i Moving Of Clinic Not Documented 1 Reports in Las Vegas newspapers last week that the Veterans Administration clinic in Henderson will be transferred to Las Vegas by Feb., 1977, is not documented yet by directive from the V.A., according to Dr. Phillip Goldman, director of the local clinic Dr. Goldman said the local clinic is in the same position as before. He said 1,100 square feet of additional floor space has been requested at St. Rose de Lima, but as yet f.he space allocation request is in the General Services Administration office in Las Vegas. "It will probably be after January before we received the additional floor space," Dr. Goldman said. The Las Vegas newspapers reported that the clinic in Henderson should be transferred to Las Vegas by Fob , 1977. Gene Welsh, chairman of the Political Action Committee for a V.A. Hospital, was quoted. The article states: Welsh, sent to Washington, D.C., by his comrades to untangle red tape, reported not only the timetable, but also work has begun in the meantime to expand the clinic at St. Rose de Lima Hospital, Henderson, by 1,100 square feet. With the additional floor space, devoted to mental health care, will come more staff Also, the Las Vegas - Hen derson clinic will be independent Oct 1. 1976. from the Reno Veterans Hospital. "Nobody in Washington realized how serious we were ... and that we could get together on it," Welsh said. His 11-day trip, from Dec. 7 to 17, financed by local veterans organizations, was to find what had happened to several promises made by the VA following a May investigation of undermanning and overcrowding o f t h e Veterans Ambulatory Clinic. Hender son. Those promises appeared unkept when the VA said the General Services Administration (GSA) was unable to find a suitable location for an enlarged, local clinic The GSA blamed the VA for not authorizing funds necessary to lease a suitable building. "They had all of the information they needed," Welsh said. 'All we had to do was to get them off their butts." Dr. John D. Chase, chief medical director of the VA, confirmed the action, setting the timetable with February, 1976. marked for submission of space criteria for the Las Vegas clinic to the GSA. Chase estimated offers will be solicited in June. 1976. with the lease to be awarded in September, 1976 Remodeling w(<uld begin in September or October with the clinic due to open in Spring. 1977. HENDERSON KSVlDi'S I17DUSTIIIAL CZITTIE ID Ihf intrrrct of a brllrr rnvlroBmrnl and roDtrrtalloa of our naiural r/ THE COMMUNITY'S NEWSPAPER trtourcf». IhU arwtpap^r l» lolalU prinled on rrryrlfd or».print including merchants' messoges that serve the 9000 homes in Our 27th Year - 98th Edition "You should know that action to meet these tentative dates IS the respons.oility of the GSA," Chase warned in a letter to Welsh. "We will urge them to expedite action." Also greasing the wheels will be Nevada's congressional delegation who aided Welsh through the corridors of the VA U.S. Sen. Howard Cannon, D-Nev., dropped the hint that he IS investigating the possibility of holding adjudication hearings, which determine \ jierans' pensions, in Las Vegas. PHONt 554-1881-Al! Drpartments the Henderson-Boulder area. PRK E IS C KNTS HF.NDKRSON. NKVADA Tuesday. December 23. 1975^ Sites Picked For Community College Morry'Ston | By Worry ZenoH | Property Owners Reeeire Half a loaf is better than none. It was the thinking of many of us hoping to get a freeway built from the Showboat to Railroad Pass -• built sometime within the foreseeable future. \n early Christmaii present While most of us from this for property owners in section area championed for the whole 24 was announced yesterday loaf, those who knew where the by City Manager Don Dawson money lies, the government who said those involved in officials of the county, state Assessment District 741 will and nation, knew that it was receive a refund. possible to get part of the freeway funded now •- if we would quiet down a bit and confine Owners of the five-acre parour pleas to a most important cels near Eastern .Avenue part of the freeway -- a spur to were assessed S92.120 40 for carry traffic off and on the now installation of power lines by 1-15 national freeway, a spur Southern Nevada Power Co. going out toward our way -just about up to where Desert Inn Road crosses Boulder HighThe City Monday, received a way. That's close to six miles. check of $11 890 84 in overpayWell " we got the good news ment for the project. last week at deadline time for The our Thursday paper .. that the amount of money will be federal highway authorities divided according to assesshad gotten senate committee ment to the 68 lots in that area. A VISIT WITH SANTA-Tanya Blackburn. 3^-year old daughter of Mr. approval of this spur -- to be and Mrs. William Blackburn is shown as she visited with Santa Claus federally funded when the this week. Santa is at his corner every afternoon to visit with the children. "The actual cost of the profunds are soon to be voted on ject was less than was for all projects of the nation. fe estimated." Dawson said, "so John White Associated With State Farni Here This means an outlay of no the property owners will less than seventy five million Taylor has 1H 111 a Si.itc Others in thi of IK c whv> started at the office in E receive refunds from $22 05 to Dan Tavlor of the State dollars which represents 95 Farm agent in Henderson include Dorothy Lathinen Sept. $195 42 back from the City " Farm Office on Pacific per cent of the costs of building tor \} vears. ,,. . \Kho has been associated State Farm deals in He came to Street, has announced a .. all paid for by Incle Sam. with State Farm for ten auto. life. fire, business Henderson m I^.^S while ^ , . ^ ^ . i i TI ne« associate in his office. Dawson figured the refunds This state will pay the other vears; Cvnthia Swenberg. and health insurance. Ihe in the navy and moved to .lohn While. five per cent. Sounds like and will reach the property ownwho started in June of office is located at h West Henderson pcrnianentK White, uho resides at 8 is the best bargain Nevada has ers in January. ,j,.1*^^!. and .June Fiscel. Pacific Street. ir Magnesium \^ith his wife, gotten since the Southern Nevada Water project. the former C herie Currier, However, with that in the li.iughier and three sons. bag. it is time for all of us from IS orij;inally from Baton this end of the freeway -- HenRouge. His wife is a derson and Boulderities - to ongtimc resident of Henstart championing for the derson. other half a loaf -- to bring the White received his deroad to Railroad Pass from cree at Glasboro College Desert Inn Road. m New .Krsey. He taught We have been forewarned industrial education for that this section cannot be a lour \ears in Neu .lersey part of the national main freeand has lived here for one way system as was the spur. and a half years. The spur's insertion into that system was a fringe case for t. which we should thank the lord We mention a possible toll it was dreamed up and sold to road - for out of state trafllc the powers that be. only to pay -- as the way you Now - what about this other and I have seen it done in the half a loaf. When we mentioned middle west and Europe. it to Governor Mike a while There may be other ways -back he said •- let's get it on that can be thought of. a little at a time. He must be It is a pleasure to know we've very happy today that the spur accomplished the half a loaf is on. It is our feeling the state It is a comfort to know that highway department will have it was done by combined effort to fund the next five miles. of citizenry, politicos. and the Mike got the additional third media •- among them voicing lane put on during his term in out loud and clear, this newsofTice. He may be able to get paper. NEW ASSOCIATE—John White, left, became associated w ith Dan Taylor the other half funded partly if Now " let's start shooting for at his State Farm Insurance office on Pacific Street recently. (See Story) you and I let him know about the other half a loaf. Refund The Citv of Henderson has prepared a recommendation of sites in Henderson for location of a Community College, which w ill be considered at a meeting of the Board of Regents on Friday. Jan. 9 at 130 p.m. at the Clark County Community College on Cheyenne Boulevard. The number one site is located on Horizon Drive at the I nion Pacific Railroad. This site is owned by the city, has good access, excellent visibility and utilities are nearby or at the site currently. Future land uses in the area are residentially oriented and the site is accessible to the region by way of Boulder Highway. The second site selected was at Vo-Tech which is located in the county where all utilities are in and it is quite central to the service area. The third site would be at the Southern Nevada museum site on Boulder Highway. It was suggested there could be joint use with the museum plus additional city land to make up 80 acres. The site has access, visibility, lacks .some utilities but has long-range centrality to Henderson and Boulder City and excellent access from Las Vegas by use of Boulder Highway. .A Green Valley site on Lamb Boulevard ranked eighth because of its location topographically and because of poor access and utilities. The site was donated to the Community College by Hank Greenspun of Green Valley. For the study done by the Henderson planning commission. 12 sites were reviewed. Four of these have special characteristics in that two of them are outside the city limits but well located within the general study area and one sit< is located on a rather crowded civic center. The basis for study of population figures for the projected area of service for the community college was from the traffic analvsis zones for a Las Vegas Valley traffic study. As the study relates to Henderson and Boulder City specifically, a forecast in five-year increments is included also. The indications are that the population total for Boulder City and Henderson will ready 40.000 more or less within ten years and well over 60.000 by the year 2000. These totals combined with the growth at the southerly end of the Las Vegas Valley will provide amble base to warrant construction of a college facility in this area, authorities believe. M m m i^i ,'^*. ?^. ^. >H Henderson Home News Henderson. Nevada >fc *' >il )i^ Ml >K i, Ml Tuesday. December 23, 1975 Page 2 ^ mt^Cjheam* \.iAAAl na ESTiNuns CHAIN LINK FENCE N« M Too SUMII liceme^ i Inured CAU: 736-6919 AA^AJA A.i A JllMllll Dromotically lncreo»e» 457-6394 FIREPLACE 1^^^ HEAT OUTPUT By 500V600% Hwuat'trt AmtouncM TK« Qptmq Of Tlwir N«w Stora I Now iOM con •«(oy »••• cN»«r o' •> op«n t-'tp'act with c>r(ulo Sunrise Feed 3121 in. NElllS **** 843 S137 <yiMNQ viaikL RACE HORSE OATS CAU ni 1200 ***• -^ Country Style Products •9* pw f 0 -^^ 1 « HOMOAV TM«ll |»nj«0»* Ct IMO^ At *444 SO VAUtt Vim Wl**! tMCIALISTt IN •ItTOBIlia AND •IPINItNINO MITA ANTIOUlf fs—^ ^ CUNSMOKE,/^ ^ CANNON VISIT—IVlrs. Lou Chandler of Henderson discusses a federal matter with Nevada Sen. Howard Cannon in the Henderson City Hall during the senator's recent visit to the area to meet individually with constituents. Cannon talked with about 500 (lark County residents on a one-to-one basis during the 10-day visit to vSoulhern Ne\ada. SHOP .rYT '•C»i«Hm. Merit Increases For City Employees Eyed By Council SJOB ANTIQUE MITAL PINISHINO' 277SLcMV»9Mllvd.N. j! Gamblers Hall of Fame |g DOWNTOWN ACROSS fBOM THI MINT HOTU RECIIVE « FRK NICKELS Mini increases for oitv FREE NICKLES! CUP & TURN COUPON INTO CASINO CASHIIR rcctiiils uho said (ouiuilm.iii Sioui by loniacling .V^-^:^2 or 5h4U):0. said trii nds. be Ihese dinners are given Call and leavi nami-. and addti sses wiih Mis C unniiigham or iVler's Senior Cenlii ,i' with others on this special dinner. bui if he dois the job you dav. Since Mrs. Cunnini!