CHAPTER 2 DC and AC Meters 1 PART 1 (DC) • • • • • • Introduction to DC meters D’ Arsonval meter movement DC ammeter DC voltmeter DC ohmmeter Loading effects of DC meter PART 2 (AC) • • • • Introduction to AC meters D’ Arsonval meter movement (half-wave rectification) D’ Arsonval meter movement (full-wave rectification) Loading effects of AC meter STRUCTURE FOR CHAPTER 2 2 PART 1 – DC METERS Meters Digital Meters Measure the continuous voltage/ current signal at discrete points in time. The signal converted from analog signal (continuous in time) to a digital signal (discrete instants in time) Analog Meters Based on the d’Arsonval meter movement which implements the readout mechanism. 3 INTRODUCTION HOW CAN WE MEASURED CURRENT AND VOLTAGE? Im Rm Torque (T) PMMC instrument T = BxAxNxI [N.m] 4 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF MOVING COIL INSTRUMENT AMMETER, VOLTMETER AND OHMMETER? DC Ammeter : The shunting resistor Rsh and d’Arsonval movement form a current divider DC Voltmeter : Series resistor Rs and d’Arsonval movement form a voltage divider. Ohmmeter : Measures the current to find the resistance Rs Rsh Rs 6 DC AMMETER D’Arsonval movement, Rm || (shunt resistor), Rsh To limit the amount of the current in the movement’s coil by shunting some of it through Rsh I Rsh Im Rm d'Arsonval movement Ish Rsh = resistance of the shunt Rm = internal resistance of the meter movements (movable coil) Ish = shunt current Im = full scale deflection current of the meter movement I = full-scale deflection current for the ammeter | | = Parallel symbol 7 DC AMMETER Vm = ImRm Vsh = IshRsh Vsh = Vm IshRsh = ImRm Ish Rsh Im Rm d'Arsonval movement Ammeter Terminal I Rsh = ImRm / Ish (Ω) ----(a) I = Ish + Im Ish = I – Im Therefore, Rsh = ImRm/(I – Im) Purpose I >>n Im , n = multiplying factor n=I/Im I = nIm ---(b) Substitute b to a Rsh = ImRm/(nIm – Im) Rsh= Rm/(n-1) -----(c) 8 EXAMPLE 1 (DC AMMETER) Example 1: DC Ammeter A 100uA meter movement with an internal resistance of 800Ω is used in a 0 - 100 mA ammeter . Find the value of the required shunt resistance. Solution: n = I/Im = 100 mA / 100 µA = 1000 Thus, Rsh = Rm / (n – 1) = 800 / 999 = 0.8 Ω 9 THE ARYTON SHUNT Rsh = Ra + Rb + Rc Most sensitive range 1A S Ra Im 1 mA 5A Rb Rshunt + Rm Rsh Rm n 1 ----(c) 50 10A - Rc •Used in multiple range ammeter •Eliminates the possibility of the moving coil to be in the circuit without any shunt resistance 10 THE ARYTON SHUNT At point B, (Rb+Rc)||(Ra+Rm) Ra I1 Middle sensitive range + I2 S Im B Rshunt Rb VRb Rc VRa Rm Rm (Rb + Rc )(I2 -Im) = Im(Ra +Rm) I3 - Since, Rc Ra = Rsh – (Rb + Rc), yield, I2 (Rb + Rc ) – Im(Rb+Rc) = Im [Rsh – (Rb + Rc ) + Rm] Rb Rc I m ( Rsh Rm ) I2 ----(d) 11 THE ARYTON SHUNT At point C, I1 Ra Im I2 Rb S I3 - C Rc Rshunt + Rm Rc||(Ra+Rb+Rm) VRc VRa Rb Rm (I3-Im)Rc = Im(Ra+Rb+Rm) I3Rc = Im(Ra+Rb+Rc+Rm) I3Rc = (Rsh+Rm) I m ( Rsh Rm ) Rc I3 ----(e) 12 THE ARYTON SHUNT Substitute eqn (d) into eqn (e), yields 1 1 Rb I m ( Rsh Rm ) I 2 I3 ----(f) Ra = Rsh – (Rb+Rc) ----(g) 13 EXAMPLE 2: THE ARYTON SHUNT Calculate the value for Ra, Rb and Rc as shown, given the value of internal resistance, Rm=1kΩ and full scale current of the moving coil = 100 µA. The required range of current are: I1 = 10 mA, I2 = 100 mA and I3 = 1A. I1 S Ra I2 B Rb Rshunt + Im Rm I3 - Rc 14 AMMETER INSERTION EFFECT R1 R1 X Connect Ammeter Ie X Im E E Ie E R1 Y InsertionError I e I m 100% Ie Rm Im E R1 Rm Y Im R1 I e R1 Rm Ie Im InsertionError 100% Ie 15 EXAMPLE 3: AMMETER INSERTION EFFECTS A current meter that has an internal resistance of 78Ω is used to measure the current through resistor R1. Determine the percentage of error of the reading due to ammeter insertion. R1 1kΩ 3V X Im E Rm Y 16 SOLUTION EX:3 17 DC VOLTMETER DMM become VOLTMETER – multiplier