AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ 1. Persons entitled to student residences and student housing in Aalborg According to legislation in force, young students and other young people with a special need for housing in Aalborg are entitled to have student residences and student housing allocated. Government-subsidised housing in accordance with legislation in force before 1 January 1978 is reserved for young students, however. 1.1 Young students 1.1.1 The following always entitles you to apply for accommodation: (See link to S.U.) Training and education programmes that entitle you to S.U. (state education grants), including: Further and higher education General and vocational upper secondary education (youth education) Primary and lower secondary school level of education as well as Vocational education and training Exchange students must apply for accommodation via International Accommodation Office 1.1.2 Education that does not entitle you to apply for accommodation via AKU-Aalborg: Evening classes Courses Day folk high schools Learn Danish courses Production school TAMU-centre (adult vocational training) Træningshøjskole (adult vocational training) PhD programmes (in certain cases an exemption may be applied for) 1.1.3 Private education and training, etc. / other approved education and training programmes Young people enrolled in education that does not meet the above criteria can send an application to AKU-Aalborg to be approved as entitled to have accommodation allocated. Importance is attached to the following: The official length of the programme must as a minimum be 1 year. The applicant must as a minimum have 23 weekly lessons. The education or training programme must give the student professional competence. If you have questions, please contact AKU@Aalborg.dk. 1.2 Other young people with a special need for accommodation 1.2.1 Other young people with a special need As regards other young people with a special need, the question whether the person concerned can be regarded as being entitled to have accommodation allocated depends on a specific assessment of his/her financial and social situation. (This applies also to young people who receive student grants and refugees). Applications for accommodation are to be sent via the social worker to the central welfare Page 1 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ accommodation office of Aalborg Municipality to which one in four of the student residences and student housing facilities under the Act is made available. Therefore these young people cannot apply for accommodation via AKU-Aalborg. 2. Application rules Young students can at the earliest apply for accommodation 12 months before commencement of study always provided that they can take up residence at the earliest 3 months before commencement of study. The period between the date of application and the earliest move-in date cannot exceed 12 months. Please note: All applications are "active". The desired move-in date determines whether the applicant will receive offers of accommodation in future. (The concept "passive applicants" does not exist.) 2.1 Application: Where an application is made by a couple both applicants must move into the premises. Otherwise it is skipping the waiting list and notice will be given to terminate the lease. An applicant can create only one application as a single applicant and one application for accommodation for a couple where the applicant makes the application together with one other person, i.e. an applicant can make a total of two applications. 2.2 Skipping AKU-Aalborg's waiting list If AKU-Aalborg learns that applicants have provided incorrect information in connection with an application for student residences and student housing, the application will be cancelled. 2.3 Documentation Applicants must provide documentation to AKU-Aalborg of their active participation in a study programme or documentation that they expect to be admitted to a study programme. The documentation must be provided as soon as possible and not later than 3 months after moving in. If satisfactory documentation is not provided after moving in, notice is given to terminate the lease. The form of documentation that AKU-Aalborg accepts is: Admission papers from the educational institution Confirmation from the educational institution SU-papers (papers on state education grants) The documentation must not be more than 3 months old. Student ID cards are not accepted. In the case of creation of applications from couples with a child/children a copy of the certificate of baptism/birth certificate or an NHS medical card must be submitted/shown in order for the application to be assigned to the correct group. Until documentation has been provided for the child/children, the application is grouped as an application without a child/children. Applications from single parents must be followed up by a copy of the certificate of baptism/birth certificate or an NHS medical card. In addition to this, documentation of custody/parent visitation must be submitted. In the case of pregnancy, documentation of this must be submitted - often a maternity record. Page 2 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ 2.4 Types of accommodation that can be applied for 1-room flats and rooms can be applied for by one person only. 1½-room flats are basically only for single applicants (or based on a special request single applicants who have a child or are expecting a child, including parent visitation.) 2-room flats can be applied for by singles, couples without children or couples who have or are expecting 1 child. 2½-, 3- and 4-room flats can be applied for by all categories of applicants. Please note: The same rules apply to residential facilities for handicapped people, but applicants with a documented handicap can be upgraded to group 1 for these residential facilities. 