Applied Mathematics, 2011, 2, 935-941 doi:10.4236/am.2011.28128 Published Online August 2011 ( Free Convection Flow between Vertical Plates Moving in Opposite Direction and Partially Filled with Porous Medium Umesh Gupta1, Abhay Kumar Jha2, Rama Charan Chaudhary3 Department of Mathematics, Institute of Engineering and Technology, JK Lakshmipat University, Jaipur, India 2 Department of Mathematics, Apex Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jaipur, India 3 Yagvalkya Institute of Technology, Jaipur, India E-mail:,, Received January 25, 2011; revised June 18, 2011; accepted June 25, 2011 1 Abstract The laminar fully developed free-convection flow in a channel bounded by two vertical plates, partially filled with porous matrix and partially with a clear fluid, has been discussed when both the plates are moving in opposite direction. The momentum transfer in porous medium has been described by the Brinkman-extended Darcy model. The affect of Darcy number on flow velocity has been discussed in fluid region, interface region and porous medium with the help of graphs. Analytic method has been adopted to obtain the expressions of velocity and temperature. The skin-friction component has also been determined and presented with the help of tables. Keywords: Free Convection, Porous Medium, Skin-Friction 1. Introduction Flow in a region, part of which is occupied by a clear fluid and part by a fluid-saturated porous medium, has recently attracted considerable attention due to its common occurrence in both geophysical and industrial environments, including engineering applications such as thermal-energy storage system, a solar collector with a porous absorber and porous journal-bearings. Flow mechanism at the fluid/porous interface, was first studied by Beavers & Joseph [1] and it was investigated that the velocity gradient on the fluid side of the interface is proportional to the slip velocity at the interface. Taylor [2] & Richardson [3] continued the investigation in which they modeled fluid flow by Darcy number. Further, Vafai & Kim [4] modeled the flow in the porous region utilizing the so-called Brinkman-Forchheimer-extended Darcy equation (Vafai & Kim [5] and Kuznetsov [6]). Alazmi & Vafai [7], Valencia-Lopez and Ochoa-Tapia [8] also investigated fluid flow and heat transfer interfacial conditions of fluid and porous layers. Furthermore, convection in porous media is applied in utilization of geothermal energy, the control of pollutant Copyright © 2011 SciRes. spread in groundwater, the design of nuclear reactors, compact heat exchangers, solar power collectors, heat transfer associated with the deep storage of nuclear waste and high performance insulators for buildings. Considerable progress in this area was made by Nield & Bejan [9] and Kaviany [10]. Vafai & Tien [11] also analyzed the effects of a solid boundary and the inertial forces on flow and heat transfer in porous media. The coupled fluid flow and heat transfer problem in a fully developed composite region of two parallel plates filled with Brinkman-Darcy porous medium was analytically investigated by Kaviany [12]. Rudraiah & Nagraj [13] studied the fully developed free-convection flow of a viscous fluid through a porous medium bounded by two heated vertical plates. Beckerman [14] studied natural convection in vertical enclosures containing simultaneously fluid and porous layers. Recently, Khalili et al. [15] studied the instability of superimposed fluid and porous layers with vertical through-flow governed by Darcy-Forchheimer equation. Free convection between vertical walls partially filled with porous medium was investigated by Paul et