NE 502 Project Fall 2015 Determine the maximum thermal power a PWR with the following system characteristics can operate under natural circulation if the coolant exit temperature in the hot channel is to remain subcooled at a system pressure of 2250 psia. The reactor coolant system consist of the reactor vessel, 4 hot legs, 4 steam generators and four cold legs. The vessel, hot leg and cold legs can be considered commercial steel. The fuel rods and steam generator tubes can be considered smooth drawn tubing. The secondary side steam pressure can be assumed to be 1000 psia. You may assume a reactor heat flux profile of the form (z ) q( z ) q0 sin He Problem Data Reactor Vessel and Core Rod Pitch Rod Diameter Number of Fuel Assemblies Rod Array Number of Spacer Grids Grid Loss Coefficient Core Height Core Inlet Loss Coefficient Core Outlet Loss Coefficient Power Peaking Factor Axial Peaking Factor Fraction of Energy Deposity in Fuel Vessel ID Core Barrel OD Downcomer Length Downcomer Loss Coefficient 0.496 inches 0.374 inches 193 17 x 17 8 .5 150 inches 0.5 0.5 2.4 1.5 0.97 173 inches 157.6 inches 21 ft 4.5 Hot Leg (each Hot Leg) Length Diameter Hot Leg Equivalent L/D Hot Leg Inlet Loss Coefficient 20 ft 2.42 ft 20 1.5 Steam Generator (each steam generator) Bundle Inlet Loss Coefficient (referenced to tube velocity) 0.5 Bend Equivalent L/D 55 Average tube length 66.8 ft Tube Inner Diameter 0. 6075 inches Number of tubes 6633 Cold Leg (each cold leg) Length Diameter Cold Leg Inlet Loss Coefficient Cold Leg Equivalent L/D 40 ft 2.29 ft 0.5 18