QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. http://edition.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/conditions/04/03/brazil.dengu e/index.html#cnnSTCVideo Kort film? Ngt om tröskeleffekt Land use change (deforestation, urban sprawl) Rapid urbanization Infrastructural development (esp. irrigation systems, creation of new urban ”habitats”) Eroded health infrastructure in the 1980s and 1990s ”Quick fix” solutions create more resistant vectors QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Dengue epidemic in Brazil, 2007-2008 1. Fast evolving surprise with the ability to create a crisis that cascades across system boundaries, and spatial scales 2. Complex and multilevel underlying drivers 3. Recombination potential with additional stresses, such as poverty, eroded health infrastructure creates A New Generation of Ecological Crisis? Avian flu (H5N1) “Wheat rust” Food crisis/agflation Ug99 QuickTime och en TIFF (LZW)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. No repeated global assessment of ecosystem change (c.f. IPCC) Fragmented social, economical and ecological data – trends impossible, geographic gaps. Economic evaluation of ES Global change in the political landscape Decentralization ”One of the most important global policy experiments” ”Increased problem solving capacity” ”Decentralization can lead to more efficient governance, better link to local context” -> higher capacity to deal with complex problems Forest co-management, water management, ecosystem management, development Public-Private Partnerships – formalized collaboration between state actors and private/non-state actors Expectation: more flexible and efficient way to reach political aims. Not privatization – not state controlled Water, health, biodiversity conservation, etc. Non-Governmental Organizations Increased number and participation of NGOs, ”think-tanks”, epistemic communities at all political levels. Biodiversity, climate policy, fisheries policy, m.m. International agreements Increased influence of multilateral agreements on national policy e.g. Kyoto-protocol, EU:s Framework Directives, Convention on Biological Diversity, World Trade Organization, etc 1960: 20 , 1990: 140, than 700 2005: more Centralized decisionmaking DecisionCentral policy-maker (e.g. environmental ministry) making Regional or local state authorities Implementation and mo Local natural resource users Behavioral response Decision-making in complex governance systems International norms, agreements Decisionmaking, implementatio Non-state n, actors negotiations, Implementation, monito Regional or local state authorities partnerships negotiations, partners Central policy-maker (e.g. environmental ministry) Decentraliz ation Local natural resource users Decision-making, implementation, Monitoring, partnerships Institutions, organizations or networks? QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. WHO Institutions, organizations or networks? QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Private Business Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. WHO QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Global Environmental Change + Global ”Governance” Change Are they compatible? How does this affect our capacity to deal with complex, non-linear, multilevel social-ecological systems? What do YOU think? ”Good Governance” according to the World Bank: Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law, and Control of Corruption. High Medium Low Very Low No data/n.a. Does ”good governance” matter for protecting vital ecosystems? High Medium Low Very Low No data/n.a. Forest Cover Change Biodiversity (bird population) High levels of corruption Low levels of corruption Temporal misfits The Sahel region 1950s-60s ”Roving Bandits” F. Berkes et. al. 2006 Thresholds misfit Cod stock collapse, Newfoundland, (Canada) Methane outburst Biostability/ collapse Amazonian region Fast Speed of change Very large Spati al Limite distr Slow Lo w Uncerta inty Hi gh d Major governance puzzles institutional diversity Enhances our capacity to deal with with uncertainty and change. Elinor Ostrom: no ”blue-prints” for ecosystem management. Folke: helps us recover and innovate. ”Portfolio of QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A r u t Dis Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Social, technical, economical, environmental change ce n baInst. A Collapse Inst. E Inst. B Inst. F Inst. D Inst. B Inst. A Inst. A Inst. A Inst. C Inst. E Inst. G Inst. 0 Inst. F Inst. C Inst. C Inst. A UK and the ”Mad cow disease” (BSE),1996 - surprise, decision-making under severe time stress and high scientific and social uncertainty - Lack of central coordination, communication between key decision makers, and to the public, poor. Margaret Thatchers fault! Gerodimos (2004). Public Adm. 82(4). QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Financial crisis rapid global coordination, adaptive strategies, huge investments despite cascading events and high uncertainty QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Financial Crisis vs Earth System Crisis 1) Earlier and similar economic crises provide a number of “lessons learned” 2) Key decision-makers and central institutions promptly identified 3) Fi i l t d idl d ith Major governance puzzles – centralization vs decentralization Decentralized systems + possibility to innovate in the face of surprises, early warning, and prompt response -can be overwelmed by disturbance, fail