Manawatu 4. 100' WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 19.1917. tONCEIiT 31ETRO DANNER The AVo'Kl F:me<i Tragedienne, happiness Nance O’Neil Starring by Loading 'Wellington Artists under the personal direction of MB HAMILTON HODGES ■ and THELMA SALTER. Depot To-morrow, Saturday. I) butcher. Cuba street. i) 11. Vmpor, J, Alartin, bookseller, Alain st. west. Palace Pic.iures, George street. 1) at I CANDIDATES’ MEMBERS AND NAMES;— 1, Baby Christensen. 3, No. No. Song, "When Yon ( onto 1 )aneo Divertissemem (a) Hunting Dtinee, Orchestra. Home , 1 bungalow, '57011 SALE, five-roomed conveniences, out- — V modern I 1 years 1 Mi Fuller's Earth (a theatrical agent). friends of the Into WM. Sergt.-Major liareliant. 31 ON DAY, 17 tli September. KKKI.KY aiv reypeetfully inPvt. ( oward. Pete (a negro servant). leave his will his funeral formed that . Pv' YViekes. The Ghost,' to-morrow at 0 a.m. residence rmiiher’s God Save the King. MARCARETS KINDERGARTEN (Saturday!, lor the Palmersum North ST and preparatory school. cemetery. PRICES: ;ts, *Js, and Is. AND SON. Box Plan at .Millar’s. miHRD TERM of 1917 commences Vndcrtakers. AWAP I'XI v. FEILDIXG. "Phone 797. TO STIOWGRGUNDS, TO-MORROW. 3 pan. ADMISSION (id. In aid of Patriotic Fund. DIiESSMAi: ' :o. D.I.C. requires a number of S. competent BODICE and SKIRI HANDS. Permanent employment and ox roll om working conditions. Apply Vi AN AO KIN Wellington. 1). m]]p; SPECIAL NOTICE. Ql [A CARD.]’ Mile. Dorian de Leperticrc, ATK tuition in Fennel). A< is no good -without \ health. To retain health study TO CUSTOMERS. dross— Grand Hotel. Tour digestive organs hy purchasing Ox The Kairanga Moat Co.’s Prime Hoof and good Quality .Mutton. ’Phono (A (AIM).| 98. 3 doors from “Standard.” OUTZBACH’S bread can ho obtained ADAM E \ I AIM.)K, J at the following depots lor- ud LANGS'.-—IV e aro agents . for the pew2lb. loaf ASH : M ETAPH YS KIA Nv & most famous pianos.and can give BUI BACH, Alain street.‘east. nt temporals (live us a HODGES, O. Grey and Albert streets. can now be consulted of terms. tho easiest you rooni.s. BOON Broad street. call before deciding elsewhere. Ml) FERGUSON STREET PODJpRSKY, West End Store. OATES. (off I itt street). Sole Agents, AIRS A ILLS. Opera House Dairy, HOURS: 10.30 to 8. MILNER AND THOMPSON, LTD., .MILLER, Cuba street. Main street, west, Palmerston North. HUBBARD, Rangitikei street. FRENCH, Fitzberbort street. Opposite Railway. KOSY LOUNGE TAYLOR, Rose Cottage, Fitzlicrbert 'EALTH j , nrogood VNDERSON’S Photographs ’.Phono. 010. > ( For Urgent Taxis but goods of tho best quality used iu the making ot all preparations. OPPOSITE; BANK* Have -you learned OF-N.Z. R ANGITIKEI STREET'CORNER.-,. rhoi’i hand,, tiling. ii : not, i you would ;ho wise to -m F : COKWAY. ilie %iuNra,-TFruit consult • Growers,—For best local grown. fruit, Sturmen Pippin for dessert, and Washington apples for cooking are now in prime condition Bananas, oranges, and confec- SPOONER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE TO-DAY. RANCH IK El STREET, P.N. tionery, the best THE MOTOR GAR Hi@o MAKER. OOSE Covers, Cushions, and (Air Upholstery. Best ol Mulcriah J ONLY funerals. APPLES. APPLES. Storekeeper; 1" iu stock. W. T. GRAY, STREET. ■ ? to Fruiterers, VfUTICE and the public generally. 1 hole 1 tocks of tho above and want your cus ’PHONE SOS. 1 PAY THE FREIGHT SIEMBER Appended is price list: SOMETHING NEW IN CASEMENI WINDOWS. —• -1 Case. Runner (only 2,' t grade 13s left) longhcrty (only 1 Is grade left) or Kentucky Rods /oi 2.=1 grade) r. imerican Horn (2 i or 13s 10 Cases - A RCHITECTS, Jl\. ! 1 Builders, ftnd th. Public are invited to inspoc same on view lor a lew days at WITHER AND THOMPSON, 5 )ESSERT—- Gel *• 13s 6d D R A NGTTIKEI STREET. F. SOLLITT, Solo Agent. 2.s Gd " • ■ 13s 12s 6i 23 grade) 20 case oi per cent, reduction oa prepaid i rs and over. Freight th AVING again above Hotel and thoroughly n ur nearest station when cash accon2 novated same, I am prepared to rate and 25 fruit is The mics order. . accommodation to the trai all paper-wrapped and packe id first-class Speight’s alo on taj ig: oiling public. holdm r standard caso the Imperial ' i Best wines and spirits kept. jout 101b. A. G. UAVILL, G. i ■adeT; t KINGSLAND. APPLEBY ORCHARDS, NELSON , I H taken over ’ PROPRIETOR. Proprietor. excellence. 'Phone 664. Ad- par Lun elicons Teas Have become popular thrm;?tt* out this District; they ure SO ENJOYABLE. 4.COUR3E LUNCHEON Is 12 TILL 1.50. 3-GQURSE LATE DINNER ts 3d 5 TILL 6.45, 12 la 3d TICKETS FOR 12a. Available for any meal at any time. "PICCADILLY TEA • ; Howard. ’Phone 10(11),r ' . ' girl io assist' withhouscVv work. Apply Miss Eraser, i. ,] tt ? ’ H. hj aleT PR AC TIC A i. ENO INKER, \LI. HAVING severed connection my o> Rongotea. WANTED.-Manawatu Importers. In.-struct your shippers-to' send . you? goods and; shipping documents to us direct T? and save. time. J. J. CURTIS AND CO., LIMITED. ‘ Custom; . . Harrv PoltnnrV. House, and Shipping Agents, j, WKl.hlXtdlOA.-. a Post Office Stand TELEPHONE youth -or young 10-6(5. ; wages, 3t)s and (TEN SIXTY-SIX). den’s sale. Only best materials us usual. Prices the very lowest. WHERE THE REST CARS AND DRIVERS ARE. AKE no mistake. 11 yon re wanting furniture in Oak. N.Z. Oak, nil, don’t fail to see. Andrews and ; they’re famous for low prices 5 Ft S. J. H. ANDERSO N, quality. Showrooms, SO Rangiti- IVJL Licensed Registry Office. Terrfeoa treet. End. 10-66 Rongotea. ’PHONE No., for butferJj fish, blue cod, crayfish, iVtvsh rabbits, oysters, smoked fish, mutton binls, etc.—Square Fish Supply (next Manawatu Meat Co.) 10-1 10-66 •» King’s McRAE, dressmaker, O’Connor and Chambers, MISS Tydomau’s, the Square. Costumes a UIL over Charges moderate. newspapers; “ , YEARS’ .SUCCESSEEL PRACTICE Also at 270 Queen street, Auckland. girl to help milk 1. Apply “Standard” Olfice. •IN FINE Oak Furniture at Peg- Place your Pros., Principal Store, old Se.iul it ANTED, strong barley for fowl feed. destroy 903. 20 ANTED KNOWN* —When selling sell through Harry Palmer’s. Creighton, painter and decorator, Cross street. ’Phono 815. ANDERS BROS, have just landed rice J meal for pig feeding, a good lino ot orders ON’T ’PHONE complexion, for fTTREATMENT _L freckles, wrinkles, blackheads, and all facial blemishes. Permanent Removal of Superfluous Hair A cure ior grey, thin, or falling hair, dandruff, and other scalp disorders, shampooing, manicuring, chiropody, etc. I stock the latest in toilet accessories, also hainvork. All consultations free. working house-keeper or ANTED.—Wo have buyers for all sound vehicles. W hat have you too big and none 100 small for J speciality. DERMATOLOGIST, 2! Rangitikei street, Palmerston North. Baker. , niture from tile ANTED KNOWN.—No contract banders A. Ia 111e,’’|' Stand aI'd’p OilVee. , early. Apply ’Phone 59G. i balance of lloor doth and Imomust be lid; lid to Gs s from 3s ed to make room for new goods. )UTH wanted, for grocery; good opportunity to-.learn trade. —A. rail field,- the Square.j r ANTED, position - hi-,experienced young: woman,';assist-, with' mitlcnul -'house work. Stale y wages.; to __ yyN MISS M'ELWAIN. VRNER | George street, Palmerston North. I ROOMS. THE SQUARE, FN. ” - TEA ROOMS, x> with W. Slattery, 1 am prepared general for small family; no For address apply “Stan- Ito undertake all classes of building, ing. | jobbing and joinery work. Reasonable Office. ! charges and prompt attention.—D. b. & GARNER are selling McLean, builder, ns, £25 cash, balance at 5 per cent. Craven School, Queen street. mins mrgains still attract at PcgApply Gifford Moore, solicitor. don’s. Call in and got your furrS7HEY say that rubbing is no good .l. quality linn. I for rheumatism, but Strawson’s White Oil will move it. All Stores. 70111) OWNERS—Attention I Our garage and staff of experienced orkmen at your service for all kinds THE SQUARE. f repairs. Wo have specialised in \ird Cars for years and know our and alter September Ist tho :ork.—Wackrill and Stewart, Ltd., Atzherherb street, Palmerston North. tariff will ho as follows: VTOTMING in town to touch out 3d. Is 4-Course Luncheon 7 stock or our prices during the 12 Us 3d TICKETS FOR 12s. ale. Best bargains at Pegden’s. KNOWN’.—Properties of (Available for any meal at any time.) 5 acres near the borough are enMRS A. BEANGE, Proprietress. luired for and being sold. Send particulars to Harry Palmer’s. M'Ry McGARVEY, A.F.P.1., Louder ask at the hotels for (public demonstrator), Phrenologist Straohan’s Delicious Sparkling LtJL Advice from heads and hands concerning Dunedin Ale. business or domestic matters. Specialist ox Bottled by aandwriting. Clients’ personal description & CO., intellectual and practical tastes, successiv u3VJl^i or failures given from same; 10.30 to v p.m. Fee. 2s 6d; handwriting, 2s 6d anc ‘a FITZHERBERT STREET. stamp.—323 Main street east, opposite De ’PHONE 472. vine’s Hotel, one minute Post Office. ANTED TO SELL, 10 buildin) A, E. SAVAGE, sections. Dougins and Tbomsoi PIANOFORTE TUNER & REPAIRER Ferguson street, opposite Caro Oates’ Music Store, Palmerston N street, off shed. Terms £lO cash, balano engine with in connection wom .u juiv work yino Apply Gifford Moore per the cent. pitch ot 5 tuning at 0,, d raising s m gave piano ton Tov/n Hall’s tho Mar solicitor. and I have ver eminent satisfaction; your ex to testifying |7 ORD Cars, absolutely the bes in much pleasure U value in the world.—AVackn port skill and workmanship. Ltd. (late J. ( . Aoung, Iml Stewart, Palmerston JOHN AMADIO. North. Bin ('ord dealers, Co. Concert Selinsky-Amadio ip No. IGI, or PANTED” ! ALEXANDRA 0812 . Barkava. iiitero, j j 1 ■.water, bathroom j- sower,’’etc.; easy ■ \XJ MASONIC HOTEL, ASH HURST. 2s Gb 0 H. TE\ ANIVSANDWICIIKS/ 1 > 7 TEA i COI’EtTMAND. COCOA. •< : ' HOT TIES." J. S. McCONKEY. , CO., ’PHONE _ *' * 13s & J )0 “Ilobbius and Co.” stands for all that | ( WANTED WANTED 68 RANGITIKEI . _> grade) to varieties to grow.—-’Phone 1036. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 4u. MAIN STREET EAST. ’PHONE . . DAY OR NIGHT. [Motor in tho District, well adapted for town or country talesman (2) obtainable. Delivery any part of the tow it Cooper’s reliable sends in stock, and expert advice given as to when and how to sow them, and the best THOS. vpPLES. e WHALLEY TAONUJ STREET. kinds of Engineering Work nnBAGS onions at vonr own dertaken. 'Country work, dairy aneprices. Harry Balmt factories; .refrigerating' plants a special* sale, Saturday, 11 a.m. itv. Fifteen years with Joseph Nathan, CANTED, msTrricd ploughman for Lid. KNOWN.—Wo have sold ieral printer, the Square, Palmera number of .pianos lately, and n North. have further enquiries. Send yours to (broomed ! Larry Palmer' SELL, TO 7.ANTED BESTIMATES given Tor- any-class of house; largo section; hot and i-J build in, and repair work. -L. W. I business some. day. _ Hut “jD kinds of nting. ’Phone 1020.—A. L. A Vest- dress roland, bookseller, stationer and ICE CREAM. ICE CREAM SUNDAES. , ICiCCREAM SODAS. FRUIT SALAD. , . J . ■ TEA AND CAKES. PHOTOS. THEY ARE LIFELIKE. eve aro experi- . given for all PRlNTlNG.—Quotations commercial and general XfOTHING RING 535. AMBITION .£. ranged.—Wackrill and Stewart, Ford dealers, Palmerston North. Soda Fountain and Tea Rooms. moments • lea-rn in -accountancy, There.. istytoping, and modern a olhee MR street. to you. 011B1NS AND CO.” enced HiambPin-tho 1 manufacture bedding, upholstery work, blinds, BUSINESS MAN, increase your of motor deinstalling a profits by curtains, loose covers, etc. Venetian livery service. Consult un and learn arservice can be how an economical and re-corded. In fact Ltd., blinds re-taped > 1 Photographs, . - Von rcm - f I. i PALMERSTON NORTH. ’Phone 971. nil CROWN STUDIOS 17 FOOTBALL. MISS ORRELL. 21 BROAD STREET, are IT IS REST TO HAVE THE REST. T,,K ? ; into■ (jualrf’ied? ; inform Dairy Fanners Owners generally that, ho has a special treatment for milk [over, which is giving better results than tho ordinary air method, particularly if applied promptly. Fees strictly modest. Telephone uOG. Victoria street. _____ ('ash': | Are You Troubled With Ysur Eyesight? IF SO CONSULT TBE LEADING LOCAL OPTICIAN. J to ITSTTSHES W and Cow & I. on TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER ]S(h, 1917, at All Saints’ Schoolroom, Church street. Worth D. H. RAIT M.R.C.V.S. (Lend.) ___ j 1 /^NTNCIIAMEf^'I ?• [ 7->ALMERSTGS' JAKE _ nV a! bL residence. -1J ‘reason illiam CRAVEN SCHOOL. QUEEN STREET. street. Palmerston North, .John Jiles Iveelev ; a god 3G years. •!. 6d. PATRIOTIC 11. his mill-. Third Term, 1017. will begin on 3s lid. (VuLUNSGN - mother's is to go 2.s 2s (3d, 2s Od. PETER I’AX mi,. (TITS; embroiderbecoming. 2s Od, XET SAILOR C OLLARS. 2s Od, 3s 3d. 4s Gd. 1 ■ Part DEATH. YOUR K lid. 2s 3d, CHI LDRKX'S LAICS .VXD ed Verv i'V I own beliall. and confectionery delivered. Plume continuance ol same on KKKLLV.—On September loth, y spare (OLi.ARS m organdy nni'iin and lawn; many charming new designs. Is Od, '., TXTANTEi) KNOWN.--Opening on A.XTKD TO RENT. a convenient Palace four or five-roomed bouse, in adjoining SaturdaV. n C. house, poultry yard. Apply L. Theatre, .Mrs Brewster's Depot tor mil locality. Apply "Quintus." "StanWest. ’ Phone 235. ladies’ and children’s lingerie. .Prices ir.l” Olfice. incubator sittings and moderate. XTANTED, 3 boys for our grocery SALESAOH -* , lots, white Leghorns, from Leger and ironmongery departmenis; URNITUIvE of all kinds in keen do|7f it moiwl as instanced in onr sales ery facility given for advancement. inaml mid Alumbv world’s champion strums. dd-t. lately. Semi voiirs to iiarrv Halinor’o. Watson Bros., Ltd. Apply 570 MauijMroet. JJVlophone ) HODE Island Reds and White Leg17'ofrsALE, boat-shaped pram, nearabout 2 cords fire wood, VrTTANTED, it horns. Sittings from specially JP ly new and perfectly clean ; also VV 4ft. lengths; give price deliveradb-eted laying pens; 15 eggs 15s lid. ->G child’s co 1 with new maitrass. For P.N. Write ••Albert.” "Standard" el, nton street. dress apply "Standard” Office. i fltice. SALE, table potatoes, 1-s 6d a JOYS’ caps Irom Oil; boys’ all-wool SHOP have buyers for S’7oll |C sack.— A. Rankin, Rangiotu. J golf hose from 3s '_M. Had field s. .it two broody liens. Will someone .here the bargains are. *57011 SALE. -1 .-springing boilers, 3 donate' no mistake! Ibe plate lor old. at ‘the drop— J. MorA CITY For quality, Pegden leads. highest quality fnrnitmv is IV; (Heat spring furniture sale going rison, Halcombe. Rhone 0. Our sale prices beat all. ns. splendid strong, (let solid fur nit tiro at saving I 7()n SALE, Bradley gig in d! SACKS produce all kind order; newly painted; adjustable prices. ST eiishioh, curved wings, etc. J he auctioned at Harm Ba r.\NTi:i) KNOWN. 6..10 11.p. Ex mui slicing tip r's, to-morrow at 11 o’clock, Winch tyre Imht spring Also’ one celsior motor amt coach built side T V Hawker, housemaid waitress. drav, cheap. Apply \. ear at Harry Palmer’s Auefion Sale toffr A N'T ED. blacksmith and wheelwright, Bnnny- morrow, 2 p.m. Apply Royal Hotel. ihorpe. FOLSES.—Striped Voile 2s lid: ol eggs, p.b. IL O from 6s fid; Figured —Don’t miss a copy of this fine TTMHI SALE, sittings J; Alinorcas, white and brown Leg- Voile Floral 6d; White Voile Iroiu os song. To it" sung in Palmerston from os iv s 6s 6d; Coloured horns, of Government Department rtb shortly. Obtainable at (ole’s some, lid; Hadiaiita from best utility strain; os (id. Also Silk Poplin from S)s Bd; Navy Blue .1 Win. Gales, n voung roosters ot same strain. D\‘ j Crept* Do C.Tiene, 12s Bd. —J. Hadlieid, IALSE Teeth, sound or otherwise; with chickens can lie had it ordered m Hangitikei street, "where, the bargains top market price to trade and Aime. T. k\ Christiansen, 08 Boundary a re.” ! 01 i<>rs; cash by return post. Apply Road west. tomato SELL, TO WANTED .M inagor IVariine Co., IGS Queen t plants; orders taken now. —P. st eet, Auckland. lute OR SALE, sittings of eggs. W II Harr, (58 College street west. 'Phone F know we have some of the finLeghorns, Brown Leghorns, Sil- 1018. ' There is an advance in ver AVyandottes, White Rocks, Black TmYTLISTS. itio pnros of cycle tyros. est pictures ever shown in PalAlinorcas, 5s per sitting—A. Jl. Rush. e.dling for one week only at the old Akc Avenue street fl’ark Road east), don North and wo invito yon to ju'iccs, with a cash discount of 5 per cent. We have in stock Hates, BritanAke, hokuwliilu. >ct at Alexander Clark and Co., 3 nia, Dunlop, Alichelius, Pt'dleys, Avons, and Occanios. It pays you to deal with ns.—Watt’s Cycle Depot, 8 Hangitikei Herbert street, OR SALE, split heart Black Birch Red Birch, Maire, Honau and street. KNOWN.—Produce of 7'AXi'KD :ai Posts, also split Battens; railage I >(>ST Cards, patriotic, birthday. all descriptions but of only the and Co., —Spehnau station. etc., any 1 3 comic, study, views, song, quality always on sale, at Harry •evster Buildings. the latest and daintiest to select from ner’s. milE popular Ford car. Moderate m at Airs Kavanagh’s. opposite subway ANTED, butter churn, ‘2OO to first cost and upkeep. Arrange 5001 hs. ; must ho in good order. and to-day.— run for a demonstration Iv with price to Chairman, BuunydealLtd., Lord Stewart, Wackrill and pe Dairy Co., Bnnythorpe._ TNSP.KCT our Show of Pictures fram’phono 101. ers. Palmerston North: -1 MNT Irom till; Floral Muslin >d; (link ed and untrained —Alexander Hailstone 8d; Striped Voile- Od, lat/CYCLISTS! Como and sco tlio Is; White Voile front Is Id; tt>d Vp cst hall-hearing cycle horn, price and Co., 3 Filzhorbert street. ore Silk from Is lid; Fuji Silk 6(1; -Is 12s G<l; tyres, 7s Od; tnbo*g d yard; Blink Merve Silk 2s 11<I; saddles, 7s Od ; chains 5s (id; Iree EVERYTHING in furniture at genu- V to Jap Silk Irom 3s Id ; Cream and lamps, (id gas fid; wheels,’-Is ; pedals, 5s | IJ ine ,sak; prices at Pegden’s. No [ Bine Best French Soft Silk, Is (id 10s fid’, Now Cycles, £8 10».—Crown ■ateh lines all new artistic furniture. U .—|. Hadiicld, Pangitikei street, Cycle and Motor Works. the bargains are.” all i Uomediutis). I uterval. NOTICE. Full .stocks of fruit hand. Orders on 898. those will hover return DON’Tthat waste Ss (id. \7ANTEI) ¥ Pvt. I'ashmore. I NVITE applications for position ot Pvt. <)'('arroll. Miss Keeling i Manageress uif The Willard Home MHs Keeling. (1.) Tarantelle, (furnished rooms lor soldiers' wives Pvt. O'Garroll. (c) Cossack Dance and 3iext-of-kin). Salary. 02 10s )K*r (ci) Russian Mazurka, week with residence. References inMiss Keeling & Pvt. oCarroll. commence Octo Duties: dispensable. Song, “Keep Smiling Mother.’ Pvv. Baker. tober Ist. Apply by letter to Mrs Bailey. Ballad, Selected. 3IRS OR ADD, The First Part will conclude with the first appearance of 128 College street west, SHURROUK and LANG (knock-abom Palmerston. North. T. 11. HODGSON, lion. See. Carnival Committee. , "11.1 . EMBROIDERY \ ‘‘Maritaua. (hieratic; Selection, Baby. No. 30, The Flax mil levs’ Baby. No, 31, The Racing (Tub Babv. nn[]E .0W.\ _ Pvt. Thomson. .Miss Watson. Song, Selected, J’- 'I- I'- RRsHHP begs to notify TV'f iVI. the general public that he Inis purchased from the 'I rnstees oi the hue ,!. Treziso the "Imperial” frnil and cutifeetionery Im-iness in the Stiiiare, ami in returning thanks lor the support accorded his late employer bespeaks a] FI NKUAI. 'NOTICK. RE PE DL Cl! EXE COLLARS in perfectly new styles. Delicate col.inriuas. 2s 3d to os 11(1. SILK COIiLARS in pale blue and pink: hand painted corners. ( 1 Babv Wood. The'Farmers’ (Gulliver). No. in, Baby Lee. No. 11. The Occidental Baby (Steer), No. 13*. Baby Turner. No. 14, Baby Aitov, smith No. 15. The Sporting Snooker. No. 17. The Patriotic Shop Baby. No. 18, The Kosy Kid. No. 19. The Soldiers’ Baby. No. 21, Tito Stock Baby. No. 22, The Licensed Victuallers’ Baby. No. 23, The Friendly Societies’ Baby. No. 24. The Red Cross Baby. No. 25, The Dairy Baby. No. 26. The Campbell St. School Baby. No. 27. The Railway Baby. No. 28, The Drapers’ Twins. No. 29, The Commercial Travellers nnne. 87011 Corp. Simpson. Comic Song. "My Rachel’s Lyes, Sergt.-Major Barehnm. Song, "The Laud of the Long Ago," | PI!11 ITS : ]).r. is. Stalls fid. BookBaby (Woodley). ing (Id extra. Plan ai Andrew Millar s 5, The Uangiotn Baity (Donaldson). WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN TE3IPER6, Baby Robbie. ANCE UNION Baby School !), The' Terrace End 2, tones el _ 1. 1 :tih >ometinie> the high colour that are so Elective note in the completion oi a cos- becoming, "* Diademe, Marama Orchestra. Song, "The Song of the Bow, Pvt. Maloiic. Monologue. "How we Saved thy Burge,' Pvt. L Wood. Soup- , *’(«od Scud \ou Back lo Me. A RATION A -500 S , No. No. No. No. Part Overtime, "La ClllEEmi’S SPEC TACLE, BIRTH’OF The ty TnNLAROEJ) Photographs Engagement. Waiting housekeeper or lady help. Bedstead?, 58s ltd; full size Ilium Bedsteads, ; solid Oak Dining Chairs, loose Dining Chaits, S, 23s 6d; Rinui ; ' Kitchen Chairs, Gs Gd. Other Sons, ‘os equally low at Andrews and tiity and low prices every time. size solid Oak Working Wanted. —A fibre-carter, 16s day. Waiting Engagement.—Good married oouple want milking on shares. Wanted.—Cook, housemaid, parlour- maid tor gentleman’s house (town), lady helps (--V), general (CDs), housemaid (private) 255, girls to assist four roomed SEEL, (town), several generals tor town and 7AN TED TO all con' sneer, KNOWN—Teed’s Corn Terrace house, laundress, children’s nurse ANTED | nicnces, large section; easy terms, 'country, Cure obtainable all chemists. An >(2os), mir-" girl in town, housemaids, Ikix. Is Olfice. per euro. klress atwaitrc -<■,, and cooks (hotels). “Standard” _ j almost infallible 1\ anted.— Ploughmen, Wholesale houses stock it. -10s; farm Maoriland 4 LBINE HATS! ALPINE HATS! ham's; young men for sheep station; sever;-;! only wear te men I'or gardening ami milk 3 The latest in head Dairy Co., Ltd., aro buyers of married gardener, cottage found he, had at Bill Skinner’s, Main street ee highany in quantity; cream separator jchaliV-ur: married couple, cottage est market value given. Further par- west. and found, L'l3o year; scrub cutters, conSTEVENS, ticulars P.O, Pox 185. ’Wanganui. RS dressmaker tract : hush men; bricklayer, highest! Vj ERE we are for largest assortment V'-H. costumicro, above D. M. George’s,1 wages; kitchen men: porters; milkers, seaboots for the and gum boots the Square (side door). Fit tied styh «10s; married couple, Wife &eu«fi«L . son. Eight prices; all sizes.—Luiulors guaranteed. Charges very reasonable .Udd. luitudL Pros., Hongotea. Wong Hop and Co., next Kosy, will give ijd per lb., for small or large lots, W WANTED KNOWN. 1 1 1 1 .\ . jnav take delivery of voting tickets anv time from Hon. Secretary. \\. 311 C MTV Committees of various candidates AND ORCHESTRA. : THE NEW NECKWEAR HAS MANY SPECIAL CHARMS, silk, .'i.l inches wide. Is elsewhere ‘is lld HadVTOToniy whir-. mu ilio .U-lioate bargains are. >ull tints that are so very t hj (Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor-General and Countess of Liverpool.) PROGRAMME. (! w. ■nrs.SOBK 8, yard; "Super,” > k *L North. e ■ ( uerslon !• TO-MORROW (SATURDAY) SEPTEMBER loth. MANAMA CONCERT PARTY RIFEITH ’S ciiiEumrs W <p\. WANTED, ( tailors, Rangilikei o on honey i s■> •> >->* ” good two-frame extractor: reversible Owner may frames preferred. Apply application to "Standard” Oiliee. i ■a � DEES inittertish, 10 sacks of the Paiish and G sacks oysters artriotie Simp Haby, The Stock to-night lor to-morrow. Don t ive TO LET AND FOR SALE, Habv, The Kid, and The Commerish vonr ehanee. -Dominion on view at lidBaby, cial Travellers' nno LET, sunny well furnished double Every photo Si window to-morrow. lens' I. hcd-sittiug room, <losc to Square a, gem. NTED, by married woman, light V and station. Apply 38 Cuba .street, situation or work 'lew hours superior girl about 1 TANTICI), order; g 7n| SALE, organ, in good Write "T.M.." "Standard" W or 16 as light help and StoI take 0ai!v. Jffi price Li). Empire Auction Mart, haby nion Ifliee. out; easy place. Apply tuba street. I'UTANTKD, man capable ol nmlerstreet. T7OU SALE, a light gig mare; suitand suh-editorVV taking reporting big -Why pay KNOWN. ANTED | evening newspaper, able for lady or children to drive ; 4f, 17 prices for potatoes Huy at your d work on an t v Int. harness. or Apply eligible military saddle .service need quiet in Marry Palmers to-morrow. tpplieants e'.vi) price. Harvester Co. at apply. Applications to be address.Must go. 1 I a.m. -1 e/o "Standard” Olhc<’. 5 AOll SALE, broody bens. Apply 'INTKD. one or two large unfurOffice. jp our window to-morrow uTTATCH nished rooms with use oi conv> lor competition baby pitot SALE. 31 h.p. Rex motor veniences. Apnlv "X,” "Standard Aerv nboto a gem Bilious’ Studio. bicycle and .side-chair in _ good OHice. order or will exchange lor a lightei baking powder, Is tin : icing EAVEII r ERY best factory butter. 1s .Id lb.. motor bicycle. Address at "Standard S( > sugar, 5d lit.; dried Apricots. Is at the single profit grocers. —SinOllier, ■. lb.—The .Money Savers. Sinclair and ir and t 0., opposite subway. cheap, just landed, lat- Co., opposite Subway. SALE, OH 171 AIIRENTER, eapable Ol taking test ILS.A, motor cycle and eaIf A DIES’ raincoats Horn 20s, at .). charge outside, wants employnoelct side-car; must quit. Apply Anstreet, Haugitikei IJ Madfield’s, drew’s Oarage. >iit, country work. Reply "where the bargains are.” landard’’ Otiice, SALE, good spring cart horse RANTED, smart woman tor makfurnished rooms, 7ANTED, two JU and set harness; Ldfi the lot. t t ing children's frocks and underV use of conveniences. Apply "FurApply "Standard” Office. clothing. Apply "Chuck.” ■•Standard bed,” "Standard” Office. English light car, tour (ffliec. 5701’ SALE, in good running eondiTO I.FT, furnished trout ANTED, I cylinder, "A.B.t man to milk, gargood 7 "Standard’' tion. Apply room; quiet home. Apply "StanApply den and general work. V {iffica 1. rd” Cilice. it (1 iHies, Hangitikei street. HOES E. 1* E R A ring. » — V. TO A ( . Jl “Standard” Office. ; in 7.30 p.m. share. Business: To receive report of Allo- :;t dard’’ Office. -s Aor.M), gold have same, (TON cation Committee; to arrange lor TravBallot Boxes will be placed at voting competition. T 11. Hodgson, shoe store, the Square. ellers’ Dabv in C. I!. COPE, See. y Mowleni. tobacconist, the Square. Rert Pratt, tobacconist, the Square. A L A C E. Kosy JTciures, the Square. Torstonson's Studio, the Square, TUESDAY AND WE ONES I) AV, l.earv’s -Music Shop, the Square. September 18 and 10. Andrew Millar’s, bookseller, the Square. 31 ATI NEE WEDNESDAY AT ‘J. Collinson and Cunniughanie, Broadway. AVebb and Brown, li.nm; tail; last seen on the Kopauo "SdSIT ANTED. at once, nursery housequaint property. Anyone ucivino; information VI maid. Apply "Standard" Office. will hr rewarded. —W. Hayward, Kai- jt/| ATE ICS ITV Nurse now open tor ranga. iV.I. engagement. Apply by letter, T OST. between llangitikoi street and "Nurse,” ••Standard" Office. I J Square, teddy hear, valued as mm-; next time you try to cut a keepsake. Apply “Standard’' Oliiee. t. thin" 1 itli a thing that won't | AOCNI), oilskin coat on road to I’alut, send it to us to be sharpened. We JL morston from Mr Hnchamurs an sharpen anything with an Owner can have same by paying truly and Navy Stores. Apply “Stancost of advertisement. \NTKI) HI And here is where Enid steps THE MOVi E 'IT ! ROMA A romance ul lore* iliai sparkles in the eyes of all the three who form the at G.40. 8.30. Spapsiuls Trust. s .Margaret Dolnnd Picturisod troni \V\S HEIV HANDSOME LOVER A Novel of Gr<':« WHITE SLAV IAR. AMBITION AND MOTHER LOVE. IT is unlikely hut you should hear the Aunt in spectacles. CO.M 31 ER( IAI. TRAYELLERS. The greatest little snoh in America runs a wav with a hard-up student 4 31EET.1NH of above will he held and is SHAMELESSLY (I LA I). 171 , Enid Bennett “THE itfON WOMAN,” “THE IRON WOMAN,” “THE IRON WOMAN,” NEXT. BALLOT OPENS SATURDAY -Monday count ol votes <m i HIST donated next when a special prize hy Mr T. 11. Hodgson will bo awarded , happiness ns in aid of NO 21 THE STOCK BABY. PRICES: 3s, 2s and Is. Box Plan at Andn-w -Millar s. ON TEST. OTIN G l> ABY to leading baby. drama *■' ( QUAN'D £ racy and presents the Presents To-night under the FUiJJiibUl'ji; uaiux TELEPHONE NO. | 'i UAH (LAIN, small new Of) large with dwelling Take iv, fenced section; Iroehoki. mtor cycle as part payment. Apply 11irk Iyto 13 Alanson street, erraeo hid. UE person who wrote, two CodV L inspiring verses is requested to iieet me personally at close quarters, erses am! handwriting to he Mihmitm I. "In vest igatio n. boat-shaped side-car, p;oocl enndition : must he light. 'artieulars and price to Box lid. Bai- flour, bags Canterbury LOST AND FOUND.’ 16s ltd; our single profit Main street QTOLEN or strayed from my pvo- prices.—Sinclair and Co., pertv, chirk Jersey row, with west. 'Phone 2!M. HOES E. 0 PERA street. MANAWATIL FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1817 I PALMERSTON NORTEL < SLII."“10.199- VOL, TELEPHONB Na Standard. Evening ; THE SUBMARINE TOLL. SPORTING. DANNMVIHKE HUNT ML FT INC (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) CL[‘li'S lt*»K ReRSh lino, weather for die DantieTlifi-r virke limit Chili's meeting, held yesterday. The .sum of £10,615 was put through the machine as against £8332 for the corwaj Surprise Island AsaOCUTtON.) Australian-New Zealand Gable Association LONDON. Sept.. 12. The Ail mil si i, y report on the submarine campaign during tin week gins tin- In! lowing liglircs, those at. last week’s report A shipment of this famous being given in parentheses): last year. Results: 274-1 (2584) Arrivals Hunllcs, of 55 sovs; Oringi Guano will arrive about (2432) 2868 miles. —1 ,1. W, Fitzpatrick’s Dunrobin, Departures September and will be ob(2'l) 12 11.9 (J. Preston), 1; 5 1,. 11. Collinson’s Stink, out 1600 tons (3) 6 tainable from all fertilizer Gaekwar, 10.7 (11. .McSeveiiey), 2; 2 .1. Sunk, under 1600 tons (9) 12 _ 11. (laisford’s l.upinite, 10.9 (A.. Mellon Unsuccessfully attacked dealers. ot The following table- gives tie’ aid), 3. Time, 3.5 15. Akiiiu Maiden Hunters’ Steeples, of 45 the weekly statements issued b\ the Briti-h Island Guano is a Surprise Admiralty in regard to the !o s. under tin* sins; aliout 2 miles.