PLC Docket No. 40827 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 11 of 28 Auslame/'Oemand load and Revemre EYakiaHaw Table 3.13 Commerdai Building/ Occupancy Type-Demand Per Square Foot Bldg TV" No. 1 Building Type _ Building Description .......... .....^. ____..._....^......^_.,..., e COMMERCIAL __^ Large Office (>30K ft) ^ : ....__.. N _ ^ Depository Institutions, Insurance carriers/agents, real estate, business services, medical cllnWoffloas, legal services, social services, business/labor/poiiqcai organizations, Power Factor (%) M._._.._ Load Factor (%) . .. _.. 85 m Vpp 42 Yon-As^ps f? ..-6.9 courts ^ _........ 2 Small Office (<30K ft2) Same as above 86 34 9.1 3 Restaurant - Fast Food (<4K ft2) Eating and drinking places 88 44 32.0 4 Restaurant - Sit Down (>9K ft?) same as above 87 49 25.0 Building materials and garden supplies, 89 department stores, auto dealers, cloth Ing stores, fumtture/appliance/home furnishing stores, misc. retail (drug, sporting goods, bicyde, stationery, gift) .^ ... ...^_ w Same as above 90 45 7.5 M:...._.. : . 37 12.3 5 ^^ Large Retail (>30K ftT) - . Small Retail (<30K ftz) 6 7 Large Food Stores (>30K ft') Grocery, dairy products, fruit and vegetable, meat and fish, retail bakeries, liquor storw 89 79 13.1 8 Small Food Stores (<30K Same as above, Le., ^7-11," "Circle K" 88 58 20.6 _..__......^ Refrigerated warehousing and storage, packaged frozen foods, dairy products, poultry products, fish and seafood, meats 79 54 17.8 ft2) 9 .,.. . Refrigerated Warehouse and meat products, fresh fruits and vegetables 10 Non refrigerated wttti AC Warehouse Local trucking with storage, public warehousing and storage, wholesale trade - durable goods (motor vehicles,//arts/supplies, tires, furniture, a3 10a Non refrlgerated, Non-AC Warehouse Same as above 85 28 1.0 11 Elementary and Secondary Schools Elementary and secondary schools, day care services 79 25 17.5 12 Colleges and Universities 84 35 9.0 55 ...........-. 14.5 ______. 13 Hospitals DOG 3-42 V. 1.1.0 Collages and unIversltIe4 vocational schools . s,...and . ..._.educational ___ ....m ._ _ ._. ,.,.schools, _. .._services _.^ Hospitals (surgical/general/psychiatric), nursing and personal care facilities 85 Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Date' 6/1 1/12 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations Approvai: CRS 200 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 12 of 28 Qfstanei Demand toad and R"w FvalteMa+s Building Type Bldg Type No. __ 14 Building Description Power Factor Load Factor ^...., ^ ^.,..^ ,^ .. . ._._..... , . ,_ _..._._ .._, ._.r Health Clinics Medical and dental laboratories, outpatient 85 ..._.^. _..^. __ ^_._..._ _ .__.._ .._ clinics _,....._...^ .. . _._. .^ 15 Hotels and Motels Hotels and motels 86 16 Auto Repair Shops 18 Movie Theaters _._....._._. .__ 19 Bowling Alleys 45 45 .^.....,.w.._,^... 7.6 Auto body, glass, exhaust, paint, tire, 81 28 transmission, and repair services _.w., . ^..^,^.._ ^_.....,,. .,_....,. ._. Electrical appliance repair (radio, television, 80 30 refrigerator), reupholster, watch and clock ..^,._.._^ ...._.....____.._^m.,... _. Indoar movle theaters 93 37 _w.... _. . . .__.. __ ...^....^.^.., _ .r.....,.. _ ,^.._ ... Dowling alleys 83 45 20 U.S. Post Offices .^.,..^. .^...__^__^_^,....., a.. _. _...._. 21 Light Manufacturing _. 22 Heavy Manufacturing 23 Equipment Testing ..._._ .. . _. ., U.S. Postal Service 82 47 TBD TBD ^..._ ..... ., _. 82 31 1115 14.3 ._ W., 16.1 10.4 8.4 INDUSTRIAL _. ._ . -.. . Fabrication, light manufacturing, non 85 40 assembly line, product distribution, machine shops .,._... , _. . ^. .. . ._... ._,_...._ ...W...^_,,._.__ Assembly line, electronic equipment 40 85 manufacturing Personal computer testing, quality assurance, testing laboratories ____.____._....._ ._. ..... Clothes, hats, belts, fur, leather, curtains ^f _,._. _. ^ 12.8 __........w .^...A_ _ 17 Miscellaneous Repair ...._...._.^ .^.. Vail -.4 7.0 9.0 T8D _ __ ..w.._ 6.0 24 Apparel Manufacturtt>g 25 Furniture Manufacturing Wood and metal household and office fumiture, mattress" and bedsprings, wood TV cabinets 77 33 8.4 26 Paper Products l Containers, boxes, can, drums, bags, stationery 75 46 7,5... 27 Printing/Pubtishkig Newspapers, periodicals, books, greeting cards, typesetting 81 31 9.1 28 Plastic Products 85 46 11.4 37 9.4 61 ^....__ 11.4 . 29 30 Plastic films and sheets, laminated, profile shapes, pipe, bottles, foam, plumbing fixtures ^.,^ ._ ._.^... _ „ ,, Metal Fabrication Cans, shipping containers, barrels, hardware, doors, sheet metal, screws, bob, nuts, washers, stampings, forgings, springs _ ....__.V _ V.- .. ........_. _.._ _, Telephone Communication Telephone mmmunk.adons and switching Center center _ . _.. 77 . _ .,. ._.. 85 ..._,.r_^^.^ ^. Volt-xmpslRz = 0.001 x kVA/ft1(Bxainple: 10.0 Vott-empx/ftz = 0.010 kVA/ftl) WanaJtl3 - (Volt-amps/ft) x Power Factor ^.._. Wanz/n'- 0.001 kW/ft= (8acaopic: to Watis/il' - 0.010 kW/ft) Date` ^lt1^1z Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Approva, CRS Cusbomer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations DOG 3-43 v' 1'1'0 201 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 13 of 28 L2atcwu.W DBlnand Loedmnd Rev~ Evaluations If no occupancy type is indicated or known by the customer, the designer should assume that the demand load will be at least 7.5 watts/ftZ and recommend that the customer wire out for a connected load of 15 volt-amps/ft', for multiple-fuel buildings and 20 volt-amps/ft' for total electric buildings. (See Section 3.6.4) 3.6.2 Demand Factors for Industrial Loads Demands and diversities of industrial loads vary widely depending on the type of process and business operation. A fiill. understanding of the load and the related process equipnient must be supplied by the customer on the. F-SPA foxn-i prior to any attempt in calculating demands. Typically several meetings are needed with the customer's representatives, engineering consultants, and facility engineers and managers in order to gain a sufficient and detailed understanding of the process and operational needs of the customer to accurately estimate the customer's load. Demand FacMrs for IndUst`ria/ Loads Table 3.14 provides a general guideline to help estimate demands for some common industrial equipment. These guidelines are provided here only as a reference. '1'he designer/engineer should perform a detailed study and evaluate each project on a case-by-case basis. With industrial customers, it is particularly important to determine the types and times of operation, in order to determine the customer's load factor. In order to properly apply the demand factors of Table 3,14, it is essential that the connected load Information provided in the custonux's load schedule be properly broken down into the categories listed. The designer should solicit the assistance of the custotnei's consulting electrical engineer in reading and interpreting single line diagrams and panel schedules if necessary. DDG 3-44 V. 111'0 Commercial Eiectricel Demand Estimation Date 6/11/12 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluatlons Approval: CRS 202 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 14 of 28 LLsYcvrkr Oemand lasd and ReVpnue &a/uetlans Table 3.14 Demand Factor for Various Industrial Loads Type of Load/Equipment -___..^.^ _^..^.._ _._. General Lighting Typical Demand Remarks Factor _, _..... .^__._ ._.._.....^..__ ._. _ _.... _. . _..^._ µ,,....,..^.___.._ _ _ .__._.._..... 0.8 Lower demand factor may be applied depending on the lighting application General Receptacles ..^...-..^._......... ..x.,. _ ._._.m.m..^..._ Air Conditioning __._......._._.___._._..^. ._...r._,....P Air Handling Equipment Process Chiller General Power Cooking 0.1 use DF =.5 ^^ tl _ & Electronics, ..._^._^ ,..^. .w.... N.._.. For PC ^w....^, -__^_._.. ^.._.._..^ . ... . . . w .... . ..._..___ 0.8-1.0 1.25 kW/ton under 10 ton; 1.0 kW/ton 10 and over __^ .._...^. _...^..,. _. __....... ^_ ___._. __ 0.9 Vents, exhaust fans ,. _ .^. . 1.0 0.3 ^ ^ ,_ . . ._- . . _... Refrigeration Air Compressors Major Appliances, use DF-A --...._.._..... 0.3 . .. 0.5 ^ _.._. 0.2-0.5 Water Heaters 0.5 __ . .^. ,^______._._ ..___. . ._......_...._ _ .._ Overhead Crane 0.3 w^., ...^....,....._.. m....__ _. N/A _._._._ Escalators ...._....,...^_.. . __._.. ^._ 0.6 __.^.. Demand depends on use. If used intermittently, I.e,, gas station, consider load when checking the voltage drop. ...__._._. ^. Elevators ..^_. _.._____^_.^ ......... ...... .__.. ....... ,......__.__^......_.^.,..m^. .._. . __,_._... _.... .__.__..._..._...,._.. __......_.^. Most elevator loads are non demand load. (Do not operate consecutively for more than 15 minutes.) __.._ .ro...^._.. Demand Esfimatlon forInduslMial Loads The best approach to estimating the demands of industrial loads is to break down the loads into similar categories and apply the demand factors listed in Table 3.14 to each category. (See Commercial Demand Method 2 in Section 3.6.4) The summation of the individual category demands will be a rough estimate of the total demands. Again, a thorough understanding of the customer's loads and operations is essential for proper design. 3.6.3 Demand Factors for Commercial Loads Commercial load demands have higher predictability than industrial loads due to similarity in load behaviors and consistent application usage pattern. Table 3.15 lists some of the frequently encountered loads/equipment and their demand factors for commercial applications. In order to properly apply the demand factors of Table 3.15, it is essential that the connected load information included in the customer's land schedule provided with the ESPA form be properly broken down into the categories listed. The designer should solicit the assistance of the customer's consulting electrical engineer in reading and interpreting single line diagrams and panel scliedules if necessary. _^,_ . Data 6/11/12 ^r"^^r^+*S►'v^ Approval: CRS ^..,..^... _.^.,._..._. _ .,. _ ^ Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation ^ ^ ..._... Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations _ .^.__... ^._ DDG 3-45 ^_._._. V' 14'0 203 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment I Page 15 of 28 CLstamer Demrnd toad and Revenue EYalunHats Table 3.15 Demand Factors for Various Commerda! Loads ... Type of Load/Equipment Typical _t]errrand Remarks .._. _.... _.^__ Factor General Ughting* 0.8 General Receptacles 0.1 Air Conditioning Lower or higher demand factor may be applied depending on the application and the time the lights are actually on. 0.8 - 1.0°t* 1.25 kW/tun < 10 ton; 1.0 kW/ton Z 10 ton 0.3 General Power Laundry 0.5-018 Cooking 0.3-0.5 Refrigeration ....._..._ ^_.,. ^.._ ._ ................ ...._ _._ .. _ __.....w.. , M. 015 .._,. _ .. 0.2-0,5 Air Compressors Water Heaters o.2 Elevators N/A Escalators 0,6 Motors Most elevator loads are non demand load. (Do not operate consecutively for more than 15 minutes.) Use the largest motor plus one-half the remaining motor loads; calculate the voltage drop at startup. ._.__._ ,.,. 0.3 - 0.5 __ . _.a....W...._ _. . _. __ _ m.,m...^._._^,.,_.-.r,. ^.....,..__.,_._.^...._. • To estimate lighting lead, if irot provided by the customer, multiply the total square footage by 3 watts per sq. 11, °° 1.0 for a single unit; 0.9 forlhw to five unlts; 0.8 for more than five units. Elevators, large motors (more than 5 lip), welders, and )urge x-ray machines may need to be separated from the other loads due to voltage dip or light flicker problems. The electrical demand for motors up to 30 hp output rating can be estimated using Table 3.16 For motors larger than 30 hp, use kVA Demand -(0,74G) x (hp)/ 0.9 x (motor efficiency rating). Use 0.90 for motor efficiency for larger motors if unknown. ^.