Coverage Summary Genetic Testing Policy Number: G-003 Products: UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage Plans Approved by: UnitedHeatlhcare Medicare Benefit Interpretation Committee Original Approval Date: 02/14/2008 Last Review Date: 05/17/2016 Related Medicare Advantage Policy Guideline: Molecular Pathology/Molecular Diagnostics/Genetic Testing This information is being distributed to you for personal reference. The information belongs to UnitedHealthcare and unauthorized copying, use, and distribution are prohibited. This information is intended to serve only as a general reference resource and is not intended to address every aspect of a clinical situation. Physicians and patients should not rely on this information in making health care decisions. Physicians and p atients must exercise their independent clinical discretion and judgment in determining care. Each benefit plan contains its own specific provisions for coverage, limitations, and exclusions as stated in the Member’s Evidence of Coverage (EOC)/Summary of Benefits (SB). If there is a discrepancy between this policy and the member’s EOC/SB, the member’s EOC/SB provision will govern. The information contained in this document is believed to be current as of the date noted. The benefit information in this Coverage Summary is based on existing national coverage policy, however Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) may exist and compliance with these policies is required where applicable. INDEX TO COVERAGE SUMMARY I. II. III. IV. I. COVERAGE 1. Tumor Markers 2. Cytogenetic Studies 3. Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the Palmetto MolDX Program 4. Other Diagnostic Genetic Tests a. Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment b. MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile c. Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening d. APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated polyposis e. Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based TopographicGenotyping with PathfinderTG® f. Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Panels (OVA1™ , ROMA™) g. VeriStrat® Assay DEFINITIONS REFERENCES REVISION HISTORY COVERAGE Page 1 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Coverage Statement: Genetic testing and counseling are covered when Medicare coverage criteria are met. Note: Screening services, such as predictive and pre-symptomatic genetic tests and services, are those used to detect an undiagnosed disease or disease predisposition, and as such are not a Medicare benefit and not covered by Medicare. However, Medicare does cover a broad range of legislatively mandated preventive services to prevent disease, detect disease early when it is most treatable and curable, and manage disease so that complications can be avoided. These services can be found on the CMS website at . (Accessed April 11, 2016) Guidelines/Notes: 1. Tumor markers are covered when criteria are met; refer to the following NCDs: a. Tumor Antigen by Immunoassay - CA 125 (190.28) (Accessed April 11, 2016) b. Tumor Antigen by Immunoassay - CA 19-9 (190.30) (Accessed April 11, 2016) c. Tumor Antigen by Immunoassay - CA 15-3/CA 27.29 (190.29) (Accessed April 11, 2016) d. Carcinoembryonic Antigen (190.26) (Accessed April 11, 2016) 2. Cytogenetic Studies Cytogenetic studies is used to describe the microscopic examination of the physical appearance of human chromosomes. Cytogenetic studies are covered when reasonable and necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of the following conditions: a. Genetic disorders (e.g., mongolism) in a fetus b. Failure of sexual development; c. Chronic myelogenous leukemia; d. Acute leukemias lymphoid (FAB L1-L3), myeloid (FAB M0-M7), and unclassified; or e. Myodysplasia See the NCD for Cytogenetic Studies (190.3). (Accessed April 11, 2016) 3. 4. Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the Palmetto MolDX Program For tests Covered by MolDX Program; refer to Attachment A. For tests Excluded by MolDX Program; refer to Attachment B. Other Diagnostic Genetic Tests a. Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment (HCPCS codes J0296, J0597, J0598 and J1290) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) do not exist at this time. Refer to the UnitedHealthcare Drug Policy for Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment and Prophylaxis for coverage guidelines. Page 2 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy. Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 CMS website accessed April 11, 2016 b. MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile (CPT code 81479) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile. Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) exist and compliance with these LCDs is required where applicable. For state-specific LCDs. See the LCD Availability Grid (Attachment C). For states with no LCDs, refer to the UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Gene Expression Tests. (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy.) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Accessed July 6, 2016 c. Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening (Breast Ductal Lavage, HALO® Breast Pap Test and Fiberoptic ductoscopy, with or without Ductal Lavage) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening. Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) do not exist at this time. For coverage guidelines, refer to the UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening . (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy,) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Accessed April 11, 2016 d. APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated polyposis (CPT codes 81201, 81202, 81203) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for APC and MYH Gene Testing. Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) exists and compliance with these LCDs is required where applicable. For state-specific LCDs. See the LCD Availability Grid (Attachment D). For states with no LCDs, refer to the MCG™ Care Guidelines, 20 th edition, 2016, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis - APC Gene ACG: A-0534 (AC) for information regarding medical necessity review. (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy.) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Page 3 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Accessed July 6, 2016 II. e. Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based TopographicGenotyping with PathfinderTG® (CPT code 81479) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Loss-ofHeterozygosity Based Topographic Genotyping with PathfinderTG ®. Only one contractor has Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs), i.e., Novitas Solutions, Inc., MAC-Part A & Part B for DC, DE, MD, NJ and PA. Compliance with these LCDs is required where applicable. See the LCD for Loss-ofHeterozygosity Based Topographic Genotyping with PathfinderTG ® (L34864) . This test is provided to Medicare beneficiaries throughout the United States by RedPath Integrated Pathology, Inc. in Pittsburg, PA. For coverage and payment information for all 50 states, refer to the LCD for Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based Topographic Genotyping with PathfinderTG ® (L34864) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Accessed April 11, 2016 f. Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Panels [OVA1™ (CPT code 81503), ROMA™ (CPT code 84999)] Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for OVA1 or Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm (ROMA™) Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) exist and compliance with these LCDs is required where applicable. For state specific LCDs. See the LCD Availability Grid (Attachment E). For states with no LCDs, refer to UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Genetic Testing for coverage guidelines. (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy.) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Accessed July 6, 2016 g. VeriStrat® Assay (CPT Code 81538) Medicare does not have a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for Veristrat Local Coverage Determinations (LCDs) exist and compliance with these LCDs is required where applicable. For state-specific LCDs. See the LCD Availability Grid (Attachment F). For states with no LCDs, refer to the UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Omnibus Codes for coverage guidelines. (IMPORTANT NOTE: After searching the Medicare Coverage Database, if no state LCD/Article is found, then use the above referenced policy.) Committee approval date: April 19, 2016 Accessed July 6, 2016 DEFINITIONS Page 4 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. III. REFERENCES See above IV. REVISION HISTORY 05/17/2016 Guideline 3 (Molecular Diaganostic Tests) – Attachment A (Palmetto MolDX Program Covered Tests) updated to include CPT codes update, i.e., CPT code 81479 replaced with CPT code 81162 for the following tests: BRCA1/ 2, BRCAssureSM; BRCAvantage, Comprehensive; and Integrated BRAC Analysis®. New available LCDs also added. 04/19/2016 Annual review with the following recommended updates: Guideline 2 (Cytogenetic Studies) – removed reference to the LCds (no longer available) Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the Palmetto MolDX Program) Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests - Deleted duplicate information that’s also available in the Palmetto MolDX website - Added separate columns for LCDs/LCAs for Noridian and CGS - Updated test names as needed - Removed references to manufacturer; available in the MolDX website - Add new available LCDs - Updated codes as needed - Updated reference links as needed; delete links that are no longer available - Removed LCD titles; leave LCD numbers only to make grid less busy and more user friendly - Deleted from the last column “Not Included in the MolDX Program and” Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests - Deleted duplicate information that’s also available in the Palmetto MolDX website - Added separate columns for LCDs/LCAs for Noridian and CGS - Updated test names as needed - Removed reference to manufacturer; available in the MolDX website - Updated reference links as needed; delete links that are no longer available - Removed LCD titles; leave LCD numbers only to make grid less busy and more user friendly - Deleted from the last column “Not Included in the MolDX Program and” - Deleted the following as these are no longer listed in the Palmetto MolDX Program Excluded Test List): BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic testing for a familial mutation Lipoprotein-associated phospho-lipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) Assay MPL gene mutations Pervenio Lung RS assay Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) – added the word “Diagnostic” to read as “Other Diagnostic Genetic Tests” Page 5 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Guideline 4.e (Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based TopographicGenotyping