 20 log | Ai | Power gain Ap (dB) 10 log | Ap | Gain > 0 dB | A | > 1 (amplification) Gain < 0 dB | A | < 1 (attenuation) The polarity of the voltage and current is not shown in dB expression Amplifier power supplies Amplifiers require dc power supplies Pdc = VCC ICC + VEE IEE Pdc + PI = PL + Pdissipated (efficiency) = (PL / Pdc )100% NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐6 Transfer characteristics of linear amplifier The plot of output response vs. input transfer characteristics For linear amplifier, the transfer characteristic is a straight line passing the origin with slope = Av It is desirable to have linear amplifier characteristics for most of the applications Output waveform is an enlarged copy of the input: vO(t) = AvvI(t) No higher power terms of vI at the output Amplifier saturation Practically, the amplifier transfer characteristic remains linear over only a limited range of input and output voltages The amplifier can be used as a linear amplifier for input swing: L/Av vI L+/Av vO = AvvI For input larger than the swing limitation, the output waveform will be truncated, resulting in nonlinear distortion The nonlinearity properties can be expressed as: vO = a0 + a1vI + a2vI2 + a3vI3 ….. NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐7 Nonlinear transfer characteristics and biasing In practical amplifiers, the transfer characteristics may exhibit nonlinearities of various magnitude The nonlinearity characteristics will result in signal distortion during amplification In order to use the circuit as a linear amplifier: Use dc bias to operate the circuit near the middle of the transfer curve quiescent point Superimpose the time‐varying (ac) signal on the dc bias at the input Be sure that the signal swing is sufficiently small for good linear approximation The time‐varying (ac) components at the output is the desired output signal Slope = Av vO vO (t) Q VO VI vI vI (t ) VI vi (t ) vO (t ) VO vo (t ) vI (t) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu vo (t ) Av vi (t ) dv Av O |at Q dvI 1‐8 Symbol convention: dc quantities: IC, VD Incremental (ac) quantities: ic(t), vd(t) Total instantaneous (ac + dc) quantities: iC(t), vD(t) iC(t) = IC + ic(t) vD(t) = VD + vd(t) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐9 1.5 Circuit Models for Amplifiers Concept of equivalent circuit Practical amplifier circuit could be rather complex Use a simplified model to represent the properties and behavior of the amplifier The analysis results do not change by replacing the original circuit with the equivalent circuit Voltage amplifiers A simplified two‐port model is widely used for unilateral voltage amplifiers Voltage Amplifier The model is composed of three components: Input resistance (Ri): the resistance by looking into the input port Output resistance (Ro): the resistance by looking into the output port Open‐circuit voltage gain (Avo): the voltage gain (vo/vi) with output open‐circuit Circuit analysis with signal source and load: vo RL Avo vi RL Ro Overall gain: Gv vo Ri Avo RL vs Ri Rs RL Ro Voltage gain: Av Ideal voltage amplifier: Ri = and Ro = 0 NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐10 Circuit parameters in the amplifier model The model can be used to replace any unilateral amplifier by proper circuit parameters The parameters can be obtained by circuit analysis or measurement Analysis (measurement) of the input resistance: The resistance by looking into the input port vx (find ix for a given vx or find vx for a given ix) Analysis (measurement) of the output resistance: Set vi = 0 by input short The resistance by looking into the output port (find ix for a given vx or find vx for a given ix) Analysis (measurement) of the open‐circuit voltage gain: Given vx at input Find open‐circuit output voltage vo vx vo is divided by vx NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu ix Ri vx/ix ix vx Ro vx/ix vo Avo vo/vx 1‐11 Cascade amplifier