^.^.._.. DDG 3-46 V. 1.1.0 _.... ^ w..w.._....^._-___w^ .4 _ .... Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation ptstane^. Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations _ . ._ Date 6131/12 _^ __._^ ^^_ ^^o^t' CR.S 204 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 16 of 28 C3atcmer Demand taad and Revenue "UOM Table 3.16 Motor Load Demand Estimation I Horsepower I kVA Demand { 5.0 5.16 7.5 7.74 10 10.32 15 _.,..., _..._ 20 3.6.4 1 .._ . 13.81 _ .__ __ 18.42 25 23.02 30 27.63 Demand Estimation for Commercial Loads Demand Estimation Methods for Commencia/ Load The following four methods shall be used in estimating demand loads for commercial customers: • Historical demand per square foot n Customer's load schedule and operational need • Historical demsuid of similar customers. • Size/capacity of customer's service entrance equipment. Commercial Demand Method 1 attempts to estitnate demand based on the square foot area of the commercial building using unit demands derived from a study of customers with similar operational needs. Table 3.13 shows the volt-amps/fts unit demand that need to be converted to watts/fe in order to be used with this method. (watts/ft2 = volt-amps per ft' x Power Factor) Commercial Demand Method 2 requires a detailed breakdown of electrical plava submitted by the customer into load categories and applying typical demand factors showa on'I'able 3.14 or Table 3.15 to account for diversity in the load, Again, the demand factors are derived from studying the operations of commercial customers and are averages to be used with this method to diversify the connected load information provided by the customer. If no other occupancy type is indicated by the customer, the designer should assume that the demand load will be at least 7.5 watts/ft-2 and recommend that the customer wire out for it connected load of at least 15 volt-amps/ftx. for multiple-fuel buildings and 20 volt-amps/fe for total electric buildings (Also see Commercial Demand Method 4). ,Since the above two methods are based on historical average demand,,;, the estimated demand is expected to be within 25% of the actual demand. Date: 6/11/I2 Commercial Electrical Demand Eatimation Approval' CRS Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations J DDG 3-47 V. 1•1,0 205 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment I Page 17 of 28 Cusa7merDemand LW OW Rnavnie EValu»tlwr.s Commercial Demand Method 3 is the most reliable technique, if ii.r,,,vi/ai-curtoiiier--inatching the load being studied in size, type of operation, and clirnata--is found. The designer/ engineer should make every attempt to find it similar customer. The customer, consulting engineer, or other representatives are excellent sources for this information. Commercial Demand Method 4 is the least reliable demand estimation technique. For the purpose evaluating a building built on a speculative basis or any building with no definitive information concerning the permanent customea's type, usage, or electrical land requirement-,, the engineer/designer can use 50% of main disconnect switch capacity or service cnttance conductor sizes provided in the FSP11 form as a rough estimate of the customer's demand load (this uses 50% of the connected load as the demand load). * ifc=ipaicy typc can be dctcntuned, demaixl per aquas root figures in Table 3.13 can be utilized in demand calcolations. Demand Estimation Examples for Commercial Load The following examples illustrate the four ciiffetent methods of demand estimating, for n typical sitdown restaurant to be built in the Austin Energy service area. Commercial Demand Method 1- Estimating Dernand Using Square Footage The following provides an example of estimating the kV.A demand needed to size AF, equipment for a new Drumsticlcs'R' Us restaurant using historical average demand and load factor per square foot by type of occupancy: FORMULA Vrrit-Arnps^ t ft x __: 0 2 kVA 1000 VARIABLES kVA a Thousands of Vok-Amps (kVA) ftz = Number of square feet in the building An example calculation for the demand artd load factor rtsr.'rg histarca! aererage data per sguan, fool by lj+jre of ocrnfxrucy follows based on the following conditions for a new Drumsticks 'R' Us restaurant. _._ mv.. . . MG 3-p8 V. 1.1.0 ^ Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation crate: 6/1iJ12 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations Approval: CRS 206 PUC Docket No. 40827 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 18 of 28 !'raotrxr' Demand load and Reverwe EvahraA'prts CONQtTlONS Main Switch Board - 800 Amp Voltage = 208Y/120V, 344 4W Building area - 5000 ft? Building Type No. = 4 (>4000 ft) Building ( Vo1t^Ampsl _25.0 (Plom Table 3.13) !/^s/ny BMy I. Type No. 4(St /I-pnwir Restaurant (>4A'ftZ)) Customer demand (WA): WA =ft'x (Volt -Amps/0) 1000 = 5000 x 25 (Volt - Amps /ii l_000 = 125.0 tcVA Commercial Demand Method 2- Estimating Demand Using Customer Plans (ESPA Info) and Operational Needs The following provides an example of estinutting the kVA demand needed to size AE equipment for the Drumsticks `R' Us restaurant using the commercial demand factor information provided in Table 3.15 and the following lond schedule notuisllly developed from the ESPA information: Connected Load (IMI)** Load Schedule Category 12.6 kW __^..,.....^..,.v..... .. 50.0 kW Lighting _^.... _ ^..^.....^ _., Air conditioning Cooking __ 80.0 kW Receptacles 12.6 kW Spare 17.0 kW _ .._,.,..._ **Tho above ornnwctod load figures Avere determined from the tiSPA normally provided by the customer or the customer's consulting engineer (not shown). Customer metering demand (kW) = Sum of connected load x demand factor (from Table 3.15) for each type of load. Date 6/11/12 Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Approval: CRS Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations DDG 3-49 V. 1.1.0 207 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment I Page 19 of 28 Cusfaner Dcrnand l.oad W Reaarwe EYatabbM ^__....__. .,_. . Category .^ ._.... ....._._..^..._.v._. __ _. ____ . _ Demand Factor _._.,.^. . ,.. _ ._... Connected Load . ,. ^ Calculation _ _ .,,.,__._...^. _._ ._ 0,8 x 12.6 Lighting 80% .......^_.^ .W.w... 12,6 kW Air Conditioning 10096 50.0 kW 1.0 x 50.0 Cooking 40% 80.0 kW 0.4 x 80.0 10% 12.6 kW 0.1 x 12.6 Receptacles j ,. Result ^ __. ..__.._.V.^.._ 10.1 kW = 50.0 kW 32.0 kW 1.3 kW customer kW or metering demand .w...^.^_. .... .^.._......__.._.. .. Total _......_..___-_-^__..^.. .,......_..^,^,...._...^ 93.4 kW ^..w....^ Nole:Spare or tUlnre load rnq misidcrnd. To size AE facilities, we need to express the customer's demand in kVA (for n•ansformw• sizing) and amperes (not shown) for service sizing. Customer demand (in kVA)= p kW = 93 ,.A .87 = 107.4 kVA, pf= power factor Note: Power factor for Sit-Down Restaurants in Table 3,13 Commercial Demand Method 3- Estimating Demand Using Historical Information The following providcs an example of estimating the kVA demand needed to size, AE equipment for the new Drumsticks `R' Us restaurant using historical billing information for another Drumsticks'R' Us of comparable skc in the same climate zone. Using the electric consumption information from AE CC&Fi, determine the peak kW demand for the previous 12 billing periods and the total kWh and number of days for the peak billing period. AE CC&B Billing Information; kWh = 40,380 kW = 96.3 Days = 31 p f= 96.3 Customer demand (kVA) = kW =110.7 kVA .87 pf = 0.87 from Table 3.15. Commercial Demand Method 4- Estimating Demand Using Customer's Service Entrance Equipment Information The following provides an example of estimating the kVA demand needed to size AE equipment for the Drumsticks'R' Us restaurant using 50"/0 or 1/2 of the size/capacity of the customer's service entrance equipment as the demand. GIVEN DATA: 800A Main Switch Board 208Y/120V, 3 0, 4W Calculating the Customer Demand (kVA) as 1/2 of the service entrance equipment rating. _ DOG 3-50 V. 1.1.0 ^^... _.... Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Date 6/11/12 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations Approval, CRS 208 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 20 of 28 Ctestorrler Demaad (oad and RerEnue EWuaXarrs ((.^x Vo(taged.,}x ^ x T6,,,i^,C111111tqe cl^Mqiry ia m^p! kVA ((x2os)x!x8oo V 1000 J 1000-144kVA 3.d. 4 3 Complarrng the Results of the Four Demand fistimating Alethods 't'he four demand estimating methods in the examples above result in demand load estimates, ranging from 107.4 kVA to 144 kVA. All four would require a 150-kVA transformer since a 75-WA transformer is limited to 85 kVA for load factors of 0 to 60 percent (see'1'able 3.17). Method No, kVA Demand 125.0 2 ^.^ 107.4 3 110.7 144 ry^ ^ 4 Determination Method Square Footage ESPA HIstorical Usage Service Entrance If the methods had resulted in substantially different estimates requiring different transfornier sizes, the results of Commercial Demand Method 3 would have been used. Commercial Demand Method 3 is generally the most reliable if the similar customer is a close match. In this case, it should be, since it is another franchise operated by the same customer in the same climate zone. If a similar customer is not available, use the following criteria to determine the demand load. a. Determine the Ratio R= Deinandk*mod, Dematld,t,,,,d z b. If the above ratio is between 0.8 and 1.2 (0.8 < R < 1.2), use the load from the square footage demand (Method 1) c. IT the ratio Is less than 0.8 or greater than 1.2 (R < 0.8 or R> 1.2), use the lesser value of Method i or 2. Again, the engtr►eer/designer should only use Method 4 when there Is not enough Information to use Methods 1, 2, or 3 (or for a quick comparlson with the results of methods 1, 2, or 3). d. Determining Transformer Demand for jilf,11tiple Commerrala//IndustrlaJ Loads For multiple commercial/industrial loads served from the same tinnsformer, use the follorwing coincidence factors to calculate total demand at a given point. ....... w.. Date' 6/11/12 ^_ _...._,_..,. ...__ _. Approval: CRS Commerciai Electrical Demand Estimation _... ... _ . ^ , _._..._„_ _.., _. _... ^^. . ...,.^.^^...,.^ ,. Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations _ . DC7G 3-51 _..,__.. , V. 1'1'0 209 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1.47, Attachment 1 Page 21 of 28 Carlw»er /aemsnd toad aaw' Rewduae EYehNrtbns ^.^..®......-...___^__..._,^,.^ __ Number of Coincidence Factor Customers ...... ._^.-.._.^,....._ 1.00 2 3 q ^ ...... ... .92 ... . ..^. .85 -- .80 5 _ _ _._ ........... . . .76 ___....__^....,74 6 ToW De,na,d ^ Coincidence Kaetor x Stun ofCaioadotcd lbmm,ds E1{AMPLE: Using coincidence factor The following three commercial loads are to be served from the same 3-phase padtuount transformer. Selection of a transformer size with And without taldng load diversity is shown bclomr, Customers Calculated Demands Restaurant 34 kVA Convenience 22 kVA Medical office 37 WA Total demand without applying coincidence factor = demandj + demand2 + demand3 = 34 + 22 + 37 = 93 kVA 93 WA requires a 150 WA transformer Total demand after applying coincidence factor = CF (demand1 + demand2 + demand3) 0.85 (34 + 22 + 37) p 79.05 WA 79 WA requires a 75 WA transformer Using the following Table 3.17, a 75-kVA transformer can be used instead of the 150-kVA transformer becausc the CF factor was taken into account. ^ ^.^. ^ .^.... w.. 17r>G 3-52 _^^..._.,.___. commercial Electrical Demand Estimation 6J^ 2 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations Approval* .,^,..w.._.-. + ^^^^ V' 1 .1.0 210 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 22 of 28 [}rsfnmer Demand Load and Rawenw aaluetlarK 3(0 Transformer Loading Guidelines and Considerations. 