with PathfinderTG®) – changed CPT code from 84999 to 81479 Guideline 4.g (VeriStrat) – changed code from 84999 to 81538 03/15/2016 Guideline 4.d [APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated polyposis] - Updated the MCG™ Care Guidelines title and reference from 19th edition 2015 to 20th edition 2016. Updated reference link(s) of the applicable LCDs to reflect the condensed link. 11/17/2015 Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnotic Tests; Attachment B Exluded Tests) – updated to include Lipoprotein-associated phospho-lipase A2 (Lp-PLA2) Assay; moved from the Laboratory Test and Services Coverage Summary. Guidleine 4.e (Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based TopographicGenotyping with PathfinderTG®) – guideline added; moved from the Laboratory Tests and Services Coverage Summary; continue to default to the the only available LCD, LCD for Loss-of-Heterozygosity Based Topographic Genotyping with PathfinderTG ® (L34864) for all 50 states. Guideline 4.f Biomarkers for Oncology (e.g., OVA1™ Assay, VeriStrat® Assay) – guideline added; moved from the Laboratory Tests and Services Coverage Summary; changed default guideline for states with no LCDs from Novitas LCD for Biomarkers for Oncology (L35396) to the UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Genetic Testing. Guideline 4.g (VeriStrat® Assay) – guideline added; moved from the Laboratory Tests and Services Coverage Summary; changed default guideline for states with no LCDs from L Novitas LCD for Biomarkers for Oncology (L35396) to the UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Omnibus Codes. 10/20/2015 Annual review with the following updates: Guideline 1.a (Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Testing) - Removed guideline; already addressed in the Laboratory Tests and Services Coverage Summary Guideline 1.b (General Coverage Rules) - Removed general guideline; specific test guideline addressed under Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) or Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) Guideline 1.b.1) (Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer Syndromes - BRCA1 and BRCA2) – Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2).a) hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6 Gene Tests - Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2).b) [APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated polyposis Moved to Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) Guideline 1.b.2).c) (HLA-B*5701 Testing) - Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2).d).i [KRAS Testing (v-Ki-ras2 Kirsten rat sarcoma viral Page 6 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. oncogene homolog)] - Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2)..d).ii [JAK2 (Janus Kinase 2) Testing] - Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2).d).iii (BCR/ABL fusion gene) - Moved to Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Guideline 1.b.2).e) (Molecular Testing of Lymphoma) - Removed guideline; reference LCD, Noridian L24308 was retired on 9/30/2015; replaced by Noridian L34101 which was also retired 10/1/2015. No other available LCD reference. Guideline 1.b.2).).f) (Genetic Counseling) - Removed guideline.; no specific Medicare source/reference. Guideline 1.c (Tumor markers) - Re-numbered to Guideline 1; no change in guideline Guideline 1.d (Cytogenetic Studies) - Re-numbered to Guideline 2; language updated based on reference NCD to state: “Cytogenetic studies is used to describe the microscopic examination of the physical appearance of human chromosomes.” Guideline 1.e [Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment] - Moved to Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) Guideline 1.f (MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile) Moved to Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) Guideline 2.a (Genetic testing that does not meet criteria) - Removed guideline; no specific Medicare reference/source Guideline 2.b [Genetic testing for the sole purpose of determining the sex of a fetus (not reasonable or necessary)] - Removed guideline; no specific Medicare reference/source Guideline 2.c (Genetic testing for non-UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage members) - Removed guideline; no specific Medicare reference/source Guideline 2.d (Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening) Moved to Guideline 4 (Other Genetic Tests) Guideline 3 (Molecular Diagnostic Tests included in the MolDX Program) Moved from the Laboratory Tests and Services Coverage Summary; added guideline (new to the policy) with individual test guidelines listed in 2 attachments: Attachment A (MolDX Program COVERED Tests) and Attachment B (MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests) Guideline 4.a [Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment] - Moved from Guideline 1.e; added HCPCS codes J0597, J0598 and J1290; changed default policy from First Coast LCD for Selective Treatment of HAE with Cinryze, Berinert and Ecallantide (L31475) to UnitedHealthcare Drug Policy for Hereditary Antioedema (HAE) Treatment and Prohylaxis Guideline 4.b (MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile) Moved from Guideline 1.f; added CPT code 81479; changed default policy from Novitas Solutions, Inc. LCD for My PRS Genetic Expression Profile Testing (L32636) to UnitedHealthcare Medical Policy for Gene Expression Tests Guideline 4.c (Cytological Examination of Breast Fluids for Cancer Screening Moved from Guideline #2.d; added to the section