al. [16]. Singh et al. [17] analyzed heat and mass transfer phenomena due to AM U. GUPTA ET AL. 936 natural convection in a composite cavity containing a fluid layer overlying a porous layer saturated with the same fluid, in which the flow in the porous region was modeled using Brinkman-Forchheimer-extended Darcy model that includes both the effect of macroscopic shear (Brinkman effect) and flow inertia (Forchheimer effect). In most of the flow studies in the channel, the plates are stable. However, to the best of the author’s knowledge, the effect of the same idea has not been studied yet, when both the plates are moving. In this paper we extend the problem of [16], when both the plates are moving in the opposite direction. 2. Governing Equations of x -axis. The temperature is also considered on the walls y 0 and y H as T f T c A T h T c T p Tc B Th Tc dy d Uf 2 dy 2 g T f Tc 0 (3) U p d2 (T p T c ) 0 2 k dy (4) 2 dU p dy 2 2 The corresponding boundary conditions are 2 g H T h T c u0 y H :U p ;T p T c B T h T c dU f dU p dT f dT p y d :U f U p ; ;T f T p ; dy dy dy dy (5) g H 2 T h T c u0 ;T f T c A T h T c Introducing following non-dimensional quantities: Da k U f y d ; y ; d ; Uf ; 2 H H H g H 2 Th Tc p T T ; g H T T T T T T ; N g H T T T T U p Up Under usual Boussinesq approximation, the flow in fluid and porous regions is governed by the following equations: Free Fluid Region: (2) U p g T p Tc 0 k d2 U p and respectively. Porous Region: y 0 :U f A channel of two vertical plates partially filled with porous matrix and partially with a clear fluid having interface is shown in Figure 1. The laminar fully developed free-convection flow bounded in the channel is discussed, when both the plates are moving in opposite direction and one plate is heated and other is cooled. The x -axis is taken along one of the wall and y axis normal to it. The plate in the fluid region and the plate in porous region are moving in opposite direction, where U f and U p are the velocities in the direction 2 2 d T f Tc 0 2 dy dU f dy 2 ; f h p c h c c 2 2 f c h c 4 h c (6) (1) Equations (1) to (4) become Fluid Region: d2U f dy2 f 0 d2 f (7) 2 dU f N 0 2 dy dy (8) Porous Region: d2U p dy d2 p Figure 1. Physical configuration of the system. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. 2 Up Da p 0 (9) 2 dU p N 2 N Up 0 2 dy dy Da (10) AM U. GUPTA ET AL. 937 d21 f In Equation (9), The momentum transfer in porous domain is described based on Brinkman-extended Darcy model [18]. Where Da is the Darcy number, d the distance of interface from the plate y 0 , g the acceleration due to gravity, H the distance between vertical plates, k the permeability of the porous matrix, the thermal conductivity, N the Buoyancy parameter, the coefficient of thermal expansion, the dynamic viscosity, the kinematic viscosity, the density, and is the temperature. The subscripts f, represent fluid layer, p porous layer, h hot plate and c, the cold plate. The boundary and matching conditions (5) in dimensionless form are: y 0 : U f u0 ; f A y d : f p ; dU f dy d f dy dU p NU O N N O N N O N 2 1p (12) Substituting (12) in the Equations (7) to (10) gives d20 f dy Copyright © 2011 SciRes. 