October 16, 2013 • Volume 10, Issue 16

Cougar Prints
October 16, 2013 • Volume 10, Issue 16
Early Edition!
Important Dates:
Oct. 17-18
Oct. 21
Oct. 22
Oct. 24-25
No School / MEA
Basketball Parent
Meeting: 5:00 or 6:00
Basketball 4-6 Girls
Practice 3:35 – 4:45
Basketball 4-6 Boys
Practice 4:45 – 6:00
7:00 p.m. School Board
Basketball Parent
Meeting: 5:00 or 6:00
Basketball 4-6 Girls
Practice 3:35 – 4:45
Basketball 4-6 Boys
Practice 4:45 – 6:00
7:00 p.m. School Board
No School / LEA
Our seventh graders, along with
Mr. Heuton, presented our chapel
message this week. Their skit
emphasized the importance of
Christianity in action. It needs to
be more than just head knowledge.
God has blessed us to be a blessing
to others. This is what Jesus did,
and it’s what we need to do as well.
October Chapel Project
Feed My Starving Children is our
chapel project this month. Through
the first two weeks the students
have brought in $203. 88 which is
enough to supply 927 meals. On
Tuesday the 7th and 8th grade
classes went to FMSC in Eagan and
helped package 13, 392 meals.
That is enough to feed 37 children
for one year. Later this month or
early next month the 5th & 6th
grades as well as the 3rd and 4th
grade will also go to package
meals. FMSC sends meals to over
70 countries around the world.
Over 90% of all donations goes
directly to supplying meals.
Please don’t send your children to
school tomorrow or Friday! No
teachers will be here! Thursday,
our faculty is in Mankato for a
district conference. We will actually
be here on Friday, but hosting an
in-service. We’re on the same
schedule next week, as our staff
heads for Milwaukee early on
Thursday morning for a national
Lutheran educators conference.
Hoping you all have the
opportunity to enjoy some quality,
extra family time!
Marathon Money Turn-in and
Prize Drawing
We still have almost a week to turn
in money for the Marathon and be
eligible for the prize drawings.
Tuesday, October 22, is the turn-in
deadline, and the drawings will be
after chapel on Wednesday. Prizes
are bicycles and gift cards! You
even have time to contact that
long-lost uncle or other relative in
Oregon or Georgia (wherever!) for a
donation and get it turned in on
time! We’ve gone over the $9,000
figure, but that still leaves a long
way to go to reach our goal. Please
jump in on this endeavor. It’s very
important to our school!
Farewell Soccer and Cross
Country; Hello 4th- 6th Basketball
Our fall sports season has
concluded, and our teams gave it
their all… all we can ask of them!
We are very grateful to our
coaches—Hannah Miller, Jeremiah
Willard, and Amanda Welliver in
soccer and Matthew Westphal and
Erica Dalager in cross-country for
the time they gave over to their
sport. We are, of course, also very
grateful to our students for
representing our school with great
effort and honor! It’s a short break
for our younger students, however,
as they jump right into basketball.
The parents meeting and first
practice are next Monday,
October 21. Basketball meetings
actually are held at 3:45, 4:45, and
5:45 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday
to meet your scheduling needs!
Mission Statement
In partnership with home and church, the mission of Central Lutheran School is to make Christian disciples of our students and to equip them with fundamental
knowledge and skills for responsible citizenship in the community and the world.
School Office: 651-­‐645-­‐8649 Website: www.clssp.org E-­mail: school@clssp.org 