- Lawrence creases said are the not tlus in- hire merit are tor ot to ing dis- a he merit if he does a City said Manager no. He nnis- 2528 EAST FREMONT US VIC AS • PHONI 3S4-2747 little . iutSs02^MOOD RINGS ^"'^^^^'^^"""""^ YOUR MOOD RING RESPONDS TO YOU.,. Dawson cannot UNISEX...suitable for men or women go . (CHANGES COLOR AS YOUR MOOD CHANGES) be\ond the fi\e slips no merit matter what happens. Mi- increases said to do an> differently Me said you would ha\e to revise the basis of non perform- the city. Me said they are The merit increases and unless serMce rulis of council agreed should an Councilman a\era,k;e standard performance ihes are not lorin he Williams felt increases the were thi rules K^iked at and Lawrence said he would not be a bit i;ranted a merit increase. Ma\or be merit adverse to looking liver the council the civil service ruks. gi^en Dawson said the civil vvhen you did exceptional services rules were adopt- w ork. ed by charier. Dawson said is a here SK merit ha\e a fi\c-stcp level. He •67 said these five steps can made in "1 you ONE YEAR PREMIUM AhijK generally th.ii the indi\ idual pirtornis on be Seniors m- 10 gui him i\en more?" li\ing ^b,s()^W. IIIUIIN6 . PAin . IIPAIK . WAI SUIflUJ tAMflW» tQUirMIMT is better than that you want the civil said do "Now you arc suggest- the\ have been dt nied on ancc. to cri'ase. raises tor cost him entitled lUst mectinj; a merit •tFllS - SHOTGUWS - HAWDGUMS Hrown at .'^fv.^-Or)H** or St increase, a nuinv piopk- w ho «U CAUtllS Of AMMO Mildred gi\en increase wouldn't changing be the above charter." Lavvrence said. This will be one of the threeand- areas of discussion when onehalf years in this city the budget comes up for unless the probation per- review, it was decided. iod is extended. Councilman 732 4733 mav seikiiu have an invitation for the base been denied yOUR N[IDS ARE OUR POLICY"' Keservaiions IS are alone but want tii be Citv Manager Don Daw- 1629 {.SAHARA dav at the l;ldoradi> ( lub. she BUY . SELL . TRADE hi Ip trom niighbors ,in ; ti>r I hi son said NEWHALL bisuriDue Ai^tni) Christmas he is not raise. INCLUDES LIABILITY, MEDICAL, AND MORE! CHECK YOUR POLICY THEN CHECK WITH US... p ni. earn his salar\ ed jiooc" 2 tor outstanding work and .•it\ officials were discuss- SIOOO * " !500C " at of it the man dois nothing to ."iission where '»10.000' people, Iv !S.\ll. will ncedv ihcv shmild onl\ he _i;i\en .imiiiee mCNfS PUSONJ. PlIISONIl 100ll:0NS^ IfllCTJ-_ flFtCIS_ sponsored bv "Smiles" Cunningham at The issue came up at a WHY NOT CHECK YOUR CURRENT INSURANCE POLICY. HOW MUCH IT COSTS AND HOW MUCH COVERAGE YOU HAVE? THEN...CHECK IN WITH NEWHALL, WE HAVE THE RIGHT COVERAGE AT THE RIGHT COST! FOR EXAMPLE: I >nt !. hired to do and Lawrence Law- aiitomaiic increases. mobile home owners all and agreed with this question. mcreases, ARE AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE SO...' reaJi (.'.-•utHilnian tarlton ihey were hired to do. . ham i.innot the I niployi's cauchi the ire of DOWNTOWN KITTt CORNIR f ROM THt COIDIN NUGOIT Gamblers Hall of Fame Happiness made not for just dome the job Th« Mona9«m«M «»»erv«i All Righti .innu.il jusi doing the job hi was nnce WHEN YOU BUY $2 IN NICKELS TO PLAY MOBUi HOMt Ihe dinner tor senior citi/ens. tor IIK K.ISC WEAPONS NEW AND OLD Happiness Dinner For Seniors ^ Uets a merit ^, "^11 \n HUT foi.. asked vehv an Phil Stout Christmas Eve emplo\ee Services At A .1 Of> 0|t> <^C> 0|«» J|C« J|[> J|t 0|C> Jfi J|C> «I|C> Oft JjC> J|C» Jp OjC J|0 J^ I LET TOM ^LUU()^ SALoy l ^"""""""y ^'""''' ASSIST YOUI Candlelight and carols during the services held at .V. :;n ^ Community Church MAIL ORDER PRICE 56 95 lADO SO ct*nh FOR HANDCINOl on Christmas eve. Beginning at "" p.m. on the eve we celebrate Christ's binh the youth pf Community Church will have the pathway to the sanctuar. ,/"'"-""s :""^"-".s l.h'" ' ., lit with luminaries and the serxices will be- highlight .V. cd by special music by the church choir, i...r*"" I'. """'-•Mn,, tion for many Community niTH HIS HIGHLY Ql ALIFIED STAFF soloist and singing of carols. A tradi- t Ask for Jeanne and Taeza Tuesday thru Snturdny SPECIALIZING IS OUR SPECIALTY % 4641 Paradisp Rfl. Ph. 734^0803^ J| Ouuer - Tony DeMaria u % *T|r*:|c**********1f*******'* ********* years Church at and eacA a cAte^ io tAe .\AiJ2^uitf m/w/^ iMln4rt t^o/t we invite you to share in wfiMSik* •^tMfW wA)«€k» this special service. There GUARANTEE | is a nursery provided for the imall children during this service. Mult ba »*«n ^o ^ jK>fir»c<ct*d No n*k mon«> b*(li 9u«'«nt«« •' 1K«»« %f% fsO\ iH« mo*t unu»ua> un*ou« sntf <!'* f*rcni nngi yOu K«v« V W \ ^> V V evrr •««n M th*v do ^^^ b«coma th« C«nt«« o*. itt'tctKtn •«<) conv«r»# tton p**ct O* tv^rv frttnd n«*f KlxM W^ r**B tivf tn vou' *»o*»*« o' offtc* frmpty ralurn within Y«idav« fOf tH« full purc^»t« pnc« (vticapt po*t»«« and hcndlingi No Quaiitons ailitd y \^ m » A ^ m A| V. ^ FNCE OIFT •OX WITH EACH RING SAVE $ DISCOUNT GIFT CENTER I •OROEI COUfOM* !)C\I» * MAIL to liMOOO »INC c o DISCOUNT Giri CfNTItj I XX) N CAStMO CINTtn LAk VtOAfc feffVOLJ !w* Ho««*r. MM ^nc ^ V(K- '«•> Ct'*»» FUll Of** "^f** <»* •• rf^**1 200 N. CASINO CTR.. LAS VEGAS (702) 385-6871 l AM MIDMIQKT. 7 DAV« 1^^,^ **« M» ca^r, »«.^., ^^ ..»*«• *l»ill $ to my cr*4l« iv4: I'QakXiukMiRicAiio IDM&STin CNAaoi |j C^MEDlCAN im^tU Q: Mat CiUl CMIO .IxrillATKW CMkTI, OODEN FREMOMT r n\l IIWOICATI THI f<KI« NO«l»»ll»| '••OVt VOtJH »10l»*TUI»f I BINIOfUS ^tH«EMO«fr MOTfL StlGKATU.I «« HORSESHO^^ JlvouK NAMf m.IAM PMINTl PURCHASE DIRECTLY AT OUR DISCOUNT OUTLET! jl . inlAkI CION VOU* taAM Hl*l H •^_ ' '^mmmmmmm i A, Tunday. Dfcfmb»r 23. 1915 * ^ Hendtrson Home Nfw» Hrodrrson. N»nd« MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR BAR: RESTAURANT: 24 HRS. 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HRS. 7 DAYS A WEEK •4 EXICAN& • HAPPY HOURS 4 5 p«iii«-7p«m« -4 Br % K^ ^M ^^^L y<^-?i ENJOY ^ OUR LUNCHEON SPECIALS (RESERVATIONS 736-3390) 1 AMERICAN FOOD r 1 4 ^h^^^ 4 1 "* V • r// V^ •• 1 '-'• 1 ••' ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY CASEY COLE o p.m* to 6 a.m* * 1 '«£^^^Hik ' i 4 1 .- V "'^'^v^^^l^^^^^^H 1 ( :*-'^?V5 ^'^HP ' ¥• "f BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE 4 PETE & FRANK OWNERS JACKIE OWNER-HOSTESS 4- CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY DON'T FORGET OUR NEW YEAR'S PARTY 4 fN ' ft) .' N' :'* vS'4U W'"" ...k-,. 11 ^- ^; •-* -4 «» :, *% ^'"'"•^l^^ .tk PARADISE AT NAPLES ^i^i^i'^^i^i-i^i'fri'^^i^i^i^i^i^i*^^^^ I- y.,M-;<M •. |.y..t Veoter Goff Funeral Services Held Soturday Funeral services for Vcatcr Goff, 65, longtime Henderson resident, uere held Saturday at 11 a.m. at the LDS Church with Bishop Stanley Albiston conducting;. Mr. Goff was born July 1. rnO in Spry, Utah. He passed away Dec. lb. Mr. Goff. who resided at 11 h Dogwuod Street, has been a resident of Clark County for 24 years. He was a carpenter. He is survived by his widow, Maurene; daughtwr. Merle McClaichic of Federal Way, Wash.; son .lames, captain of the Henderson police department; four grandchildren; two sisters. Saiah Berge vin of Long Beach, Calif., and Tessie leiser ol Oxnard. Calit. On December 26, 1976, the Hender.son Parks Interment was at Palm and Recreation Department IS sponsoring a trip Memorial Park. to Magic Mountain What an exciting Christmas Gift to give to your child on Christmas Day There are more than 40 rides and attractions in all and they can be ridden on or viewed as often as one like and all are included in the price paid foi % admission. /OCftV Register at the Henderson Parks and Rec- Tuesday, December 23. 1975 P«ge4 Mogic Mountoin Trip Henderson Home News Henderson, Nevada reation Department, 201 Lead Street, Room 22 Registration is $15 00 which included trans portation and admis sion Participants will meet the same day Regisfra- mation call 565-8021 ext at the Henderson Youth tion is limited so sign up 32 Center at 6:30 a.m. now. Deadline is f January 26 and return at December 23. approximately 11 00pm For additional infor- f <^Mk. ^H^.<f JACKET & PARKA SALE SAVE UP TO 50% Konsala, Jr. Services CORDUROY $60.00 DOWN JACKETS J\ BOMBERS 100 ^ 30 IP »«^' In Montono Matthe\^ ^'1 COS' K Kansaia. ,Ir., passed away Dec. 21 in .1 hnai hiispital Mr h.ul ri'sided at ,1M2 FIELD JACKETS AIR FORCE TANKER PEACOATS USED HmiliK' past nine vcars and was a shop 151? iJl2».? I Up Mi^^lnsav tor the foreman Transit for Mix. WMK He was a mi mbcr ot thv BPOl- No. IM I in Cody, W'wi. INSULATED OVERALLS NYLON i DOWN RLL VESTS INSULATED H COVERALLS ^ 995 19'.?* 8 up OTHER SPECIALS -til 9.95 -TnctMilcaKniwitdiafi tf 'IMI >- In MMVOH lOMl MMlltl. 1.79if UCtI 'fil •*•* MlUM -WMH I iiwUM ifM mtmrnt MIMU Nl) 'WNI MM llltl Md IMTlIU 79% 5.95 5.95^ 7.95 7.95^ 'C«MM*r^pMClM 'OnfMSllirmlwti iCIVIilNHlMlt °a«M HI ll Mil I ttlllTM inan unt 70 i« 41 niNIHNiKK 3.95 3 9.95 3 12.95^,.. 3 Mil IS^PW 99.50.1, i 'UttUfirtiilirHMM "tMlM VNI ant M ^ MM MIM 6.95 g Nov. h, He is survived b\ his widow. Tom; son Raynool Daricn, Conn.; daughter. Joanne Fiichner of laurel. Montana and another daughter. Marilyn Chunn of K.iwlings. VVyci.; two sisters. I'Ibeii Boggio Cod\, VVuv, and Syhia Coriler. Kichiand. Wash; nioThcr, of Mrs. Jennie Ra- unia of Red Lodge, Montana and six grandchild- Final rites will he held at BUCK'S War Surplus 4M5 EAST QEIST • 643-1^4 ••tm—n Cimim MMd ihrd on Wttto ihrd. OPfN 7 DAYS WEIK 8:30 AM 5:00 PM born ren. ALSO NEW SLEEPING BAGS. TENTS. BACK PACKS ALL KINDS OF CAMPING, HUNTING AND SCOUT SUPPLIES ~ was I'n5 in Red lodge, Mont,iiia 27?? (9 He the home Oleott in A Funeral Red » NUGGIT BIAD MCKIAC€ 30 00 ^ PINKY ^> B. RING Lodge. Montana. Palm Mortuary -"'- " is in charge of LAHGt C. RING local 10 00 HJIL Sl/E SQUASH BLOSSOM SOL'D LIQUID SILVER G SILVER AND TURQUOISE NECKLACE 170 00 Kb NUGGET CHOKER 54 00 HISHI H NECKLACE arrangements. ^ PITIT POINT I »0. RING 15.00 .A INLAID TURQUOISE CORAL LAND SILVER BRACELET 65 « 00 ^ I ^ DISCOUNT > GIFT CENTER dlp{» ' » C :'0 N CASINO CIR IAS VIGA 'O: 38'. 