Multiple stages of amplifiers may be cascaded to meet the application requirement The analysis can be performed by replacing each stage with the voltage amplifier model Buffer amplifier Impedance mismatch may result in a reduced voltage swing at the load Buffer amplifier can be used to alleviate the problem The gain of the buffer amplifier can be low (~1) The buffer amplifier has high input resistance and low output resistance NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐12 Amplifier types Voltage amplifier: gain of interest is defined by vo/vi (V/V) Current amplifier: gain of interest is defined by io/ii (A/A) Transconductane amplifier: gain of interest is defined by io/vi (‐1) Transimpedance amplifier: gain of interest is defined by vo/ii () Amplifier models Voltage Amplifier Transconductance Amplifier Current Amplifier Transimpedance Amplifier Unilateral models The amplifier models considered are unilateral; that is, signal flow only from input to output The model is simple and easy to use such that analysis can be simplified Not all amplifiers are unilateral and more complicated models may be needed for the analysis NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐13 Circuit analysis for amplifiers Voltage Amplifier Transconductance Amplifier vo = Avovi RL / (RL+Ro) vo / vs = Avo[Ri /(Ri+Rs)][RL /(RL+Ro)] For ideal case (Ri → , Ro → 0): vo / vs = Avo Current Amplifier io = Gmvi Ro / (RL+Ro) io / vs = Gm[Ri /(Ri+Rs)][Ro /(RL+Ro)] For ideal case (Ri → , Ro → ): io / vs = Gm Transimpdeance Amplifier io = Aisii Ro / (RL+Ro) io / is = AisRsRo / [(RL+Ro)(Ri+Rs)] For ideal case (Ri → 0, Ro → ): io / is = Ais vo = Rmii RL / (RL+Ro) vo / is = RmRsRL / [(RL+Ro)(Ri+Rs)] For ideal case (Ri → 0, Ro → 0): vo / is = Rm NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐14 Exercise 1.12 (Textbook) Exercise 1.13 (Textbook) Exercise 1.14 (Textbook) Exercise 1: For a voltage amplifier with Ri = 100 k, Ro = 10 k and Avo = 20, find its equivalent models as current, transconductance and transimpedance amplifiers. Exercise 2: Consider two amplifier stages are cascaded. The model of the first stage is given by Ri = 1 M, Ro = 10 k and Avo = 20, while the model of the second stage is given by Ri = 100 k, Ro = 10 and Avo = ‐2. (1) Find the voltage amplifier model for the cascade amplifier. (2) For Rs = 100 k and RL = 100 , find Av and Gv. NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐15 1.6 Frequency Response of Amplifiers Concept of frequency response The input signal to an amplifier can be expressed as the sum of sinusoidal signals Frequency response: the characteristics of an amplifier in terms of its response to input sinusoidals of different frequencies Measuring the amplifier frequency response Applying a sinusoidal signal to a linear amplifier, the output is a sinusoidal at the same frequency The output sinusoidal will in general have a different amplitude and a shifted phase Transfer function T() is defined as a function of frequency to evaluate the frequency response Magnitude of T() is the voltage gain of the amplifier: |T()| = Vo / Vi Phase of T() is the phase shift between input and output signals: T() = Amplifier bandwidth The bandwidth is defined within 3dB from the flat gain For signal containing components outside the bandwidth, the output waveform will be distorted Flat gain 3dB vo(t)=Vo sin(t+ +) vi(t)=Vi sin(t+ ) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐16 Frequency‐dependent components in amplifiers The frequency response of amplifiers is mainly due to frequency‐dependent components The most widely used components are capacitors and inductors Capacitors d Current‐voltage relation: iC (t ) C vC (t ) dt For sinusoidal signals: vC (t ) V0 cos(t ) iC (t ) CV0 sin(t ) The ratio of voltage amplitude and current amplitude is proportional to 1/C, and is considered a frequency‐dependent impedance Phasor analysis: vC (t ) V0 cos(t ) VC V0e j iC (t ) CV0 sin(t ) I C CV0e