title “Breast Ductal Lavage, Page 7 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. HALO® Breast Pap Test and Fiberoptic ductoscopy, with or without Ductal Lavage”; no change in guideline Guideline 4.d [APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP), Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated polyposis] -Moved from Guideline 1.b.2).b); added CPT codes 81201, 81202, 81203; changed default policy from Noridian Healthcare Solutions LCD for Genetic Testing (L24308) to MCG™ Care Guidelines, 19th edition, 2015, Familial Adenomatous Polyposis - APC and MUTYH Genes, and Gene Panels ACG: A-0534 (AC) 04/15/2014 Annual review with the following updates: Guideline #1.e [Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Treatment)]- Removed reference to ICD-9-CM code 277.6 Definitions o Cystic Fibrosis (removed; no CMS reference available) o Cytogenetic Studies (removed; already defined in Guideline #1.d) o Genetic Counseling (removed; no CMS reference available) o Genetic Testing (removed; already defined in Guideline #1.b) 04/29/2013 Annual review with the following updates: Guidelines #1.b.1 (BRCA1 and BRCA2)-Default guidelines for states with no LCDs replaced with the direct link to the Noridian LCD for Genetic Testing (L24308) Guidelines 1.b.2.a (hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6 Gene Tests)-Default guidelines for states with no LCDs replaced with the direct link to the Noridian LCD for Genetic Testing (L24308) Guidelines 1.b.2.b (APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis, Attenuated FAP, or MYH-associated polyposis)-Default guidelines for states with no LCDs replaced with the direct link to the Noridian LCD for Genetic Testing (L24308) Guidelines 1.b.2.c (HLA-B*5701 Testing)-Added applicable coverage guidelines (new to policy) Guidelines 1.b.2.d.i (KRAS Testing)-Default guidelines for states with no LCDs replaced with the direct link to the Palmetto LCD for K-ras Testing Required before Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Antibody Use in Colorectal Cancer (L31766) Guidelines 1.b.2.d.ii (JAK2 Testing)-Default guidelines for states with no LCDs replaced with the direct link to the Noridian LCD for Genetic Testing (L24308) Guidelines 1.b.2.d.iii (BCR/ABL fusion gene)-Added applicable coverage guidelines (new to policy) Guidelines 1.b.2.e (Molecular Testing of Lymphoma)-Added applicable coverage guidelines (new to policy) 10/08/2012 Guidelines #9 MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile– updated the default LCDs for states with no LCDs to Novitas L23636 The default LCDs, Pinnacle L32060 and L32066 were retired on 8/12/2012 due to MAC transition from Pinnacle to Novitas for the states of AR, LA and MS New LCD is Novitas L23636 (effective 8/20/2012); no change in LCD coverage Page 8 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. guidelines V. 08/20/2012 The following guidelines were deleted from this Coverage Summary and moved to Coverage Summary for Laboratory Services: Gene Expression Test Oncotype DX ® MammaPrint Genetic Expression Profiling Test Molecular Profiling for Unknown Primary Cancers (UPC) Cancers (i.e., Pathwork® Tissue of Origin and biotheranostics Cancer TYPE ID®) 04/23/2012 Annual review with the following updates: Guidelines #1.b (Genetic Testing for Hereditary Breast , Ovarian, Colorectal and Polyposis Cancer) was updated, i.e., deleted reference to L23664 as this LCD was retired; only default LCD is now L24308; no change in guidelines as these 2 LCDs are identical Guidelines #1.d (MammaPrint Genetic Experssion Profiling Test) updated to include sections for Documentation Requirements and Utilization Review Guidelines Added the following guidelines: o (1) Guidelines #1.e (Molecular Profiling for Unknown Primary Cancers); o (2) Guidelines #1.h Hereditary Angioedema Treatment; and o (3) Guidelines #1.i MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile Guidelines #2.b (Genetic testing for the sole purpose of determining the sex of a fetus) updated to include the language “not reasonable and necessary” 10/07/2011 Updated Guidelines #1.b.5 (Therapy-Directing Testing - KRAS Testing), i.e., changed CIGNA L30200 to Palmetto L31766 as one of the default LCDs for states with no LCDs as L30200 was retired due to MAC transition from CIGNA to Palmetto; no change in guidelines 04/26/2011 Annual review; updated to include Guidelines #1.d (MammaPrint Genetic Expression Profiling Test) 10/21/2010 Updated the LCD links and UHC Medical Policy links ATTACHMENT(S) Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . Page 9 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. # 1. Test Afirma Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) 81545 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36180 L36186 L35160 L36249 L36255 L36256 L36117 L36021 Afirma Assay by Veracyte Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00015, V11) 2. Allomap 81479 L35025 AlloMap Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00016, V11) 3. Avise PG 84999 L35025 Avise PG Assay Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00026, v6) 4. BCR-ABL 81206 81207 81206 81207 and 81208 L36044 Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast Page 10 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) (FL) L34519 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 5. 