Lesson 11: Three Phase Transformers A set of three similar single phase transformers may be connected to form a three-phase transformer (three-phase transformer bank). The primary and secondary windings may be connected in either star or delta configurations Three Phase Transformers Three Similar Single-phase Transformers Connected to form a three phase Transformer Four possible connections∆/λ, λ/∆, ∆, and λ/λ Step down Step up One can be removed Seldom used Figure 11.2.1 a, b, c and d for 3 phase transformers connections Three Phase Transformer Bank 1.Three single-phase transformers connected in a three-phase bank. 2. Three sets of windings wrapped on a common core. Ease of transportation Inefficient magnetic circuit, less efficient Higher capital cost than a single one 1-phase of the transformer at fault, the other two are not affected 3-phase Transformer Usually 3-limb core structure 5-limb core may be used to reduce the overall height of a 3-limb core Magnetic flux shares the magnetic circuit Fault on one-phase very likely affects the other two Figure 11.2.2 three-phase transformer structure Tertiary Winding A third set of windings usually exists in 3-phase transformer and used to: Providing voltage to auxiliary power purposes in the substation or to supply local distribution system Power factor correction Delta connected tertiary windings will provide a circuit for the third harmonics of the exciting current Wye / Wye connection IA Ia a A VAB B VBN Van VAN N VCN Vbn n Vcn Vab b c C Figure 11.2.3 Single Phase Diagram of 3 phase transformers T ra ns form er S u p p ly N etw o rk Three-phase network supplies a load through a transformer. L oad Y -Y V net_AN X net V AN V an X tr_s A IA n Ia V load_an a Equivalent circuit of the wye-wye N Supply Network Transformer Xtr_s Xnet Vnet_AN IA Load VAN Van Ia Vload_an Single-phase equivalent circuit for phase A of the three-phase wye-wye transformer system Figure 11.2.4 Single Phase Diagram of 3 phase transformers Wye / Delta connection Ia IA A a VAB VAN VCA B C VBN VBC VCN N Iba b Figure 11.2.5 Iac a Ib Vab c b V ca Icb Ic Vbc c Physical connections of 3 phase Transformers VAN Transformer A IA AC VBN VAB VCA AC VCN Iba VAN B IB VBC C IC AC Supply N Vab Vab Vca Icb VBN Ib b Iac Vbc Iac VCN Ia a Vbc c Vca Figure 11.2.6 Wye-delta connected transformer Iab Ica Ibc Ic Load Rtr_p Xtr_p IA Vp_AN Rc Tspe Xm Xtr_s Van VAN Rtr_s Ia Y-∆ Figure 11.2.7 Single-phase equivalent circuit of a wye-delta transformer Vs_an Delta / Wye connection A VAB VCA B VBC C IA Vbn Ia IAB n IB IC ICA V cn Van I b Ic IBC Figure 11.2.8 a Vab b Vbc c Vca Delta / Delta connection IA A VAB B Ia a Iba IAB ICA Iac Vab b c C Figure 11.2.9 Table 11.2.1Three-phase Transformer Relations Transformer Connection Primary and Secondary Voltage Phase Relation Wye-Wye VAN is in phase with Van Zero A and a Wye-Delta VAN is in phase with Vab 30° A and ab Delta-Wye VAB is in phase with Van –30° AB and a Delta-Delta VAB is in phase with Vab Zero AB and ab Phase Shift* Windings Placed on the Same Leg * Note: Phase shift lead between line-to-line voltages, VAB and Vab, and line-to-neutral voltages, VAN and Van, and line currents, IA and Ia. Three-phase transformer - Phase shift • Y-∆ • VAB // Va • VAB leads Vab by 30o • ∆-Y also provides line-to-line phase shift • Y-Y and ∆-∆ connections have no phase shift Figure 11.2.10 Three-phase transformer - single-phase equivalent circuit • Validity conditions: • Identical transformers balanced source and load • • Only one phase variables are used, the other phases are similar. • equivalent Y-representation • line-to-neutral = phase voltage ∆-Y transformation Figure 11.2.11 a, b, c, and d Three-phase transformer - open delta connection • One phase can be removed • Operation at reduced load • Possible only in ∆ - ∆ connection Pab = Vab I a cos(30 + φ ) Pab = Vbc Ic cos(30 − φ ) PV = Pab + Pbc = 2VI cos(30° ) P∆ = 3VI PV 2 cos30° = = 0.58 3 P∆ Figure 11.2.12 a, and b Three-phase transformer unit • • • • • • Balanced three-phase voltage Balanced three-phase flux Return leg can be removed In-plan construction easy to manufacture Same operation as transformer bank Figure 11.2.13 a, b, c, and d Example 11-1 Three-single phase transformers are connected grounded Y-Y to two three phase loads connected in ∆ and Y a) Draw single-line diagram. b) The single-phase equivalent circuit with transformer referred to HV side. Solution: c VφP 240 120 VφS VLS VLP 100kVA 5% a 240 120 100kVA 5% b 240 120 100kVA 5% SL1 = 75kVA Pf = 0.9 lagging SL2 = 24kVA Pf = 0.9 leading a) ~ 300KVA 415/207.6 SS1 5% Y-Y VLP = 240x 3 = 415.2V VLS = 120x 3 = 207.6V SL2 b) (J.05) ZbHV S1φ 240 S2φ 120 100KVA S1 = 25 kVA φ S 2 = 8 KVA Φ c) Vb=240 J.05 Vb=120 S1p.u. S2p.u. Sb=100KVA 1. Y-Y Y-Y 2. Y-∆ VLP = VLS 3. ∆ -Y 3 Vφ P 3 Vφ S =a 4. ∆ - ∆ Y-∆ a b NP1 a’ NS2 NP2 VφP NS3 NS1 VLP NP3 VφS b’ VLS c b b’ V φP N P 1 N S 1 V φS a’ V L P a N P 2 N S 2 c’ c N VLP = 3VΦP P 3 N S 3 VLS = VΦS c’ The voltage ratio of each phase VΦP VΦS = a The line voltage ratio V LP = V Ls 3V Φ P = VΦS 3a VLP a= 3VLS From the above a = V LP V LP VΦP 3 = = V LS V LS 3V LS Y-∆. The secondary voltage is shifted 30° relative to the primary voltage. c’ c a HV Vb’c’ Vc’a’ 30° b HV Va’n LV b’ Va’b’ LV a’ Because of the phase shift. transformers can not be connected in parallel unless they have proper phase sequence. (i.e. They are in phase with each other). Y Y parallel Y- ∆ ? NO Y- ∆ parallel Y- ∆ ? Yes. However, you must identify the correct phase sequence. ∆-Y V LP V φS + - a’ V φP V LS b’ c’ VLP = VΦP VLS = 3VΦS VLP VΦP a 3VLP = = ⇒a= VLS VLS 3VΦs 3 From above we have 3VLP VLP = a= VLS VLS 3 VΦP = VΦS For ∆-Y connection, the secondary Voltage Lags the primary Voltage by 30° a + V φP V LP - N S2 ∆-∆ a’ + N P1 N S3 V φS V LS b’ N S1 b c’ c VLP = VΦP VLS = VΦS V LP V Φ P = =a V LS V Φ S for ∆-∆ 3- Phase Real Power Transformer Appliances Transformer Harmonics in Transformer Harmonics in transformer occur due to the effect of saturation and Hysteresis which are to produce non-sinusoidal current if the applied voltage is sinusoidal. Upon saturation, the flux waveform is flat topped and contains mainly 3rd harmonic component. Effects of harmonic currents (i) Additional I2R losses due to circulating currents . (ii) Increased iron loss in core. (iii) Magnetic interference with protective gear and communication circuits. Effects of harmonic voltages (i) Increased dielectric stress. (ii) Electric field interference with communication circuit. (ii) Harmonic resonance may occur between the inductance of transformer windings and the capacitance of a feeder to which it is connected. In 3-ph Supply System (1/2) • Star-connected with isolated neutral the line voltage contains no 3rd harmonic component and 3rd harmonic current is precluded. • Star connected with neutral wire, the 3rd harmonic currents can flow and still no 3rd harmonic line voltages. In 3-ph Supply System (2/2) • Delta Connected, the 3rd harmonic emf’s around the 3-phase windings are summed, which causes a circulating 3rd harmonic current around the 3-phase windings. • But the line voltages across any two lines contain no 3rd harmonic component, since they are short circuited by the windings.