7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering Tokyo, Japan, April 19-23, 1999 ICONE-7447 INVESTIGATION OF SCDAP/RELAP5 HOT LEG MODELING FOR SIMULATION OF COUNTERCURRENT NATURAL CIRCULATIONa D. L. Knudson* Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory 2525 North Fremont Avenue Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3840 United States of America E-mail: knu@inel.gov Phone: 208-526-2899 Fax: 208-526-2930 and C. A. Dobbe Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory ABSTRACT Natural circulation flows of superheated steam can develop during severe accidents in pressurized water reactors (PWRs). Those flows are important because they can transfer decay energy from the core to other parts of the reactor coolant system (RCS). The associated heatup of RCS structures can lead to pressure boundary failures, including a potential for steam generator tube rupture (SGTR). The potential for natural circulation induced SGTR was studied extensively using SCDAP/RELAP5 because fission products could be released directly to the environment through ruptured tubes. A two-pipe simulation of countercurrent natural circulation in the hot leg of a PWR had to be used in the study because SCDAP/RELAP5 hydrodynamics are one-dimensional. An assessment of the two-pipe modeling approach was needed because hot leg countercurrent natural circulation is an important contributor to structural heating and an evaluation of the potential for SGTR would be incomplete without establishing the validity of the model. The two-pipe model was assessed through SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses that addressed the absence of circumferential conduction in the hot leg wall and heat transfer between countercurrent flow streams. Results indicate that those conjugate heat transfer effects reduce countercurrent flows and vapor temperatures, thereby delaying the prediction of SGTR. Consequently, the two-pipe model was shown to be adequate in providing a conservative evaluation of the potential for SGTR in PWRs. Keywords: SCDAP/RELAP5, SGTR, severe accident modeling, natural circulation a. Work supported by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, under the United States Department of Energy Idaho Field Office Contract DE-AC07-94ID13223. 1 Copyright 1999 by JSME 1 INTRODUCTION In-vessel, full-loop, and hot leg countercurrent natural circulation flows of superheated steam can develop during severe accidents in pressurized water reactors (PWRs) with U-tube steam generators (SGs). Those flows, which are characterized by the patterns illustrated in Figure 1, are important because they can transfer decay energy from the core to other parts of the reactor coolant system (RCS). The associated heatup of structures in the RCS can lead to pressure boundary failures; with notable vulnerabilities in the pressurizer surge line, the hot leg nozzles, and the SG tubes. The potential for a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) is of particular concern because, unlike other potential RCS pressure boundary failures, fission products could bypass containment and be released directly to the environment through ruptured tubes. Steam generator Steam generator Pressurizer In-vessel natural circulation Hot leg Hot leg Cold leg Cold leg Steam Water Core Full-loop natural circulation Hot leg countercurrent natural circulation Figure 1. Natural circulation flow patterns that can develop in PWRs with U-tube SGs. The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) developed a program to address SG tube integrity issues in PWRs based on the possibility for environmental release. An extensive effort to evaluate the potential for natural circulation induced SGTRs using SCDAP/RELAP5 (Allison 1995) at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) was directed as one part of the USNRC program (Knudson 1998). Complete consideration of in-vessel, full-loop and hot leg countercurrent natural circulation 2 Copyright 1999 by JSME modes was an integral part of the INEEL evaluation. However, a two-pipe model had to be used to simulate countercurrent natural circulation flows in the hot leg because SCDAP/RELAP5 hydrodynamics are one dimensional. The efforts taken to qualify use of the two-pipe hot leg model are described in this report. This work was needed because hot leg countercurrent natural circulation is an important contributor to RCS structural heating and an assessment of the potential for SGTR in PWRs with U-tube SGs would be incomplete without establishing the validity of the two-pipe modeling approach. Relevant aspects of hot leg countercurrent natural circulation are discussed in Section 2. A description of the SCDAP/RELAP5 two-pipe model used to evaluate the potential for SGTR in PWRs with U-tube SGs is provided in Section 3. In addition, modifications used to assess the validity of the SCDAP/RELAP5 model are also discussed. Results associated with this assessment effort are presented in Section 4. And finally, pertinent conclusions are outlined in Section 5. Section 6 contains a list of references. 