6. Bladder Tumor Marker FISH 88120 or 88121 L33420 BRACAnalysis ® Rearrangement Test (BART) 81213 L36082 A54240 First Coast (FL) L33965 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36456 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Bladder Tumor Marker FISH Coding and Coding Guidelines (M00001, V6) Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, Page 11 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) WV, WY) L34762 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 7. BRCA1 Analysis 81214 L36082 L36161 L36163 L36456 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 8. BRCA1/2 81162 L36082 L36161 L36163 L36456 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 National Government Page 12 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Wisconsin Physician Servcies (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 9. BRCAssureSM 81162 L36082 L36161 L36163 L36456 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, Page 13 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Wisconsin Physician Servcies (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 10. BRCAvantage, Comprehensive 81162 L36082 L36161 L36163 L36456 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) Page 14 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Wisconsin Physician Servcies (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 11. Breast Cancer Index 81479 L35631 L36313 L36314 L36316 L36321 L36458 12. Cobas 4800 BRAF V600 81210 -22 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 FDA-Approved BRAF Tests (M00111, V4) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 First Coast Page 15 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) (FL) L34912 L34519 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L35553 13. Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Markers and Chimerism Testing 81265 to 81268 Short Tandem Repeat (STR) CDMarkers and Chimerism Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00129, V1) L35160 L36249 L36255 L36256 L36021 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 14. cobas EGFR Mutation Test 81235 -22 L35025 FDA-Approved EGFR Tests (M00110, V4) L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Page 16 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 15. cobas KRAS 81275 -22 L35025 FDA-Approved KRAS Tests (M00121, V5) L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 A54688 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Wisconsin Physician Page 17 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 16. BRACAnalysis CDx 81479 L36082 L35025 A54689 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36006 Palmetto MolDX Program Myriad's BRACAnalysis CDx Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00120, V4) 17. Confirm DX 81479 L35632 L36326 L36327 L36328 Page 18 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L36329 18. Comprehensive BRACAnalysis ® 81211 L36082 L35025 L36161 L36163 L35160 L36249 L36255 L36256 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline L36456 L36021 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) Page 19 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) 81479 L35025 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline 20. CTID CancerTYPE ID® 81540 Corus CAD Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00009, V14) L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline 21. Decipher® prostate cancer classifier assay 81479 L35868 L36341 L36343 L36344 L36345 22. GeneSight® Psychotropic (AssureRx Health, Inc, Mason, OH) gene panel 81479 L35633 L36322 L36323 L36324 L36325 L35443 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline 23. HERmark Assay by Monogram 81479 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline 24. HLA-B*15:02 Genetic Testing 81381 L36145 L36149 L35160 L36249 L36255 L36048 L36021 19. Corus CAD bioTheranostics Cancer TYPE ID (M00027, V9) HERmark Assay by Monogram Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00028, V8) L36033 L35025 Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L34762 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) Page 20 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) L36256 Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35062 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast (FL) L34518 Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L34943 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 25. hMLH1, hMSH2, and hMSH6 Gene Tests 81288 81292 81293 81294 L35024 L36249 L35160 L36256 L36370 L35349 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, Page 21 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) 81295 to 81300 Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) L36374 Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) TX) L35062 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline First Coast (FL) L34912 Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L35553 26. Integrated BRAC Analysis ® 81162 L36082 L36161 L36163 L36456 First Coast (FL) L34519 L36499 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Wisconsin Physician Servcies (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, Page 22 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 27. JAK2 V617F JAK2 exon 12 Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) 81270 81403 L36044 L36180 L36186 L36117 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, Page 23 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 28. Mammaprint Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) 81479 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 First Coast (FL) L33586 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 First Coast (FL) L33586 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 MammaPrint Billing and Coding Guidelines Update (M00029, V6) 29. Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay 81519 L35025 30. Oncotype DX Colon Cancer Assay 81525 31. PreciseType™ HEA BeadChip 81403 L36074 L36167 L36171 L36011 32. Progensa PCA3 Assay 81313 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Oncotype DX Breast Cancer Assay Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00003, V12) L35025 Oncotype DX Colon Cancer Assay Coding and Billing Guidelines (M0002, V13) Progensa PCA3 Assay Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00013, V11) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L36444 Page 24 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) 33. Prolaris™ Prostate Cancer Assay (Myriad Genetics) 81479 L35869 L36340 L36348 L36349 L36350 L36002 34. therascreen EGFR RGQ PCR 81235 -22 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 FDA-Approved EGFR Tests (M00110, V4) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Novitas (AR, DE, CO, LA, MD, MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, Page 25 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 35. Therascreen KRAS Kit Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) RI, VT, WI) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) 81275 - 22 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline FDA-Approved KRAS Tests (M00121, V5) Wisconsin Physician Services (AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY) L34762 First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) Page 26 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 36. ThxID™ BRAF V600/K Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35000 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) 81210 -22 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Novitas (AR, DE, CO, LA, MD, MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35396 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline FDA-Approved BRAF Tests (M00111, V4) First Coast (FL) L34912 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L35553 37. Tissue of Origin (ResponseDx) 81504 38. Ventana ALK (D5F3) CDx Assay 88342 L35025 ResponseDX Tissue of Origin Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00034, V6) L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L35025 L36021 First Coast (FL) L33777 L36021 FDA Approved ALK Companion Diagnostic Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00122, V4) Page 27 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment A – Palmetto MolDX Program COVERED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment Process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 39. Vectra-DA Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) 81479 L35025 L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L36249 L35160 L36255 L36256 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Vectra DA Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00031, V9) 40. Vysis ALK Break Apart Fish Probe Kit 88374 or 88377 L35025 FDA Approved ALK Companion Diagnostic Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00122, V4) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) End of Attachment A ^Back to Top Attachmetn A Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 1. 4q25-AF Risk Code(s) 81479 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35025 4q25-AF Risk Genotype Page 28 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Genotype Coding 2. 9p21 Genotype Test Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Program Guideline Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00004) 81479 L35025 9p21 Genotype Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00082, V8) First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 3. 4. 5. Apolipopro tein (Apo) E genotype 81401 Arrhythmo genic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/ Cardiomyo pathy (ARVD/C) Testing 81479 Asparoacy clase 2 Deficiency (ASPA) 81200 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline ApoE Genotype Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00083, V11) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia/Cardiomyopa thy (ARVD/C) Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00067, V3) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Aspartoacyclase 2 Deficiency(ASPA) Testing Coding and Page 29 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Testing 6. 7. 8. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Billing Guidelines (M00068, V4) ATP7B Gene Tests 81406 L35025 BCKDHB Gene Test 81205 81206 L35025 Biocept’s OncoCee, Circulating Tumor Cell (CTC) Assay CTC-BR (breast) 88346, 88313, 88361 CTC-PR L35071 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline ATP7B Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00052, V4) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline BCKDHB Gene Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00069, V4) OncoCee Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00036, V4) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline L34066, L35096, L35710, L35711, L35071 L33951 Cahaba (AL, GA, TN) L34273 First Coast (FL) L33279 (prostate ) 88346, 88313, 88361 CTC-LU (lung) 88346, 88313, 88361 CTC-CR (colorec tal) 88346, Page 30 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) L36021 First Coast (FL) L34519 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline 88313, 88361 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. BLM Gene Analysis 81209 L35025 BLM Gene Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00049, V5) BluePrint®, a molecular subtyping assay 81479 CDH1 Genetic Testing 81406 CFTR Gene