Alternating Current Another way to express: Phasors Time dependence of voltage & current (e.g. generator) ω always counter clockwise Ö it is sinusoidal Ö periodic reversals Ö wall socket in the United States 60 cycles per second Root mean square (rms) Goal: Describe a sinusoidal quantity with a “average value”. Calculating a average current IAV gives always zero because of the symmetric sinusoidal function, so we use the root mean square value. 1. square the function x = …. (e.g. I2 = (Imax sin(ωt))2 V=Vmax sin(ωt) ω = angular frequency (=2πf) f= frequency I = V/R = Vmax/R sin(ωt) I = Imax sin(ωt) 2. xAV2= ½ xmax2 3. xrms= √(xAV)2 = xmax /√2 When both, voltage and current intercept the time axis at the same time we say “Current and voltage are in phase” Example: Power P = I2R = (Imax sin(ωt))2 R PAV = ½ Imax² R = Irms2 R Other relationships: Irms= Vrms/R ; Imax= Vmax/R 1 2 RC Circuits We know so far Vmax,R= ImaxR Vmax,C= ImaxXC The total voltage is not the sum like for two resistors, because Vmax,R and Vmax,C are not in phase. Capacitors in AC The relation between rms current and capacitance can be calculated using calculus Irms= ωCVrms or Irms= Vrms / XC Capacitive Reactance XC= 1/ωC [Ω, Ohm] Resistors have the same resistance at all frequencies of voltage – a capacitor does not Ö depends on frequency high frequency Irms small low frequency Irms high Vmax = Vmax,R + Vmax,C = I max,R R 2 + I max,C X C2 = I max R 2 + X C2 2 Z = R 2 + X C2 2 3 2 Impedance in a RC circuit 1 Z = R2 + ωC Current and voltage are not in phase. “The voltage lags the current by 90° ” (ωt = π/2 = 90° ) Power (P = I V) has an average value of zero 2 2 4 Angle between Imax and Vmax is called the phase angle Inductors in AC circuits If a resistance only limited the current a tremendous current would flow when we when a high voltage was applied I R R cos φ = max,R = I max,C Z Z Both, the magnitude and the phase angle between the voltages are important for the power consume Same story: Vmax = Imax XL With calculus we get XL = ωL [Ω, Ohm] (Inductive Reactance) Also here: Resistors have the same resistance at all frequencies of voltage – A inductor does not PAV = I2rms R PAV = Irms(Vrms/Z) R PAV = IrmsVrmscosφ Voltage leads the current by 90° PAV= IrmsVrms cosφ PAV= IrmsVrms cos90°= 0! 5 6 RLC Cirquits RL - circuits Vmax = Vmax,R + (Vmax,L − Vmax,C )2 = I max,R R2 + (I max,L X L − I max,C X C )2 2 Vmax = I max R2 + ( X L − X C )2 Vmax = Vmax,R + Vmax,L = I max,R R 2 + I max,L X L2 = I max R 2 + X L2 2 2 Z = R 2 + X L2 2 2 Z = R2 + ( X L − X C ) 2 Impedance in a RL circuit 1 Z = R2 + ωL − ωL Z = R 2 + (ωL ) 2 cos φ = 2 I max,R R R = I max,L Z Z Impedance in a RLCcircuit 2 Phaseangleφ I (X − XC ) X L − XC tanφ = max L = I max,L R R Powerangle cosφ R cosφ = Z 7 8 Resonance LC circuit without a generator but a charged capacitor is an oscillator (e.g. Pendulum) If nothing dissipates energy (like friction) the oscillation would be forever. Natural frequency Mass-spring ω = k / m 1 LC circuit ω = = 2πf LC Resonance Magnitude of oscillation becomes maximum at the natural frequency. Value of R does not change the natural frequency Application: Radio, Television 9