Yak Digital Home Phone ATA Setup Guide

Yak Digital Home Phone: Analog Telephone Adapter (ATA) Setup
Option 1
In this scenario, the modem is the internet source for the ATA and the ATA is also the internet source for
the router or computer. Your modem’s routing function must be enabled in order for the Yak Digital
Home Phone Service to function. If, for example, you have DSL Internet, the PPPoE protocol must be
setup in the modem.
1. Turn off the modem, router and computer
2. Using an Ethernet cable, connect the ATA's "INTERNET" port to the modem's "ETHERNET"
or "LAN" port
3. Using another Ethernet cable, connect the ATA's "ETHERNET" port to the Computer's
Ethernet port or the router's "WAN", "INTERNET" or "MODEM" port
4. Using a telephone cable , connect the ATA's "PHONE 1" port to the telephone
5. Turn on modem, ATA, router, then computer
6. Wait 20 to 30 minutes; avoid interrupting the synchronization process by disconnecting
cables or lifting the receiver on the phone
If you are using a modem which can provide multiple LAN connections and/or wireless connections, it is
recommended that you assign a static IP address to the ATA as well as set up port forwarding from
within the modem’s settings . Adding the ATA’s IP address to the modem’s DMZ can be a secondary
option. Check out the Yak Digital Home Phone’s Support and FAQ’s section available at
http://www.yak.ca/digital-home-phone for more information.
Option 2
In this scenario, the router is the ATA’s internet source. This setup is ideal in case where “Option 1”
causes the internet speeds to drop.
1. Turn off the modem, router and computer
2. Using an Ethernet cable, connect your modem’s “ETHERNET” or “LAN” port to the router’s
"WAN", "INTERNET" or "MODEM" port
3. Using another Ethernet cable, connect the ATA’s “INTERNET” port to one of the router’s
“LAN” ports
4. Using a telephone cable , connect the ATA's "PHONE 1" port to the telephone
5. Turn on modem, router, ATA, then computer
6. Wait 20 to 30 minutes; avoid interrupting the synchronization process by disconnecting
cables or lifting the receiver on the phone
Since you are using a router which provides multiple LAN connections and/or wireless connections, it is
recommended that you assign a static IP address to the ATA as well as set up port forwarding from
within the router’s settings. Adding the ATA’s IP address to the router’s DMZ can be a secondary option.
Check out the Yak Digital Home Phone’s Support and FAQ’s section available at
http://www.yak.ca/digital-home-phone for more information.