Course Syllabus EE221 – Circuits II

Course Syllabus
EE221 – Circuits II – 3 Credits
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
South Dakota State University
Spring Term 2011
MWF – 10:00 to 10:50 a.m.
Room SECS 218
Dr. Steven M. Hietpas, P.E., Professor and Head
SECS 214
Office 688-4526
Office hours: TBA after first full week of classes.
Appointments: Send appointment request to department secretary
E-mail: use D2L course email only when concerning course matters
Helpdesk 605-688-6776 or, or
Technology Requirements:
Distance Ed. Support:
SDSU Library:
Student Conduct
Cheating and
Each student is expected to maintain a professional attitude and
perform to the best of their abilities without resorting to abusive
conduct, cheating, or plagiarism. Violations of the academic honor
code may result in a failing grade for this class, or a reduction in the
final grade, depending on the relative severity of the violation. Any
violations to the code may be referred to the Office of Student Affairs.
Students should be aware of
and take note of information regarding SDSU Student Code located at
e&pageid=101262 . For view and comments on plagiarism and
cyber-plagiarism, see, by Ronald B.
Catalog description:
This course is designed to provide the electrical engineering student
with an understanding of the basic concepts of the profession. Topics
covered include resistive circuits, transient circuits, and sinusoidal
analysis. Students also investigate essential principles by conducting
laboratory experiments related to the topics studied in the classroom.
PSpice is used to analyze electrical circuits using personal computers.
Course Prerequisites: Pass Math 321 and Pass EE 220 (Circuits I)
with C or better.
Course Co-requisites: Concurrently taking EE 221L (Circuits II
Course Topics:
Transient and Steady-State Solutions of Sinusoidally Driven
Sinusoidal Steady State and Phasors
Complex Impedance, Thévenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits
1-phase and 3-phase Circuits, Wye-to-Delta Transformation
Power, VARs, Apparent Power, Power Triangle, Power Factor
Correction, Maximum Power Transfer, Impedance Matching
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Magnetically Coupled Circuits, DOT Convention, Transformers
Frequency Response Analysis, Resonance
Laplace (Transient and Steady-State Analysis), Initial Value
and Final Value Theorems, Inverse Laplace, Unit and Impulse
BODE Plots
Filters, ½ Power or 3 dB Point
Required Textbook: Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition, Hayt,
Kemmerly and Durbin, McGraw Hill, 2007, (ISBN 13: 978-0-07286611-7 and ISBN 10: 0-07-326380-X)
EE 221 Notes, Steven Hietpas(SDSU Bookstore:
Tentative Course A summary of the topics covered (chronologically) is provided below:
Outline/Schedule: Chapter # Topics/Subject
Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis
Power Analysis
(exam 1)
Balanced Three Phase
Magnetically Coupled Circuits
Complex Freq. and Laplace
(exam 2)
Circuit Analysis in S-domain
Frequency Response
(exam 3)
Mathworks MATLAB® , latest version.
OrCAD PSpice® LITE version 9.2 or greater
Course Goals:
General Course Objectives:
This course does not satisfy an SGR or IGR goal specifically, but
builds upon them addressing the following goals:
1) Develop the ability to apply knowledge of physics and
mathematics, along with appropriate computer aided tools, to
solve problems relating to electrical circuits.
2) Develop skills to communicate effectively through writing.
3) Prepare students for EE 316-Signals and EE 320-Electronics I.
At the end of the semester, students will improve their abilities in the
following areas:
(a), (c), (e) , (g) , (k) are associated with specific ABET
(Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology) Outcomes
(a) Students will demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge
of differential equations, complex variables and linear algebra.
(c) Students will demonstrate an ability to design several
typical circuits often found within a larger system to meet
desired needs.
(e) Students will demonstrate the ability to identify,
formulate, and solve circuit-level engineering problems.
(g) Students will demonstrate an ability to communicate
effectively in both written and oral form.
(k) Students will demonstrate an ability to compute complex
arithmetic, frequency responses, and perform parametric
studies using modern engineering tools such as MATLAB and
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PSpice through a variety of computer design and analysis
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IDEA Survey
At end of semester, students will complete the IDEA survey. The
instructor selected “essential” objectives:
1. Learning fundamental principles, generalization, or theories
2. Learning to apply course material (to improve thinking,
problem solving, and decisions)
3. Developing specific skills, competencies, and points of view
needed by professionals in the field most closely related to this
Instructor Goals
Circuits II covers material that will be useful in a majority of junior
senior EE courses. It is my goal to maximally prepare the student for
those courses, in knowledge of fundamentals, study habits, analytical
skills, and last but not least, computer skills. It is not the intention to
weed out students and it is not the intention to cause unnecessary
stress in the students’ lives. However, the work level required in this
class will likely be more than many of your other classes, and as
such, prepare yourselves to put in extra time. If it is the student’s
desire to succeed in this course, follow these guidelines:
Never skip class and avoid getting behind on homework, etc.