2 HOT LEG COUNTERCURRENT NATURAL CIRCULATION A one-seventh scale model of a four-loop PWR was used in experiments conducted by Westinghouse to study natural circulation phenomena (Stewart 1989 and Stewart 1992). The model represented a half section of the PWR and therefore included a vessel to simulate an equivalent portion of the reactor, two hot legs, and two SGs. The vessel contained structures to represent the upper plenum internals and one half of the core fuel assemblies with radial and axial flow resistance similar to the prototype. Core power was supplied through electrical heaters. Experimental results indicated that hot leg countercurrent natural circulation in PWRs with U-tube SGs consists of hot flow from the core to the SG outlet plenum through the top of the hot leg and a fraction of the SG U-tubes as shown in Figure 1. Colder flow then returns to the core through the remaining U-tubes and the bottom of the hot leg. Initial experiments were conducted at low (atmospheric) pressure using water and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) as working fluids. Subsequent experiments were conducted at high pressure (1.4 to 3.4 MPa) using SF6. (Experimental pressures of 1.4 to 3.4 MPa with SF6 are reported to be equivalent to 15.2 to 16.5 MPa with steam in the prototype.) Both steady state and transient tests were completed with variations in core power. In all cases, experimental results verified that relatively-stable hot leg countercurrent natural circulation flow patterns will develop. Stability is used as a descriptor in this context because countercurrent flows developed over a wide range of experimental conditions, stratified flow patterns in the hot leg existed without interaction between the hot and cold streams, and natural circulation flows were robust in that they quickly re-established following major pertubations (like that introduced by pressurizer relief valve cycling). Bulk mixing of hot flow in the top of the hot leg with the colder return flow in the bottom of the hot leg was not observed. 3 SCDAP/RELAP5 MODELING A SCDAP/RELAP5 (RCS loop) model typical of those used to evaluate the potential for natural circulation induced SGTR is shown in Figure 2. Consistent with experimental 3 Copyright 1999 by JSME observations, the model will allow development of natural circulation from the vessel to the SG outlet plenum through top of the hot leg and a portion of the SG U-tubes with flow returning to the vessel through the remaining tubes and the bottom of the hot leg. However, the physical separation of hot and cold countercurrent flow streams that was imposed through the use of two separate pipes to represent the hot leg is an important aspect of the model. 183 MSIV 158 SRVs 184 185 PORVs 186 187 SRVs 180 178 188 150 6 171 MFW 170-6 4 3 110 4 4 2 5 111 5 150 1 182 174 5 Steam generator Pressurizer 160 172 5 4 3 3 6 3 6 2 2 7 2 7 1 1 8 1 8 176 157 PORVs Containment 153 1 Reactor vessel 2 153 3 105 106 107 155 114 156 582 Top of hot leg 100-1 2 3 4 100-5 581 Bottom of hot leg 101-5 4 3 2 101-1 502 Cold leg 122-4 3 2 122-1 116 1 118 RCP 2 Accumulator 190 116 5 4 RCP Seal Leak Path - 125 3 Figure 2. Typical SCDAP/RELAP5 nodalization using a two-pipe model for simulating hot leg countercurrent natural circulation. Sepa ration of hot leg c ountercurre nt f low streams was ne cessa ry beca us e SCDAP/RELAP5 hydrodynamics are one-dimensional. The resulting two-pipe modeling approach was adopted and appeared to be feasible only because experiments indicated that hot and cold flow streams do not mix. In the absence of mixing, it was assumed that heat transfer 4 Copyright 1999 by JSME from the fluid to the pipe wall was the most important process to address. Furthermore, complete correlations for fluid-to-wall heat transfer are included in SCDAP/RELAP5. Consequently, models as shown in Figure 2 were expected to be suitable for SGTR evaluation. During peer reviews of the INEEL SGTR analyses, however, reviewers indicated that the two-pipe modeling approach neglected potentials for circumferential conduction in the hot leg wall and heat transfer between the hot fluid and the colder fluid. The potential for circumferential conduction exists because the hot and cold countercurrent flow streams will impose a temperature gradient in the hot leg. Although bulk mixing of the hot and cold flow streams was not observed, a potential for radiation heat transfer across the fluid-to-fluid interface could also develop. As discussed below, those additional heat transfer mechanisms were incorporated in sensitivity analyses to assess the validity of the two-pipe modeling approach. 