Closing the Gap Action Plan 2014 – 2015

Closing the Gap Action Plan 2014 – 2015 Aims • All Pupil Premium students, including the most able, to meet or exceed expected levels of progress. • All Pupil Premium students will have outstanding attendance (95%+) and behavior. • All Pupil Premium students will be successful learners, provided with timely and accurate feedback on their learning and given additional support where required, particularly to develop their literacy and mathematical skills. RJD 2014/15 Action Sutton Trust Lead EEF Research Timescale Cost Success criteria Monitoring Leadership Closing the Gap between students eligible for the Pupil Premium and other students is a school‐wide high priority. All staff to be aware of which students are eligible for the Pupil Premium. All staff to have high expectations for eligible students in a ‘no excuses’ culture. Although the Sutton Trust has not conducted research in this area we feel that it is vital that ‘closing the attainment and progress gap’ is viewed as a high priority across the school. Sept 2014 to July 2015 £0 All teachers and teaching assistants are aware of who the students eligible for the Pupil Premium are, what their role is and details are recorded clearly in mark books. All PP students’ exercise books and assessed work to be marked in detail, in‐line with the school marking policy – there is no difference in marking frequency and feedback quality with non‐PP students. Teachers differentiate lessons to maximise engagement and learning opportunities for PP students. All PP students are set challenging targets for GCSE – 15% will be added to the KS2 APS for each PP student in Years 7‐10. All staff understand that being a PP student does not equate to ‘lower ability’. The lesson observation programme – examples recorded on lesson plans and lesson observation forms (October 2014 – June 2015) ‐ KPD Departmental work scrutiny, learning walks and student voice (autumn, spring and summer terms) – HODs and ALs Departmental target setting (autumn 2014) – HODs and AMP RJD RJD 2014/15 Leadership Introduce five Achievement Leaders (Years 7‐11) through the restructuring of Assistant Headteacher roles on the senior leadership team. Each Achievement Leader will have the strategic leadership responsibility for the progress and achievement of all students in a year group, including those eligible for the Pupil Premium. Again the Sutton Trust in this area has not conducted research but we believe that as the closing the gap agenda is a high priority for the school it must be reflected in the roles of the leadership team. RJD DAB LDD WMS RCP Sept 2014 to July 2015 £0 The progress and achievement of all students, including those eligible for the Pupil Premium is closely tracked, analysed and appropriate support/intervention is implemented to ensure that students meet or exceed expected levels of progress. The expected progress gap by the end of Year 11 in English and Maths between PP eligible students and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Each Achievement Leader to produce a termly report to the SLT on the achievement, progress and associated effectiveness of support and interventions for each year group, which includes PP students – ALs and RJD Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – HODs and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – HODs, ALs and AMP RJD 2014/15 Data tracking and analysis Ensuring that an effective system Implement the SISRA data package for frequent and regular tracking to enable leaders at all levels to of achievement track and analyse the progress and and progress is achievement of all students, vital to identifying including those eligible for the and then Pupil Premium, using accurate up‐
overcoming to‐date academic data. barriers to learning. DAB LDD WMS RFW RCP HODs May 2014 until May 2017 £4500 in total The progress and for a three year achievement of all students, including those eligible for contract (funded from the Pupil Premium, is closely the 2013/14 PP tracked, analysed and appropriate and timely budget) support and intervention is implemented to ensure that students meet or exceed expected levels of progress. Each Achievement Leader to produce a termly report to the SLT on the achievement, progress and associated effectiveness of support and interventions for each year group, which includes PP students – ALs and RJD Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – HODs and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – HODs, ALs and AMP RJD 2014/15 English Pupil Premium Support fund to provide small group and one‐to‐