3.6.5 Loading Guldelin0s for 30Padmount Trans/hrmeras Table 3.17 Recommended Loading Ranges for 3 44 Padmount Transformer** Transformer Name Plate WA .....^.....,.... _ 7s 150 225 ... 300 _...,_. . Initial kVA Loading __.. Range _v»......_. _... WA Loading Change out Point ......^...., . 0 - 85 ^..._.. ^^ g5 - 175 175 - 275 _.^... _......_ _.._.__^ 275 - 350 100 200 300 __. . 400 350 - 575 675 µ^ V 750 575 - 850 1000 1000 850 -1100 1350 1500 1100-1700 2000 500 1700- 2200 2000 ^._..W^..... _..... 2200- 2800 2500 2700 3300**r [lime plia4cs. *• Thota bk ' u basod on a utnximum load factor of 6096 and assumes load is na11110ca ucnvcx:le U. be limited to 75% of nanie plate kVA and change out at 1 t 0°.6 of For load lkclors of 619b to 7596, initial loading ahould nanic Plate. name plate kVA and change out at 1000/4 of For load factors of 76% to 909t;, milled loading should] be limited to 70% of name plate. transfonner, initial loading should he limited to $t>gb *f the For land factors 009176 to 10tPk, install the next size larger name plate kVA, wuueplate kVA of the larger trsnsfonner and change out at 100% of •vv Change out oplious: 1. Add ndditmtnl point(s) of sorvicc and divide load between View separate service entrances and the metering 2. Split-bus for 3,P service ( the secondary load split equally between two as one customer.) on cacit bus is totalized and tlros treated 3. Parallel tnutisfbrmar service (not an Alt stnndwd) 4. Primary voltage service secondaries mo available in sizes from 75 to 750 kVA only. 1. Transformers with 208V/120V secm+dsries am available in sizes from 75 to 2500 kVA. Transformera with 277Vf480V 2, 3.6.5a Minimum Transformer-Sizing for 3+A Motor Load Use the following minimum 3(P padtnoturt transformers or 3 4) transformec bank sizes when providing service to serve the various 3 Qy motor sizes up to 100 hp, The recommended transfotmet bank sizes should be adequate for motor starting, but for 50 hp and larger 3 CA motors, contact System Engineering for additional customer motor starting requirements. _^,.,.m.,^...^... 6f 11^1z a3`h^^^ Approval: ^.^ ^ DOG 3-53 Commercial Electrical Demand Estimatbn ^...._ . ...,^ ., ._..._. .^._...._ ._.,_^_^ ..._.,._ V.1.1.0 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations 211 PUC Docket No, 40827 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 23 of 28 QislamerDemand toad and Re►enu.+ EvAaflans Table 3.18 Recommended Minimum Transformer Bank Sizes for 3 m Motor Load .M -. . _ ..._ _^._. _. -30 Motor Sire 3 m Open-Wye Trf Bank 3 dt Trf. BankJPdrnGTrf. 15 hp & smaller 2- 10 kVA 3- 10 kVA/75 kVA 20-25hp 2-15kVA 3-10kVA/75kVA 30 hp 2- 25 kVA 3- 10 kVA/75 kVA 3 - 15 kVA175 kVA ... ..._._..^....-----^ 3- 25 kVA/75 WA 2 - 25 kVA.^. ._ _ _ . _ . 40 hp _...-,.. _.^.. ,_. 2- 50 kVA 50 hp _ .. ^.. _..^.W-. NA 60 hp __..__._. . . ^^... _...._ 70 hp NA 80 hp - _ __.._.,.. .. _ __ _ .,,.. NA ^ ^..,.. .. _ .. 90 hp 100 hp._-__. NA .^,....._.^.^._ 25 kVA/75 kVA 3_ ..^,...._,_. . .,. __..... 3- 25 kVA/75 kVA 3- 50 WA/150 kVA .... .......^.....,._ 3 - 50 kVA/150 kVA ...W....^.^._.w......_.3 - 50 kVA/150 kVA_. ^....-, _.........__. 30 Transformer Switch and Fusing Configurations 30 nadmount transformers sizes 75 through 750 MA with loop-feed switches Three-phase padmount transformers sizes 75 through 750 kVA are supplied only with a loop-feed londbrcak switch and weak link/partial range current-limiting fuses.'1'his transformer can be used for single transformer radial feed installations or as a part of it sub-feeder loop for a multi transformer installation loop Installation. 3.6.5,3,1 30 padmount transformers sizes 1, OW through 2,500 kl/A with loop-feed switches T1uee-phase padtnount transformers sizes 1,000 through 2,500 kVA are supplied with loop-feed loadbreak switches and weak link/partial range cunent-limiting fuses. This style transformer should be used only as a part of a sub-feeder loop for looping through each unit in a multi transformer installation.(Caution: Internal transformer fusing for 1,000 and 1,500 kVA sizes will not coordinate with fuses smaller than 175E+ SM-4 Sic fuses. Internal transformer fusing for 2,000 and 2,500 kVA sites will not coordinate with standard AE [uses. Fault protection for sub-feeder loops with 2,000 or 2,500 kVA internally fused txansformcrs must be achieved with relayed reclosers or other fault interrupting breakers (See'lable 8.5), Normally, three-phase padmount transformers sizes 1,000 through 2,500 kVA should be fed radially and fused off of the main line feeder such that the transformer is fused at the riser pole or in a padmounted Prffl, switchgear and three slugs are installed in place of the three internal weak fink fiises, ppG 3-54Jrectrka10emafldE5th01 V.1,1.0 Customer Demand LoW and Revenue Evaluations 6/17J12 Approval' CRS 212 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 24 of 28 CuslovnerAwna»d tmd and Retirntx E4eke0u 3 0 padmount transrnrmersizes 1,000 through 2,500 M single transformer rad/al with on-off swJtohes Three phase padniount transformer sizes 1,000 through 2,500 WA are also supplied with an on-off radial feed loadbreak switches and a slug in pincc of an internal fuses. This use of loap-feed transformer should be used only for single transformer radial-feed installations, (The transformer fusing should be located at the riser pole or in padmounted switchgcnr). 30 Overhead Transformer Bank Loading Considerations When sizing the 1(D overhead transformers for 4-wire WYE connected 3 m secondary banks and for 4-wire dosed and open UIM;t'A connected 3(P secondary banks, use the 1 ID overhead transformer loading guidelines given in Table 3.9. 3.6.5.^4.1 3 0 Overhead Wye TranslnrmerBank With 4-Wrre Wye Connected Secnndary The general assumption for 208Y/120 volt and 480Y/277 volt services is that the customer's singlcphase load is equally balanced between all three phases of the transformer or the transformer bank such that each phase of the 34D transformer or each single-phase transformer in the 3CD bank each secs equal portions of the custoiner's single-phase and three-phase load. Use the following kVA for load requirements in Table 3.19 for sizing overhead three-phase transformer batiks serving 4-wire wye connected secondaries. Table 3.19 Recommended Loading Ranges for 3 m OH Transformer Banks with 4-Wire WYE Connected Secondary (Assumes balanced load) 3 W TYansformer Bank 10 kVA's ___._......._._. .__._._.._.10-10-10 15-15-15 .,.,..^_..^..., kVA Bank Loading Change-out Initial Bank kVA Point^ ..^ w .^... ^ _.. Loa;ding Range ._....^. ......_...-_^T0-39 48 -.., -..^ 69 40-60 25-25-25 61-90 114 50-50-50 91-180 225 75-75-75 100-100-100 167-167d67___. ^._.. 181-270 ^ ^ ..-,, . ^ ... 271-360 361-600 _.. _._.,_-........^.. .^M 31 5 ^ ..^a.^._._...,,, 420 700*'"* oar Change out option: NONE, Have customer split his 14W and take another point of service or convelt to imdmonnted trnnsformor sorvice, 30 Overhead Wye Transformer Bank with 4-Wlre 0osed Delta Gbnnected Secondary The 240/120 volt 4-wire dosed delta secondary bank is comprised of three single-phase transformers: one lighting transformer (usually the largest of the three because it carries the majoxity of the single-phase load) and two equal in size power transformers (sometimes called kickers). The 3.6.5,4.2 Date' 6/11112 Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Approval-' CRS Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations DOG 3-55 V' 111'0 213 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 25 of 28 Cbstae+rser D e►nerxJ Load snd Rewrttw &akedonr three-phase load is equally balanced between all three plumes of the transformer bank. Use the following Table 3.20 for sizing the fighting and the two power transformers. The 240/120 volt 4-wire closed delta connected secondary service connection is normally used for 240/120 volt customers who have a large amount of 3 m load (or 3 m motors larger than 40 hp) and a smaller amount of I M load. The 4-wire closed delta connected secondary is not efficient for serving large 14) loads because it does not make efficient use of the available transformer kVA. 4wire wpe connected secondaries (208Y/120 volts and 480Y/277 volts) are more efficient for serving large 10 loads because the I m load can be wired so that it is distributed evenly between all three phases. DDG 3-56 Commerdal Electrical Demand Estlmation Date 6/It/12 V. 1.1.0 Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluatlons Approval: CRS 214 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 26 of 28 Custpnxr Demand Load and R'evenW E6010W Table 3.201 m- 34D Load Distribution for an Overhead Transformer Bank with 4-Wire Closed Delta Connected Secondary lta Bank Maximum kVA Demand Load on each Ito Overhead Transformer of a Wye-De 10030 753410 $0343 253m 1530 10341 10-30 0.030 kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA kVA Load 33.3 25.0 16.7 8.3 5.0 tl 3.3 33.3 25.0 16.7 8.3 5.0 3.3 NA 0 . 0 141 kVA 33.3 25.0 16.7 5,0 8.3 3,3 10 140 kVA ..,.._ ^... 15 1 m kVA 25 10 WA 50 10 WA 75 1(0 kVA 100 10 kVA 15014) kVA 31.5 23.1 14.7 11.6 9.9 6 .7 27.4 19.3 11.1 7.8 6.2 3.3 25.9 17.5 9.5 6.5 5.2 ^^.e.. ,._..... 3.3 .....^...^----._., .^.__.^ ^^^ ^w _.w.^ . ..,..^_^ 34.7 26.6 18,0 14.8 13.3 10 28.9 20.8 12.5 9.4 7.9 5 26.3 18.2 10.6 7.8 5 6.5-..._.. ..^^._.. .. ._^_....._._ - ^_, .W,^.. ^^.. , _ 41.0 32.8 24.8 21.6 20,0 16.7 32.0 23.6 15.6 12.6 11.0 8.3 28.0 20^1 12.9 10,6 9.6 8.3 58.2 ^ 49.5 41.3 38.3 36.5 33 . 4 39.1 31.2 23.6 20.8 19.3 16.7 32.5 25.8 20.0 18.3 17.6 _.. _ ...,.__,.w.. 16.7 _...._.. ,. _ ^._^. 50 74.3 66.3 58.0 54.7 53.2 46.8 39.4 31.8 28.9 27.5 25 38.7 32.8 27.8 26.4 25.5 25 J1.0^ 82.5 75.0 71.3 70.0 66.6 55.0 47.3 40.0 333 37.2 35.9 45.5 40.0 35.6 34.5 34.2 33.3 ^..,^...._ . _.^ 124.0 116.0 108.0 105.0 103.0 100 71.0 64.0 57.0 54.0 52.0 s0 60.0 55.0 52.0 5110 51.0 50 150310 hVA 50.0 5010 50.0 39.6 35.9 34.1 56.8 52.5 50.9 42.8 37.0 34.5 59.5 53.8 ^ 51.2 49.5 40.0 36.0 65.0 56.4 52.5 65.8 47.2 40.2 83.0 64.0 55.0 82.3 55.0 47.5 98A 70.7 60.3 99.0 62.5 51.6 , 133.0 79.0 66.0 116.0 78.2 . 65.0 149.0 94.0 78.0 The largest or first load in each cell of the above table is the load on the lighting transformcr. The second load in each cell is the load on the power (or kicker) transformer connected to the phase lagging the phase to which the largest or lighting transformer is connected. The third load in each cell is the load on the power (or kicker) transformer connected to the phase leading the phase to which the largest or lighting transformer is connected. The power factor of the 10 load is assumed to be 95% and the power factor of the 3(1) load is assumed to be 80"10. _. ^.^.._>.. _. Date: 6/11/12 roval ^^ ^. ^ .. Commercial Electrical Demand 5stimAtion ^.. , _ . : ._ ^_.._ ^ ._ _ ....^._ ._._._ Custnmer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations DDG 3"57 V. 1.1.0 215 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 27 of 28 CLStamer Demand ttadand Remux &aRvvatio" 3 0 Overhead Open Wye Transformer Bank with 4W1re Open Delta Connected Secondary The 240/120 volt 4-wire open delta secondaxp bank is comprised of two single-phase trstnsforrners: one lighting transformer (iisually the larger of the two because it carries the entire single-phase load} and a power transf<aurier (sometimes called a kicker). The three-phase toad is equally but inefficiently shared between the two txacisfsorrners (i.e. each 1(D trans former carries approximately 57.74% of the 3 (D load). Use the following Table 3.21 otTahlc 3.22 for sizing the lighting and power transformers. The LEADING connection is the pre ferred connection. If the type of connection is not known, use Table 3.22 for the LAGGING connection in determining transformer loading. 