Three examples for possible new physics at LHC: Supersymmetry, Tev Scale B B-L, L, Extra dimensions Shaaban Khalil Center for theoretical Physics British University in Egypt 1 Outline Why New Physics at TeV scale? Supersymmetry SUSY signatures in LHC TeV Scale B-L extended SM (MSSM) Signatures g of TeV scale B-L in LHC Extra dimensions and Radion scalar field Radion signatures in LHC Conclusions 2 Introduction The SM, based on the gauge symmetry SU(3)C x SU(2)L x U(1)Y , is in excellent agreement with experimental results. Strong indications that it is just an effective of fundamental one: 1) Gauge hierarchy problem & Unification of forces forces. 2) Neutrinos are massless 3) Flavor problem 3)) Dark Matter & Dark Energy gy p problem. 4) Why matter dominates antimatter. Motivation For Supersymmetry SUSY ensures the stability of hierarchy between the week and the Planck scales. Supersymmetric theories are promising candidate for unified theory beyond the SM. In supersymmetric theories, the mechanism of the electroweak symmetry breaking is natural. Local supersymmetry leads to a partial unification of the SM with gravity 'supergravity'. Supersymmetry is a necessary ingredient in string theory. MSUSY = 1 TeV 60 1/α 1 50 40 1//αi With supersymmetry, the SM gauge couplings are unified at GUT scale MG ≈ 2 x1016 GeV. GeV 1/α 2 30 20 1/α 3 10 0 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 1010 μ(GeV) 1012 1014 1016 Hierarchy problem and SUSY String and GUT unification -> A cutoff scale ~ Planck scale (1019 GeV). SUSY is i a symmetry to avoid id the h fine fi tuning i in i the h renormalization li i off the h Higgs Hi b boson mass at the level of O(1034). In SUSY, the loop diagrams that are quadratically divergent cancel, term by term against the equivalent diagrams involving superpartners. If mH ~ O(100) GeV, the masses of superpartners should be ≤ O(1) TeV. Thus, some of the superpartners will be detected at the LHC. What is Supersymmetry Supersymmetry (SUSY): a symmetry between bosons and fermions. Introduced in 1973 as a p part of an extension of the special p relativity. y Super Poincare algebra. {Qα , Qβ } = (γ μ )αβ Pμ • SUSY = a translation in Superspace. Superfields &Supersymmetric Lagrangian We define superfied Φ( x,θ ,θ ) as function of the superspace coordinates. 1- Chiral Superfields D Φ = 0 : Φ ( x ,θ ) = φ ( x ) + 2 θψ ( x ) + θθ F ( x ) 2- Vector Superfields V=V+: V ( x , θ , θ ) = − θσ m 2 θ v m + i θ 2 θ α& λ α& ( x ) − i θ θ α& λ α ( x ) + 1 2 θ θ 2 2 D (x) The most general supersymmetric lagrangian takes the form: L = Σ − Σ a + i i (|D 1 φ |2 i 2 Σ ia a mn ((v 4 g 2 a g a + iψ ψ i T ψ * + |F | 2 ) m i i 1 ) 2 − i λ a D σσ a − (D 2 i σ m D a λ a A * + h.c. SUSY is broken if <0|F|0>≠0 or <0|D|0> ≠0 + Σ ij a )2 1 ∂ 2 W 2 ∂ A ∂ A i ) ψ j i ψ j . Supersymmetry Breaking ¾ ¾ SUSY must be broken symmetry or else SUSY particles should have been observed (with same mass as SM SM-partners) partners) What happens to the cancellation of quadratic divergences? SUSY partners must be not heavier than ~TeV. The general structure for the SUSY breaking includes three sectors: 1) Observable sector: which comprises all the ordinary particle and their SUSY particles, particles 2) Hidden sector: where the breaking ofSUSY occurs, 3) The messengers of the SUSY breaking from hidden to observable sector. ¾ SUSY breaking is parameterized in observable sector by soft SUSY breaking terms. Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model Higgs gg in MSSM In SUSY, two Higgs doublets are needed needed. This means: 8 degrees of freedom, 3 eaten up by the W± and Z î 5 Higgs fields: h0,A0,H0,H± Connection between Higgs masses and gauge boson masses: M2H± = M2A + M2W î MH± > MW MA2 =m12 + m22 2 2 M2H,h H h = 1/2 [M A + M Z ± ((M2A+M2Z)2 - 4 M2AM2Z cos2β)0.5] Æ Mh < M Z This is only true at tree level. When including higher order contributions: Mh < ~ 130 GeV ((or so…)) R-parity and the LSP Unconstrained SUSY would lead to the proton decaying with lifetime of ~hours!!! Introduce R-parity All SM particles have R=+1, all sparticles R=-1 R = ((-1) 1)3(B-L)+2s R-parity conservation implies that: 1) SUSY particles are produced or destroyed only in pairs 2) The LSP is absolutely stable and it is a candidate for Dark Matter. Events with missing energy is the major signature for R-parity conserving models The neutralinos ci (i=1,2,3,4) are the physical (mass) superpositions of fermionic partners of bino, bino wino and Higgsinos. Higgsinos The lightest neutralino can LSP, Stable Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP). Interesting Candidate for DM. DM Charginios & Sfermions The mixing of the charged gauginos and charged Higgsinos is described by: The up squark mass matrices Experimental Constraints Today's negative SUSY search provide the following lower maas limits. The LHC at CERN is the machine that will take particle physics into a new phase of discovery. m χ ± > 100 m χ 0 > 36 GeV GeV m q~ > 300 GeV m g~ > 195 G V GeV SUSY signatures at LHC Creation of the pair of gluino with further cascade decay Creation of superpartners main decay modes and the Squarks/gluinos decay to leptons+jets+missing energy (LSPs). By studying decay ki kinematics, ti li ht t neutralino lightest t li mass to t be b measured d to t ~10% 10% precision i i Indirect SUSY Search: LHCb 14 15 TeV Scale B-L The minimal extension of SM to account for Neutrino oscillations and observed baryon asymmetry is based on the gauge group GB−L ≡ SU(3)C × SU(2)L × U(1)Y × U(1)B−L TeV scale B−L symmetry breaking and see-saw mechanism have been considered recently: – account for the experimental results of the light neutrino masses and their large mixing New particles are predicted: − Three SM singlet fermions (nR) (cancellation of gauge anomalies) − Extra gauge boson corresponding to B−L gauge symmetry − Extra SM singlet scalar (heavy Higgs) These new particles have significant impact on the SM phenomenology − Interesting signatures at the LHC U(1) ( )BB-LL Model B − Lθ ( x ) ψ L → eiY ψ L, B − Lθ ( x ) ψ R → eiY Under U(1)B−L we demand: D i ti Derivatives are covariant i t if a new gauge field fi ld Cμ is i introduced: i t d d ψ R, ig r ig ′ ig ′′ Dμψ L ≡ (∂ μ − Wμ τ r − YBμ − YB − LCμ )ψ L 2 2 2 ig ′ ig ′′ Dμψ R ≡ (∂ μ − YBμ − YB − L Cμ )ψ R 2 2 Lagrangian: g g fermionic and kinetic sectors LB − L 1 r rμν 1 1 μν = il Dμγ l + ieR Dμ eR + iν R Dμ γ ν R − W μν W − Bμν B − Cμν C μν 4 4 4 μ μ Lagrangian: Higgs and Yukawa sectors 1 LHiggs+Yukawa = (Dμφ)(D φ) + (Dμ χ )(D χ ) −V (φ, χ ) − (λel φeR + λν l φν R + λν Rν Rc χνR + h.c.) 2 μ μ ~ U(1)B-L Symmetry Breaking