Design of a Third-Order Σ∆ Modulator with Minimum Op-amps Output Swing Oscar Belotti, Edoardo Bonizzoni, and Franco Maloberti Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e dell’Informazione University of Pavia Via Ferrata, 1 - 27100 Pavia - ITALY E-mail: [oscar.belotti, edoardo.bonizzoni, franco.maloberti] I. Introduction Σ∆ modulators are very popular in wireless communication and multi-standard transceivers because of their capability to provide high resolution with relatively low precision analog building blocks. Methods usually exploit noise shaping and oversampling. Portable wide-band code division multiple access (WCDMA) applications demand for A/D converters able to provide a signal-to-noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) higher than 70 dB over a signal bandwidth of 1.92 MHz with low power consumption. In order to achieve these specifications, a multi-bit thirdorder Σ∆ modulator is a good architectural choice. Low oversampling ratio (OSR) and the minimization of the operational amplifiers (op-amps) output swing keep low the power consumption. Typically, a third-order modulator uses three integrators. However, suitable topological modifications of the conventional second-order scheme achieve third-order noise shaping by using a reduced number of op-amps, [1]. An alternative solution is the noise coupling technique, [2], which, however, requires an additional active block. Low op-amps swings enable relaxed slew-rate requirements, better linearity, lower power consumption, and allow operation at lower power supply voltages. Various methods for reducing the op-amps output voltage swings can be found in the open literature, [3] [4] [5] [6]. This design obtains all the above features. The presented modulator, designed in a 65-nm CMOS technology, uses two op-amps to achieve a third-order noise shaping and a fully digital solution with distributed digital feed-forward paths to minimize the amplifiers output swings. Post-layout simulations show a SNDR of 83 dB over a signal bandwidth of 2.2 MHz (OSR = 16). The simulated overall converter power 978-1-4673-5762-3/13/$31.00 ©2013 IEEE consumption is 2.3 mW, leading to a figure of merit (FoM) equal to 172.8 dB (calculated with the Schreier formula) and 43.8 fJ/conversion-step (following the Walden expression). II. Modulator Architecture This design uses suitable topological modification of the conventional second-order scheme to achieve third-order noise shaping and distributed fully digital feed-forward paths to minimize the output swings of the two op-amps. The used method obtains a third-order noise transfer function (NTF) starting from a conventional second-order scheme, [7]. The NTF of a second and of a third-order Σ∆ modulator are respectively given by q (1 − z−1 )2 = q (1 − 2z−1 + z−2 ) (1) q (1 − z−1 )3 = q (1 − 3z−1 + 3z−2 − z−3 ) (2) where q is the quantization error. The difference between (1) and (2) gives the missing parts 2z−1 q (1 − z−1 ) (−(1 − z−1 )/2) | {z } Missing term (3) Only one injection can realize the missing terms, as shown in Fig. 1 where analog and digital paths are also highlighted. 821 Noise Enhancement Analog Path 1/2[1-z-1] 2nd Integrator 1st Integrator Input X +_ ∑ 1/2 z-1 1-z-1 P1(z) + 2 z-1 1-z-1 ∑ _ P2(z) Digital Output ADC Flash Y Digital Path DAC1 Fig. 1. DAC2 Abstract—This paper presents the design of a third-order Σ∆ modulator targeted for WCDMA applications. The architecture uses two operational amplifiers and distributed fully digital feed-forward paths to minimize the output swing of op-amps. Simulation results show that first and second integrator output swings are reduced by 88% and 75%, respectively. Post-layout simulation results of the modulator, designed in 65-nm CMOS technology, give a SNDR of 83 dB over a signal bandwidth of 2.2 MHz. The power consumption is 2.3 mW and the achieved FoM is equal to 172.8 dB. ∑ + 1/2[1-z-1] + Third-order modulator with analog and digital paths split. Auxiliary Quantizer Auxiliary Quantizer εq1 εq2 Quantized Input Flash X