—4 11. I). .Desmond's complete manure —it may be Hoatii, 6vrs, 11.4 (Desmond), 1; 1 A. K. snbmaiine campaign. The date opposite of liguri lines not mean that the used alone or mixed with I tanks’ Miss Cun, 11.1 (A. Ward), 2; 2 ,-i-eli set are lor the week eliding on Dial W. 11. (laisford's Hollyhock, 11.4 (A. Me (!gtires any oilier fertilizer. but the dale, ii is the date on winch lie,me-, 1.50. Donald), 5. Time. In reporting on its analysis, Mr. Jtualiine Maiden Hack, of 50 sovs: 51. are cabled. < Iyer 1 huh i 1 ' u III' Macindoe writes: 1 I’. Turnhull’s Bluomitie, syrs Ki hiii; 1, ccssfut KiUO (A. Heed), 1; 5 11. Brookers Ktilnnunnga, lias Surprise Island Gusno well till, a Had.' V.-V'dh. inns. Ion. 9.4 (ine. llllis overweight) (It. Itronker), 2; M;i 1, tains tlie hi*h reputation which the rail! . 12 4 t) ro 1 V. (('. washed j Willys Knight: and Winter’s Bud Deposits, known in the I I'arkcs ;l U 5 12 market at Phoiphalic Guanoi, huff in l-l Price), 5. Also ran: 9 Nowl ant (11. .March 5 l(i past earned lor thcmieivei. t| Match 16 15 the Heed), 2 Signorella (W. Price), 7 Tan Ki March 25 19 "Beside* solubility, another valuable 21 It. 3 (H. Watson), 5 Arihia (K. I .owe-), 4 .Master quality i« that there is nu wtulo, every !5 [I; March 5o 10 7 10 Kohiwai (T. George), i,y (J. (lisen), put in the noil will be t«L«ii ounce ii 1) 11i 17 April 15 by the plant# 8 Mystic Light (Murphy). up Time, 1.12^, 17 13 0 2 14 Danimviiki Hunt (.up Steeple*, ol 85 April 20 Ask your fertilizer dealer forpamplilct 15 12 HI ii sow; ahonl. 21 miles IT. K. Taylor's April 27 40 9 —“Profitable Manuring”—or write 27 15 ('lndian, 12.2 (A. Ward). 1; 6 H. J. Sex Mac 4 . 5H 3 24 13 tlie agents of The New Austral Guano ton’s Te Ma.mnri (Hi-toni, 2; 4 (I. I.ipton’s Mav 11 34 16 24 22 Co.; Cathie. Dempster & Co., Box Argo (Uopostake), 3_ Also ran —2 Warhead 13 19 3 Mav 13 . . 5 tj. 959, Wellington, lor a frea copy. Roach) 10.12. 3 Oiiipoio (11. Me- May 25 13 9 9 Sweeney) 10.7. 3, When Te Marinin fell .1. O \ IS 17 June 1 shaking. red bad Time, Presto recti a 15 5 17 .Time 6 5 Presto reccivtd a bad shaking. Time, 6.50. June 15 & 25 22 10 Otawhao Plying Handicap, of 50 sovs; Juno 20 31 27 5 & furlongs.—4 -1. Fraser’s Idyllic, 7.5 (51b June 27 INSUBANCi' ATKW ZEALAND 21 22 7 allow.). (F. ('urlctt), 1; 1 H. Septor’-:- Bez- July 4 In limited. .15 11 5 16 mar. 7.12 (A. Reed). 2; 5 F. R. i'earoe’s July 11 14 17 7 3 Trickery, 7,0 (R. Recti). 3. Also ran- 3 July 13 i) 14 12 4 SEBSCIMBED CAPITAL, £1,500,000. Rio (S. (lender-on) 8.6 (ine. 71bs penalty), Jul • 25 15 21 n (31hs Eire, Marine ami Accident Bisks of ((’. Larmont) over). 7.12 11 Braeim re 13 9 1 August 5 b Pull Mall (Con. Reed) 7.7. 9 Gipsy Gt-m August 3 i‘very description accepted at Lowest 13 2 (1 Morris), 7 Queen J izzie (F Smith) 6.13 .Vug ust Hi f 'nrrcnt Rates. /> •i 15 14 ' (51b allowance), 8 Hacklire (S. llagby) 6.13 August 25 Prompt and Liberal Settlements. 15 3 12 Johnson) (F. 10 Welshman (51b allowance), 13 n August. 2'J 5 11. K. KEMPTIiUICNE, Manager. Won b> 7.2, 2 Bloomine (Murphy) 7.9. Sept. I) 20 5 9 AGENTS;— two lengths. 12 Sr-pt. 12 12 0 Palmerston North; WaSidcgravo and Ashcott Ladies’ Bracelet (hunters), ol 50 Dempsy. 1 , miles. Gentlemen riders.. - Mrs .1. ITALIAN SINKINGS. Ashlmrst: .1. 11. Vincent, B. (Jai-sford’s Mattock 12.13 (J. B. CtuV ford), : 4 Mrs .1, Brice’s Onipolo, 10.7 Awaliuri: 11. 1!. Stephens, Also ran—6 Kohiku (B. Gor(Purcell), 2. LONDON, Sent. 12. Fox ton ; T. Remmer. ('l. lonkin-p aptain Block An L fu! t;i n of)i<• ia nic-sage sa\.■: don) 1 i.lii, 5 Last Rungotoa: Landers Bros. mooting' i espondingHunters' NOTE THROUGH THE POST WILL SUFFICE. A SHORT PRICE LIST. MEN'S SADDLE TWEED TROCHEES l.r,s Od, lOs 0.1. .MEN’S WHITE A, NAVY DERBY Ys 0.1. OVERALLS. HOYS’ TWEED COTSWOLD SUITS. 19s fid t.i 4T»s. ROYS’ NAVY PER HE SCIICAH, ns o<l lo 19s od. SHOUTS. ROYS’ HREV SCHOOL SHIRTS. as .0.1 to Hs od. .MEN’S ZEPHYR * HAM) SHIRTS. •is lid to 8s Od. MEN’S NATURAL SI NO LETS A4s lid to Lis Od. PANTS AIA S. AI EX ’ S CE V LON PY J A10s Od to 21s. .ADIES’ GLACE DERBY ROOTS. 18s Od to 3‘2s Gd. Jnpfrhyt A MAIL' ORDERSn / oim pROH^- J ‘ 11 —v A becoming* hat is half the 1)at tie .... I<SS i 7 Ini long's.—l -I. Cameron's Hastie, 711 (K. Heed), 1; SJ. Kiev's Maruetoiara. 3.2 (A. IF ad), 2; 7 F. d. Eysnar’„ lilar-U All. 9.0 (.!. Olson). 3. Also ran—4 ( Lady |'dllh (C. Price) 8.1, 6 Tuti. orn (\V. Frier) 8.0. 2 Hii'irian (PA Larmont)-7.12, 8 All Talk iCon Reid) 7,5, 10 Arlliia (Rugby) 6.12. 11 Gipsy (dm (F. Johnson) 7.4. 9 Torclilijfht (!., Morris) 6.11, 3 Try Again (F. Collett) 7.10. Weii by a. length. To Mat an Hack Steeplcehar.o, of 50 sov>; aboid 2 miles.--4 R. 'IV HiangaU Jem. 10.9 HI. Fun). 1; 1 \V. 11. GaistordV Merry 2; Jack. 12 0 fine, penalty) (A. McDonald), 5 F. Vallance’s Torchy, 9-7 (< Vpestake), 3 A 1 Si i ian —2 Sahrenni (F. Flynn) 10.7. 3 pawerewerc (11, McSweoiuy) 9.7. V r*. •> S&.!? RELIGIONS OF SOLDIERS. AX EXPFDITIONAUV FORCT RETURN. >- 466. SHANNON. From Our Own Correspondent, 1 lie usual mooting of (lie Borough Conn oil was hold a. tin Mi ilies’ Institute m ’<111110!Hors boin;. In the unavoidable ahsenoe o present. the .Mayor through indlflereiit health Cr F, d. Spencer was voted to tin eliair. COl rc.pondence was reet.ivod Iroin Alt .1. ’I. .Martin, id tin- Municipal Associa linn, Wellington, selling fori It the henellti tin- Council would d< live 1»\ joining the .V, socialion. From Mi Gold'-mith, Cot.: my (hj rk. Ilorowfaemiii Council, referring to various matters, a!.so agreeing to their ranger. Mi Watson, being temporarily emplovecl by the Council. Fron the secretary Public Library, askini for an interview with the Council Commit \\ odnos.uay night, al! tlie ( follow : ■ Church of England Presbyterian Roman Catholic Methodist t< o. 3,711 3.662 1,311 822 646 397 Protestant M Congregational Salvation Army, Church of Christ 272 190 140 115 93 Flvmoulh Brethren Diitli man Jewish Mormon Nonconformist 53 50 47 .... Agnostic Unitarian . Freethinkers . 39 30 19 also 12 Spiritualists, 12 Theosophists, 10 Rationalists, 9 Seventh Day Adventists, 9 Episcopalians, 7 Quakers, 6 (’lnistadelphians, 3 Gm?k, 2 fr.dependent, 1 Deist, 1 Hindoo, and 4515 not ■ i a led. MOVING ONWA'BD! and the “Rhenlin” have HERBERT scope I Better and bigger business promises, with the Pharmacy imisi so MASTERTON SEDUCTION ‘‘RHEULI.V’ MOVES ON-to the promises, two doors irom liallenstoiu’s, lately occupied by D. Pringle, saddler. /;. w ■*t. In the seduction case in which Joint Cro-s, of MasterUut. claimed front Alexander Colquhoun, farmer, and now of 1 letitliani military camp, the sum of £2OOO lor the seduction of his • daughter, Uremia Stuart Gross, defendant, continuing his evidence, said that when he saw .Miss Cross J'rendevillo’s he was not living will at The letter received from Mis; Ids sisters. Cross in April of 1917 asked witness to gi to Wellington to see her and not to be u coward. After receiving the letter from Alis.s Cross from Prondcville’s lie telephoned her on the following Sunday morning. saying that lie would he np in the. afternoon to see her. He met her at the He asked her what the trouble was gate. j and she told him, and asked if he could help her. Witness asked why she did not j fell her father and she said she was afraid. I Witness stiid he would think over the matHe | ter and talk it over with his brother. [arranged to meet her on the Tuesday evenHe talked the matter over with his ing. and a friend on the Monday and 1 brother hail a receipt typed out in the office of his friend iji Maslerton, JJe met Miss Cross to \ eh, ,|!ie of over £l4 and al! the records con mu td with tlie rf*«vo. Mr Venn endorsed the remarks ol Jus (•<»-mistoo. A vott‘ ol i thanks, proposed ny ( rs. ( tin* Vy PALMERSTON North Good Value In Best Footwear. MEN'S GLACE KID GOLOSH HALS. MEN’S GLACE DERBY BALS, leather 20s. lined, “png” toes. 32s Cd. MKN’S GLACE KID DERBY HALS. men’s box Calf derby bals, 18s 6d. Although Boots and Shoes are difficult to get in large quantities, we have managed to get hold ot some real smart lines which, as well as being pleasing to tho eye, are made to wear well. Me have just landed I'OOIFOHM lines ifew.:*.. in Boots and Shoes. ar(In Bagmll I table ia THE SQUARE ACRES, Hay of Plenty, all in English grass except small portion in crop, diced and divided into 12 paddocks, well watered, 200 acres present owner’s hands lor 39 years. Price £23 per acre; £ISOO cash. Wo have inspected this property and can (9459) recommend it. ACHES, 220 mixed grass, 17 907 iJU 1f acres crop; fenced and divided into 15 paddocks; well watered; trouglis and springs; carrying capacity, 90 to 100 milking cows; stock now on property, 110 head cattle, 3 horses. 6roomed house, up-to-date 8-stall cowshed, engine separator room, stable, implement shed, piggeries, etc. 4 miles from township, f mile from school. THE NEW MODEL f are now to Hand, Lucy arc fitted with Urge radiator *nd endowed stream line body, domed underguards front and rear, black iniah with nickel fitting®. Smart looking cars with .all the quali- ties that havti made the FORD business. 1 tV. MO ARTY, We are sorry to record that ‘he Mayor is still confuted to his home with bronchial roubles. II is many friends will bo pleased i to wish him a speedy recovery ol his health. BLACKSMITH AND FARRIER, CUBA STREET, S.^V r-'>= _ / Brenda Cross in 1914? Mere lover or her special Irieml?" Witness “No." you kh6» ‘ brand a uce PURE—PIQUANT— PALATABLE Thoroughly matured before being bottled. Keeps good because of the quality of its ingredients. Clives a rare relish to hot and cold meats, fish, game, pies, and Most economical ! soups, stews gravies. Not only goes far, but Costs Half the Price of Imported Sauce. BEAVER TOMATO SAUCE should also be on your Table. JPinest Sauce* oi ita kind ! GET A BOTTLE TO-DAY FROM YOUR STOREKEEPER L If unable postcard send to procure “BEAV£JiI, lor name of neareet Dealer. ,, The Empire Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wellington will) iter ••And you were- in no way familiar vif ii her? -"No, “That being sat, yon wenl not under any obligation to help her?”—“No." “('an volt tell Ht's Honor, then, why tins gill should -elect you to appeal to lu-lp Y”--“That is not for me to explain. oj| you were animated solely hy a spirit of jiiendsiijp in giving lim- money, why did vou want- to take a receipt at all “H-'ea.tse 1 might be misjudged.” “Now, when you paid over that £75, were yott. not regarding it us wiping out your obligations in the woman yon had mur- Jot- “No," “.Now, how do you know abouk ’j ho trouble al I'! rend a IToks is alleged to have got j I s. w m / m m\ ')tr , \sra> ed W- ini.> “She told inn.' 1 “.And do yon think it is a manly thing to drag it out in this wise?'’—“She told me, and she may have told others.*' All T fwtliov evidence had horn given (or the (leiencn, counsel addressed (lie jury, and Sir Unhurt Shan traversed (hit evidence. The jury retired, and after three-quarters of 4U hour brought in a verdict for £IOOO Wanganui end ( 'ollege S—- { costs, Ht'r John Kindlav, K.C., with liiui Mr (loggard. appeared for tin' plaintiff, and Alt T. \J. Willurd t<u' the defendant. toorld-wde favourite. Buy Yours Now! control. , , . . Mr Stephenson responded to the hunt words expressed, after which the deputation withdrew and the Council resumed its Na/ol is known everywhere as the readyto announce that he is ami money-saving remedy for ( on Tuesday night outside I’reiiileville’s. for use They drove about a quarter of a mile along coughs and colds. Acts like a charm. 60 prepared to carry out all classes j (lie road and he told her that he, had de- doses Is 6d. —Advt. cided to help her by giving her money. )f horse dental work at reasonable 1 Witness held u torch while Miss Cross read and then signed the document with For chronic chest complaints, Woods' rates. Messages hy ’phone 073 will rewitness’s fountain pen. Witness told her Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d and 2s 6d. that he wanted the document to protect A.Ur. tt<‘.utioi> ceive himself against being misbelieved or anything like that, Miss Cross had never until April of this year accused hint of , being the lather of her child, His Honor: “Why did you put the j words in tlin receipt then if she had not. charged you with being the lather','" Whims: Just to have an nndei-landing. 3 i Vou m ver know when one might he ilia r.geil." Counsel! You are engaged to Miss Wall. Wit mss: “Yes, 1 have been engaged to lit t over twelve months.” Wasn’t it over your attentions to Miss | Wall that a coolness between you and tlhendil sprang up?" “So," “You said yesterday that you had a | coolness with Miss Cross over a matter of 5(Js for sold Belgian tickets?"—“| thought i, wan dishonest, 1 “Do you mean to say that she was a thief?" —“I don't, want to say that, but I thought i* dishonesty' “lint after tin's incident you danced with her and took her home? ’ —“Yes.” Now, have you not brought up this incident to injure this girl?" Witness did not answer the. question. •J* Sir .John Findlay ; “Very well, 1 will leave, it to the jury, What were your gelations a pulal ion, - BEAVER WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE livens up a meal wonderfull*- It makes you want food, enjoy it, and digest it. Made from an old English recipe, there’s nothing but what is wholesome in j Smith’s and C. and C/s.J 1 Hat, sandy loam soil; carried 100 cows besides other stock 0-roomed house, every cqnvonionce, washhouse, large cow shed, bads, engine room, milking plant complete, shed, loft, man’s room. Situated within 2 miles of a thriving township, 1\ miles from railway, school 1 mile. This property has been in tho — Does Make (Between C. and Spencer, whs nceorded In and Cr. (kilter mentioned that Price £2O per aero; £9OO cash, balance !m- had watched and helped the progress r ranged of the Reserve for over 21 years, and considered it.' condition at present reflected credit on those who had .1 under their PALMERSTON NORTH. i> r va sisruEi 111 nia CHEAP DAIHYINC LAND. s?-! A ROYAL OAK BRAND. WALKWELL BRAND. Apply— - essaaeaasaas . WE HAVE PACIFIC. DARK TAN. AND OX BLOOD POLISHES. '> > t.. sr*ecr A 3 BROAD (LATE J. G. ; **f mmrr- CASE. BE!' P the old Flap; flying. Trade HA imperially by always riding tlio Uritish-mado Clincher Cross Car Tyros and A-Won Motor Cycle Tyres made lor rough nso on hard roads bv the North British Pnhher Co. Wholesale Uavward Bros., Ltd. TERMS ARRANGED. the rations trustees, who included Messrs Wallace, O'Connor, Lind, Wood, considCassv. Steidn m.ou and Nation. erable mini nf money bad been spout during the conthese voars in In iping I" improve ditions. and a large ainoui ! win. raised by various sulisidies and ic eipls. _ A great deal of trouble was oxporp-need in draining the propelty, which was of a -wanipy mi;ure. and tiiu laying of own 4J _ miles ol Mitch credit- was dne piping was necessary. Lind for’ his generosity on to Mr many occasions in condition. Ljlinan ial serve in a Stephenson regretted having to sever ins iu connection with the busbies*-, as it bold his memory reminiscences ol many’ pea much pleasure Hint davs, aml he had very hj, handing over to the Council a substantial made Atheist There. worn NEAR P.O. BOX 254. 'PHONE 416 PALMERSTON NORTH. atiaii.d-. nl.-ltV. (I. A, PRICE mirtco to. deal with. Cr. Aloynihai: iul reduced a deputation of of Messrs' Stcpiion-on and "Venn, w ho, as trustees of the- Reserve were prepared to hand over the control of tins business to the ( v.uiK'il. Mr Stephen n, in handing over the balance -licet and paper.-, reim.-d to the many years his ee.lh -agues had been con needed,with the receive, dining which, tune lhe linaneiiil eondi!tons bed gone through lb- regr<dled• being unmany vicissitnc able to furliid. lee I 01111(11 wil hj the M and men cords of yea 1 ,)revi u- P. -1602, tione.d tliat tin- it H*rve wa- ongiualK do ComRailway the old Manav.alu lulled by pany. and aft rw.irds (he proparty was Reference was vested in thf local bodies. 32,760 16,431 \Vc.deyan Baptist Pharmacy, Eheuiin HALIiENSTEIN BROS. 1 Snrinir occasion. leather lined, round toe. 32s 6d. *7-ROOMED house, all conveniences, MEN’S GLACE DERBY BALS., e well laid out grounds, consisting MEN’S GLACE DERBY BALS, round leather lined. 23s 6d. toe, leather lined. 32s 6d. of an acre and quarter of land, part in MEN’S BOX CALF DERBY BALS, orchard ; not more than a few minutes’ MEN’S GLACE DERBY BALS, “pug” leather lined. 23s 6d. walk From the Square. toes, patent cap. 32s 6d. MEN’S ROMEOS, light and strong. 15s od. Ou the motion of ( As ( aider and Gunning, was resolved to join the Municipal As of Representatives yesterday shows the .social ion. of the men who religious denominations On the motion of Cos. Fargher and Rich have left New Zealand with the Expediardson, the Acting Town Clerk’s action in tionary Forces up to and including the 25th aranging for a ranger was ituloi-i d. Reinforcements. The total accounted lor A letter 1 eceivrd from the Public Library is 70,445, their religious denominations beCommittee was ledt. to the ( Viuiicii',- Com ing -as LL'hvnilha; For Immediate Sale. A return laid on the table of the House ft HHUBERT lIEPWORTH. . In I he A charming diversity of styles . anting wee small tricornes to t lie huge cluwsanih.-mum seleetmn tor almn.t any straws will afford delightfu , 11111 < iiov.s: shop. New shapes, now trimmings, now tlutings inon lovely than ever- are presented in j« m-entiy arrive,l to bo chosen by you toprimp of spring hats ready morrow , 1 ( Here Herbert Hepworth lias every facility to attend to your needs. New stocks of the purest drugs arc in the new building, and GOOD OLD RHEULINI still loads the way as the ONE GREAT CURE for Rheumatism. Call on Hepworth at the new * sovs; 1 1 10.7, 7 Jenny Wren (11. R. Gaistoid) 10.7. wed. A arrivals wen* 544 and <le)>a Kiritaki Hack Flat Handicap, of 50 Our losses: were nil. HEPWORTH [I 7i olleet.s with Am! in tli<* newly created hats tnrhan high crowns are receiving greatest appi•> • Hat to minoS of flowers ami fancy ellccls .stitched ihu o*piey. crown with occasionallv a pompom or new ... gaBBaaBSBBMSMgBffISBiffi&‘asa more expiring lease 11 ' ,_ ,. nitOTHIUGSFACTORY ‘ yyVs> <?p ” company, A \\ > ,/ .. if 5 _ Sfe.ll WW H ... 21s to 3ns. _ #■' y " .MEN'S STOTT DERBY BOOTS. -t ISTT.' 14, STANDARD. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER, MANAWATU EVENING OQ a s M S' 0| r inuteHEKa^mrfMDvx 9cs b ot 3 YOUNSh LICENSED FORD DEALERS, PALMERSTON NORTH AND FEILDLNQ. 10 percent off our complete stock of Wall Papers tor a short period only. We offer this inducement to attract the attention of the public to our complete and fashionable selection ol Wall Papers. TURNER’S Decorators The Square. TRUTH is moio economical than any we claim that the new Buick ‘"Six to prove it. When we say it other Pa,- ol its power we are prepared w. ire ready with concrete uses loss petrol than many lour cylinder models will tackle almost any evidence. When we toll a hnyer the new Buick “h.x we are pleased to take him a iun speed with gear and sustained top on hill WHEN and show him. And when we state that the Buick overhead valve engine develops more jKiwcr than any other motor of equal size ever huilt our word is upheld hy eminent engineers in all parts ol the world. BETT & VALVE-IN-HEAD BUICE MOTOR-CARS, BAYLY, LIMITED. AGENTS. _ THE MANAWATD EVENING STANDARD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 1917. Brooklands Poultry Yards. POULTRY NOTES. HOSPITAL VISITING 14. COMMITTEE. ] from August 14th ami every six clays (By -‘Utility.”) TVTOW booking orders lor BabyamiClucks Black Minorcas. One Shilling each; any alter. Whin* Leghorns Till )1 (TiIt'KENS. Chicks ten per cent, number Sittings 7s Cid lor 15 eggs; cash with order. The matter of Use visiting committee to Whert'ver possible the chickens should order. Breeding liens and Pedigree Cockerels lor sale. Apply (tie hospital was brought'up by Mrs Uralih hi' allowed free rimp—-tin's is the secret deposit yesterday's meeting ol the Hospital iof reiiring strong, health' chicks, with a siiBoard, KAIRANGA ROAD. and she moved,' (I) that the reso11iiiiiilluin death rate. The brooder or Union passed by the Board at the meeting chicken hollse should of course be ratloose (lie are youngsters held on December IT, lV»i6. eotistituliug m-oofj ami when | tiie whole Board as a 'Kiting committee during the day a watch must be kept dogs ai and cals, I know tor the General Hospital, be rescinded, laa list IJtowlhm who had the plea j (2) That a committee of not mofe Ulan lour |nl one poidtil Keeper ms eats who i or live of the members o' the Board be sure of shooting no less than chicken qunr ; elected to visit the General Hospital at | a, d liferent limes raided the uiudm Incubator ehickcih. roareil iri*s. j sta ted intervals and repot t to ihe Board in !• («eijiiioi.l omul it ion*, fmiuontly develop canwriting <*t each monthly meeting." etc. A Mrs Crabb said she did n<>( eoieddcl' the lilbai habits for want of osorciae, of the chickens ; appointment of the Whole Hoard as a visit Up,-fit of blood on. one of the others. arouses the morbid attention : ing committee a businesslike arrangement vie w note and favoured a small committee that Couh I ain I without fui ther preliminary blood j both patient.-) am lloek will commence to peek at the either i keep in touch with is i>J> Board. The palienis could also repor ..not until (he unfortunate victim J aii\ lacerated or else torn to l'»e-"ii complaints lo the which ...... committee, • .. .. I ■ I jiojtJi writer ia tin Australian Toa time 1 have been missing vmo>Mr J, A. Nash said Mrs Crabb was j •Kms y L* 1 and trouble, looking for reminded the „s from my (IouUV,. ami am ilowivtu.>v sou, to, son Taranaki CDO this in Mini • Board what happened in C ! \ At (irtif lltey gn Ufeu hir circumstances. .' 0, .1 began ,u blame iat-'j In seconding the motion, Mi's Hill said 1 lew ai a time. ,in ;he very latest >lylc.s, lias jlist been oilier animals, but 1 knew of no «y she was stire if tile small committee was oi funvopened up by ns. and wc quote some given a irial the Board would not want hey eouM got itu<> my houses [to gel ,o I determined to keep u close watch- , vii\ of it. If a monthly report tackle ; of chickens LINES THAT WILL ATT RA Cl were received from the matron there plight | )ne iluv I saw a number it all to pieces not have been the necessity for the motion. G me of their mines, tearing belie:,. lonia nothing left but was The-, might not a wavs have the present noil CLACK DEitBV FRONT BOOTS. I 1 i lUlt tills continued constantly.” llw above matron, who was above suspicion, canStout Sole, Welter Self Cap. 30s. Mr Nash said that while he had little j s surely an extreme ease of virulent a, , hj ubalism, but I lioiieve this is where s.vmparav with the re->'bition, Iv* thought occur in Inc Ish >uM he given careful m.-ideralion, and neat number of shortages '' (hat it would be wiser if the mover amended lo.ks if (a.nitrymen only knew it.. BON CALF DERBY FRONT BOOTS. Sewn Soles. Sell Cap. 22s 6d. and resolution by referring it to the By-laws | nay be duo partly to poor feeding ilnPATENT COLOSH LAC 10 BOOTS, Patent Can. C üba Heels. 1-ls 9d. that to and escroisi', . 'j lartlv to insutlioietil I onilllittee. things all in the for inherent CLACK DERBY FRONT SHOES, Brown Twill Tops. 29s (hl. necessity ! Dr. Whitaker did not -it j pirit of mischief | ; i I I [ | I i I i W. BIEKRE. ■jexava**si'Z7Zj ! ' im "with 1 the Land of John Hi. S Lorna to tin. The red clay of "Fed Devon” is Imre on display, worked into quaint am mottoes—"never /ecd the, Ja-iko o: thieey.” a.s John Fry would say! .... .11 . . . . ..1, 1' i 1 11 1 I l j j 1 \N \ ' ! Quaint in shape, quaint in colouring because only the primary colour; till’ce a\n are used, with quaint mottoes such as Help yersel ta c sugar, ’ fresh craim.’’ ‘‘Droou yer sor :i cun o’ tayr" ‘‘Kale Dem.shcr butler," ‘‘Nice rows* in ;t clip o’ tay.” "Be canny wi’ tin. eraim.” and "Fresh iroin the dairy. 1 I . ‘ » ‘useful articles bedecked with old-time 1 from the red clay of Devon- tin* land of "Dirt dan Kidd.” Donne, John Fry, Uncle Huckaback and those, other notabilities dear heart ul every man and woman from Devonshire! - j i ■ ; : ! ; Devon—that land of lair women and brave men! a visiting committee. ; CALL AND SFF THIS QUAINT DEVON WAKE. the ’ : ,'oung. These Are Seasonable Bargains. j asked for one. Mrs Gill maintained that a. resolution had been passed asking the matron to send a re port, but none had been sent. rt« . j l 1 HOTEL. EMPIRE i I | I in,liter. \| r Dill: , did. 1 And went important lor their , , Board founu nf ground well worked over will provide much healthy employment. As soon as posallegations be unfounded. to quite the N. PALMERSTON MAIN STREET, 1 should bo allowed to run The question of a visiting committee was sible. the chickens of the brooder house and get ud the Mrs; out tu the Hy-laws Committee. I; ('-abb agreeing Ihe e-xcrebe they can. to adopt Mr Nashs sug-, fresh air and chickens grow faster and do much better g, stion. in every way on clean new ground, so move accommodation for them as often ns you are able, Green food families, travellers, visitors and indispensable in the ptoper rearing of Hot, cold, and permanent boarders. For cold in the hen cl—inhale* Nnzol. For is lot of food, and the shower baths Large billiard room (two I sure throat or tickling tough take some chickens. They eat a the green stuff enable iaxhive of tables). All leading brands of Wines | drops on sugar. Lsed either wuy, Zsa-iol then: to properties clear the- system, also Uio saline and | works wonders. 60 closes Is 6d. Advt. and Snlrits keot in stock. mineral elements in if makes for vigorous growth. .Shelter from the sun and wind should also be provided, us chickens will .suffer greatly if exposed all day without adequate shade. A good variety of food, fresh water, clean sleeping' green .stuff, the quarters, and plenty of exercise, tire main factor.: in building up oood chickens, ■who will grow into the record egg layers oi When the chicknext- autumn and winter. •■n.< are about a month old, they may have sliced beets, mangels, tumpis, mists, etc. : thev enjoy peeking at them, and the exercise is beneficial, and they gain valuable feed abo. So soon ns the sex can he determined. the cockerels- should be separated from the pullets, the former are too rough, and will if possible consume (lie majority of the food supplies. Birds of the same size should be ran together, then there will be in bullying, and they will have equal chances with the food. HOW TO FEED COWS. mill; feeding toehie.kens care should be In taken to ms- that they do not get into tinLeave your hay ration as it Is and give Mbs Linseed Meal milk vessel, iiml Unit- shortly aft**r\vnrj.l« Ikand -Jilts of bran per day, soaked or dry. came Ixith sticky anti dirty. A hot sun and feathers sticky with milk wiil provide a FOWLS. first-class! combination lor the breeding’ of lib bran or pollard per day novioUs p-nns. lib Linseed Meal, 11b Whitaker: i) r Vo-, and the i ' EAVER Baking Powder ; | I7IIRST-CLASS Y -V.V. OV will inid nothing more useiHi than an Wo have thorn in both round ami triangular shapes, in two sizes Wi AT 6s 6d AND 9s 6d. Cloths AT Is, Is 6d, AND We also carry stocks of O-Codar Ductless 2s 6d EAC H. 3d EACH. Q-Cedar Dustless Dusters on handles 1s 1s and 3s bottles. 0-Cedar Oil in BOSS MOPS fit 58 and “0-SO-EEZY” Maps at 9s 6d. COME IN AND S'EE OUR MOPS! C Wre-S-’O i. -i 1 CSagSSggaWBSgMMBWBWI IW-ii PALMERSTON NORTH, Makes the finest Scones, Cakes and Pastry and keeps them in splendid condition. Superior to other Baking Powders m Strength and Economy. Sold in the Largest Tin for the Money I>o INSIST ON GUTTING "BEAVER”-SUBSTJTUTES WONT u chalV. will feed, morning' mash only, -‘lO full grown birds. Solum the chaff in boiling water, pouring oft surplus_ water after allowing to stand for a few minutes : add the Linseed Meal, which will absorb the remaining moisture, then mix in the pollard or bran and .make the whole a crumbly mash. Chickens can be fed on this ration after one week old. To fatten poultry quickly, increase meal by 50 per cent. HORSES. Add o to libs per day DRV meal io their ration of corn and chaff. Commence gradually by adding a small handful to each meal, slightly moistening the chaff to quake the Gradually increase to full ration as your Linseed stick to it. horses become accustomed to the taste, at Hie same time reducing your supply of corn and ehalf. Beautiful Ripe Luscious Fruit —Perfectly Preserved Adjectives fail in the effort to describe the delicious lusciousness of St. George Apricot jam. And yet there’s no secret simply the world’s best apricots from the famous Teviot district of Central Otago, syhere icy nights and scorching days produce" superfine fruit. No wonder If you arc putting up a fowlyard, make a |aoint of -.w.-eping up a nil n-moMiig any atrav nail.., ami bits of netting. Should they bo left, the bri-ds, particuhtrlv the im-x1writ-need chickens, are very apt to pick them up. When they do. you will have dead birds from a cause which would have puzzled you but lor this tip. In making a. yard have the gate wide enough to admit the pa-,sage of a wheelbarrow. It will save lota of lime to be able to sweep Up and shovel the refuse straight into tin- barrow. In gelling oil the voting stuff, hold on to a. few of the earliest hatched chickens. b sua.lly they are the strong*, st. ns they come from birds that are at their top after the winter's so, II from luting and breeding. _ LIMITED PALMERSTON NORTH. “THE GREAT OUTFITTERS,’ about in should be provided, where they insect life, items so further than you ■will find worms anddevelopment.. A piece J Spring Fop Youp An American publication «»«•.. of biiin tests the provision of n hopper As i j DEVINE’S a- 1 SON, Broadway. Crockery Merchants, report from to a I & A did not think she had been ahieii is always before the chickens. cnjcl''-ir, ong as the bran is available the peek at it, and thus keep themselves I will iccnpied. This remedy has, I bebeVe, 1): WTiiiaker pointed out that members j been tried with .Hlicecss in New Zealand, were nnpro-; practically trained lot stuffs Another remedy suggested is to give UiAn, { cu able at present, and the Board should be j pieces of meat to peek at, or to tie up small ; ao-fni to take no step that might cause j bundles of lettuce leaves etc., a. lull" j fib ih„i while a state of war continued, lie! nay oil *he ground, and the chickens gilt, had licet complaints leaves. aBo said that patients’ sin use themselves by picking at the up by Mrs <«ill which had been i brought CHICK TN RUN, ETC. TilK without foundation If free range i K not possible, a grass plot : Mr., Gill : 1 challenge :hat. chickens, to run Dr. Whitaker -aid he had gone into the j r )jaleh of Income, lot' the | ; COLLINSON matron, he CALVES. the billowing im-.