one tuition as well as additional resources for students eligible for the Pupil Premium in Years 7‐11 to meet or exceed expected levels of progress in English. Contribution to the cost of the Accelerated Reader programme to improve the reading ages of all Pupil Premium eligible students in Years 7 and 8. Reduced class size (+3 months) Small group tuition (+4 months) One to one tuition (+ 5 months) Mastery learning (+ 5 months) DAB JAW MSC September 2014 to July 2015 PP support fund: £6000 Accelerated Reader contribution: £1000 The reading ages of all PP students meets or exceeds their chronological ages by the end of Year 8. Year 7 – At least 90% of PP students are level 4+ in English. Year 8 – At least 75% of PP students are Level 5+ in English. Year 9 – At least 90% of PP students are Level 5+ and at least 50% are Level 6+ in English. Years 10 and 11 – At Least 80% of PP students make expected progress and 40% make better than expected progress in English. Year 11 ‐ The progress gaps in English between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Year 11 ‐ The attainment gap in English between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 0.5 of a grade or less by July 2015. Termly monitoring of reading age / literacy improvements – JAW Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – MSC, DAB and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – DAB and AMP RJD 2014/15 Maths Additional staffing to provide small group and one‐to‐one tuition for students eligible for the Pupil Premium in Years 7‐11 who are at risk of not making expected progress in Mathematics. Additional leadership support to drive improvements in the achievement and progress of students eligible for the Pupil Premium. Pupil Premium Support fund to provide small group and one‐to‐
one tuition as well as additional resources for students eligible for the Pupil Premium in Years 7‐11 to meet or exceed expected levels of progress in Maths. Reduced class size (+3 months) Small group tuition (+ 4 months) One to one tuition (+ 5 months) KAM MAT EMM Sept 2014 to July 2015 Additional staffing: £10 000 Additional leadership support: £3000 PP support fund: £6000 Year 7 – At least 90% of PP students are level 4+ in Maths. Year 8 – At least 75% of PP students are Level 5+ in Maths. Year 9 – At least 90% of PP students are Level 5+ and at least 50% are Level 6+ in Maths. Years 10 and 11 – At Least 80% of PP students make expected progress and 40% make better than expected progress in Maths Year 11 ‐ The progress gaps in Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Year 11 ‐ The attainment gap in Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 0.5 of a grade or less by July 2015. Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – KAM, EMM, MAT and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – KAM and AMP RJD 2014/15 Science Pupil Premium Support fund to provide small group and one‐to‐
one tuition as well as additional resources for students eligible for the Pupil Premium in Years 7‐11 to meet or exceed expected levels of progress in Science. Small group tuition (+ 4 months) One to one tuition (+ 5 months) RAB MJM Sept 2014 to July 2015 PP support fund: £6000 Year 7 – At least 90% of PP students are level 4+ in Science. Year 8 – At least 75% of PP students are Level 5+ in Science. Year 9 – At least 90% of PP students are Level 5+ and at least 50% are Level 6+ in Science. Years 10 and 11 – At Least 80% of PP students make expected progress and 40% make better than expected progress in Science. Year 11 ‐ The progress gaps in Science between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Year 11 ‐ The attainment gap in Science between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 0.5 of a grade or less by July 2015. Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – RAB, MJM and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – RAB and AMP RJD 2014/15 Home Tutoring Programme One to one A team of private Tutors will tuition provide personalised one to one (+ 5 months) tuition at home for students eligible for the Pupil Premium to remove specific barriers to learning Mastery learning (+ 5 months) in English and Maths, to ensure that the students meet or exceed expected levels of progress. RJD MSC EMM Sept 2014 to July 2015 £50 000 Year 9 – At least 90% of PP students are Level 5+ and at least 50% are Level 6+ in English and Maths. Years 10 and 11 – At Least 80% of PP students make expected progress and 40% make better than expected progress in English and Maths. Year 11 ‐ The progress gaps in English and Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Year 11 ‐ The attainment gap in English and Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 0.5 of a grade or less by July 2015. Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – DAB, KAM and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – DAB, KAM and AMP RJD 2014/15 Additional academic interventions An Achievement Leader support fund for individual year groups (7‐