to coordinate with other ”small” units Centralized systems + have overview, track long term changes, compensate for maladaptive lower units - too far away to detect early warnings, and innovate. Information Information overload The SARS crises QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Too Good to be True? “High Reliability Organizations” - organizations with the capacity to cope with both incremental change and catastrophic QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Capacity to collect and analyze very large amounts of information, detect early warning signals, and facilitate fast coordination of large number of actors. Decision-making dependent on the type of change in environment. High capacity for learning after crises, strong incentives to report and take initiatives to repair Is it possible? Governing Epidemics Bild epidemics QuickTime och en TIFF (LZW)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Bubonic Plage, Surat the spread (India)1994 of In 1994 bubonic plague in the city of Surat deaths of 57 people, significant economic losses, and social and political effects. Over 300,000 people deserted the city (in two days!) How small innovations and perceived crisis makes a global difference! QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (LZW)-dekomprimerare krävs”unknown för att kunna se bilden. ”atypical pneumonia”, respiratory disease” QuickTime och en TIFF (LZW)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. WHO Country A Country B Global Outbreak Alert and Response N QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Collaboration between over 120 actors (governments, ministries, laboratories, NGO’s) QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. - prompt coordination to secure fast response QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden. Pre-crises phase Warning Confirmation phase Warning Response phase We are far away from such a system… Division for Early WHO/GOARN UNEP Early warnings:Warning builds and on Assement both ”formal” and warnings: builds Early ”informal data” (GPHIN, both formal data ProMed). 1,1 on million only. Acknowledged Euro/Yr bias Response: Prompt in and lack of data. collaboration77,5 with million WHO, Euro/yr regional offices, NGO’s, Response: health ministries, Recommendations to technical labs. governments Tools: coordinating arenas, -> slow or adhoc groups,non-existing secure webpages, teleconferences. No repeated global assessment of ecosystem change (c.f. IPCC) Fragmented social, economical and ecological data – trends impossible, geographic gaps. Is there any hope? Yes! Economic evaluation of ES incl. GEO-4, 'tipping points' International Panel for Ecosystem Services (IPES)? Both incremental change and abrupt surprising change including cascading dynamics QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Eco ”tipping points” change at the tipping point sets in motion mutually inforcing feedback loops that propel the system on a completely new course. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Governance for innovation • Innovation research tends to focus on innovations in business and technical systems • Can they be applied for SES innovations? • Institutional context? Policy interventions? • Global orchestration? QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Summing up • Solutions at the interface technology, ecology and social sphere • Positive ”tipping points” escalating improvements, not only crises. • Quality of Governance - include dynamics of SES. • Information technology could have revolutionary impact on governance. • Building on past successes - HRO, Thank you! victor.galaz@stockholmresilience.su .se 1.Vilket svenskt politiskt parti hamnar närmast tankesättet att komplexa system kräver diversitet, ständig anpassning och lärande? Varför? Varför inte? 2.Är det önskvärt att formulera ekosystemkriser som en säkerhetsfråga, dvs som en politisk fråga som ska behandlas med samma dignitet och strukturer som exempelvis internationell terrorism och Adaptive co-management Adaptive co-management; a combinati promotes multilevel institutional li shared responsibility between a dive actors, combination of knowledge so as well as learning. (Olsson et. al. 2004, Berkes et. al Example: Kristianstad (SE), Krüger Park (SA), Bali water temples (Indonesia), Tiszra (Central Europe),… Network based governance relies heavily on social coordination and control, collective sanctions and reputations -> requires repeated interactions, restricting the numbers of actors in networks, often geographical proximity. Fish and Ebola virus QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Climat e change QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Agroecosyst Coral reef ems Fish stock decrea Increa sed bushme at huntin se g Global Environmental Governance after Kyoto 1. Weak signals bring about strong action 2. Decision-making dependent on type of change. 3. High investment in learning after Think about theand political “near-misses” challenges… crises Not just theory… ”Early response” coordinators - legal frameworks that allow actors to act (e.g. International Health Regulations) - unhindered information flows between a diversity of QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare actors, from local to global.krävs för att kunna se bilden. - informal, personal contacts and trust, and ”low-tech” interactions. QuickTime och en TIFF (okomprimerat)-dekomprimerare krävs för att kunna se bilden.