FACTS Flexible AC Transmission System Presented by: Dr Ahmed Massoud Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 1 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 2 POWER SYSTEM GENERATION Dr Ahmed Massoud TRANSMISSION University of Strathclyde DISTRIBUTION 3 Characteristics of Transmission Bottlenecks • • • • • Steady-State Power Transfer Limit Voltage Stability Limit Transient Stability Limit Thermal Limit Short-Circuit Current Limit Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 4 Conventional System Solutions to enhance Transmission capability • • • • • Series Capacitors (X) Switched Shunt-Capacitor and Reactor (V) Transformer LTC’s (V) Phase Shifting Transformers (δ) Synchronous Condensers (V) Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 5 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 6 Flexible Alternating Current Transmission Systems (FACTS) FACTS AC transmission systems incorporating the power electronic-based to enhance controllability and increase power transfer capability. FACTS Controllers A power electronic based system & other static equipment that provide control of one or more AC transmission parameters. Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 7 Power Electronics Devices For FACTS Controllers Line-Commutated • Thyristors • Electrically Triggered (ETT) • Light Triggered (LTT) Self-Commutated • Gate-Turn Off Thyristors (GTO) • Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) • Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristors (IGCTs) Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 8 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 9 FACTS c o n tro lle rs lin e c o m m u ta te d S e rie s fo rc e d c o m m u ta te d Shunt thy ris to r c o ntro lle d thy ris to r c o ntro lle d s e rie s c a pa c ito r re a c to r o r s w itc he d (TC S C ) c a pa c ito r (TC R or TS C ) B a c k -to -b a c k S e rie s -s e rie s c o nv e ntio na l HVD C inte rline po w e r flo w c o ntro lle r (IP F C ) S e rie s Shunt s ta tic s y nc hro no us s e rie s c o m p e ns a to r (S S S C ) s ta tic s y nc hro no us c o mpe ns a to r (S TATC O M ) S h u n t-S e rie s S e rie s -s e rie s unifie d po w e r flo w c o ntro lle r (UP F C ) B a tte ry e ne rgy s to ra ge (B E S S ) inte rline po w e r flo w c o ntro lle r (IP F C ) S upe rc o nduc ting M a gne tic E ne rgy S to ra ge (S M E S ) B a c k -to -b a c k light HVD C Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 10 ___ ___ Vs Vr X Vs .Vr P= sin δ X Vs I.X δ I Dr Ahmed Massoud Vr University of Strathclyde 11 Controllable parameters Control of the line impedance current and active power control Control of angle current and active power control Series voltage injection Current, active, and reactive power control Parallel voltage injection Current, active, and reactive power control Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 12 Series control V1 Xseries V2 X Vseries V1 P=V 1.V 2.sin(δ )/(X-X series ) δ Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde I V2 13 Parallel control V1 V2 X V1 V1 Q I P=V 1.V 2.sin(δ )/X Dr Ahmed Massoud δ University of Strathclyde I V2 14 Series and parallel control V1 Xseries X V2 Vseries Q Dr Ahmed Massoud ? University of Strathclyde 15 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 16 Static VAR compensator • • • • • • • TCR = Thyristor Controlled Reactor TSR = Thyristor Switched Reactor TSC = Thyristor Switched Capacitor MSC = Mechanically-Switched Capacitor MSR = Mechanically-Switched Reactor FC = Fixed Capacitor Harmonic Filters Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 17 Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) Parallel-connected static var generator or absorber ● Output is adjusted to exchange capacitive or inductive current ● Maintain or control specific parameters of the electrical power system (typically bus voltage). ● Thyristor-based Controllers ● Lower cost alternative to STATCOM Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 18 Thyristor Controlled Reactor 8 Voltage 6 Current 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 0 0.005 0.01 Time (s) 0.015 0.02 Firing angle of 90 1 0.667 0.333 0 -0.333 -0.667 -1 0 0.005 0.01 Time (s) 0.015 0.02 Firing angle of 135 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 19 Thyristor Switched Capacitor (TSC) Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 20 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) ● Parallel-connected static var compensator ● Capacitive or inductive output current controlled independently of the ac system voltage Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 21 Inverter (IGBT, GTO, or GCT) L Q Vdc P (if no energy source is provided) Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 22 Parallel Active Power Filters (Parallel APF) • • • • • Reactive power Compensation Source current’s higher Harmonics compensation DC element voltage control Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 23 3-phase supply is L e if iL v Shunt active filter non-linear load Shunt active power filter single line diagram Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 24 i dc (t) Sa v dc (t) + C _ Sb Sc v an Lb v bn S'a La S'b Lc v cn S'c ia ib ic ea eb ec Two level voltage source inverter Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 25 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 26 Voltage source inverters 1. Two level Voltage source inverter 2. Multilevel voltage source inverter 3. Series connection Current source inverter ? Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 27 Multilevel inverter 1. Neutral point clamped 2. Cascaded 3. Flying capacitor Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 28 Neutral point clamped Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 29 Flying capacitor Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 30 Cascaded Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 31 2E volt S1 i load E D1 i load E D4 S4 2E 2E D5 S5 E E D8 S8 iload <0 iload >0 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 32 E volt i load E D3 i load E D4 S3 S4 E E D5 S5 E E D8 S8 iload >0 Dr Ahmed Massoud iload <0 University of Strathclyde 33 0 volt i load E D3 i load E S3 S4 D4 0 0 E E D7 S7 S8 iload <0 iload >0 Dr Ahmed Massoud D8 University of Strathclyde 34 -E volt i load E D3 i load E S3 S4 D4 -E -E S6 D6 E E S7 D7 iload <0 iload >0 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 35 -2E volt D2 E S2 i load E i load S3 D3 -2 E -2 E S6 D6 E E S7 D7 iload <0 iload >0 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 36 Output of 5-level inverter (PWM) M a gni tu de (P er unit ) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 Dr Ahmed Massoud 0. 005 0 .0 1 Ti me (s ) University of Strathclyde 0.015 0 .0 2 37 Series connection of IGBT Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 38 Output of two-level inverter (PWM) M ag n itu d e (Per u n it ) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0 Dr Ahmed Massoud 0. 0 05 0 .0 1 T im e (s ) University of Strathclyde 0 .0 1 5 0 . 