687) I Wi k 10^ ^ M ^ ^ oc,ot\ I _ •^ ^ ;^ ^ ^ i; ^: ^ •>> «^' ^, •GUARANTEE* We guarantee thai any authentic Indian Jevveity purrtiased at our jtora cannot be round at a lower puce at »r\<, other jtoie m Las, Vegas Any item ol authentic Indian Jpiveliy pu'chased here may be retuined wiihin three 131 days of purchase il (luichaset ran yenr, the same mprchandise IS available at a lovvet price elsewhere in town At that tirDe we will adjust our selling price to meet our competitors PtUS give the customer an fRErHOM ^ ADDITIONAL 10 ^ DISCOUNT •^: DISCOUNT GIFT CENTERi^.,,^, wsc: «y^ 2^A^ft^k^V,i4,a;Aiik;ft;iViiViiV:A^il;i»i<UI;i»«k^»i«i<^ ^ STORK IHH KS 9A.M..Mn)M(;HT. ' DAYS ^ AVAxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAX. •^ FREE TURKEYS * c^^^^ s\jn^fOP' ' Nothing to buy...Winners need not be present '"^ *" FREE DRAWING EVERY NIGHT BEGINNING NOV. 24th Come in today for your FREE TICKET! ^\ NOTHING TO BUY NO OBLIGATION I FREE TURKEY ON ALL JACKPOT 777's .-.v ^5 • BIG % LB. HAMBURGERS • BIG V* LB HOT DOGS 3 00 pm 3 30 pm 4 00 pm 4 30 pm i 00 pm 5 30 pm 6 00 pm Double Jitkpot PayotI jnd Suoc Slots S'jper Keno Double Jickpot Special Super Keno Double lackpot Pjyott and Super Slots lucky Casmo Tables Double lackpot Payoll and Super Slots' 6 30 pm free Super Sa^araCoC^^ta^sft$ml'l^rtes) Mouseguesi Cocktail Party ar<d Orjwmg 7 00 pm Super Keno 7 30 pm Double Jackpot Payolt and Super Slots 8 00pm iteeSuperSaha'aCocktailsllSmmutesl 8 30 pm Super Keno 9 00 pm Double lackpot Special rF ^lOtir'' • GOOD PIZZAS - WHOLE OR SLICES Double lackpol Payoll and Super Slots 1000 pm JIOOOOO SHOWIR Of MONfY 11 00 pm Double iKkpot PayotI and Super Slots 1200 Midnight Cmderrlla flouseguest Drawing 1? 30 am Super Keno I 30 am Super Keno Friendly larvic* HOTEL Friendly pricat MCKA6E GOODS • FREE ICE • SLOTS • PINS • Ml • POOL • NIK JACtCMT tlFTS SAHARA SALOON b LIQUORS 'Super Sahara Celebration ends on Dec 24 at 6 00 pm witli a 15.000 Super Prize Drawing, rtplacing Double lackpot PayotI and Super Slots DEL WEBB S Fritndiv cutlomtri 3345 E SAHARA AYLat BiMlLDBi HWY. *ThankYcxj for visiting Las Vegas! -~~T" ^ gfm'mmfi^ 1' IIJIU Tuesday, December 23, 1£ Henderson Home News HeoderBon. Nevada Prep cage summary V of^fpt *h " »' <»' * »> Bat" M Am*r«a 0>> t ^( oaofva u>ahM {«r\on'« BO'at BO'%9 'daAO^I Mrr oao '(lafH>S« Htn«si C«it«tfn(t Ciftai * MM <«iil»r«nca wo*pava"»» '< Mu'r.^aAf uti" U Cl«»tt CI«tlAA CMHrwKf Mi'»ffaiCow*»t*»: fhwfi»>'"Cow'''» *3 l,n(e<'«Couf*'f '0 Pa*'«na«a* v«tit»*i Cwfv.tia il c#'\o^ 'V « Twrnamanlt v-rQ.n want, tO Pa»>r«n«9a< vai'f* M To^opa" '1 .'-afe* \I "sa-ar* ip'-nu* " B \mip <.o'"-#« .* M Pa'**,'"©,*"^ i; B»a"fM Ta«rn«mff«>fi Bi»htf WtfiatM Twf namtnt B %no() Vanngut i; *»«•»' »a Sou<dtr C tv 40 St Bfffnaro s fcuf^akt cai-f II V B*roarO \ t^'Mt ( •'•• »' P»o.'o«Nyg «l ACvltf*' f '. »' •*#« ^' Wrootief SO B shop CKI""*" *0 B'lnoc M«ne<}ue11 B'^^op Cat<< |] IvrMa TtwrnawtOTt IrrdlJ P'tK'fw Mug »; iwrtka TlnKnifntAt ran n 44 V(0*-'*t Ti ao •nst AuSt'A** CiirimM *^M"94 Np^ada Voi'th tfa'»'ng Cfr^'ft'* tvf *»««> ^.'g f a c •». s> Wwth Tttaa Caitt Ttwrnamtftt Vo,.»h T*hof C|i.t 'S fracoevti Ah'tfi.ftt Ba"ieMov'-t» "*0 SATURDAV IRESULTI Ctati ft«A Man tantaranct Ar\*^"»»C H.on»»» A*-M.af (a>-i M irt'S(v<#j ver.(i an 'oarto*? «e«o'« Btw**^ BP'Ve iWoJaJO' SMth TttiM. Caul TaurnamtAt T«hO» l'ucli»# C«i t »> >»*"(»> \' Ba'ltff Mouni«.n «V Por>(irrm« C«i>t U WVhittfA* NO*"* T*hO» C*l» *> • fOV'lta <«' ' *' Srtu»ti Tahor Cj'it SS OattAA* Mon tofittrtnct < l«ffe U Hani ho «l I idorado** vo ^tcr M L»v«««»|d c^•Dar'•l^T dan AA *•«« cwilgvflMf I '•OSS Bw**' 'oaho ^1 ctati A Ngn f aiittraMt i rQ.n««> -y M *rf4an.a a, I j^ r«A>i<'^p ^ai'ft 10' OP«"« vaur* »f*CAr (a f )i Ciait • Ma* taAiprauft SmtnvaifftW i «v k n.ng Cail l» • nftrcwittr«iKa letsc^sf Bf#"» n 'nciaw^l >gi»: Spr .nq %kM»»'»ni£l R^Hf^, 4h» T«wniaina«>f( •iil>apMaAp9«a Ta«rnam«it Champtamiitp BiH >da'c t* ^' P «toci Ma^vwr S4 TH.fi Pipct iftotnft* »S ^* Baf^ardx Cu'Vka Ca'< ** Bitfh Mpct B'ShOpt.pr'*iar* M B»an ••< lavantH Piact pto<to* «»'« *? Bvop » * • *• Iwrpta Tavrnamafif Cftam^aiit*»9 tureka '0 Ai.*i''i fWi Third Piact ^•rg.n.a t ly |4 Nevada VDw'^ Traifi.ng Srvantft Ptara rte^'sft." V l>e' ' " *0 fautti Taipff ca>if Tawtnawfit Chdmpianthrp Ah "r" Ml tj'o V'^ta Cat* *' TUftOAY tCAMI Ciail AAA Han <aRfp«aAtt BA'S'D* (a<>* a) La% vavat Dan Potter ' Collects PBtOAV SCAMIt TawTMamtMH ••iKlw Mati#attt>aiK • *ht»Ki JV •% B'ShOp C.OIT.aw .'p-w %uifw tV San'a *"• ta"» •» Bat<< (..*f» A'tes.a (*'• »^ va"»«t ap "• OOMhf* {*'.i »\ «aA«n« Ip -* tivgltwapB <atrf TawrMmvnt ft»*p*"«'»\ I f""pi < ai » s Mp-^ vo Te<h •\ '"gtewODd C #• • • Kp *« €•*>*(•• CiMtfltffiat TavnaPipMt K Cp«fra Calif (i«f« v% (•l^' ''0 I ivpoi ^a"! I Wp «** Hafatat TpwrnamtNl La ^vffdtg C*Mf I itjcarto -v Af'Sa i •'* IMian Ivrmt* Tawrnafttant trtapa"*' >\ w Myrr.. a^f uiah S »p <" Pah'a'^ag*' ^«"*v vt ifyja" Vonngt ' p ««1 MItprd Utah Tavrnamawt I .«iC'" t(H'"'. •' M-ilfwO TBLi'narr^awl tAfUftOAVlOAMIt Tasfiantanti ifHiian Springt rawnamant C^aTP'onvh p ' p r^ • a(»<haHatt«8v Ciatix v«<)»r Oa" ie\a» •* fianthp tX>*ney io>#» P«'>.hO IV B'ihof) Gorman lOtrr «t B«s>( Maif* Da 'oif* M a T' Va')«v C.arr v^nnrr •! Har^t^O Ooumtv M<n fte* ' p •" Rore Trophy VifBil P. McKlnncy Uan Poitir. son "t Or. and Mrs. Janus Potter, banfjid the rarest of North Anicruan sh»-ip trophies. a (iisert liij^horn ratn. rile slue[) was taken Southwest o1 Seanhlij;ht in the Hi^jhh^^ht K.in^e of Bai" v**>f' Of *'""#• "' »P *« f (w^vo'a'iO'* • I n"'* t'P uaf^f 4 p •*• th.»(]pi*ipgam» * JOp'*' ((^ispia'of . ha'wO'O"*'* ^ 'p »" the i)i|>«ww« CaMi TaiffKamaitt I #«tnn( I »«*pa"*i W'nne' .S Vo Tf^h iMg(» 1 *»"%n» ChJp*"*' '••• •* Vo TKh >ng*r atia'w*"** Caul «f |i(a«><ra (•<•* *»«»iai<»""a -^H* (t-^at ^OVM"**^' •tMiHwB Utth I nro"" to "•» a' v> ip'd (*' s'-^as Ha** ii«v<)«i>aAa> TMri*(<"t"* Nt«h«it tpHI ** v#»»*\ .% »• e-*!* Tona"<» <••' ' MONOAV DC( rtOAMll Ciait A M»* c*"**r«nta Mv."eh iMho «• >*oap« >••••. 0»a"ir • iCp *»• IHtttCWtPftMft t» v»H» COT'**'- •• *• Pa^-v'^p wa"f* p**itk.<*<p -p <" t "• Tawf »*a«n»f»ii f( intiai»o»4 Ca<'* ( hA^^f-a' *' "»g »»o*'' *t> ' a-'f' Vc '«" *' ing'ewcoti '(".•"«'*'f' piClCpAtp* C*it< pf Mfw^ati Cai') I «-, vfflas #'*'•" '"• '«' '^« 'ov'"i—^* »t la ^wa^*» Cii'» 1 "^•ao''*'Sog*" ^ev^a-f Met iillouj>h Moiin lains on Dee. 11. willi a ..V^M Winehester iiia^nuni rifle at an estimated ran^^e ot 400 vds. To ijiialify f«>r listinp in thi Hoone and ( luh Reeord NtMth (>anie. ( roekeli BvH>k Anuruaii his oj Bih spt\iis must seore a minimum of Mr Joe Conforte riow o'fers the last o( the If*'' Mustang soeciai issue decanters There ««ere only 6000 points Dans ram. at !.'«'. lell sh)ihil\ short ot thesp special Mustang decanters made and 4000 |-ven were sold last Christmas That leaves lust 2000 to be soid this year What an unusual and perfect Holiday gitt so. this is a fine troph\. the taking of a for those who i'Q hard to shop for desert bi).;horn is an at.eomphshiiu 111 aihiived b\ a few EXCLUSIVELY AT THE The decanters may be purchased tor $25.00 at: hunters. FLYING DUTCHMAN BAR 598 East Flamingo Road Holiday Swimming Pool Hours During the Christmas holidays the Lorin L W111 i a m .s Municipal Indoor SvMminint; Fool will be open the following hours December 20 thru Dec. 23-12-8 p m December 24 - 12-4 p m December 25 • Closed December 26 thru January 4-12-8 p m Residents of Henderson should feel very fortunate to have an indoor swimming facility right here in Henderson since there are only two in the entire Southern Nevada area What an enjoyable way to get that much needed exercise during the winter months. Also, swimming is one acti\ity that can be enjoyed by the entire family at such a nominal fee Adniis sion: Children (12 and under) • 25 cents Teensi 13-17)-35 cents Adults (lb-oven - 50 cents For additional information call the Henderson Parks and Recreation Department - 565 8921 - Ext 32. 'iBI^WlBIWJBJBi^pJ ii GOLFERS McCAFFERY'S OFFERS THEIR BIGGER THAN EVER ICHRISTMASI \r^^- YOUR GOLF HEADQUARTERS FOR SOUTHERN NEVADA liJimEKTSPKiA^ I I U « I n i-l \0C»" „U»^\ GCHA \ SEE! I LYNX$1CQ95LYNI($QQ95 ^ i FIRST & FREMONT \0' )«7S HAICUlTit 4 WOODS • •» SUIN HOWSI<«S IVnNAKUlTiA i llOtti art 121SM NOW }!]««> WIUON I 31 ] WOODS irt tnroo . iiowu««s WIU0NI3I <IIOM • r« $}4V«S NOWiM«<S rACific* jon ToiKM ' nous i>(i »:««»$ <tow5ijf«5 PtcincA itMiooMii 4 WOODS tr«. tllOOO IIOW51l«fS H«C(N UITI«DTIIE II ] WOODS • t« Sl*4 00 N0Wt7««S NtClN UlTitOTNt II i ItONS • t9 SIVIOO NOWtlS<«S rUWII|ST0 9ltil.|IOTOI4ICOMPUTI bOlJ SITS lf| W«o4l. Ironi Pvtlir tad Hto4 C««(ri NOWtS««S OIAPNITI OIIVIIS-$t>n Tlitmpiaii ..Ci^j ^«*.. •^o< s« [FORMERLY AWT'> MSTOWCYCLE SHOP] Nevada Yamaha's BIG ^s > Iff. (no Christmas Sale! WITH (0 YEARS OF TRADITION t EXPERIENCE ''4$ .v»- 1^' ,,4eO c,o«^ 0«' ^<> ,, \r '^^. YZ80B YZ80C GT80 MX360A SC500A •400«« '489** •389" »875»* •825»« MX400B - TT500 RD250 RD3S0 XS500 650 MIOr 10^30% OFF ON YAMAHA PARTS ft ACC. SERVICE DEPT. SPECIALS TUNE UPS... *18ANDUP 2t4STR0KES ONE OF THE LARGEST SIKE MACHINE SHOPS IN NEVADA 10-25% OFF REGULAR PRICE FOR REBUILDING SPECIALISTS IN RACE PREPARATION 1631 L FREMONT Dp6n^7 Mon.Sat 384-2353 ^ "Someday, youl own a Yamaha." GOLF BAGS MINI t UDItS, all iiiti *»* ttflti 'Tsvr iitfSii Hand ItlttrWFKI Nowisffs PING IRONS ^'^^^^^ '1230*« 1 •900»* •950«« M300*« '1375»* g DOZ. FOOTJOTUZAIDSIIN Mil! LiStSMtl SilcV4V.9S MIN'SFOOTiOTCOirSNOtS Fria S329S rOOTJOYlilSUti t DIISS SNOiS l(( irxctiti tilcStVfS ClUIPIOGOmHOES 111 itTies imlsriiaSAli SKfJ UOIISFOOTJOrtNOOAN 6011 SHOES, tri* S21 9S SUPER SPECIAL! 75 MOTORCYCLES MUST BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES ^':</> $095 4 WOODS %||| GlllFGUIIiSiii<i»Fiiins ACROSS FROM THE MINT vo°'^%tt)a- lllil NOW Gamblers Hall 4VN^« o<^ ^'"*" S,8 IRONS GOLFBAUS ALIPROUNE REG. $16.00 OZ. All sites, jll colors Pill•vtrs, Car<i{ais. SwcitirShirts, larfcst soltctioi IM I tl cNtu Itia tlirtllt it I run punii ZEBRA' SWEATERT IZOD NINE (9) IRONS PUHERS *r.»$5.9StoS150.00 Til MIHtl HfUtt K ii tOWR. II nm tvwiti Iml r A SHIRIS SLACKS!^rFORLAY-A-WAYNOW CHRISTMAS - GIFT I;D( imi musiiitwiu Ciatmi ititl II III Mil t HUM SlOtach 2 for SI 1.50 ^ 1 lor S27.00 ugg |i;«s |IMII1M\ Mtl till SIS N S«I«S32.S0 2f»rSM. '^ J ^CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE^ OPEN SUNDAYS 'TIL CHRISTMAS 10-6 Vioeo Tape Lessons by our PGA Pro • Compieie Repair Shop • Regnp Special S3 50 eacri • Rednish Spec.ji $7 50 each • Ash iboui oor Gama fire Glass Inserts, usea o" fhe PGA Tow ' JusI AtrivtO' Itamum Shatis ' McCafFery'^ Golf Shop IN THE SHOPPING CENTER • PARADISE RD AND TROPICANA AVE. 736 8030 • Open 9-7 Mon -Sal • BankAmencard 4 Master Charge Honored •i r—^ 4 # i ^ 4 1^ i «*" 'Do Pass' Given To Water Sara's Named ••'^? ANT 1 Winners For Ordinance f BLACKJACK f '^^^^ PAYS 5 2tol double ANY DRINK Winners o} the ChriiT mas drawings fi>r a free .\ "'do pass" was \otcd slates building permanent at Sara's Bea- issue comniittcf meeting tor an biiildmfi pernul prinidid ui\ Salon were announced. ordmaiKC requiring; vcrit- the e,\isiencf of a potable icaiion of an acccptahlo water source- and waste \e).;as, and Connie Some by till- city onincil in that inspector the shall a potable water source and water dispt>sal svstcm is batv wen- the winners at .Sara's Hair accordance tem as a pncondition to with rcj;u!ations. ttu- issiiaiKc of biiildinu Fashions at MU Water Street. The domestic water su- pirniiis within the C ity of pplv for the proposed Heiulerson. structure must not consist The ordinance amends of water hauled ,, ,, . ^,, I he Henderson Cham ber ot Commerce would mas program .. , '"'•''^f"-' like to «rate<ullv acknowl- ' 'f"- ^^'^'^'^ ');;^'';^^^ . HI na Sif>ma I'hi. Mend ed^e the ttuir generous following for contribu- tions to the ITS Christ- FIRST & FREMONT from GRAND OPENING SPECIALS ..stki '^0. ol Valley Auto, inc. FREE CHILDRENS RECORDS (ij ACROSS FROM THE MINT ^ ^ O^^er erson City Couiuil a previous ordinance and another location. (;aml>lrr>lhill ( Christmas Contributions Florence WidrJR of las wastiwatiT disposal sys- approved in Henderson Home News Henderson. Nevada *"••>• December 23. 