j ( / 2) Z C VC / I C 1 / jC Inductors d Current‐voltage relation: vL (t ) L iL (t ) dt For sinusoidal signals: iL (t ) I 0 cos(t ) vL (t ) CI 0 sin(t ) The ratio of voltage amplitude and current amplitude is proportional to L, and is considered a frequency‐dependent impedance Phasor analysis: iL (t ) I 0 cos(t ) I L I 0e j vL (t ) LI 0 sin(t ) VL LI 0e j ( / 2) Z L VL / I L jL NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐17 Deriving the transfer function of amplifiers Complex frequency (s) Treat an inductance L as an impedance sL Treat a capacitance C as an impedance 1/sC Derive the transfer function with physical frequency T(s) = Vo/Vi Physical frequency (replace s by j) Treat an inductance L as an impedance jL Treat a capacitance C as an impedance 1/jC Derive the transfer function with physical frequency T(j) = Vo/Vi Evaluating the frequency response of amplifiers The transfer function for physical frequency is generally a complex value as a function of The magnitude |T()| defines the voltage gain of a sinusoidal at The phase T() defines the phase shift of a sinusoidal at The magnitude and phase are generally plotted versus frequency to evaluate the frequency response Frequency‐domain analysis Use Fourier series/Fourier transform to represent a time‐domain input signal Use the freq. response to determine the amplitude/phase of the sinusoidal components at the output The time‐domain output signal can be obtained by adding the output sinusoidal components Example: vi(t) = Ansin(nt +n) = A1sin(1t +1) + A2sin(2t +2) + ….. vo(t) = A1 |T(1)| sin(1t +1+ T(1)) + A2 |T(2)| sin(2t +2+ T(2)) + ….. NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐18 Single‐time‐constant (STC) networks The network is generally composed of one reactive component (L or C) and one resistance Most STC networks can be classified into two categories: low‐pass (LP) and high‐pass (HP) Low‐pass STC Bode plot T ( j ) Vo ( j ) 1 / jC 1 Vi ( j ) R 1 / jC 1 jRC General form T ( j ) Magnitude | T(j ) | K 1 j / 0 K 1 ( / 0 ) 2 Phase T ( j ) tan 1 ( / 0 ) or 180 tan 1 ( / 0 ) Straight‐line approximations: Low‐frequency magnitude: |K| in dB Corner frequency: 0 Fast evaluation of gain and phase NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐19 Exercise3: Find the transfer function and plot its frequency response. Is it a STC network? Exercise 4: Find the transfer function and plot its frequency response. Is it a STC network? Exercise5: A voltage amplifier is modeled as Ri = 100 k, Ro = 10 k and Avo = 20 V/V. Consider the case where Rs of the signal source is 25 k and the amplifier is loaded with 10 k||100 nF. (1) Find the transfer function (Vo/Vs) and plot its frequency response. (2) Given that vs(t) = 10cos(102t)+5cos(104t)+3cos(106t) V, find vo(t). NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐20 1.7 Intrinsic Semiconductors Covalent bond Each valence electron of a silicon atom is shared by one of its four nearest neighbors Electrons served as covalent bonds are tightly bound to the nucleus Electron‐hole pair At 0K, no free carriers are available Si behaves as an insulator At room temperature, a small amount of covalent bonds will be broken by the thermal energy electron‐hole pair generation as free carriers Both electrons and holes are free to move can contribute to current conduction NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐21 Carrier concentration in intrinsic semiconductor For intrinsic semiconductors at thermal equilibrium, electron‐hole generation and recommendation rates are equal The electron and hole concentrations remain unchanged at thermal equilibrium The conductance of intrinsic semiconductor is proportional to the carrier concentration The carrier concentration is given by n = p = ni (intrinsic carrier concentration) np = ni2 ni2(T) = BT3eEg /kT ni increases as temperature increases ni decreases as temperature decreases Intrinsic carrier concentration for Si at room temperature: ni = 1.51010 /cm3 The conductivity is relatively low due to the carrier concentration NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐22 Extrinsic semiconductor Extrinsic (doped) semiconductor = intrinsic semiconductor + impurities According to the species of impurities, extrinsic semiconductor can be either n‐type or p‐type n‐type semiconductor The donor impurities have 5 valence electrons are added into silicon P, As, Sb are commonly used as donor The Si atom is replaced by a donor atom Donor ions are bounded in the lattice structure and thus donate free electrons without contributing holes By adding donor atoms into intrinsic semiconductor, the number of electrons increases (n > p) → n‐type semiconductor Majority carrier: electron Minority carrier: hole NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐23 p‐type semiconductor The acceptor impurity has 3 valence electron (Boron) Th Si atom is replaced by an acceptor atom The boron lacks one valence electron. It leaves a vacancy in the bond structure This vacancy can accept electron at the expense of creating a new vacancy Acceptor creates a hole without contributing free electron By adding acceptor into intrinsic semiconductor, the number of holes increase (p > n) → p‐type semiconductor Majority carrier: hole Minority carrier: electron NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐24 Carrier concentration Charge neutrality: Particles with positive charge: p: hole concentration (mobile); ND: donor concentration (immobile) Particles with negative charge: n: electron concentration (mobile); NA: acceptor concentration (immobile) Charge neutrality (positive charge = negative charge): NA n = ND p Mass‐action law np = ni2 for semiconductor under thermal equilibrium For n‐type semiconductor n = ND p np = ni2 → 2n ND [1 1 ( i ) 2 ] ND 2 2 p ni / n n if ND » ni → n ND p ni2 / N D For p‐type semiconductor p = NA n np = ni2 → 2n NA [1 1 ( i ) 2 ] NA 2 2 n ni / p p if NA » ni → p NA n ni2 / N A Exercise 1.27 (Textbook) Exercise 6: What must ND be such that n = 10000p at room temperature (T = 300K) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐25 1.9 Current Flow in Semiconductors Free carriers in semiconductors Mobile particles with positive or negative charges: electrons and holes The transportation of carriers results in current conduction in semiconductors Carrier drift Thermal motion in the absence of electric field: The direction of flight being changed at each collision with the heavy, almost stationary ions Statistically, a electron has a random thermal motion in the crystal structure Net displacement over a long period of time is zero no net current flow (I = 0) Thermal motion under electric field E: The combined motion of electron under electric field has a random and a drift component Still, no net displacement due to random motion component over a long period of time The drift component provides the electron a net displacement Drift is the carrier movement due to the existence of electric field Electric field E 0 Electric field E = 0 Speed (instantaneous) > 0 No net displacement Velocity (average) = 0 NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu Speed (instantaneous) > 0 Drift component due to E Velocity (average) 0 1‐26 Mobility F = qE a = F /m* (m* is the effective mass of electron) Assume the time interval between collision is tcoll and the drift velocity immediately after the collision is 0 Then the average velocity of the electron due to the electric field is: v d (drift ) atcoll qE tcoll E 2 2m* vd qtcoll E 2m* (cm 2 /Vsec) Mobility () indicates how fast an electron/hole can move under certain electric field intensity n is used to specify the mobility of electron Similarly, p is used to specify the mobility of hole In most cases, electron mobility is larger than hole mobility in a semiconductor Carrier drift in semiconductor Semiconductor parameters: Electron concentration: n (1/cm3) Electron mobility: n (cm2/V) Hole concentration: p (1/cm3) Hole mobility: p (cm2/V) Dimensions: Cross‐section area: A (cm2) Length: L (cm) L A NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐27 Drift current in semiconductor Electron current: Time interval for electrons flowing across L: T = L/vd = L/nE (sec) Total electron charge: Qn = qnAL (Coulomb) Electron drift current In,drift = Qn/T = qnAL/T = qnnEA (A) Current density Jn,drift = In,drift/A = qnnE (A/cm2) Hole current: Time interval for holes flowing across L: T = L/vd = L/pE (sec) Total hole charge: Qp = qpAL (Coulomb) Hole drift current Ip,drift = Qp/T = qpAL/T = qppEA (A) Current density Jp,drift = Ip,drift /A = qppE (A/cm2) The electron current and hole current are in the same direction Total drift current density: Jdrift= Jn,drift + Jp,drift = (qnn + qpp)E =E Conductivity = qnn + qpp (cm)1 Ohm’s Low I = JA = EA = VA/L = V/R (A) R = L/A = L/A () NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐28 Carrier diffusion Diffusion is a manifestation of the thermal random motion of particles Section I: total # = 6 (3 moving to the left and 3 moving to the right) Section II: total # = 4 (2 moving to the left and 2 moving to the right) Net flux: 1 moving across the interface from section I to section II I II Statistically, a net carrier flow from high to low concentration region in a inhomogeneous material dp dx dn qDn dx J p ( diff ) qD p J n ( diff ) Dn: diffusion constant (diffusivity) of e‐ Dp: diffusion constant (diffusivity) of h+ Einstein Relation: Dp/p = Dn/ n = kT/q = VT (thermal voltage) Total diffusion current density Both electron and hole diffusion contribute to current conduction Total diffusion current density: J diff J n ( diff ) J p ( diff ) qDn dn dp qD p dx dx NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐29 Graded semiconductor For a non‐uniform semiconductor, the doping concentration is represented as ND(x) The mobile carrier will diffuse due to the non‐uniform distribution The uncompensated space charge builds up a field (potential) for the system to reach equilibrium No net current flows at any point under equilibrium The built‐in potential can be derived under thermal equilibrium between points with different doping concentration Electron diffusion Electron diffusion n(x) Built‐in potential from electron concentration n(x) Electron drift Excess negative mobile charge x x E J n qn n E qDn n n E Dn dn dx VT dn dV n dx dx dn dV VT n V21 V2 V1 VT ln ND(x) J p qp p E qD p p p E D p dp 0 dx dp dx VT dp dV p dx dx dp dV VT p E n1 n2 e V21 / VT ND(x) dn 0 dx Built‐in potential from hole concentration E n2 n1 V21 V2 V1 VT ln p1 p2 p1 p2 eV21 / VT Excess positive space charge NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐30 Current in semiconductors Drift current: Jdrift = qnnE + qppE Diffusion current: Jdiff = qDn(dn/dx) qDp(dp/dx) Total current: J = Jn + Jp = (qnnE + qDn(dn/dx)) + (qppE qDp(dp/dx)) E e Jn h Jp Exercise 7: A silicon bar has a cross‐sectional area of 4 cm2 and a length of 10 cm. (1) For intrinsic Si with n = 1350 cm2/Vs and n = 480 cm2/Vs, find the resistance of the bar at T = 300 K. (2) For extrinsic Si with NA = 1016 /cm3, n = 1100 cm2/Vs and n = 400 cm2/Vs, find the resistance of the bar at T = 300 K. Exercise 1.28 (Textbook) Example 1.9 (Textbook) Exercise 1.29 (Textbook) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐31 1.10 The pn Junction with Open‐Circuit Terminals Physical structure of a pn junction Close contact of a n‐type semiconductor and a p‐type semiconductor A two‐terminal device with anode and cathode pn‐junction in contact p‐type (NA) n‐type (ND) p‐type: doping concentration: NA n‐type: doping concentration ND Majority carriers are crossing the interface by diffusion and recombined in the other side Leaving uncompensated space charges ND+ and NA depletion region In depletion region, electric field (potential) builds up due to the uncompensated space charges The built‐in