Rs in series with the meter movement. PURPOSE • To extend the voltage range To limit current through the DMM to a maximum full-scale deflection current DMM = D’Arsonval Meter Movement 18 DC VOLTMETER Rs Im + Rm 1 Sensitivit y I fs (Ω/V) Ifs= Im = full scale deflection current Rs + Rm= (S x Vrange) Unit derivation: Sensitivit y 1 1 ohms amperes volt volt ohms It is desirable to make R(voltmeter) >>R ( circuit) 19 EXAMPLE 4: DC VOLTMETER Calculate the value of the multiplier resistance on the 50 V range of a dc voltmeter that used a 500µA d’Arsonval meter with an internal resistance of 1 kΩ. 20 MULTI-RANGE VOLTMETER A multi-range voltmeter consists of a deflection instrument, several multiplier resistors and a rotary switch. R1 30 v 10 v R2 only one of the three multiplier resistors is connected in series with the meter at any time. The range of this meter is S + 3v R3 Im - V Im( Rm R) Rm Multi-range Voltmeter Where the multiplier resistance, R can be R1 or R2 or R3 21 MULTI-RANGE VOLTMETER R1 30 v 10 v R2 S + 3v R3 Im - Rm A commercial version of a multi-range voltmeter The multiplier resistors are connected in series, and each junction is connected to one of the switch terminals. The range of this voltmeter can be also calculated from the equation V Im( Rm R) Where the multiplier, R, now can be R1 or (R1 + R2) or (R1 + R2 + R3) (Note: the largest voltage range must be associated with the largest sum of the multiplier resistance) 22 EXAMPLE 5: MULTI-RANGE VOLTMETER Calculate the value of the multiplier resistance for the multiple range dc voltmeter circuit shown in Figure (a) and Figure (b), if Ifs = 50μA and Rm = 1kΩ 3v R1 30 v R2 S R1 10 v 10 v R2 S + + 30 v 3v R3 R3 Im - Fig a Rm Im - Rm Fig b 23 VOLTMETER LOADING EFFECT RA Rs E VRB Ifs= Im Rs= (S x Vrange) - Rm Vrange = ( Rs + Rm) Im Im RB RT = Rs +Rm Rm Vrange Req = RB //RT Rs Rm S Total voltmeter resistance, RT RT = Rs + Rm = S x Vrange 24 VOLTMETER LOADING EFFECT Calculation: 1) RT = Rs + Rm = S x Vrange 2) Req = RB // RT RB volt-meter VRB 3) Without (expected value) R R A 4) 5) With volt-meter (measured value) Insertion error VRB m xE B Req Req R A xE VRB VRB x100% VRB m 25 EXAMPLE 6: VOLTMETER LOADING EFFECT RA Rs E VRB RB Im RT = Rs +Rm Rm Req = RB //RT A volt meter (0-10V) that has an internal resistance of 78Ω is used to measure the voltage across resistor RB. Determine the percentage of error of the reading due to voltmeter insertion. Let E = 4V, RA=RB = 1kΩ , S = 1kΩ/V 26 DC OHMMETER Basic Ohmmeter circuit Fixed portion Rz Ifs 0.1Rz Variable portion Rm 0.9Rz E X Y Rx 27 DC OHMMETER Before measuring the Rx, the Ωmeter is set to “zero”-calibration Definition zero = shorting the terminal x-y & adjust Rz to obtain the full-scale deflection on the meter movement. E I fs Rz Rm w/o Rx I < Ifs E I Rz Rm Rx with Rx 28 DC OHMMETER Relationship between full-scale deflection to the value of Rx is : I Rz Rm P I fs Rz Rm Rx This equation is used for marking off the scale on the meter face of the ohmmeter to indicate the value of a resistor being measured 29 EXAMPLE 7:DC OHMMETER A 1 mA full-scale deflection current meter movement is to be used in an ohmmeter circuit. The meter movement has an internal resistance, Rm, of 100Ω, and a 3 V battery will be used in the circuit. If the measured resistor has resistance of 1kΩ, mark off the meter face for the reading (20%, 40%, 50%, 75% and 100%) . 30 SOLUTION EX:7 Ohm 3k 4.5k 12k 40% 50% 75% 20% ∞ 1k 0 0% 100% Full scale percentage 31 MULTIPLE-RANGE OHMMETER The previous section is not capable of measuring resistance over wide range of values. R - fixed resistance & We need to extend our discussion of ohmmeters Ifs zeroing potentiometer to include R multiple-range ohmmeters z m R1 Rx1 R2 R x 10 R3 R x 100 E X Y 32 END OF PART 1 33