3. Placing in a group After receipt of the application for accommodation the applicant is given an applicant number and receives a password and a user name for log in and is placed in a group on the basis of the following criteria. Group 1: Applicants who have been granted an exemption. Tenants who want to exchange rooms/flats within the same residential facility for students/part of the facility. Priority to a two-room flat or a larger flat is subject to the applicant ranking in the same category as applicants in groups 2, 3, 4 or 5. Tenants who want to move to a different room/flat when the tenant has lived in the same premises for 1 year. After the move, a new waiting period of 1 year commences. Priority to a two-room flat or a larger flat is subject to the applicant ranking in the same category as applicants in groups 2, 3, 4 or 5. It is a condition for group 1 that a room/flat is given up. Group 2: Single parents who have or are expecting a child/children and who live outside the North Denmark Region Couples who have or are expecting a child/children and who both live outside the North Denmark Region Group 3 Single parents who have or are expecting a child/children and who live in the North Denmark Region Couples who have or are expecting a child/children and who live in the North Denmark Region Group 4 Cohabitants/couples who both live outside the North Denmark Region Group 5 Cohabitants/couples of whom one or both lives/live in the North Denmark Region Group B Singles who live outside the North Denmark Region Group C Page 3 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ Singles who live in the North Denmark Region For the purpose of being placed in a group, applicants who live on islands in the North Denmark Region are ranked in the same category as applicants who live outside the Region. After 6 months' seniority, applicants in group 3, group 5 and group C are automatically moved up one group. This occurs on an ongoing basis. The application is provided with a new date and placed at the bottom of the new group. 3.1 Age Formally there is no lower age limit to apply for student residences and student housing. But if the applicant is under 18 years of age, the person who is legally responsible for the applicant must be a co-signatory to the lease. Formally there is no upper age limit either but according to legislation student residences and student housing must be allocated to young people. 3.2 Children When an application is made for a student residence both children who move into the premises and children who are subject to an agreement on joint custody or parent visitation are taken into account. The latter applies irrespective of the period of time the child/children stay(s) with each parent. In the case of pregnancy, this also counts as a child/children. 4. Reapplication / Deletion from the waiting list To receive an offer for accommodation the applicant must be actively looking for accommodation. Reapplications are made via the Internet. Applicants who do not re-apply are deleted from the waiting list. It is the responsibility of applicants to re-apply and obtain information on when to re-apply. Reference is also made to item 5.2 as regards deletion of applicants from the waiting list in connection with rejections of offers of accommodation. 4.1 Change of personal information Information on change of address, temporary address, new e-mail address, telephone number or other data can be provided on an ongoing basis by entering the information on the application on the Internet. At all times, it is the responsibility of the applicant that AKU-Aalborg has the correct information. 4.2 Change of desired type of accommodation If applicants want to change their desired type of accommodation, this can be done on an ongoing basis by entering the information on their application on the Internet. 4.3 Change of commencement of study Where the applicant's anticipated commencement of study is changed this must be changed on the application via the Internet. 5. Allocation of student residences and student housing Allocation starts in group 1. If there are no applicants entitled to student residences and student Page 4 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ housing in group 1 student residences and student housing are allocated to groups 2, 3, 4, 5, B, C. In the allocation, importance is attached to the following factors: The group in which the applicant has been placed Number of children Number of adults Application date Applicant number (It should be pointed out that couples or single parents with children, (groups 2, 3, 4, or 5) rank prior to singles in group 1.) In the assignment to group 1, the criteria for assignment to groups 2-5 and B-C are observed. Accommodation is allocated on an ongoing basis. An applicant can have only one active offer of accommodation at a time. An offer for a room/flat is accepted via the applicant's online application before 23:00 on the date stated as deadline. 5.1 Order of allocation The aim of AKU-Aalborg is to achieve optimum utilisation of the existing housing stock. This means that: Rooms, 1-room flats can be allocated to one person, 1½-room flats are primarily allocated to singles (or on the basis of a special request singles who have or are expecting a child, including parent visitation) 2-room flats are primarily allocated to couples who have or are expecting a child (including parent visitation) 2½-, 3- 4-room flats are primarily allocated to couples, couples who have or are expecting 2 or more children (including parent visitation). 5.2 Rejection of offers of accommodation Applicants can reject 3 offers without this affecting their position on the waiting list. If an applicant rejects the fourth offer of accommodation the application is cancelled and the applicant is no longer regarded as actively looking for accommodation. When applicants reject or do not reply to an offer for accommodation this counts as a rejection. 6. Exemption 6.1 Exemption with municipal upgrading See item 1.2 on the procedure for this. 6.2 Exemption without municipal upgrading To be granted exemption to group 1 without municipal upgrading, the applicant must in addition to the normal application submit a satisfactory account of the basis on which an exemption is applied for. The account must contain the following: Page 5 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ A description of the applicant's present situation A description of the applicant's present housing situation Reasons why the applicant considers himself/herself eligible for being upgraded on the waiting list An account as to why a student residence will be more suitable than any other type of dwelling. A specialist assessment/documentation from a municipal social worker or specialist; medical specialist, psychologist or others must be enclosed. The day-to-day head of AKU-Aalborg decides on applications for exemptions and may present such applications to the Board of Directors of AKU-Aalborg if there are matters of dispute. 6.3 Appeals Applicants who want to appeal against decisions reached by AKU-Aalborg can send an appeal to Tilsynet med Støttet Boligbyggeri (the Inspectorate of Subsidised Housing) at Aalborg Municipality within 3 weeks from receipt of the decision. Appeals should be sent to AKU-Aalborg which will pass on the appeal to the supervisory authority. 