-i'i *img ,-pt e-h : Mr 1liven i pressed his plea sum at In-ng present, •affirming it to la- one of '.ho largIn ,.;i, ■•a.tiierings ever held by pon'ltryraen. made, About jib per bead pei day. Dissolve Linseed in boiling water and add to skim milk. •>; dear feeds and the imvKniaticm of Asiatic eggs, 'in five one hand Ihe cod ot production was increased, on the other bamdlhe prices of poultry me p’s products were kept low. The struggle had been intensified the industry hail If w-as hard ligating. but he believed better Innea would In the face of increased knowledge coni-. rmd Iho high-tested Inver. he felt -tiro pn> du -ers would come out better than ever. Years ago the 200 to 3CO egg hen wt.* conwar broke out. and ninny set-backs. since received A •r-r' 'Or IPRICOI p j '*) $ his opinion the hard time through which the poultryitecpci lied p.-i-M-d wu. due la SHEEP. Can be 2oz per head per day in specially nutted form. spread on the ground without waste. For Show Stock double the amount. PICS. Linseed Oil Meal and Skim Milk is an ideal food. FROM ALL STORES, OR FULL PARTICULARS FROM BLAIR, REED AND CO., WELLINGTON, N.Z., OR ter swap iin-: i\i>rsTitv At a large ineeiing- at C'hristehiurli of those intei<-sit-cl i ■ the poultry industry, Mr r.vown. t'c- tlovi-nuni nt poultry e\n--ii. 61 — ft ZsyQjySK V\ *.' excels. kicked when just ripe, the best fruit is turned a few hours later into jam in the great cleanly St. George kitchens. Nothing is added but the F.nest No. 1 sugar. The boiling is done in the great aluminium double boilers heated by steam to an exact and even temperature. Ihe seamless, solderless, sanitary St. George tins bring a!! the delicious goodness to your table. Iry one jJ-V - .... tin—realise what jam can really be. inipoHsibiln-y. now imtia au .variable in large numbers, kor t_hn ending Pecemb-r 31 last, about ITS.ibo dozens of cgg» wen imported, 'lbis ou not seem a great deal, but it was/expected this, vear the number would bo increased. There was an apparent short-age of egg production, but what- was the causelb_ot mtribiited one of the causes to hick tot organisation. Producers were unable ‘"Ta want of being organised to pass the os id In 1911, while wheat, tvtr cost, or. in ly-o, eggs averaged Is 3d per dozen ; when wh-:il was or. Id the price wa.s im belter. Till- showed lack of . would p .-ver. He tTIt sure the importations .-net if Milficiint production wa.s forthcoming, lb- suited that the fiovonnnent were, preu.-re vear 1 - rpIIINKING over (he advantages of the Torringum Vacuum Sw.vjmr, | ot the A\ alms in Fhron gh the wi; vs ere reminded oi ilic ■words Looking-glass.” He asked the ('arpeiiter if “seven maids with seven mbps” '(•eii Id sweej) ihc sea beach away in halt, a year! They couldn’t—nor could ihev do the same good work as the 1 oninglnii bwcopci. You see it is ■ ■ .ibuttaßUr. .-tr aw A DOVHLK-ACTIOX SWEEPER. rotary hnish li las a brush action, plus a vacuum action. The still all goes into whisks and dust out ot the carpet -but. not into the air. Jt tiie dust chamber where it is held dose prisoner. '1 hen again, tho vacuum sucks out tiniher dust—none is 1011. No dust Hies into the air to settle each sweep is a clean sweep, Iho combination lonngton has tnmroller beariims all-steel driving mechanism, triple bellows, and all machine at oos. miiigs are heavily nickel-plated over copper—a splendid demonstrate, how dlicieui it Let "us Linseed Oil 26 King Street, Sydney Australia Pamphlets explaining how to feed MeggitlA Linseed Meal forwarded froo on application. pared THE MISSING MONEY BUYS MORE, NORTH, THE SQUARE, PALMERSTON WHERE YOIM’ OXYGAS “B URTON' AND BOTTLED BY The Common-Sense Remedy ’PEONS 70. PALMESTON KOS/TH. Not SOCIETY. PROVIDENT OFFICE IN THE BRITISH EMPIRE MUTUAL SiXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT. RESULTS FROM JS’SWS? NEW BUSINESS, 1010 (Ordinary) £1,0.M,10j NEW BUSINESS, DIG (Industrial) £7,578,125 ASSURANCES IN FORCE Mini BONUSES— 1 pr’r-k Ordinary Department ,oo GG Industrial Department £114,144,947 £36,475,570 accumulated funds . £5,110,410 annual income SINCE ESTABLISHMENT TOTAL CASH BONUSES distributed ALLOTTED FOR ONE YEAR (1916), CASH ■y oldkurc— II itvaT?V DINARA or n#i AYES THE ÜBDER S3 (P*k PiiEss n j JLOI UIAO Now Zonl.'iiid 11,.1.. Customhouse .Quay, Wollinjit A-* W ZoaUnCl, such excellent suits at tin* money. practical way ore loud in their praises ot the splendid fit. accurate cut. workmanlike finish, and..above all, the undeniably stylish appearance ol those Wonderful Value Suits. Men's Tailored Boxed Suits !0 f’OTIFi, 24 OF BA RTBFFT, VATMFTFTON NORTH ua vs Ai\i> Sat Bit i>AV. 4. Men's Snorts Suits as To 635. r So)H. 15, IH'XKmX. � brakes were appliedinstantly lie was knockthe wheel.-. f.(l down ‘ and-dnu;<;vd under Kulv half an hour eia-psed before the bod v wan released. The body was badly mutilated OPEN ON TITFK! tuonjh; tuo. \ |,i Tin' laud ijnvv* spi'rla! lohai'fVi lm mrojui atic; tin') u> lli'-di plug -of cut.—Advß outdoor In dilL men of affairs—havo Those who have tested tho offer in a Association.) and the head severed. Ui A. A MU Mmiujjpr ior Now An elderly man Suits, than once expressed intense surprise at our ability to produce FATALITIES. & killed imideniilied ion hi* Uosdyu tramline to-night. Ihe man walked in front of the car, and though the THEIR BENEFICIARIES, £47,342,569. EVERY DESIEABLE FORM OP POLICY—OR- any amount trom £o to £IO,OOO, he NEW ZEALAND BRANCH: iUD 0F t Johnston, M.L.0., Chairman; A. de B. Brandon, Lsq., Pepufcy ACCIDENTS 1 £857.178 Kan-JosephW, Esq.. B. tta7l '.’i.vuv.r'.---.,ssratwaii; MCKDaaaaacM INDUSTRIAL —for JJIXi ni > ’ to MEMBERS OR ' Ig^^BazaasgaiHsaßgaaasisigiQgßMaaßßatgiaaflg^^ -■ BEATALL" shrewd, lar-scemy; business men. , THE TROUBLE ■ ,w'n . which absolutely lifts fever and out of the bag and REMOVES THE CAUSE OF ~’ Proving BEVBIOX«Y ti inflammation - BONUSES external dressing, but “ .. AN INTERNAL MEDICINE AUSTRALIAN MUTUAL THE I ATI (JEST an uhuv 1 Positively Cured by ale and stout y an.l dry R-.vds "' WAIRUNA. In shipping circles very little hope is entertained that the Union S.S. Co.’s misoiiiK 1 lie rarifo steamer Wairuna is still atloal. ve.isel. which had a. 'mixed |/eneril carjfo Wolling-lon, Auek‘•hipjiod at Sydney, land, clean d the latter port tor San Fran eisoo <>n May 30. and Cnee then, has 'ot hern heard of. In view of iiho fact linn -he liiul lately been fitted with n wireless >lai:(havin': a radius ol SCrO mihv), and that had anything of a u.s-ual character cheeked 1 1**1 progress (such as a broken shaft ur other mishap to her maetunon)was almo-t bound to have hewn .soiiit‘l heard of the steamer, if. is generally surmised that she lias probably boon sunk by an internal explosion, deliberately arr.oured Ordinarily the Wairtina otherwise. or would make tin* passage from Auckland to t";- has ,Sau Francisco in about 28 days, days. nru\ been-out for 104 The Wei; ana was in charge ct Captain Saunders. vVito is well known in Wellingcoast, having been in ton and on the service of the company ! ‘ir some _ yea t .aptain Saunders ha- boon married lor le-. than a year. The Wuinma (o\-Matoppa) was a steel • crew steamer of 3947 tons grout, and rat bar 100 \1 at. Lloyd'!-. She wax built; in and Co., <0 1904 by Arms',rong, WhitworthHer principal Xe\voii'tli‘-on- l yne. Knghintl. dimensions wore :— Length, 350 ft. ; beam. Sh<* wa.- a 47ft bin., mid depth. 26ft, Tin, good ■-ootl currier of hep class,-h»d hasindone the coal for Union S.S. Co. service the and general cargo trade between Australia and New Zealand, and latterly between tin Dominion and America. the Scourge of HARDWARE AND CROOEERY IMPORTERS, McGRUER’S non-; imu\ctica,lly abandoned Mammitisi BREWED Some of the Wisest Men of the Day Wear ■dvi- e was always available. it?! THE -BURTON BREWERY CO., they could, and expert to help all vvVU PC e/Q a&MaaratzJZ & a£ O’CONNOR The Save yourself the great expense ol buying a new mower. —11. K. Bergersen, 29 BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR. Corner Rangitikei ami Cuba streets. FA LM EE SIGN NORTH. Broad street. TO Approved Current serates. at Security Slims BARRISTERS SOLICITORS, AND Call and DISPLA Ltd. PALMERSTON NORTH. DO YOU WANT HELP? 0J? carrying, customs and forwarding? Employ ns, and get a AND splendid service, reliable in operation; W pass entries exBARRISTERS AND SOLICITORS. economical, too. parcels quickly, safepeditiously, send TO LEND at Lowest Cur- ly, ship goods, move furniture, near or ; rent Ratos on Town and Country far. Caretully, too.—The Now Zealand Express Co., Ltd. Securities. J. P. INNES, Notary Public. QAKLEY, 571 JNNES O’CONNOR JEWELLERS, We give ring Bold. a present and Trees from 8s 6d HEDGE 100; Ornamental and FlowTrees and from 6d each. Shelter per BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, Shrubs a free catalogue.—B. H. Just. Botanical Nurseries, Palmerston North. ering Call or hss removed to Manson and Barr’s Building, 31 Rangitikei street. ONEY TO LEND on approved se- (. street. 140. Rates. Ltd., No. 31A Building, 'Phone 782. Manson P Will Your DON’T MISS OUR TALKING WIN- Attention to these spivi:i I ]))■!<■(• olfer'cn^s. KIMMER’S CASH STORE, fi ONLY You. of Dustin's Eamoils Pies. STORE THAT GROWS. EN’S UN’S at Dustin's, Ice u Cream, Patriotic. Sundaes, Spiced CONNELL, © A MONEY NEW DRESS FABRICS. OSES, Carnations, iSwc#>,t Catalogues for 1017 COLD STORAGE. Peas.— now ready NEW HOSIERY and GLOVES, NEW NECKWEAR. Send for one; j>ost free to any address THE MANAWATU MEAT AND COLD STORAGE GO., LTD. (and reduced), —Frank Mason, Sandon Road, Foilding. FRESH FOOD AND COOLING STORES, PRINCESS' STREET. Premier Wood, Coal and Produce so hurry to & Giorgi, prompt attention. THE MANAWATU assortment of Children’s LOOK TO THE JAS. GO., LTD. (AND REDUCED). DONALDSON, 11IG11-CLASS TAILOR, COLEMAN PLACE. ’Phono 132G. UR suits, costumes and breeches. Seasonable materials always in stock. Bank ul Australasia. II [) * For men, the newest in Spring and Slimmer Clothing, Seasonable MEAT AND COLD STORAGE Wholesale ami Retail Butchers, next ’Under- J'rompl, Careful Attention by Experienced Assistants, Inspection wel- No one urged to buy. \)*> HOSIERY VALUES. I Children’s V SOUTH BRITISH INSURANCE CO., LTD. supply only the primest Beef. Lamb, Pork and Veal. for their excellence. Civility and cleanliness guaranteed. Cash buyers of dairy fed pork and mother-fed calves. CLIENTS goods arc noted arc notified that MR B. IJ. SPENCER in has removed irom the office in Broad EAR. MEN’S . •nl pair Men's Collars from Gd each Men's oolleu Caps from Ls od ; Mon’: Felt Hats from os; Boys’ Suits fron 225; Hoys’ Navy Jerseys from 2s lid Boys’ Caps from 9d each. \\ HADFIELD, RANGITIKEI STREET. WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE noted for RANGITIKEI STREET, FOR SPECIAL f| wear, Collars ami Ties. comed. Mutton, WE Our small terned at Ruhleben and afterwards free in Berlin and repatriated recently, lecturing at Ha instead, described ati incident of Mr Gerard’s visit to Wittenberg camp. Hw motor car was covered with dust, in which by the posals will be endorsed House; one of (lie interned men. prevented from although, on a division, the majority speaking to the Ambassador, scrawled "Wo their favour may be The want bread." A German officer wiped it :in military authorities, the Police, out The- American chauffeur said: “What are alike opposed tyfVix o’clock closing, the devil are you doing (herd? Ibis territory, that because they rf rgnc that, wore it adopt- American dust. American the true American spirit. Speaking of ed. there It,mid be an enormous in- wasown at experiences KuhlobeU. Profcs.ser crease iHicit drinking in the cities his Dehner said our men-sang "Are we downami towu.s whore the men in training to the tune of "Sun of My ‘kpewd their hours of leave, and there hearted?” Soul." would be less opportunity of observing Physicians a .surgeons still available iii? checking their use of alcoholic bev- for private practice i 'And in Germany are 'so I erages. The objections they raise ap- comparatively few in number ami so over| pear both ‘‘lf,” logical. sound and worked. besides being subjected to numersay in effect, “you prohibit the ous other physical hardships, that they i| they granted eivilion population from using alcoholic have applied for the extra rations to men engaged in so-called “heavy” and | liquors, as beverages, we can undcrof “heaviest” forms —i.c., work arduous stand vour similarlv barring the solMedidier from their use. But yon should munitions. A writer in the Berlinthat a not adopt a measure which will prevent cal Society’s official organ says. nowadays either lias the soldier, during his few hours of physician in Germany distances, drive his own to walk enormous leave, from getting his glass of liquor, motor-car, ride a bicycle. It is not if he wishes to do so, during the only* uncommon orto make journeys totalling 50 time In- can call bis own, and at the or 75 miles a clay. All doctors are feelsame time the general body of the ing the strain of these unusual public has access to the hotels through- and regard themselves entitled to bigger out the day. The soldier who takes his food allowances. glass will resent such a cutting off of Mr John Gilchrist, who is an old. bow of surprise on (his rights and privileges as a citizen, the school, sprang a pleasant and will look upon it as a slight put the staff of f ampbell (street school, when lm presented yesterday the and upon himself.” And there is a good attended school deal to be said in favour of such a con- a very handsome shield to be annually competed for at -the school .shimming sports. ton lion. The. shield will be held by the winner of f | Cashmere most points. For the first contest Mr Gil There will only l>e seven days’ racing in christ is uI so giving'a gold modal to,the New Zealand this month, Eas't year there lucky holder of the shield. , A handsome were seventeen. case with'carved front encloses the shield, A second offending inebriate. .lames Mer and the whole is made of Xcw ; Zpaland eer, was em.vieled and fined 10.-;, or in dc. woods. The .blending of the various tones fault 48 hours’ imprisonment, by Mr Ken of inat-ii, mini, and totara knot- make a rick, S.M., at the Police Court this morn most phasing colour scheme. The silver a ornamentation is the mg. Although delayed from time to time by lack of in atot ia Is. the erection of the An/.ae Chib is proceeding satisfactorily, and the contractors expect to hand the building the new levied by the Gov- over about November 1. ernment on Tea and Cigarettes held in An Auckland telegram says the final of stock. Ihe X.Z amateur billiard championship They now claim that it is the duty of between E. W. Warren and W. IT Hacked the public to recognise this in a practi- resulted: Warren 2000, Hacked 933. The cal manner by getting their require- winner's host break was 209. ments from The latest rumour in literary circles in Wellington ha* it that Ethel 31. Hell, auSheppard’®, Gash Prevlder®. thor of “The Way of an Eagle,” etc., is a. resident, in Taranaki The Wellington rethe old shop bo square NEW FURNISHINGS. A. J. YORTT, Yard ’Phone 21!); Private House 570. .EAR. A Question of Duty, deemed it their duty SHEPPARDS not to charge their customers with duty PALMERSTON NORTH. NEW FOOTWEAR. « Ico is now available in any quantities. Orders by Telephone 128 will receive w THE UR EAT OUTFITTERS. Merchant, ruling’Wellington rates. B OVS’ OVS’ Box Suits from 37.s (id; Un dcrpants Irom Is <UI a pair Singlets from Is 4d each; Men’s Denim: fnmi 4s !>i 1 a paii>-, Men’s Cotton Socks 3 pairs tor 2s; Woollen Socks from 1; avoid disappointment. Millar NEW LACES and RIBBONS. (METAIL AM) WHOLESALE), 8 A.RGE slocks of wood and coal on J liand ; also straw, chaff and oats. A splendid Prime table and seed potatoes for sale in largo or small quantities. Terms Outfits. cash —no exceptions. AND hcautfliilly nil iir , the very styles. latest helled rana.rtly avalists; check Lioensed Land Brokers, Fire, Accidents. Ale. Banapiiic Nectars, Sarsaparilla lined. LIFE INSURANCE AGENTS. 31A(i N IKK KNT Showing of the 4 and others PUBLIC TRUST AGENCY. TO LEND on Freehold SeLatest ami Most Stylish and curity in any sum at current Ill’l! USUAL I*l? ic IV 70s (id. rates. ANTED KNOWN, by dealing a Most Serviceable Goods. SPECIAL SPOT CASH PRICE, 755. the Gilchrist Furnishing Co. yot for your money f I. a. Wc*t, F.N.Z.I.A.] [Ernst V. West. get the best valuefrom Just the ideal "arnumt lor Spring factory to tin they sell direct and Sommer Showers. YOU NEED home, thereby saving the middleman' NEW COSTUMES. L. G. WEST AND SON, ONE NOW! profits. Note address, next "Standard' Oflice. the Sana re. REGISTERED ARCHITECTS. Hiere are only (i ol these Raincoats, NEW MILLINERY. is now available at the new SPACE Cold Stores. Charges equal to I stressed the ttecti fpt avid A building, to provide a', onlUKkiatiOll alld recreation for girh who are taking up the'work of men away fighting. It was decided to keep the need before the public, when no doubt the necessary funds will be forthcoming. In connection with .tile seamen's dispute at Wellington, a development last night was an arrangement for tho sailing of the Hula for Watlgalllli iltld NV.v Plymouth, am! the Baden Powell for Lyttelton, and w'ilh extra men for the watches'. Just- as the 11 uia was about to .suit, it was discovered that the ship’s articles had been stolen, so the vessel was unable to sail, notwithstanding tli,it all arrangements had been made for a crew and the. extra man de munded by tho Seamen’s Union. Professor Sefton Dclnier, who was in- < OVERCOATS and THE SQUARE. THE RAINPROOF Rangitikei Offices, King street. 'Phono 235. returned that the deceased committed the act while temporarily insane. A meeting of ladies interested was held ibis morning in connection with starting a hostel in Palmerston in connection witn the V.W.U.A. movement, Mrs L. A, Abraham presided, aild all those present J DOW AND STUNNING VALUES. Post Office Boi & !) 25's FOR 4s 4cL 3LBS, FOR Is. CHOICE PRUNES, NEW SEASON’S.JAMS, 3 TINS FOR Is 4d. i I'A I’ANTICE given with every one INC K I TES RUTHERrURQ Ai NEAR ZERO. SOUTH ISLAND FLOUR, Ladies! C.l. Ross So.Ltd. 3 Secretary Kairanga and Manawatu Dairy Co., Ltd. ONEY TO LEND at Current Barr’s, KEEPING will assist Iho movement. an inquest yesterday* oil the body of a man foiilli.l in Wellington harbour, a witwas ilrss stated that lie wrts bony luted if that of a sCanlatl flamed Walter Sarsftr Id, a single mail, Unknown to base relativ. a in New Zealand, The inquest was adjourned until Bidunlay.—At the inquest on AngusKennedy, who was found dead in a bath with an artery in an arm fclit, it verdict was ,\t | A. H. GRANT, ACCOUNTANT. AUDITOR AND INSURANCE AGENT. ALL THE TIME PRICES write for curities. BUSY with every wedding MONEY MR hTgIfFORD MOORE, DUNCALF, 315 MAIN STREET EAST. NEAR POST OFFICE, PALMERSTON NORTE. of CLOGS r. TYDEMAN, & ’PHONE 32. BE SURE OF DRY FEET. ANT) Call! ol Lollies and Choco- lates in Palmerston North. COOPER AND RUTHERFORD, sec.—Dustin’s, DRINKS SPRING largest ami most va- HAVI DIXON’S DELICIOUS Those are direct from the makers, and are of the luminous “toll the time PUREST AND BEST. at night” type—all are champion timeGET keepers, and wo supply in nickel or silver. DOs to 95s—remarkable values. 'Phone 499. LEND approved lowest current curities MONEY “ITJ'K carry the of LEND in any ried stock Lowest MONEYKates. on ANNOUNCE NEW WRISTLETS. TO THE BEST ! H. G. FLETCHER, TYDEMAN & BETTER. ISN’T IT Society ; mowers owners to are to U. E. Bergersen, lawn mower expert. Repairing and sharpening a speciality. of FOR ALL EYESIGHT TROUBLES. » i OTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. in need of -All Nrepairs, send them invited rates, also on CHATTELS. TO at IV E liiiii n Wristlet Wateli that In 1 can wonr right into the tiring lino—a cheap watch is useless. S'i \ 1 | lowest current at SIGHT TESTING OPTICIAN, ■ mint-' elsewhere. freehold I Abraham, of Palrncrstoit Nils t>7 A Noi’Ui. -.-pnfennl with a number of Foxton indies mi \Vedm-siliiy ill icfcfeiKo to rim nlying refreshments " for the A. and V. Shoe., the Catering foe which will be tin dciHltkeii by the town and country women workers. The proceeds will bo devoted to patriotic pm poses. The- Fox ton Palnolic | Money SECURITY <m JOHN B. GERRAND, is conceivable that, with 80,000 the country, Hie prohihi* lioiiisl.s might, on liquor rcfererttlUln, reverse the 1011 decision, hut Wc have no assurance on that point and, even il no had ,it would lie unfair to our soldier troops, aim must necessarily he deprived of the opportunity of voting upon such ;i referendum, to decide so important a question in their absence. Vt c advance that view from an independent standpoint. For the last quartet ul a century, or more, the continuance, or otherwise, ol (he liquor trade, has been in the hands of the people, and the growing no-!icenso and prohibition i vote lias shown that there is r, strong f ■j section oi people who not only demand, hut will not rest satisfied until the importation, manufacture and sale of, ah eoholic liquors is absolutely prohibited in Now Zealand. Hut we nl'O justified in assuming (as the Government evidently does), that the majority is against such people, and that, il the liquor question, and the closing hours ■of hotels, are dealt with’ at all this | session, they must he dealt with OU the lines of compromise. Tim prohibitionists ask for the hours of sale to be 1 limited to ton hours—from 8 a.m. to fi ■lp.m. Tlie Government proposal gives an eleven hours day for bar sales, viz., between a.m. and 8 p.m. Attempts will, of course, he made, when the Bill is in committee, to further reduce the hours adopted liy the Government to either 6 or 7 p.m. It is very unlikely there will be any attempt to increase the hours, unless action is taken by non-prohibitionists, to counter the attacks upon the Government policy which may be looked for on the prohlbitionist side of the House. The pvohabilities are that tho Government pro- | to lend Ladies dining-room suit,os, so call and got a quote before SQUARE. TESTS A WRISTLET WATCH. It I’H'ii out ul | ;ANO SOLICITOR, are showing a high-hack ol CONSULT 1917-: | THE lino range Co. HARD ACTIVE SERVICE (Jiklirint 14, | BARRISTER Furnishing SEPTEMBER ■ E. 0. HURLEY. the KNOWN, RANTED STANDARD, FRIDAY, MANAWATU EVENING ME 4 ’kone deals. 818 The chain letter practice—indulged in by Manawatu Evening Standard. weak-minded individuals-—lias been commenced in Palmerston again. A local resident, who refused to assist the movement, was the recipient of an impudent letter this week, the writer of which was careful to hide his or her identity. The (li'vmiincnt Meteorologist, tele- graphs: Ihe indications are tor easterly winds, moderate to strong and hacking by FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1917. of local The London, Times, speaking of the heroes who the other day were; lioi.ourp'd by the King, referred to Salvationist trim in tho following, term?: —“One of the decorations will he, long* remembered by all who. saw that ceremony. Private James Fynn. V.C.. late of South Wales Borderers, performed a dozen deeds of heroism at Sannai-ynt, in Meso)K>tamia. when he bandaged wounded men under continuous fire. ’’Ho was killed over a year afterwards in, Mesopotamia. and oil Saturday his .’father. Private John Fynn, was present to receive the Victoria Cross. He was -an old man, and he _was .ypLyig_.jn .his hair was .grey,, hut, body anil mind, and brisk in lib stop, and his salute ns he approached and left the dais amidst rousing cheers. It woiiid’ha a fine thing if Fynn were allowed to wear his son’s V.C.” PERSONAL. Kolfc and Mr J. A. Lissinglon, Cr. borough sanitary inspector, have' enlisted }•'. for active service. Tiie only enlistment - at the group office of fair weather with increasing haze and cloudiness yes ten la v ' wa« George- Henry McDermid. for change. The night will probably be Teilding, a returned soldier. east to north. HOTEL CLOSING HOURS. J hk port„gtjiJc(s that the, ■is ,a, but there is a young lady of that name resident in New Plymouth. work jeweller. very cold. opinion expressed in these colnrnns There is a. prospect The barometer has a tendency. falling Mr W. Devine (of the Empire Hotel) and Miss Devine, who hive been on a holiday visit to Australia, returned to Palmerston Tim Minitor for Internal Affairs states that tlie differenecs that the photo (11m play taking otF “Stin- North yesterday. that had occurred between the members garee,’’ which was mentioned in the course A Folia cable says the Queen of Bulgaria, was twice married. You will find it to your advantage to street to 47a Rangitikoi street, next 01. the National Efficiency Hoard and of a prosecution of juveniles in Auckland is dead. King Ferdinand last week, was one of the plays which was His second wife was a German princess of Mr A. Guy’s (solicitor) office, where ring up ’phone 1!) for your orders. the Government mainly centred around on circuit v hen the censorship was estab- the House of Ileus?. V the company’s business will bo transactSister Constance, who has been deaconess the licensing question, is inferentially lished last year. Instructions have now ed as usual, been given dial the picture is to be on lied of St. Andrew’s Church for the past four out by the Sale of Liquor Re- in at. one* borne and a halt years, leaves lor Auckland toPALMERSTON N. BOROUGH R. H. SPENCER (A.1.A.N.Z.), striction Hill, which made its appearday to take up church work in connection Record business was done at the Patriotic REALLY highf'rado Hue ol| PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, ance in the House of Representatives Shop yesterday, and the ladies in charge with the P.S.S.A. of that city. COUNCIL. Secretary of Mangawhata and TokoAt the annual meeting of ihe Mangathat included amongst to-morrow’s yood, on Wednesday, and which was fathered notify will W hard-wearing qualityJ mani Dairy Companies. be a soldier's cake ready for post- whata Dairy Company on Wednesday, the goods Mr by 21)9. 115the Massey on behalf of Box Palmerston N. ’Phono Gov- ing. a sitting of duck eggs, and a large chairman (Mr S. MacAulay) tendered his W Tlirce-iniiirtfr length. Very of jam?, pickle- and home-made resignation, as he had t>old his farm. Mr ernment. Instead of the sweeping assortment cookery. Home-made sweet- and cakes are MacAulay was thereupon presented by tha CAS DEPARTMENT. law recommended the special value. changes in the by required for to-morrow, and should be left suppliers unci staff with a smoker’s com.Siin,ns, Ericas, Daphnes panion as a small token of the high esJ Eflieiency Hoard,, with the view to elim- at the shop in the morning. quantity, any Carnations, in j Iron teem in which he is held by all, and also for Up to the end of June 2,250.000 inating the liquor traffic, or, alternaable manner in which he had carried out the Order early. Inspection invited. Crosses had been including 49.600 to the increase i" the cost tively, to impose such severe restrictions “first class" and bestowed, 2,500,500 “second class.” his duties, enabling the factory to show such A. J. §HAtLER s of all materials, and with a view «>' \J � upon the sale of liquor as would effec- For war services at home 5,105 were given. splendid result.?. Mr MacAulay. in replyNURSERYMAN, of reducing working expenses, the Palthat he could not claim all too tually bar the private use of alcoholic For every 500 Iron Crosses awarded in the ing, stated SCAN I)IA STREET. merston North Borough Council has defield one was awarded for home service. credit for this satisfactory slate of'affair.-, liquors, by very outside of a. hotels, PALMERSTON NORTH. cided. by resolution, that on and after one cross was handed out at the which, he said, was largely due to hi.