3.1 Circumferential Conduction in the Hot Leg Wall Circumferential conduction in the hot leg wall was simulated by calculating the heat that could be conducted between top and bottom halves of each section of each hot leg during each time step, as would occur without the separation imposed by the two-pipe model. The parameters needed to complete this simulation are shown in Figure 3. Specifically, each calculation was based on the volume-averaged temperatures of the pipe halves (Tp,h and Tp,c) as reported by SCDAP/RELAP5. The difference between the volume-averaged temperatures was used as the conduction driving potential and the “average” volume-averaged temperature was used to determine the thermal conductivity (k) of the stainless steel pipe wall. A conduction path length equal to a quarter of the wall centerline circumference (πrc/2) was used since the volume-averaged temperatures were assumed to approximate wall temperatures half way between the top/bottom of the pipe and the intersection of the pipe halves. Heat transfer surface areas were twice the product of the wall thickness (t) and length of each pipe section (L), given that conduction will develop symmetrically on both sides of the hot leg. The calculated conduction of heat for each section of each hot leg, Qc as given by Equation 1, was then added to the bottom half and subtracted from the top half of each section of each hot leg during each time step. t Tp,h circumferential conduction path Tp,h ro L ri rc Tp,c Tp,c Figure 3. Parameters for simulating circumferential conduction in the two-pipe hot leg model. 5 Copyright 1999 by JSME k ( 2Lt ) Q c = ------------------- ( Tp, h – T p, c ) ( πr c ⁄ 2 ) (1) where k = thermal conductivity of the hot leg evaluated at (Tp,h + Tp,c)/2, 2Lt = area for circumferential heat conduction consisting of a length, L, times the wall thickness, t, for both interfacing surfaces of the hot leg, πrc/2 = circumferential conduction path length (at the centerline radius of the hot leg as shown in Figure 3), Tp,h = volume-averaged temperature of the pipe representing the top (hot) half of the hot leg, and Tp,c = volume-averaged temperature of the pipe representing the bottom (cold) half of the hot leg. 3.2 Fluid-to-Fluid Heat Transfer Radiation was assumed to be the primary mechanism for fluid-to-fluid heat transfer in the hot leg because mixing of countercurrent flow streams was not experimentally observed. For modeling convenience, convective processes were used to represent the assumed radiation heat transfer as follows. Very thin rectangular structures were effectively placed between hot and cold countercurrent flow streams in each section of each hot leg. The width of each structure was set at the hot leg inside diameter (2r i ) with a length corresponding to the length of the applicable hot leg section (L). Each structure was assigned a very high thermal conductivity and a very low heat capacity. A very high (constant) convective heat transfer coefficient was then applied to the side of each structure in contact with the hot fluid. Consequently, each rectangular structure was effectively held at a uniform temperature equal to the temperature of the associated hot flow stream (T f,h ). Radiation heat transfer (Q r ), and the equivalent convective heat transfer, from each rectangular structure to the applicable cold stream (at the temperature Tf,c) was then calculated using Equation 2, given black body assumptions and the fact that the structure temperature was equal to hot stream temperature (Tf,h). 4 4 Q r = σ ( 2ri L ) ( T f, h – T f, c ) = h e ( 2r i L ) ( T f, h – T f, c ) (2) where σ = Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 2riL = area for radiation and convection heat transfer at the interface between the hot and cold flow streams, Tf,h = temperature of the fluid in the pipe representing the top (hot) half of the hot leg, 6 Copyright 1999 by JSME Tf,c = temperature of the fluid in the pipe representing the bottom (cold) half of the hot leg, and he = convection heat transfer coefficient for simulating an equivalent level of radiation heat transfer. Equation 2 can be simplified, as given by Equation 3, to yield an expression for a convective heat transfer coefficient (he) that is equivalent to the black body radiation potential. The resulting equivalent convective heat transfer coefficient for each rectangular structure at each time step was then applied to the side of the structure in contact with the cooler flow stream. 