ITS-P Test station for measurement of photometric parameters of II tubes LM2 luminance probe LM1 luminance probe Tested tube Tube adapter Station controls LV power supply Diffuser light meter Tube base holder Attenuator HV power supply illuminator pikoammeter BM-P base module Fig. 1. Photo of the ITS-P test station Fig.2. Block diagram BASIC INFORMATION: The ITS-P measuring station is a test system that enable testing reactions of image intensifier tubes to light flux at different intensity levels. The ITS-P station illuminates tube photocathode with precisely controlled light flux and measures output intensity at the tube screen. The station enables measurement of all important photometric parameters like luminance gain, saturation level (max output luminance), EBI (equivalent background illuminance), photocathode luminous sensitivity, photocathode radiometric sensitivity, operational stability and tube current consumption. ITS-P can be also optionally used for measurement of temporal parameters like rise time, decay time, phosphor decay time (luminance persistence). The station is built as a modern compact stand alone test station optimised for testing II tubes (not an archaic collection of different laboratory modules to be assembled by the user on a table). Practically all image intensifier tubes offered on the market can be tested (different sizes of photocathode: 16mm, 18 mm, 25 mm (and optionally 300mm or 400mm); different generations: 2, 2+, 3, 3+; potted tubes or bare tubes). The test procedures used by the ITS-P station are based on recommendations of the MIL series standards. WHY TO TEST Photocathode luminous sensitivity and photocathode radiometric sensitivity –parameters that determine potential tube sensitivity, Luminance Gain – how many times brightness of the image of the observed scenery on the II tube screen is higher than brightness of the original scenery, Saturation Level (Maximal Output Luminance)– maximal screen brightness when tube is saturated, EBI – input illumination equivalent to screen brightness when tube is not illuminated, Operational stability - temporal variation of screen brightness when input illumination is stable. INFRAMET ITS-P Test station for measurement of photometric parameters of II tubes FEATURES: Enables to carry out the following tests: o Luminance gain, saturation level, EBI, operational stability, current consumption of potted tubes o Luminance gain, saturation level, EBI, luminous sensitivity, radiometric sensitivity of bare II tubes Continuous regulation of illuminance that enable thousands of different illuminance levels (typical test systems have step illuminance regulation and enable only no more than half a dozen of illuminance levels) HVP1 power supply needed for photocathode tests is included. Optionally HVP14 power supply to run complete care tube can be delivered. Different versions of ITS-P station of different measurement capabilities can be delivered. SPECIFICATIONS Main modules BM-P base module Light Source Spectral band Illuminance range Regulation resolution Regulation type Regulation mechanism Regulation stability Light source aperture Mechanical holders Electrical connections Power source HVP1 power supply Output voltage range Max output current Type of regulation Ripple Temperature stability LM1 luminance probe Type Spectral range Measurement range Measurement uncertainty LM2 luminance probe Type Measurement range Measurement uncertainty CP current probe BM-P base module, LP1 luminance probe, LP2 luminance probe, CP current probe, TP temporal probe, set of 3 adapters for potted tubes, set of 3 adapters for bare tubes, set of cables for potted tubes, set of cables for bare tubes, HVP1 power supply for bare tubes, PC set, ITP Display computer program, equivalent 2850K color temperature source At least 400-1000 nm At least from 0.1 lx to about 100 mlx 0.1 lx (at low intensity range) continuous (any value can be set within the regulation range) manual better than 2% of the set value Typical 25 mm; option: 40mm MX-10160, MX-10130, MX-11620 or equivalent tubes (other types are also possible) cables with exchangeable pins DC 2.7V HVP-1: 20 to 1000 V - optimized for photocathode 200 A → HVP1 manual <0.1 % pp <300ppm/K calibrated silicon photodiode of photopic spectral response Similar to human eye 0.05 cd/m^2 – 5000 cd/m^2 <5% Calibrated intensified silicon photodiode 10 cd/m^2 – 10 mcd/m^2 <5% Current measurement range 50 pA - 100A Measurement uncertainty TP temporal probe <5% INFRAMET ITS-P Test station for measurement of photometric parameters of II tubes Type Spectral band Temporal inertia Other data PC communication Power Operating temperature Storage temperature Humidity Mass Dimensions broadband fast silicon photodiode 400-1000nm <50 ns Yes. RS232/USB 2.0 AC230/110 V, 50/60 Hz (DC12V option), Max power <350W 5°C to 40°C -5°C to 60°C Up to 98% (non condensing) <46 kg (including laptop) Overall dimensions: 740x460x450mm *specifications are subject to change without prior notice TEST RANGE No 1 2 3 4 Parameter Luminance gain EBI Saturation level Operational stability Measurement range 1000-100 000 lm/lm 0.02-2 lx 0.3-20 cd/m^2 0-30% Measurement uncertainty <10% <15% <5% <5% 5 Current consumption 10-100mA <2% 6 Luminous photocathode sensitivity Radiometric photocathode sensitivity Rise Time Decay Time Phosphor Decay Time 100 to 3000 µA/lm <5% 5 – 400 mA/W <10% 0.1 to 10 s 0.1 to 10 s 0.1 ms to 1s 0.1s 0.1s 0.1ms 7 8 9 10 Versions of ITS-P station ITS-I test station can be delivered in different versions optimized for different customers. Both measurement capability and price depends significantly on version number. ITS-P test system – version ITS-P/A ITS-P/B1 ITS-P/B2 ITS-P/C Components Measurement capability BM-P/A base module, LP1 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/A Display program BM-P/B1 base module, LM1 luminance probe, LM2 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/B Display program BM-P/B2 base module, LM1 luminance probe, LM2 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/B Display program, TP temporal probe, ITIME program Luminance Gain, Operation stability, current consumption BM-P/C base module, LM1 luminance probe, LM2 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/C Display program, PC, TP temporal probe, ITIME program Luminance Gain, Equivalent Background Input (EBI), current consumption Operational Stability, Rise Time, Decay Time, Phosphor Decay Time, Burn In Luminance Gain, Equivalent Background Input (EBI), Saturation Level, current consumption Luminance Gain, Equivalent Background Input (EBI), current consumption Operational Stability, Rise Time, Decay Time, Phosphor Decay Time INFRAMET ITS-P Test station for measurement of photometric parameters of II tubes ITS-P/D ITS-P/E ITS-P/F BM-P/D base module, LM1 luminance probe, LM2 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/D Display program, PC, tubes, TP temporal probe, ITIME program, HVP1 power supply, ,set of three adapters for bare tubes, CP current probe BM-P/E base module, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/E Display program, PC, HVP1 power supply, ,set of three adapters for bare tubes, CP current probe BM-P/I base module, LM1 luminance probe, LM2 luminance probe, set of three adapters for potted tubes, set of DC cables, ITP/F Display program, PC, HVP1 power supply, ,set of three adapters for bare tubes, CP current probe Luminance Gain, Equivalent Background Input (EBI), current consumption Operational Stability, Rise Time, Decay Time, Phosphor Decay Time, Photocathode Luminous Sensitivity, Radiant Sensitivity Photocathode Luminous Sensitivity, Photocathode Radiometric Sensitivity Luminance Gain, Equivalent Background Input (EBI), Saturation Level, Operational Stability, current consumption, Luminous Photocathode Sensitivity, Radiant Photocathode Sensitivity CONTACT: Tel: +48 604061817 Fax: +48 22 3987244 INFRAMET Email: