Code of Conduct Certified Backflow Tester Code of Conduct Sarasota County Public Utilities (SCPU) has the primary responsibility of protecting the public water distribution system. The utility must take all reasonable precautions to protect the potable water supply from potential contamination from hazards originating from the customer’s premises. To this end, and in accordance with Florida Administrative Code 62-555.360, SCPU has adopted the Sarasota County Public Utilities Cross-Connection Control Program Manual by Resolution 2016-047. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide SCPU with a certified tester’s accountability to practice the standardized procedures as set forth in the SCPU Program Manual while establishing an acceptable standard of care for all Sarasota County Public Utilities water customers. A. Certified Testers shall maintain the technical qualifications as required by the SCPU Program Manual. B. Certified Testers shall only record data and sign test forms for assemblies they have tested. A tester shall not record any falsified data on the Backflow Preventer Test Report. All data shall be legibly submitted. C. Certified Testers shall tag tested assemblies according to the SCPU Program Manual. A tester shall not remove another tester’s tag from a functioning assembly with a current certification. D. Certified Testers shall not perform any unnecessary tests or installations, or make any unnecessary repairs or replacements. E. Certified Testers shall record all backflow assembly test data on approved backflow preventer test report forms or via Web-Entry. The signed test form shall comply with the reporting requirements of the SCPU Program Manual. F. When backflow prevention assembly repairs are necessary, the Certified Tester shall only utilize original factory repair parts as manufactured for the assembly. All repairs and replacements shall be recorded and submitted as provided for in the SCPU Program Manual. G. Certified Testers shall not install a backflow preventer without a permit. (replacements do not require a permit) Installations, relocations, and variances shall meet the installation requirements in the SCPU Program Manual. H. Certified Testers shall submit all passing test reports no later than ten (10) calendar days of the initial test date. All failing assemblies shall be submitted no later than two (2) calendar days of the initial test date. I. Certified Testers shall have the test kit checked for accuracy at least once a year or when in need of calibration. The tester will make the test kit available to the Backflow Department for inspection. Test reports submitted with expired test kit will not be accepted. J. Certified Testers shall observe existing installations of backflow prevention assemblies to assure the assembly is the correct type of protection for the degree of hazard present and properly installed as per SCPU Program Manual installation requirements. If the assembly is not the correct type of protection, or installation requirements are not proper, the tester shall proceed with the field test and note the discrepancy on the backflow preventer test report form. K. Certified Testers have neither the responsibility nor the authority to represent or enforce SCPU’s CrossConnection Control Program. Enforcement lies solely with SCPU and appointed Code Enforcement officials. L. Certified Testers shall comply with the SCPU Program Manual in the exercise of their responsibilities as covered by these rules and practices. The tester shall supply any requested information and or appear on the site of the assembly when requested. Code of Conduct 2016 Code of Conduct M. It is the Certified Tester's responsibility to inform SCPU of any changes in their address, phone numbers, email, certification status, etc. N. Certified Testers shall correspond with the Backflow Prevention Department as follows: Mail: Sarasota County Public Utilities ATTN: Backflow Department 1001 Sarasota Center Blvd. Sarasota, FL 34240 Email: Fax: 941-861-0528 Phone: 941-861-0501 or 941-861-0527 Any Certified Tester failing to comply with SCPU’s Code of Conduct and Cross-Connection Control Program Manual’s policies may subject to disciplinary measures. If disciplinary measures are deemed appropriate the utility will make notification of violation with the Code of Conduct and the Program Manual policies that shall operate as follows: FIRST OFFENSE Verbal consultation with a Sarasota County Public Utilities Compliance Specialist or Cross-Connection Control Supervisor. SECOND OFFENSE A written warning will be issued to the certified tester. Depending on the frequency and severity of the offense, testing privileges may be suspended until corrective actions have been completed.. THIRD OFFENSE Revocation of testing privileges within Sarasota County Public Utilities service area. Code of Conduct 2016 Code of Conduct Signature Page I hereby certify that I have thoroughly read, understand, and agree to fully conform to the standards of SCPU Program Manual. My failure to conform to the manual’s standards will result in a written violation and may lead to my suspension or revocation of testing privileges in Sarasota County Public Utilities service area. Tester’s Initials ________ *Please complete the following information and return the signed page to the SCPU Backflow Department. PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY: Business Name ________________________________________________________________________ Tester Name ______________________________________Tester Cert # _________________________ Tester Mailing Address _________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________________State ______ Zip Code _______________ Tester Phone ___________________ Tester Email____________________________________________ Tester Signature_________________________________________________ Date __________________ For Department Use Company ID: __________________________________ Tester ID: ____________________________________ SCPU Compliance Specialist _________________________________________________ Date ______________ Code of Conduct 2016 Code of Conduct Code of Conduct 2016