211 tD - 30 Load Distribution for an Overhead Transformer Bank with 4-Wire Open Table 3. Delta Connected Secondary and "LEADING" Lighting Transformer Connection Wye-Open Delta Bank Maximum WA Demand load on 10 Overhead Transformers of a Open 1934h k!A kVA E 10-30 0.030 WA Load 43.3 43.3 57.7 57.7 17.0 8.7 223 14.4 36.2 28.8..^. 50.5 43.3 19.2 5.8 21.7 8.7 26.8 14.4 40.4 28.8 54.4 43.3 64.8 57.7 _ .M. _ 68.5 57.7 29.1 5.8 31.4 8.7 36.2 14.4 49.1 28.8 62,7 433 76.6 57.7 54.0 5.8 56.1 8.7 60.5 14.4 ... _ 85.2 14.4 85.1 72.4 28.8._.^... .,^... 43.3 98.3 57.7 96.5 28.8 108.5 43.3 121.0 57.7 121.0 28.8 133.0 43.3 145.0 57 . 7 5.8 5.8 10 i d> WA 10 . 0 0.0 14.5 5.8 15 14x kVA 15.0 0,0 25 1 N kVA 25.0 0.0 50.0..._..._ 751 m kVA _.,._ 75.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 10010 WA 10030 kVA 28.8 28.8 NA 0.0 7530 WA 14.4 14.4 0.0 1^ kVA 50 1^D kVA 503* WA 12530 WA 81,6 ,.79_.0_ 8.7 5.8 ... ,.._..^.^. ,.. 106.0 104.0 8.7 5.8 . 110.0 14.4 The largest or first load in each cell of the above table is the load on the lighting transformer when it is connected to the phase leading the phase to which the power transformer is connected, The smallest or second load is the load on the power (or lticker) transformer when it is connected to the phase lagging the phase to which the largest or lighting transformer is connected. The power factor of the 1 4? load is assumed to be 95% and the power factor of the 3(D load is assumed to be 80%. DDG 3-58 V. i.i.0 ^ ( Commercial Electrical Demand Estimation Customer Demand Load and Revenue Fvaluatfons Approval: CRS 216 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-47, Attachment 1 Page 28 of 28 L}rstarnrer Demand toad and Revenue &Blua!lats Table 3.22140 - 3 m Load Distribution for an overhead Transformer Bank with 4-Wire Open Delta Connected Secondary and "LAGGING° Lighting Tranafort»er Connection Maximum kYA L7erfand Laad on 10 CAmfiead Tlamsformers of a Open Wye-Open Delta Bank 75340+ WA 10034+ WA 28.8 28.8 43.3 43.3 57.7 57.7 29.3 14:4 38.7 28.8 53.2 43.3 67.5 57.7 39.2 14.4 ....._...,,... . 48.3 14.4 58.0 43.5 43.3 28.8 _._._ ... m____. ._. . _. . 57.5 53.5 43.3 28.8 64.0 14.4 78,0 28.8 0.030 kVA L034> kVA 1534+ WA 23530 kVA 0.010 WA NA 518 5.8 8.7 8.7 t4.4 14.4 10 14) WA 10.0 0.0 15.7 5.8 18.5 8.7 10-30 Load 15 14) kVA ... _: _ 25 14) kVA 2{}.7 15.0 5.8 0.0 _._... _... ... . 30.5 25.0 5.8 0.0 50 10 kVA 50.0 0.0 55.5 5.8 75 10 WA _ _ 75.0 0.0 80.3 5.8 10010 kVA 100.0 0.0 105.8 5.8 23.5 8.7 ....... ._...__w.. 33.2 8.7 58.5 8.7 5030 kVA 92.5 43.3 72.5 57.7 ..___.. ._. 82.5 57.7 107.0 57.7 132.0 117.5 103.2 88.9 83.2 57.7 M.. 43.3 28.8 14.4 ..._._.._ _._ ... .. _ ... .^..,..., ._. ._..........__w. _. ,. . ._._.8.7 157.0 142.0 128.0 114.0 108.3 57.7 43.3 14.4 28.8 8.7 The largest or first load in each cell of the above table is the load on the lighring transformer when i is connected to the phase lagging the phase to which the power transformer is connected. Thc smallest or second load is the load on the power (or kicker) transformer when it is connected to the phase leading the phase to which the largest or lighting transformer is connected. The power factor of the 1 cD load is assumed to be 95% and the power factor of the 3 CI? load is assiuned to be 80%. 3.7 Commercial Revenue Estimation Part of the design process is to estimate the annual revenue AN would receive from a particular commercial/industrial customer to determine if the revenue is sufficient to allow the construction for the necessary service facilities at no cost to the customer or if the customer should make a contribution toward the cost of these AV. facilities. Approaches to this problem of estimating a new customer's (or an added load's) annual revenue to AT? start with the same four basic approaches to calculating electric demand developed in Section 3.6 plus the application of the appropriate load factors and power factors, also given in Section 3.6, to determine kWh's and then the application appropriate AR electric rate to determine the revenuc. ; 12 *Fval: Commerdal Revenue Est:ImMbn Customer Demand Load and Revenue Evaluations D[>C 3-59 V. 1 . 1 .0 217 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to OPC's 1st RFI OPC 1-48 What is the average number of residential customers per transformer. Divide into single-family and multi-family if available. RESPONSE: As of November 9, 2012, the average number of residential customers per transformer was 6.35. Data for single-family and multiple-family is not available. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 218 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 to OPC's 1st RFI Response City of Austin's OPC 1-49 Please provide the total number of line transformers by kVA size; divide into polemount, padmount, and other underground, if available. RESPONSE: Please see Austin Energy's response to OPC 1-27. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 219 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 to OPC's lst RFI Response City of Austin's OPC 1-50 Please provide the number of transformers serving 1, 2, 3, and up to 20, and 20 or more customers. RESPONSE: As of November 9, 2012 Austin Energy had the following transformers serving 1, 2, 3, 4 to 20, and more than 20 customers: Transformers serving I customer = 9,668 Transformers serving 2 customers = 7,383 Transformers serving 3 customers = 5,876 Transformers serving 4 to 20 customers = 38,618 Transformers serving more than 20 customers = 3,778 Transformers serving downtown network = 580 (The downtown network transformers typically serve numerous customers, but Austin Energy does not have a breakdown per number of customers) These figures do not include customers fed by primary meters. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 220 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to OPC's 1st RFI OPC 1-51 Please provide all studies which Austin Energy has conducted regarding the diversity of customer loads at the line transformer for (a) single-family residential; (b) multi-family residential; and (c) small commercial customers. RESPONSE: Austin Energy does not have any documents responsive to this request. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 221 SOAH Docket No. 473-13-0935 PUC Docket No. 40627 City of Austin's Response to OPC's 1st RFI OPC 1-52 Please provide excerpts from design manuals, other engineering specifications, purchasing manuals, or other documentation explaining how Austin Energy trades off capital costs and no-load and load-varying losses when purchasing transformers. RESPONSE: On October 12, 2007, the United States Department of Energy ("DOE") issued a ruling on distribution transformers efficiency. Distribution transformers manufactured in or imported into the U.S. on or after January 1, 2010 will be required to comply with DOE standards. All Distribution transformers purchased by Austin Energy 100% meet or exceed DOE efficiency standards as noted in the attached specifications: E-1581, E-649, E-708 06-27-11, E-709 06-2911, and E-1579 For substation class transformers, see the attached excerpt from the City of Austin Electric Utility Department Purchase Specification E-0815, revision 07/24/2012, for 138-12.47 kV, 30, 40, 50, 67 MVA three phase power transformers explains the criteria used to evaluate both load losses and no-load losses when purchasing substation size transformers. Attachment 1- Specification E-1581, 14 pages. Attachment 2 - Specification E-649, 19 pages. Attachment 3 - Specification E -708, 7 pages. Attachment 4 - Specification E-709, 6 pages. Attachment 5 - Specification E-1579, 14 pages. Attachment 6 - Specification E-0815, 1 page. Prepared by: Sponsored by: David Wood David Wood 222 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 1 of 14 CITY OF AUSTIN ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER, SINGLE PHASE PADMOUNTED DISTRIBUTION 25 kVA THROUGH 250 kVA ISSUANCEIREVISION DATE PREPARED BY 07/06/99 Gary Noble Issuance 07/19/2001 Peter G. Soosay, Revision APPROVAL PROCESS SUPV. /MATERIALS SUPV. P.E. 09/08/03 Steve Booher Revision 02/18/04 Leonard Hough Revision 04/26/05 Dennis Patrick Revision 4/01/09 Arthur Gonzalez Revision 07/22/10 Arthur Gonzalez Revision 12/29/10 Arthur Gonzalez Revision ^^.. AFFECTED PARAi'iRAPH3 REASON FOR REVISION 4.0 Required-No-pcb labeling 3.6.8, 102, 10.3 Revised tank labeling Instructions and test-report instructions 04/28/05: Restructured Data Requirements 10.4 04/26/05: Added Warranty Requirements ^...^.^..w,^. 04/26105: Corrected Fusing Table Attachment li ^,. 7/22/10: Updated Cooper Fuses .. ....... ..^._. _-.^ 12/29/10: Updated No Load Losses for 250KVA XFMR .. _, w._ .... - Attachment IV 04126/05: Updated Sticker Placement Requirement 04/26/05: Updated Sticker Requirements _ _ 4/01/09: Changed Loss Requirements ....w,.._.__u ^.._. _____. .^^ Attachment V _._^.^.. Attachment 1 Attachment li _ _. .^. .^. ...._..^. ^.. __.^ Attachment 1 ._.^._._ _ ... _ n^ 223 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 2 of 14 Specification E-1581 This specification, until rescinded, shall apply to each future purchase and contract for the commodity described herein. Retain for future reference. 224 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 3 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 1 of 13 CITY OF AUSTIN ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE SPECIFICATION FOR TRANSFORMER, SINGLE PHASE PADMOUNTED DISTRIBUTION 25 kVA THROUGH 250 kVA 1.0 SCOPE 1.1 Scope The City of Austin Electric Utility Department, hereinafter referred to as Austin Energy (AE), requires a qualified Vendor, to provide, single phase, 60 hertz, bio-based biodegradable fluid, padmounted compartmental type, dead front transformers, rated 25 kVA through 250 kVA at 65° degrees C temperature rise above ambient. 1.2 2.0 Classification 1.2.1 No deviations from these specifications on the part of the manufacturer shall be allowed. Any item supplied under these specifications which is not in complete compliance with these specifications will not be accepted and will be returned to the Manufacturer. 1.2.2 All manufacturers furnishing transformers under these specifications shall have at least ten ((0) years experience in the manufacture and sale of distribution transformers. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS All characteristics, definitions and terminology, except that specifically covered in this specification shall be in accordance with the latest revisions of the following standards; 2.1 IEEE C57.12.00 General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers 2.2 ANSI C57.12.25 Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Single-Phase Distribution Transformers with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors; High Voltage, 34,500 GrdY/19,920 Volts and Below; Low Voltage, 240/120 Volts; 167 kVA and Smaller Requirements 2.3 IEEE C57.12.28 Pad-Mounted Equipment - Enclosure Integrity; All characteristics, definitions and terminology, except that specifically covered in this specification shall be in accordance with the latest revisions of the following standards: ANSI C57.12.00, NEMA TR-1 2.4 IEEE C57.147 Acceptance and Maintenance of Natural Ester Fluids in Transformers 225 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 4 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 2 of 13 3.0 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Voltage and kVA Ratings The voltage ratings shall be in accordance with the following table: Transformer HV BIL (kV) LOW VOLTAGE LV BIL kV 95 240/120 30 Rating 12470GRDY/7200 3.2 Maximum Guaranteed Transformer Losses The single phase distribution transformer maximum guaranteed losses (both No Load and Load Loss) shall be in accordance with Attachment I. All units, exceeding the maximum guaranteed losses will be rejected. There is no additional tolerance allowed on these values. 