Analysis 81220 81221 81222 81223 81224 81479 L35025 CHD7 Gene Analysis 81407 L35025 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline BluePrint Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00010, V7) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline CDH1 Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00087, V2) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline CFTR Gene Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00076, V7) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline CHD7 Gene Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00058, V3) Page 31 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) CYP2B6 Test 81479 Cytogenom ic Constitutio nal Microarray Analysis 81228 81229 L35025 RPS19 Gene Tests 81403 81405 81479 L35025 FANCC Genetic Testing 81242 L35025 Fragile X 81243 81244 L35025 81251 L35025 GBA Genetic Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35025 CYP2B6 Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00054, V6) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Cytogenomic Constitutional Microarray Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00092, V3) L36021 RPS19 Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00062, V4) First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline FANCC Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00073, V3) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Fragile X Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00077, V6) Palmetto MolDX Program GBA Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Page 32 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Testing 20. 21. 22. 23. Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Guidelines (M00050, V4) HAX1 Gene Sequencing 81479 L35025 HBB Full Gene Sequencing 81401 81403 81404 ENG and ACVRL1 Gene Tests 81403 81405 81406 81479 L35025 HEXA Gene Analysis 81255 81406 L35025 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline HAX1 Gene Sequencing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00074, V4) L35025 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 HBB Full Gene Sequencing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00020, V6) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline ENG and ACVRL1 Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00046, V6) L36021 HEXA Gene Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00070, V5) Novitas (AR, CO, DE, LA, MD MS, MN, NJ, OK, PA, TX) L35062 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 24. IKBKAP 81260 L35025 Palmetto Page 33 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Genetic Testing 25. KIF6 Genotype Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) IKBKAP Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00071, V4) 81479 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline KIF6 Genotype Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00017, V5) 26. 27. 28. 29. LPAAspirin Genotype 81479 LPA-Intron 25 Genotype 81479 L1CAM Gene Sequencing 81704 MCOLN1 Genetic Testing 81290 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) MolDX Program Guideline L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline LPA-Aspirin Genotype Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00006, V5) L35025 LPA-Intron 25 Genotype Coding and Billing Guidelines (M0007, V5) L35025 L36021 L1CAM Gene Sequencing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00078, V5) Novitas (AR, CO, LA, MS, NM, OK, TX) L34914 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline First Coast (FL) L34519 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline MCOLN1 Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00075, V4) Page 34 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # 30. 31. 32. 33 Test Code(s) MMACHC Test 81404 Mitochond rial Nuclear Gene Tests 81440 PTCH1 Gene Testing 81479 PAX6 Gene Sequencing 81479 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35025 MMACHC Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00089, V3) L35025 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Mitochondrial Nuclear Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00079, V5) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline PTCH1 Gene Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00059) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline PAX6 Gene Sequencing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00080, V4) 34. 35 PIK3CA Gene Tests 81403 PreDx® 81403 L35025 L36021 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline PIK3CA Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00056, V5) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline PreDx Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00011, V6) 36 MECP2 Genetic 81302 81303 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline L35025 L36021 MECP2 Genetic Testing First Coast (FL) L34519 Page 35 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Palmetto MolDX Program Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Testing 81304 81479 Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00066, V5) SEPT9 Gene Test 81401 L35025 HTTLPR Gene Testing 81479 SLCO1B1 Genotype 81400 NSD1 Gene Tests SMPD1 Genetic Testing Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline SEPT9 Gene Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00093, V3) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline HTTLPR Gene Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00008, V4) 81403 81405 81406 81479 81330 81403 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline SLCO1B1 