3. Basic building blocks Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti Inverter with active load It is the simplest gain stage. The dc gain is given by the slope of the transfer characteristics. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 1 Small signal analysis C1 = Cgs1 + Cgs1,ov C2 = Cgd1 + Cgd1,ov + C3 = Cdb1 + Cdb2 + Cgd 2 + Cgd 2,ov + CL Vout −gm1 Av = = Vin gds1 + gds2 At low frequency: with W gm = 2µCox ID L € gds = λID €Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € € Av = − W 2µCox L 1 (λ n + λp ) ID 3. Basic building blocks 2 The dc gain increases as the square root of the bias current is decreases. This holds until the devices enter the subthreshold region In subthreshold the dc gain becomes independent of the biasing current: ID 1 gm = Av = − kT kT n λn + λp n q q ( Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € ) 3. Basic building blocks 3 € At high frequency: Miller's theorem is applied to C2 The output total capacitance is C2 + C3 The output resistance is 1 / (gds1 + gds2) The transfer function has one pole ( € ) λn + λp ID gds1 + gds2 ωp = = C2 + C3 C2 + C3 The unity gain frequency increases as the square root of the bias current. W 2µ1Cox 1 1 g 1 € L I m1 fT = ω p Av (0) = = D 2π 2π C2 + C3 2π C2 + C3 Due to the Miller's theorem the input capacitance becomes: Cin = C1 + C2(1 – Av), if |Av| >> 1 it can be a significant load for the stage driving it. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 4 Example Simulate an inverter with active load (VDD = 5 V) as the following figure with BSIM3 Models. Find the dc gain and unity gain frequency. The achieved gain is about 47 dB, the unity gain frequency is around 500 MHz, and the phase margin is 87 degrees. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 5 Cascode The cascode gain stage is used to attenuate the Miller effect on node 1. VB > Vsat,1 + VGS2 = Vsat,1 + VTh,n + Vsat,2 = I1 I1 = VTh,n + + W W 2µnCox 2µnCox L 1 L 2 The bias voltage VB keeps M1 in the saturation region. € VB < Vout,min −Vsat,2 + VGS2 = Vout,min + VTh,n Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 3. Basic building blocks 6 Small signal analysis C1 = Cgs1 + Cgs1,ov C2 = Cgd1 + Cgd1,ov C3 = Cgd 2 + Cgd 2,ov + Cgd 3 + Cgd 3,ov + Cdb2 + Cdb 3 + CL C4 = Cgs2 + Cgs2,ov + Cdb1 + Csb2 For low frequency, neglecting gds1 and gds2: gm1vin = −gm2v1 = −gds3vout Vout gm1 Av = =− Vin gds3 V1 gm1 A1 = =− Vin gm2 The Miller effect is significantly reduced if gm1 ≈ gm2. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € € 3. Basic building blocks 7 At high frequency: The circuit has two nodes: the output and node 1. The capacitance at the output is C3 The output impedance is 1 / gds3 (neglecting the impedance at the drain of M2) The capacitance at the node 1 is (C2 + C4) The impedance at the node 1 is 1 / gm2 The pole associated to the output node is: 1 1 1 gds3 fp,out = = 2π τ out 2π C3 The pole associated to the node 1 is: 2 1 1 1 gm2 /ζ fp,1 = = 2π τ1 2π gm1(C2 + C4 ) + gm2C2 € where ζ = 1 + rds3 / rds2 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 3. Basic building blocks 8 € since gm >> gds, fp,out is dominant. The gain-bandwidth product is: 1 gm1 fT = fp,dom Av = 2π C3 If a good phase margin is needed, it must be: gm1 gm2 / ζ < C3 (C€2 + C4 ) + C2 gm1 / gm2 This condition can be fulfilled by increasing CL. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 9 Impedance at the drain of M2 ix i x + gm2vs2 vx = + gds1 gds2 ix vs2 = gds1 g vx rd 2 = = rds1 + rds2 1+ m2 ≅ rds1gm2 rds2 ix € gds1 € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 3. Basic building blocks 10 Impedance at the node 1,r1: v x = rds3i x + rds2 (i x − gm2v x ) € 1 rds3 ζ rs2 = 1+ = gm2 rds2 gm2 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 3. Basic building blocks 11 Cascode with cascode load Transconductance gain stages. The gain is increased by increasing gm or rout. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 12 In the improved version the transconductance of M1 is increased by the factor: IM 4 + IM5 IM 4 VB1 and VB2 must keep M1 and M4 out the triode region € VB1 > Vsat,1 + VGS2 VB2 < VDD – Vsat,4 – VGS3 The figure plots the folded structure useful if we need to rise the voltage of the source of M1. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 13 Small signal analysis The output impedance is (conventional version): rout r ( = g r ds1 m2 ds2 )( r g r ds 4 m3 ds3 ) rds1gm2 rds2 + rds 4gm3 rds3 (for the improved and folded version rds1 must be replaced with rds1 // rds5) The dc€gain is: rds1gm2 rds2 rds 4gm3 rds3 2 1 Av = −gm1 ≅ gm rds rds1gm2 rds2 + rds 4gm3 rds3 2 ( )( ) ( ) The circuit has three nodes: output node € source of M2 source of M3 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 14 € The transfer function will have three poles. The dominant one is the output pole fp,out 1 1 = 2π routCout 1 1 f2 = 2π r2C2 1 1 f3 = 2π r3C3 Cout, C2, C3 capacitances incident on nodes 1, 2, 3. At low frequency: rds1gm2 rds2 rds 4gm3 rds3 € rout = € rds1gm2 rds2 + rds 4gm3 rds3 1 rds 4gm3 rds3 r2 = 1+ // rds1 gm2 rds2 € 1 rds1gm2 rds2 r3 = 1+ // rds 4 gm3 rds3 € rout >> r2 , r3 ( Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € € )( ) 