3.3 Temperature Rise Limits All materials used shall be of the 65°C (85° C Hot Spot) Class and be thoroughly tested for compatibility with all transformer components. All transformers shall be type OA self-cooled. 3.4 Core and Coil 3.4.1 The transformer coils shall be designed to maintain their nameplate kVA rating throughout the temperature range. The continuous kVA ratings shall be based on an average winding temperature rise by resistance of 65°C as per IEEE C57.12.00. 3.4.2 Oil ducts shall be strong enough to withstand full short circuit forces. 3.4.3 The windings shall be a mechanically rigid assembly to resist axial and radial short circuit forces. 3.4.4 The primary coil shall be wound in such a manner, that when properly cured, will have an effective bond both turn to turn and layer to layer. 3.4.5 The primary coil shall be wound with continuous conductor without splices, joints or welds inside the windings. 3.4.6 High Voltage (HV) leads shall be trained and appropriately insulated to avoid dielectric breakdown between adjacent cables. Spacers, permanently held in place shall be used to prevent, a phase to ground short. The HV lead length shall be sufficient to allow for 3.0" withdrawal of the bushing well from the initial front plate position prior to disconnecting. 3.4.7 The secondary coils shall be wound with a rectangular or strip conductor. Each secondary coil shall be wound with a continuous conductor without splices, joints or welds inside the windings. 3.4.8 Low Voltage (LV) bushing leads shall be cold or thermally welded, where joined to the winding material. 226 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 5 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 3 of 13 3.4.9 Aluminum low voltage leads shall be connected to their bushings, with hardened aluminum connectors which have been cold or thermally welded to the leads. 3.4.10 The core and coil assembly shall be rigidly held together as a unit with a core clamp whose design shall maintain reasonable pressure on the assembly throughout the life of the unit. 3.5 Bushings 3.5.1 The high voltage bushing wells shall have removable studs and shall he Central Maloney, Part Number 70191972 or AE Engineer approved equal. Bushing wells shall be for a round removable stud bushing. The bushing arrangement shall be Type I as shown in Figure I of ANSI C57.12.25. 3.5.2 The low voltage section shall include three fully insulated secondary bushings for connecting the secondary windings for series operation. The secondary terminals shall be threaded copper studs, 5/8" x 11 for 25-75 kVA and t" x 14 for 100-250 kVA transformers. The low voltage bushing arrangement shall be Type I as shown in Figure 1 of ANSI C57.12.25. 3.5.3 All HV and LV bushings shall be constructed and attached to the tank in such a manner that no loosening of the bushings shall result from normal installation practices. 3.6 Tank 3.6.1 A top hinged door shall be provided. The door hinges shall be stainless steel. 3.6.2 An insulating barrier shall be provided between the high voltage and low voltage cable termination areas. 3.6.3 In addition to regular padlocking provisions, the door shall be secured by a recessed, captive, pentahead bolt. 3.6.4 The high voltage compartment door shall have a 19/64" hole drilled in the upper left hand corner 10" from the top and 10" from the left hand side. This hole shall have a field removable plug so that the transformer will accommodate a fault indicator light. The plug shall be designed so that if the plug is not removed the integrity of the enclosure still complies with IEEE C57.12.28 requirements. 3.6.5 Enclosure Security The enclosure security shall be as per IEEE C57.12.28. 3.6.6 A self-actuating pressure relief valve shall be located in the LV compartment, as per ANSI C57.12.25. The venting and sealing characteristics shall be as follows: Cracking pressure - 10 psig Resealing pressure - 8 psig Flow at 15 psig - 50 SCFM (where SCFM is flow in standard cubic feet per minute corrected for air pressure at ) 4.7 psia and air temperature of 70°F) 3.6.7 Tank grounding provisions shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.12.25. 227 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 6 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 4 of 13 3.6.8 Transformers sized 100 kVA and smaller shall have dimensions which allow the transformer to fit appropriately on a 50" x 50" concrete pad. 3.6,9 Transformers sized 167 kVA and larger shall have dimensions which allow the transformer to fit appropriately on 60" x 60" concrete pad. 3.6.10 The Vendor shall place all labels required by AE Distribution Construction Standard # 100013, and shown in Attachments IV and V, on the cabinet doors of each transformer. This includes the "HIGH VOLTAGE SIGN," "SIZE kVA," "ONE-CALL SYSTEM" "CLEARANCE REQUIRED," and "NO PCBS" labels. 3.6.11 Paint Rouirement The transformer shall be painted with rust resistant paint. The unit shall be painted Munsell Number 7GY 3.29/1.5 pad-mount green. The paint coating system shall be in compliance with IEEE C57.12.28. Coal Tar Epoxy coating or any tar based coating system, shall not be accepted. 4.0 TRANSFORMER DIELECTRIC OIL The dielectric fluid shall be bio-based biodegradable electric insulating and cooling liquid. The coolant shall be a listed less-flammable fluid meeting the requirements of National Electric Code Section 450-23 and the National Electric Safety Code, Section 15. The fluid shall be Factory Mutual Approved and be UL Classified. The dielectric fluid supplied with all transformers shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.147. The manufacturer shall provide batch test reports of the oil characteristics to the AE Standards Engineer. The PCB content in the dielectric fluid shall be less than I ppm. The vendor shall provide written certification to the City that all dielectric fluid contains less than I ppm. The PCB content shall be shown on the nameplate of the transformer. 5.0 PROTECTION 5.1 High voltage protection shall be a Bay-O-Net type draw out fuse in a flapper valve holder. Fusing shall be dual sensing, or an approved equal, in series with an internal partial range current limiting fuse. 5.2 Bay-O-Net fuse shall be externally replaceable by simple hot stick withdrawal. 5.3 Transformers shall be provided with a removable drip shield to catch and hold oil lost during the removal of the Bay-O-Net. The drip shield shall keep oil off the high voltage terminating elbows. The shield shall have no sharp metallic comers and be designed for easy draining when desired. 5.4 Fusing shall be in accordance with Attachment 11. 228 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 7 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 5 of 13 6.0 DATA REQUIREMENTS The Vendor shall provide the AE Distribution Standards Engineer, upon receiving a new shipment of transformers to Vendor's receiving site, including but not limited to the following information on each transformer: 6.1 6.2 7.0 The following items shall be provided for each transformer on every shipment. Data that is gathered from testing, shall be done so in accordance with IEEE C57.12.00, C57,12.80: 6.1.1 Serial Number 6.1.2 kVA Rating 6.1.3 Voltage Rating 6.1.4 Core (Iron) losses at rated load, corrected to 85°C 6.1.5 Copper losses at rated load, corrected to 85°C 6.1.6 Percentage (%) impedance 6.1.7 Exciting current at 100% rated voltage 6.1.8 Percentage (%) regulation at 80% power factor and rated load 6.1.9 Exciting current at 100% rated voltage 6.1.10 Gallons of biodegradable dielectric fluid used in the transformer 6.1.11 Percentage (%) efficiency ® DOE efficiency criteria The following items shall be provided in a yearly report with every first shipment of every year: 6.2.1 Drawings 6.2.2 Total transformer weight, filled with oil and with arrester mounted 6.2.3 Winding Material 6.2.4 Core Material 6.2.5 Conductor temperature at rated load (Design Test) 6.2.6 Hot Spot temperature at rated load (Design Test) 6.2.7 Top Oil temperature at rated load (Design Test) 6.2.8 Thermal time constant (Design Test) 6.2.9 Short-Circuit Withstand Capability (Design Test) 6.2.10 Exciting current at 110% rated voltage (Design Test) 6.2.11 Radio Influence Voltage (RIV) at 110% rated voltage (Design Test) NAMEPLATE 229 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 8 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 6 of 13 A stainless steel or anodized aluminum instruction nameplate shall be located at a convenient spot on the inside of the low voltage compartment and shall be readable with cables in place. The nameplate of the transformer shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.12.00, Table 10 ( Nameplate A). The following additional information shall also be provided on the nameplate: 8.0 7.1 Bar Code (§ 8.0) 7.2 PCB content (No-PCB or Less than I PPM) PERMANENT BAR CODE The bar code shall be in accordance Attachment III and with the latest revision of the following standards: ANSI X3.17, ANSI X3.182, ANSI X3.4, ANSI X3.49, and ANSI MH 10.8M 9.0 AUSTIN ENERGY REQUIREMENTS Austin Energy or its designated representative reserves the right to inspect and test transformers and materials in all stages of manufacturing and testing, at whatever location the manufacturing is performed at no charge to Austin Energy. 10.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 10.1 The Vendor shall provide five (5) references of Manufacturer's current customers [address(es), name(s), and telephone number(s)]. 10.2 The Vendor shall provide the information in Section 6 (numerical values or pass/fail, as applicable) to the AE Distribution Standards Engineer: AE Distribution Standards Engineer 4411-B Meinardus Drive Austin, TX 78704 The test reports shall clearly state Austin Energy's specification number (E-1581) the Vendor is referencing and the type of transformer (Padmount). 10.3 Prior to delivery, the vendor shall provide Austin Energy certified factory test reports for all transformers. These reports shall be sent to the AE Distribution Standards Engineer. Failure to provide these reports may result in the rejection of the shipment. 10.4 If any defect in the equipment supplied, or failure to comply with this specification, shall appear within the period of 18 months from date of final acceptance of the equipment, the Contractor shall be not'tfied, and the Contractor shall thereupon correct without delay and at Contractor's own expense the defect or failure of compliance by repairing the defective part or parts, by supplying a non-defective replacement or replacements, and/ or by correcting a deficient design as required. The Contractor shall further replace or repair all other similar equipment if such defect may reasonable be expected to develop or occur in said similar equipment. Removal and installation cost of the defective parts or equipment shall be at Contractors expense. In the event the Contractor shall correct any defect(s) or failure of compliance by repair, replacement, or correction as required above, then with respect to the equipment corrected, the aforesaid warranty period shall begin from the date of completion of installation of such correction and acceptable therefore, provided same is not unreasonably delayed by Austin Energy. 10.5 All transformers supplied to AE shall meet or exceed efficiency values in accordance with Department of Energy 10 CFR 431 part III-Energy Conservation program for Commercial Equipment: Distribution Transformers Energy Conservation Standards table I.1. Certified test data 230 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 9 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 7 of 13 by serial number shall be provided with each transformer. Any transformer not complying with Department of Energy efficiency ratings shall be rejected. 