2 2 h e = σ ( T f, h + T f, c ) ( T f, h + T f, c ) (3) 4 RESULTS SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses using the two-pipe model with and without conjugate heat transfer effects (as discussed above) were completed for a station blackout accident in a typical PWR. A station blackout accident was assumed because those accidents are considered to be one of the more likely scenarios leading to natural circulation flows at temperatures and pressures that could threaten SG tube integrity (as well as the integrity of other vulnerable RCS pressure boundaries). A comparison of results from the analyses can be used to determine if the two-pipe model without circumferential conduction and fluid-to-fluid heat transfer is appropriate for use in evaluating the potential for SGTR in PWRs. Results from the SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses indicated that the hot leg vapor ∆T (i.e., the difference between the temperature of the hot vapor in the top half of the hot leg and the temperature of the cooler vapor in the bottom half of the hot leg) was reduced as a result of circumferential conduction and fluid-to-fluid heat transfer in the hot leg as indicated in Figure 4. (Temperature oscillations shown in the figure are due to pressurizer relief valve cycling.) The reduction in hot leg vapor ∆T led to a reduction in hot leg countercurrent flow and a corresponding general reduction in the heat transferred to RCS structures. With less energy transferred to most loop structures, more energy was stored in core and more energy had to be rejected through pressurizer relief valve cycling. Consequently, creep rupture failure of the pressurizer surge line was predicted 150 s earlier with conjugate heat transfer effects than in the base case (without those effects) as indicated in Table 1. Vapor temperatures entering the SG tubes were also reduced as a result of conjugate heat transfer effects in the two-pipe hot leg model as indicated in Figure 5. The reduced vapor temperatures entering the SG tubes resulted in lower SG tube temperatures, which delayed prediction of SGTR. Specifically, the results indicate that the addition of circumferential conduction in the hot leg wall and fluid-to-fluid heat transfer could delay SG tube failure relative to surge line failure by 280 s (see Table 1). 7 Copyright 1999 by JSME Vapor temperature difference (K) 1000.0 base case with conjugate heat transfer 800.0 600.0 400.0 200.0 0.0 9000.0 11000.0 13000.0 15000.0 Time (s) Figure 4. Differences between vapor temperatures in the top and bottom halves of the hot leg with and without conjugate heat transfer effects. Table 1. RCS pressure boundary failure times (in s after station blackout initiation) based on a two-pipe SCDAP/RELAP5 hot leg model with and without conjugate heat transfer effects. Component Base Case With Conjugate Heat Transfer Effects (without conjugate heat transfer effects) Surge line 13,730 13,580 SG U-tube 14,960 15,090 5 CONCLUSIONS A two-pipe model for simulating hot leg countercurrent natural circulation was assessed through SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses that addressed the absence of circumferential conduction in the hot leg wall and fluid-to-fluid heat transfer between countercurrent flow streams. Results indicate that those conjugate heat transfer effects reduce the difference between the temperature of the hot vapor in the top half of the hot leg and the temperature of the cooler vapor in the bottom half of the hot leg. That differential temperature reduction led to reduced hot leg countercurrent flows and reduced vapor temperatures in the SGs. As a result, SG U-tube temperatures were reduced and the prediction of SGTR was delayed, indicating that consideration of conjugate heat transfer effects in the hot leg will decrease the calculated 8 Copyright 1999 by JSME Vapor temperature (K) 1400.0 1200.0 base case with conjugate heat transfer 1000.0 800.0 600.0 9000.0 11000.0 13000.0 15000.0 Time (s) Figure 5. Vapor temperatures entering the SG U-tubes with and without conjugate heat transfer effects. potential for SGTR. These are important conclusions because they indicate that a degree of conservatism exists in earlier SCDAP/RELAP5 analyses that used the two-pipe model to evaluate the potential for SGTR. Furthermore, they indicate that modeling complications associated with circumferential conduction and fluid-to-fluid heat transfer between hot leg countercurrent flow streams do not need to be considered in future analyses. 6 REFERENCES Allison, C. M., et al.: SCDAP/RELAP5/MOD3.1 Code Manuals, NUREG/CR-6150, (1995). Knudson, D. L., et al.: SCDAP/RELAP5 Evaluation of the Potential for Steam Generator Tube Rupture as a Result of Severe Accidents in Operating Pressurized Water Reactors, INEEL/EXT-98-00286, Revision 1, (1998). Stewart, W. A., et al.: Natural Circulation Experiments for PWR Degraded Core Accidents, Electric Power Research Institute Project NP-6324-D Report, (1989). Stewart, W. A., et al.: Natural Circulation Experiments for PWR High Pressure Accidents, Electric Power Research Institute Project RP2177-5 Report, (1992). 9 Copyright 1999 by JSME