INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING HAND CONTROllER ON PASSENGER CAR Only a few simple steps are necessary to install the hand controller for trailer coach operation. 1. Mount hand controller in position on steering column as shown on back page. . 2. Locate socket at rear of car so that it will be in a protected position. 3. Make connections by steps as shown on wiring diagram on next page. Use twin con- ductor cable furnished with control kit. REMEMBER THAT ELECTRICITY FLOWS BEST THROUGH CLEAN TIGHT CONNECTIONS! WA."ER ELECTRIC Illa,! BRAKE & wlselllSl1I CLUTCH us .. CO. INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING HAND CONTROLLER ON PASSENGER CAR CAUTION CD Make all connections clean and tight. Tape twin cable to steering post. Use cable clamps to fasten cable along frame. USE WITH TWO·WAY SOCKET A. Conned wia hom battery qlnund \0 either 'umlnal on Do not ground brake circuit to frame of trailer. l('(:ket. ~ NEVER connect tail or stoplight into brake circuit. Wire on car and trailer must be No. 12 or larger. Tape exposed portions of all terminals. B. Connect wire hom coallon., 10 IlICOnd terminal 01 $OChl. 4 (1) STEP STEP Bring twin cable close to 1101\" f swilch. eerrefully , Bran terminal, mark-.d ''B''. is lor liye .ide 01 Itoplight. 2 ",lit cover and. .... pOle w .... Cui ..... il. long enoU<Jh 10 oltl,lch stalter .wltch tel",lnol 10 end 01 wile from .:onllolle,. Connect terminal to Ilarler IWiTCh. Tbla II (I mO$I important step' Mote sUI. connection il hetw..,n Conned bloek wife Irom baller} ground ta lermJnal. marked "GR", o C<.>nned red wire Irom can' troller to copper ll;nmlrlal, controller and slorter swilell! marked "C", -< ~ • CD !'>OLDER Allach batlo'!Iy ground termin,,1 to f'eI ~nd at Wile and ccnn~ct with hl111"')' ground Itl"~ ...' boh, Be Illfe connf'clicn IS cleon and "9!:.~ QL ~( S2A ----- P\ - w USEWITH THREE·WAY SOCKET :::\~f~~/ "> /. v i FOR 12·YOLT OPERATION Resisto' - Use on Cars Equipped wilh 12-Vt>lt Ignition Syslems CD WEB ~2843·D lot 2-Bralre Troilen WEB :="2843·A lor 4·Brake Trollers Inllall rUillO' on lirewall, belwcon Ilorte' IWilCh and hand controller Connect Wiles hom ono end 01 twin coble to COnl/cUe, termlnoll, Ploc' tape orou"d .I.... rillg po"t belole mounhng conlrolle, CAutlOtl Run hOI wire from slatler ,".itch lermmol 10 resiltor t.,,,;ninal and I'<lrn oPPololle lui.lor terminal 10 controll(', W A." I . I Lie T. I e . R A K I Iltlll, • .ISt'N~I~,' C L UTe H co. Clamping Ileetinq ~t 100 IIghl w,1l ecru., "eoring wheel 10 bind, INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLING HAND CONTROLLER ON PASSENGER CAR UPPER SLOT THE LONG LEVER PROVIDED IS FOR MOST CARS, IN SOME CASES IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO BEND THE LEVER CONTROLLER TO SUIT REACH OF DAIVER, CLAMP SE SURE TO REMOVE THE LEVER FROM CONTROLLER BEFORE ANY BENDING IS ATTEMPTED. LEVER MAY BE SHORTENED BY CUTTING TO DESiRED LENGTH AND RETHREADING WITH ~/16 - 18 DIE FOR END KNOB, BEND HERE I~NECESSARY ~~ ~::::::::::::~=I LEVER ·· WARNING DO NOT REMOVE THE PLASTIC COVER SPECIAL ADAPTER SPECIAL CLAMP CONTROLLER I. ASSEMBLE LEVER TO CONTROLLER AS SHOWN. 2. PLACE CONTROLLER ON L. H. SIDE OF STEERING COLUMN IN LOCATION DESIRED (BELOW THE INSTRUMENT PANEL IN MOST CARS.) 3. WRAP TWO LAYERS OF FRICTION TAPE AROUND STEERING COLUMN WHERE CLAMP WILL BE LOCATED. 4. FEED CLAMP IN THRU UPPER SLOT AND OUT LOWER SLOT. TIGHTEN SECURELY TO PREVENT SLIPPING. INSTALLAnON 1949~ 1953 NASH THESE NASHS REQUIRE A SPECIAL CLAMP AND ADAPTER. ORDER CLAMP AND ADAPTER ACCESSORY NO. 111715 PRICED AT 94.00 EACH F.O. B. FACTORY (STATE AND FEDERAL TAXES NOT INCLUDED. ) PROCEED AS SHOWN ABOVE EXCEPT PLACE ALUMINUM ADAPTER INSTALLATION ON 1949-1953 NASH -.- cf4 STEERING COLUMN AND USE sh ILLUSTRATION AT LEFT LONGER CLAMP PROVIDED. -5- CONTROLLER MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR INSTALLATION ON ALL 1951-1953 CHRYSLER AND DE SOTO MODELS /1 - - ---- , , ,, , 1. Remove panel from column (5 screws). 2. Cut a wood round (l ';' a.D. x 4" long). 3. Drill 1;-1" screw holes in round as shown (Page 7). 4. Saw round in half. 5. Drill matching holes in panel (step No. I) to suit desired location. -. 6. Slot panel (step No. I) in 2 places for controller clamp. 7. Assemble two halves with wood screws as shown. 8. Assemble wires to terminals on controller. 9. Assemble controller and panel as shown. -,- 1 MOUNTING 40101 HAND CONTROLLER ON AUTOMOBILE waRNER ELECTRIC Illili. BRAKE WIStONSI., & CLUTCH CO. USA IITMO US A