EM Waves Reminders on waves This Lecture !More on EM waves !EM spectrum !Polarization ! Traveling waves on a string along x obey the wave equation: " 2 y(x,t) 1 " 2 y(x,t) = 2 "x 2 v "t 2 y=wave function General solution : y(x,t) = f1(x-vt) + f2(x+vt) y = displacement ! From previous Lecture Displacement currents !Maxwell’s equations !EM Waves ! 1 Maxwell equations in vacuum ! pulse traveling along +x Traveling wave: superposition of sinusoidal waves (produced by a source that oscillates with simple harmonic motion): y(x,t) = A sin(kx-"t) y(x,t) = sin(kx+ "t) A = amplitude k = 2#/! = wave number ! = wavelength v f = frequency T = 1/f = period " = 2#f=2#/T angular frequency 2 Solutions of these equations: sinusoidal traveling transverse waves propagating along x ! # E" ds = $ L # SB" dA = 0 d%B (Faraday - Henry) dt ! # B" ds = µ & L 0 0 pulse traveling along -x EM waves from Maxwell equations in the absence of charges (q=0) and conduction currents (I=0) #SE" dA = 0 (Gauss' Law) ! d%E (Ampere - Maxwell law) dt E = Emax cos (kx – "t) B = Bmax cos (kx – "t) E x B direction of c ! From these equations we get EM wave equations traveling in vacuum! •E and B are perpendicular oscillating vectors ! E!B=0 4 Quick Quiz on EM Waves E and B are orthogonal ! An easy way to understand this: 3 2 1 $ E I Increasing B-field !B = B A cos$ 1. Max B flux $=0 => also circular E is largest! 2. Less flux 3. Null flux $=90° => circular E smallest! B parallel to area normal and E perpendicular to circuit so E % B $ E " ds = - E orthogonal to B! Shown below is the E-field of an EM wave broadcast at 30 MHz and traveling to the right. What is the direction of the magnetic field during the first !/2? 1) Into the page 2) out of the page E x d#B dt !/2 What is the wave length? E!B=0 ! 5 1) 10 m 2) 5 m Quick Quiz pn EM waves Important Relation between E and B Which orientation will have the largest induced emf? E y x z B loop in xz plane loop in xy plane A B C yz in p o lo ane pl ! E = Emax cos (kx – "t) ! B = Bmax cos (kx – "t) ! First derivatives: From: "E = #kE max sin(kx # $t) "x "B = $Bmax sin(kx # $t) "t "E "B =# "x "t This relation comes from Maxwell’s equations! ! EM Waves generators: Antennas Source: atoms and molecules Human eye Visible range from red (700 nm) to violet (400 nm) The EM Spectrum Sources of EM waves: oscillating charges, accelerated/decellerated charges, electron transitions between energy levels in atoms, nuclei and molecules Gamma rays: !~ 10-14- 10-10 m Source: radioactive nuclei, cause serious damage to living tissues X-rays: ~10-12 -10-8 m source: deceleration of high-energy electrons striking a metal target Diagnostic tool in medicine UV !~ 6 x 10-10 - 4 x 10-7 m Most UV light from the sun is absorbed in the stratosphere by ozone 2 rods connected to alternate current generator; charges oscillate between the rods (a) As oscillations continue, the rods become less charged, the field near the charges decreases and the field produced at t = 0 moves away from the rod (b) The charges and field reverse (c) The oscillations continue (d) ! ! ! ! Microwaves: ! ~10-4 -0.3 m sources: electronic devices radar systems, MW ovens Energy density of E and B field Poynting vector E/B=c ! True for any geometry ! ! ! Similarly for a solenoid with current: EB E = µ0 cµ0 uB = Magnitude is time dependent ! reaches a max at the same instant as E and B do ! "0 A d 1 1" A U 1 U = CV 2 = 0 E 2 d 2 # uE = = "0 E 2 2 2 d Ad 2 Its direction is the direction of propagation of the EM wave 2 Magnitude: S= ! In a parallel plate capacitor: C = This is the power per unit area (J/s.m2 = W/m2) ! ! ! Rate at which energy flows through a unit area perpendicular to direction of wave propagation ! Radio: ! ~ 10 - 0.1 m Sources: charges accelerating through conducting wires Radio and TV Infrared: ! ~ 7 x 10-7-10-3 m Sources: hot objects and molecules B2 2µ0 True for any geometry ! Energy carried by EM waves ! ! Total instantaneous energy density of EM waves u =uE + uB = 1/2 'o ! Intensity and Poynting vector E2 + B2 /(2µo) ! uE = uB Since B = E/c and Pav = 1 B2 E2 uE = "0 E 2 = uB = = 2 2 2µ0 2c µ0 ! EM waves carry energy! ! In a given