- cosection of the working In the field Telephone (580. JF you have the slightest reason to Ist July no Goods, Coal, Coke 'Jar, or for every 125 granted at the front. But directors, factory manager, and company's community, the Government pro- bate JL helievo that your sight is weak or class the statistics do not state—what the number secretary (Mr 11. If. Spencer). Gas Fittings will be delivered, unless poses to reduce the selling hours from shows—that failing Iron Crosses have rained down Mr and Mrs W. Anderson, of Broad eftsh accompanies the order. There will sixteen to nine on, each working day of at the rale of 2000 a day since the war street, have received a cable staling that over be no exception to this rule. 9’s 10’s Large Size the week. Under the existing law the began. M their son. Private Alex. C. Anderson, ha; hours of sale are between G a.m. and The annual meeting of the Mangawhata been admitted to the N.Z. Hospital at M. J. KENNEDY, Brockenhurst, England, suffering p.m., 10 from Delays aro dangerous, particularly in on each week day of the Co-operative Dairy Company, lad., vas year, other than Christmas Day and held at the factory on Wednesday. The vertigo of the skull. Private Anderson is regard to vour sight. Mauager. hare the following lines of seed Good Friday, and during the hours annual report showed that shareholders had tlie well-known racing motor cyclist, who CONSULT. upon which a Parliamentary election is received to date a uniform price on the sustained severe injuries to the head in a at Fitzherbert. It is pre{iotaloos in stock: being held. The advocates of six whole of their butter fat for the season of motor mishap sumably a recurrence of this trouble that Is 8d per lb. and that when the further o’clock feel closing will naturally disPERFECT FIT AND FAITHFUL SCIENTIFIC OPTICIAN, due from the Government arrived has caused his admission to the hospital. ABER BROTHOCK, satisfied with the Government decision payments He had been in the trenches for three or SERVICE! WALDKuKA VIS'S BUILDINGS, they will receive a further payment of MAORI CHIEF, the a.m. 8 adopting p.m. 9 to proposal, P'-r pound on the whole season’s supply of four weeks before being taken ill. Hi* bb are two loading characteristics of De its memr ■ B J. G. WILSON. SQUARE, RA EMERSION NORTH. of acting upon their suggestion butter fat, making a total of Is 9|d per lb. many friends will wish .him a siieedy and Luen Suits and Costumes. | instead SKERRY BLUE, that sales of liquor in hotel bars should The total chei-o manufactured «us approx- complete recovery. Ladies who desire to lx? really smartly UP-TO-DATE, A pleasing function -took place last-night be restricted to the ten hours between imately 155 tons. dressed will find in our range of New 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Their real objective EARLY PURITAN, At tile lust meeting of the Patriotic at the Cuba, street Methodist Church. P.ct. WINTER COSTUME MATERIALS the Filler NORTHERN STAR, FOR COLOUR. being the elimination of the liquor Society, Mr J. 11. Stevens brought up the J. 11. Haslam presiding when occasion was most attractive materials in latest taken to say goodbye to Mr Robert Wiioock. DAKOTA RED. '^> AT THL RRtnitß DRARUCr CO HIT traffic altogether, the “six o’clock matter of the publication of addresses and an shades. Every part of every garment GUABANT BLUE SERGES who is proceeding to FED AND GAME KEEPER. closing” cry may be regarded merely next-of-kin in district newspapers, a pro- the old choirA>member, made hy us IS IN THE HANDS OF AN unique programme .was gone front. FASHION A HUE TAI LORLNG. as a means unto an end. Hut it must vision that would be greatly appreciated by through, EXPERT, and the science of fitting and Those mo all trne to uhido and are comprising items by Mrs Lumley be recognised that public opinion is people in country districts having relatives Mrs Penketh, Misses ‘Wallace, Jamieson, t, cutting is mir constant study. If you vrelj KERSLAKE AND USMAR, front, and it was decided to comat the seed. graded IMPORTANT!! severely divided upon the. liquor ques- municate with the Minister for and Messrs Levench and Perrin require clothes that fit well, look well, CUBA STREET, on Ilodder. SEE US ABOUT THEM. tion, and that, while there is an un- the matter. The .Minister, in Defence After supper ha<l been partaken of. Mr 11 aand wear well; call on his reply, lam, Opposite Working Men’s Club. in well chosen words, presented Mr farmers- attention deniably strong and probably growing says his Department invariably contain Wilcock, “THE PARTICULAR TAILORS," on behalf of the choir, with a & is hereby drawn to the fact that opinion in favour ol prohibition, there the names and addresses of the next-of-kin. soldiers’ kodak and case. Mr Lather (choir, & Ihe casualty lists arc promptly delivered is an equally powerful body of “modwo SELL the master) and Mr \V. Flat! (senior circuit erates” who support the continuance to the United Press Association,' Ltd., WelLADIES’ AND GENTS’ TAILORS,” ol the traffic in alcoholic liquors, either lington, and there is no objection to that steward) spolco in eulogistic terms of ties AGENTS FOR NORTH BRUNNER qualities of the departing member, sterling THE SQUARE. PALMERSTON N. organisation supplying the various newsSTEAM COAL. under reformed conditions, or State papers wishing him Godspeed and a safe return. with complete information. control. The National Government is. Mr Wilcox briefly thanked the donors. “EFFICIENCY” SEPARATOR. To Unionists and Workers generally, bv the very reason of its existence, a None has attempted to facilitate the EVERY SEPARATOR IS GUARAN- Government of compromise, and con- digit Admiral will appeal. It’s* the new handling fi£V/ ZEALAND LBAN AND of men’s clothing like Collinson smoke. Full strength, also aromatic. mtt.v TEED turning, does, differing as it men of and Cunninghamc, Ltd Their Colling—Advt. both by tlio Manufacturers and our- I views upon many of the leading queshamo >nits for instance, each distinct with selves, prospect fur and With the r’X durability skim-milk tions of the day, hut united in the. purof seasonable weatiicr, tailored individuality, arc all displayed I3ESFICANTSLE ACiiNGY Test. suit of the one leading policy to prose- special interest will be taken in the great in wardrobes on individual hangers—boxed Prices and full particulars on applica- cute the war to a victorious finish, display of Spring and Summer goods ar- suits are out of date: these ready-tailored ranged by the C. M. Ross Uo., Ltd. This suits in 40 sizes and ’tween size's are up tion to Ihere must he a large amount of “give enterprising firm G6E&PAN Y, LTD. b is devoting its 16 ma"-- to date. Call in and ask to see “Collingami take” upon other policy questions. iiilicent windows to the simultaneous liamcs 1"—Advt. preCOLDINGHAM & BECKETT, I he is fairly evenly divided upon sentation of fashion’s latest requirements, the liquor question, the prohibition and every department is displaying now Tlie season of spring cleaning is her*. LTD., PALMERSTON NOIITH, FEI LDLNO IHE SaUARE, A T "Gerramls.” We have a most policy finding its supporters amongst season’s goods. Such a display is unique It can bo made much lighter, much easier PALMERSTON FOXTON. N. AND of comprehensive display Bangles every section of tlie Reform, Liberal and is sure to attract a great many visit- and much brighter if the “O-C’edar” Mops AND KIM BOLTON. AGENTS. Inspection is welcomed, and in no of all kinds, including curbs, ami (be ami Labour parties: while, contrariwise, ors. shown at Watson Bros.’ are used.—Advt. Stewart" bangle. "Nellie ever-popular there are those who fail to recognise case is anyone urged to buy.—Advt. They are adorned with precious stones HOME SEPARATED CREAM HAIR COLOUR RESTORER. the necessity for eliminating ‘he traffic For influenza take Woods’ Great Pepperof every kind and hold stocks of— Cure. Never fails. Is 6d and 2s 6d Wandsworth Rorougli Council has to jin intoxicants. The latter claim that mint pay C IS! as excess profits tax on Advt. No. 8 American Galvanised Wire, DEALT WITH SPECIALLY BY THE the polls vote taken at the in option the to restore Grey Ceremilk for Calves, MAKE MOST ACCEPTABLE GIFTS. justification of their Housework is no longer the drudgery it 'cemetery receipts (sayr, the Daily Hair to its Natural Colour. '2s 191.-1 is a sufficient prohibitionist Huhberoid for Hoofing, Chronicle.) UNION FACTORY DAIRY moveopposition to the per bottle. used to be. Labour-saving methods are You will enjoy inspecting these also Grass and Clover Seeds, Tnrnip ment. and that public opinion is not in in evidence The new lira ml. High Admiral, is a tostocks, and if wo have not a style that Seed, Oats, Wheat, Maize, Soap, CanIN PALMERSTON. everywhere and among tbe bacco to suit all of anv drastic amendment of favour tastes. In dark aniJ ar LEARY’S PHARMACYf suits you, we shall be pleased to make dles, and all farmers’ requisites. GIVE US A TRIAL. our licensing laws. Certainly the 1914 most useful of modern appliances are matic.—Aclvt. bangle to your order at Short Notice. gave a very considerable "0 Cedar ’ Moos, now on view at Watson . Delays are dangerous with colds and which vote, THE SQUARE, set-back to the no-license and prohibi- Bros.’—Advt. influenza. Get Nazol to-day. Better than tion advocates, favours that assump; PALMERSTON NORTH. “It acts like a charm.” LAND.—4OO acres L.I.P, with 0- Breathe* there a man who never has heard That’s what mixtures or syrups. No cold is NnzolLion, It is claimed, however, that there ladies say of "No Rubbing” Laundry Help. is Gd btivs 60 doses.—Advt. rooinod house and all necessary out- tho name of EDGE 1 the notion is absurd 1 has been a very considerable change in It saves time, trouble, temper, labour—ami proof. 'south or west, buildings, all in grass, watered by per- By land or sea—north, As the tea tax is the same on high-class feeling since that vote was money. Shilling packets every time.—E. are recognised the BEST. “T INLEA VENED Bread”—the talk public EDGE’S BIKES manent creeks and springs; carrying teas as on inferior blonds, il is most econVJ ol the district. Try it to-clay. taken, and that, were the six o’clock W. Holbrook.—Advt. omical to obtain the best of tcas—Dcsert capacity, 000 ewes, 350 dry sheep, and hy "Whitehead and Ellis, closing issue, out to the. public to-day, Made only EDGE, PERCY tobacco is Admiral, Cycle Agent, High GIFT The new HOUSE, lo go Gold. Most delicious, l>est value Get the THE 10 head of cal tie. Prieo (TO per acre wholesale and retail haher?, "Main il would hr rallied by a weeping ma mil lied is not wise. Gel rome now Ai.v special tnmiiy blend Dcri'rt Gold r,i ,K>my. malic or dark Plug and cut Adi I M- HaNUtTiKKI STREET fitrefit west and the Rqiuuo< Adit. Eidi p'iuiaiUrs op apphcniirm. I' 11-UFRSTON NORTH i 0 i iist a week or so ago, . ROSES. DO IT NOW. » Prices. rjIHE Ourward CO., I/O 1/8 1/9 / Dairy Davidson, FOR SPOT CASH. ; A. DE LUEN I < SEED POTATOES. DON’T HESITATE J Reginald Wood, « Domo ' / ' (iWING Butter Is 5d lb. H. S. PORTEOUS, BANGLE TIME j t c | c I WARRANTED ] WE , ' ' I „. f G ERRAND’S, - FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER THE MANAWATU EVENING STANDARD. RAILWAYMEN'S DEMANDS. JUDGES AND JURIES. The following resolution was passed at a meeting of the N.Z. Locomotive Engine-drivers’, Firemen, and Cleaners’ Association, held in Palmerston on September 9: That (his branch heartily support Wellington and Paokakariki branches’ request to the Executive Council to press tlie Government for a Royal Commission to enquire into and report on the following: (1) Inadequate,rates of pay; (2) time not paid for rendering- reports and time-sheets; (3) time lost preparing and putting away engines owing to lack of room and anti- ALLEGATIONS IN THE COUNCIL. THE FLAXMILL DISPUTE. GENERAL , STRIKE DECISION REVERSED .Alter the “Standard" went to press yesterday flic. meeting of flaxworkers re-as- sembled-and reconsidered the resolution parsed earlier in the. afternoon calling a. general strike. Iho advocates of a. general -trike, in view of thc fact that, there was such a division of opinion that there was only a majority of one vote, withdrew the proposal, the resolution being stated to be a feeley to test the feeling of the mooting. A motion was then submitted and carried unanimously to the following effect: —That (he strik’d lx- confined to Weka and Miranui and that a levy be made on. the workers at the remaining flaxmills; that a committee of five be set up to open up negotiations with the whole of the- ’employers with a tie# of inducing them to comply with the demands formulated by the union ; and that the question of a general strike be held in abeyance in the meantime. RETURNED SOLDIERS. The latest progress statement issued the Discharged Soldiers’ Infonna- by tion Department shows that of 9970 eases on the register 8155 have been disposed of. while 1097 are under action, and 718 are not yet ready for action. The following particulars show how the cases have been dealt with. Men who have work to return to or who have re-enlisted. 3-3*27; men placed in employment, 18*21 ; men who have signed “assistance not required,” 1913; left New Zealand or cannot ascertain address, 152; men who have not responded to repeated communications, or have failed to start work found for them, 742; total 8155. The cases under action include 711 men not yet ready for employment, 718 convalescing and not yet discharged hy the military authorities, and 167 on the “employment wanted” registers. Of the latter number three names appear for the Palmerston ; Northdistrict as requiring employment, while Auckland has the highest number in the list, 38 names. , was liable for interfering to prosecution with the police, and. being mindful of the War Regulations, held hi.-, peace. Before leaving, the police informed the possessor of the coat that lie would be prosecuted. HOCKEY. At the Showground to-morrow afterWanganui and noon the Manawatu men’s teams will play, commencing about 3 o’clock. The Manawatu team is as follows: Webb, Skinner. Hamilton. Speed, Amos, Martin, Perrin, Grant, how, Liddle. Cousins. Referee: Mr A. Ker— slake. The Manawatu ladies’ A and B team will practice on the Showground on Monday morning at G o’clock. There returned to New Zealand during the present week a party of Palmcrstomaiis, consisting of Mr W. Devine. Mis» Devine, and Miss Macdonald, who, iu_ company with Father Dole, left the Dominion on July 2b on a Lit to Australia. The trip, m the case of Father Dorc and Mr Devine was undertaken for health reasons, and \\.the formca, agga, New who remained in Wagga South Wales, had much improved when,ttie* other members of the party loft on their return. and Mr Devine Fas also benefited from ids sojourn in sunny Australia. Mr Devine readied Palmerston yesterday, and this morning gave a. few interesting butter. PROSPECT OF AN ELECTION. Whilst being schooled over hurdles at »' Montenegro, Japan. Portugal, Italy. Rouf, for Is and 6 for Is 3d. Boy Scorn hand-on dustries that benefit all classes of the population alike. Gold Punch is better and mania. United Stater, Cuba, and Panama; kerchief.-' at 5 for Is 3d with (lug signals broken ° Advt. Permit me to ini mince new brand under a great in all Smokers mil a I—Tobacco Supreme. Aromatic « or plug.—Advt, dark in a name—High Adamt A WIDE KORNILOFF’S HEADQUARTERS SURRENDER. FRONT A ustralian-Nttw Zealand Cable Amooiatioa Received September 14, 8.5 a.rn. LONDON, Sept. 13. Sir Douglas Hr.ig reports:—Hostile ar billory is active in the Bulk-court, Mes sines- mid Langemarck areas. LONDON, Sept. 12. Sir Douglas Haig reports patrol encounters north-west of St. Quentin. The Ypres sector yielded prisoners. There has been great aerial activity and continuous, successful artillery work. We bombed aerodromes and ammunition dumps at the Roulcl railway station and the trams at Courtrai. Onr .tir patrols encountered a strong formation arid brought down twenty machines. Eight of ours are missfing. We repulsed the enemy, who attacked eastward of llargicourt. We successfully raided north-eastward of Bullccoiart and soutlitward of Lombaertzydo. ARTILLERY DUEL ON FRONT. FRENCH Australian-New Zealand Cable Association i (Router’s Telegram.) Received September 14 10.15 a.rn. LONDON, Sept. 13. A French communique says: The artillery cl aid continued violently ju the region of Bixi’.hootc. Our artillery north of the Aisne is'-dominating- the German batteries, which are very active. aeroplanes bombed Dunkirk. French airmen successfully bombed Portemary Gitagoite, Liudonken, Vadcn, and an German I'.erodromiW north-west of Thourout. off purere than the foreign article —more econ- while nine other countries have of these day.' omical, too—Is will buy a crammed full relations with Germany. On© for conductors it will be a serious problem hag of either Gold Pouch or Three Diamonds, Cigarette smokers should use the who wish to give a really representative Allied programme. Tobacco, N.Z. grown Three Diamonds which leaves no sharp and bitter aftertaste Of British medical officers, 137 have like foreign tobaccos. Advt. lioen killed in action, 58 have died of wounds. 62 of disease, and 707 have Imj r children's hacking' cough at night. been wounded. Woods’ Great Peppermint Cure. Is 6d and 2s 6*l.—Ailvt. In changeable weather take Nazol on Consider I In* economy of Nazol ilm well- sugar or by inhalation. Best safeguard tried family remedy for coughs and colds. One dose a day keeps against chills. —more than three Is 6d doses for Sixty Advt, colds away. Is 5d buvs 60 doses.—Advfc. a penny. Get Nazol to-day. — 14, 10.15 a.m. PETROGRAD, Sept. 13. Received September KornilotTs surren- have ment should be endowed with extensive powers for the acquisition of articles redered. quired for war. Kerensky commands the army with AlexThe unreasonable nature of mam- of the Jeff a« his chief of stall’. demands have aroused anger in Socialist failure. Kerensky calls the revolt a political circles, ft is pointed out. that the French Socialists are copying the methods KERENSKY LEADS THE ARMY of the Russian Soviet, whose interference with the army produced disaster. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. Received September 14, 3,40 a.m. THE FRENCH LEADERS NE\y YORK, Sept. 13. bus army, the the Kerensky, at bead of M. Painleve. the new Premier, is the left Potrograd to meet Korniloff in Kittle. strongest man in France to day, and he has. Latest advices report that Korniloll has in fact, ruled the' Cabinet. It was his offered to capitulate. persistent refusal to join Briand that ulti(United Service.) mately made the Briand Cabinet impossible. the Received September 14, 8.5 a.m. Painleve is a great scholar, still PETROGRAD. Sept. 13. academician, though ho was electyoungest It, is understood tlijt Kerensky, is to act ed to it ten years ago. a. mathematician, and with scientist, whose force in French politics as provisional commander-in-chief, Alexioff as chief of general staff. marks him out for signal work. Armed workmen are drilling hastily to M. Ribot is the Grand Old Man of France. . resist Korniloll. He carries the weight of 75 years, hut it G-uetchkolt, including Arrests continue isn’t this burden that makes him stoop. A ex-Ministcr for War. tall, thin man. with bearded chin, and proReceived September 14. 12.55 p.m. minent nose between a of deep, eagle 13. PETROGRAD. Sent. eves, he is an intellectual of the type of Mr The appointments qf Kerensky as t-’oin- Balfour, and has. like him. the scholar s Chief Alexioff as his and stoop. M. Ribot is perhaps the most dismandcr-in-Chief tinguished figure in French politic?. His of Staff, are confirmed. third public life dates back to the headquarters TRAITORS SOMEWHERE. Australian-Njew Zealand Cable Association. LONDON, Sept. 12. A wireless German official meissago says: French ’ advance astride of W'r repulsed a the Somme on the Py -Onaiu road. W’e brought down 18 enemy aviators. Wo repulsed Russian reconnoitring parties between the Baltic and Duna. A total of 8900 prbonoirs, 325 cannon, and several train-; and otaher booty were taken during the Riga battle. W’c repulsed live attacks south-west of Eigul and O.yiui. NAVAL AIRMEN BUSY. DROPPED. Auatr»lum-New Zealand Cable Association Received September 14, 8.5 a.m. Tim (United Service.) Received September 14, 8.5 a.m. LONDON, Sept. 13. The Daily Express’s Geneva, correspondent points out that the German newspapers to arc curiously well informed in regard Russian affairs, and are able to prognostiKonucate events before they happen. loff’s attempt to oust Kerensky was foretold before his ultimatum was published. THOUSAND SHARPSHOOTERS LEAVE THE CAPITAL. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. September 14, 8.5 a.m. PETROGRAD, Sept. 13. Another thousand sharpshooters, have entrained to resist Korniloff, who is reported to be still advancing. Received KERENSKY SAID TO BE ENTRENCHING. KORNILOFF’S ARMIES CONVERGING ON CAPITAL. Received September 14, 1.30 p.m. LONDON, Sept. 13. The Russian situation continues grave. An obscure I’elrograd telegram states the following generals arc supporting Korniloff: Denikinc, commanding the south-western front; Talembovsky, north-eastern front: ValuyolV, western front; luyhoosky, chief Kisliakoff, head-quarters staff; of the Assistant Minister of Communications; also Generals Kalidiii, Markoff, and Erdelli. It is believed Alcxieff is striving to proHe is mote a reunion of the Cadet party. vainly endeavouring to mediate between Kerensky and Korniloff. but the Soviet re- fused mediation. Korniloff’s three forces are converging from Narva, Pskas, and Moscow, and are now within a few miles of Pet.rognid. Kerensky's troops are entrenching and fortifying outside Potrograd. Kerensky, 'I he Bolcheviks arc who lias acceded to some of their chief demands, NEGOTIATIONS FAIL. (United Service.) Received September 14, 12.55 a.m. PETROGRAD, Sept. 13. conditional surrender, but Kerensky demanded unconditional capiKorniloff offered tulation. ON THE RIGA FRONT. GERMANS DRIVEN BACK POWERFUL, LIGHT, AND STATE OF CONFUSION EXISTING RELIABLE. Napoleon, and he has ever been a moderate radical, honest, sturdy, and patriotic. His NEW YORK, Sent. 13. senseless attempt at mutiny by the late GERMANY. FIERCE ANTI-GERMAN RIOTS TRAINING ON THE WESTERN FRONT. Received September 14. 1 p.m. WASHINGTON. Sept. 18. The United States artillery is now training on the west front. RUSSIAN APPOINTMENTS. (.United Service.) LONDON. Sept. 13, AlexiefV lias telegraphed to Korniloff deresignation. his manding Kerensky lias appointed Colonel Vcrclionskv, commandant at Mofcow. War Minister: Admiral Verdelevskv Minister for Marine; General TeplolT. Commander of Petrograd. General Savin tkoff remaining the GovernorGeneral. VARIOUS ITEMS. Received September 14. 2.20 p.m. LONDON. Sent. 13. Mr Hew ins succeeds Mr Stecl-Maitland Under-Sccrctarv for the Colonies. ROME. Sept. 13. The Mlies’ Conference has been porlponed till October. WASHINGTON. Sent. 13. Congressmen have been invited to visit the west front. 1 \R IS, Sent. 13. French sailings are 1047, arrival? 1005: above sinkings, one and five below 1600 tons; unsuccessfully attacked, three. as rejected At ion tin's morning another largely‘'attended meeting of the Union passed a motion to the effect that it could not agree io the proposal for a Judge of the Supreme Court to pre-ide over a. special KING OF SWEDEN HURRYING TO HIS CAPITAL. tribunal to determine the ntimber of deck hands in a watch at sea: the shipowners Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. having refused Tim Union's suggestion for Received September 14, 8.40 a.rn. the Conciliation Commissioners to preside BUENOS AYRES, Sept. 13. over such a tribunal, the Union now-reThe officials state that unless Germany spectfully declines to entertain any tribunal disavows the Minister’s action there may to settle such an important and grave quesbe a rupture. < tion. ■ Vast crowds caused anti-German riots, The Union lias placed1 this resolution bestoned the legation, and fired (he German fore the Ministers' and representatives »f newspaper office. f ! the shipowners. BUENOS AYRES. Sept. 13. Tt is understood a I,further conference of Luxriots, Anti-German the result the, takes niece this afternoon between the MinDespite a i-tor for burg affair, is in full sway. Marine and the seamen. charge of mounted police the German Legation building and newspaper offices were THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. stormed. Several anti-German and anti-Swedbh (Per Press Association.) demonstrations have been suppressed. The Government lias received complete advices AUCKLAND. Sept. 14 from its Minister in Sweden. A large meeting of citizens today carReceived September 14, 12.55 p.m. ried the following resolution: ‘‘That this BUENOS AYRES. Sept. 15. meeting of business men expresses surof houses Many blocks German business prise and regret at the failure of the Govwere burned by the mobs. The wildest dis. ernment to discharge its plain duty to orders prevail. They set fire to the Gor- give effect to the almost universal demand man Club, one of the finest edifices in the for six o’clock closing: further, to call a city, and the premises of the German news- public meeting in the Town Hall to make paper. further representations to the Government, NEW YORK, Sept. 13. iu favour of the adoption of the recomThe World's Stockholm correspondent mendations of the Efficiency Board in reis hurrying to Stockholm to ference to the liquor trade. says the King meet Cabinet. The American envoy was invited to the THE SECOND DIVISION. Foreign Office. The crisis was lengthily discussed. NO BALLOT NEXT MONTH Received September 14. 10.15 a.m. NEW YORK. Sept. 13. There is much gratification at the ArgenMr Massey stated in the House last night tine’s action. that there would hardly be a ballot for The State Department awaits Sweden’s Second Division men next month. D might possibly take place at the end of explanation. ON THE SALONIKA FRONT. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. the month, but he did not think so. At Ihj any rate the men drawn would not sent into camp until three months Inter. Mr Massey assured the House that proper be made and reasonable provision would Cabinet, LONDON, Sept. 12. would for Second Division men. A French Eastern communique says: The Kranco-Russians are following up their announce to the House next week what bo. of allowances would the successes. They captured the village i’ogradcc, on tae south-west bank ot Lake Oclirida (Albania), and drove the enemy ACCIDENTS AND FATALITIES. back four kilometres north of Pogradec. FOOLISH GERMAN (Pir Press Association.) PEACE CONDI- TIONS. night by crowds, including a constantlyThe mob was harincreasing soldiery. angued by professional agitators, The Daily Mail’s correspondent states t that tho usual revolutionary talk is no longer received with the same applause. Many better class people openly declare that they would welcome Komiloff’s entry into I’etrograd as ending disastrous na- tional excitement and chaos. The Provisional Government’s preparations indicate that the fear of Korniloff’s advance is more than a shadow, i Communiques reveal that besides destroying railways, parties are feverishly tearing up and barricading the roads leading to There are other warlike prethe capital. It we had been without the ished for the slightest disobedience. United States’ aid the Allies’ financial po- is time to cease playing with the country s fate !” sition would have been most disastrous. LONDON. Sept. 12. The British and Americans understand that victory is now a question of nerves and The news from Russia continues to arstaying power. rive exclusively from Provisional GovernXekraseoll. \ tce-J losidout parations. inent cources. The spread of strikes is intensifying the of Ministers, has informed AFTER-WAR EFFICIENCY. of the Council Nevertheless, apart general uneasiness. the press that the political situation is per- from the perpetual talk, Potrograd is inadding that all the Minfavourable, fectly TRAINING INTERNED MEN ured to excitement and remains fairly isters have resumed their posts except two. calm, though everywhere there is a tense If tin* occupy Pskofl. troops Government of expectancy of big events. Received September 14. 11.20 latter statement is aecu rate the troops nnisi air PETROGRAD. Sept. 13. LONDON, Sept. 13 front. Riga from the come have ' General Kleinbovsky, recently appointed In furtherance of the scheme of employ12. Sept. PETRQGRAD. in chief command, lias been dismissed, to ing in England later on (he prisoners(inns The Cadet Party Juts agreed to partiei- lie the will be succeeded by General Boutch Icrued in Switzerland, several English the reconstituted Cabinet if that pate in a of for training Bourjeovitcli. ex-Ghiet of Stall to Kerenwill provide the cost avert civil war. certain number at the piano and leather will of cereals has doubled sky. prices The fixed The Soldiers’ and Workmen s Gounod hades, with the promise of employment owing to the increased cost of transport. liberating the Maximalists arrested when thev are repatriated. in I law has been proclaimed in are Mint a for £2BOO The Red Cross contributed at the outbreak on July 16. scheme, of training for 500 men in various Moscow. The trial of Soukhomlinoff has been postPETROGRAD. Sept. 12 i poned A similar scheme for interned nad. . until the situation is calmer. thronged all Prospekl Nevsky was The men in Holland is being considered. months ago if UNITED STATES ARTILLERY may call him a compromiser. Yet in the nation must Ire kept together. While there can be no compromise on essentials, much mav be done in other ways to maintain unity. M. Ribot has been facing a Socialist party which gradually but _ surely tends to become a pacifist minority, itching SEAMEN'S STRIKE UNSETTLED. to chase the phantom of peace with the German working classes, forgetting, like the (Pkr Press ArpooutionA Russian Leninites, that Prussian militarism WELLINGTON Sept. H would still rule. But he has really an easier After aboiiive negotiations vesterdav Ive task with the public than with the Chamber. tween the Premier. Sir Joseph Ward, the Tint public, except for a negligible few, delion. G. W, Rus-011. representatives of the mands victory. Seamen's Union, and representatives of the Shipowners’ Federation, a special meeting of tile Seamen’s Union was Veld. The pro ARGENTINE, SWEDEN AND posal f’-oin the shipowners was unanimously Australian-New Zealand Cable Association LONDON, Sept. 12 Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. AMSTTRDAM, Sept. 12. A further wireless says; A statement Received September 14. 8.40 a.m. lias been issued by the Provisional MiliThe Hamburger Fremdenblatt states that Sept. 13. WASHINGTON, tary Committee announcing that a work- the Belgian question occupies an important After many weeks of conference and ex- men's militia lias been organised in Pet- place in Germany’s reply to the Papal Note. periments by engineers and inventors, a re- rograd. Before Germany explains her intentions markable military aeroplane motor has There have been numerous further ar- regarding Belgium, the Entente must agree been produced. It is regarded as one of the in Pclrograd. The statement adds: to the tollowing basic peace conditions: great achievements of the war, combining rests Abandonment ot the intention of crushing: power, speed, lightness and reliability. The The state of mind of KornilofTs soldiers Germany, no reparation, abandonment ot Luga is unsettled. The majority of engineers worked five days and nights with- near France’s claim to Alsace-Lorraine, no disout intermission on firsts, with complete suc- the troops at the front support the Govallies, recogniernment. 'The committee has created new memberment of Germany’s cess. departments for the following purposes: tion that Germany did not cause the war. Supplying the needs of the army, creating VARIOUS ITEMS. a bond between the; regimental and disALIENS. MILLION FRIENDLY A trict committees, and the defence of Petro(Renter'e Telegram.) grad. Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. The Provisional Government lias deLONDON, Sept. 12. Received September 14, 8.5 a.m. Korniloff, Donskine, as nounced rebels The Director-General of National Service WASHINGTON, Sept. 13. Lukhomsky. Markoff and Kisliakotf. proposes a drastic extension of the scheme The Senate passed an Act prohibiting The rouble has reached 41d. to include all male citizens. trading with, the enemy and providing that The Government announces that GovernA new food-economy campaign is being foreign language’ newspapers must print ment troops have occupied Pskoff. inaugurated. English in parallel columns. Lord Rhondda states that absolute need There arc persistent rumours in PetroThe Senate.lias passed a Bill providing grad that a battle was fought at Luga of economy in the use of all foodstuffs canfor the conscript ion of aliens with the ex- on the 11th inst. not be too strongly urged. It ception of thotvo exempted by treaty. LONDON, Sept. 13. issued a proclamation statKornilofl' has Germins, conscription for the of provides Repatriated Australians tell many stories it is his one desire to bring the Austrians, /Bulgarians and Turks lor non- ing that out country of an impasse and lead her of brutal cruelty and cold blooded murders. fighting services. He swears They say petty officers belonging' to the the road to fortune. NKW YORK, Sept. 13, along will only hold power till a Constituent navy have been kicked to death in hospital It is estimated that alien conscription v\ill lie after being wounded in battle. There were Assembly is elected. a licet more than a million friendly aliens twelve Britishers in hospital sick and in United .States. wounded. They told the- authorities they KERENSKY’S PROCLAMATION. were unable to work. A German non com. A STERN AND COSTLY thereupon ordered his men to beat the LONDON. Sept. 12. British wounded with rifles. The petty STRUGGLE. A wireless Petrognul message says: officer attempted to strike the non com. Kerensky, as Prime Minister and Comma n- but were murdered for the effort. The auBUT ALLIES MUST WIN WAR, dor-in-Chiof, has issued the following: “In thorities held an enquiry, but the incident accordance with the Government’s deciwas smoothed over. the office Australian-New Zealand Cable Association. sion, I have been charged withArmy. A of Chief in Command of the Received September 14. 10.15 u.m. Lord Reading (formerly Sir Rufus Isaacs), Commander-in-Ghief and a small group of in an interview, said: The struggle is stem generals will end in complete failure. Ihe and costly, but we are unfaltering in our mutineers will be delivered to the military The bloodless determination. Assisted by the genius, re- revolutionary tribunal. liquidation of the mutiny shows the wissources and unconquerable spirit of Ameand the fleet, dom of the people, the army rica the Allies must win. Lord Reading heads the British Finance who are loyal to the Fatherland and the To Russia’s armed legal Government. Committee in America. LONDON, Sept. 12. forces 1 declare my complete faith in all Everyone, Shaking at the Empire Parliamentary ranks of the army and fleet. luncheon. Mr Bonar Law declared that six whether general or soldier, will be pun- apparently closes the case as tar as the United States is concerned. Sweden is under no obligation to fully reply to the United States as the United States PARIS, Sept. 13. of a diploThe Socialists’ objection to M. Ribot did not give matter status that arises from their demand that, the Allies matic incident. Sweden contends should publish all treaties, end secret dip- Loweii transmitted Lnxhurg’s messages lomacy. and announce conditions for a not knowing the contents,which are in lasting peace free of all annexations. the German code, and points out that The Socialists also demand that civil neutrals, including the United States, delegates be sent to the various armies to have acted similarly towards the Cenrepresent the Government. tral Powers. Other demands include State exploitation of national resuorces and that the Govern- is persuasive, rather than burning, GERMANS GET INSIDE INFORMA- speech and his gift is that of handling men. You TION war GIERMAN CLAIMS’ TONS OF BOMBS Australian-New Zealand Cable Association _ In the Messiues “push” the tanks physical endowment. mite battalions, he says, arc ill petrol, says The Annaentirely meeting of commercial travellers of volunteers, and are composed to-morrow, Saturday. the .Motor. depot tile at exception students from the held without L».‘ almost Allocation and universities pill, sharp, when tne colleges, schools, at : 750 French for approval thenThe raw loaf used by Great Britain and of Indo-China. Among them arc men with Committee ill present they purpose the way relating to and mandarin of the report Australia for the manufacture of smoking the ranks of count, distributing, tho..funds: also to make ar- tobaccos is almost entirely of American first, second, and third classes, and with the tonli rangements to be represented in origin, and huge sums of money go annu- various other distinctions of caste and eomlng Baby - Voting Competition. A ally to the U.S.A. Why not keep that nobility. Among themselves all the courfull attendance- is requested. money within our own country and the tesies to which these ranks give title are but when the battalWhite hemstitched handkerchiefs for Empire? Now that N.Z. has its own tob- scrupulously observed, for Is acco industry wo need no longer import ions are formed for fighting or other service ladies’ use. arc from as low as 6 Gold Pouch, the N.Z. on the French front the counts and the ‘V 1 foreign brands. at Coili risen and Cunninghanic s. mandarins become merely private soldiers. coloured borders equally suited for ladies grown tobacco, excels all others in mildeach. ness and flavour; it contains also far less or children. ;3d. 3Jd, 4d and Vl heart nicotine, and is thus less harmful than the The Allies now number thirteen—Great Picture handkerchiefs so dear to the Support local in- Britain. Franco, Belgium, Russia, Serbia. of the. youngsters are .‘cheap enough to buy ; heavy foreign tobacco. U’;-m«k ON Association.) rats In front. sacks in the lower part of the stacks. Received September 14. 10.15 a.m. LONDON. Sept. 12. the Wagga district there was also big NEW YORK, Sept. 13 message says: wireless official An Italian place latter at the A wireless German official message says: stacks near the railway, We repulsed attacks north east of Gorizia. whole extending tho. Southward of the Higa-Wendcn road, our the pile of sacks the crest of the western slope of cavalry withdrew before strong Russian It was noticeable also on San length of the station. Gabrielle. Monte pressure. that at some places tkerc was no protecand weather tion, and the exposure to sun form ut deAMERICAN MOTOR. NEW must have resulted m some EARLIER MESSAGES. used two million gallons of In fancy section.—Advt. “Did Vc ever zee the la ike o tliiccy . if hiiiise f Thus would John Fry express sho"1,0 saw the Devon motto ware now Bom Made im- in Collinson and Son’s. in the red clay of Devon and bedecked oriiharv colours with quaint, old-world a mg WifiKd dialect, Ilitf Mottoes in of the nnco.iishun- appeal to all lovers Vases, butter dishes, teapots, shakmou. —all from old “Denisher. ers and defence. HAVE CAPITULATED. ACTIVE. . could not bo accepted. Mr Massey: I have raised this point of order because it is a well-known rule that a private member may not move an The control of finappropriation clause. ancial matters must rest with the Govern- Sweden’s reply to the United States delivered verbally and corresponds The Socialists promise to support the. was out at StockGovernment in the interests oi national with the statement given holm earlier in the week. The reply KORNILOFF REPORTED TO GERMAN ARTILLERY of' Parliamentary BuildMiss Pankhurst persisted ami was FEW ADVANCE POSTS GAINED. and received a term of im(Fbom Oca Parliamentary Reporter.) rooi rrested WELLINGTON, Sept. 13. Returning to Sydney, the prisonment. proAustralian-New Zealand Cable Association. When the Parliamentary Representation visitors witnessed a • very large strike Received September 14. 10.15 a.m. Bill was fession on September 2 moving out. to the (Expeditionary Forces) NEW YORK. Sept. 13. (Wanganui) Domain, in which from 100,000 to 100.000 committed to-night, Mr Vcitch nearly an An Italian official message says: moved to amend a clause with the object people took part, and it took The enemy in fighting of renewed intensity, A mos of bringing about a general election this hour to,, puss a given point. attempted to dislodge us Irom Monte San noticeable feature was, the orderliness of Gabrielle. year. He only gained, a few advance The Prime Minister raised the point of the crowd, and the excellent work of the The attention of the police to posts. order that the Speaker had ruled on the police feature, but previous day, that the clause involving a visitors was also a pleasant MILLION ITALIANS general election was an appropriation they had done specially good service m OVER FOUR FIGHTING. clause and could he proposed only by the maintaining order during the strike. Government. the wheat stocks.travelling ROME. Sept. 12. the visitor when Mr Yoitch said he felt justified in bringWhat struck The Prime Min- through the country districts, said Mr DoThe War Minister states that Italy has ing the matter forward. said the 4,200,000 on fighting men. The reported have now mobilised to ister was vine, was the huge stocks of wheat stackAustrians have more than twice as many previous evening that, if members wanted a cd along the railway linos. Between Meltroops on the Italian front as at the begingeneral election, he would do bis best to and Wilhamstown there were huge bring it about. Mr Veiteh. hoped that the bourne which must have contained thou- ning of the war. (resides two-thirds of the stacks artillery and an abundance of ammubest of House would be given the opportunity sands upon thousands of sacks, while every nition. The Italian front covers four hunvoting /on the subject. there were depressions where here and equal to the entire West The Chairman ruled that the amendment and mice had evidently destroyed the dred miles—about 8 them. Telegraph.—Copyright.—Per Press on the steps ty. There arc also great floods in the Levin yesterdav, Lady Mascot dropped “How. can we talk of the increase of the m Honan, Hupeh and Hunan provinces. dead. race.” added the Bishop of Chelmsford or Dwinjjf to Rady Louisa contracting a Bow Church, “when families of seven Much of northern China is impassable , irjiit have to bo reared on 20 or 25s a except in boats. swollen le£ alter the Marlon meeting; she could not fulfil her engagements at three children Hmßethnall Green he sawcotlin Dannevirke. in guilty Joseph pleaded tlieu Roland Williams (■sitin'', with their mother's had In at Old Street Police, Court, in London, midvT. in the' only roomof athey bov of 14 lay to embezzling money of St. Bartholomew’s another ease the corpse Mr Henry Wood, the special correspon~j"ht dav: in the living room of the lamil>. Hospital, and was sent for trial. He came the dent of the United Press with the French ami the father explained. “I conldn t bear with references from the A.S.C. and Soldiers’ Pension Fund, was employed as armies, describes the* AnnHiuitc troops A'bo to' think of the parish burying him. ami collector at £2 a week and went off with a have just had their baptism of (ire on the was Imping to borrow the money. of .00 bishop, day’s taking, £6O. He admitted a “black western front as the smallest men taking “You think." added the They have, howbut past.” and said the temptation of £IOO a part in the lighting. children being killed by an air raid, day proved too much for him. ever. acquitted themselves in. a. maimer that i!u not forgot the thousaJicls killed ua rank with the troops of greater gives them awful surroundings.” \ Electric (By in-s # SWEDEN'S DUPLICITY. Received September 14, 11.2 Oa.m. 18. PARIS, Sept. TRYING TO EXCUSE HER A .Ministry lias been formed as folCONDUCT. Premier and MinisPainleve, lows: M. ter for War; M. Ribot, Foreign MinZealand Cable Association. ister ; M. Steog, Minister for the In- Australian-New Received 14. 1 p.m. September Minister for Marine; terior; M. Ehagt. Sept. 1.1. WASHINGTON. Minister for Armaments; M. I.ouclicnr, THE SOCIALIST ATTITUDE. IiONDON, Sept. 13. Admiralty reports, that naval aircraft, dropped several toils of bombs on Thourout aerodrome and'dumps and the Melbourne, where the sinister, influences of Bruges docks, causing explosions. They themmanifest beginning to the strike were attacked the. shipping at Zeebrugge mole selves. A large procession ,headed by. a and directly hi! a huge destroyer and sevand number of women, and all shouting out. eral seaplane sheds,- causing a (ire. All waving hands and handkerchiefs; was- one returned. baudvisitors had. of the first sights the wiched in tire crowd was a large number the of police, who-appeared to handle them LEADING GERMAN AIRMAN SHOT people with great discretion and kept DOWN. be be d could moving so that - no meeting, Miss Puhkhurst was malein the streets. avReceived September 14, 11.20 a.m. iii'r herself very conspicuous and . was AMSTERDAM. Sept. 13 month’s imprisonrested and sentenced to a appealed and she A British, airman shot down Lieut. Ilolmmein, but her solicitor She persisted dorf, a, foremost German airman, who was was allowed out on bail. a well-known flier before the war. in holding demonstrations on the food and On August 30 an order strike questions. were to be alINTENSE AUSTRIAN ATTACK was made, that no women lowed,.to congregate jand, jnakc, demons*.raON SAN GABRIELLE. tions SUPPORTED BY SOCIALISTS. M, Talotz, Minister for Finance. Strong French War Cabinet Formed. • destitute. Many were drowned. There was tremendous destruction of proper- ■ duty. KERENSKY AND KORNILOFF AT GRIPS. \ Let me repeat ment for the'time being. SECOND DIVISION ALLOWwhat I said yesterday with regard to a ANCES. general election. If a member will bring terioration. me a request signed by a majority of the RECRUITING. Reporter.) Parliamentary (Faou Oub members of this House in favour of a and Sydney, active Melbourne in Both this do I will year, my general election daily. MeetWELLINGTON, Kept. 13. recruiting operations go on about. bring reading best to it During the evening tin- second ings are held in the Melbourne Town Hal taken. was Forces Bill of the. Expeditionary the Sydney ios, at noon, and outside huge posters were Mr Poland moved a strong protest and everywhere SEMPLE RELEASED. Oflicc against the ‘delay 'in the statement of the displayed calling on the young men to tinGovernment's intentions At race meetings an interval is enlist (Peb Press Association.) allowances and pensions for the Second that recruiting sergeants may GHRISTCJIURCH, Sept. 11. allowed so to Ihe Division men. There-had been a- breach of address the crowds. Ixs allowed from the Robert Semple was released faith in the failure to bring down the profurther considering the was Government He was Lyttelton gaol this morning. mised amendments.' imposition of a tax on eligible men not Mr Massey said there had been no breach met by a small party of Labour symenlisting of ten per cent on his earnings. had been extraordinfaith. waterlarge Ministers crowd of of A GENERAL. arily busy since' lie returned from f/mdon. pathisers. sjdcrs waited at the railway gate, but During his visit to Melbourne, Mr Devine industrial there was no demonstration. legislation and Important met several cx-Palttiorstonians, including trouble? had occupied their time, and it Harry Muller, now managing the Bihad been' impossible to’’give adequate tune Mr a-sTheatre, and Mr Arthur Barker, forjou CHINA. to Second Division needs, but he could GREAT FLOODS IN weie merly caretaker of the Opera House. ---suro the married men that their claimsallowThe districts near Melbourne wore subnot - going to be overlooked. Ihe on a (By Electric Telegraph—Copyright.) jected to a lot of rain lately, and the ances and pensions would belorplaced Association.) Press (Per their wi'es roads and paddocks were covered with „oah' to provide reasonably the position of men Received September 14. 12.53 p.m. water. anti children. He knewproceed SHANGHAI, Sept. 13. to the front, who wen- going to and Floods in the Chi-li province have leaving their "wives and children hero, would do SPORTING. rendered three millions homeless and could say that the Government its CONFLICTING NEWS FROM RUSSIA SIGNS' Attorney-General. The Hon. Samuel had some further questions to ask concerning statements made by impressions of Ins visit to a Standard the Chief Justice in reference to certain (■representative. He stated that their party disagreements of juries. The Chief Justice (lav on July 30, and on the had said that the present law requiring reached Sydney arrival the survivors of the P. and of their of “a farce. unanimity perfect the jury was Mongolia, which had been sunk on Sir Francis Bell replied _ that, in accord- 0. boat the voyage out from England, also readied ance with the well recognised rule, Parlia- Sydney. Unfortunately the survivors lost ment must not discuss the actions of the everything. clad many and Were judges, except on a substantial motion. 1 he and ' of all varieties clothes attention of the Government had not been in colours. Sydney was enjoying bright called to the statements, otherwise than by spring weather, and the New Zeamembers’ questions, and members’ attenable to see the city under the tion was now called to the following remark landers were harbour splendid With lii'st conditions. its made in the House of Commons by the busv with shipping, its streets alive with British Prime Minister: “This House L other numerous pleasing traffic. and its very scrupulous to discourage anything in features, Sydney has attractions not posthe. nature of censure, or even of comment, sessed by atiy other city in the Antipodes. within these walls upon the doings or savTHE STRIKE ings of His Majesty's Judges.” The Hon. J. MacGregor moved : That in The labour unrest, which had been in opinion of the Council it was desirable the evidence for some little time, readied a strike Government should cause full enquiry to be climax on August 6, when the big almost made into the working of the jure system started. Its effects were apparent A traffic. on the West Coast of the South Island and immediately with a dislocation of in Napier. Mr MacGregor indicated the great mass meeting was held in the Domain, day’ opinion that there had been a miscarriage where addresses were delivered. Next and of justice through the refusal of juries to the trams were stopped in the city, congestion in the do their duty by recording convictions. “I this, led to a terrible have learned that criminal trials in Napier streets through thousands of people having the arc a farce.” he said, “and that the cause no means of getting to their homes in of this is the existence in Napier of what suburbs. In these circumstances all kinds brought draw unearthed and of conveyances were is practically a Tammany gang. I the, attention of the loader of the Council into use. consisting of traps, motor cars, to the fact that I have this from an au- daisy carts, bicycles, and even lorrys had their complements of passengers..As can he thoritative source. not wore Sir Francis Dell: A member of me understood, these make-shifts family? nearly equal to dealing- with the traffic, and Mr MacGregor: The honourable gentle- thousands of noople had to remain in the . city, with the’result that all the available, man in wrong. Sir Francis Bell: I thought you said a accommodation was called into use.. family gang. Meanwhile seamen from inter-Statc aid Mr MacGregor: A Tammany gang loci coastal steamers, lumpers on the wharves, and others joined the strike, and thoubv a Tammany boss. against sands of men were involved, the effects "Councillors made a mild protest them reflections upon certain communities, from ihe upheaval being felt from Queensbut the Council adopted the motion by- land to Victoria. After the lapse of a. few days voluntary labour was forthcoming, and twelve votes to four. several of the street cars were started, and this helped to relievo the tension. The lum pers being on strike, the shipping of the THE BUTTER PURCHASE. port, which is very largo and important, was hung up until free labour later brought (From Och Parliamentary Reporter.) relief. No one was allowed on the wharves 13. MeanWELLINGTON. Sept. except those having business^ there. regarding Mr Ma,ssey made a statement while excitement prevailed in the city, and the by butter and cheese expectation of of the purchase everyone was on the tip-toe Imperial authorities iir reply to a question and" wondering what next would happen. bv Mr Wilkinson. He said the negotiations Mr Devine , said he attended, the Cathewere still incomplete. He had noticed that dral. but owing to the cessation of the to arranged had get authorities the Imperial tram service the organist was unable to take the Australian surplus butter at Is into town and no music was available. 4d. lie presumed the report referred to There were also some other amusing little the whole surplus butter of the Commonincidents. A party of free labourers went wealth. It was very likely the- Imperial to a restaurant to got a meal, but when the and Government would want to complete the stall heard who they were, waiters proceed* cooks arrangement with Australia put on a. dignified air and. walked New Zeathe with negotiations in-* with Business in the city was going-on in out. land. Mr Massey added that Ids first pro- iho shop- much the same as usual, hut fao. posal. made soon after his return from Lon. tones goijUl. get no hands and numbci don, had been that the. Imperial authori- closed down, ties should purchase part of the New ZeaMr Devine and party then went on to told this was He A STRATFORD INCIDENT. satisfactoi>. very not be belter to and that it would be •'\hilc walking-on. the Stratford railway take Ihe whole otupui. The offer to the station on Monday morning, just Indore the Imperial authorities had been made, but express; train left for Wellington, a well- the reply was still awaited. He anticipated known resident was alleged to have been no difficulty about cheese, and lie believed subjected to considerable annoyance by the price would be found to be satisfactory. military police. The gentleman was wear- Ho had received a cablegram from the Iming a khaki coat, which he had purchased perial Government in reply to the request the over four years ago, and was suddenly conthat space should bo allowed for fronted by the military police. ‘‘Where quantity of butter now in store in Dunedin. there did you get- that coat were taken asked one police- They'stated that if rabbits man; in a (one of voice, so it was alleged, would Ire less room for butter. They placed for shipthat:was extremely discourteous. The ac- meat first in order of importancebutter, and costed man informed his enquirer that tin- ping purposes, thou cheese, then finally’ arid rabbits. mill, coat was made at a certain four years-to his knowledge. He states that ho was thereupon informed that he IMPRES- WELLINGTON, Sept. 13. The judges and juries were under discussion in the Legislative Council this afternoon. The Hon. 0. Samuel had placed on the Order Paper a question regarding the the attitude of the Government Juries’ Act. Amendment Bill, which, in its present form proposes that the verdict of ton jurors shall be accepted in criminal cases, other than in capital cases, in event land would showed him the tab with the name on it. The “red-cap”, said he.did not care where the-cotit" was made, but 'demanded io know how the owner became possessed of it. A crowd commenced to gather, and a friend of the'resident told the police that he was a Justice of the Peace, and could guarantee that; the owner of the coat had it for over PALMERSTONIAN’S (Fbom Odb Parliamentary Reporter.) quated, appliances; (4) dilatory methods of of a disagreement. the Department, in reviewing and replyingFrancis Hell said that the Bill, which to correspondence in reference to grievances! is Sir had the not to proceed this session, and also Department’s method of ulwavs support of the Minister for Justice and assuming members to be guilty of technical breaches, and placing the onus of proving iimocsnce 'ipou members; (5) Excessive lines for technical breaches frequently made bv misrepresentations of offei als: (61 the injustice of being required to work all nndit shifts at same rates of pay as day shifts ;°(7) the .constitution of the Railway Anneal Hoard. A LATER. NEW FRENCH CABINET. 1 special BACK FROM AUSTRALIA. 191?; 14, DUNEDIN, Sept. 14. The man who was killed on the RoslynKaikorai tramline last night was Frederics. John Sibbaltl, 67. a married man with nt» children. CASUALTY LIST. The following are reported wounded; Bdr. E. A. Jones, Cpl. N. McKinley. The following arc reported wounded and admitted Sec.-Lieut. 1. M- to hospital; Johnstone, I’vts. G. \\ yllie, A. Lullford. The following arc reported slightly wounded but remaining with unit: Dvr. r. Anderson, Pvt. H. J. Thomas. on \t an inquest at Gateshead (England) the body of a child which died from inattention ai birth, it was stated that the mother was 13 years of age last January. May O’Brien, a Skibbercen beuuty,--had awarded £45,000 damages in New York in a breach of promise suit against exJoliii 15. Manning, &n been banker and millionaire. LOCAL FIGHTING CONTINUING. Australian-New Though there have been no major operalocal lighting tion? on the British front Morning Post’s, corresponcontinue?., The typical affair arising out- ot dent describe? a Inverness I lie BerOn the. ormans are no longer able to rely dinarv line regiments to assault the British is a line. ‘ The. necessity of storm troopsarmy. striking proof of the decadence of the to The bulk of the Germans are only litwith hold a multitude of concrete forts the larim UindenburgLine and which the iof Flanders are studded. While picked the German attempt to retake Copse bv mean? of storm troops. troops enter the barrage, the infantry and craters. remain idle in the trenches careThe attack on Inverness Copsebv was the Bafully planned and rehearsed varian siormei's and flame machine men. The ground had been accurately surveved storm by means of aeroplane photographs. Ihe Bavarian charge secured a few small tren- counter atches but our ordinary troops, tacking a few hours later, quickly flung them out. Such incidents convince our men that they are more than a match for tho General von best of Germany’s Avium is industriously training the Fourth Army opposite Ypres in new open warfare, which has developed from the shell hole s v stem of defence. The Germans are being accustomed to Ibe on the naked battlefield witli only a strip ot canvas across a shell hole to screen them from aerial observation. is ‘‘llennalinc,’’ Egyptian Henna Shampoo, a new world wide known preparation used for brightening hair that naa become faded and dull, mid when used according to directions its cilcct is most pleasing. It forms a most• delightful shampoo, and is superior to powders, as it does not dry the but leaves it exquisitely soft and hair, bright. Ask for it at C. M Ross, Ltd., drapers, or to J. R McKenzie’s. Palmerston. Sample trial '>ns M each. 1* bd and "as I;of .feddied. , 3B NEW THOUGHT LITERATURE. ‘‘THE. LI VIM! TOUCH, ■’ by L). Kerin. 3s Cd. “TUOtOIIT UUTPRK OK MKNTAI. . Atkinson. TRAINING.’’ by \V. ( \\ A s\ OK SPIRITUAL HEAL- Is. “SUGGESTION AM) 11. AUTO A. SUG- GESTION.” by W. W. Atkinson, •is. SPIRITUAL “ILLUMINATION HEALING.” bv .1. I*. .Mills. 5s (id. “SPIRITUAL HEALING,’’ hv Rev; W; F. Cobb. (is. “HOW TO I.l\ U," bv Fisher and Fisk. .As (id. Add, POST FREE. CL H. BENNETT mo na„ I I (BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, PA LAI ERSTON NORTH. j SoW.'bj ALL KODAK DEALERS ■ friends. Prices 35/- to £ls/3 5/- thirkvn. Auckland has been sent away in good cider, and excessive losses in shrinkage have There is no doubt that the commit tee both I avoided. “boosting'' No. 21 (the -Stock Baby) are. io Coining- for be commended un iheir success m obtaining ! "A portion .of tilt- assistance of Mr Hamilton flodgis' ward for grading ill f\Cw Ply nioutlt has i-i ia!! v engaged convert party to give a been partially cool-stored, but iieither ilkgrand entertainment in'aid of the funds of p'lnperatlire ul tin*, various chambers nor the circulation ot air has been properly tip's baby cm Wednesday next. The public still have memories of .Mr Hodges’ last regulated. Consequently the cheese stored appearance tiefure a veal audience with the ;il this point has been more or less detriThese irregularities famous “Orphans'’ concert last year, and ins mentally affected. name appearing on any concert prog ran,inn* have been brought under tin* notice of tiie cbncel'ned, and it is storage company is a snliu-iem,. guarantee of till outstanding c Amongst the items this hoped that- by the opening of next mason f.ier'aiiunent. vocalist, w ill contribute is that latest patriotic better provision will have been made, for In addition to tic song. “.A Big Lot of Sunshine Coming the storing of cheese. Soon.' which has scored such a sueces., in cheese held at the freezing works many Wellington where, after being sung by Mr thousands of crates had to be stored in 1 lodges. 11 CO copies were sold in a. fort- .other buildings in order to relieve the night. Mis-J Teresa McEnroe, Wellington’s pressure for room at the factories. Tin* beautiful soprano, will once more be heard cheese in (hose store? suffered badly dm mg the much items, weather, in warmest advantage some selected and and caused to. Miss A. Segrief can be depended upon to anxiety to those responsible for its super please even the most critical audience. The vision. mirth of the evening will lx* supplied by “At Ikilea * 1.1 so the cheese stores were -Mr W. Crawford, an elocutionist of unusual greatly overtaxed, a.iid Die receiving of capabilities. whose items are new and re cheese had to be discontinued on novel id fined. Signor A. I’. Tnuhi, the Ihiulist. occasions during the season. Although '-•.ill main- bn debut, before a local audience, tile West Coast refrigerating Company had but, he is recognised as a past master oil provided sonic extra accommodation it was the flutv. and music-lovers should not miss found iri.sufheieni to .deal with all the cheese the opportunity of hearing this artist. Mrs offering. Here .again the telrlpePUme- of is. 11. (jueroe w ill-preside at tile piaho, and the dilferent chambers Could not be ConJs noted, as an accompanist of outstanding trolled as desired, but .evepvthing possible capabilities. The full programme will be was done to make the best of the facilities published in, Saturday’s “Standard,” and available. Alterations to the building . and tin- box plan opens tit Andrew Millar's to additions to the plant have now brought mormw morning. and intending patrons are these, works up-to-date, and in future, cases .strongly urged’to'-'book early, a.s already will be field under approved conditions and tickets arc .selling freely, and an over- at lives desired temperature. Owing (o the flowing house is anticipated. shortage of space at I’a lea. some cheese had Ha to be graded at a central building at This to some extent helped to reTHE MARAMA CONCERT. went. lieve iim pressure. ellStigi*in none ul ih<“At iho port. o( The concert which is to lie given tostored, as the t'teu morrow night by the Mamma Concert Bar tv cheese could be cool for this, purpose was i/oi Imilding erected and Orchestra will he one of unexampled refrigerating plim’i brilliance, as practically the whole talent fitted with the necessary m time, for the warm weather. An extenof the party, i,- being drawn on for tin sion made, the', cheese, was store during to programme. Several of the performers will be new to Palmerston audiences, but all an ihe year, ifie- uecessnyv machinery had renowned for their ability as entertainers, once been insiaUenl, and it is expected that Of the Awupuni contingent, Sergt.