· Read 10 pages of the current chapter before coming to class
· Make use of office hours and tutoring/help sessions
· Work all problems on your own and check answers with others
· Check the review page on course webpage for solutions
for Students:
Other Course
Circuits Template: Approximately $10. See Bookstore:
Report Writing Policy: Students are required to read the report
writing policy located at, and to follow this policy very closely. This policy is
applicable to all reports, both class and labs, for all EE courses.
Make-up policy: There should be no late assignments. Failure to
meet this basic requirement will result in 0 credits for the
assignment; however, you are still required to submit all
assignments. Please know that if there are extenuating
circumstances, you should explain this to the professor who will take
this into consideration when assigning the grade.
Policy: (via D2L) It is the student’s responsibility to check
often. When emailing instructor, you are required to follow
in the email subject line type: EE221 + additional, yet
concise, useful/revealing info, for example: EE221 Need
help on Assign #3, Problems 1, 4 and 9
salutation for every email should begin with Dr. Hietpas, and
provide sufficient detail in the text message relating to your
subject line.
finish email with your full name and Colleague ID. Five
points extra credit if you follow these directions precisely
following our first day of class and prior to meeting our second
day of class. Subject: EE221 Hello.
It is good practice to not include multiple and un-related topics
within an email – separate them out
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Assessment Tools: Homework assignments, quizzes, design and
programming assignments, reports, exams, and Final Exam.
Homework: Assigned weekly: posted on the Assignments
page. Homework will be collected often but not all problems
will be graded, only selected ones. The two most recent
solutions will be posted on the Review page in a timely
Quizzes: A combination of paper and TurningPoint “Clicker”
quizzes will be given throughout the semester (unannounced).
Quizzes may cover problems from a recent assignment
(possibly not yet turned in) or over recent lecture notes.
Design/Computer Problems: Two practical design problems
will be assigned, which will be a precursor to the computer
assignments. Each computer program problem (distinct from
homework) will follow the respective design component.
These assignments require a formal report and are to follow
the EE program’s writing guidelines.
Exams: There will be three one-hour exams during the
semester. Special instructions and policy for each exam will
be posted on the course Review page. No make-up exams will
be offered, except under special circumstances and arranged
prior to the scheduled exam date.
Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and all
students are required to take exam and pass exam to pass the
course (regardless of cumulative score).
Class Attendance Policy: Your presence in class is required. If you
need to miss, let me know well beforehand via D2L email, and a clear
and reasonable explanation has to be stated in the email.
Performance standards/grading policy
For each day late on assignments, your assignment will be reduced
one letter grade, or 0 points if solution has already been posted to the
Review page. Graded or not, all assignments must be turned in to
pass the course.
Homework/Quiz (averaged)
Design/Computer Projects
Hour Exams (averaged)
Final Exam
Total Points Possible
Final letter grades will be assigned (possibly on a grading curve),
based on the performance of the class compared to past classes. The
following minimum guidelines are guaranteed, where the instructor
reserves the right to lower the cutoff points but will not raise them:
A – 90% to 100%
D – 60% to 69.9%
B – 80% to 89.9%
F – less than 60%
C – 70% to 79.9%
The associated laboratory course (EE221L) must be taken
concurrently with EE221 (Lecture Course). To receive a passing
grade for EE221 (C or better), student must pass EE221L with a C or
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The instructor has the right to lower the grade by one letter because
of two or more unexcused absences from the lecture - email
instructor when knowingly needing to miss a lecture, or provide an
explanation for your absence after the fact – this may be taken into
consideration. If you missed due to illness, a note from your doctor
or SDSU clinic is required.)
ADA Statement:
This course acknowledges the importance of ADA requirements. Any
student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the
impact of a disability should contact the Coordinator of Disability
Services privately to discuss your specific needs. Please contact the
Office of Disability Services at 605/688-4504 (Voice) or 605/6884394 (TTD), or at the office in Wintrode, Room 123 to coordinate
reasonable accommodations for students with documented
disabilities. For more information please see
in Learning:
Under Board of Regents and University policy student academic
performance may be evaluated solely on an academic basis, not on
opinions or conduct in matters unrelated to academic standards.
Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or
views offered in any course of study and to reserve judgment about
matters of opinion, but they are responsible for learning the content
of any course of study for which they are enrolled. Students who
believe that an academic evaluation reflects prejudiced or capricious
consideration of student opinions or conduct unrelated to academic
standards should first contact the instructor of the course to initiate a
review of the evaluation. If the student remains unsatisfied, the
student may contact the department head and/ or dean of the college
which offers the class to initiate a review of the evaluation.
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