3. Basic building blocks 15 At high frequency: 1 r2 ≅ gm2 1 r3 ≅ gm3 Output swing: The output swing is limited by the conditions for which one € brought out of saturation of€the transistors of the stage is Vout,max = VB2 + VGS3 −Vsat3 Vout,min = VB1 + VGS2 −Vsat2 VB1 and V €B2 must keep M1, M4, and M5 out of the triode region. € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 16 Example Simulate the folded cascode amplifier, shown in the following figure, with VDD = 3.5 V. Use the BSIM3V2 models to find the gain and the phase from input to output and from input to node 2. We observe that the gain and the phase plots of the output show a 20 dB roll-off with a good phase margin (60 degrees). The low frequency gain is 77 dB and the unity gain frequency is around 80 MHz. The behavior of the gain from the input to node 2 is interesting: above the dominant pole, it holds 14 dB, just 2 dB more than the expected value gm1/gm2. At low freq. goes to 34 dB. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 17 Differential stage M1, M2 in saturation with (W/L)1 = (W/L)2 2 µCox W µCox W I1 = I2 = VGS1 −VTh VGS2 −VTh 2 L 1 2 L 2 ( ) ( ) 2 assume: VGS1 = VGS0 + vin 2€ VGS2 = VGS0 − Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € vin 2 3. Basic building blocks 18 € € The output variable is the differential current: µCox W ΔI = I1 − I2 = vin (VGS0 −VTh ) 2 L 1 since the bias current can be expressed as: µCox W ISS = I1 + I2 = VGS0 −VTh € 2 L 1 ( ) 2 W it results: ΔI = vin µCox ISS for small signals: Δi = vin gm L 1 with€a common mode signal: € gmvCM vin id iCM = ≅ CMRR = ≅ 2gm ri € 1+ 2gm r1 2r1 iCM Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € 3. Basic building blocks 19 Example W Verify the equation ΔI = vin µCox ISS L 1 Consider an n-channel differential pair with (W/L)=100 and ISS=100 µA. € The transconductance transfer function is fairly linear over a wide range of the input signal. It starts to saturate only when the input signal approaches the overdrive voltage of the differential pair (75 mV). Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 20 Source follower Used as buffer or as dc-level shifter at low frequency: (g hence: vout gm1 Av = = vin gm1 + gds1 + gds2 + gmb1 € ds1 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti ) + gds2 vout + gmb1vout − gm1v gs1 = 0 3. Basic building blocks 21 If gm1 >> gds1 + gds2 + gmb1 then Av ≈ 1 C1 at high frequency: Av (s) ≅ C1 + Cout where: Cout = CL + Cgd2 + Cgd2ov + Cdb2 + Csb1 C1 = Cgs1 + Cgs1ov € The output impedance is obtained by applying a test source vx at the output node. ix = (gds1 + gds2 + gmb1 + gm1) vx hence: 1 1 rout = ≅ gm1 + gds1 + gds2 + gmb1 gm1 The output is not symmetrical. For n-channel input device Vout-max = VDD – VGS1 Vout-min = Vsat2 € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 22 Example Simulate the large signal behavior and derive the dc small signal voltage gain. IB = 0.1 mA and VDD = 3.3 V. The output voltage, practically, follows the input shifted by VGS. However due to the body effect, the value of VGS is not constant; it rises from 713 mV to 1.13 V. Therefore the input-output characteristic is not 1 but 0.81. The figure shows also the dc gain: its value ranges from 0.74 to 0.86 quite well match as theoretical results. Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 23 Level shifter Essential for NMOS circuits, useful for CMOS circuits High-impedance level shift Low-impedance, or "battery", level shift High input impedances: Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 24 ΔV = VGS = 2L I + VTh = Vov + VTh kW Body effect neglected Threshold voltage variation effect € ≈ ± 150 mV) (∆V Th Input and output swing limitation Level shift threshold-independent: 2 ΔV = k L L I1 − I2 − I2 W 1 W 2 ( ) (assuming M1 in saturation and neglecting λ) usually ∆V < VTh € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 25 Low Impedance: It behaves like a voltage source a) b) ΔV = VDS 2L = I + VTh kW ΔV = VGS1 + VGS2 € € 2L 2L = VTh1 + VTh2 + I1 + I2 kW 1 kW 2 a) rout = 1 / gm b) affected by twice voltage threshold variation Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 26 € € Improved output stages Source follower with local feedback: ( ) i x = gm1 + gds2 v x + gm4v2 v2 = gm1rds3v x Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti € Rout 1 = gm1 1+ gm4 rds3 + gds2 ( ) 3. Basic building blocks 27 Class AB push-pull: V12 = VGS3 + VGS4 W W = k L 1 L 3 2L3 2L4 = VTh,n + VTh,p + I5 + µpW4Cox µnW3Cox W W = k L 2 L 4 With RL = 0 VGS1 ≈ VGS3, VGS2 ≈ VGS4, I1 = I2 = kI5 € The output conductance is gm = gm1 + gm2 With resistive load, the drop voltage across the output resistance determines: VGS1 > VGS3, VGS2 < VGS4, I2 = I1 – Iout Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 28 For a given load I2 → 0; the output conductance becomes gout = gm1 In general an output stage has the following equivalent circuit: ( 2 Rout = Rout0 1+ α1Iout + α 2Iout +K ) It determines harmonic distortion. € Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 29 Class AB push-pull with gain stage: Vg1 ≅ Vg2 if it is verified the condition: 1 1 + << rds6 gm4 gm5 Analog Design for CMOS VLSI Systems Franco Maloberti 3. Basic building blocks 30