1975 TUNE UPS Tkaf. RivM...)*.! iwt •«« »Wl s^ Mi4 bHa« It ». LM ^ V.fM MtCOWMT Oiri CIMTU Hr fm dMic. •* ^ 4 rmu rtillrfrvM r.<»rtf«. ••ck •«. U bcwtd la M •*• ^ <«. h>ll t.Ur leltf*r...ai«h.i • «r.«t lt««klat nVff.r. 33</} RPM COLUMBIA RECORDS Jrrrv FiillrrtoiK (il*() COMPLETE BRAKE LINING llu' Opoiiiii*: of hi» Office DISC M9.95 DRUM S|MM'ializin«: in \rtiti('i<il Ijriil). HriU'es a Siir«:it'al Supports. VALVE JOB LAS ITGAS DISCOi^T GIFT CENTER :m\iiHiiK ^^/^((( M/^w.iTA \ :/»()>" tst in i: \tiii\i<.in (,0R>».R0Kw.|lK>«l AMVx.lNTKR BH*IMiTHt tRfMoNTHoIH SIPKRIOKIJMHMJKACKCO. 1621 K. Kn-mont :?«l'-82«7 BOB'S GARAGE 1000 so. MAIN 384 2074 384 3989 • ^NOMi (703) 3iS-40T1 II^SMt OURDECEMBERC> P of fine shoes -*^^owX An Announcement from Desert Springs Hospital . . . MENS GROUP #1 "Stacy MaM"-"firtate'' VALUES TO $53 00 OM PRICE-24.88 MENSGR0UP#2 VALUES TO $45 00 ^ Special 16.88 UK-tRTM'KIM.'MH.ii M fi \/% •' l>f«tHT»rRIM.MIo.riIvl 200 PAW OF MENS SHOES TO CLEAR! OwtAftygecrt... 10*00 ALL MENS CURRENT STOCK 30% OFF REG PRICE ALL WOMENS HANDBAGS liclHiijUatUrs! The finest selection of... ,30% OFF WOMENS HOLIDAYS. EVENING SHOES Reduced 30% in town. . DELMAR PANT BOOTS WHITC-NAVY.ftUCK-RED BONE 1U«0U ^^ WOMENS PLATFORMS * TO CLEAR OUT' 12.88 1 GROUP MENS HOUSE SUPPERS tms&iwiw" Allliatlifs! 8.99 J & P SHOES E.2 -2J 953f SAHARA J Cowwe'ci ol C.n'tf PHONi 735-7707 MONt«nOAM7PM.SUNUNOO*tSPM f N. ANY f BLACKJACK f "^^^^ . PAYS \ ]2to1 double •IX, I W; 2075 East Flamingo Road between Mar^lind Pkwy. and Eastern Ave. Telephone 733-8800 ^••^ DRINK DESERT SPRINGS Gamblers Hall FIRST & FREMONT ACROSS FROM THE MINT ^ i^^#» .,tife^, M OSP/TAL a complete medical and surgical center fully iccredittd by tht loini cooimiMioo oa •ccrtdtiation ol botpiuU CHARTER MEDICAL CORPORATION 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE U •CP~iM,il»i l^^ .m •lyii^'p' I • I $vt j I. J I 7 Tuesday, Derrmber 23, 1975 Letters To Santa Claus Page 7 ' Henderson Home News Henderson, Nevada From Students In Mrs Sollie Chaffins First Grade At Seweli School Dt'ar Santa Claus I want a b b gun and a huffy and a evil Knovil bassball Rlovr Santa Claus how arc ynu doinj; from Fred (Jallegos I want a walking doll and some skates and I want Dear Santa Claus Do you no what Id really like for Christmas a dolly and I hope you are docinfi Rood because I Love you and Some pepple in my class dont think that you are real But 1 Think you are real a Babby That A Way and a stuffed uq rain deer and his name is rud dolph the rednose raindeer Nancy Moore Dear Santa Claus how are you. OPEN TO EVERYONE! CUSTOM ORDERS TO FIT ANY IUD6IT 90 DAYS SAME AS CASH NO PAYMENT UNIll JAN 15 W76 ON APPROVED CRtDIT ^EEF SALE/ •*«*..-*>,• V^H*#f ."IK"-^ OUTSTANOING DOHA* DAY BpNUS SUYS I to Ibt St. Timothy's Plans Xmas Dear Santa fMaus I wot sum skates from Eldin To Santa lioh Olst>n RvdUy & lusitninre Inc. m firnllnr-MI.S h II tiler S/.. Hi-itiliT!*nn RLALTUK HOSPITAI ARr A OM.Y tZI.SM NIrr tturco bomr »lth iluminuiB AwiDlagt RpfrlimKiv. (Ki>rj;i- Gerard of • lion- torrrd Kit All D>loorirprllB(lbreu|houl. Orapei. Vtriol and rr*d> 10 movr lo ImmrdlaUly St. Timothv's l-piMop.il a .SPA(IO» S AND I.OVKI.Y ("hiinh has sihedulcd I argr ZOXIfl I.King room »llb lirgr iDvillBg nreplarr. formil dlDlng room fimll> room paDflllDg brintirally Christmas MTVKI'S at thi drroriUd ill nr» I pgridrd rirprllni lod rualom drtpri Ihiinh located on .Ailantk (Hrrbrid patio on l»o aldrt of boLir tprlaklrr lytUBl and lattrfully land*raprd Call for appolBtmrDl to %r* Street. A request troni Cilassb CHOOSE ANY 2WITH 1/7 Bfff PURCHASE • from 1 Steoli to 1 B«of • Cold CuU S Pouliiv 3S$I SPRING MOUNTAIN RD. OPEN 9AM-7PM-Cl6SED WED. ft SUN. CAU NOW 2860 COIPON $ r-'----^ .ao0 kle tiT siorajje i<f bt^ats onK. lilassburn filed an amendment to that use permit to include recreation \ehicles. n)ot(<r homes and callipers on the urn's Bait and lackle, I.U)> Lake Mead Drue, u^ amend the use permit to includi- storajje of niotor homes and trailers, was appro\ed to include sluraj;e of motor honus and trailers, was approved b\ the city planning commisMon The planning.; director told the Commission that the city council had approved a use permit lor Glassburn s B.iit and lac- iiiicHii! ChtntM- lir<i-''i a a IN CASH AND PRIZES week of January 5 Registration fee IS $1H for 8 weeks Instruments must be furnished by participants The instructor is .Angelo Stefanelli Mr Stefanelli is a graduate of music at the I niver sity of Nevada. Las Vegas and is certified in the K 12 levels of music For additional information call .)65-8921 Ext. 32. FREE REGISTRATION NOW IN PROGRESS WINNERS NEED NOT BE PRESENT ¥ Register Yonr Soclol Security Number at the ¥ ¥ D0WNT0WN-6th & Fremont • Plenty of Free Parking ¥ •M * ^ 4 * ^ • ^ If A^ 4 :f ^ ^ WINCHESTER MODEL 70 REMINGTON NYLON 66 REMINGTON MOOa 870 fltg in% Wi R«g $^35 00 '\s,r NOW REMINGTON NYLON 582 22'UBULAP bOLl ACTtO\ P'f Lb ^bOt<i' 95 Reg $235 00 NOW ^5 95 R«g $119 50 i / U WINCHESTER MODEL 70 fl«g Jl89 9b NO* REMINGTON MOUJUIOQ SAVAGE MODEL 243 (^ai :-i AuTOHif-Lb Ola n Puil bi Oe Action Lai Vt9<i. N«v S9109 jrANNF \ OI,SK\ BROKKR FREE FREE Commissioner f-die Barker introduced a OMtion to speiiiv that the use permit be amended to include motor homes, camper trailers and campers not more than .V*" feet long. It was unanimously appro\id. BETWEEN THE MGM GRAND AND THE AJ.ADOIN HOTEL! MKRRY CHRISTMA.S Tt) ONF A«<D ALL" Ir.tii.sfiirmfrl in m"<l'1 r. site. Registration is currently being taken by the Henderson Parks and Recreation Department for the following music classes: Brass • 3 - 4 p m Monday Woodwinds - 4 - 5 p m. Monday. Guitar-3- 4 pm. Tuesday. _ Drum -4-5 p m. Tuesday The classes are scheduled to begin the Tbrrr brdreom. apra braa rfUlagi. rrfrlgrrallaa Farrrd Air brat alrr rarpvllag raagr A rrfrlfralar > araal aad rrady l« novr la Uday Frared yard. Call far drulli -i: Instruction In Music Classes CRAF>S 3eSS Lu Vr9ii Bl«d So t-±,^ Services Glassburn Request Approved hi CHOPS ing you a peace of paper Dear Santa Claus for you to right bark haw are you haw is miss By Wendy Cranford Claus haw are youer ranedeer Will you BrinR me a baby that away and a coloring Book Just one Last thing some pants Love Tracie Blankeship Dear Santa Claus How are you and your Dear Santa Claus 1 would like a toy trurk elves and miss santa and a G I Joe I wouldals Claus too and How are your rain deers I want a like a 10 SPeed I would Ilk a racecar stuffed deer and two hot ( hristmas eve services • 4 Bl (BATH sol with a racetatrack. 1 rods Robert james Egan will he held at 11 p.m. and a PrrltT ai a pirlarr f»aM«>d «lth fsrlaard yard af Black * Wraif kl Iraa I.ar(r rraal lUlaf r««a kai a^a braced wot a F]\iel Knievel rilbrdril rrlllni paarilrd aad ailrrarrd valla Lar|r Christ mas Day services faaally raaa vlib balll la rrfrrabaral bar raaatry atrlt Good bye. Denr Santa Clans I have uill he held ai 11 a m. kllrkra Daaghbay paal rrmird aad >arl*a»d wllb C.reKory only seen you in your pic •rparau frarrd arra NIcr (ar^l * dra^* Will aell Ht Appralard prirr Smith ture's How or you and BRicE Homr your reindeer I am giv- Once aqairbfYEAR EHD BEEF SALE 4 and I hope your Whife isdooinRok toand I hope your eUes are making toys fast and Good Luck from Theresa Needham 176 NOW SHERIDAN BLUE STREAK AIR RIFLE S4495 20 GA 26 V P S.e<- AD GOOD FOR BOl LDER CITY & HENDERSON RESIDENTS ONLY WE CASH PAYROLL CHECKS $ $ COIPON Rtg SZ64 9b ful. & MoOit'feO SMITH & WESSON MODEL 916 Rtg Sl37bO NOW Hu Rig S?65 50 Rig :n9 95 16995 NOW ROSSI OVERLAND COACH 12 (jA J Our Newest Item PHOTO MUG you SUPPLY THE PICTURE .. . WE WILL MAKE YOUR PERSONAL INSULATED MUG IN ONLY 15 MINUTES! ONLY $495 (ADO $200 IF WE TAKE PtCTURC) SPECIAL. from now 'till Christmas FREE PHOTO MUG with purchase of abova pipa! 145 NOW 95 7395 NOW IJA 28 OA .e Reg $580 00 Reg $580 00 bBL f u"-M'.d ^435'' 4 10 3 MAG 26 Full Single Shot 3536 Maryland Parkway Las Vega*. Nevada 89109 (702) 734-2044 Rig $59 95 WINCHESTER MODEL 9422M 22 MAG. Reg $154 95 NOW '435 95 BBL '\W S4895 ROSSI 22 GALLERY PUMP RIFLE NOW W^^ Reg $199 95 BENJAMIN 347 95 NOW^ Reg $89 95 161" Reg $2I5 0»0W • S7K95 Reg $99 95 NOW 75' NOW '38'^ SCOPES ALL SCOPES IN STOCK COST -|-10°o NOW M77 R .-. 38 95 NOW Reg $54 80 REMINGTON 700 ADL 7 -nTi MAG I:. .... A. MiFLt SQ995 NOW 3L BROWNING MODEL BL-22 M77-R Reg $215 00 NOW ALL RGBS Reloading EQUIPMENT COST -»- ICo ALL AMMUNITION COST -f-ICo REMINGTON NYLON 66 APACHE ,^7* Reg $114 50 '47* 161 95 RUGER NR 5 & NR-6 Single Action "f^AUL I /.'CAL LfcVtHACTlONRlfLt Reg $92 25 REMINGTON 700 ADL rieg $214 95 NOW 161 95 NOW UU^ BROWNING 22 AUTOMATIC RIFLE GHAOLI "'^^^ Reg $149 95 $11095 NOW nzr WINCHESTER MODEL 70 NOW^ 95 Rig $250 00 NOW 187* AUTO F'I:^TOL ^57* NOW LEFT HAND. . .'0 Cij. Rig $234 95 NOW 17695 SAVAGE MODEL 24V Rig $119 50 385-1812 222 W. Sahara Ave. lEnchintidVilligil Lis V191J Niv 89102 JO 30-i'OGA JOt) >/Vin Mag LH Reg $69 00 REMINGTON 700 BDL NOW ML RUGER MODEL 10/22R Rig $73 50 Reg $142 50 s 78* RUGER RST-4 & RST-6 22 Reg $79 95 NOW /•nm MAG NOW 22 AUTO Rif-Lt 22 AUTORIfLE NOW A r R ' . 243 0.11 ^ 4xScot:(r I NOW 22LfcVtH ACTION WINCHESTER 37A rruide Main Entrance • The Boulevard Mall .< H'^i ' ACTION SiNGLt SHOT Rili WINCHESTER MODEL 94422 BBL NOw' 22 Cd REMINGTON MODEL 788 NOW f >• "C. Rig $122 95 WINCHESTER MODEL 101 .'0 bA ,'8 full/Mod S46* NOW Ac'iO'-M.lL NOW l)1 NOW .^6 Reg $69 95 95 Reg $154 95 ^'2(..Al LtVtM WINCHESTER MODEL 101 W- . '-• bOLT ACTION MARNN MODEL 39 M BbL » . Reg $115 00 BENJAMIN 342 30 ObCdi SAVAGE MODEL 67 VR 12 . . 18395 Reg $5180 REMINGTON MODEL 55 bb^ > Reg $105 00 73 95 NOW ti CA^ R.lif Rig $59 95 SAVAGE MODEL 67 ,e Reg S244 95 NOW Rig $59 T5 REMINGTON MODEL REMINGTON MODEL 581 REMINGTON MODEL 580 MAG Reg SI90 ?5 5 NOW NCW u4 MARLIN MODEL 781 Reg $61 95 EXPERT Introducing NOW 12 3A j MAG 30 Pia^n BERETTA MODEL AL 2 ON PREMISE ENGRAVING SERVICE s 19895 SAVAGE MODEL No 311 Reg S79 9b , I 1 NMiiN NOW^ 95 ;iih,, I ninA> <i i(, I, •.AT l»ji..'j 2 Wolves Lose Motch WOLVKSVSRKSTUNG B> Sport French The Cowboy's of Chap arral High School invaded the mats of the Wolves in j Class AAA wrestling niateh. The Kx-al team went down to defeat by the seorc of 41-lh. Trevor lippetts opened the match with a superior decision to give Basic the lead at 4 () Ihc next 1.1 l>«>ints went to Chaparral Dennis Mattmglv broke the streak with a decision over F'at McGuire in the l.V? pound event to bring the Wolves to 14 ". Rick\ Ciray. 