Digital Feedforward H2 [1-z-2] H1 H4 1/2z-1[1+z-1] 1/2z-1[1-z-1]2 Flash DAC4 DAC5 1st Integrator _ Input X +_ ∑ 1/2 z-1 1-z-1 Main Quantizer 1/2[1-z-1] P1(z) _ + +_ ∑ + + 2 z-1 1-z-1 ∑ ∑ _ P2(z) DAC1 DAC2 DAC Digital Path ADC Flash Digital Feedforward H1+H4 [1-z-2] 1/2z-2[3-z-1] DAC3 DAC4/5 Noise Enhancement + + H3 Analog Path [z-2] εq 2nd Integrator X H2 H3 Analog Path DAC3 Quantized Input ADC Noise Enhancement Digital Output ∑ _ Input X Digital Summa +_ 1/2 z-1 1-z-1 ∑ P1(z) + +_ + 2 z-1 1-z-1 ∑ ∑ _ 1/2[1-z-1] P2(z) ADC Flash DAC2 DAC1 + + ∑ Digital Output Y Digital Summa Digital Path Digital Domain [z-2] εq 2nd Integrator 1st Integrator Y Main Quantizer 1/2[1-z-1] DAC ADC 1/2[1-z-1] Digital Domain Fig. 2. Third-order modulator with distributed feed-forward digital paths. Fig. 3. Final third-order modulator block diagram. A. Op-amps output swing minimization The reduction of the operational amplifiers output voltage swing decreases the overall modulator power consumption. Indeed, output swings minimization leads not only to relaxed slew-rate requirements, but also it ensures better performance in terms of harmonic distortion. In addition, minimum output swing enables the use of power efficient and compact singlestage op-amps architectures (e.g., the telescopic cascode). The method of this design, proposed in [5], grants the minimum output voltage swing for both operational amplifiers by means of distributed digital feed-forward paths without modifying the modulator signal transfer function (STF) and NTF. The cost of the method is an extra quantizer which digitizes the input signal. The output of the first integrator (Fig. 1) is given by q q X −1 z (1+z−1 )− (1−z−1 )2 = X · H1 − (1−z−1 )2 (4) 2 2 2 where X is the input signal multiplied by the transfer function H1 . The main contribution to the swing of this node is given by the input; in order to compensate for its effect, it is convenient to process its quantized version, indicated as X. The quantization of the input signal X is equals to X+q1 , where q1 is the quantization noise of the extra quantizer. The information does not change if the quantity H1 X is added and subtracted at the output P1 (z). The term -H1 X is then shifted in front of the first integrator by dividing it by the integrator transfer function. The result is an additional injection at the input of the first integrator equal to H2 X, where H2 is (1−z−2 ). This way, the output P1 (z) is given by: P1 (z) = P2 (z) = Xz−2 −q z−1 (3−z−1 )(1−z−1 ) = X·H3 −q z−1 (3−4z−1 +z−2 ) (6) Addition and subtraction of X multiplied by the same transfer function of the main contribution of P2 (z) obtain the reduction of the swing of the second integrator. The quantized input X is then multiplied by H3 and shifted in front of the second integrator. The transfer function H3 referred to the input of second integrator becomes H4 = 1/2z−1 (1 − z−1 )2 . The reconstruction of P2 (z) due to the term +H3 X can be shifted in digital domain after the main quantizer. The overall third-order modulator with distributed feedforward digital paths is shown in Fig. 2. Combination of digital functions and suitable topological modifications lead to the scheme used in this design illustrated in Fig. 3. III. Behavioral Level Simulation Results The best trade-off between swings reduction effectiveness, power consumption, resolution and complexity suggests to use a 5-bit and a 4-bit flash converter in the main quantizer and for the auxiliary quantizer, respectively. The effectiveness of the used swing reduction technique is proved with MatlabSimulinkT M behavioral simulations. The effectiveness of the Signal Bandwidth = 2.2 MHz | Fin = 2.18 MHz @ -2 dBFS OSR = 16 @ FS = 70.4 MHz | VREF = 1.2 V 0.55 0.44 0.33 Amplitude (V) 1 P1 (z) = z−1 [q (1 − z−1 )2 + q1 (1 + z−1 )] (5) 2 The output is now dominated by the quantization error q shaped at the second order and by the auxiliary quantization error q1 multiplied by (1 + z−1 ). The use of multi-bit solution ensures low level swing. The procedure can be repeated also for the second integrator, which is closed in feedback loop with the analog path 1/2(1 − z−1 ). The structure has a transfer function equal to 2z−1 /(1−z−1 )2 . The output P2 of the second integrator of Fig. 1 can be expressed as: 0.22 Output First Int. without DAA 0.11 0 Output First Int. with DAA −0.11 −0.22 −0.33 −0.44 −0.55 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Sample Fig. 4. Output swing of the first integrator with and without reduction technique. 