-Majoi U;e teinpemßire of this building will be keep the e.lier.-e ill good Barchani. Private Wickes, and PnAati regulated so as to. ot Ot-tirroll liave already proved themselves ’condition next- year,' Accumulation Wellington was so great- that an,-toeks atmoo popular, while Private 11. -Malone, this. t<> be utilised tor w cil-known '1 uranakj singer, and Private other building had purpose*, and although the ollicials of the An o'er .--on, an accomplished pianist, will contheir , best, to keep, the Board did Harbour tribute to the programme. In conjunction provision with Mis- X. Keeling. Private I. O'Car roll eheese from spoiling- by making will again appear m a. <|ance divertissement, for a. good air circulation by the installa.of tin* .profans, etc., deterioration and Miss Watson and Airs Bailey will alse lion of cess look place to a. considerable extent. assist.. The concert is under the patronage “Many of the consignments at Wellingof tiis Excellency the- Governor-General with and Countess of Liverpool ; grid a-S it is the ton and other ports became affected on this last entertainment to bo given by the party cheese, mites, and the losses .made The and tor such a deserving cause, it should account have also been considerable. .Isbe greeted with -in overflowing- house. bulk of the* cheese, loaded in the North that from Auckland, with the exception -4 land, was placed on board the steamers in COMMERCIAL This gave a more or less healed condition. rise to some comments- «*n the part of the dually resulted AUCTION SALES. shill’s officers. and in. till bill's of hiding for cheese being specially Demi!.-, in connection with flurry Palmer marked to indicate that the .eh'-i-s,* was and (Jobs mart sale, to be lick! to-morrow, unsatisfactory when delivered to the ship, are advert] ed in our auction columns. in the oilier hand the shipments of eheese Proceedings will commence at 11 o’clock. made from the South Island ports were Harry Palmer and (Jo. insert u. preliminfound to be in much better order, a.s it ury announcement of a sale to p> ■ lield on was found possible to store .the cheese at temperatures, and the produce pre1.30. lower on behalf of Mrs Tuesday next at Holland, particulars of which will appear sented a much better appearance at the 1 in Monday’s “.Standard.' - The firm also time of shipment than'much oi the cheese intimate that details of Mr Donaldson's from the North Islam]. ot •‘The harmful treatment which sale, to behold on Wednesday at. 1 o’clock, the. cheese receives prior to leaving New will appear in .Monday’s “Standard. 1' notice Particulars of the Umpire Auctioneerin'.; Zealand has been brought under the (.Vinpe.m’s mart sale, to he held tomorrow. of the producers Iroiu time to tune, but currHuenrdr.g at 1.30, are aimounced in our they do not appear to take as much interauction columns. est in this phase ot limb- business as its imThe M.A.tJ. announce particulars on page portance demands, ’1 he position, is one caltheir be held to-morrow, ling- for immediate attention, tor there is 8 of mart sale, to commencing at noon. no guarantee that the accumulation of On Momlay, at noon. Leyden and (Jo, will cheese at the main ports will be any less conduct an important sale at the old next- year, li cargo spare is shortei than Rangioin camp site. Various lines of it has been large quantities of cheese may . ”• ING,” I>v I’aui Truer. -Is. "AUTO SUGOKSTION," by suitable' accommodation for the entire season's' outTherefore all cheese shipped from pul. I!>«■ A Kodak is, a.'. necessity. . Such complete and valuable records can be made rvitfr.-a - Kodak, that it has been found necessity to farmers, manufacturers, contractors, soldiers, and ail who wish to mail pictures of home io their soldier “Un.yidSM fhy whole the Auckland Farmers’ j Freezing Company having provided HAMILTON HODGES CONCERT. - their choose, The only Razor that strops itself a ■ safety razor can offer you more, , | i I ! ' 1 '. and no other safety razor does offer you as much—because the AutoStrcp is the only razor that strops itself. 'X'ho tenth shave is as good as the flrst, and the twentieth as good as the tenth. With other safety razors you must throw away the blade when The AutoStrop saves its cost in 12;ntonth3 in blade economy aloae, and always gives perfect shaves. Razor Set of silver-plsted razor, special rtron and 12 lancet steel O Z?/ "Valet" blades in leather case *■* l “ “ t Obtainable Everywhere .much 3S®» Managing Agent for Australasia: -i RALPH ABERCROMBY Denison House, Sydney timber, including rusticating, flooring, POSTAL OFFICIALS AND BANKS. Mail Jloom wrters run considerable risk fnoih disease bacilli. Many of 1 hem; also many Hank tellers, gargla a ml-sniff' up EUtenzol as a safeguard. * ( s b v, U.ITV. n . \ >i;k I fE A PEST Ail MlO In;; t,>. Alaon (Jljiel, New Era. .Northern Star, Sir .1, .(.E. Wilson, British Oneen, EVvon Wonder, e. iiK’ludim Early Rose, Beauty of Hebron, (laniekeeper, Skerry Bine, Early Puritan, Sharp's Import)l or prices, enquire from Box L’O.'k -• '**> : j£%SS r i|l EI.ERE’S Tionifnjjf like a £ood lawn to ihjprove the value ol your I property. (Vi, the North British Rubber you can lunch at .season. All lumhvaro (Id a gardou hose and " driest i ’ hew sbaii'e . in * 1,1 j JUs bd. embroidery. muslin ot longoloth, new-| IADERSKiRT 8 g ~*t full sham?. flounce of Deep and tucks. Ms bd irXDF.HSKiRT oi lonm-luih with! embroidery 1 i sin id TWO 1 - frills of Swiss ninsbn ! insertion.* with onihroidorv I 18s 9dl UXDEHSKI RT of loiitfcloth with IB Fine Winter Footwear. ..., , verv doe]i flared fimince trinune-! j inwVij-oideiy. '-Ss .M.- S Swiss muslin very dflHi-l iRT.oT voile : deep Pr.XDKItsK tins! with two Hs iii\ trimmed' \TJIt present di.spl:«v is fully repre/ son tali vo «d the very latest Eootfashions lor Ladies and Gentlemen, and consists of tho newest models from tbo jleading manulaeturors. i ol', nihroidifiy ami- val lace. am.| insertion. d.V. ml NIOUTDHKSSKS oi nainsook i surpliee stvle with round yoke of« 11 i val lime 'and ' insertion, A dainlv sleeves finished same. I / » - Style, in all our Footwear, is supplewhich ensures mented by a high quality ■excellent wear, and the prices throughjout- our stock represent the best possible NIOIITDRESS of nainsook in Kin-j piic stvle, Sipiare ■ neck wilh| deep v.ike oi val insertion amj IS fumh-. I* embroidery.-Short sleeve JS ~,l heading and law. 2os;Otk a Ip XidHTDIJitSS at very -line nain-l S souk, Handmade V yoke baek J rj ~ value. HODGSON’S SHOE STORE, ute a reasonable compromise. ecutive considered a letter from the president of the Marlborough branch aslsinjx for support of an agitation that no more men be called up from the agricultural and pastoral industries and other recommendations appertaining thereto. The executive declined to supA resolution teas carried port them. stating that the executive have always S< THE SQUARE. 5%8»0«.D / ■-vs CANTERBURY STEAM SHIPPING i,; community and nyuy sj> .*■ CO., LTD. “PETONE,” “BREEZE,” “STORM.” FOR CORNS. “CALAI.” TAKES THEM OUT HOOT AND BRANCH. steamers nut regularly between BluiE Dunedin, Oamaru, Tiimani. Lyttelton, Pioton, and AVanganni. For These Is TIN FROM O.F.S. PHARMACY height, etc. apply to C. F. AIILLWARD AVauganmi. Those steamers are splendid stock 56 OCR A STREET. PA LMERSTO N N ORTH. carriers. pOXTON- WELLINGTON SERVICE, AIA NA \V ATU RIV ER SER VICE. S.S. “QUEEN OF THE SOUTH,” THE NO. 3A KODAK m Ml Jm If® MAKES POST-CARD PICTURES. QIMPLE enough ior the begin- «rj capabilities O ncr—has 1 milting). jySp moot the requirements of the ex-jg|j For freight apply to j/jra port. Ideal for all classes oi LEVIN AND CO., LTD., !futures—pictures of your holidays®/ Foxtori. % and week-ends; pictures in homegZi MELLSOP, ELIOTT AND CO., life, travel, people and places Palmerston North. pictures to sepd to your, soldiergy the war. Makes /Eg friends atinches x 3J inches. turcs ui 35a ttp-^j All KER, LIMITED. 1»| Otlier Kodaks from S.S. “AWAHOU” will leave Fnxtou for Wellington at frequent intervals (circumstances per- W m wards. f Ss tty TJUDDAIIT-r (J| INTERCOLONIAL AND COASTAL SERVICES. fjS t*\l P.O. Box 174. Telephone 284. Si? Particulars supplied on application. All steamers filled with wireless tele- SACOH PIGSI BACQM PIGS 1 Feilding Bacon receive Ron THE day, Juno 11,; Foxton, Company will go tea, Mon- pigs at Monday, June the Abattoirs and Factory 11; also at every Monday and Tuesday. E. VALLENDER, Rongote*. A. H WILSON. Foxton. Agents for Hebburn Colliery. A. F. MAP 1 Pi CENTRAL PHOTO STORES, MAI X STREET WEST, PALMERSTON NORTH. K SYDNEY. HOBART AND MELBOURNE. ■MANY OTHER BARGAINS. BRITISH BACON FACTORY, PRINCESS STREET. P.N. ROVERS OP PRIME BACON PIGS AT HIGHEST-MARKET RATES. THE DIRECT MXE OP STEAMERS Canity and Sons, Proprietors. TO ENGLAND. PRIVATE CURING A SPECIALTY. THE LARGEST PASSENGER STEAM- Trucking dates to ho advertised later. ERS IN THE NEW ZEALAND Phono Poo. J. WHITE, Manager. TRADE. EMI NT) your sold ior hoy or friend The superb 32,000-ton Twin-screw of his New Zealand homo. Tin’s Passenger Steamers of tho Shaw, PIGS. PIGS. PIGS. can bo done by posting him ouo of Raw- Savill Lino make frequent Bailings to ; PHONE 204. CHAW SAVILL AND ALBION cl COMPANY, LIMITED. Soldiers’ Christmas Cakes, objected to indiscriminate conscription or men from essential industries; that '-they could not support the absolute exemption of farmers and fann workers; that they think each case will have to be decided on its own merits: that the Onion should assist in appeals and sup- iins’ specially prepared Cakes. ple reliable evidence. ORDER NOW to ensure tho parcel reaching tho trenches by Christmas. WFi.HINGTON. Sept. FT The Cakes sent from ns last year all The New Zealand Alliance passed a 'Opened in excellent condition, and wo resolution this evening that’ the executive of this Alliance express its indig- guarantee them all again this year. Special quotation to societies requirnation and deep disappointment that the Hill introduced by the Government ing a quantity. Quality ol\Cako can comes so far short ot what has been be seen at the shop. asked for by petitions from 177.000 TERRACE END. electors of the Dominion by resolutions 'TIE SQUARE. from representatives of nearly every class in flic front S, insertion, HOOT IMPORTERS, 2 CLOSING BILL. ■! .Hu.* trimmed hand-mam*« nnd edged Short sleeves. 4/s ()d. anti • li.p. National liVnzitu' Kuginoj £2u .! graphy. li.p. Strain Riignie; L' 22. •1 li.p. S( i'iiui Boiler, JUU lb. ; A 20, Tickets available for stop-over or reID li.p. Steam Holler. (I»SR Press Association.) turn by U.S.S. Company’s steam era, or 1 Saw Bench. ArCKI-.ANI>, Sept. FT vice versa. Th v Farmers’ Union Kxmitive <•-'<*; 12 h.p. Portable Engine* I Vacuum Bump. ried a resolution that the proposals u! Hoad Office for New Zealand: 1 Steam Pump. t])e Government regarding hotel Jiourx Queen’s Clianibers, Wellington. ex- THE EARLY J. RAWLINS supported by the deliberate judgment of the National Fllicieiicy Hoard. It rc-allirms deteriorate to such an extent during the ili(> demand for tin.m. as the very latIt ; uminer months as to become a total loss est hour for closing the iupior bars. and unfit for shipment. Hence the urgent rails upon all worthy citizens to express the cool storage necessity tor extending their dissatisfaction, and use every leaccommodation for cheese at the ports men gitimate means to induce their repretinned above." sentatives in Parliament to amend the Hill in harmony with public opinion and THE WHITE HOUSE, CAKE ’ tho United Kingdom. Unsurpassed Accommodation for First, Second, and Third Class Passen- milE N.Z. FARMERS’ CO-OPERAgers. S' JIVE BACON and MEAT All vessels aao fitted with Wireless PA( KING ()., !. 11)., will receive Livo Telegraphy and Patent Eire Extin- Baeoncrs, Porkers and Choppers at tho ( guishers. Passengers iollowing weighing stations:— also hooked to United States Ports, and passengers from Lon- | ''gilding, I’ncsday. Sept. IS. don may ho arranged hero. ! Rongotea. Wednesday. Sept. IP. For full particulars apply to tho •diakca. Wednesday, Sept. IP. Agents. ! Palmerston. Thursday. Sept. 'JO. "IT OVAL SPECIALISTS. Buyer: H. Ware, 45 Fritz i J almerstou North. ’Phono 625. ( SERVICE. MAIL Via San Francisco, etc. “KIWI” r BACOM street, FACTORY, buyers of Prime Bacon !S cst market prices given. ””, Full particulars regard Sailing pot cash on delivery. Private curing a speciality. ’Plume 411.' Trucking Mangainaire fpu; 8 a.m. Dates and Faros on application to tlio till 12 noon, and at J'ahi.Uim ■ from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on Agents— Monday; 20th August, 1917. Also on Wednesday, 22nd August, at Mangatainoka irom 8 a.m. til! 12 noon, and at MELLSOP, ELIOTT AND CO., Woodvilia i‘om 1 p.rn. till 4 p.m. rniiuouciiocT the rniiKouciiocT 1 icehurst, Ashhurst. buyer, will rccoiv* C. PALMERSTON NORTH, or at ms private house everv Wednesday rigs_\vill Ixj received at the abattoir* INJUN. UNION S.S. COY. OF LTD. B. A.’S SEEDS < \\ & oi the present grave A donation oi K2O li;is Ivon made in the with the needs minesweepers by Messrs Clausen Brothers, national crisis. •who font the amount through the W.t.T.t Tho motoring public are invited by the FOOTBALL. Nonpareil .Motor Co. tp inspect recent ship monks of ear sundries in connection with Tii-iiioiTuv. afleniuoii a match between an which every make ot car has been catered «u ill laki' for. Big stocks of Vitalic car tyres and Auapuni anij> team ami 1' tin’ Show eronmls. eomnienc on tubes in all sizes arc in stock. Secondhand l Till-: STOCK MARKET in”- al 3 o'clock. Tin- mutest pcoinim-, bicveins arc also being ofl'ered. both a*, 0,. '»' very keen one. t The Xcu Zealand Loan and .Mcn.antib form. Ibe to! (,'n., Agency teams are m splendid Ltd.. report ; At Palmerston CALL Oil WHITE CAI.VKS UKLLSII “CKKE.MfI.K." North on Thursday we had a fair yarding luwiiiLT comprise (.’lelaml, Me lushes. Larkins, experience [ai'iiKT puts, of both sheep and cattle. All classes of <>t Moimlas 1 hirgo one As US EUR SAMPLES stock met with a ready sale —-young cattle it; “I he way (In- calves clean up their ( 'onaehie. 1). Reid, \V. Whisker. W. Reid. showing an advance in values. Fair hoggets McXae (2). I tanner. Driinor. Hicks, Mm the food tint* the best recommendation is AND QUOTATIONS. dock. Roddy. 19s 6d to 25s 7d, good mixed hoggets 27s 7d, ’.curling steers £3 6s, £5 10s. £6 ss. could have.” “CeremUk” is just pure con yearling heifers £5. £4 2s. £4 3s, cent l uted food made from the finest cunuus cruh von: riiekmatism. & forward cows £o 13s. fat cows £lO ss. cows grown in New Zealand and specially pre [with calves £7 ss, backward springing pared for young stock. It, is easily digested, I),,n’t, you think iarn iuciimlih heifers £7 10s £9, good springing heifers £9 highly nutritious, and has the important, because uai'vc had rheumal ism fo 2s, £9 15s, £lO 15s, dairy cows £8 to £lO, qualities of palalabjlify. There, arc no years ant have ift almost, ever; 2-year Holstein bulls £9 15s. chemical colouring}, in “Cereiniik”- abso “enie” Waste I' l relict. without PALMERSTON NORTH. UKGAI.X lIKALTH WITH GKRKGBN. Into j.iiiriiy is. guaranteed, if is eo well bal more money eu lotions and embrocations a.nced, too, that the animaks develop splentill Item), tin disease, ami is a Any doctor will tel! yon that proleic! is didly without being Iron bled with scours. Rheumatism At all stores and factories. laxal distribu external treatment, in the "orld camio «ONE\ TO LEND. to absolutely necessary permanent health tors: is./i. Loan and Mercantile Agency purify your blond the cine must he eileel Professor Ganges says, Co.. Palmerston North. Advtand strength. ed internally and Uheunm is tins remedy “Without protcid wo die.” Lack of prowhich settles at tin C* fT UPWARDS on Furnitur®, stc., Enlisted nii'it should purchase a supply The excess uric acid repayable easy instalments; toid is probably responsible for much of uf tlu' new tobacco—High Admiral. It s joints, causing the painful swelling, is dis strictly confidential. Apply the nervous prostration and physical and hoi n e tob aceo. —Ad vt. solved and eradicated by Rheumo; tin CORRECT ADDRES’S—mental exhaustion in the world. For the blood is purified, the swelling disappears -121 Cuba street. simple reason that everyday food docs not] IF YOU ARE SUBJECT TO “COLDS”- and thus a euro R effected. Hundreds o supply enough all-important protcid. CereTHIS. New Zealanders have been cured of then READ not disappoint your boy at the gen contains over 80 per cent of this essenPeople “catch colds’’ because they arc in complaints'by Rheumo. .Mr Cannitch front; send a W. and E. Cake in tial food-element, and it will build you a run-down condition, and lack the reserve mafic long a time of writes For Tenutka, Bo sure it's power to resist sudden changes of temperaone of our airtight tins. He will be up—nerves, muscles, brain. 2s 6d, 4s 6d, 6s Oil. ture. Therefore, to o.vercomo a cold you suffered from rheumatics, using all kinds o delighted.—Whitehead and Ellis, cakeCeregen—all-British. 12s from all chemists. 12s size contains 8 need the aid of ft tonic? as well as-a cough remedies. Hearing of Rheumo I tried it makers, Main street w«st times amount of 2s 6d tin. —Advt. lioaler—Baxter’s Lung Preserver. It soothes and to-day can say that 1 have not felt, bet You tn tC. L-.JJL V.'T.J sore throat, relieves tickling, and coughing ter for the past ten years.” HTHOUT the shadow of doubt the to remove tin > very Have you heard (ho good news? Golds and promotes the health of the bronchial Rheumo. It seldom fails best bread is made by perman of the disease and effects a the it the cause same time vitalises At fly before Nazol—tho ready for-uso and passages. Whitehead and Ellis. Give ns a- trial whole system—even,' dose helps yon to be- ent cure. 2> 6d and 4s 6d bottle. and prove if. Main street west and money-saving remedy. Keep Nazol handy, come fit. Price, Is Oil hi all clieiuisis and Barraelough’s Nervine for toothache. I Progaudra. cures corns quickly.-—Advt. I lie Square. M'hone SS and J2O. stores.—Advt60 doses Is 6d. —Advt BARRAUD ABRAHAM. L,D- - : R(worjil of hm-eioili I| rXDKKSKIin'S with deep | Engine Bargains. DO QUEEN STREET. Toli'pltotie-fUU.’ ■ I H. CR/ ,\ml tim i l '” Il and inauv other well known varieties. For' samples and l .r thin. | in the near future, designs—so cT.armiuply S has Fashion's laney developed ihem| i that von - ‘will want not one mil, tic'illy every river in New Zealand, atid mission to the New Zealand Government. had stopped erosion by causing still water Several of these matters are being taken I !M POTATOES. i duplicate | V ** ) 3 ’ > s: l‘\‘A dates:—t N.Z., every I ucsciay. TIIOS. - mi IE NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING COMPANY'S LINE. I. FENTON* * || Manager. ®«®© WANTED IN " 1 —— |®®® MO HER Nr TWIN SCREW PASSENGER STEAMERS PITTED WITH 1 EVERY COMPORT. ) ft ® EVERY HOME. is intended until further notice, to despatch a passenger steamer from time to timu to a port in the United. tf|L hj PI.K to apply stud mostJ HI hj I M .success!ul in result. Kingdom. Return TicTcts available by P. and || O. Line. Also irom Unto to time as opportun- ® E ityJ odors. HENDERSON’S “HEELIN” OINTMENT. anii.seplie, and JS' INSULATED CAP CO fgjp “i leclin is the “first a id’ 1 for SI E AM EPS. and Burns, while all sores ®(Tits Pimples, vPile , Eczema and otherSf r# I -SEMI) etc., also piping and iron, will be submitted, and farmers are urged to attend the sale, as the timber is sound, and will be disposed ot to the best advantage. Momisey and Co. will conduct . their regular mart sde to-morrow, commencing at 1 o'clock. In addition to produce, etc., some very fine oak furniture will bo submitted. To-morrow, at 1.50, l.eydpn and Co. '.'.ill hold a sale ol second-hand motor ears, .dray. harness:, etc., on behalf of Mr Adam Burgess, at the rear of the latter's promise;,; in (jjuitsii street Several good horses wjllaUo be oil' erecl. m in lhe public exhibition gallerie,- of die Imperial Institute, especially with the object of giving increased prominence to the dairy industry, lias been carefully condded and a full report on the requirements of the Court litis been prepared for sub- , <*a’-2V « FIRST-CL ASS I lem :■? Fid - particulars as to passages, ' freights, etc., apply to the agents—’ ’| For HP RMPPAUD AND APR AH Ail. LTD. ® ! 61 EMPIRE HALL. mo LET, for socials, concerts, dances, lectures and other amusements.’ Largo supper rooms available, indepeu- ft I itching skin diseases are prompt; J B 1 '■■Mi N. McKinnon. ' mi- downstream. Tin's had been the ease in up with the New Zealand Government. the ohtin rivet', above file railway bridge. With regard to the recovery of potash from He thought the dassiticalion ahouf right, the waste products of wool washing, Mr but admitted, that it was a difficult matter Grieg, who i.s on a visit to New Zealand, to.decide. Those lands classified B would has been asked to make enquiries in the Hot suffer from erosion, but they might i lominion. from flood water. He thought that C In connection with New Zealand flax, Inc classification should help, although, it was Imperial Institute lias already investigated J* cl a--ideation samples of the tlax prepared by new proonly indiri city beucliung. got no benefit whatever from the workcesses, and also various by-products, such With the co To Mr Cooke: There was no fear what as ‘‘tow" and “gum.” breaking and through, of the river ever operation of flax farmers in New Zealand he was prepared to guarantee- I" any it is felt that more still could be done, in amount that it would not.' ( his- ( got this direction, particularly in the .utilisaindirect benefit from the protective, works, tion of waste products and especially ol and he agreed that Class D should also be die short fibre .now lost in the streams Arrange rated. during the washing process. Robert Edwards! ratepayer, said he ob- incuts have been made with Mr Mel.can flax libre waste to jected to the classification its crooked aim to supply' samples ol The matter was one of erosion, the Institute for investigation. unfair. after which- it became a private question. The New Zealand Committee desires 1., The classification was unfair because the work in co-operation with the _ Chambers River Bottl'd might go out of office and a of (Vimtm'iir and Other organisations in He New Zealand, -ami with the Committees for new Board might alter their decision. thought the original classification should Research which have been recently aphave been left. The River Board was pointed. ho* tip in economics. TO AT ('coper: Hi' liiiil iibjeeU'd !*■ ever' A GREEDY BARBER. clnssilicfiUon l>c<;auso the physic was given ill a ditl’erenf w;tMi' wns in ('lass D ami liiiil In pa\ all the rat ms, I In’ • >asi's Nuthine. ji would seem, is 100 extraIt was now ordinary to happen in these days ol war of rating liail been shifted. (lie Board a question of how;-much money and maximum prices (says the Amsterlit agreed tilth .Mi" die- dam would mimre. correspondent ol the Sunday tspj) jjmt (he river might 'lit "ill a very imes). Many a eiistomer ol a barber s nujv djaiimd. but not that it would *• vv;iU simp in the Lippclinei-strasse, Berlin, rhroua! his must have received the shoes m said that he James K\!• . ht-T'erheil, when, while undergoing a “shave life Hoard which (he Liver was chairman of ever him made the first eiasslfiCa t ion and under o- •■haircut," the barber bent whose Hoard the nreposed etif above I’it/- and whispered in his ear: "Do you rov street was to be made. f f"‘ scheme want some pork. prompted lie did tub the har'l'he motive that Was subsequently abandoned. could benef.t der to make such an astonishing query work think the Kit/my sireet -tilers on the other side of the river, up was foolishly mercenary. Three friends lie thought that the ehmsilictf* oi his—a baker, a bookkeeper. and a or down. lion at present w Is ((lore reasonable ihan glazier—had secretly purchased several nnv previous one. The pigs ‘were slaughtered in to Mr fooke : He agreed thill people in pips. the homo ol one ■-)! these amateur Vogel street would oliiy benefit indirectly, butchers, and the meat conveyed to ini) as the work was being done in the Horoltgh, the Borough should be rated as the. barber’s shorn which was provided Heftier*. .on flic other side of with ;i cellar cool enough tor storage. a whole. the river -were in the Kairanga County, All was going well until the greed oi the barber tor quicker returns induced which was not doing the works S. IT Lancaster -aid that he did not eon him lo try Ids luck with some of his would benefn Kit/herbert -elders sidcr customers, one of whom informed the at till In 'he protective works. police, who searched' the barber s pre11. J. Wilde, surveyor, said that the basts mi.sits. found and seized NOIb. ol pork, of cias-ifieiition of lands should be as the iirrested the barber, and eventually his benefit tiie' received- lie thought the classification fair, the Kif/.herbert side being three accomplices. no benefit whatexcluded because it received ever. The Borough, ( otnicil would lose it , , (ail! anlotml of rates by the erosion of land th'a-1 was land on this -ide, 'fiie more the dauget ol washed a wav the greater river: but there Hooding P'i this side. <d'; the "(her sale. dauget the to was no To Mr Cooke: When he made the ela.-si pcation he received im/ruetions to elassity the land as to the benefit it would receive TJn re were protective works being earned mil at the lime, hut- he .did oof lake them !f you ask for Woods’ Peppermint; Cure. in , account. IB- admitted that they might . (f, ft. lim work if the,' were -necesslul. but hkeJv li,. oniv took notice of work that was to be carried out. n Tim ( Vuirl adjourned till '(tun'sduy, ins'... at 10.30 IV- InUov.iuo ' : Discount Wellington, said he knew the river very well, right to EoJston, and had troqueuily He thought there was semi it- in Hood. no fear of it- breaking through at iritzroy street. Groynes had been erected in prac, mam in very large quantities. The pi-ovem*-iu of the New Zealand < ourt -and siiinmt‘r is ill its lu-*-Is—-wiili needs Ipr nndiT mnsliiis mint” filled now: which siiouJU I* l Speeial. |jii:ri)ns<\:uii"l<- hcidre c„t-i toil prices flew skyuaio ha\e, fi hrnu-lit values \vu cannot hope to j OPR I.Mi is h- i \ .moving up stream. .lames Edward Fulton, civil engineer, of '"v - i 1 .•i. a W ■ Doris Mitigate (Enid Bennett) is the in daughter of a millionaire, and is .surrounded CHEESE IN STORE. Prcfrfon, Lancashire, England. Run by snobbish oh! aunts, who think that, once hy British Labour.and British Capital. God had established the Wingate family, LOSS IN TARANAKI AND W Ll, he had lost till interest in the human race. Sale LING TON. newspaper got. hold of the story, and “Prideful printed an article headed; DAIRY DIVISION'S REPORT. daughter of aristocracy’s bluest blood: America’s ‘richest daughter too good m with Americans.’’ And she“Uwing to ihe shortage of cargo m|<dco associate onlv a sorrow ful little girl, wanting - to share for cheese on the steanier.s loading for the She goes to I inted Kingdom, large quant it les of tf ii secrets and have, good times. college, to get- the cold shoulder from every- produce have accumulated at the various body—and then Thelma Salter brings her •shipping ports.'’ says the Director of the dimpled deiiciousness along: “Have you got Dairy Division in Ids annual report. -“The any washiii' what you want done awful stores have been greatly congested almost well?”—and small Thelma leads her into ; from (lie beginning of (lie seat-on, and have of ]Q Per Cent, on all Bi- the road which ended in love a.nd. happiness. hot, jet reached iionriAl conditions. Never The supporting pictures are consistently betore in (he history -of the New cycles during the sale. Zealand £00(1 cheese industry lias the hoed for the cool storage of all cheese been so strongly em‘‘t ill-: BIRTH OF A NATION. ' phasised as during the past summer I mouth?. ML XI) IK CVCBK AND MOTOR. This be Palace attraction the oh is “> will at to "It .sale that say anything (Vom WORKS, 1 1). Tuesday and Wednesday next. W. £25,000 to £30,000 lias been lost to the Coleman Place, Palmerston North. Grillith’s wonderful production will tints pay dairy farmers of the Dominion through Paimcrstou North a second visit. This the excessive shrinkage of choose alone, to oJ i KNI > KRSOX X D XA Y LUiv mighty spe'c-lac-le has turned flic theatre say .nothing of a loss in quality caused records of America topsy-turvy. It holds by overheating. These losses have tie- long-distance run in New York, Boston, curred mainly in (he cheese produced oc-in 09B9RGS Chicago. Los Angeles, and San Francisco to tile phtvmcer (if Latalialri (iiui Wellington, date and K making a triumphtUiL tout which lidrge quant i ties of Hie cheese have been is causing more comment than anything ever damaged owing to being held in building'? undertaken in drama In 1 1vis country here- the temperaLure of which could not be protofore. it is a story of America's history .The dairy perly showing the viye a ltd faU of HtAeFv in makingcontrolled. the Auckland companies province, in America and the terrible suffering that however, cheese igeil ft! (be fortunate postfiaVii was endured before it solution of this prob- lion of being able to : cobl-sUite a ay i J{ii.skcl! -e; ■ j 72; Rawlins), fb ; Kathleen lioagey, Pahiatua), (id. ’ cil of tin’ Institute, and ITofc-sm Wvntlham R. Dun-dan, Director of the in .'dilute, are os-officio members of (lib Committee. Among tlie mutters already receiving intention are the recovery of potash from tile wade products of wool washing; the pos-ibiiiiy el establishing industries in New Zealand for the .profitable employment of waste wood and sawdust ; tins extension of the use of kauri pile- in hie I nitod King dom; and the employment in New Zealand i|i the tanning industry of some of the Indian hide-, width formerly worn to Her i] Rawlins), "H AITI NKBS. second was to outline a scheme jo protect it at various Directing attention to one par liciilai* lietul to tin- exclusion ol oilier parts Ihe might do more hanK than good. river con id not get throdgi l Iritzroy street Hie erosion until it made a , chan'veL would not go on so rapidly: now’-,as it, was hj O' Lord 1 USUAL PRICE £QS 10s. SALE;PRICE £SB 10s, The-l anions Bajatiiio Tyres, made IThe- (Miss alone. (Miss general (Mr points; N. Nolan. ! ROSY. mark cy. Listings Holjis I Hopkirk (Hononr.s); Dorothv R. j h.p., two-speed, counter- and Mr ’•! fKpwr Islington, chairman of the Executive Coun- ! .lames, shaft, direct lubrication food to main hearings; tho finest runabout on the -Wr-ViV (' McLean, « Jp v-sjpfe i USUAL PRICE £BS. SALE PRICE £75. ■■y j Despatch Riders, model 1917. •A ! ■ved v relicv and nltiinatelv cured. “HEELIN,” PRICE Is Gd POST Eli EE. W* P. ,H 5 KHERSON, Chemist and Photographic Dea * cr » ’ Douglas, 22 h.p., two speed, counter- shaft.’ , -1 USUAL PRICE £lO5. SALE PRICE £95. i\. i xnobilo car style. “ 25th August, tlio wu following Lours of business observed -j lie Committee for New Zealand of the. bo i— 1 Mondays. Tuesdays, 'I lunsdays ami Imperial Insliittlc which litis been appointed Wodnesas apr.-uit of the Imperial 1listilute \ci of Fridays, .8.30 to G p.m.; la-i year is actively lit work investigating dnvs, 8.30 a. in. to 12 noon only; Satopportunities for the further development urdays, 8.30 to 9 p. in.; dosed all day if tin' Dominion’s resources and lltetr comon Sundays. mm mercial utilisation within the Empire. The For urgent medicines phono a™', i Mmiii' e for its chairman Sic I'hoimis east. street 238 Main Mackenzie, High Commissioner for New Private address Zealand, ami its other members" Mr VV. P. HENDERSON, .1 allies 1 'otdcs. of tiie National Bank ol CHEMIST. N. Greig. of Long New Zealand'. Mr ,1 The Square, Palmerston North. beach Estate, Ndi'lll Island, .Mr R. D. I). 4 FJ'ER Saturday, NEW ZEALAND. - Jiendorson, four cylinder, three-speed box, special silent gear change, Multi,disc, Clutch running in oil; Hnp- gear WORK OF THE COMMITTEE FOR practical examinations oi The taking of evidence, in the River Trinity theAl lisle*. Rout'd appeals was continued at tin* .MagisCollege ol London, were conducted on Tuesday trate's' Court resetrday before Mr W. G. The role of ‘‘Sarah Maitland,'’ played by K. Keurick. B.M, Nance O’Neil, in The Ivon Woman,” is all and Wednesday by the visiting oxamGerald Fitzgerald, civil engineer, o( W el that the photodrama’s title implies. She is iner, Mr Charles Seltlisky. .Mr A. .1. lington, said he knew the Manuwatu river truly a woman of iron. At Ids death, her Graham announces results as under: well and was Chairman of the Commission husband lias left her his immense iron mills LICENTIATE (L.T.C. LA set up to report''- on the River Board, to manage, and she fulfils her trust with, Eva Pori (.Miss Rawlins, L.T.C.L.), lie thought the classification reasonable. grim devotion. It seems as though the He thought there was no risk of the river iron has entered into her veins and thl.hS- 71. breaking through at Fitz.ruy street, as the ASSOC’I ATE (A.T.C.L.) formod her nature, Btie allows no nonsense up stream, and She will have no or Unity in her home. Sylvia ..Mary Dnnlord (Convent. erosion was now working (he land above Fit/.roy decorations. One purpose rules her, and Eoildinn), 81 ; Ethel Robertson (Miss was likely to ali’eci He knew of no reason why stree more. that is to give over to her son, Blair, on Rawlins, 79; Ethel 1 Lowe (.Miss Raw- higher Hoods should be expected. lie Ins graduation from college, the manage- lins). 71. that Class 1) was reasonable for considered ment- of the mills in a, milch more thriving (lie Fitziicrben side, as it would derive HIGHER LOCAL. condition than her husband, ha« left them. Love for her sou is the- motive for til! this, Elsie Kendall (.Miss V. Kendall, do benefit from the work carried out al Fitzroy lictid. but as she hides her feelings behind a cold L.T.C. L.). (it. To All Cooke: Ho was not prepared to exterior, she receives no sympathy, and is SENIOR. Ihe first say what tint river might do, credit her affection. not given deep for Annie Enmiei- (Miss Rawlins), Si proper realinetn w;as to leave ii . el' jrom EARLY CLOSING. IMPERIAL INSTITUTE. CATION. The local I NANCE O'NEIL IN GREAT FORM. Bikes ami -Motor .Tyres MOTOR till sizes, i iiio factory to Iho people. RIVER BOARD CLASSIFI- EXAMINATIONS. j SALE. PALACE. TRINITY COLLEGE MUSICAL 1917 j ENTERTAINMENTS. IE ' GREAT CLEARING EVENING: STANDARD, FRIDAY. SEI’TEM'BER - ' MANAWATU ! THJk 6 dent of large ball, at nominal charge @ ! ,\V. DEVINE, Proprietor. !* PALMERSTON NORTH. A n %% #j) after? rt sa Styles in New Spring Millinery make, a display of supreme attract!veness just now in our showroom, ami the choice Is varied and wide enough to please any taste no matter how fastidious and exacting. We ask you to come and personally view the DAINTY AND AKTTCTKJ Vhr.ATIO.NS JN MODEL JMILLLN- CkSARMING ! LKRY AND REA DY-TO-WEARS chest possibly develop into a serious complaint? Be wise-get a, bottle of fashionable and throat and bronchial tubes against further attacks. Bennington's Irish Moss is made hy qualified chemists, and is a positive, speedy cure. Get it the good Oakland genuine were several persons, male and female, concerned in the handling and despatch of those letters. Some wore addressing en- Bennington's Irish Moss—for over halt a century the favourite family absoeon gh medicine lutely free from opiates drugs. harmful er 134 ON POINTS velopes, some -OONNINCTON S CARRAGEEN COMPARISON WITH OTHER CARS. it- □ 0 has that old OAKLAND’S competitors. 1 the purpose here to decry OPT many positive good points, that its commendation does not LAND has proverb; “Comparisons are odious. one heard ' It is Iho the not OAKneed run. some, were everyone is people. A further statement is made that some 40 notices wen- posted la miiiisii is of various denominations with a view, to having the fact that the meeting was to be hold duly notified front the respective pulpits nu the Sunday previous to the mooting, and that these notices did not reach the addressees until the Monday, and in some three, cases until the. Tuesday. However (!ii s may be, 1 am |>erfeet.!y satisfied that the delay was in no way due to the Pod Office officials, but, rightly dr wrongly, v as ho n&or, entirely due to the act ot the did not release, the letters until too lab; for these In.err Saturday. All. delivery on the he, superscription, “It unclaimed pore 912, within seven days please return to Hex cenAuckland," and', therefore. would be “Lacta” and “Milka” Separatorsto c. Dahl • regi'< lied that Mr when '.be made hk complaint to ,the Chief Postmaster, did not. •then and there supply all available particulars of the addressees, so. etc. ..when requested . to do ' THE MILITARY CENSORSHIP. (l>) On what 'grounds military censorship liad been established ovu-r the correspondcnee of the persons using lie said |K)St ' office box. The Commissioner quotes the evidence ol the Solicitor General,- .Mr J. \V. Salmoud, K.C., To the effect that he. had, in conse Ins quotice. of a pamphlet-brought under notice, entitled “Home's Hideous Guilt in the European Carnage,” which was published by the Vigilance Committee, and was held to be mischievous. The point was first raised by a member of Parliament, who was not a Catholic, greatly to be They are specially suitable for Turnips and Rape. Prices, Net Cash on trucks at Ngahauranga;— lu i|cwt. Sacks 1 per No. iA Mixture No. 3A „ Particulars Co, Ltd.. & sored in accordance .with instructions, w Inch j -sliall refer to later. With regard to the missing letter and other incidental.- complaints, is is _ very Elliott, growth. from 11-g-d Finer maehinos never came on the N.Z. market. Sizes m power machines. 1GO-'mil. in hand machines and to TOO-gall. "Rerlect .Separators. (J\ei\Vo stock spare parts for all models ot _ . hnnlino- and Repairing promptly and reliably carried out. stock and u. arrive. Special Dau-V Factory .Minhinery ol All Glasses inDanish Rennet. inducement offered to buyers of Kmm-class on request. - * - - Ton £7 17 G £7/17,6 I of Analysis posted CONSIGN FAT STOCK TO NGAHAURANGA Our facilities are for freezing We also buy Fat Sheep, Lambs and Cattle. !■ ul! unsurpassed. Dairy Machinery Merchants, Palmerston North. '' t Use them and you return to the soil the very elements of life taken from it in the process of fattening your sheep. W.M.R. Co.'s Nos. 1A and 3A Mixtures are principally phosphaiie manures containing a proportion of Nitrogen to sustain t he slaughtering works. ’ i W Ali JLV IN contain largely < partiouara from ' These manures products from the Ngahauranga ; all. i jo much margin for error amongst 2500 letters, handled by a number of different t Croam Separator S~\WT the value of a First-class TT7IT V\ therefore we urge all intending purchasers experience. to call on us before deciding and get the benolit of our We are'the N.Z. Agents for the at .satisfied that these enfrosted. Again there is PALMERSTON NORTH. 42 RANGITIKEI STREET. stamping, to have been perfect in attention It is only ,to his or her particular part. a small matter certainly, but each person wa« suppbsed to tun. in the flap of each envelope, and yet it has been conclusively proved beyond any reasonable shadow ot doubt, through the stamping machine, that many of the envelopes were posted with the flaps outside and open.- Which is the most reasonable proposition--that nine, envelopes out of 2500 had been posted without contents, or that these nine envelopes had had their contents improperly or corruptly removed by Post Office otlicials without any apparent or sufficient reason? And so with the two envelopes which are. 1 am very far from velopes were ever Sustain Your Rape with The Watt War assumed alleged not to have been deilvi red Fatten Your Lambs on Rape so the disparagement oi other cars. , . This note is merely a piece of advice to a prospective purchaser to look the horse m gilt a well before be leaps into any car. It (.-no may not look mouth, one is at liberty to stare any out of countenance in the marketplace. ’ The OAKLAND can win on looks and merits. SEEING IS BELIEVING. -Make an appointment with us for a trial were the contents; and inserting IRISH MOSS BY FAIR k 7 , trifling out of so very many posted ; and certainly there was in no degree satisfactory evidence of any impropriety or corruption on the part of the Auckland Postal officials, especially where, there is an utter absence, of motive except the very far-fetched one suggested by Mr Elliott, namely, a desire to sritle his meetings. Hut 1 ask myself whether there is no mar gin for error or mistake in the preparation and posting of these circulars. There wore It will "lift” the cold completely from your chest, and strengthen the lungs, WIN | T should still consider that the. shortages PALMERSTON NORTH. CAN reliable and conclusive, points as absolutely D. M. GEORGE. V/ not WELLINGTON, Sept. 13. ‘ the result, of this empiiry. In the House this afternoon, Sir Joseph MEMBERS DISCUSS THE. REPORT, Wan! laid on the' fable the report of the j The House spent the afternoon discussing Royal Commissioner (Mr 1L M Bishop, or two members appeared is,Xl.)* into i'liavges made by tbe Rev., the report. toOneaccept the report as linal, Howard Elliott against the officers of the disinclined of members evidentmajority the great the that but to nek land effect ;,t Office 1' at A postuj at Auck- ly endorsed the strong words of condemnai tain circular notices day his reol duly, 191 1, tion used by the Commissioner in land oil or about the 6th 'I here to the. original charges. ference AuckIn* at to held relative to a. meeting Attorney-General he land under the auspices o) the Protestant was a stir when then the letters which Political Association, were corruptly <,r im- gun to read to the House [he Rev. Howard Elliott, according to his properly .- appre-.s, d or detailed by those 'own statement, dictated under lift it ions officers. The Commissioner says, in the course of names, Mr Nosworthy said nothing- had occurred his report:—miiio which in Now Zealand for a long The first issue submitted to me was: the oonildenee. of the people in (a) Whether ■ correspondcni-■ addressed had shaken Oftiee so imich as fidelity of the Post to Post Otiice Box No. 912, at Auckland, the of the. evidence given at publication the supor comiptly improperly been has strange thing that pressed or detained' by the officers ol the this eiiiiuiry. It was a the letu censorship was established over Post Office. institution while The evidence shows that about 2500 enve- ter box of the Protestant of the Roman Catholic Federation lopes had been posted containing eireuJais lettersunsuspected, and the people ol the advising jample to whom they were addressed of the fact that a public meeting would he held on a given date, and inviting the addressees to apply for tickets pi admission. Of these 2500 envelopes nine of the persons to whom they were addressed received them empty, and two did not receive them at- all. If 1 were to take the evidence on these For the Bak® of a little care, would you deliberately let that cold secure a rentless grip, and MODER ATELY PR ICED. DRAPER, Ripobtib.) Parluukntahy At Is per yard. ii fe*: representing very completely everything that is stylish at the moment. (Feom Ottß went Dominion were definite manner. going to resent it in Extraordinary! genuine offer ol Tussoie is JJERE Silks at (iKI prices, ami wuhoine a a indeed it will prove. Mr Dixon (Parnell) declared the finding of the. Commission was not in accordance with the evidence, which lie claimed showed the Post Office was being run in the interests of the Roman Catholic Church, lie denied that the Solicitor-General had power to issue the instructions he, did and the issue of which led to the establishment The Solicitor-General of the censorship. was taking greater power than was vested NOTE THE OFFERINGS TUSSORE SILKS; .'ill inches wide. | 3 AT ANY ■.?, <<> are Invited In see our Large Collection oi ENTHUSIASTS most PICTURE Prints, Coloured Etchings, Hand Coloured Plates, etc.,Special other 'Tesents able for Domestic Decorations, Wedding suit- or all , Silent .Might, and ter tion is drawn to the Battleship Picture other kand numerous reproductions, fine “Water Baby’’—two verv One mu River. turns now on view, including three scenes of the Manga Framing. Me invite yom inthing worthy of note is our Latest Stylo oi spection of our extensive Display. Alexander lark and is, 3 Fitzherbert Street, . PALMERSTON NORTH. -912 now being under military censorship, the suffered accordingly. Hence the menace association of ideas on the part, ol many loyal citizens who objected to the political activities of the Roman Catholic (Jhurch. It has aroused a most bitter sectarian finding, which certainly is in no way lessoned bv the style of oratory indulged in by Mr Elliott. To my mind, it is most deplorable, at this particular time, when our Empire is at deadly grips with an unscrupulous enemy, and our soldiers are doing their noble part to uphold their interests, irrespective of creed or country, that a crusade—for it is nothing else—should be entered upon to attack a church, the members of which must be deeply pained at, and who will cor. tainly resent, the language that is being hurled at them by sticli men as Mr Elliott, who claims to represent a very numerous organisation. A TRAP THAT FAILED. Xo better illustration of what 1 moan and this, I think, is a subject of fair oritibe erred than the contents of certain letters which Mr Elliott wrote, or dictated and addressed to Box 912. They were intended as a trap for the Post Oflice, but failed of their purpose. Copies of these letters were produced to me; and alter perusing them 1 refused to allow- (.hem to he read in public, as 1 considered that their contenti would cause deep pain and give serious offence to a, great number of people belonging to the Roman Catholic (lunch. Mr Elliott admitted that these letters were fabricated by himself, and that the name.-, and addr wst s were bogus; but they were addressed to the (Committee. of Vigilance at Box 912. I am fain to believe that there are few ministers of religion who would have thought of concocting such abominable and disgusting- accusations against imunbei■ of a (‘hristian church as are contained in three of the letters, unless ho were that .at nr;,md with sectarian bitterness hj - hi t .e.e of p; opriety. Mr Elliott 1 mini,ter hj of 20 ■antes he a Baptist Where is his charityV years’ standing. . . . dray, by xamination he Mr in hi ;eem ttileilj tillable to appreciate the inhad placed po .ilhm m which he. himself in working, as he said, under the words, '!'<> his own n-.e ligioa. ol name n ■•|u did not fee! called upon to consider the f.-.-lings ,i ' Roman (at holies. 1 attach herewith ■ this repot 1, the copies of the hj n is w idi hj I reft r to, >o lha' it may he judged as to whether my .comments are not. jn.iiTeil. '1 hev also throw a Hood of light) ■hi iho P undatioiis ol the allegations made with r 11I to .(he iullueiu ‘ ol ( CuMiolii Imnli as leg ula i ing and influencing even ilu Military < Vn-ur. Pinole who would b-lieve ueli nil a- it contained in ilocc of tip sc leiici would believe anything. NOTIIINt! AGAINST THE POST OKI- It E. It was arranged between myself and Mr Morris, amt Mr 0.-tler. lb. counsel for Mr Mi J'.ilioti, that any officials Ihal side, 11.-tier desired as wilin'lor his should l:e pluc. d I reels at his disposal d he would name at any stage those he riquued; end an assuratiee was given that no postal oliieer would be penalised for any evidence hr might give, d his was a totally unneees still it v a> ■sjtrv a.-■-nrancc to ask l e.w hut !, ..Tlx, n-ivc it. However, as it turned mil. \j,- ' Ostler did not avail him sc It ol (he otter, and coni oil led, himself v. it li e'-oss; examining ihose officials who were called A gnat number ol these hv Mr C.rav evulenc oath. called and gave ranging from the Chiel\ Postmaster, Mr W i 11i:« iiivoii, d:»\vh tcv ill** I U*i •■earners u ho with the mCwi re allem d (o he c mm-rcted AH ine leio i-, mi Ih - empty envelop,s. ollicitis who gave, evidence 111?- Pu.-r Ollice t:ut,t of apm Tre;l to m.; to be -he v,itnessy m,prmuoi. anil Ihev left a very frvottrahle vt*r %v v • on my mind. Then vv«*r<* i ward and seemed ns if there was nothing — YOUTH and BEAUTY go hand in hand with STEVENS Health Salt It restores health to the sickly, and makes the healthy healthier. BBSEi Care pleasant, A -tARNESS CART, FOR CIG, PLOUGH, WORK. C. W. WYCHERLEY KADOI.EHS. t SON, 34 m & ot~v . *"M llerdman; mis letters, , , , , Isitt said he would place the ;//. , letters Essence -it children. it two children. cured our soothing It cured It tor sore ia also very in general. and colds throats 18 Raugifcikei Street, plantation rubber ( backed by host brains go B KS Britain’s ■ Cross ' dealer for (Minch to make Tyres unsurpassed lor rough roads. Give them hard w ear on trial and note their resiliency All dealers. econo in y a Palmerston North. -n II F. COiII'ANY, MMITBD AUTHORITY COf.ONIAI. .MOTOR CLII R and II OTE L, PALMERSTON NORTH, s recognised as the Standard of first* class Accommodation. MMio Commercial Gentlemen’s Home. the HOTEL EOU EA.MILIES'. \V DONE AT i AND CO. LTD.,, !\S. J. NIVEN inniJ ennwnr'DS FOUNDERS, UL.II » ’ __ <t hj IN , I SNELL- TERRACE END BUTCHERY. __ IRON trTTC'r CHURCH STREET WEfel, PALMERSTON NORTH. | g : WPPRSv A sip Ji NGlNfcfcno situation, immune from noise and smoke of trains. Promenade Balcony overlooking bcautiIni Squares. Wines and Spirits imported direct. Ideal . plied. ' but , the host ui moat sn] Motto; Civility, Clean! .. ~ .... ness and Prompt Attention. I ELDINC IT. B. TUCKER, Freehold Owner and Proprietor. i »' Tk “Premier” Presents A LOVELY SERIES OF Excellent Exhibits OF THE LATEST fascinating fashions SHOWING THE Correct Colours REV. HOWARD ELLIOTT’S COMMENT. (Peb Pittas Association.) DUNEDIN, Sept. 13. Rev. Howard Elliott, interviewed tonight, said he was disappointed with the finding of the Commission,, but not surprised. The Central Committee, on learning that Mr Bishop was to act as Commissioner, endeavoured to get a Supreme Court judge appointed, and lie felt more strongly now than ever that this course was warranted. He pointed out that Mr Bishop had otei- loolcod the. fact that while the eonsorIbr slup was established over Box 31 pamphlet “Romo’s Hideous Guilt” had been banned hy the Solicitor-Genera ami at the same time the Tablet and matter Green Bay were publishing ■which, if not seditious, was certainly he had stardisloyal. Mr Elliott said ed distinctly in evidence that the. letters to which Mr Bishop relerred were not fabrications, only the names and addresses being fictitious. CORRESPONDENCE. (I .ct splendid for Bronchitis. really spieiiuiu. is really AT THE P.D.C., WHERE aware of this mans, filthy and blackguardly concoction, no nmn.-ter having of any church will soil himself by any contact or truck vrith this man. It was not. an edifying debate, but Sir Joseph Ward closed it. on an excellent, note. He said that he did not know and did not wish to know, the religious beliefs ot the State’s employees. No man was asked about hi.s religion when he entered the service, and no man was promoted or denied promotion because of his religion. ihe postal officers had been found guiltless, as lie hoped he had been sure they would, and the. attempt that was being made in some quarters to raise sectarian bitterness would be dropped. Religious animosity was a boomerang that a 1 wavs recoiled upon the thrower, and it would bo a sad thing it New Zealand was to suffer from the sectarian antagonisms that bad blackened the pages of history in the older lands. country is made M t : <rr\ No. 1 will not. but if these r ot letters are founded on tact, it is the duty'him Mr Elliott and those associated with facts. to place in possession of the police the If. on the contrary, the circumstances stated in those letters are. wrong, 1 can hardly conceive it possible that a Minister of the Christian religion could go into the quiet of Ids own manse and concoct such tilhuii NOW IN VOGUE. NO. 1 EXHIBIT. ..... fSTRIKINGLY CHIC FRENCH MODEL COSTUME in a pretty combina lion ot Silk Poplin in Battleship Grey ami Navy Gabncord. The Short Coatee ot Gvov Silk is smartly relieved by a band oi na\y< forms a. pretty corsage, and ' trimmed rope stitching. Smart Collar of navy with rovers ol Grey Silk. W ide pleated skirt with side pockets. Belt at PRICE waist. TO THE EUITOK. Sir,—Cuu von in form mo “\Mio and wind is this Rev.' Howard Elliott,” and what is in this Protestant Political Association vogue for ? As a Scotchman ami a Presbyis would like know it meant to ii terian. 1 to condemn our neighbours, the Roman Catholics V If so, ii is time that our MoventIt looks to incut took the matter in hand. me as if the Rev. Elliott is on the war path. Catholics. have no brief for the Roman the Imt« they have done their share lor time and a it at nobly, Empire,' and done, quite enough people have like this strife. Hut trouble without stirring up more till :i-s quiet as the will sav if they were think before the.s Scot and would cjutuv leap,' we would lx.' a happy family to-day Hoping ibis campaign will now stop, amt lit them talk of something else, l>ni lor ‘'■' >ak 1 1 1 ie::Palmerston " i svi?MwtN“'' Xorih, Sept. 13. ten.”-Proverb. You will save much expense ami annoyance bv preventing a cough or colei with the timely aid of Baxter’s Lung Preserver. preparation A hi- Iwttle of this famous Is 10(1. All occasional doso wil ward oft colds and vitalise sour system, ami bronchial affections. Keep a bottle handy during the present changeable weather. costs°onlv Baxter’s Lung Preserver is unique in its soothing utia! tics—gives nn healing and mediate relief in cases of “ore throat, tickPleasant to lint,' rough, bronchitis, etc. —Advt, take, good for voting and old. ( 3s lid PAIR. NO. 2 EXHIBIT. UHLE. Open DAINTY FROCK IN GREY AND \ 10LET black. Raglan sleeve front with largo sailor collar., hemstitched waist with with shaped frill on cuff. Wide gathered skirt finished at .. PAISLEY 11 ELK )TRO PE 'a NT> *A > IKTII YS'ToUlMILLINERY to match these latest YisKERCH MTO £ \ ILIS as, ND ISSU “I. HA BORDERED E’’ HELIOTROPE PRICED 10d EACH. advertised in the Fashion Journals of lovely tUL DAINTY 1 " '' J shade LINGERIE RIBBONS to draw through, in the Guaranteed fast washing colour. i 'NO. 3 EXHIBIT. r (Vr . c vn , x lV i ROSE, AND ‘All-1 NINON [CIIARMING MODEL FROCK IN VIEUX the new pmafoio style mini (H \R MEUSE. The bodice is made m lace whioh can be. sleeves oi ninon. Dainty vest and collar of cream with two broad bands ol worn high or low. Wide ninon sk.n k elianneuse. at toot. I‘olded bell tit waist. asse. si1' aues 'SPORTS CD YTS VXD BLOUSES in the Pink and Rouge 1 ™<— Myles men, Th. par.-la, PRICED 4isTUSs oa ( becoming. most i Lt [The P.D.C. are making a name lor themselves in HAN D-EMBROII \ prettv example oi the Hand-Emnroidtred \ Ul) UNDERWEAR womlerlnl value. Underskirts is shown in Flesh’ Pink at 32s fid-trulyin tone, are i HANDKRCHIKFS, all MILLINERY, SUNSHADES. ‘really admired in this exhibit. _ oal'f’t" .,.,,.. •■g -fj. being] f < in a striking oombinatiom IIIKGH-CLASS FRENCH MODEL COSTUME, o Taffeta Silk. The Gout of Bottle Green Gabrioord, and Black finished Sil>V lilt roll I'M I collar of Green Gabncord, Black Taffeta has a wide i i Ha tPn 1 m ™at oAof oi ver rope stitching. Also novelty shaped band at foot Green Shrt mth at waist, fastening with Ivory and Filagree (NO. 4 EXHIBIT. VVUUU . > . .1 Ml . y V»ivvti . i PRICE _ Black Silk Trimming over hips. . 15GNS. s [The centre of attraction is the exhibit showing the leading season cob high stanour in Lemon and Bottle Green. The Millinery hero has a harmony \ dard of excellence; the two shades combining in wonderful i every for which the P.D.C. are becoming more popular per at 3d pair. Lemon Shade Is ,lav, are shown in the [SILK AND LISLE HOSE only Is lid per pair, are all displayed to^ of colour. 'GLOVES, too. . you “That coin is well spent which saves 15GNS. to tone in Grey and Violet has the P.D.C. Distinctive Note. What is most notable is the exquisite tailored finish of these models. PRICED 29s 6d TO 39s 6d. LSILK UNDERSKIRTS at .‘lds, and SILK and LISLE HOSIERY at 8s 6d and 3s Od, all to match these lovely soft grey tones. [GREY LISLE GLOVES, too, can be bad at the Premier. British made. ’MILLINERY , PROTESTANT POLITICAL ASSOCIATTON. \ & Bg*osiohsim f“HEAN’S s.i ,i HORSE GEAR OF ALL KINDS. Rl'T VIKS TO ALL LEATH ER Adam nv fruit effervescing saline. Delicious taken warm before breakfast. 2/6 everywhere. AND INVESTIGATE. k- ! Fopd COME ' Some of the papers coming- addressed to Box 912 came to be regarded as likely have a mischievous tendency ; and the Box- RATE ( H-O-M-E. THE F-fl-R sioner says; Wellington PRICES 2s 9d, 2s lid, 3s 3d, 3s Cd, 3s lid YARD. ... ‘ 18-20 Hunter Street PRICE Is lid YARD. Let ns assure vou that the ((Utilities are really exceptional ami that the offer is absolutely unique. Mr The charge that the military censorship before the heads of the Baptist Church. “1 had been established in the interests ol the hope,” he continued, “for the credit ot our Homan Catholic Church is thus absolutely common Protestantism, the that, when disposed of and completely disproved. A MISCHIEVOUS TENDENCY. In his conehtdifig lemai'ks, the Commis- PRI Lb, Is YAHU, TUSSORE SILKS; iM inches wide. He was bein the Governor-General. coming a Kaiser, and bis right to assume that authority would Iks tested in the Supearly date. inine Court at an llerdman) The Attorney-General (Mr said, after reading the report and the evithat dence, he had come to the conclusionattack no more ill-advised or ill-judged vi| H in a Government Department, had ever been made in the history of the country. The view ho took was that while this country was engaged in war no religious body in the community had any right whatever to participate in violent political propaThe reason why the censor had ganda. inter feted with Box 912, Auckland, was that it had conic to the knowledge of the Government that certain literature, was !>cing circulated throughout the country which tended to provoke a violent sectarian squabble. Why should not the State step in to prevent the circulation ot literature which was offensive to a very large section of the community holding religious views Whv did the Government censor Box 912 and'not the Tablet? He would tel! the. House. The Vigilance Committee, circulated Its literature through the Post OHioe, while ihe Roman Catholic Chinch circulated iis views through the medium of papers, which ihe (lovernment could gel every day. Mr Nosworthy: Its a disgrarelul thing vou didn't take" steps to suppress them. Mr | Rodman : We neither pumented the Protestant body for publishing “Rome’s Hideous Guilt, - ’ nor the Tablet. 1 hesitated “Home’s to say whether the. circular Hideous Guilt” was seditious, and I say, in in published what that was mv judgment, the Tablet was not seditious, and we would not have got a conviction. Mi Iletilmun said the censorship was absolutely necessary during the war, and had r< suited in the detection of several cases of illegal trading with the enemy. The suggestion that the censorship was established Catholic the Roman in the interests ot reckless, and absolutely ( 1lurch waslessa wild, foundation statement. Rev. Mr Elliott might be- U. periectly honest gentleman, but reprehensible method to very lie adopted a that trap postal officers.. If he suggested file statements in his “trap” letters were ho <U supply lie spud should correct, tht-n tuils and it would thru be tlm speaker s duty, as head of, the Police Department, to make investigation. Mr llerdman then read two ol the Rev. letters, which were reHoward Elliott’s indignant continents Inun ceived with many members. Mr Isitl warmly declared that made one concoctions “such blackguardly As Mr He,it ashamed to bo. a Protestant. (bud leiici, In* Hi an proceeded ,to rt*ud u rneinwas urged not to continue by several holies Smith Ud.’s; Ift TUSSORE SILKS, only procurable at i M TUSSORE SILK t St that the Po-tal Department I reputation always enjoyed it! this Dominion, as enp Departments ol Jof the most, in important any way been lessened by State, has CHARGES. match. i A Fashions tor 5. passengers. Charges always reasonable. All trains met day or night.