138 pounds, won by decision and Ton\ Sala/ar at 145 pinned his opptmeiit. Stacy Morrison to give the Una' team a lead of lth\4. The remaining 5 matches were won by the Cowboys, four by pins and one by decision, to bring the final score to 41 Ih. Both Sala^ar and Mattingly have yet to be defeated this season in either conference or tournament matches. Coach Zane Miner was quoted atter the match as saying, "Let them have the cheering now, by the lime of Zone and State Tournaments, we will be ready and it will be a different story". Ihc WoKes participated in ihe Kofa Invitational lournameiil in Yuma. .\Z this past week end. Ihe next A.'\A conference match w ill be on .lanuary 8th against the Kancho Rams on UKal ni.Us at "'^O p ni Chaparral [4I| al Ba».ic |16i Santa's In His Comer m\ Home tor Christmas A Joyous Time Of ' To Beautify Your Home Come In And Browse. You'll Find The Loveliest Things Imaginable!! Mak«' This Season pThe Jolliest tier' •^ N«-u Motnc } umxshin^s Ciin Make V'oijr HouM^ \ Home. Santa Claus is open for business ever>' afternoon at Christmas Corner, at Water Street and Atlantic Avenue, as he will be through Christmas Eve, courtesy of the Henderson Chamber of Commerce and its Christmas Chairman, Fhil Hubel. Santa himself, whose presence at Christmas Corner is the combined effort of the Henderson Fire Department and those cousins of the reindeer, the members of the Henderson Moose Lodge, has been tnaking his daily appearances between 2 and 4 p m He arrives aboard an engine of the Henderson Fire Department, to an accompaniement of flashing lights and blaring sirens. Once established in his workshop, he hears the requests of one and all, from the children of the city, no matter what their ages. But this year, a thoughtful but anonymous visitor to Santa's Den lef\ a souvenir behind ... a flower picked to brighten the day for St Nick himself In addition to Santa's headquarters, the Christmas Corner features a life size replica of the Nativity scene a site which has attracted as manyvisitorsasthe local branch office of the North Pole Workshop. 95 Trevor Tippets |B1 dec. Tnty Carpenter IC] 14-4 10.) Jim Slinar |( | dec. Bruce Silliloe iH| ^^i\ 112 Charles Blalark |C| dec. Urn O'Dell |B| 12-3 120 Carl Blalark |C| dec. ( harics ( artson |B| 8 1 127 Mark TomiUon \C\ dec. Mike Dominquei |B| b-* 133 Dennis Maitingly |B| dee. Pal Mcduirc |( | 4-3 13R Kicky (>ray iB| dee. Terr> Kubertson |C| 6-2 14.S Anlhon\ Sala/ar |B| pin SUcey Morrison O-Jtt 1S4 Mark Sharp (( | pin Bill Oakley |B| 2:47 165 Tom Freeman |C| pin Brad Clark |B{ 3:46 175 Kick Winberg |C| det. Danny Poiur |Bl 7-2 191 Jordan Phee |CI pin Da%ld Ka/non |B| 3:41 liWT Tony Bifijohn pin Steve ROM land |B| 1:35 Soccer Team Hurting By Sport Kn-nch It l(H>ks like the only break that the Coach Dan Cahill and the Basic High Schinil soccer team i.aii net these da\s IS legs. The luwesi member of the team to be sidelined with an injiirv is Jesse Olagiie, who after being kiimkeil out m the game sMth Wi'stern High .Sch<Hil. suffered a broken leg against Valley High School. The game at W'l'stern S.TW the WoKes behind at the end for itu first h.ilt h\ the score of .''0 on goals b\ the Warrior's Bobbv DeBonle and lim Rcn^aii Ihe WoKes only goal of the game came on a pcnaitv kick bv All Conference (joaliv Kuhard HH ibniik in the tturd vpiarter. I'p to the time (^t the g -al. Wisti-rn's goalie, Don Hollev had rH>t allowed a (vini for the last l^ quarters he pl.ived o\er this and last season Ihc game willi \'jlle\ High Sihintl uas a case of uto much McDcrmoti Ihe Vikings' star v^as risponsible for all four of their goals and w»>uld have had more if it were not for the goal tending of Hieibniik. uho had P saves during the game. The U>ne goal for the Wolves was scored by Andy Phillips Prior to the game Richard Hietbrink was honored b\ the presentation of "The Player of the Week " award The Wolves played a non conference game in California over the weekend which will giM- (oaih Cahill a chance to trv to realign his attack caused h\ iht loss of the ever aggressive Olague, who is out for tht season. The two losses last week dropped the Basic rectird r league play to 1-5. V Tuesday, Dpcrmbrr 23. 1975 Hrnderson Home News Henderson, Nevada PaKe 8 TIPS ON BICYCLING A ti ir yr I r r t ttt Uripp^d lh«" rountry On< r mostly a rhtlri's activity, Incycling M now • favontp with pfoplr of all agrk-ai> a family pattimv, a nourn* of recrration, a phykiri! fitneis exrrciur. nnf) ofn-ntim*-!!. •» an fcn nomiral m'ans of tran^por i.itii)n OviT tiO million Ami'rirans hav« heromr bi ryrli' riderb. HH-V linii i!i meant to he fun and safi- Alth'>ut!l< bicytlfM (Inn I need a l<»t of attention, they (hould never tie neglected The chain, axle .«nd other moving purls should be cleaned and lubn< aled periodirally. Kvery rider should learn to change ,1 11 c •• and check braWe le\er%. rablps. and brake blocks Tires .should al».i>k be mtlated \o the proper pressure which i.s tmually indicated on the Mile of the lire in raiked letters Kegular ca. wax will proteit a bicycle s finnh and keep it new lookmi; for \ran OR MOR( Of ALL AtAHDOmO Of UNtiNltO VtHICLIi .^^e-TH^^f/. X ^i^ J^ 'fe. dTMEDicAL 'SUPPLY iqc • »if •*. t^jmi* NKW CWNERSMIP »'• '1 ••wut'aiai • ••hH Line of '3\SPetites,Complete Juniors and Missies .,, 'ANT SUITS • SPORTSWLAh • DRESSES LAYAWAY NOW FOR CHRISTMAS *i s WEATER A Gift Cerli'icate S from Sweater Queen !J Is An Ideal Gift k Q UEEN Xmas Store Hours Starting >Ion. thru Fri. > 9:30 to 8 P.M. • Sat. 9:30 to 6 P.M. •Sun. 10 AM. to 5 P.M. W.MS Ffe;munt • 252 Conviinfinn Ctr IJr /AnosS dom Hov-i' lnnl^ On Credit Approval We Carry Our Own Contracts AS LOW AS No Interest: No Finance Charges. No Cosigners: - No Furniture Loans We Will Carry Contracts To Good People Who Have Had Credit Problems But Desire To Re establish Themselves. DOWN MAIDS BARTEWDERS DEALERS COCKTAIL WAITRESSES WORKING GIRLS STUDENTS AIRMEN GRAND OPENING OF Loaded '67BUICK225 Air Loadtd Been Bankrupt? •»-4'. Air. Full)i Equipped CAR CENTER •499 ^ 71 FORD LTD NEVADA'S LARGEST I ^""'""'^ '699 TRANSPORTATION '67 MUSTANG •599 Had Repossession? No Credit? •499 Come See U«! •200 OFF LIST PRICE ON CARS IN STOCK WITH THIS AO TO: • CuHnary Employees * Members Of Armed Forces Local Union .XiickSlot' * Members Of Any * Sheriff Card Holders FINANCE AUTO SALES 1 woMf hrs APPAKt & acxmoui r- 9531 imU • COMUKIClAi CfHIld ItST • 'JS SIM IFORMENLY AKT'SMOTOhCTCLl tMOP] Nevada Yamaha's BIG Christmas Sale! The Ideal; PORTABLE BAR You get everything but the bottles and glasses for only 50 00 NEVADA BUND & FLOOR 1300 SO. MAIN NITN fl YEARS OF TRAOITION I EXPERIENCE n 75 MOTORCYCLES MUST BE SOLO AT LOWEST PRICES ! 428013 i 4280C GT80 MX360A 1 SCSOOA •400** •469" '389" •875" •825*» MX400B TT500 RO250 RD350 XS50G 650 •1100" '1230»* 1 •900" •950•1300** '1375** 10-30% OFF ON YAMAHA PARTS Er ACC. SERVICE DEPT. SPECIALS TUNE UPS... 'IS AND UP 2»4 STROKES ONE OF TNE LARGEST BIKE MACHINE SHOPS IN NEVADA 10 25% OFF REGULAR PRICE FOR REBUILDING SPECIALISTS IN RACE PREPARATION 1631 L FREMONT Open 9-7 Mon.-Sat 384-2353 ,^ ^^^ i 1 :t«5^5^«i^^S$^^S^5i«ii':ffii':C5i^«3i'fSii^«^i«ii^^ '69 RIVIERA YOUR QUALin FASHION STORE. •25 irOR ANT OOlTLITt WITH TITLf OH 00I CARFREE TOH AWAT WE FINANCE ANYONE f^ i |;wc FOR CHRISTMAS... FOR ANYTIME it PAY "Someday. youl own a Yamaha." Mr Joe Contone no* offers the ias! ct the Wustang special issue decanters There were only 6000 of these special Mustang decanters made and 4000 were sow last C^rlstmas That leaves lust 2000 to be sold this year What an unusual and perfect Holiday gift for those who are hard to shop for iTtie decanters may be purchased lor $25.00 at. EXCLUSIVELY AT THE FLYING DUTCHMAN BAR 598 East Flammqo Road [Mb^iAm''[}B!m*mi3{:mm BRAND NEW 76 MONTE CARLO ^ 1. 2. 3. ALL GOLD SEAL' CARS ARE GUARANTEED 4. 100 DAYS OR 40O0 MILES ON ALL PARTS & LABOR 5. ASK FOR IT! ASK 100% USED CAR GUARANTEE NEVADA'S FIRST No. 31 '4388 BRAND NEW 1976 V2 TON FIAT • '2988 No. 422 $3888 BRAND NEW 1976 IMPALA IMMEDIATE $ DELIVERY! ^ 4188 No. 221 BRAND NEW Towne Coupe BRAND NEW 76 No.13753 SEE THE ALL NEW MALIBU No. 568 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! $OAQtt utOO BRAND NEW 76 CAMARO MONZA IMMEDIATE ^ IMMEDIATE SOfiOO OEUVERYI 3288 DEUVERYI ODOD No. 2839 .^UA "75 CLEARANCE 40 IN STOCK! No. 854 WE CARRY OUR OWN CONTRACTS FIRST NATIONAL BANK GMAC CREDIT CREDIT UNIONS LEASING ABOUT OUR NO DOWN 100% FINANCING! IMPORTS TOO... '67 AUSTIN-HEALEY '888 71 DODGE COLT 1288 74FIATX/19 3888 72 MAZDA RX 688 72 OPEL '1388 71 TOYOTA 1088 73 V.W. SUPER BUG '1788 Sprint No 4499 2 door, automatic, AIR. No. 4477 4 Speed, stereo No 4500 $ $ 2 door, 4 speed, AIR. No 4336 AS IS '^HERE NOW! Mercedes'Benz A Nice little car! No. 4522 ,. 2 door, automatic. No, 4486 $ ALL 1976 MODELS AVAILABLE... 4 Speed, AIR, No. 4466 BUY OR LEASE SPIDER SELECT 75 MODELS, $Onnil '69 124 Fiat. DISCOUNTS UP TO... &UUU No. 4168 FLETCHER JONES CHEVROLET • 444 So. DECATUR • PHONE 870-9444 ic fOm. SALE - IMS Mobllf Hoar. IIXSS. 1 bdrm . fkirn. »t\ up in nlrr park oo BIdr INTERIOR 4 PAINTING 4 (Bill bomr Hwy , rrpair • !• yrt. roDiclrntloui ripfrlrocr lor rtllmal* rail $S3M M. «5I«4M S«S-«S«4 FOR SALE - It no. old Appy roll, blur rooD with briullAil t COITHES »OR SALE - I vrlvrt grrrn 4 I blur iirrra blankrl. orrdt htBdllBR. I BDRM URN APT -IISS per no plus MOrlraDlaidrpeill MIID S4S-KSZ IZM. MS 7M7 It Ukr Mrad Hrad aad brauly MORRELL REALTY ' arrtirr 565-8916 L C omplrlr art up. Q Honr Srrvlrc. 173 2321 for your braltb I00^< purr Alor (j^^i^j^gy |7«g • ItlS High Vrra gri. quart! galloDi and •rhool diplona or rquKalrnt plaoli rduralloD and riprrlracr Alto amilng rrrant pall t3« OS. Opra daily 0 an Agri 2-7. • an • It nidalgbl uir of ilrnograpblr iklili Knowlrdgr of medrra offlcr Call 73V 932*. MR FIX IT Srml rrllrrd Aay bomr rrpalra. 2f yrar* In Ibr prartirrs. prorrdurri and rqulpnrnl. Inrludlag good EVALYN E. MORR|ll . BROKtR HANDMADE Ql ILTS FOR koowlrdgr of grammar, iprlI'.ng. vocabulary aad ronpoil- SALESgSttM. tloB Mull ^ ablr lo altrnd building Iradri rtlimatri MI-tlM S7 E Batir paid Alio Junkrri »aBlrd ' •4»-7l4(ar 437 TERRY FOR 565-7132 564-5753 YOl. Frrr *8.00 VALUE Public Intltrd SI Roir dr LIna Hoip SOS 7073 DOI FfffC THE PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT rrqulrrd. NOTi:: Tblt li an unrlatiirird MOBILE HOME • 24 X04' Sll poillloD and not subjrrl lo vrrcrril. rirrull*r lypr (Ml Srrtirr Ruin aod Rrgu Earloird carport and lun latloDi. >rtrctlon ttlll br board lOO'V porch upon oral liilrr>lr« AppllralloB may br oblllard rilrai: Call (70-1802 Brautlful HASHERS - Lair ( Ity Hall. 243 Wiirr .Sirrrl. HradrrioB. and mud br fllrd by III Blvd . Call 4S2 2IS4 Friday, ACTION SIZE 18"i8"x3'2" nodrlt. guaranlrrd. from 140 B4B Appllanrr. IS14 ( Norib Nrl Drrrmbrr 2«. 1075 SIZZLERS PAK Allacbrd Iniulilrd. tlird utility room from PrrtOBorl Drparlmrnt. P M . ANYTHING ALCOHOLICS ANONVMOl S of magarllr rard frlrrlrir S 00 Frrab pirkrd producr JOAN RASSLER I LOVE VOL Kill buy your eld AND HOILD DO rar ruBBlBg or not lop dollar Oprn mrrllBR. Hrd . 