822 Signal Bandwidth = 2.2 MHz | Fin = 2.18 MHz @ -2 dBFS OSR = 16 @ FS = 70.4 MHz | VREF = 1.2 V 0.3 0.25 VSS 0.2 Amplitude (V) 0.15 Output Second Int. without DAA VDD Vin 0.1 0.05 0 Output Second Int. with DAA VDD −0.05 Vout VSS Low VTH HIGH VTH −0.1 −0.15 −0.2 −0.25 −0.3 Fig. 7. 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 Full swing composite switch. 4000 Sample Fig. 5. Output swing of the second integrator with and without reduction technique. technique is tested by applying an input sine wave at 2.18 MHz (close to the signal bandwidth limit = 2.2 MHz) with an amplitude of -2 dBFS . The oversampling ratio is 16 and consequently the sampling frequency is 70.4 MHz. Fig. 4 shows the output voltage swing for the first integrator with and without swing reduction technique. The output swing goes down from ±0.504 V to ±0.065 V, which corresponds to a swing reduction of 88%. For the second integrator, the benefit is approximately 75%, from ±0.28 V to ±0.076 V, as shown in Fig. 5. As an additional benefit, thanks to this swing reduction at the output of the second integrator, the number of comparators used in the main quantizer can be reduced from 31 to only 9 still granting the 5-bit quantization, thus saving area and power. VDD M37 VDD M35 VDD +_ _ + M36 OP-AMP1 VOUTN M33 M34 OP-AMP2 _ + +_ VSS VINP M38 VCMFB1 M31 VSS Vbias1 VSS VDD VDD IV. Circuit Implementation The fully differential switched-capacitors implementation of the modulator has been realized in a 65-nm CMOS technology. As mentioned, low output swing allows using single-stage op-amp scheme. This design uses the conventional telescopic scheme with gain boosting shown in Fig. 6. The auxiliary amplifiers (OP-AMP1 and OP-AMP2) are conventional folded cascode schemes with p-channel and n-channel input stage, respectively. The supply voltage is 1.2 V. Different bias currents (250 µA for first op-amp and 280 µA for the second) allow achieving the slightly different gain and bandwidth requirements. The first op-amp has a 94-dB DC gain and 240MHz GBW while the second obtains 90-dB gain and 270-MHz bandwidth. To limit the sub-threshold off current leakage of analog switches that can cause analog performance degradation, this design uses the composite switch scheme given in Fig. 7. The scheme requires the use of transistors with low and high threshold voltage. Two high VT H complementary transistor are used in parallel with a series transmission gate. The high gate ensures good conduction when the input signal, Vin , is close to the rails, while at middle rail series transmission gate conducts well, [8]. The voltage comparator used in the two flash ADCs consists of a preamplifier followed by a regenerative latch. The nonconventional fully differential preamplifier is shown in Fig. 8. Vn and V p are connected to the input of the latch (not VOUTP VDD VSS M32 M7 VSS VINN M10 Vn M30 VSS VSS M8 VDD Va VDD M9 M12 Vinp Vb M3 M4 VSS VSS M1 VSS Vrefp Vrefn M5 VSS VSS M2 VSS M6 Vinn Vb VSS Vp M11 VSS VSS Fig. 6. Gain boosted telescopic operational amplifier. Fig. 8. 