volume, the energy is shared equally by the two fields ! Let’s consider a cylinder with axis along x of area A and length L and the time for the wave to travel L is !t=L/c The average power of the EM wave in the cylinder is: U av uav AL = = uav Ac "t "t The intensity is I= ! ! I= Sav The average energy density over one or more cycles of oscillations is: 1 2 since <sin2(kx - "t)> = 1/2 uav = 2uE ,av = "0 E 2 = "0 E max E/B=c Pav 1 E B 2 = "0cE max = max max A 2 2µ0 I & E2 ! average power per unit area (units W/m2) ExB 2 ! ! Radiation pressure and momentum ! dv dp F = ma = m = dt dt time energy U p = force " time = force " distance " = = distance velocity c Radiation momentum: ! the radiation momentum is the radiation energy/velocity Radiation pressure from the Sun prad = ! ! prad ! ! ! Radiation Pressure Power F p U Power I Sav = I = = = = = = A A A"t cA"t cA c Complete absorption on a surface: total transferred momentum p = U / c and prad=Sav/c ! Solar intensity at the Earth ( 1.5 x 108 km far from the Sun): 1350 W/m2 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Direct sunlight pressure I/c ~4.5 x 10-6 N/m2 ! If the sail is a reflecting mirror prad = 2 x 4.5 x 10-6 N/m2 Can be used by spacecrafts for propulsion as wind for sailing boats! What is the sail area needed to accelerate a 104 kg spacecraft at a = 0.01 m/s2 assuming perpendicular incidence of the radiation on the sail? A = F/prad = ma/prad = 107 m2 Perfectly reflecting surface: p = 2U/c and prad = 2Sav/c Circular and elliptical polarization Polarization of Light Waves (34.8) ! S F Power / A I = av = = A c c c Linearly polarized waves: E-field oscillates at all times in the plane of polarization Unpolarized light: E-field in random directions. Superposition of waves with E vibrating in many different directions Linearly polarized light: E-field has one spatial orientation ! Circularly polarized light: superposition of 2 waves of equal amplitude with orthogonal linear polarizations, and 90˚ out of phase. The tip of E describes a circle (counterclockwise = RH and clockwise=LH depending on y component ahead or behind) ! The electric field rotates in time with constant magnitude. ! If amplitudes differ ( elliptical polarization DEMO with MW generator and metal grid Producing polarized light ! Polarization by selective absorption: material that transmits waves whose E-field vibrates in a plain parallel to a certain direction and absorbs all others pick up antenna connected to Ammeter Metal grid MW generator This polarization absorbed This polarization transmitted transmission axis Polaroid sheet (E. Land 1928) Long-chain hydrocarbon molecules If the wires of the grid are parallel to the plane of polarization the grid absorbs the E-component (electrons oscillate in the wire). The same thing happens to a polaroid: the component parallel to the direction of the chains of hydrocarbons is absorbed. If the grid is horizontal the Ammeter will measure a This not null current since the wave reaches the antenna polarization absorbed pick-up This polarization transmitted transmission axis Relative orientation of polarizers Polarizers and MALUS’ LAW If linearly polarized light (plane of polrization indicated by red arrow) of intensity I0 passes through a polarizing filter with transmission axis at y Polaroid sheet an angle $ along y $ Einc = E0sin$ i + E0 cos$ j After the polarizer Etransm = E0cos$ j So the intensity transmitted is Itransm = E02 cos2$ = )0cos2$ ! ! ! Transmitted amplitude is Eocos$ (component of polarization along polarizer axis) Transmitted intensity is Iocos2$ ( square of amplitude) Perpendicular polarizers give zero intensity. Unpolarized light on polarizers Only I0/2 is transmitted of unpolarized light by a polarizer and it is polarized along the transmission axis. An analyzer rotated at an angle $ respect to the polarizer transmits 100% of the incident intensity when $ = 0 and zero when $ = 90° Allowed component parallel to analyzer axis Polaroid sheets ! x transmission axis E0cos$ Long-chain hydrocarbon molecules Transmitted intensity: I = I0cos2$ I0 = intensity of polarized beam on analyzer (Malus’ law) this is called Malus’ law