7 30 p m nlgbt nrrllBgi. Knowlrdgr typrwriirr brlpful bul NF;F:0(A.SH-> Muruugb'i Pool Slorr. IM »pn Too yrtri of rlrrl- Crntrally locatrd KEELE S I TAB FRl IT (.lARDFX ( HIORINE • 2« lb lo • pm ' Monday Ibru Sal ral riprrtrarr larludlog Ibr Juil la llnr for Cbrlilnai 10 an lo S pm Typing ' M wpn. SborthaDd: LICENSED CHILD CARE • ORANGES APPLE.S GRAPtFRIir TANGERINES POTATOES UPPORTUNin THRIVING FAST FOOD BUSINESS EXCKLLENT LOCATION IN SHOPPINGi CENTER. PRESENT OPERATOR WTLl TEACH BUYER OPERATION CALL 564i 2727 arryllc ' ribrrglaii All lyprt rrpalri 'DIPUn Cin CLCRM" Nr» wllb romfrry, 314 7012 PH. IOO^T "Llrraard" NIrk • Mobllr FAY'S ALOES LEJ B USINESS ROOF COATING s MVAL •OOUNa Hendrrson Home News Henderson. Nevada Tupsdav. December 23, 1975 Page 10 WmctAcb EXTERIOR Raagri aad rrfrlgrratori ••tINSTANT CASH forT V i workI I MIDWEST Ing or not. guDi. looli muilcil Inilrumrnli gold jrwrlry & dlimondi. MASONRY itrrro compo- nrnli. inllci. inylbing of \ilur AAL-Jayi Pawn Sbop. Fireplaces'! Block 1*18 Lai Vrgai Bl>d North walls. Patios, drive042-71S1. M21I32. ways. sMewalks. I AND SEHER repair work, anything |•DRAIN (LEANING Faucrl rrpair in masonry. • Rraiooiblr rilr*. frrr WITH ANY PURCHASE (1.00 OR MORE) rilimalri Call 042-0031 YOU CAN AFFORD YOUR LIGHTING NEEDS AT FANTASTIC VALUES! 50-80% OFF'0.O •.tili">.i»<jio Si«»l BRING THIS AD It************** t HENDERSON MASONRY • 3 DAY SALE FRl SAT. SUN.-10 AM 5 PM AU&lASJMUlTI COlOB TIffANY Su99 MANU'tCTUIilSTr*! r f f f «• »7J00 iNOlNVINTOK SAU «• w 6 UGMT WROUGHT IRON CH*NOtLlt» S5995 Sw99 I'i'XMM «• f k llrrnird. FIREPLACES, boodrd, frrr lUad- ilrnolypr »ilh book & rair 040 23 lIMir I P(R FAMILY - WHIlf TNIT LAST bitrk & LA% VEGAS DISCOUNT GIFT CENTER «bllr «llb rrrord pla>rr I3S0O - 100 Alb W ANTED TO RENT 3 or 4 brd room houir in ibr Hrndmoo AddllloQi and rrpair work. School Diitrlrt - 4V 8071 :iin \(>KIII ( i>l\(H t.Mt.H Eiprrlrarrd rraaonablr. All work guaranlrrd. Bob DrWill S04-1487 Mrl Ibr Writ'i rriorta grrilril ikl Tabor. Sun Vallry. .\aprD and olhrri. Srnd 12 00 for valuablr dlrrrtory. SKIKEST. Boi 10 YR. OLD INDERWOOD STANDARD TYPEWRITER- ( (iRNKR(»KH.I)KNiS( \,>IN<U.ENTERBRHIM)THKKRKMoSTH(»TLL tSS SOS-7932 Rogrri S4S-7330 Jobi at allablr no* at aonr of 1020 FOR SALE BLACK REGISTERED COCKER - 2 yri old: ISO S«S-084> FOR SALE WROU.HT IRON A GLASS TOP TABLE, aod 4 chain - S0S-(1«8 » Aiprn. Colorado. 81011. lighting Elegance By SF:D Ing k maioory. blorkwalli. SKI AREA EMPLOYMENT • SUGMTBlACK & WOOD WITH AMSLBSMAOtS X HARDLY I WESTCOASTER 2ryl 3 mhrrl AMERICAN truck, nrrdi minor »ork. EXPRESS 1200 ai ll. SOS-7310 KEY ELECTRIC o'Nt.odoin. LOST- »bilr poodir »itb purpir (D I'HOM: (702) .!«.>-(i«:i pon pom on tt\* Namr 2403 INDUSTRIAL RD • 734 1396 • 3846811 "Pranuti" - SOS-6204. 0 0 0 FOR mimmMow, WE MUST TAKE INVENTORY THE END OF THIS The Lamp of a thousand lights MONTH SO ALL FLOOR MERCHANDISE IS JNCIUOED IN THIS SALE. 11 BOUDOIR CHAIRS t^s'l:! 3 Scaled to feminine perfection upholttered in velvet Choice of colors - while or gol<l wrought iron. h $C095 Moving sprays of changing color ... • ThcktoMtfi c' »» • -g er" i« ' t» I ' e*« a''»« •<•* ie<»' o*d ^•'•f • b«* ti0t t*0»*- I I* »'0T b•^9^• • •' (katQ>"g ^n»t o* b'w* g'»»- •^••» ,»tO 0"0**»- •*• fit*' »P'0* 'k'-l edd'«g iMb'*f mo*.** to th» «o»"^ pan«>n e* light I* H> m«f« than 10 000 '.b*'! «o»Di ' <*• oi a ^w">a^ ••O" F4NT4SI* :'»0'M O ••"d'BVI wO'd ft •'••«' COMET „.. „,, Mocfi 1000 $35 CENTURION „ »40 TROPHY «»9 45 00 NOW *o9>( fANU$iA >«««i df'>ff M« • 0"'* ol tftff K>ght|i qua *t ofif'to BAR CABINETS (-,(•, Hi*,f b*o«>i By Lone 1 tOk' •^oMff o* ko< |^.f««.» -.--*-. TV «• ,.•-^ p.i Pecon Veneori • flip top pull out ihelf . bottle iloroge oroot. Ineludtt 25piece tel of gloiiwore From »199 95 CEDAR CHESTS By Lane From M09" To *229'* HIDE-A-BEDS FIREFLY „ ,„, Model nOI Reg }} 00 Model 1103 II K.gh •eg itii »45 By Sinfmoni Twin doubit oitd iiipor quttn iiie Choice el iobrlci and tiylti ^rsm wOV- tm RECUNERSByBerkline DINING ROOM W* kav* a good vorlity of dining room I oil en MU • Frtnch previnciol. Itoli provinciol, Mtdittrronton 4 tra Wall-o-%voyB • rocktrloungtri VUyli Offd Htrculon. rFOn^ »389" to M629?> Special Sole... CMsmu Huno nmm HKUM ntiuin ECSTASY 13 K.gK Model 4001 Reg 30 00 :;• »40 REGENCY Model 4100 Reg 1160 »125 UMiriO OUANTITIES-NO RAIN CHECKS .o.M79^ SIMMONS SOmtNNIVCIIUIT KtimiisuiMrTiOTO SlOCt ON UNO ^ Marion^s Furniture S^ 607 IAS VKAS IIVD. SO • 3M-5353 • 9 AM TO 5:3C I'M MON. THRU SAT. • WI UGNT TNE WEST OPEN MONDAY TNRU FRIDAY...8 A.M. to 5 P.M. Thousands of Chandelivrs & hixtures to choose from. 1025 SOUTH FIRST ST. 382-6151 UGHTiNG r* // lo Ihr Kiiihlh Judiriil Ditlrid Court of Ihr Sui» of Nrtada In tDd (or Ikr t ounly of < Urk CASE NO SM7 tILED DEC II 1Z5PM75 lOBFTTA BOWMAN CLERK BV HOPE REHKOP tOK SALK larn Kblc iilmioii *•• VOM Mrirr • 130 rirb Pb MS88M Otc I». 23, 25. 30, I»75 LEGAL NOTKES In Ihr Eighth Judicial Dislrirl ( ourl of thr Stair of Nrsada lo and for Ibr County of Clark IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or CASE NO 672S HELEN DOROTHt WIUSON lite known •» DOROTHY WIUSON. FIIED DE( 17 4 54 PM75 lORETTA BOWMAN BY JEANETTE JOHANNES Drreiird NOTICE OF SFTTI EMENT 01 ACCOl NT AND HEARING PETITION FOR DISTRIBITION OF ESTATE DATID Ibis I) das of Drcrmbrr 1975 MOTORCVCLE - 1(72 Haada CL11S - 122} or bril ctab offrr: 10 iptrd bikr «llb grarrtlor llgbl. or* rond. US. Baby bed wllb mattrrtt & bumprr pad. good coad. 125. 5«5 0«3f. Dec. 1«. 18. 23. 25. 1I7S. BEAITIFI'L WHITE DRESS, gold & illvfr IrlD, orver worn, ftom Harris A Frank, ro*l $44. it'll 822.; Pink and Silver mrtallir malfrlai Jackri * shell; Two white roats; all sites I4-I0: Two men's suits almost new tlO earb; .Stetson hst IS; wheel rhair used 3 roo. cost $215 tell 1125 Csll 5*4 I7M after 10 am Dec l«. 23. 25. 30. 1075 PEARL EDITH JOHNSON NOTICE OF TIME OF PROVINU WILL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tbatllNDA ELI EN DAMS basing filrd in Ibis ( ourt a documrni pur porting to br thr Last Will and Trsia mrni rf PKAHI FDITH JOHNSON drrrasrd and a rrlltion prasing that the samr hr admitted to probatr and that shr hr appointed Adminisiiat ris Ihrrrol that thr bearing Ihrreon FOR SALE 12 fl Stnia Fr has hern fiird bv said I ourl fnr Csmper Trailer, sleeps 4 Friday thr 9th das of Januais I97)i good road 504 IUO. al 9 30 A M u( said das at thr ( ourl Dec 23 25.30. Jan I Housr in the Cits nf I as Vrgas (ounis lift lark stale nf\r\ada. and iill pi-rsons inlrrrsled in said rstatr ACC018TICAL CBILINGS arr notified then and there to appear SPIATED-aiaa drrwail tBd and sht>w t ause. if anv Ibrs hasr whs Uplag Bftaaaablc m MM said Wilt shnuld not br admillrd to ar I prnhair and said Priilinnrr appointed Adminislrairu thrrrof DATED Drcrmbrr 17 AD 1975 lORFTTA B<)HM\N f Irrk Bs HOPE KEHKOP. llrpuls lORFTTA BOWMAN Clrrk BY Jl ANN! TIF JOHANNES. Drpulv ( lerk DISTRICT COIRT SL Al IHSTRK T COl RT SEAI H-Drc. 23. 30. 197S Jan I I97l> H Drr 23 30. 1975. Jan 1 1976 In tbc Eixblb Judicial District Court of Ibr Slat<- of Nrsada IPandFoi ibriountsoftlark FOI SALE ' kiifbei ubir wllb Hvr f»4it* cbalri, t daalib modrra rod tablri lad two largr Ubif lampi »44^tm Dt< l«, l«. 23, 2S, S«, JIB. I. In Ihr Mattrr of thr Estatr of Drentrd. NOTICE IS HEREBY (ilVEN Ibit Ibr BANK OF NEVADA Ihr Eifculor of Ihr E»latr of HELEN DOROTHY WILSON alto known at DOROTHY WIISON Drcraitrd bat rrodrrrd and pnsmird for .rillr mrnl. and filrd in %aid ( nurt an account of Ibr >aid adRiinisiraiiun of aald r»lalr. and a)»o its rrlillon for DiMributlon of said rslair and that Ibr 2nd da> of Januars IS7« at Ihr hour of 9 30 A M of said da> in Ibr Courtrnom of Ihr tuunlv Courlhousr ai las \rKas. Nrsada. has brrn fUrd h> said t ourl for Ihr srtllrmrnl of *»iA at-rount and thr hearing of said Prtilion for Oislrthu lion of said rstatr at whli h timr and placr all prrsons intrtrslcd In said rsiair m$\ apprar and show t-ausr If an> tbrs ha>r whs said Prtition should not br (ranlrd and said account should not br srlllrd allnwrd and approsrd NOW, Is tbe time to trim your Ireei. Boulder Tree Ser>lce 40 s •ars eiperlenre. Call 2032115 BC LEGAl NOTKES In Ihr I igtilh Judicial Olslrut (nun Ol Ihr Slate of Nevada In .ind Fur the ( ounis of I lirk In thr E;igblb Judicial Dislrirl (nurt Of the Stair of Nr\ada In and For the Counts uf ( lark NO A148203 NO AI i(i63<> FILED DEC 5 9 35 AM 7S lORETTA BOWMAN CLERK BY ELAINE MENDONCA DONNA JEAN HLCHES. IVinS FORSBFRC. lo Ibr Mattrr of tbr Eatalr of RI.SSEL ARTHIR HIGHES. JR Drcrasrd NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY (.IV KN that the UDdrrsmnrd has brrn dul> appoinird and qualifird bs (far abosrroliilrd Court on the 5th da> of Drcrmbrr. 1975. as Firrutor of the rstatr of PETER V MORAN dccratrd. All crrdilors basing claims against thr rstatr arr rrquirrd to filr Ibr samr with proprr souchrrs attacbrd. with thr CIrrk nf thr (ourl «tlbiBninrl> i90ida\s aflrr Ibr firsl publication of Ibis noiii r DATED tbi» Mb das of Drcrmbrr 1975. (alKalpb L Drnton RALPH L DENTON. Eircutor IS) Ralph L Drnton RALPH L DENTON Esq Attarar> for thr Estatr 880 East Sahara .Asrnur Las Vrgas. Nrsada 89104 HDrc II. IS 23 1975 Over 250 students •itudentsin in the music department of Burkholder Junior High School. performed before a capacity crowd at the gym last Wednesday for the annual Christmas concert. June Boyce, music director, was in charge / Plainlifr Plainlifr vs Vs nf the fho program nrnaram and and of directed all of the music The male chorus sang four numbers accompanied by Mrs Ferns Murphy The intermediate band played three num bers. The girls' glee club sang four numbers the First Step SIMMONS THF ST ATE OF NEV ADA SFNDS (•RFFTINI.S TO THE ABOVE NAMED OFFEVDANT THF ST ATK 01 NEV ADA SENDS (.HHTIS«.S TO THE ABOVE NAMED UEHNDANT Rl SSEL ARTHl R HI GHES JR V ou arr hrrrbs summonrd and rrquirrd In srrsr upon JOHN W HI NF Fsg plainlifrs alloinrs whosi' addrrss is 423 ( arson Las Vegas Nrsadaananswrr tolhr romplaint which is hrrrwith srrsrd upon sou within 20 dass iflrr srr sicr of this Summons upon sou exrlusisr of thrdas of srrsirr Ifsou failtodoso judgmrnlbs drfaullwill hr takrn against sou for thr rrlirf drmandrd in Ihr (omplainl Y'ou arr hrrrbs summonrd and rrquirrd to sersr upon KEMJ DAWSON FStJ . plaiolifTs attornrt whose address is ''A3 Water Strrrl Hrndrrson Nesada89015 ananswrr lo the Complaint which is hrrewilh sersrd upon sou wilhin ZOdavs afirr srrsicr of this Summons upon sou mrlusiieof thrdas of srtsiie If,sou fail 10do so judgment bs default will be taken against sou for thr relief drmandrd in the Complaint This IS an aition brought to dissolve Ihr bonds of malrimons now and brrrtoforr rxisting brtwrrn sou and thr PlaintifT This IS an action in DisoriiPlainlifT also srrks rbild rustods and supprrt plus - .Award of com raunils Propert.s DISTRICT COl RT SEAL LORETTA BOWMAN CIrrkofCourt Bs JANET RFBER Deputs Clerk lORETTA BOWMAN ClerkofCourl Bs JANET RFBER Depulj Clerk DATE NO\ 17 1975 DATE: NOV. 28. 