11) to support Pupil Premium students (including raising the aspirations of the most able) to ensure that they make at least expected progress or end of year group milestone levels/grades. The precise support strategies will be designed according to individual need identified by the AL. DAB LDD WMS RFW RCP September 2014 to July 2015 £15 000 Year 7 – At least 90% of PP students are level 4+ in all subjects. Year 8 – At least 75% of PP students are Level 5+ in all subjects. Year 9 – At least 90% of PP students are Level 5+ and at least 50% are Level 6+ in all subjects. Years 10 and 11 – At Least 80% of PP students make expected progress and 40% make better than expected progress in all subjects. Year 11 ‐ The progress gaps in English and Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. Year 11 ‐ The attainment gap in English and Maths between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 0.5 of a grade or less by July 2015. Monitoring of the progress and attainment of PP students is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks – HODs and ALs Overall evaluation of success in the Exam Analysis document in the autumn of 2015 – AMP RJD 2014/15 CPD Teachers and students are provided with high quality CPD to ensure that marking, feedback and differentiation is both high quality and meaningful to allow students, including those eligible for the Pupil Premium to meet or exceed expected levels of progress. Feedback (+ 8 months) KPD Sept 2014 to July 2015 £4000 All PP students’ exercise books and assessed work show detailed high quality marking, in‐line with the school marking policy – there is no difference in marking frequency and feedback quality with non‐PP students. Teachers differentiate lessons to maximize engagement and learning opportunities for PP students. All PP students are trained in learning and revision strategies through the MAD programme. The progress gap in Year 11 Maths and English between students eligible for PP and all other students is reduced to 10% or less by July 2015. CPD programme and staff records – KPD The lesson observation programme – examples of strategies recorded on lesson plans and lesson observation forms (October 2014 – June 2015) ‐ KPD Departmental work scrutiny and learning walks (autumn, spring and summer terms) ‐ ALs RJD 2014/15 Removing barriers to learning Improve the attendance, behaviour and attitude to learning of all Pupil Premium students in Year 11 through an Achievement Allowance to reward positive behaviours. Behaviour HOH interventions HM (+4 months) RCP Sept 2014 to July 2015 £20 000 The attendance gap between PP students and their peers in Year 11 reduces to less than 3.0% The number of late marks accumulated by PP students in Year 11 is 50% lower than non‐PP students. The proportion of PP students in Year 11 meeting all weekly targets is 90%+. There are no fixed term exclusions (FTE) issued to PP students in Year 11 over the AA period. Weekly monitoring of attendance, behaviour ‐ HMs Termly monitoring of school sanction data (autumn, spring and summer) ‐ RJD RJD 2014/15 Removing barriers to learning A ‘Pastoral Pupil Premium Support Fund’ to be made available to support students in Years 7‐11 who are currently eligible for Pupil Premium with uniform, equipment, transport and extra‐curricular costs. Parental engagement (+ 3 months) HM HOH September 2014 to July 2015 £25 000 No PP eligible student is issued with a sanction for a uniform infringement or equipment fault over the 2014‐2015 academic year. 100% of PP eligible students in Years 10 and 11 are provided with a full set of appropriate revision guides and study support materials. At least 100% of PP eligible students in Years 7‐9 participate in at least one extra‐curricular activity by July 2015. Termly monitoring of school sanction data (autumn, spring and summer) ‐ RJD Weekly monitoring and logging of Pupil Premium Support Fund spend, including tracking of participation rates in extra‐