potential behaves as an energy barrier, reducing the majority carrier diffusion This field results in minority carrier drift across the interface in the opposite direction to diffusion NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐32 pn‐junction formation (thermal equilibrium) Depletion region increases due to majority carrier diffusion across the junction The built‐in potential from uncompensated space charge increases as a barrier for carrier diffusion Minority carriers are swept across the junction in the presence of the built‐in field drift current Equilibrium is reached when Jdiff and Jdrift are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction No net current flows across the junction E p‐type (NA) n‐type (ND) hole diffusion hole drift electron diffusion electron drift Neutral Region p‐type Jp = 0 Jn = 0 Neutral Region Depletion Region V0 n‐type | V0 | VT ln NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu p p0 nn 0 N N VT ln VT ln A 2 D pn 0 ni np0 1‐33 The depletion region Step graded junction (abrupt junction) is used for analysis Carriers are fully depleted in the depletion region Neutral region in n‐type and p‐type outside depletion region Built‐in potential: V0 = VT ln (NAND /ni2) d 2V dE Poisson’s equation: 2 dx dx Si Derivation of pn‐junction at equilibrium: qN D xn qN A x p V Edx V0 Emax ( xn x p ) / 2 VT ln N A N D / n N D xn N A x p 2 i qND ‐xp xn x ‐qNA Electric field (E) E v / Si dx Emax qN D xn / Si qN Ax p / Si Charge density (v) ‐xp (qN D xn / Si )( xn x p ) / 2 VT ln N A N D / ni2 xn x ‐Emax Electrostatic potential (V) W xn x p 2 SiV0 N A 2 SiV0 N D 2 SiV0 N A N D qN D ( N A N D ) qN A ( N A N D ) q ND N A For NA>>ND: W 2 SiV0 qN D For ND>>NA: W 2 SiV0 qN A V0 ‐xp xn x Potential of electron NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐34 Carrier distribution cm‐3 Neutral n‐type region: pp0 1018 Majority carrier nn = nn0 = ND Minority carrier pn = pn0 = ni2/ND 1014 Neutral p‐type region: 1010 Majority carrier pp = pp0 = NA Minority carrier np = np0 = ni2/NA 106 np0 Depletion region: 102 n = 0 10‐2 p = 0 No net current flows across the junction Built‐in potential across the pn‐junction: From hole density: | V0 | VT ln( p p 0 / pn 0 ) VT ln( N A N D / ni2 ) From electron density: | V0 | VT ln(nn 0 / n p 0 ) VT ln( N A N D / ni2 ) nn0 V0 V0 ‐xp pn0 xn Example 1.10 (Textbook) Exercise 1.32 (Textbook) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐35 1.11 The pn Junction with an Applied Voltage Depletion region Forward bias: VF reduces the depletion region and the energy barrier Reverse bias: VR increases the depletion region and the energy barrier Forward bias (V = VF) Charge density ( v) Reverse bias (V = VR) Charge density (v) qND xp qND xn x xp qNA x xn W Electric field (E) x xp xn Emax Electrostatic potential (V) Electrostatic potential (V) V0+VR V0VF xn x xp xn 2 Si (V0 V ) N D N A q ND N A x Emax xp Emax qN D xn / Si qN Ax p / Si qNA Electric field (E) xp xn xn NA 2 Si N A (V0 V ) W N A ND qN D ( N A N D ) xp ND 2 Si N D (V0 V ) W N A ND qN A ( N A N D ) x NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐36 Minority carrier distribution due to junction bias Minority carrier distribution is influenced by the junction bias Diffusion currents exist due to non‐uniform carrier distribution Junction bias condition: Zero bias (equilibrium): V = 0 Forward bias: V = VF Reverse bias: V = VR Minority carrier distribution for all bias conditions: ( x x ) / L pn ( x) pn 0 (eV / V 1)e pn 0 n T n p ( x ) n p 0 (e V / VT 1)e ( x x p ) / Ln p cm‐3 1018 Zero Bias (V = 0) pp0 nn0 1010 pn0 np0 102 cm‐3 pp0 1018 Forward Bias (V = VF > 0) pn0eV/VT nn0 np0 n (p): excess‐minority‐carrier lifetime Ln = Dnn (Lp = Dpp ): diffusion length Boundary condition: pn(x = xn) = pp0exp[(V0V)/VT] = pn0exp(V/VT) pn(x = ) = pn0 np(x = xp) = nn0exp[(V0V)/VT] = np0exp(V/VT) np(x = ) = np0 1010 pn0 np0 102 cm‐3 1018 pp0 Reverse Bias (V = ‐VR < 0) nn0 1010 pn0 np0 102 NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu np0eV/VT pn0eV/VT 1‐37 Junction current density Assume no carrier generation and recombination within the depletion region: Jn(xp) = Jn(xn) and Jp(xp) = Jp(xn) Diffusion currents Jp and Jn at the edge of the depletion region can be obtained by: J p ( xn ) qD p dpn dx J n ( x p ) qDn dn p dx xn xp qD p pn 0 Lp qDn n p 0 Ln (eV / VT 1) (eV / VT 1) Total junction current: J(x) = Jn(x) + Jp(x) = Jn(xp) + Jp(xp) = Jn(xp) + Jp(xn) Assume Jp and Jn do not change across the depletion region: Jp(xp)= Jp(xn) and Jn(xp)= Jn(xn) The total current can be expressed as: J(x) = Jn(x) + Jp(x) = Jn(xp) + Jp(xp) = Jn(xp) + Jp(xn) qDn n p 0 qD p pn 0 qV / kT ( e J J n ( x p ) J p ( xn ) 1) J s (e qV / kT 1) L Lp n The I‐V characteristics of the pn junction The junction current depends on the junction voltage The junction current is proportional to the junction area The junction current is given by I I s (e qV / kT 1) D p Dp Dn Dn Saturation current: I s qA p n 0 n p 0 qAni2 L L N Ln p p D Ln N A NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐38 Reverse breakdown Breakdown voltage: a reverse junction bias VR = VZ A large reverse current flows when reverse bias exceeds VZ Breakdown region For breakdown voltage < 5V Zener breakdown For breakdown voltage > 5V avalanche breakdown Breakdown is nondestructive if the power dissipation is limited Zener breakdown Strong electric field in the depletion region breaks covalent bonds, generating electron‐hole pairs Generated electrons (holes) are swept into n‐type (p‐type region) for a reverse current Zener breakdown normally takes place for pn junction with high doping concentration Avalanche breakdown The minority carriers that cross the depletion region gain sufficient kinetic energy due to the field The carriers with high kinetic energy break covalent bonds in atoms during collision More carriers are accelerated by the field for avalanche reaction Avalanche normally takes place first for pn junction with low doping concentration Example 1.11 (Textbook) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐39 Comparison of breakdown mechanism Zener breakdown Avalanche breakdown Charge density (v) Charge density (v) qND qND ‐qNA ‐qNA Electric field (E) Electric field (E) ‐Emax ‐Emax Electrostatic potential (V) Electrostatic potential (V) Breakdown voltage NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu Breakdown voltage 1‐40 1.12 Capacitive Effects in the pn Junction Depletion or junction capacitance Charge density The depletion width is controlled by the terminal voltage The change of terminal voltage (dV) will result in dQ at the edge of the depletion region capacitance The junction capacitance due to space charge is Cj = dQ/dVR q Si ND N A dQ d qAN D wn Cj A dVR dVR 2(V0 VR ) N D N A Cj can also be estimated by a parallel‐plate capacitor: W Cj p‐type n‐type positive space charge (donors) negative space charge (acceptors) 2 Si N D N A (V0 VR ) q ND N A Si A wdep C j0 A A Si q N A N D 1 C j0 2 N A N D V0 VR 1 VR V0 Si q N A N D 1 2 N A N D V0 Under forward bias conditions, W reduces larger Cj Under reverse bias conditions, W increases smaller Cj General formula of junction capacitance for arbitrary doping profile: C j C j 0 (1 VR m ) V0 NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐41 Diffusion capacitance Excess minority carrier stored in neutral regions change with the terminal voltage capacitance By integration the excess minority carriers at both sides: L2p L2n Q Q p Qn Ip In p I p nIn T I Dp Dn Small‐signal diffusion capacitance: Q T I T I s e qV / kT T I s eV / VT Cd dQ T ( )I dV VT Cd is large under forward bias conditions Cd is neglected under reverse bias conditions Capacitance of pn‐junction Operated at forward bias: C = Cj + Cd Operated at reverse bias: C Cj Total capacitance increases as a more positive junction voltage is applied Exercise 1.40 (Textbook) NTUEE Electronics – L. H. Lu 1‐42