1975 H Nos 25 Dec 2.9 16, 23 1975 H Dec 2 9 l« 23 30 1975 AUTHENTIC RENTAL OR SALE BRING (OIPON FOR FREE TAPE RECORDING OF YOIR WEDDING COMPLETE IMMEDIATE ARRANGEMENTS DRESSING ROOMS TRANSPORTATION WITNESSESS AVAII.ABI.E PHOTO(.KAPHS FI.OHERS RECORDS RINGS HEDDINJ. GOWNS AVAII ABIE SWEETHEART WEDDING CHAPEL 700 LAS VEGAS BLVD SOUTH 382 - 7581 Ai-JTii*"'*" ^*ijXu*''' "^AC Ki Christmas Special With riving hiyt- 0'»cird4 should cost in reiulting theft know & aufo botjy from vandoliim exoctly what repair in|ury ond loiies, you coverage you T' I I I I I I I k. have ond whot you need to protect your self If you hove any doubti about your insurance CALL us TODAY KAERCHKR INSLKANCE 72S So. 8th* 384 2813 2 LASAGNA DINNERS DINNER INCLUDES: SOUP OR SALAD PLAIN OR CARLIC CREAD ICE CREAM OR SHERBET* COFFEE s 6« PRESINT THIS COUPON [iritis DfClMI(»31ST Italian W ii/e and Bar Defendant. SIMMONS BRIDAL GOWNS ADEQUATE INSURANCE COVERAGE VERLYN FORSBERG Dcfrndant Henderson Home News Hendrrson, Nevada Tuesday, December 23. 1975 • ^ •_.. accompanied by Mrs Murphy The advanced band played four numbers The pop group, "Vibrations ". performed for Its first public appearance They sang "Get Down Tonight, " "Something Better to Do"; "Daisy Jane", and •'Love Will Keep Us Together" The program ended with the band, choir and audience singing a Christmas sing a Kmg to Car Care in(>,o>ed CASE NO MZ2 PETER V MORAN 250 Burkholder Students Perform Before Capacity Crowd P»ge 11 LEGAL NOTKES Ofisiiii' ^ . __ DRIVE-IN .ON BOUIDER HWY LEGAL NOTKES 457-3757 OPEN7DAYS.n:30A.M. to 1 A.M. PIBLIC NOTICE OPENS 7 00 NOTKF l> HKRIBV (.l\t\ that thr Ptvtrirl Board of llrjllh Clark Cttunl^ Hill hold i puhWr hrantiK <in Thur'-dav thr 22nd da> of Jlnu•r^ 1976 al U 30 u clock A M at Ihf UiMrui Hrilth (rntrr 625 Shadow I anr I a^ \cKav Nevada lo ron*>idrr ihr adopiiun of Suppkmrn larv Amhulaocr Ragulaiioos (•i>\rrninK thr Itiliraiion of Ad^anrrd I-ror r Ir nc > Mrdical Trrbnlrlan^ AmbulaDcr and ihr MoriKP and I sr of( ontrollrd Suh Manrrs Hithin (lark Counu Nfvada Tbr propo^rd RrRulalions rooiaiD proM^ioDfi df-alins wMh uliliialioo of Ad\aDcrd Krorrgrnc> Mrdical Trrhnicians - Ambulanrr lAd^anrrd FMT A»i b> ambulaorr ftrr\irf<» rrquimnrnts for hn*tpiial rmrrRfnrv roomv ultliiinK Ad\anrrd t'MT As. MafTinK rrquirr menl* for Advanced 1 ifr Suppori I nil««. prrformanrr of emprgrnr> prorrdurrs and adminlMration of druRs b* \d\aiifpd FMTAc. aulhoriialinn lo rarr> controllrd ^ubslan^r^ OD \d\ancrd liff >up port I nils, suppiv and resuppl.t of dru|[ lo^rntorifs of Advanred 1 ifr Support I nil\. auditanddocumrnia lioD of >ucb drug «uppl> and rrsuppl> report)Dg prorrdurrs toihe pub h( b»>alib auiboriiir^ relaiinx to Advanced K Ml A acluiiirs and programs, procrdurrt. for suspfn ^ion or relocation ofcrrtifiration of Ad\aDcrd KMT As rrnr»als of crrtiftratioDft and rufrnplioiih from ri-rtirication rrquirrmrnts rrratlon of a Mrdlral Adnsnrv Rnard to advi»r ibr Cbiff Hraltb omrrr in rrgulatioD of Advanced FMT ,\ programs and ocbrr maliert relatiitK thrrrto. SHOWTIME DISK m eag^iasftg KILLER ELITE THE TAKING PELHAM 1-2-3' ," 1404 East Fremont 2301 South Eastern ^ 1280 South Decatur - OPEN SOON Raud R say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" with DURABIirS HOLIDAY SPECIAL FAMILY RECREATION -wj Complete Room Addition Copirs of ihr proposed Rrgulalions na> br oblainrd or in»prrtrd at thr Pisirict Hrallh Ontrr. Kmrrgeoc^ Mrdical Services Office All inlrre«trd prrsons mav submit data. \irHS or arguments in writing prior to the branng. addressed lo the atlrnlioD of Pr Olio Ra\enbolt M n < hirf Health OfTicer. District Health Center or thr\ ma> orallv present iheir data virus or argu mrnts at the public hearing AW written and oral submissions will be fulls rnpsidered b> the DIktrict Board uf Health INQUMNG... • HEAT A AIR CONDITIONED • STEREO CENTER • BAR WITH 2 STOOLS • POOL TABLE • PING PONG TABLE • BANQUET TABLE (Seatt 12 people; convertible) Daird Drrrmhri I91S • CEMENT SLAB • CARPETING • ELECTRICAL OUTLETS CONNECTIONS ml Chtrlrn Oraorr rHARIt.sDKANCR Chtirman. Dinrict Board of Hrallh. C lark founly H Drr Z] Il7i Jan 8. I>7< NOTirF Of APPI If ATION K)H PIRMI>!«IONTO APIROFRIATt THK H BLKWATf •!>(>» THt STATtOf NEV.ADA DEr 17. lt7S Thii yeof give your •amily and yourself a gift you will all enjoy for years I • uomo tiivii S.NU0G4D CMMIi US VEGAS DISCOLNTGIFTCENTERl 200 NORTH CASINO CENTER a OPEN 7 DAYS'* AM TO 12 MIDNK.HT CORNER OF OGDEN & C.\MNO CENTER BEHINDTHE FREMONT HOTEL I <x;oiN flfMONT ^ s^ z 5 / 1 tINION S rilMONT NOtSISMOt S oMOTIl |o z« N t (7021 38 .'..6871 <! . ApplirattoD No tttti lo come! This handsome 14x22 room addition is completely insulated-in- Nolirr i> hrrrb> (liro thai on tbr 24lh da> of Novrmbrr. II7S brrm S Nu«iilr and RobrrI (* Bovrrofl.as \rKafc..S(atr of Nrt adi madr applkation to Ihr Siatr Enninrrr of Nr\ada for prrmiation lo appropriair 0 1 of a irrond foot of Ihr public watrra of Ihr Slatr of Nrtada Dtvrr^ion i» to br madr froo an undrrnround aourrr at a point loralrd Hilhin Ibr NEi. SW>.. of Srrllon 3(. TZI.S II ME . m.D B.AM . or at a point from whirb Ihr croirr <.4 rornrr of said Mrrtion 1« bran N 31* 3S' E.. a ditlanrr of 1.425 frri Wairr will br Ukrd for(|uahi'ixiuniripalllwo rraidrncr&i purpotra from January Itt lo Drrrinhrr 31>l of rath yrar. eluding the ceiling. And with all the recreational accessories listed above, Dair of firat publkatlen Drc. 23. I ITS DaIr oflaat publlralion Jan. Zt, lt7l. Siinrd ROIANDD WESTERGARD. P E Mair Enginrrr H Drc 23. 30 ltT(, Jan. «, IS, ». 1170. FREE! 1000 BLUE CHIP STAMPS witioodi UAliC rri IN-HOME Ul ESTIMAn IH-NtJIIIl just imagine the mony happy hours you will spend in your own "recreation center " But don't delay —coll right now ond you can be enjoying this room before the holidays ORDER NOW FOR GL4RAiVTilED DELIVER! FOR THE HOLIDAYS NO PAYMENT TIL 76 FINANCING AVAILABLE FOR EVERYONE DURABILT 5000 W. Charleston (Showroom) 5576 WyiM Rood (Foctory 100% LOCALLY OWNED ' Nevada Contra CALL NOW 739-7471 24 HOURS • NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE •^ 90ak •^u^vm [Tuesday. December 13. 1975 ??'^"'"""""'''"''"^"*"""TJJ^^^^^^^^^^^IUgp^ ^^^^^ji^^i^,iigiij„^^^^ huaa •vnmann "Building A Bttttr BouMtr City" Doily t Weekly Rotes St. Peter's Hall, Boulder Hwy. S65-93B4 General Contractor - Custom Homes Builder - ADD, ons - Repairs Nevodo Stole Artd Boulder City Licenses FIIEPLAfE 4 BEDBOOM8!! t tall k«tk( - taakra llviag raaai • 4«abl* |art|« - Hmt*^ • tprlaUeri. Atianr • 7^ F.BA.A. laaa •»• Mprr moalh. Na oaliiyiBi • Near aew! THE DOME EXTKA HOUSE IN BACl!! Prrfrcl for lartU or « rhlidrroi plav roon - or*'**' Plai a S bcdraoB. Z bath, t yrar old boar a^ (toat. All for $M.SM. No qaallfylag. •••••«' • 7<V loaa - Ilt7 4« prr moath. Pt> Ibr dewa aad take Doioriiloa lotfiy" • RrmodrllnR • Nrw Conilrurtloo • Vinyl SldloR WE MEET \l.l PRMES BRIN(. IN ANV ,\l> «)R (Ol PON.S TO VAN S NEV l)Rl(. B( NEV BASIC H SHAKLEE PRODICTS, NATIRAL VITAMINH. OR(iANIC COSMETICS tVllyrrrd fvrniBga a wrrkfDdi Call ttS35Z3 B.C S a.m lo 8 p.m 564-5315 EDVOORHEES -LOTS- 564-2117 TWO ONLY - A SLEEPEav III OM AND lit MSI' V| ACRE LOTS IN Sl'B. NO. II plus •tariimrBU. NH* HOME ON R ( (.OLE CERAMIC TILE ( Ol Ri<E. 3 Bdrm Vi balht. IN.STALLATION • Cutloai rarprtrd. varuum A inlrrrom • orb. floor*, batb. palloa. ivalrmi. family rm flrrplarr poola. nr«r lattallalloai or • nd morr By (twnrr ( all {13rrmodrllDg No Job loo araall 1283 BT (all Earl 732 3St7 FRIENDSHIP (LIB SINGLE ADILT 'Gfl ^rquainlrd " danrft rvrr> Kri Ipm Elk* l-odx*'. MM I V Rltd No ( all4S7 l6«7or4S7 ;'H22 CLARE WHITE FOa RENT - U7 NOITHtlDGE!! { rhlldrra - No pet* - '''^l* briatlftel IM.SM ruiten boBf ran br rralrd -- to qoiltflrd Unanli for only ISM M prr •oalb. ClrtBBp aad daasifr drpoilti rr^ulrrd:: rsx Boniied 293-16131 293-32671 1610 Nevbdo HIghwoy iiT^odio & - TV Service ( itliir I 1 nlri (irarral Contrartor Rondrd & Initurrd HORSES OK 11.100 mimi ntmns Henderson Child Core Center 6.A*Uf*s.baibekJiNd«Nb 9SMDOWN -rHA!!! t be4raMa* - I balk • ivMgcratH air - raryct - t year* •14. la PtMMaa. KLMS Tatal. % klacka tfm Chaaacl S. Stars of tomorrow are being born today -Bl 8INESS OPPORTl'MTIES" H IGHWAY RESTAI'RANT:: TERM.S. PERFECT LOCATION FOR FOR RENT tanira. X Bdrm hauir rarpri and drapra rail •48-2210 I8.S00 DOWN Bl VS \W 00 tbe Hlfb*ay -• Fleilblr prlc»V STORAGE ONE ONLY -• Bl'SINESS LOCATION IN TBE MINIMALL - 1200 00 prr monlb. BOATS RV'S A GENERAL EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR MOTEL RmUuranl or tbopping rrntrr •• Only HIS 00 prr front fool -- Trrm*" 565-6966 THE DOME 2O3-I0I3 293 3267 Comf to KIO N'rvada HiKbway. "Tbf Domr" or call Tom friary ZtS-IIM or Mrl Dunawiy: 293 2438 or John A Barlo»: 203-23M or Lillian Colllni MS-79M or Naory Murpbv: 293-3212 or Sbrlla Plimpton 293 2827 or Sur Broadbrni: 2tS-IU< or G A Curly ' Smith: 293-ISM HENDERSON PLAZA APIS. kJ «>^^J> <t>4^V5 S>4»V FREE FILM OR CASH DISCOl NT. on all FILMS, printrd & drvrloprd at VAN S NEVADA DBIG. B C NEV. FOR RENT Kiti'hfnrttrs $18 no Mk I tililirt. paid shady Rest Motel 56S 7688 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 1. 2 & 3 bdrm . furn or unfiirn . Hrnd Trir. Havrn S85 8960 f 1 * 1 iiinvril & Rnndrd 1 I'h.in.' SM.VIII 1 IIIM>IR.s<l> M V \XiK ( \SH F()R V0« ROIIX \R Ml \mrriran \uto Wret kcrs 1949 Parksnn Rd . Hrnd 5S.ST0O7 1 1 B HEATED POOL M) < riiirr >/. PHILLIPS RADIO & TV SPECIAL PURCHASE Insulatr asainrit high atilio bilU Kith in»ulitrd \ID>I tid ing CLARE WHITE 564-5315 NEED A PlJtCE TO LIVE- If so ire mr the littir dralrr I bavr two and 3 bdrm mobilr homrfi for rrnt Hitb option to buy No rrrdit nrrdrd E-Z Li\inK 1520 Bouldrr Hwy. ^ S659946 E\P»RT SERVICE M I MVhTS & MODEI^ KURIAND GLASS CO. Homt' .\uto & ( ommerrial Mitrnrs showrr dnors 7 HATKRSTRFET 564-5366 ( OI.OR TV RC/I El)K .SALE 69 Vauxhall compart 4 r>l auto 30 mile gal 1300 or bett ofTrr Pb 5858826 2 W PACIfIC Srrving Hrnrfrrson Sinif 1953 564-2103 H&idmm Jimibi Pllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllll LET LS .SHOW VOL THIS Charming 2 bedroom 1 batb h»m* today. Overilte kiirbea Lots of trees sad sbrabs. Block feacc. Bave to see to LOSE WEIGHT - with New Shape Tablets aod Hydrei Water PIIU at J a K Pharmacy. FOR SALE M38. pit bull paps - S85- CHRISTIAN DAY CARE Ages 2 to 8 - hours 8 am. to 5 30 p m. Nurse on duty Hoi lunches. Loving csrr by LOW PRICE Owner aailoas t« seU tbit t bediaoi ,lba<k.ttaaekeac. Less tkaa $M,8S0.«S. NEAT AND CLEAN This well cared for and laprovod do«ble-»i«« trailer aad lat BBSl be aces U be apprecialed. Are you lateresledT OWNER ANXIOrS Cash to loaa Well kept 4 bedroom. l\ batba. Well Uadtcapc. SprlaUera freal aad rear. Caraer lat BUILDERS Contact this afflcc for tafomaHoB oa acreBge toned fbr apartBteaU. • SUPER SHABP CUSTOM 3 bedroom 2 batbs. Concrete block. » Hreplares 2 car garage Family room. ScwiBg rM)m We can go oa aad ZlLlnVL ';?'^»*''»«8 •.^••^ «*lt*r. Van BBSt aee tkia borne BOW. Owaert aailoBs! Cl'STOM ON THE GOLF COURSE Spill level Urge a roomy Tbe home ye« slways wsnted. Seller say, sell by Christmas Call Headerson Really far laformatloa oa this Imely home SAND. GRAVEL. TOP SOIL • WHY PAY 828. aa koar foi back hoe aad tr*mi ead loader work, when yoa can get It for 818. DUMP TRLCK a LOADER. 118. per boar Call 283. 21 IS B.C. Eara al koaie addressiag eavelopes, sead self addressed eavelope lo, Doaaa Skearer, 2I8H N. Ave. U • Lo« ABgelet, Ca. ttUZ CLOTBING BACK, BeaatMbll) ckromed. eoM SIU** sell foi Its**, pk. tSS-4118 180 Sa FT. OFFICE - Ideal for bookkeeplag: off street parklag: BIdr. Hwy. near TV S; SM. plas electric. 288-ttU. CARPENTRY. CONCRETE * iZilMODELING 38 yrs. ci?.>rlcMC. 