2 (17) 2 1 U1 p 1 p 0 Da (18) d20 p dy 2 d21 p dy2 0 (19) 2 dU 0 p 1 2 U0 p 0 y Da d 0 f 0 0 f 0 p ;1 f dU 0 f (20) dU0 p dU1 f dU1 p ; dy dy dy dy d0 f d0 p d1 f d1 p ; 1 p ; dy dy dy dy (21) Solving Equations (13) to (20) using boundary conditions (21) gives the following velocity and temperature components U0 f U0 p Ay2 y3 A B u0 K5 y 2 6 A B A y m2 K4 emy K3 e my 0 f 0 p A B A y A B y6 A A B y5 K5 A B y4 120 20 A2 y4 AK5 y3 K52 y2 K13 y 12 3 2 2 1f dy 2 dy 1 f 1p d2U1 f d2U1 p 2 2 dy 2 1 U0 p 0 p 0 Da U0 f U0 p ;U1 f U1 p ; dy U f U0 f NU1 f O N 2 d2U0 f yd: d p It can be observed that problem is non-linear due to viscous and Darcy dissipation terms. This problem can be tackled by using a perturbation method as N is small in most of the practical problems. Accordingly we assume, for small N, the expansions: p 0 p dy2 y 1: U0 p u0 ; U1 p 0; 0 p B; 1 p 0 ; dy 3. Solution f 0 f d2U0 p y 0 : U0 f u0 ; U1 f 0; 0 f A; 1 f 0 ; (11) where, the matching conditions for velocity are due to continuity of velocity and shear stress at the interface. The continuity of temperature and heat flux at the interface has been considered as matching conditions for temperature. U p U0 p (16) dy2 The corresponding boundary conditions are y 1: U p u0 ; f B y d :U f Up ; 2 dU0 f 0 dy (13) 1 f 0 (14) 0 (15) 12 2 K42 e2 my K32 e2 my A2 y2 B A y 2 2 2m2 2m4 2 1 p B A 2 A B A y3 2 K4 emy m2 B A A m 12m 3m my 2 K e my B A 2 K4 B A ye 3 2 A m m m2 y4 2 2 K3 B A ye my m2 2 K12 y K11 AM U. GUPTA ET AL. 938 A B 2 U1 f y8 A A B y7 K5 A B y6 6720 840 360 5 2 4 3 6 AK5 y K y K y A y 5 13 K22 y 360 60 24 6 2 U1 p K 21e my K 20 e my 1 m2 y 2 2 2m 6 K 42 e 2 my K32 e2 my 6m 2 6m 2 2 A B 2 A m2 m 4 y 4 12m 2 y 2 24 B A 2 12m8 B A K4 A 4 m 2m A( B A) y 2 2 e 2my 1 m y 6 3m6 my B A my K3 K 4 ( B A)emy A my e 2 1 m 2m 4 4m5 2m y 2my 1 2 2 K 3 B A e my 4 m5 K yK 2m 2 y 2 2my 1 12 2 11 m where m Da 1/ 2 Ad 2 A B d u0 ; 2 3 3 K1 K2 1 md em (1 d ) 1 md e m (1 d ) ; K3 1 m A B e K1 2 1 md emd 2 u0 ; K2 m m B K4 u0 2 e m K3 e2 m ; m K5 3 Ad 2 A B d u0 ; 2 6 A B 2 20 K5 A B d 3 3 A B 2 K7 d5 d6 120 K5 A B d 4 12 A A B d4 4 A A B d5 K9 2 2 K4 em m2 K 42 e 2 md K 32 e2 md A2 d 2 2 2 2m 2 B A 2 d2 B A 2 d4 A B A d 3 2m 4 12m 2 md 2K4e B A 2 K3 e md A m m2 m2 2 K 4 B A de md m2 3m 2 B A A m 2 K B A de md ; 3 m2 A2 d B A d m2 m4 2 K10 mK 42 e 2 md mK 32 e2 md B A 2 d3 A B A d 2 2 AK 4 emd m 3m 2 m2 md 2 AK3 e md 2 K 4 B A de m m md 2 K 3 B A de ; m K11 K10 K6 d K9 K7 ; K12 K8 K11 ; K14 A B A m 2 K42 e2 m K32 e2 m 1 6 m2 2 2 2 6m 6m 2m A B 2 2 A2 d 3 3 B A K4 A 4 m 12m 2m A B A 2 K em 2m 1 m 6 34 6 3m 2m K4 B A B A my A e 2m 1 m 4m5 A2 d 4 12 2m2 2m 1 20 AK5 d 3 K52 d 2 ; 3 2 Copyright © 2011 SciRes. 2 2 AK5 d 2 K52 d ; A B A B A A m 12m 3m m 2 K e m B A 2 K4 B A e 32 A m m m2 2 K B A e m 3 ; m2 K13 K10 K6 K12 ; A B A d 1 md md K4 e K3 e d m2 K6 B A 2 ; K42 e2 m K32 e2 m A2 B A 2 2 2 2m 2m4 2 K8 8 m 4 12m2 24 K3 B A 4m 5 2m 2 2m 1 K12 K11 ; m2 AM U. GUPTA ET AL. A B 2 K15 d8 6720 K5 A B d 6 A A B d7 K21 K14 e m K20 e2 m ; 840 K22 mK21emd mK20 e md K18 K17 . A d 6 AK5 d 5 360 60 2 Skin-Friction Components At plate y 0 : 360 K d K d3 13 ; 24 6 2 5 4 1 K5 NK22 K42 e2 md K32 e2 md 1 6 m2 d 2 2 2 2 6m 6m 2m 2 A B 2 B A 2 4 4 m d 12m2 d 2 24 A 2 8 m m 12 A B A d B A md K 44 A e (2md 1) m 2m 3m6 K16 At plate y 1 : B A K B A md m2 d 2 6 34 A e 2md 1 m 2m K4 B A emd 4m5 2m2 d 2 2md 1 2m2 d 2 2md 1 A B 2 K17 d 7 K3 B A e md A A B d 6 2 d m2 d 2 6 K5 A B d 5 60 emd 2md 1 A B A 4m4 K3 B A e md 2m 4 K4 ( B A)emd 2m2 d 2 2md 1 4m4 K3 B A e md 2m d 2 2 2md 1 2md 1 K12 ; m2 K19 1 md K14 emd K16 K15 d K18 K17 em ; K20 K19 K2 ; Copyright © 2011 SciRes. m2 B A 2 K A( B A) 2 m2 6 m 2 43 m6 3m6 2m K3 B A m B A A e 2m 1 3 A m m 2m K B A m K4 ( B A)em m e m 1 2m 4 e 2 1 2m4 4m4 m K B A e 2m2 2m 1 3 2m2 2m 1 4m4 K B A e m K 3 2m 1 122 mK21em mK20 e m 4 m 2m 4. Discussions and Conclusion m2 d 2 2 m6 3m K3 B A md K 43 A e (2md 1) 3 m 2m 2m K4 B A B A md A e (1 2md ) m 2m4 6 mK4 em mK3e m 2 2 2 m 2 2m K e K e A B 1 N 4 3 4 A2 3m m m2 3m 2 2 K42 e2 md K32 e2 md d 2 A B 4 A K18 3m 3m m m2 B A 4m5 K12 d K11 m2 840 120 A2 d 5 AK5 d 4 K52 d 3 K13 d 2 ; 60 12 6 2 939 Natural