curricular activities – HMs RJD 2014/15 Removing barriers to learning All Pupil Premium students receive high quality individual academic, social and emotional mentoring through the House System, including improved parental engagement. Social and emotional learning (+ 4 months) Behaviour interventions (+ 4 months) Mentoring (+1 month) Parental engagement (+ 3 months) HOH HM Sept 2014 to July 2015 £24 000 All PP eligible parents have had at least two conversations with the HMs about attendance and progress. 90%+ of PP eligible parents attend their child’s parents’ evening. The overall attendance of all PP students is at least 95%. The number of exclusions (in comparison to 2013/14) issued to PP students reduces by at least 50% by July 2015. Weekly monitoring of attendance, behaviour and parental contact ‐ HMs Half termly reports by House group produced by HMs ‐ ALs Termly monitoring of school sanction data (autumn, spring and summer) ‐ RJD RJD 2014/15 Removing barriers to learning Summer School DAB A Year 7 Pupil Premium Support (+ 3 months) JAW Programme to ensure that support MJW for eligible students on entry to the Parental school is tailored to individual engagement needs, including a Peer Mentoring (+3 months) programme. Peer tutoring Curriculum modification (L‐
(+ 6 months) shaped) to support additional numeracy and mathematics Behaviour teaching in Year 7. interventions (+ 4 months) Pupil Premium Summer School to help Pupil Premium students Mentoring understand the transition to (+1 month) Plymstock School and support those students who are behind in key areas such as literacy and numeracy to catch up with their peers. July 2014 to July 2015 L‐shaped Curriculum design: (Cost covered through whole‐
school budget) Summer School: £7500 The participation rate at summer school (July 2014) of PP eligible students entering Year 7 in Sept 2014 is at least 80%. 100% of PP students in Year 7 will have their own individually allocated Peer Mentor who will meet with them at least twice a month. 100% of PP students in Year 7 who are identified as not making sufficient progress in a subject area will be supported through one to one Peer Tutoring. At least 90% of students who enter Year 7 below Level 4 in English and/or Maths have exceeded Level 4 by July 2015. The attendance of all PP students in Year 7 is at least 95%. There are no exclusions issued to PP students in Year 7 between Sept 2014 and July 2015. Monitoring of participation rates through summer school attendance registers ‐ DAB Peer Mentoring and Peer Tutoring sessions to be tracked weekly – HMs Weekly monitoring of attendance, behaviour and parental contact ‐ HMs Monitoring of the progress of Catch‐up Premium students is in‐
line with autumn, spring and summer data checks ‐ JAW, MJW and ALs RJD 2014/15 Removing barriers to learning Implementation of a school engagement programme through the Bespoke Engaging Education Service (BEES) for targeted Pupil Premium students in Year 7 to improve attendance, confidence, leadership skills and attitude to learning. The programme will also seek to engage parents more actively in their child’s education. Social and emotional learning (+ 4 months) Behaviour interventions (+ 4 months) Mentoring (+1 month) Parental engagement (+ 3 months) NP HOH October 2014 to July 2015 £20 000 The parents of all participating PP students at least one event related to the engagement programme. The overall attendance of the targeted PP students is at least 95%. 100% of students participating in the programme achieve all effort grades at 1 and 2 in each progress check. There are no exclusions issued to PP students involved in the programme during the 2014‐15 academic year. Monitoring of participation rates through attendance registers ‐ NP Weekly monitoring of attendance, behaviour and parental contact ‐ HMs Monitoring of in‐class effort is in‐line with autumn, spring and summer data checks ‐ HOH and HM Weekly monitoring of attendance, behaviour and parental contact ‐ HMs Termly monitoring of school sanction data (autumn, spring and summer) ‐ RJD RJD 2014/15 Raising aspirations Ensure that all Pupil Premium students across KS3‐KS4 have access to high quality careers advice and guidance. Although the Sutton Trust have very limited evidence of the impact in this area – we believe that high quality CIAG is vital to raising aspirations of Pupil Premium students. LHD PJS KW Sept 2014 to July 2015 £3000 for ICT support All PP students in Years 9‐11 have accessed the Think Future package on at least three occasions by July 2015. All PP students in Years 9‐11 will have at least on ‘one‐to‐
one’ careers interview by May 2015. There will be 0% NEETs for PP eligible students. PP aspirations data to be monitored by reviewed termly – LHD Careers interview records to be kept and monitored and a summary report produced by May 2015 ‐ LHD A contingency fund of approx. £15 000 has been set aside to allow for additional support and interventions that might arise for these students over the academic year. Total spend for 2014 – 2015: £189 000 RJD 2014/15 