8«S-8iU. PART TIME MAINTENANCE MAN-Fri.a.Sat 12 midnight to 8 am. 18 br>. wk.. Apply in prrsoo 312 No BIdr Hwy. CHILD CARE my home large fenced yard In Trailer EtUt en hour, day or week Pb 585 9593 LET ME REPAIR VOl R I AWN MOWER for spring (all 5«S 9593 lUII l/rrrcZ/.s DOl BLE WIDE TRAILER for rent- 584 S315. AND FOR SALE - I - 1975 XR75 off road Honda motorryrle 1325 rail aft 5 pm 564-1207 WANTED HOISEWORK - ran do all type*, bave rxprrienre. available aft. I pm. call 5859359. FOR SALE - Exaku 35 mm with case. Tbsges Dresden TrieAstra Leas for exakta. Bell a Howell Movie Camers. 8mm Electric Eye Carl Zels Lens. Trisur 1;4 Ferablldllnse F:S. 300mm Aitro-Brrlin. C O C. Series V Sanshade a Leas Eitenllons. Wesrrrn Electric Light Meter. Model 73S. No 8008280 Complete Photo snd Enlarging Equipment. Leon V Garland. Pb Nelson No 10. Nrlson. Nrvada. 88848 • * FIX IT SHOP - 553 Ave C 24 hour service. Call BOB. WE FIX ANYTHING Csll 28333tl. or 293 2778 iHomrl B C. Recorder Pboae. leave message. Meeme- Call 283 2300 B C WE MEET ALL PRICES BRING IN ANY AD OR COI PON.toVANSNEVADA DRl'G. B C. Nev. appreciate. Call Now! CASB TO LOAN Eicelleat aaaamptioa as a I bedrMB, IH balk bom c to laws, la by Chrlatma. lo-t-a^K.c OLD PAPERS WILL BE PICKED tP ON Tl ESDAYS (ALl OPPORTtNITY VILLAGE - 384-8170 3 BDRM. HOME (OR RENT a> ilablr Jan 1. $224 mo plus deposit- 584-5315 ALFIE NEEDS A HOME ' Young msle dog; bouse broken, has ihott 384-9845 WE WILL PAY - 810 to 130 for junk cars. Call Mike at 4S24882 451-5153 or m FIREPLACE - Coovrrted to a hot air . furnace CoovrrtOHrater Incrratri heating rfflrlrncy of the fireplace lo •00^ 735 1200 Country Style Producu. 283-8131 564-2870 GLASS-MIRRORS (^ P 30 Woter Street Ph. 564-2515 p DL ANE G. LAUBACH. REALTOR FOR SALE • dinrttr Krt - 8 rbairk good cond Pb 5850234 564-2117 in Hrnd Trailer EsUtet - 200 Mobawk Dr. CLTON n.8MimTT I i\^u}^ i'i FOR SALE - 1870 Ford Chstesu Club Wagon ivani good cond.. II.?••. 283-4275 CESSNA 188, For Beat • Katkroa Air Craft Reatals. B.C Call. 283-1408 BC SEWING MACHINES SALES It SERVICE Call Sorrnaeo s for estimates. 283-2752 B.C COLf (t>l RSE LOT for Sale la Boulder City. 188X188 By Owaer. Call 283-1288 - B.C. WE'LL CALL ON YOU. SHAKLEE PRODUCTS. Are BOW as close as Moore's Tr. Pk. For delivery of BASIC B. or any of tbe fine line of effec> tlve a ecoMomical bousebold products. LaVne Cosmetics or quality SBAKLEE Nntrtlloaal Sapplemrats. Call Rboda Bagadoae, year SHAKLEE DIatrlkaUr, at 28S-4SS8B.C NEH El RN & I NEl RN 2 Rd Rms apto i n B C ADCITS OM V (all 293 2" 02 or 734 8751 USED 25 • CONSOLE COLOR TV - 2 year warranty on picture tub* see st Bill Mrrrell's TV a Appliance 133 Water St.. Head., or call S88-I78I. 2 COICHES - moas grern A burnt orange: 3 pcs. each, like aew 8358. each or 8«80 for both 585-7178. FREE TO GOOD HOME - I yr old white male poodle, call ttl. S pm 58&-7022. WILL MR COOKS ELECTROLIX VAC! I M CLEANER CISTOMERS PLEASE CALL THIS Nl MBER. 457-7335. OFFICE FOR RENT • In prime Boulder City location. A-C a Fare. Call 288-1283 B C I APT FOR RENT - 2 bdrm . 1 batb. nnftirB., freshly painted. 1148 mo. laclades ntlllties. 858 deposit • 735-2712. TV APPLIANCE SALES & ^rrViCE Ho specialiie in Radio & Stero TV Service color 6i black & white Serving Henderson. Boulder City & TheVallp> MAGNAVOX ADMIRAL ZENITH 4r> GE. MOTOROLA SERVING HENDERSON BOILDER CITY FOR 22 YEARS FOR PROMPT COLRTEOlS FRIENDLY SERVICE CALL 565-8798 133 WATER ST.HENDERSON CALL NOW! 458-2105 PARADISE IN THE MEADOWS •vt'C-rii ^..ftl ••II iM I'••* I fill. k»Ut VII !>* !!.<••.Wi« tl' I! Hull IH !la M« II II roker • 4 BR 2 BATHS' Comfy block-built in Koodarea. 1460sq ft living area plus big garage witb shop. 4th bedrriom. ^4 bath, covered pit: spaciou& living room, kitchen and bath: hardwood floor, insulation, baseboard heat: 2 water heaters: gas Bar-B-Q: pantry: fenced back yard, flagstone patio, apricot, almond trees, roses, range optional Terms. lASHIONMANOS ?4rt4 Mil • : ii'i ; iM •>> i.ii ift<* 'I I ll'H'' I M'(l t. I'l iif ••••. «i :f' 458-2105 tttllNOTO* ;4iM •• trMT W vtl "Oi >M >'••• l|ll >i"r* i«.*"i ti'N'^ iMi wH flc. .««.t| r iM »> Lift It ttltf .(.Ml', •til ntmnt :i't MHtHtn m 2V ftlUDIII MOaiU MOMIi >«T4 Oil'.' llKIt ? tttrtir rti4 \r .1 <l ItMl.ll b Tin t^ . la-t * tl :i>.ti.t ««t.n ,»«l H«1III'I| Clll.ttHlt.1 IM Nl :." fllACMil MOSUIMOMK 458-2105 mdoostaoASuiT Uoi't si. . ; tietta ? tMi NEAR HOSP GOLf COI R.SE Assume 6'^c loan balance of approx. 122.000 on this neat2bedrro..2 full bath completely fur Dished home with fenced lot. private covered patio, garage (all NOW for complete details on this beautv! ill RRY - IT WON T L.\ST LONG' t<.<i| 'll« Ml »• iMttOli • linti tl I'.f t'tl i ttt IM U'H" '•• «niil| t MMIlltl W^t i» Hm t| ?M PtItCiSI Mosul HOtMS 458-2105 St 11 At ^ovr Mo^lt HftHM? tr -j.t •..''>(( I.TF'l viflmt .. >c. fAitOISI MOSIK Howl iiOKias. <}t }ios -': < liftt* MaSitwti It • •it'n.l iKiifi i iw ciMiX i «i i:i OitDIti >M)«lll NOMIt 458-2105 HARDWARE STORE Now vou can buy it. equipment and inventory, reasonable lease available on expanded store and storage areas. "True Value! " • RESIDENTIAL LOT In good area. $8,600. while thev last! • HOW MLCH" 5!eems hard to believe ... $160. per mo. PIT I. to assume 6'r FH.A loan bal. of approx. S16.000! 3BR. 2-bath plus 20' X 20' fam. rm. inrlu. in 1752 sq. ft. liv. area! • •CA EVES. & SUN. WANT TO SELL YOUR MOBILEHOME? MOBiLlHOMIBROKIRS FOR SALE • Tri Pin. eiclnt investment. 837.500 827 Avr ( Call after 3 pm 731 5821. sTEREtt ED VOORHEES VEGAS TYPEWRITER REPAIR-1801 E Sahara. Ui Vrgat 73S732S. Oar specialty, used, rebuilt typewriters. Satisfaction guaranleeil. i( roballr danrfrriir CARPENTRY CONCRETE REMODELING - Isrgr or small jobs Ph. 585-8272 SAI Es K MK\ l( t DRIVERS LICENSE TESTS Turiday and Wrdaraday 845 am to 12D00B- lpmto4:lS pm. City annri Civic Crnt«r 200 Watrr Street Room 30 REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER. IIS, Grundig MOestIc Hi Fi cabinet model radio . phono ISO. Gold rut torn made full Irngib liord drapes for 8 ft window witb rovrrrd rornlre 150. 5858358 after 5 p m OFFICES We have qualified buyers waiting! 293 3677 KOR sm A lots in I Uh abotc FREE FILM OR CASH l-aKli' ^ 'Mlr\. Netada. Rcaso- FaEE7ERS BOIGHT I nrrd DI8C01NT. OB all FILMS nahlf. SM 1648. frrfiers wbfthrrthr» werh or prlated a developed at VAN'S not Inrluding olderrabinrts. NATtRWAY NATIRAL FREEZER OWNERS SAVE NEVADA DRl'G. B.C Nev. 5642210 FOODS. 131 m Nevada Hwy. THIS AD I II rrpair vour • Phone 213-1844 B C. Take frmrr or rrfrigrralor %>brrr DOES YOIR BATHROOM advantage of the SALES, dnrIt ..iii^ S04 2210 MARLITE NEED lag December. REPL.*CING' Free FOR RENT - 1, Z. & 3 bdrm. Estimates. M4-2t9l. KELLY'S GLASS I trailers. ISO. to SSI. wk.. S6SWANTED TO SELL OR TRADE 7141. BABYSITTER WANTED - 2 lo MIRROR CO. •Inglr bed Headboard, foot• pm Tue*. thru Sat. Call S«5board a frame for Bollywood TEODVS KITCHENETTES 7034 or S«5-77Z4. OPEN 7 DAYS bed tnmt a cbest of drawers. "Just bring your Toothbrukh" pbSSS283-1716 Ft RNITLRE. CARPET, FOR RENT Small. I Bdrm DRAPES. AND REPAIR reMg . wall air rood. Fura. Apt. la Boaldrr City MATTRESSES • buy tbem at deep fteeiers. ph. S8S 8347. Call 7SI-a«|. .ft^r It ,,«,. wbaleiale. »by pay morr? Mans DIatribotIng 878-5357 HAVE TRICK. WILL UAl L a DO MOVING WORK, by the SEE THE LATEST IN SEWING hoar day or week. Call 283MACHINE, at KAY'S IMS B.C. KORNER. Service all makes. FOR SALE - 70XI«0 corner lot , Call 283-2752 B C. I bsllrl Jaa Up $160 to 5185 BASIC PLl MBINC SERVICE drains unrloggrd. fancrtc [ rrpairrd, new fliluri'! iD(tall«d Call MS-0144. WILL DO IRONING, sewing. andmrDding. rrasoaablr SOS•234. TRAILER SPACF:S IX)R RENT - Hill uke 3& to S5 ft long HP furnish «atrr. sfwfr. & garbagr Hrnd. Trlr. Havrn. S6569«0 1404 WVOMIN*. .ST BOI I DER ( IT> 2 Bedioom 1^1 New Ciagerwood Mobile Park oa tbe west tide of Bouldrr City Just off Bouldrr Hw> Is BOW open sad rrallag tparrs. Luiurlous adult Mobilr Homr Park. Inrludri pool. Hot watrr therapy pool Rrrrratlon Hall, rtc (all 293 1808 B C FOB SALE - Large enstom boose la heart af Baalder City. Beaatlfblly MalaUlned. Carprt, drapes, doable rvea. selfeleaalag range Frost Free refrigerator, dishwasher. wssber a dryer - soft water. gsa barbe^ae. I U gal water beaters Evsporstlv or Refrigerated rsoliag I 4 pamp or baseboard beat t Hard wa<»d floors Il'sl4' llviag Rm Formsl diaiag Bm or dcB. Coaatry kitrbea. large delocbed garagr with gweot Rm sad batb Ideal for hobbyist Cbsia llak - Grape alaked fence, backyard froat a rear Patios Msay large shade, frnll 4 aut trees, mature rose gsrdra Ideal for Indoor or ealdoer rntertaiolog Quirt arlgbborhood, riosr to arbooli parks A dowBtowo W III F HA or V A Uad Brokrragr - (all 382 8708 or 283 l*»l BC DANCE THEATRE WEST furniihed and Unfurnished A&M Electric, Inc. • KfMd.nl \ ( umin.T WHITE, PROVINCIAL Canopy b«d. inrludrt fall flir matlrrii and boi ipringa. or* brdiprrad. caaopy. and pillow covrrii tlOO 451 4004 THE BOAT BARN 111 8ri:iNER HDN Henderson Borne Newt Henderson, Nevada Fl RN. MOBILE HOME Superior condition. 2 yr. old 12 X 60 on landscaped lot with add-on living room, storage room and added "room" between. Quality complete furn.. equipment and air cond. units. Rear yard fenced. • •• 554 Nev. Hwy. 293-3333 OPEN SUNDAYS OPEN EVENINGS i f i^iif 04f«i<*>*d Uctn»d C»wititi«att To Ai»«tf TMI '5495 (1.1 M* i'i ' »«>tt> StflM M .t'li lie in 14 '0 II'I tl rtffmm ?• • fM 'f'l m "K 458-2105 TNI IllTI 01 MOSIU HOtMS 1' l>c vU 1M% i<|»ln •fl I »» S 'rtirttW >H US yK H 9tn r i«t.t|i at4 i.t fuiDisi Mosiii notxt rii ttu'tt'inn IM itTi 458-2105 SOUIM* *T HAMIMtO • »»1 '» 11' nv m%tut tfM' II.r ai Mitsjtcc tl 9tti<i>tf tun A .I'Mf II Irr rt.' •• i»«t *r '111 Ki'fli ti'i IS I til MS i-rH'ii MM'it mm i'lllri '<l*>t|l I SliMfJIVT s tits eats 'i°< Siwiit 7 Itsnf oiil <arr> ii«a«tt N'Ct IM CMMI !•' OMI' !»' iic<t| I'M SI OVER 100 HOMIS TO SELECT FROM i!!J H'lcitil iJiM itl 111 •' rm cN>n (ill PARADISE MOBIIi HOMES 458-2105 sieeiMtuoa «>i<iti '«iM 1 ktSTMa IW IHI iM<i| itiiii 4 ttl m . im >•( tun tartfi utl DICK BUIR REAin-BROKER 833 NEVADA HWT. 2932171 or 293-3402 Bob Blair 293-2048 Dale Foreman 293-3441 .Andrea .Anderson 293-2158 HI 1111*4 ItU St S4 SCHULT HOMCS NtvaSt'i ticlMi PARADISE IIUiC Nf* liM liilip } rtlB I'ltl hntl 'IttI Sifi M olSl* OtlMly $9995 BEAITIFLL CISTOM HOME, brick coostr. 3 bdrm. 2 baths. large 2 car garage, fireplace, maay baill • las a extra's 888.888. This Is an excellent bay Itlntrttlwtis StTCniaq LAKE VIEW DELliX. custom 2 bdrm. 2 batb Towakoaae. 2 car garage, castom drspes a carpet, 842,888. TRY US, (KILF ceuise leu, a LAKE MEAD VIEW leU. see as fToa 88.SM.88 YOH'LL SEE WHY WE'RE WE^AVE BUSINESS'S FOR SALE^REAL 8 Maker*. LOTS OF PRIVACY, tkis 3 bdrm, 2 bath Urge finished 2 car garage, fireplace $51,588. SEE THIS! EXCELLENT AREA. 3 Bdrm . 2 batb, Sprinklers. Guest House, maay. many extras. 148.580. BLOCK CONSTRUCTED. I Bdrm.. 1 batb. Air Caad., Carpets, Drapes, Garage. Fenced. Assnase Good Loaa^ GOLF COURSE AREA. 4 Bdrm . 2 Bstb. Range. DIskwaaker. Carprt. 2 Car flatsked Garage. 881^ BtlLDING LOT - 88888 - Good Terms Uw Interest Rau. N0.1 PARADISE MOBILE HOMES BOULDER HWY AT FLAMINGO 458-2105