823 Schematic diagram of the comparator preamplification stage. Matrix Array (32*32) Implementation Example A + B = Y 10 + (-1) = 9 From Auxiliary Quantizer B 15 14 0 1 CLK1 IN1 -2 -3 IN3 IN1 IN3 IN1 IN3 -15 -16 IN1 IN3 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 12 3 CLK1 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 11 10 4 CLK2 5 CLK1 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 9 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 8 6 CLK2 7 CLK1 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 1 0 14 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 -15 15 CLK1 CLK2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 GND CLK2 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 IN2 IN1 IN1 IN3 CLK1 -16 IN2 A GND CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 OUT1 OUT2 CLK2 IN2 IN1 IN2 IN1 IN2 IN1 IN2 IN1 15 Y 14 13 12 Output Modulator -1 13 2 CLK2 reduced by 88% and 75%, respectively. This swing reduction allows using power efficient telescopic schemes for both amplifiers. Post-layout simulations confirm the effectiveness of the approach. From Main Quantizer References 11 10 9 8 CLK2 IN1 OUT1 IN3 OUT2 GND GND IN1 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 Fig. 9. IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 IN2 IN1 IN1 CLK2 IN3 CLK1 OUT1 OUT2 IN2 -15 IN1 CLK2 -16 Implementation of the switches matrix. shown) by means of switches which are opened during the regeneration phase in order to limit the kickback effect. DAC, DAC1 and DAC2 of Fig. 3 are realized with a single Kelvin divider with 32 levels. A single resistive string provides the required 16 levels for DAC3 and DAC4/5. The sizes and value of the unity resistance ensure the required accuracy without the need of trimming or calibration and speed at a reasonable cost of area and power consumption. In addition, the use of the same resistive string to generate the differential reference voltages cancels at the first order the error caused by a gradient, [7]. A barrel shifted architecture based on a matrix of simple switches (Fig. 9) realizes the digital addition of the output of the main and auxiliary quantizer (see Fig. 3), saving digital power at the cost of an affordable increased chip area. [1] E. Bonizzoni, A. Pena Perez, F. Maloberti, and M.A. Garcia Andrade, “Two Op-amps Third-Order Sigma-Delta Modulator with 61 dB SNDR, 6 MHz Bandwidth and 6 mW Power Consumption”, Proc. of IEEE European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC), pp. 218221, Sept. 2008. [2] K. Lee, M. R. Miller, and G. C. Temes, “An 8.1 mW, 82 dB DeltaSigma ADC With 1.9 MHz BW and -98 dB THD”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, pp. 2202-2211, Aug. 2009. [3] K. Y. Nam, S.-M. Lee, D.K. Su, and B. A. 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Maloberti, “A 88-dB DR, 84 dB SNDR Very Low-Power Single Op-Amp Third-Order Σ∆ Modulator”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 2017-2118, Sept. 2012. [8] S. Bazarjani and W. M. Snelgrove, “Voltage SC Circuit Design with Low Vt MOS-FETs”, Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1021-1024, May 1995. V. Post-Layout Simulation Results Fig. 10. 0 −20 −40 PSD PSD(dB) [dB] The Σ∆ modulator has been implemented in a 7-metal levels 65-nm CMOS technology. Fig. 10 shows the layout of the circuit. The chip area is 1770 × 400 µm2 . The sampling frequency is 70.4 MHz and the OSR is 16. Fig. 11 shows the post-layout simulated output spectrum of the modulator. The -2 dBFS input signal is at 326 kHz. The achieved SNDR is 83.27 dB (equivalent to 13.54 bits) over a signal bandwidth of 2.2 MHz. Third and fifth harmonic tones are at -94 dBFS and -100 dBFS , respectively. The converter dynamic range is 88 dB. The simulated overall power consumption is 2.3 mW, leading to a figure of merit (FoM) equal to 172.8 dB (calculated with the Schreier formula) and 43.8 fJ/conversion-step (following the Walden expression). A third-order Σ∆ modulator realized with two minimum output voltage swing op-amps has been presented. Simulation results show that first and second integrator output swings are 824 Signal Bandwidth = 2.2 MHz | Fin = 326 KHz @ -2 dBFS OSR = 16 @ FS = 70.4 MHz | FFT points = 4096 Noise filtered SNR = 83.27dB Rbit = 13.54 bits −60 rd th 3 HD 5 HD −80 −100 -60 dB/decade −120 −140 −160 −180 VI. Conclusion Chip layout. The active area is 1770 × 400 µm2 . Fig. 11. Input Signal Bandwidth fB 105 10 6 Frequency [Hz] Frequency (Hz) 107 Post-layout simulation of the modulator output spectrum.