convection in a vertical channel partially filled with porous medium has been discussed in the preceding sections when it is assumed that plates are moving in opposite direction. The governing equations having nonlinear nature have been solved by analytical method. Different types of interfacial conditions between a porous medium and fluid layer are analyzed in detail. Three primary regions were found likewise, fluid region (near wall y 0 ), interface region and porous region (near the wall y 1 ). The affect of Darcy number on the flow has been discussed. When viscous and Darcy dissipation are zero, velocity profiles between vertical plates have been illustrated in Figure 2, for the cases when A 1 , B 1 (plate y 0 is heated and plate y 1 is cooled) and A 0 , B 1 (plate y 0 is cooled and y 1 is heated). It is observed that in first region, the fluid velocity increases with increasing Darcy number (Da), whereas the reversal phenomenon occurs in third region. Near the interface region in porous medium, the velocity is constant for Da = 10–3 and effect of Brinkman term is almost negligible, and flow is only characterized by classical Darcy AM U. GUPTA ET AL. 940 Figure 2. Graph of U0 against y. Figure 4. Graph of U1 against y. –2 law [19], but for Da = 10 , the velocity does not show the constant nature. It is also observed that the fluid velocity near the heated wall y 0 (i.e., A 1 , B 0 ) is more than the cooled wall y 0 (i.e., A 0 , B 1 ), i.e., heat in the porous medium exerts the restraining force on the fluid. Figure 3 and 4 show the effect of viscous and Darcy dissipation terms on the velocity and temperature respectively. The governing equations become non-linear because of existence of these terms whereas very small influence of these terms on both temperature and velocity fields, is observed. The numerical values of skin-friction on both the plates are also obtained and shown in Tables 1 and 2 for u0 0 and u0 0 respectively. τ1 is the skin-friction Table 1. Values of skin-friction for U0 = 0. N 0 0.1 A = 1.0, B = 0.0 1 0.3 0.2601317 0.0772881 0.1 0.5 0.2960825 0.0916772 0.7 0.3221576 0.1221194 A = 0.0, B = 1.0 1 0.0947285 0.2196207 0.122357 0.2310641 0.1504263 0.2647968 0.3 0.18 0.01 0.5 0.2427759 0.7 0.2940734 0.0101185 0.011647 0.0249912 0.0324544 0.0653299 0.1107526 0.090041 0.0909297 0.1038333 0.3 0.2601631 0.1 0.5 0.2961261 0.7 0.3222115 0.077311 0.0917077 0.1221609 0.0947545 0.1223924 0.1504735 0.2196449 0.231094 0.2648389 0.3 0.1800062 0.01 0.5 0.2427957 0.7 0.2941141 0.0101198 0.0116499 0.025 0.032457 0.065338 0.1107776 0.0900422 0.0909317 0.1038401 Da d Table 2. Values of skin-friction for U0 = 0.5. N 0 0.1 Figure 3. Graph of against y. Copyright © 2011 SciRes. A = 1.0, B = 0.0 1 0.3 –0.7386463 1.836859 0.1 0.5 –0.5860769 1.8926462 0.7 –0.5739595 1.8944114 A = 0.0, B = 1.0 1 –0.9040495 1.9791916 –0.7598024 2.0320331 –0.7456908 2.0370888 0.3 –1.0722803 0.01 0.5 –0.6017996 0.7 –0.3934316 5.0123941 5.0225739 5.0685534 –1.2198258 –0.7792456 –0.5767524 5.0923165 5.1018567 5.1473955 0.3 –0.7358637 0.1 0.5 –0.5827951 0.7 –0.5700895 1.839478 1.8955703 1.8980549 –0.9014259 –0.7567184 –0.7420603 1.9816794 2.0348034 2.0405343 0.3 –1.0708265 0.01 0.5 –0.5997182 0.7 –0.3906199 5.0132408 5.023457 5.0697341 –1.2184213 –0.7772541 –0.5740707 5.0931465 5.1027177 5.148541 Da d when A 1 , B 0 and τ2 is the skin friction when A 0 , B 1. Similar effects of Darcy number on skinfriction are observed as mentioned in [16] for u0 0 , as AM U. GUPTA ET AL. clearly shown in Table 1. Increasing values of skin-friction are observed with increasing width of fluid layer in Table 2. 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