02 39 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 40 Series Capacitors Applied For: Increasing Power Transfer Increasing Stability Limits Improving Voltage Profile Improving Load Division Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 41 Series Active Power filter (Series APF) • Voltage harmonics compensation • Stability improvement • Current harmonics blocking Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 42 Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC) ● Output voltages in quadrature with, and controllable independently of, the line current ● Control the transmitted electric power. ● May include energy storage to enhance the dynamic behavior of the power system by additional temporary real power compensation, to increase or decrease momentarily, the overall real (resistive) voltage drop across the line. Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 43 Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) ● Smooth control of series capacitive reactance Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 44 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 45 Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) ● A combination of STATCOM and SSSC coupled via a common dc link ● Bi-directional flow of real power between the SSSC and the STATCOM Unified Power Flow Controller = Static Synchronous Series Compensator + STATCOM Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 46 In v e r t e r (I G B T , G T O , o r G C T ) S e r ie s c o n v e rte r C S hunt c o n v e rte r Dr Ahmed Massoud L University of Strathclyde 47 Unified Power Quality Conditioner (UPQC) • • • • • Source current harmonics compensation System stability improvement Reactive power compensation DC element voltage control Voltage harmonics compensation Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 48 Combination of active power filter and passive filter Supply Load Active filter Passive filter Parallel active power filter and passive filter Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 49 Supply Load Passive filter Active filter Parallel active power filter in series with passive filter Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 50 Supply Active filter Load Passive filter Series active power filter and parallel passive filter Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 51 Supply Active filter Load Active filter Series and parallel active power filter (unified power quality conditioner UPQC) Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 52 Series VS. Parallel ● Series is more powerful in controlling the current/power flow and damp oscillations ● Parallel is more effective in voltage control and damping of voltage oscillations Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 53 FACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. POWER SYSTEMS FACTS definition FACTS controllers Parallel controllers Series controller Series-parallel controllers HVDC Others Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 54 FACTS and HVDC Grid 1 Dr Ahmed Massoud V1 FACTS or HVDC University of Strathclyde V2 Grid 2 55 High voltage DC transmission (HVDC) It is economically attractive: • over a long distance from a remote generating to the load centre (>300 miles) • underwater transmission • when connecting two AC systems at two different frequencies Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 56 Advantages of HVDC • • • • • • • • • • No limits in transmitted distance. Fast control of power flow, which implies stability improvements. Direction of power flow can be changed very quickly. HVDC can carry more power for a given size of conductor improved transient stability dynamic damping of the electric system oscillations Require less space compared to ac for same voltage rating and size Ground can be used as a return conductor No charging current HVDC transmission limits short circuit currents Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 57 Cost AC Cost DC Cost 600-800Km Distance Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 58 The HVDC technology The fundamental process that occurs in an HVDC system is the conversion of electrical current from AC to DC (rectifier) at the transmitting end, and from DC to AC (inverter) at the receiving end. 1. Natural Commutated Converters. The component that enables this conversion process is the thyristor (high power and low switching frequency). 2. Forced Commutated Converters. It uses GTO or IGBT. They are known as VSC (Voltage Source Converters). Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 59 HVDC transmission system Terminal A Positive pole 12 pulse AC system A AC filter and power factor correction capacitors Negative pole 12 pulse Dr Ahmed Massoud Ld Y Y Δ Y Y Y Δ Y DC filter HVDC transmission line Terminal B AC system B DC filter Ld University of Strathclyde 60 Components of HVDC 1. 2. 3. Converter: at one side rectifier and the other inverter each converter consists of a positive pole and a negative pole each pole consists of 6 pulse converters connected through star-delta and star-star transformer to yield 12 pulse converter On the AC side: * AC filters to reduce the current harmonics generated from the converters * Power factor correction capacitors to supply the lagging reactive power On the DC side: smoothing reactor and DC filters to filter the ripple in the DC currents Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 61 12 pulse line frequency converter Objectives: 1. Reduce current harmonics on AC side 2. Reduce voltage ripple on DC side 3. High power 12 pulse converter consists of two six-pulse converters connected through star-star and delta-star transformer The 2 converters are connected in series from the DC side and parallel from the AC side Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 62 Id ia i a1 2N:1 cs1 i a2 i as1 as1 v d1 n1 bs1 as2 2 3 N:1 Ld i as2 v d2 cs2 n2 bs2 Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 63 Types of HVDC links 1. Monopolar: Having one conductor and the ground is the return path DC pole return earth Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 64 2. Bipolar: There are two conductors (poles). One operates with positive polarity and the second with negative. During fault of one them, the bipolar acts as a monopolar + DC pole return earth - DC pole Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 65 HVDC Light 1. HVDC Light unit sizes range from a few tens of MW to presently 350 MW and for DC voltages up to ±150 kV and units can be connected in parallel. 2. HVDC Light consists of two elements: converter stations and a pair of cables. The converter stations are Voltage Source Converters (VSCs) employing Self-commutated switch Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 66 FACTS 1. POWER SYSTEMS 2. FACTS definition 3. FACTS controllers 4. Parallel controllers 5. Series controller 6. Series-parallel controllers 7. HVDC 8. Others Battery Energy Storage System Super conducting material Dr Ahmed Massoud University of Strathclyde 67