231 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 10 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 8 of 13 ATTACHMENT I MAXIMUM GUARANTEED TRANSFORMER LOSSES _^......-m _„ ance % ^ 85° C __!_pod Transforrner QSVA No-Load Losses Watts Watts Load Losses ^..,. 25 71 228 2.3 50 105 404 2.3 75 167 456 2.5 100 181 683 2,5 167 248 1234 3.0 250 453 1555 3.0 232 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 11 of 14 Specification E-1 581 Deoember 29, 2010 Page 9 of 13 ATTACHMENT II TRANSFORMER FUSING FOR SINGLE-PHASE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMER Partial CA_ Fuse Hitech Cooper HTDS232040 3543040M61 HTDS232080 3543080M71 HTDS332125 3543065M61' Transformer (kVA) Bay-O-Net Fuse (Cooper) Fuse Amp Rating 25 50 75 4000358C05 ( Dual Sensing) 4000358C08 ( Dual Sensing) 4000358C10 (Dual Sensing) 8 15 25 100 4000358C10 ( Dual Sensing) 25 3543080M71' HTDS332150 167 250 4000358C12 ( Dual Sensing) 4038361C03C8 (High Amp Overload) , 50 65 3543080M71" 3543080M71' HTDS332150 HTDS332150 *Two fuses are required in parallel. 233 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 12 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 11 of 13 ATTACHMENT III BAR CODING AND MANUFACTURING CODES FOR SINGLE-PHASE DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 1.0 ORIENTATION OF BAR CODE CHARACTERS L 0.15L QUIET ZONE MFG SERIAL NUMBER COD QUIET ZONE •Start/Stop Character 2.0 MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION CODES The Manufacturer Identification Codes suggested below represent, in part, codes which are utilized for bar coding distribution transformers. The above listing does not represent an inclusive list of distribution transformer manufacturers. AB - Asea Brown Boveri CM - Central Maloney CP - Cooper GE - General Electric FIT - Howard Industries KU - Kuhlman 234 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment I Page 13 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 12 of 13 ATTACHMENT IV SIGNAGE FOR SINGLE-PHASE PAD-MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS (AE DISTRIBUTION CONSTRUCTION STANDARD #1000-13) ieawsa ShodI ort I161 ^...._..^. 1000-13 GENERAL INFORMATION SIGNAGE SIGNAGE-PAD MOUNT IPH _^..r..,^., _..., .. StIGNAGE-PAD MOUNT 1PH THREE IN ONE WARNING 31C[Y L OCATED IN THE TOP CENTER OF THE FACE OF THE LID/DOOR OP THE TRAN BFORMER. MUST BE VISIBLE. _.,. ._._ p^u.parooS 13MY6mm _ ^ ^w.....^^..._._-___...__._ ,_.-. CUKCuy„eNnNInFIt AND [UC ATYa) ONTISE'Pr:^i RIGHT-HAND CORNER OF THE FACE OF THE LID/DOOR, FAULT INDICATOR --"Fl" LOCATED AT TOP LEFT CORNER ON FACE OF TRANSFORMER, NEXT TO THE NDICATOR LIGHT. ^ NORMALY OPEN ----- "NO" LOCATED AT TOP RIGHT CORNER ON FACE OF TRANSFORMER, LEFT OF THE TRANSFORMER ^ NUMBER AND CURCUIT NUMBER. ONLY USED WHEN TRANSFORMf R FAULT INDICATOR LIGHT LS SET TO NORMALLY OPEN. J CITY ID NUM_ BER -LOCATED IN THE TOP LEFT-HAND CORNER OF THE PACE OF THE LIDlDOOR. SIZE KVA --- ' y LOCATED DIRECTLY UNDER THE CITY ID NUMBER MUST BE VISIBLE. NOPCB8 LOCATED IN THE BOTTOM CENTER OF THE FA CE OF THE LID/DOOR. w" 4 A^ w 1 PHASE PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER LID/DOOR SIDE 235 PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 1 Page 14 of 14 Specification E-1581 December 29, 2010 Page 13 of 13 ATTACHMENT V TYPICAL EXTERNAL SIGNAGE MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS OF SINGLE-PHASE PAD-MOUNTED TRANSFORMERS "NO PCBS" decal: 6 inch X 6 inch, blue. Base Film: 0.0035-inch cast polyvinyl chloride, with UV inhibitors as per MIL-M-22106A. Cyasorb UV-9 light absorber C14H1203. Gloss 80 UL 94 rated. Over lamination: 002PVF (polyvinylflouride) tedlar UV screening film from E.I. Dupont. Cold-seal bonded. Adhesive: 0.002-inch permanent acrylic hi-tack, with high-temperature-resistant Elasticisors for adhesion at 40 deg. F. PSTC test method: #I modified for a 15 minute dwell time, with 2 mils of adhesive, 56 oz/inch width rating. Ink: Silkscreen type 4, with automotive grade pigments and binders, 0.0004-inch thick ±_Q.0001, inch high pigment volume concentration total PVC 40-50 (copper phthalocyanines). Liner: 0.0007-inch ± 0.001-inch Kraft, coated one side chemical resistant, Salt spray 240 hours 5%, at 100 degrees, with no blistering, color change, or other material degradation. No effect when immersed in diesel fuel, motor oil, anti-freeze, detergent 2 %, ammonium hydroxide (12% and 39%), kerosene, acetic acid, acetone and water. Service temperature range: -40 to + 170 deg. F. Minimum lifetime exterior durability of 15 years from installation date with proper surface preparation. Approved Manufacture or equal: Mitrographers, catalog number COA-001 "SIZE kYA" decal: width as required, 2 7/8 inches tall, Engineer Grade, adhesive reflective vinyl. Yellow numbers, black background. } in 1" decal: Dimensions will be approximately 10" wide X 10.5" tall. Sign shall be worded as followes: WARNING To Report Problems Call (512) 322-9100 HIGH VOLTAGE Hazardous voltage inside. Can shock, bum or cause death. Keep out if open or unlocked, immediately call electric power and light company. ADVERTENCIA Para Reportar Problemas Llame a!: (512) 322-9100 ALTA TENSION Contiene voltaje peligroso. Puede producir descarga o sacudida el6ctrica, quemaduras o ausar muerte. Prohibida la entrada. si estA abierto o sin Ilave, inmediatamente llame a la central eldctrica. WARNING To Report Problems Call: (512) 322-9100 Keep shrubs and structures at least 10 feet away from this side of equipment for safe utility maintenance and operation. ADVERTENCIA Para Reportar Problemas Llame al: (5I2) 322-9100 Mantenga arbustos y construccibn por lo menos a 10 pies de distancia de este lado del equipo para seguridad en el mantenimiento y operaci6n. ONE CALL SYSTEM of TEXAS 1-800-5456005 CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ITS THE LAW UNA LLAMADA SISTEMA de TEXAS 1-800-5456005 LLAME ANTES DE EXCAVAR ES LA LEY. Base film: .0035 cast polyvinytchloride with uv inhibitors mil-m-22106a. (cyasorb uv-9 light absorber c14h1203). Gloss 80 u194 rated. Overlamination: .002pvf (polyvinylflouride). Tedlar uv screening film from e.i, dupont. Cold seal bonded. Adhesive .002 permanent acrylic hi-tack with high temperature resistant elasticisors for adhesion at 40 degrees f. Pstc test method: #1 modified for a 15 min dwell time with 2 mils of adhesive 56 oz/inch width rating. Ink: silkscreen type 4 with automotive grade pigments and binders .0004" thick dry +/- .0001 " high pigment volume concentration total pvc 40-50 (copper phthalocyanines). Liner: .0007" +/- .00 i" kraft coated one side. Chemical resistance: salt spray 240 hours 5% at 100 degrees f if no blistering, color change, or other material degradation. No effect when immersed in diesel fuel, motor oil, anti-freeze, detergent 2%, ammonium hydroxide (12% and 39%), kerosene, acetic acid, acetone and water. Service temperature range: -40 to + 170 degrees f. Labels shall have a two year shelf life and a minimum lifetime exterior durability of 15 years from installation date with proper surface preparation. All stick on signs will have a written guarentee of no fading or pealing for 15 years or they will be replaced in the field free of charge. Approved Manufacturer or equal: Electromark, part number AUS028-W-PT-BC4 Rev. 1. 236 Specification E-649 CITY OF AUSTIN ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE SPECIFICATION FOR THREE-PHASE PAD-MOUNTED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 75-2500 KVA .. DATE PREPARED BY 6/25/81 ... 2/25/86 2/1/90 3/27/91 5/29/92 3/29/94 4/20/95 2/20/96 3/18/97 i 1/7/97 2/25/98 4/8/98 8/31/98 8/13/01 01/30/04 02/26/04 04/26/06 04/05/06 02/1_0/09 Richard Dreiss Robin Kittel Ton Sheiki _George Martinez . ._.^.........._. Steve 13ooher _^.. Peter SoosaL_ Peter Soosay-_ Steve Booher 13i11 GermaTy__ „ Peter G. Sa^sa Peter G. Soosa , Peter G. Soosa , Peter G. Soosa Cart A. Nance Steven Booher Steven Booher Ted Sehoenber Steve I3ooher Steve liooher APPROVAL ISSUANCE/REVISION Rcvision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision .,^..,.._._ ^.....^^.M REASON FOR REVISION Update for New Request For Bids ......_..^ PROCESS SUPV. I MATERIALS SUPV. ^^ ..^..M...^..^..... Richard Dreiss Richard Dreiss Richard Dreiss Richard Dreiss Richard preiss ^ _..____...^,^...._._......_^.^ Gary Williams/Peter Soosay _ .... Richard Dreiss/Peter Soosay Richard T}reiss/Peter Soosa Carl L neh/Pcter k^rn^ Peter Soosay . _..,... , __ an MonroeJHerman Miitican Matt Monroe/Herman Millican Peter Soosa Carl A. Nance Leonard Nnagh __ M Leonard Ilough Ted Schoe:lber ^ Ted Schoenberg ............^.. ^ Troxell AFFECTED PARAGRAPHS _. All 04/27105: Added Fusing For Radial Feed Transformers. 10.0 04/27/05: Added Warranty Requirements. _....... 25.0 02/10/09: Add requirement low voltage terminals 3.2 _ ._ ... _^ ^ ^._^.,._ ^ _ Attachment IV, IVa 04/27/05: Changed Sticker Requirements _.^ ._ ..... . . _. .^. ^.^ _ . ^ ^. w...^...,.^_..._._ . _ ..^.. All 04/05/06: Format Revision & updated Fusing & Switch _.._...^....... _. . _......,...__,.m^.^._.. ..^.^ ^ _^....^. _ ^ All 08/05/08: Update for new request for Bids This speciflcation, until rescinded, shall apply to each future purchase and contract for the commodity described herein. Retain for future reference. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 1 of 19237 Specification E-849 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 1 of 18 CITY OF AUSTIN ELECTRIC UTILITY DEPARTMENT PURCHASE SPECIFICATION FOR THREE-PHASE PAD-MOUNTED DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 75-2500 KVA 1.0 SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Scope This specification describes the minimum acceptable requirements for 3-phase, pad-mounted, 60Hertz, 0-YGrd. connected, mineral-oil-immersed, self-cooled, compartmental type distribution transformers, rated 75 kVA through 2500 kVA. The transformers supplied under this specification are intended for use on concrete slabs and shall be designed for serving underground distribution electrical facilities. The City of Austin Electric Utility Department is hereinafter referred to as Austin Energy (AE). 1.2 Classification Any item supplied under these specifications, but not in complete compliance with these specifications, shall be subject to rejection. All manufacturers furnishing transformers under these specifications shall have at least five years experience in the manufacture and sale of 3-phase- pad-mounted distribution transformers. 2.0 APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS Transformers supplied in accordance with this specification shall comply with applicable provisions of the latest NEMA, IEEE, ANSI, ASTM, NESC, and NEC standards relating to distribution transformers. In case of conflict between any of the standards mentioned in this specification and the contents of this document, the AE specification shall govern. All characteristics, definitions and terminology, except that specifically covered in this specification shall be in accordance with the latest revisions of the following standards: 2.1 C57.12.00 General Requirements for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power and Regulating Transformers 2.2 C57.12.26 Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers with Separable Insulated High-Voltage Connectors; High Voltage, (34,500 GrdY/19,920 Volts and Below and 2500 kVA and Smaller Requirements). 2.3 C57.12.28 Switchgear and Transformers - Pad-Mounted Equipment - Enclosure Integrity PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 2 of 19 238 Specification E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 2of18 2.4 C57.12.34 IEEE Standard Requirements for Pad-Mounted, Compartmental-Type, Self-Cooled, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers (2500 kVA and Smaller) - High Voltage: 34500GrdY/19920 Volts and Below; Low-Voltage: 480 Volt 2500 kVA and Smaller. 2.5 C57.12.70 Terminal Markings and Connections for Distribution Power Transformers 2.6 C57.12.80 Standard Terminology for Power and Distribution Transformers 2.7 C57.12.90 Standard Test Code for Liquid-Immersed Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers and Transformers. Power Testing Distribution and of for Short-Circuit Guide 2.8 C57.91 Guide For Loading Mineral-Oil-Immersed Overhead and Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers kVA and Less with 65°C or 55°C Average Winding Rise Rated 500 2.9 NEMA TR-1 Transformers, Regulators and Reactors 2.10 C.57.147 Acceptance and Maintenance of Natural Ester Fluids in Transformers 3.0 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 FUSING 75 kVA through 500 kV.Atrartsformers shall be equipped with Cooper Power System flapper sidewall-mount bayonet draw-out fuse holder assembly #4000361C99FV or buyer approved equivalent with dual sensing expulsion fuse or solid link in series with a partial-range, ester fluid immersed, current-limiting fuse as listed below. 750 kVA through 2500 kVA transformers shall be equipped with a Cooper Power Systems silverplated bayonet draw-out fuse holder assembly #4038804B03M or buyer approved equivalent with high amp overload expulsion fuse or solid link in series with a partial-range, ester fluid immersed, current- limiting fuse as listed below. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 3 of 19 39 Specification E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 3 of 18 Loop-Feed KVA Cooper Fuse Link # 4000358C05 75 150 4000358C08 225 4000358CI0 4000358C10 300 4000358C12 500 4038361C03CB 750 4038361C04CB 1000 4038361C04CB 1500 4038361C05CB 2000 4038361C05CB 2500 Both Cooper ELSP # 3544030M61 M 3544065M61M 3544100M7IM 3544100M71 M 3544150M71 M 3544125M71 M 3544125M71M* 3544125M71 M* 3544125M71M* 3544125M71 M* Radial Feed Cooper Solid Link # 403861C10CB 403861C10CB 403861CIOCB 403861CIOCB 403861CIOCB 403861C10CB 403861C10CB 403861CIOCB 403861CIOCB 403861C10CB * Indicates parallel fuse application - use two (2) fuses Bay-o-net type fuses shall be designed so that the fuses can be removed by using a hot stick. A metal oil-drip shield shall be furnished directly beneath the bay-o-net fuse. Lead connections to the partial-range current-limiting fuse shall be made using bolts, to assure solid electrical and mechanical connections. 3.2 BUSHINGS AND TERMINALS The primary bushings and Parking stands for radial-feed and loop-feed dead-front transformers shall be arranged as per the following: Itadial-feed iiead-front transformers shall be constructed according to IEEE C57.12.26, Figures 5A and 7. The transformer shall be provided with three high-voltage bushing wells (IEEE 386), externally clamped, and three parking stands. The high-voltage leads shall be of such length as to permit field replacement of bushing wells. Loop-feed dead-front transformers shall be constructed according to IEEE C57.12.26 Figures 6A and 7. The transformer shall be provided with six high voltage bushing wells (IEEE 386), externally clamped, and eight parking stands to permit operating the transformer in a looped primary system. The high-voltage leads shall be of such length as to permit field replacement of bushing wells. All bushing wells shall have a removal stud for field replacement. Low-voltage line and neutral terminals shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.12.26 Figure 7 and 8(a). All secondary terminals shall be tin-plated copper and shall be in compliance with IEEE C57.12.26, Figures 9(a), 9(b), or 9(c), except that the number of holes in the terminals shall be as follows: IWsfsrmer 300 kVA and below 500-1000 kVA 1500 kVA and above Sltacie_J:^ 6-hole 8-hole 10-trolu Ten-hole and larger spades shall be furnished with additional insulated support, at the end farthest from the tank wall, without interfering with the use of any of the ten holes (Attachment III). The low-voltage neutral bushing shall be an insulated bushing with a removable external ground connection. The ground strap shall be adequate to carry the fault current based on the rating of the PUC Docket No. 40827 transformer. Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 4 of 19 40 Specification E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 4 of 18 3.3 INTERNAL BUSHING LEADS High-voltage bushing leads shall be trained and appropriately insulated to avoid dielectric breakdown between adjacent cables. Spacers, permanently held in place, should be used to prevent cables from failing phase-to-phase or phase-to-ground. Low-voltage bushing leads shall create good electrical and strong mechanical connections. 3.4 HIGH-VOLTAGE TAPS All transformers shall be provided with high-voltage taps as shown below: Low-Voltage Ratin g 208Y/120 V 208Y/120 V 480Y/277 V KVA 75-500 750 All Nutnber o f,ra,ps 4 2 2 Size of Taps above and/or below Rated Voltage 2'/2% below 2'/^% above & below 2'/z% above & below The tap-changer handle shall be mounted for external operation and located in the high-voltage compartment. 3.5 SWITCHING LQp-feed transformers: A 3-phase, gang-operated, four-position, under ester fluid loadbreak switch shall be supplied on all loop-feed transformers. The switch shall have a minimum loadbreak rating of 200 amps and a 3-shot make-and-latch rating of 10,000 amps, symmetrical. The connections to be made in each switching position are as follows: SOURCE "B" TRANSFORMER COIL SOURCE "A" POSITION ON ON OFF 1-12 o'clock OFF ON ON 2- 3 o'clock ON ON ON 3- 6 o'clock ON OFF ON 4- 9 o'clock The switch positions shall be clearly marked as to whether the source or coil is on or off, The switch handle shall be located in the high-voltage compartment. The switch shall be operable with a hookstick. The switch shall be a T-Blade Switch, Cooper Part # LS4BH3T12B or buyer approved equivalent. Radial-feed transformers: A 3-phase, hookstick-operable, gang-operated, two-position, under-oil loadbreak switch shall be supplied on all radial-feed transformers. The switch shall have a minimum load break rating of 200 amps and a make-and-latch rating of 10,000 amps rms, symmetrical, 15-cycle. The switch shall have an open/close indication plate. This switch shall be located in the high-voltage compartment. The switch shall be Cooper Part # LS2B515H3S2B or buyer approved equivalent. 3.6 ACCESSORY EQUIPMENT The following equipment and devices shall be provided on the size transformers indicated: 3.6.1. All transformers shall have an oil-drain valve, with sampling device, located in the highvoltage compartment. The valve shall be a gate valve, not less than '/2". 3.6.2. All transformers sized 300 kVA or larger shall have a liquid-level gauge in the highvoltage compartment. Units less than 300 kVA do not require a liquid-level gauge. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 5 of 19 241 Specification E-649 Feb.10,2009 Page 5 of 18 3.6.3. All transformers sized 300 kVA or larger shall have a temperature indicator in the highvoltage compartment. Units less than 300 WA do not require a temperature indicator. 3.6.4. All transformers shall have a pressure-relief device located on the low-voltage side of the terminal compartment. The device shall be capable of automatically venting 35 scfm at 15 psig, as per IEEE C57.12.26. 3.6.5. TERMINAL MARKING AND ANGULAR DISPLACEMENT Terminal designations shall be as per IEEE C57.12.70. Terminals shall be clearly marked with oil-resistant yellow paint. The identification of terminal connections shall be shown on the nameplate. The angular displacement between the high- and low-voltage terminals shall be as per Figure 10, IEEE C57.12.26. 3.6.6. NAMEPLATE As described in IEEE C57.12.00, the contractor shall affix a durable metal nameplate to each transformer. The nameplate shall be located in the low-voltage compartment and shall be readable with the cables in place. The nameplate shall be made from anodized aluminum or non-rust stainless steel. The information contained on the nameplates shall be inscribed and painted black. The nameplate shall conform to IEEE C57.12.00: Nameplate B for 500 kVA and below and Nameplate C for 750 kVA and above. All information shall be in English and ftpound-seconds (fps) non-metric units of measure. The nameplate shall indicate the current-limiting fuse on a circuit diagram. The nameplate shall contain a permanent bar code that meets the following requirements: Information: The bar code shall display the Manufacturer Identification Code (see Attachment 1) and manufacturer's serial number. Durability: The bar code shall last the lifetime of the transformer, as specified by IEEE C57.12.00, regarding the nameplate. The bar code shall be constructed such that, when using a contact-type bar code reader, the bar code shall be capable of a minimum of thirty successful scans. Dimensions: The height of the bar code shall be either 0.24 inches or 15% of the barcode length (L); whichever is greater (see Attachment Il). Character Size, The bar code print quality shall be in accordance with ANSI X3.182. The permanent bar code shall be of medium density, ranging from 4 to 6.9 characters per inch. Bar Code Symboloev: The bar code symbology shall be Code 39, also referred to as 3-of-9 bar code, using the 43-character ASCII set, in accordance with ANSI X3.4. Orientation of the Bar CoCharacters:_The bar code characters shall be arranged in one line. A start character shall precede the manufacturer's code and a stop character PUC Docket No. 40627 shall follow the transformer serial number (see Attachment 11). Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 6 of 19 242 Spedflcation E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page6of18 Quiet Zones: A minimum quite zone of 0.25" shall immediately precede and follow the bar codes. A human-readable interpretation line shall be Hum^n t^^^^t+^e int^rtaretatian with ANSI IviH10.8M. The provided directly beneath the bar code, in accordance interpretation of the 3-of-9 bar code shall be clearly identifiable with the bar-code symbol above. The preferred shapes of the human-readable interpretation shall alternative, any human-readable conform to either ANSI X3.17 or ANSI X3.49. As an in height is acceptable. 3/32" font with characters no less than 4.0 PERFORMANCE 4.1 INSULATION LEVEL 4.1.1. The high-voltage insulation shall be as follows: Rated High Voltarre (Voltsl 12470 A BIL (kV) 95 Insulation Class (kYl 15 4.1.2. The low-voltage insulation level shall be as follows: Low Voltage Kati a (Volts) 208Y/120 480Y/277 BI M I ula ivn Class (14^ 1.2 30 1.2 30 4.2 TEMPERATURE RISE LIMITS section The Temperature rise and loading conditions shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.12.00 5.11. 4.3 IMPEDANCE The impedance voltage is the voltage required to circulate rated current through one of two specified windings of a transformer when the other winding is short-circuited, with the windings connected as for rated-voltage operation (IEEE C57.12.80). In accordance with IEEE C57.12.00, section 9.2, the allowable impedance-voltage tolerance for any individual transformer shall be as follows: KVA Ratin¢ 75 - 500 750 - 2500 Impedance Voltage 2.00% f 10.0% (1.8% to 2.2%) 5.75% ± 7.5% (5.3% to 6.2%) There is no additional tolerance Any unit that is outside of the tolerance shown will be rejected. allowed on these values. PUC Docket No 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 7 of 1 9243 Specification E-849 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 7 of 18 5.0 MATERIAL 5.1 Core and Coil Construction throughout the The transformer coils shall be designed to maintain the nameplate kVA rating Class and shall be 65°C ($5°C Hot Spot) temperature range. All materials used shall be of the thoroughly tested for compatibility with all transformer components before use in s^l ^^ Sr' ^^ar thermally upgraded, one hundred percent conduction, particle tested kraft pape r secondary layer insulation. Provisions shall be made for securing the sheet windings and the primary windings in position during construction and for short-circuit conditions. Insulating paper shall be thermally cured under pressure, epoxy coated, diamond pattern type. The core shall be manufactured with burr-free, grain-oriented silicon steel. 5.2 Core-Coil Assembly The core and coil, after assembly, shall be mounted in a rigid steel frame, constructed in such a way as to hold the coil in a rigid position within the core window without placing undue stress on the core or short circuiting the laminations at any point. 5.3 Tank The transformer tank shall have high- and low-voltage cable terminating compartments. The transformer tank and compartment shall be of sufficient construction to conform to IEEE C57.12.28. sufficient strength to withstand a internal pressure of 7 psig without permanent The tank shall be of distortion and 12 psig without permanent rupturing or displacing other components of the transformer or affecting cabinet security. taking oil samples, and pressure testing. This A one-inch pipe plug shall be provided, for filling, plug shall be located in the lower left hand corner of the high voltage compartment. type, as per IEEE C57.12.26. The tank cover may be either the bolted-on or welded-on welded-on cover shall have handhole(s) as per IEEE C57.12.26. The Tank grounding shall be as per IEEE C57.12.26. All exterior nuts and bolts shall be of a corrosion-resistant material. The transformer shall be of sealed-tank construction, which seals the interior of the tank from the atmosphere and which insures constant gas volume and oil volume. The transformer shall remain effectively sealed for a top-oil temperature range of -5°C to 105°C. All required gaskets shall be made of high temperature Viton. The Vendor shall place all labels required by AE Distribution Construction Standard #1000-14, and shown in Attachments IV and Na, on the cabinet doors of each transformer. This includes the "3 in 1- Danger High Voltage, One Call, Clearance Required," "kVA Size," and NO PCBS" labels. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 8 of 19 44 Specification E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 8 of 18 5.4 Dielectric Fluid liquid. The The dielectric fluid shall be bio-based biodegradable electrical insulating and cooling of National Electrical Code shall be a listed less-flammable fluid meeting the requirements Coolant shall be Factory Mutual Section 450-23 and National Electric Safety Code, section 15. The fluid Approved and be UL Classified. with IEEE C57.147. The The Dielectric Fluid supplied with all transformers shall be in accordance AE manufacturer shall provide batch test reports of the dielectric fluid characteristics to Distribution Standards. The PCB content in the dielectric fluid shall be less than I ppm. The vendor shall provide written certification to the City that all dielectric fluid contains less than l ppm. The PCB content shall be shown on the nameplate of the transformer. A decal shall be placed on the transformer in accordance with Attachments N and Na. The decal shall be colored blue with white lettering. The decal shall be 6" tall by 6" wide and shall have the precise wording, in capital letters, "NO PCBS". 5.5 Doors Only conventional vertical-hinged, two-door design is acceptable. Door shall have a recessed, captive penta-head bolt that secures all access to doors. Hinges shall be stainless steel. All other designs, including clam-shell and flip-top door designs, are not acceptable. The high voltage compartment door shall have a 19f64" hole drilled in the upper left hand comer 10" from the top and 10" from the left hand side. This hole shall have a field removable plug so that the transformer will accommodate a fault indicator light. The plug shall be designed so tltat if the plug is not removed the integrity of the enclosure still complies with IEEE C57.12.26 and C57.12.28 requirements. (Attachment N b) 5.6 Primer and Paint All primer and paint shall be lead-free. The enclosure security and coating system shall be as per IEEE C57.12.28, as a minimum requirement. In addition to this IEEE standard, the unit shall be painted Munsell Green, with a minimum thickness of 5 mils. 5.7 HIGH-VOLTAGE AND LOW-VOLTAGE COMPARTMENTS Doors on the high-voltage and low-voltage compartments shall be of sufficient size to provide adequate working space when opened. With the low-voltage compartment door opened or removed, adequate safeguards shall isolate the high-voltage compartment. The high-voltage compartment shall be accessible only by releasing a pentahead bolt to allow the compartment door to be opened, or by some other equally secure method. If an insulating material is used for the barrier, it shall be supported or braced on all sides with metal strips. The compartments shall have the following minimum dimensions: KVA V '9mgmnt I^, 75 - 2500 40.0" wide x 26.0" deep LV Compartment 30.0°' wide x 26.0" deep The opening on the bottom of all transformers shall have the following minimum dimensions: KVA HV CompArtanent 75 - 2500 38.5" wide x 23.0" deep LV Corn ^rtment 28.5" wide x 23.0" deep PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 9 of 19 245 Specification E-849 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 9 of 18 5.8 HANDLING AND MOUNTING FACILITIES for rolling in two directions, parallel to and at right angles to The transformer base shall be arranged bushings. the centerline of the high-voltage The lifting provision shall be in accordance with IEEE C57.12.26. anchoring the unit on The base of the assembly shall be provided with a suitable flange to permit the pad from within the cable-terminating compartments. 6.0 ROUTINE AND DESIGN TESTS 6.1 Routine Tests The contractor shall perform the routine tests, on all transfonners, that are specified in Section 8 of IEEE C57.12.00. All testing shall be performed as per IEEE C57.12.90. 6.2 Design and Other Tests The contractor is to perform the following design and other tests on all transformers, as per Section 8, Table 21 of IEEE C57.12.00s Lightning impulse (BIL), No-Load Loss, Load Loss, Excitation Current, and Impedance Voltage. All testing shall be performed as per IEEE C57.12.90. All transformers supplied to AE shall meet or exceed the efficiency values in accordance with Department of Energy 10 CFR 431 part III - Energy Conservation program for Commercial Equipment: Distribution Transformers Energy Conservation Standards table I.1. Certified test data by serial number shall be provided with each transformer. Contractor shall provide at time of bid certification that all transformer components are compatible with Dielectric Fluid provided. AE may require the contractor to perform additional design and other tests on an as-needed basis. If so, AE will list the tests as a separate line item in the bid. All such testing shall be performed as per IEEE C57.12.90. 6.3 REQUIRED INFORMATION For each item, the Bidder shall supply the following information on the bid sheet: 6.3.1. 6.3.2. losses which are incident Guaranteed No-Load Losses, in watts, corrected to 20°C: Those excited They are transformer. of the ^p^s N N to the excitation load losses are to be measured orated voltage and frequency, but not supplyi ng as per IEEE C57.12.90. to 85°C: Those losses which are incident to Guaranteed Load Losses, in watts, corrected are the losses of the transformer excited at rated the carrying of a specified load. They losses are to be measured as per IEEE C57.12.90. voltage, frequency, and current. Load 6.3.3. Guaranteed Total Losses, in watts: The sum of the No-Load and Load Losses. 6.3.4. Bid Amount, per individual transformer. PUC Docket No. 40827 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 10 of 1 9246 Specification E-849 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 10 of 18 6.3.5. Adder for No-Load Losses, per individual transformer: This amount is equal to (Guaranteed No-Load Losses, in watts) x ($5.239 per watt). 6.3.6. Adder for Load Losses, per individual transformer: This amount is equal to (Guaranteed Load Losses, in watts) x($3.123 per watt). 6.3.7. of the Bid Total Owning Cost per Individual Transformer: This amount is equal to the sum the Adder for Load Losses. Amount, the Adder for No-Load Losses, and 6.3.8. Total Owning Cost for the Estimated Annual Usage: This amount is equal to (Total Owning Cost per Individual Transformer) x (Estimated Annual Usage). 6.4 ACCEPTANCE OF TRANSFORMER DELIVERY AND LOSSES EVALUATION 6.4.1. Manufacturer's Test Report Prior to the delivery of a transformer, the vendor shall provide a manufacturer's test report to the AE Distribution Standards Engineer. The test report shall contain the information as Standards. shown in Attachment V. The test report shall be emailed to the AE Distribution The vendor shall also ship a paper copy of the test report with each transformer delivery. AE will review each manufacturer's test report and will either reject any transformer that does not meet the requirements of this specification or pay a reduced price for the transformer, as calculated by the method in section 6.4.3 of this specification. 6.4.2. Incoming Inspection by AE and adjust, if necessary, the AE may test transformers at the point of delivery to verify use the verified or adjusted data to assure AE will manufacturer's test-report data. compliance with this specification and to perform the transformer loss evaluation. 6.4.3. Transformer Loss Evaluation In accordance with IEEE C57.12.00, section 9.3, actual losses on each individual transformer shall not exceed the vendor's guaranteed losses by more than the following percentages: a) No-Load Losses............ 10% b) Total Losses ....................6% Any individual transformer having actual losses that exceed these limits will be subject to the following: a) An immediate fee of $350.00 b) Possible return of the transformer to the vendor, at the discretion of AE Should AE elect to keep the transformer, a losses fee will be assessed on the individual transformer to offset the increased total owning cost of the high-loss transformer. The fee will be calculated according to the following formula: Losses Fee =($5.239/WxMeasured No-Load Losses - Guaranteed No Load Losses) +($3,123/WxMeasured Load Losses - Guaranteed Load Losses) PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 11 of 19 247 Specification E-849 Feb-10,2009 page 11 of I$ 6.4.4. Impedance Voltage Evaluation Any individual transformer having a voltage impedance that does not fall within the by AE and acceptable range given in section 4.3 of this specification will not be accepted will be returned to the vendor at the vendor's expense. 6.4.5 Any transformers not complying with Department of Energy efficiency ratings shall be rejected in accordance with section 6.2 of this specification. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 12 of 19 248 Specification E-649 Feb. 10, 2009 Page 12 of 18 ATTACHMENT I MANUFACTURER IDENTIFICATION CODES AB CM CP GE HI - Asea Brown Boveri Central Moloney Cooper General Electric Howard Industries KU - Kuhlman The Manufacturer Identification Codes suggested above represent, in part, codes that are utilized for bar coding distribution transformers. The above listing does not represent a complete list of distribution trattsformer manufacturers. PUC Docket No. 40627 Response to OPC 1-52, Attachment 2 Page 13 of 19 249