—J. J. Gillies; private address. Andrew Young street. provided modation l has1■ ! Modes and REV. HOWARD ELLIOTT’S including Weddings, FunerSeating accom- ol jo ( prepared to eater tor all ehisses liiro Ials AM and Private Work. . conceal. 1 have no hesitation in slating that 1 am convinced tliat no postal ollicia 1 was responsible (or any improper or corin)it dealing with any ol the letters. Iho [mtilic may rest assured dial tin? very hiy POSTAL ENQUIRY. TAXI-PHONE 855. A 14. BTfc STANDARD, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER THE MANAWATU EVENING RTAfIDAEI). FRIDAY, SEFTEiUBEI* IBIS MANAWATW EVENING 8 MARION SALE. SALE OF SECOND-HAND MOTOR, RANGIUTU STOCK SALE'. OAKS. HORSES, DRAY, HARMON DA V, SEPTI2M BE I? 17. 1017. NESS. ETC. IU!E NEW ZEALAND LOAN AND TO-MORROW AT I .On R.M. JL MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., 1017. TUESDAY. SEPT EMBER ABRAHAM & WILLIAMS, LTD., above, Li. will sell as ■IOO good mixed hoggets 100 mixed hoggets 100 mixed hoggets 100 E. hoggets 100 first-class hoggets 50 fat b.i. hoggets 50 mixed hoggets 80 mixed hoggets 30 good mixed hoggets 12 fat shoe)) G good springing boilers 8 2-yr steers 4 springing heifers L S.ll. cow. close to profit IS. — LTD., will soil as above, ;! palmer Harry .sell ns usual at J, T1 lli, 2-yr hull Queen street. LEY DON half ui 50 bags onions. AND ADAM BURGES, will 200 sacks store power. 1 Rmn)) 195-gallon Hand Separator with LINTON STOCK pulley attachment. 1917. WEDNESDAY, SEPTKM HER 19, 1 KJbridge Dynamo, 110 volt. 4 nrnp. & WILLIAMS', LTD.. AH AM Reid and Gray 6-aside latest pattern steel i BE 1 frame Disc Harrow. will sell at their yards at 12.30 1 Duncan o-aside latest pattern Disc Harrow p.m.,— 1 Andrews and Levan Seed Cleaner. 20 fat ewes 1 Saw Bench, plain top, complete with 24in 5 store cows circular saw. 1 IG-mth Holstein bull 1 4-h.p. Vertical Dutten Boiler, 70lbs 5 springing heifers pressure. 32 3:1 to -1-yr good conditioned bul- 1 2 -izo Wool Press. splendid order. locks 2 Square Tinned Steel Milk Vats, suitable for separators, complete with taps. OTHER ENTRIES SOLICITED. 1 L.K.G. Double Pttbaror. Single Pnlsator, L.K.G’. 1 3 Milk Coolers, various sizes. SALE. PA HI ATE A STOCK 1 “Crown” ‘‘s-gallon Separator, complete. 3 pair Trolley Wheels with axels. MANCAHAO YARDS. SALE. lo 80 20 10 "Yl sacks wheat. sacks seed potatoes, all car. sacks rice pollard. cases apples. 0-yr-old marc, ■ lb, SIJAI I’. The People’s \ orXSKV and CO. will sell,-- I’KODI-CR OF and harness, s. and q,, any trial, t light tray pip. good as new. 1 farmer’s trap. 300 top order). 2 motor bicycles, 12with cast iron stand, gallon copper incubator, table and seed potatoes, pumpkins, barley, vegetables, hams and bacon. 2.30 H.M.: ITHXiTI’HE. including 2 wardrobes, 3 duchess pairs, 3 wood bedsteads (complete), 3 wire .stretchers with kapoc mattrassos, 6 high back chairs, 2 couches, largo oak sideboard, 3 hall stands, rimil sideboard (latest design), I Morris chairs, 12 kitchen chairs, bookcase, -1 til hies, piano, gramaphone. 2 organs, Scotch chest drawers, croc- including,— Largo sideboard with minor back, duchess pair, eheft'onier, combination bookcase and music stand, wood bedsteads, b.r. bedsteads, b.r. cot, wire wove mattrassos, kapoc beds and pillows, sowing machine, Morris chairs, leather couch, folding go-can, rattan settee, Austrian and Canadian chairs, largo dining table, occasional table, flower stands, kerb tenders and irons, cups and saucers, glassware, cutlery and large lot sundries. SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT of saddlery and harness, horse and cow covers, spring dray, 2 kitchen ranges in to the Booms for convenience of sale and on account ot the owner, who is giving up — 1.30 H.M.: HOl'l THY—hens, ducks, cockerels, chickens, purebred Wliite Leghorn cockerels, (5 canaries. 2 H..M. : 2 sets harness. 2 riding saddle-,. dog cart and set harness (tip- rniiE m.a.c. will sol! 1 \V! I'HOET RESERVE a 11u-o consignment of (U)OI), UOrSlv noj;j) I'T’uxrn i’k WITHOUT RESERVE, Removed from Boutko street TO-MOHHOW. will • TO-MORROW AT 12 NOOX. 300 HOW. Popular* Auction mill- E.MHIKE AI'CTJONKEKIXG CO. sell as Follows, “Where the bargains are.” K\’ FI! V utK J'( i-Mul* Mart. DKSCIMITION. putt • 112 CUBA STREET. M)l7. pointments. Id wen tiers. 10 slips. 12 si OK'S. THE MART SALE. M A C1 1 .Superior household furniture, upright fti'aiul ,piano, drophead sowing machine. gramaphouc ami records. Axminster carpet square ami ap- 20 sacks maize, SEEK ’J AT 1MRORTANT UNR ESER VED SALE OF IRON SHEDS, PIPING AND RUI EDIiNGS. x\. potatoes (must bo sold). — cows _ 2 tat cows table prime SFPTKMBKB AT 1 MORROW, commencing at 11 a.m.,-- CO., on be- oiler, I Red Indian motor bicycle, 10 large oak barrels, 1 second-hand 2-seator Hup. motor car, S.R., 1 secondM'ANAVvAI’C MaLU iNfiKl lAffIHE -fi. CHANGE GO. have for sale ir/ their hand 5-seater Overland motor ear, Showrooms in Rangitikei Street, Palmer1 spring cart, set good harness, ston North, the following second-hand several good horses. machinery and implements: OTHER 'ENTRIES RECEIVED. 1 Alfa Laval “Viola” 22-gallon Hand SepE. J. LEYDON AND CO., arator, equal ro new. AUCTIONEERS, 1 No. 5 Hydraulic Ram. 1 set 2-leaf Tine Harrows with bar. SOEEITT’S REii.DINGS. 1 Small Haml (JliaU’cuttor, suitable for 8 TO-MORROW. and 00. will SATt'!! DAY. tin* .Mart TO- - in Yard at roar of Adam Rinses', — lat cows 1 lat heifer 11 forward cows 1 mart sale. 1»1T? 14, 25 totara posts. 150 sheets corrugated iron, ■! farm housekeeping, comprising,RANGIOTU. gates, 50 pnnga ferns, 16-gallon Superior Axminstor carpet s((uare (cost (guaranteed), MONDAY Domu 20AT 12 NOON. separator NEXT Add .10s), upright grand piano, oak gallon Crown separator. 31 h.p. flower stand, brass bowls, up-toT7l J. LEV DON \XD CO., instructTriumph motor cycle (owner leavdate high back suite, suite in leathe DEFENCE DEPA RTI ill. Edwill'hy sell ing), 6.10 h.p. Excelsior motor ther, expensive 3-piece chesterfield WITHOUT RESERVE j MENT. bicycles, cycle and coach-built side-car in kery, ladies’ and gents’ ALL THE BUILDINGS, ETC., lor resuite, well made chesterfield lounge, push-cart. -shaped pram, boat splendid order. moval, including,— small antique sideboard, quaint 5 pairs purebred Brown Leghorn pul]K)B BHOWX, double bedstead, 2 single do. com.11 wall sections 15 x 8, rusticating, lets. (i good duchess chests, 2 wire flooring, lot of sheet-iron, 1 rusAuctioneer. plete, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. I'J ticating shed, 18 x IS sliding tlopr, 3 pairs Black Orpington yearling hens. seated couches, easy willow, .Morris at 12 noon. breeding 5-gallon of 1 purebred White pen benches, block, 50 drums arm and seagrass chairs, tables, with iron handles, TOO iron tank, 300 in.s. hoggets Leghorns. ORIENT LODGE, 1.0.0.F., No. 42. couches, bookcase, dresser, com2000 common and tire bricks, 2gal. SPECIAL ENTRY—Derbyshire Red tip-top order, copper boiler, prime ( plete kauri bedroom suite, tea set, iron troughs 401't, 1 do. 100 it, I Do held Caps, 6 hens and I cockerel, imRAIJMAI SALE. do. 501't, 300 sections of flooring, table and seed potatoes, onions, and Lt RECTAL MEETING wii! A i b0 best quality brooms, invalid o clock, in Lodge To-night <i t 7 poried 3 from ;h Derbyshire, England; ior Bft each. 500 is, x 2 joists, I x TEESDAY, SEPTEM BE large lot fresh vegetables. Lathes 7 chair, .'5 pood ladies' cycles, 2 gents' lunch street. room, (fin earthenware drain pipes; A Farmer called in and said:— At 12 Noon. all hens laying. j and gouts’ bicycles in excellent ordo., skates, whips, pair want some more of that ‘dis70 do. 50 roller sinBusiness: Coinnetition (I.C.R niter latrines, Oil, 1 x (fit, “I 100 1loggers 20 h.p. DK CAUVILLE, chain drive, der. 0 do. 70 x Oft ; Army Service Corps which members will be entertained to It) springing heifers appearing’ ealfmeal.” Ho exgle and double iron bedsteads com1 3 speed and reverse, solid axle, W Ronniei. by R.G. Bni, young with sujjjut consignments Large that GO xlB AT 2 plained partitions, tables, hulls shed i P..M.: 2 2-yr Shorthorn plete, child’s chair, cot, bO ]}: sirs to attend. LORBY with van invited AM body, etc., floorings, hull can bo removed MOTOR members FOWLS, in | LegWhite 1. 3-yr Shorthorn well bred walking breeches in riding and carry 20 to 30 cwt., till in good i' sections. 1 gal. iron cookhouse 30 2 2-yr Short horn llcroiord hulls horns and Black Minorcas. absomilitary shades, lioncv extractor, TO BUILDERS. RW xlO (70 shoots of iron), shed 8 springing heifers order. lutely the best of their kind. J 3 lot 6ft, 21 x 2 4 joists, and x x 2 fat cows 2 1 milk float (almost now). seems to complotely dissolve wiicn I npENDERS arc invited up to noon on of loose timber, 15 rim it tom, floors, 3 cows -Ist. mixed with skim milk or whey— j| j 1 set harness (almost new). I Friday, Sentomber MANAW 3 x 2 joists; big lot of sections Jim 23 fat wethers IMPORTANT lON SALE UK A ITT A A 11of Hie word “disap- | olfices lor tin* hence his use erection of timber, etc, good and dog light 6 and sets sheep (heavy young harness 1 VACTABLE CATA LOG UK I E at our etc., jj Flans, pearing.” At INO CLUB. ■I coils sheep netting. V HIGHEST GRADE KIMKD OAK Euless made from ptmv ingre- 5 j Fanners should attend the sale, as Large quantity TABLE and I'TILITV oilice, the Square. On account of \V. Robert. PohanS dieiits Calfmeul couldn't J’IRLTRY. sound, “Tl 1” jail the timber in the buildings is 1 i)K CLERE AND SON, KUKNITUR K. XI OR every enr wo have quite a ranee gina, who is giving up dairying.— Registered Architects. disappear in liquid—anything in | jTiie Iron is as good as new, and the FURTHER ENTRIES INVITED, 8 good dairy coves in milk and at of and inviio the insundries, X the nature of fillers or adulterants i i whole lot is to he sold absolutely withtin- latest design and brand new. spection of the motoring public. AH in drop or refuse, would float around on 'DRAPERY'STOCK FOR SALE. W, 15. O’CALLAGHAN, jout reserve NEXT MONDAY, at 12. Trap, cans and .sundries Tin* Most Valuable Collection of Oak top! (.head, combination dash tail, Lamps (j yearling heifers Auctioneer. wo have ovor had in our Mart, .And if “TIT’ Calfmoal ‘‘disapE. J. LEY DON AND CO., and trouble), speedometers, engine and 10 springing heilers pear;’’ your calves can assimilate 100 owe hoggets hand pumps, electric bulb sots, tyre rn ENDERS tor Urn are invited Sol!it’s Buildings, Auctioneers. it; it will nourish litem! Try it INSPECTION IX\ 1 1 1.!). .lone*, levers, repair helps, clocks, etc. drapery slock ot Messrs 5 this year! PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Co., Eketahnna, where the stock and ROOMS URKN IT Tu 9 I'M. )W<< make a speciality ol' Fold Sun- and stock sheets can be inspected. DAIPY FARM BARGAIN. r Tuesday, i o’clock,, at ilie \r.\irr. Stock sheet value about C'iUlU. tu EVERY SATURDAY. ACRES' within a lea miles and Sealed lenders will he received by NONPAREI L MOTOR GO. merston; Hat, fenced, and undersigned up to pro. on J uesm furniture clearance sale. llit* SPECIALISTS IN OUT-OF-DOOR, divided; within half-mile of railway staday. k'.ith September. AUCTION SALES'. tion, school and township; factory IMITKD. Tim highest, or any tender, not necARRV PALMER AND CO, have handy; substantial dwelling and necesPIG BEYERS, VALUATORS AND aeeepted. essarily received instructions from MRSs sary other farm buildings, shelter etc. j COMMISSION AGENTS. Price £SO per acic, £2OO or £3OO cash, j < II 'O Second-Hand (Jill HOLLAND and another client u> sellII SOLUTES BIT LIVINGS, SON AND F.WEN, LTD., SARGOOD, balance arranged. Inspect at once. | -‘-^Xt-EtM Motor Cycles. r Wellington. at the Mart on TUESDAY' NEXT. £ ROOMED Bungalow House and \ RANGITIKEL STREET. Apply W. C. Brophy, Palmerston North j f acre, "Worcester street, laid out in TO SELECT FROM OF TWO NICELYV THE CONTENTS 475. 'Phones 181 and and GLEN OROFA CO-OPERATIVE [Sales Conducted in Any Part of the FURNISHED 5-ROOM ED HOUSES, Brighter Auction ilower and vegetable gardens. Price Stock in N.Z. All in good display easy Town or District. to oil £990 terms. Rooms show and DAIRY CO., LIMITED. OR. SALE, 43 acres, flat; good ~-j Largest be to sold WITHOUT RESERVE. order. ’Phone 957. -HOO?.IKD house, Foxion Line, with vonr consignments. roomed house and conveniences,! particulars 12s. Full Monday’s ; £S Cd cash, papers. IS balance «J one acre land. Price £975: of PAI^F.RSTON S all necessary outbuildings; 6 acres] EASY TF.iL PIITENDERS are invited for one year weekly. Rankers: National think of N.Z., Ltd. easy terms. W. 15. O’CALLAGHAN, I splendid orchard, well sheltered ; carry-1 UP-TO-DATE and three years respectively tor AND NEW Kelvin broomdrove, ;o)A ACHES, NON PARE EL MOTOR GO. ing capacity, ID milking cows, 2 horses, j Auctioneer. ot cheese, muter and supcarting ROOM. the AUCTION ed house, shod, cow; I trap 9-ha.l and plies rn the above PALAI ERSTON NORTH. company. and young stock; 1 mile school and 95 48 feet. well died, x workshop, etc.; watered £SO per acre; £00 a postt cilice. Price £oU Tenders elo e L'Oth instant. sub-divided into 5 Price paddocks. open to tho of Palmer]mblic now PRELIMINARY ANNOI NCEMENT. aro cash, balance arranged. Vvould vonFur further particulars apply ston North and surrounding districts. £1259; terms. © sider exchange for 100 acres. Apply ACRES, Wood si reef:. Ma e 7SECRETARY, MOCN’S'EY AND CO. have pleasure LICENSED A. G. Crowe, Wocdville. EUR NIT I RE CLEARANCE SALE. in announcing that they have resumed ?.*■! roomed house, bathroom, stables Cdeu Oroua. SWEEj CHIMNEY j on and loft, wash-house, STY their Now Promises the etc. RES. business in Priu l L 1750. I CYCLE r AR ItV PARMER AND CO. have old spot,, and will receive consignments EJECTION. Cuba street, with 4-roomTENDERS. 2?. Broad street. Telephone 773. ed house and shop. Price £1550. received instructions to sell onII of goods from 8 a.rn. to 5.30 p.m. t have big stocks of Dunlop! Cleanliness my business. is a feature A (HE, of End. G-rooined Terraco iai(y. J Tyres and Tubes, and the prices > nTVKNDERS are invited, addressed to behalf of MR DONALDSON, on the in house, bathroom, scuUory, pantry, JL R. Gill, Shannon, tip to Saturday, to tho Spacious Auction are still right. Dunlop 17s 3d. Oceanic | HE LATEST, SIMPLEST, BEST promises, CHURCH STREET EAST, Room addition and Produce have had all latest brick Hall, etc., conveniences, wo \\ (id. also 12s e have a cheap cover ot j the loth inst., at 10 a.m., for building and CHEAPEST BENZINE THE CONTEXTS OF HIS COMFORT- erected a large gallery 70 x 9 feet to wash-house. Cheap at £900; easy a cottage near Shannon. go<xl value, at (is Od. LIGHT on the market. Givoa 300 The man with the car said “good-bye” ABLY EUR N ISM ED .".-ROOMED protect your consignments, also Modern terms. Plans and specifications can bo seen CANDLE DOWER per burner. To all colours that please not the eye. Knrnitnre Show Room, 90 x 48 feet. Apply to HOUSE. at R. Gill’s residence, Vance street. NONPAREIL KOTOR 00. OUTSIDE SALKS will still receive Shannon. 13s’ installing the MOORE you will got So I’ll just take a run SALE WEDNESDAY NEXT, 1 p.m. our careful attention. Cash advances Lowest or any tender not necessarily lor To Oliver and Sou COMPLETE SATISFACTION CHURCH STREET EAST, made it required. References Hankers IUNGITIKEI STREET. accepted. lighting and cooking purposes. For a beautiful CLICK.Y. full particulars Monday’s papers. Union, Bank of Australia. NEW EURN ITUR E SHOW ROOM <T> N D-11AND I YCLES. Also the “Moore” Benzine Self-heatwith High-grade Furniture of O’CALLA stocked AN, It Gil W. ing iron. made on job have a first-class |TO every description. Our remarkably low 5’ £$ EFFICIENCY BOARD. E are (putting ;t good assortment A net iuneer *"Tl'l5 Avf your motor car, oil or gas engine, v X* prices will he a feature of ( our business. X tv t rot .second-liand bicycles-at it low —“Accordin' to the papers, Full particulars and demonstration sure be and consult Mowat and White. complete, Wo furnish tho home ami in figure. All have been completely overthey can’t get the Efhciency apply gear stocked, feed roller's Terms; Board to reconsider its resignation.” such a way as to make tho payment All flasmill spindles and roller shells made hauled and are excellent value. screwed, trill pay you to invcsitigats the easy. Guaranteed in All Big Savings His wife—“lT! wore down and if IT os weekly. they wager to standard size. Improved trip 4- 8. WILTON AND 00., Departments. Fanners’ Milking Machines. After treated to a good cup of ‘ARCADIA five years’ successful milking they come NEXT NATIONAL BANK, THE LAND AGENCY DEPART- catcher; beat on the market—at Mowat NONPAREIL MOTOR CO. TEA’ they’d do it. That’s tire way I A GAIN" last week ivlieu anotherr and White’s. 72 Rangitikei street out on top as the best preposition on got my motor. ‘ARCADIA’ cures CUBA STREET. record week’s business was putt MENT wall have tho management’s perthe market for tho dairy farmer. Low sona! attention. A LADIES’ CLUB. dowuhearteduess.” through. first cost, low upkeep, faithfully conPRODUCE DEPARTMENT in charge A FARM THAT WILL SELL Orator—“Miss President, AIR We conducted a most successful clear* house, 6-i‘oomcd hot and oo’ hj experienced structed, extremely simple, very easily of an man. Right through R' ASK FOR might I ask why that resolution QUICKLY. !iug sale of furniture and live stock oni water, sewerage, washlious cleaned, and quick and safe milker. gas, tho business methods our will ensure0 copper and tubs. Price £l6s.— Bagna 'is recorded ‘carried unanimousy,’ behalf of Mrs S. E. Pussell, Scaur!iai Milk taken right from cow to cans or O() | ACRES, Limestone formation. when the returns were—For ARCADIA |street, when a total clearance was made in the future bigger business. separator. Price complete with engine OU4 All in best English grass, *2OO and Keeble. MOUNSEY AND CO., TEA 70, against 30?” President—“Bat very gratifying prices. AERATED WATERS. tot- two-cow plant £lO2 10s, including acycs nloughable, balance easy undu57 finest land a FARM, arcos, ecause, according to the Hon. A cottage and o acres of land in Auctioneers, Land Estate and Commiswith artesian retaliation, etc., etc. Mauawntn, good buildings; pri< three-fourths verdict should he acceptlating country. Divided into 7 padstreet was also .sold on acsion Agents, Expert Valuators, and water, .sweetened with pure eauo Scandia Take per For further particulars write it: £75 acre. Owner £4OO end will docks. Good 5-roomed dwelling, wooled as such from juries. (Applause). of Mrs Bnckeridgo at a- satisfacProduce Merchants. Obtainable everywhere. King count easy terms. J. A. Nash and Cu shed, sheep-yarda (2 sets), dairy, cow- •sugar. FARMERS’ tory figure. Telephone 138. Private House 9GI- balance up ’phono 338. Prompt delivery. Gem-go street. shed, etc. We hold a successful sale in the mart Box 77. MiLKI MG MACHINE! GO., O M Aid. 1 UIRY FARM, 36 acres, nil SITUATED 10 miles from Pahi atria. on account of Mr Poynter, when everyFT bouse; eoncreie cowshed, onihuik LTD., Good motor road; 2 miles railway elathing realised full values. nigs; (any lb rows; only £SO per ovr> 67 ROY STREET PALMERSTON N tion and school. Our pig sale drew a big entry, but Owner will take £4OO cash. Irdalii-© term V— | CARRYING CAPACITY. Now winANTF.D mO the quality was only fair and prices I' A. Nash and Co., George street. I, tering 430 ewes, 200 hoggets, 3o head were a. little, better than the. previous house, hot an cattle and 8 horses. No bettor stock week. Poultry was in very keen de- *r/> SKCONT)-(IA.NI) I’usii Biles cwa’Utj -i-* I(i —G-ronnied 1/ We arc making lug allowance s cohl water, gas and hire in the whole of this district. mand and several buyers Juul to go U( 'IAIR ST £ 1LASS RATI YE PRICE : The price is £iP IDs per acre short although there was a good entry. for old bicycles as part payment to r .section, 55 x 108. This is ‘‘some” ha Cash required, £I3OO. Produce is still showing a big turnover. new ones. Call in and get our (|iiot< 11 gain.—Hagnall and Keeble. A GENUINE BUYER IB OUR ONLY Following are the sales: Wcaners to on your old machine. df^N(dlAX(ii: ~011 FOR SALE, 2C REQUEST, rE have money for Investment as 17s, slips 9s Gd to 16s, stores IGs to acres L.1.P., good easy country USIXESSNONPAREIL .MOTOR CO. 3?s; turkey gobblers 25s Od to 31s pair, capacity 25 cows and 200 sheep. Prk above upon fully improved farms. WRIGHT, STEPHENSON AMD turkey kens to 20s, ducks 7s 6d to Ss €lO 10s per acre. Further purlieu la Gd, roosters Os to 9s 3d, hens Gs to GO.* LTD., HANKS NS AND LOCKHART (is from T. J. Rodgers and Co., Georg 9(1, small chickens Is lid. & PAIIIATUA. street, TABLES. T I VERY FITZHERBERT. Our buyers are anxious to secure all IRK 1“ Cattle farm, 550 acres price £ SOLICITORS. kinds of poultry and wo will ho pleased 5s pi r acre; equity £7OO. Ownc to hear of any for sale at once, and can PALMERSTON INOHTH. oh will take town property exchange. Tlr also guarantee good prices for next mCA at Sheppard’s is still at tho 1 X prices. Amber Tips 2s quality k place is a snip. J. A. Nash and Co Saturday’s sale. sold at that price, also lieil, Desen t- George street. replete with all latest plant, firstAPE YOU MOV I.VO 3 OE Nelson Moatos, Suratura, etc. EAR Bungalow Mouse, 5 rooim SITUATED in the most progressive class mechanics, and we guarantee WHEN SELLING. SELL TM BOTCH Gold, etc. J all modern Owno conveniences. satisfaction. town in the Dominion. NET PROFIT PS. leaving. A bargain £575; £SO cask over and above living L'bOU a year witn LOWEST POSSIBLE Off A POES CONnil Bd i. _s -.a a j j k Apply Hropliy, IMPORTANT AN V. Rangitiki DISCOVER William all tremendous prospects for expansion; SISTENT WITH EFFICIENCY. "tdl TELL-KNOWN SEND YOUR NEXT JOB ALONG TO pood values ii street. QRLME two years ;if■ o the New Zealand the plant in last-class order; long found no place in the system Herald ami other loading daily papers � V Hulk Teas are still unaltered. US'. lease of premises, old established busi:i,s of business of the enabled the Dominion from the iresl 'SALK, 11 reprinted Otago Is -Id, Is (id. Is dd, Is ILKI per lb. in any quantity. Cites & jLIOR ness. Empire Auctioneering Co. to build up Daily Times a news item announcing the. “■ Tens at old prices. terfields .€!), ami Duches a sound, .successful trade and connec- discovery by a Dunedin resident of a won('bests from £2 12s Gd; also Severn slogan of the partners in derful natural euro for . rheumatism-; and f THE •’ POPELA R.vA FCPIONEERS, •? Orange tion. The lino SPLENDID of broken THIS IS AX OPPORTUNITY this young ami energetic firm lias al- blood troubles, wn-'b:-o’gAlla'Ohantv . (id peFolb? bos? a Tea'at-As at bddrock at tin prices I’ebdd A'V" RARELY OFFER ED. now transpires discovery that the ir was ways been Progress, and their aim to Anctionocr-Alauagor. Sheppard’s, whore cigarettes are tki per Gilchrist Furnishing Co., next “Stan j stand on their own business legs and athevery important one, for since that" time ’Phono 92; Private Phono 857. First-class workmanship at moderate packet. remedy has been subjected to every j dard: ’ Office, the Square. win out through their own efforts. prices. possible tost and thousands of oases have Tho owner is retiring from business, When your business to us, Been treated. our stocks hold ont we arc j jLAOJI SALE, cheap farm, 84 acres 7’IIICE and thus his reason for ‘ding. Fuller wliotlier entrusting Our Representatives—-Satisfied Cusit be inside Mart Sales or outCios© to Palmerston* flat land The intensely interesting story of the still selling cigarettes til fid ]>er i particulars from side dealing Sales, we can honestly discovery has n'ow been printed in book packet lor Id’s and is lor ‘JO’s at Shep- jnine paddocks; good house, large out tomers. claim we will successfully attain the form, entitled ‘‘The Broken, Crutch,” and building; price £ls, including cows pard’s. be obtained free by filling- iu and postend desired. horses, implements, etc., £3OO cash jean I ins' the following coupon : T M!()U :sAU mOPACCOS —Tins is at Sheppard’s, (Owner would take bona© m part pav X>t*‘H;ks \ To the Dominion Rheumatic Cure Ply., ' ' BROWN, BRIGGS, 808 ant. Apply William Brophy, Palmer MARK X the old shop lor new goods.—lo7 ai,ton Ltd.. Jlellahy's Buildings, R.O. Box 369. Auctioneer. Nortl vangitiket street. x 31, j FORD, 30 O / Auckland. CUBA STREET, PALMERSTON X. LTD,, i ; Please send me Free Book about Rheu! 'pdll SALK, 5-roomed house, all con Dual can mentioned in Ric “Standard,” PalOthers projtortinnately low. /THOCKFRY still being sold at pre- !it venieuces, good locality. Price LTD., merston. A.11.9. Irv our heavy ’'\ it:ill i< Covers. VA war prices at Sheppard's Furnish- ‘£7oo with €75 cash.—T. d/llodgeii PALMERSTON VORTiI A Maine FIRST-CLASS ing Stores, 81 and 81 a, Rangitikei j ami Co., Ltd., George street. Address HAMILTON. street. NONPARE 5 L MOTOR CO. Ho. 2, Xo sulterer should hesitate in sending sheep .mn cattle farm. , FtOR SALK, dining and suppei for the book. It shows thui no matter 5 still have a little barb and plain 2 rooms; best position; good turn how severe a case may bo—even if it, has WAX A WAT LI. wiro, corrugated and Hat iron ai ■ over; low rent; going concern. Price been pronounced incurable —a comjilete and Sheppard’s Cash Providers, 107 Kan |£l 50.--Orbcll and Co., Alain street. is possible, with the aid o| WOOD AMD COAL, ACRES. Going concern with i (AO A ACRES. All in grass,, flat speedy cure gitikei street. this marvellous remedy, the secret of SALK, 5-roomed bouse, bathcows, cans, horse, trap, harness., 1 «OU ami undulating, about 40U which was known to the ancient. Egyptians S.(IORroom, SALE, Matai, Hal a, and Mairo hj. and c. water, gas, etc. ARDWICK POULTRY FARM. etc. All ploughablo, all in gra,vj acres ploughable, 20 paddocks watered centuries ago and was only re-clisoovored Calf Food at Simp /'NILRUTIFS Firewood cut to length. any dry nice section. Price .€(525; £75 cash! House 5 rooms, cowhails. etc. Handy by permanent streams. Capacity. 2 I ac.ideal. Send for the. book and read Taupin, tVaipa, and pard’s. Try tin’s well known Pukemiro Coal. Prompt and Co., Alain street. FOR UTILITY WHITE LEGHORNS. to factory, school and Palmer-ton sheep to the aero and 180 head of this marvellous true story for yourself. proved quality Call Food and tho re- .—Orbed delivery any part Borough. North. Price, £l2, including stock. catGe. Situated handy to railway, sults will be an agreeable surprise to ACRES FOR £IOBO—A fine little If AM now hooking orders for th* Terms arranged. PERSSOM & STRAWBRSDGE. von. j9f| fa honl. township and creamery. GMONEY LENT. j aw €> iarm within >‘H miles of Palmor- jl hatching season. Hatching eggs O-ROOMED HOUSE all convcnicr.w roonied iiouso, largo wool-shod. TELEPHONE 34.S North. All lb;t, fenced. 5 pad- irom July Ist. Day-old chicks from O situated close to Square, Broad (without removal), and every NUTS, the latest laying food - ston docks nicely sheltered, orchard. Good August Ist. Eggs—settings 15 eggs street. Owner going into Camp. Price ; PRICE £l7 10s Per Acre, other approved security; repayable at Is and As (id. Shell grit, dwelling of G l ooms, large shod. Carry 7s bd and 10s (id, post paid. Incubator only £875. Terms arranged. easy instalments. Apply personally or wheat, etc., for fowls, at Sheppard’s, | 10 cows and horse. Apply POSTAL OMISSION. at once, Sots per 100 Sos, free on rail Foxton. land and new 4-roomed Terms arranged. letter enclosing stamps.—L. \V. Bal107 Hangitikei street. | William Brophy. Palmerston North. Day-old chicks Is each; GO, 47s Gd 100, Price Edfio. i house, bungalow. King’s Chambers (first Hoof), “Ho daro not toll his happy wife kan!, 00s. Railage paid North Island. A !)2 This property will stand inspec- over O’Connor and Tydeman’s the Terras easy. | >ACON PIGS are a good price now. jo} STYLISH bungalow houses, now "The secret lie told me. ' (3/271) tion. Square. Ilemoved from 14 Cuba street “But ho vows he’ll remember all his O Suerosino for pigs is one of the ;a» being erected, containing 5 rooms, limited number of breeding cockerels, best foods ever put on the market; 19s with latest fittings, sewerage, gas, etc. 30s each. —tlio late address. 1 i to APPLY M. H. WALKER. per 2001b. sack at Sheppard’s. Also a Near Grey street. Price £OSO each; “To order ‘ARCADIA TEA.’ FOXTON TWO CHEAP BUILDING SITES. largo stock of Molasses.—Sheppard’s, A'ash £IOO. Inspect at once. Apply William Brophy, 27 Raugitikoi street. 107 Hangitikei street. A 800N 'TO MOTORISTS. Printed and published by the proprieTVTOPTH STREET, adjacent to new t«rs NORMAN HENRY NASH and THERE’S nothing bettor than th JLI park, good level section, 82 feet IRON is dear. Regent SAVE YOUR BENZINE. JOHN COOJIBE, at the ‘‘Manarvatu best. The North British Ruhhc Roofing and Certain Teed Rooffrontage by depth 204 feet; drainage FTIHE Patent Benzine Savor is guar7i L\: Standard” registered printing office, laid on. Price £175. JL anteed to save from one to five ing and Felt both make splendid roots, Co.’s armoured hose lasts a lifo-tim thy. Square, Palmerston N., County Bryant street, 51 feet frontage, good miles per gallon. Price only 16s- complete with cement and nails at because it represents the last word i Croua, in tlio Provincial District level building site, with largo shed. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. Sheppard’s, 107 Rangitikei street. Low- rubber goods making. Of all hard°l AGENTS, of Wellington. ware dealers—but ask for the llritis Price £IOO. Apply W. 0. Brophy, est prices as usual. OSCAR, ANDREWS (Solo Agent), brand, Paugitikei street, Palmerston North. I'UJIUIi., SEPPI'I'ALUEU J-U i'MU. Garage. Palmerston North. Next National Bank, Cuba Street. PALMERSTON NORTH. On the site. OLD CAMP, . ‘Oisappearing” Cal; v5 ( j \ • ru 1 HAL j t*<i Oar Sundries .). j , ). j .). HODDER 56 sub-1 _ 'VLLEY, ! Auctioneercreg ) *XJ\ ~Q > BETTER ; | 171 I | •; ! { I THE "MOORE” LIGHT. 1 B > : | 1 i Ws C. BAKER. ) iil.. L BROAD. , ( 1? \\J I^IARAIER * IT DAIRY i Manufactured i CARSON’S I 1 c “ ■’ . MOTORISTS; > .). ■ OUR NEW UP-TO-DATE W i B AND jVUT GARAGE SI The Methods s IS (11l i Boast, Brag or Bluff HAVE - ( OUR MOTTO: jollier lines■ ’ 1 j I I ' ! | i I , Cd. i Harry Palmar 1 j ’Y^/ Salter Timer, : _ { o/“ ” STREET. «. : i i ; 1 QUEEN i PIOTO i IACRE ; 1 _ ” ROOFING *- 1 > j j , KlDfb | f! I 7 GILCHRIST A