7. Status of occupant Persons who are named in the lease are regarded as occupants from the time of occupation/moving in. The persons who sign the lease must move into the premises and register the address with the national register. Persons who move in with a tenant can gain the status of occupant after 2 years. It must be documented to AKU-Aalborg that for a minimum of 2 years the person who moved in has been registered with the national register at the address. Upon vacation of the premises/termination, the status of occupant will no longer apply. Subtenants do not have the status of occupants. 7.1 Moving internally Persons who have lived in the same premises for 1 year under the auspices of AKU-Aalborg and who wish to move to a different room/flat have a special right of priority to the residences that are allocated by AKU-Aalborg. Tenants who want to exchange residences of the same type within the same residential facility for students/part of the facility must contact the office with notices of termination of both leases after which new leases will be drawn up in respect of the rooms/flats exchanged. Tenants who want to move to a different room/flat are upgraded to group 1. A tenant is automatically upgraded by AKU-Aalborg when the tenant has lived in the same premises for a year. After the tenant has moved a new waiting period of 1 year starts. Priority to a two-room flat or a larger flat is subject to the applicant ranking in the same category as applicants in groups 2, 3, 4 or 5. It is a condition for group 1 that a room/flat is given up. 7.2 Exchange of rooms/flats If an occupant wants to exchange rooms/flats with another student, e.g. in another town a written application must be submitted to AKU-Aalborg. The provisions of the Danish Rent Act on exchange must have been met. In the case of exchange of dwellings a new lease is drawn up and a new deposit is paid, the dwelling is inspected and repairs, if any, are made in accordance with the rules in force in this respect. In the case of exchange of dwellings the new occupant need not be on the waiting list of AKUPage 6 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ Aalborg in advance. In the case of exchange of dwellings the new occupant must meet the requirements for allocation of student residences and student housing 7.3 AKU-Aalborg must be notified of the following AKU-Aalborg must be informed of changes in study activities. The changes may concern: Internship Study abroad Subletting Exchange of rooms/flats Leave Changes to the lease – divorce/discontinuance of cohabitation, and the like Change of programme of study Delay in programme of study Termination of programme of study 7.4 Subletting If a tenant of a student residence wishes to sublet the premises the tenant must contact AKUAalborg not later than 14 days prior to the date of subletting. A subletting period can be 3 months as a minimum and 1 year as a maximum. Permission to sublet the premises does not extend the period in which the tenant can reside in the premises. It is the responsibility of the tenant to find a subtenant. 7.4.1 Demands made on the tenant who is subletting the premises Subletting is permitted in connection with: Study tour abroad when the stay is part of the tenant's education. Documentation: Papers of admission from the university abroad together with a statement from the counsellor of the tenant verifying the stay. If the stay abroad concerns project work in a company it must be documented that it is related to a project that the tenant is to conclude in Denmark. Internship when the stay is part of the tenant's education: Documentation: Documentation from the employer together with a statement from the counsellor of the tenant verifying the stay. Military service: Documentation: Call-up papers Illness (own): Documentation: Satisfactory statement from the tenant and the tenant's doctor with a reply to the following questions: The nature of the illness? When was the illness diagnosed by a doctor? Why is the tenant unable to attend classes/lectures? When is the tenant expected to get well again? Illness of a closely related family member: Documentation: Satisfactory statement from the tenant and the doctor of the family member with a Page 7 of 8 AKU-Aalborg's criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing ____________________________________________________________________ reply to the following questions: The nature of the illness? When was the illness diagnosed by a doctor? When is the tenant expected to resume studies? 7.4.2 Demands made on the subtenant The subtenant must be enrolled in education and must document this in relation to AKU-Aalborg. Documentation: Admission papers from the place of education or confirmation from the place of education that the subtenant is an active student or SU papers. The documentation must not be more than 3 months old. A person on leave is not an active student and cannot be approved as a subtenant. Couples or single parents cannot be approved as subtenants of a room or a one-room flat. Where a flat with several rooms is sublet a maximum of two persons per room can be approved. Please note: Single parents can be approved as subtenants of 1½-room flats. 7.4.3 Sub-tenancy agreement It is a condition that the tenant who is subletting the premises and the subtenant themselves draw up a fixed-term standard tenancy agreement. Documentation from the tenant and the subtenant as well as the sub-tenancy agreement is provided to AKU-Aalborg which assesses whether permission to sublet can be granted. 7.5 Non-observance of the above-mentioned rules Where accommodation is sublet without permission from AKU-Aalborg this is regarded as breach of contract and the lease will be terminated. 7.6 Check of study activities According to legislation in force, AKU-Aalborg must check the study activities of the occupants in order to assess whether there is ground of possession. At least once a year the occupants are to complete a statement on study and education activities, which must be returned to AKU-Aalborg within a specified time limit. Otherwise notice will be given to terminate the lease. For couples the rule is that it is necessary for only one of them to be enrolled in education in which case the right of occupation applies to that occupant. If both occupants are enrolled in education the occupant who is last to finish his/her education has the right of occupation, and only that occupant is obliged to submit a statement of study and education activities. 7.7 Change of allocation criteria The Board of Directors cause the allocation criteria to be changed so that the criteria are at all times in accordance with legislation in force. 7.8 Commencement These criteria for allocation of student residences and student housing were adopted at the meeting of the board of representatives held on 3 November 2015 to take effect immediately. Page 8 of 8