The U(1)B−L gauge symmetry can be spontaneously broken by a SM singlet complex scalar field χ: χ = v′ The SU(2) ( )L×U(1) ( )Y g gauge g symmetry y y is broken by y a complex p SU(2) ( ) doublet of scalar field φ: φ =v 2 2 Most g general Higgs gg potential: p V (φ , χ ) = m12φ +φ + m22 χ + χ + λ1 (φ +φ ) 2 + λ2 ( χ + χ ) 2 + λ3 (φ +φ )( χ + χ ) After the B−L gauge symmetry breaking, the gauge field Cμ acquires mass: M z2′ = 4 g ′′2 v′2 Strongest Limit comes from LEP II: M z′ ≈ O(TeV ), g ′′ ≈ O(1) ⇒ v′ > O(TeV ) g ′′ SUSY and B-L radiative symmetry S.K., A. Masiero, 2007 b ki breaking. TeV scale B-L from GUT GB-L can be obtained from SO(10) in the following branching rule: SO(10) fl SU(4)C x SU(2)L x SU(2)R fl AT scale ~ GUT though (1,1,1) in 54H or 210H. Below GUT scale (15,1,3) Higgs SU(3)C x SU(2)L x U(1)Yx U(1)B-L fl SU(3)C x SU(2)L x U(1)Y At TeV scale via (1,1,0,2) Higgs Neutrino masses and mixing Left and right-handed neutrino form 2x2 mass matrix: MR Majorana mass (U(1)B−L symmetry breaking) M R = λν R v′ ⎛ 0 ⎜⎜ ⎝mD m D M R v′ ~ O(TeV ), λν R ~ O(1) ⇒ M R ≈ O(TeV ) mD Dirac mass ((Electroweak symmetry y y breaking) g) mD = hν v hν ~ O (1) ⇒ mD ≈ O (100 )GeV , hν ~ he ⇒ mD ≈ O (10 −4 )GeV In order to fix the angles of R, R one needs a favor symmetry. symmetry ⎞ ⎟⎟ ⎠ Z’ Decay The interactions of the Z′ boson with the SM fermions are described by ∑Y B−L g ′′Cμ fγ μ f f ¾ Branching ratios Yl 2 g ′′ 2 Γ(Z ′ → l l ) ≈ M Z′ 24 π + − Γ ( Z ′ → b b , cc , s s ) ≈ Γ ( Z ′ → tt ) ≈ Yq2 g ′′ 2 8π Yq2 g ′′ 2 8π M Z ′ (1 + αs ) π 4 m t2 1 / 2 αs α s m t2 m t2 )(1 − ) [1 + + O( ))] M Z ′ (1 − π M Z2 ′ M Z2 ′ M Z2 ′ Branching ratios of Z’ → l+l- are relatively high compared to Z’ → qq: Search for Z’ at LHC via dilepton channels are accessible ibl att LHC. LHC Z ′ → l +l − BR = 30% Z ′ → qq BR = 10% Higgs Sector One complex SU(2)L doublet and one complex scalar singlet Six scalar degrees of freedom Four are eaten by C,Z0,W± after symmetry breaking Two physical degrees of freedom: φ, φ χ Mass matrix: ⎛ λ1v 2 λ2 vv′ / 2 ⎞ 1 2 ⎟ M (φ , χ ) = ⎜⎜ 2 ⎟ 2 ⎝ λ2 vv′ / 2 λ2 v′ ⎠ Mass eigenstates: ⎛ φ1 ⎞ ⎛ cos θ − sin θ ⎞⎛ φ ⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟⎜⎜ ⎟⎟, ⎝ φ2 ⎠ ⎝ sin θ cos θ ⎠⎝ χ ⎠ λ3 vv′ tan 2θ = λ1v 2 − λ2 v′2 m12, 2 = λ1v 2 + λ2 v′2 m (λ1v 2 − λ2 v′2 ) 2 + λ32 v 2 v′2 Masses: Mixing is controlled by λ3: λ3 = 0 → mφ = λ1 v, mψ = λ2 v′ Higgs Production Heavy and light Higgses are produced through same processes: g gluon-gluon g fusion vector boson fusion associated production with W/Z/Z’ associated production with heavy q quarks Higgs Decay Branching Ratios of Light Higgs are very close to those of SM Couplings p g are cancelled in the ratio Decay width of H→Z’Z’ is very tiny Low mass range MH < 130 GeV: BR WW ZZ bb ττ tt gg cc Z ′Z ′ γγ H → bb BR = 60 - 90% H → τ +τ − ,cc ,gg BR = a few % H → γγ , γZ BR = a few % High mass range MH > 130 GeV: 2 1 H →WW,ZZ (BR = , ) 3 3 H → tt BR ≤ 20% Interesting mass range of Heavy Higgs (200<mH’): H’→WW/ZZ channel is dominant ss μμ γZ WW gg γZ cc ss μμ bb ττ γγ ZZ tt Z ′Z ′ Signatures for nR at the LHC The decay modes, which go through the Higgs g H or H’ and Z boson,, can be neglected compared to the main mode nR→ W l . These decays are very clean with four hard leptons in the final states and l large missing i i energy due d to t the th associated i t d neutrinos. ti The transverse momentum distribution for the charged leptons and the missing transverse momentum, for the signal at the LHC for MN = 200 GeV and MN = 400 GeV. GeV Integrated luminosity ~ 300 fb-1 gives 71 events for the right handed neutrino mass of 200 GeV while it gives 46 events for the right handed neutrino mass of 400 GeV. G V Warped Extra Dimension Why Extra dimensions String theory: at least six unseen dims. G General l Relativity: R l ti it why h 4? New ways of approaching old problems: Hierarchy problem: What do extra dimensions look like? How many? What shape? How big are they? Are they all the same? We don don’’tt know how many. many Up to six (seven?) in string theory . Extra dimension can be curled up : Can be simple (circle, torus ) or complicated (Calabi – Yau) They can be bounded between branes They can be flat or they can be warped. Kaluza-Klein theory 5-Dimensional spacetime In 1919, Kaluza united Einstein’s and Maxwell’s equation using a fourth spatial dimension extra dimension ‘wrapped up’ in a tight circle Warped Extra Dimensions: RS I model Search for Extra Dimensions Stabilization RS and Radion Field GW proposed a mechanism for stabilizing the size of the extra dimension in RS model. The corresponding p g action is given g by: y The potential for the modulus field that sets the size of the fifth dimension is generated by a bulk scalar with quartic interactions localized on the two 3-branes. 32 The mass of the radion is Radion can be lighter than the lightest graviton KK mode. The radion couple to standard model fields via the trace of the energymomentum tensor with a coupling given by 1/Lf The cross-section of the radion production via the gluon fusion process at the evatron and at the LHC compared d to t the th cross- sections ti off the th SM Higgs boson production. 33 the radion predominantly decays into a gluon pair at low mass or W pair above the WW mass threshold. The phenomenology of the radion resembles the phenomenology of th SM Higgs the Hi b boson exceptt for f th coupling the li t gluons to l which hi h is i enhanced in the case of the radion because of the trace anomaly. branching ratios of a radion of 300 GeV mass Possible radion and SM Higgs mixing allows new physical mass eigenstates. The decay branching ratios of these eigenstates are different from those of the SM Higgs boson. 34 Summary The importance of the LHC for the future of high energy physics cannot be overemphasized. Some of the most interesting/ well motivated topics include: Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (Higgs, Technicolor, ...) Supersymmetry D kM Dark Matter tt (LSP) Extra Dimension (Kaluza Klein excitation) Neutral gauge boson (Z’) (Z ) Exotic States ( Magnetic Monopoles, Fractionally charged color singlets, Z flux tubes, Leptoquarks, ...). Discovery of any New Physics beyond the SM would be a revolution of physics in 21st century. Summary y Three Possible Scenarios for the future of Particle Physics, based on LHC results: 1- Higgs gg and other p particles,, confirm p physics y beyond y the SM,, are found. Very optimistic scenario 2- Higgs only is found. 3- Higgs is not found but other (expected) particles are detected. Interesting scenario Very bad for particle physics future. 36