Genotype Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00091, V5) L35025 L36021 NSD1 Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00061, V5) First Coast (FL) L34519 National Government Services (CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI) L35000 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline Palmetto MolDX Program SMPD1 Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Page 36 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test Code(s) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) Guidelines (M00072, V3) 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. STAT3 Gene Testing 81405 SULT4A1 Genetic Testing 81479 TERC Gene Tests 81479 The myPAP™ 84999 TP53 Gene Test 81404 81405 L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline STAT3 Gene Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00057) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline SULT4A1 Genetic Testing Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00048, V4) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline TERC Gene Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00063, V3) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline myPap Billing and Coding Guidelines (M00051, V4) L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline TP53 Gene Test Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00064, V4) 47. UGT1A1 Gene Analysis 81350 Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Guideline L35025 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline UGT1A1 Gene Analysis Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00065, V4) Page 37 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment B – Palmetto MolDX Program EXCLUDED Tests Accessed August 11, 2016 The following is a list, but not all-inclusive, of tests that have completed the MolDX Technical Assessment process. For the most current MolDX information, refer to the MolDX Program website at . # Test 48. VEGFR2 Tests Code(s) 81479 Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline (NC, SC, VA, WV) Noridian LCDs/LCAs (AK, AZ, CA, HI, ID, MT, NV, ND, OR, SD, UT, WA, WY) CGS LCDs/LCAs (KY, OH) Other statespecific LCDs/LCAs (Applicable states, if any LCDs/LCAs, are noted below) L35025 VEGFR2 Tests Coding and Billing Guidelines (M00055, V4) Default Policy (For States with No Statespecific LCDs/LCAs) Palmetto MolDX Program Guideline End of Attachment B ^Back to Top Attachment B Attachment C - LCD Availability Grid MyPRS™ Test for Multiple Myeloma Gene Expression Profile (CPT code 81479) CMS website accessed July 6, 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the applicable LCD based on member’s residence/place of service AND type of service. LCD ID L35396 LCD Title Contractor Type Biomarkers for Oncology A and B MAC Contractor Novitas Solutions, Inc. States CO, NM, OK, TX, AR, LA, MS DE, DC, MD, NJ, PA End of Attachment C Attachment D - LCD Availability Grid APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP),Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated Polyposis (CPT codes 81201, 81202, 81203) CMS website accessed July 6, 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the applicable LCD based on member’s residence/place of service AND type of service. LCD ID LCD Title Contractor Type Contractor States L35062 Biomarkers Overview A and B MAC Novitas Solutions, Inc. AR, CO, DC, DE, LA, MD, MS, NJ, NM, OK, PA, TX L34762 Molecular MAC - Part A and B Wisconsin Physicians AK, AL, AR, AZ, CT, FL, GA, IA, ID, Page 38 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. Attachment D - LCD Availability Grid APC and MYH Gene Testing for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP),Attenuated FAP (AFAP), or MYH-associated Polyposis (CPT codes 81201, 81202, 81203) CMS website accessed July 6, 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the applicable LCD based on member’s residence/place of service AND type of service. LCD ID LCD Title Contractor Type Diagnostic Testing L35000 Molecular Pathology Procedures L34519 Molecular Pathology Procedures A and B MAC A and B MAC Contractor States Service Insurance Corporation IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, OH, OR, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VA, VI, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY National Government Services, Inc. CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI First Coast Service Options, Inc. FL, PR, VI End of Attachment D Attachment E - LCD Availability Grid Ovarian Cancer Biomarker Panels [OVA1™ (CPT code 81503) , ROMA™ (CPT code 84999)] CMS website accessed July 6, 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the applicable LCD based on member’s residence/place of service AND ty pe of service. LCD ID LCD Title Contractor Type Contractor L35396 Biomarkers for Oncology A and B MAC Novitas Solutions, Inc. L33588 Combined Ovarian MAC - Part A and B National Government Services, Inc. Cancer Biomarker Tests States AR, CO, DC, DE, LA, MD, MS, NJ, NM, OK, PA, TX CT, IL, MA, ME, MN, NH, NY, RI, VT, WI End of Attachment E Attachment F - LCD Availability Grid VeriStrat® Assay (CPT Code 81538) CMS website accessed July 6, 2016 IMPORTANT NOTE: Use the applicable LCD based on member’s residence/place of service AND type of service. LCD ID L35396 LCD Title Contractor Type Biomarkers for Oncology A and B MAC Contractor Novitas Solutions, Inc. End of Attachment F Page 39 of 34 UHC MA Coverage Summary: Genetic Testing Confidential and Proprietary, © UnitedHealthcare, Inc. States AR, CO, DC, DE, LA, MD, MS, NJ, NM, OK, PA, TX