Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy University of Twente, Dept. of Science & Technology, Enschede, The Netherlands Bernard A. Boukamp Nano-Electrocatalysis, U. Leiden, 24-28 Nov. 2008. Research Institute for Nanotechnology EIS & My ‘where abouts’ Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. E-mail: b.a.boukamp@utwente.nl Address: University of Twente Dept. of Science and Technology P.O.Box 217 7500 AE Enschede The Netherlands www.ims.tnw.utwente.nl EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Electrochemical techniques Time domain (incomplete!): • Polarisation, (V – I ) • Potential Step, (ΔV – I (t) ) • Cyclic Voltammetry, (V f(t)- I(V ) ) • Coulometric Titration, (ΔV - ∫I dt ) steady state Next slide relaxation dynamic relaxation • Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration (ΔQ – V (t) ) transient Frequency domain: • Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy perturbation of equilibrium state (EIS) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Time or frequency domain? 1.E-04 C u rre n t, [A ] 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E-07 0 1000 2000 Time, [sec] 3000 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Advantages of EIS: System in thermodynamic equilibrium Measurement is small perturbation (approximately linear) Different processes have different time constants Large frequency range, μHz to GHz (and up) • Generally analytical models available • Evaluation of model with ‘Complex Nonlinear Least Squares’ (CNLS) analysis procedures (later). • Pre-analysis (subtraction procedure) leads to plausible model and starting values (also later) Disadvantage: rather expensive equipment, low frequencies difficult to measure EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Black box approach Assume a black box with two terminals (electric connections). One applies a voltage and measures the current response (or visa versa). Signal can be dc or periodic with frequency f, or angular frequency ω=2πf , with: 0≤ ω< ∞ Phase shift and amplitude changes with ω! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. So, what is EIS? Probing an electrochemical system with a small ac-perturbation, V0⋅ejωt, over a range of frequencies. The impedance (resistance) is given by: V0 V (ω) V0 e jωt = = [ cos ϕ − j sin ϕ] Z (ω) = j ( ωt +ϕ) I (ω) I0 e I0 ω= 2πf j = √-1 The magnitude and phase shift depend on frequency. Also: admittance (conductance), inverse of impedance: I0 e j (ωt +ϕ) I0 1 = = [ cos ϕ + j sin ϕ] Y (ω) = jωt Z (ω) V0 e V0 “real +j. imaginary” EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Complex plane Impedance ≡ ‘resistance’ Admittance ≡ ‘conductance’: Zre − jZim 1 Y (ω) = = 2 Z (ω) Zre + Zim2 hence: Yre − jYim 1 Z (ω) = = 2 Y (ω) Yre + Yim2 Representation of impedance value, Z = a +jb, in the complex plane EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Adding impedances and admittances A linear arrangement of impedances can be added in the impedance representation: Ztotal = Z1 + Z2 + Z3 + ... = ∑ Zn n A ‘ladder’ arrangement of admittances (inverse impedances) can be added in the admittance representation : Ytotal = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + ... = ∑Yn n EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Simple elements The most simple element is the resistance: 1 ZR = R ; YR = R (e.g.: electronic- /ionic conductivity, charge transfer resistance) Other simple elements: • Capacitance: dielectric capacitance, double layer C, adsorption C, ‘chemical C’ (redox) See next page • Inductance: instrument problems, leads, ‘negative differential capacitance’ ! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Capacitance? Take a look at the properties of a capacitor: C = Charge stored (Coulombs): Change of voltage results in current, I: Q = C ⋅V Aε0ε d dQ dV I= =C dt dt dV0 ⋅ e jωt Alternating voltage (ac): I (ωt ) = C = jωC ⋅V0 ⋅ e jωt dt Impedance: V (ω) 1 = ZC ( ω) = I (ω) jωC Admittance: YC ( ω) = Z (ω)−1 = jωC EIS & Combination of elements Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. What is the impedance of an -R-Ccircuit? 1 Z (ω) = R + = R − j / ωC jωC Admittance? 1 = Y (ω) = R − j / ωC ω2C 2 R ωC +j 2 2 2 1+ ω C R 1 + ω2C 2 R2 Semicircle ‘time constant’: constant’: ‘time RC ττ == RC EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. A parallel R-C combination The parallel combination of a resistance and a capacitance, start in the admittance representation: R 1 Y (ω) = + jωC R C Transform to impedance representation: 1 1 1/ R − jωC Z (ω) = = ⋅ = Y (ω) 1/ R + jωC 1/ R − jωC R − jωR2C 1 − jωτ =R 2 2 2 1+ ω R C 1 + ω2 τ2 A semicircle in the impedance plane! Plot next slide EIS & Impedance plot (RC) Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. 8.0E+04 fmax = 1/(6.3x3⋅10-9x105)=530 Hz -Zimag, [ohm] 6.0E+04 518 Hz R = 100 kΩ C = 3 nF 4.0E+04 2.0E+04 1 MHz 0.0E+00 0.0E+00 2.0E+04 1 Hz 4.0E+04 6.0E+04 Zreal, [ohm] 8.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.2E+05 EIS & Limiting cases Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. What happens for ω << τ and for ω >> τ ? ω << τ : 1 − jωτ 2 ≈ − ω τ ≈ − ω Z (ω) = R R j R R j R C 2 2 1+ ω τ ω >> τ : Z (ω) = R 1 − jωτ R R 1 1 ≈ 2 2−j ≈ 2 2−j 2 2 1+ ω τ ω τ ωτ ω RC ωC This is best observed in a so-called Bode plot log(Zre), log(Zim) vs. log(f ), or log|Z| and phase vs. log(f ) Next slides EIS & Bode plot (Zre, Zim) Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. 1.E+05 Zreal Zimag Z re a l, -Z im a g , [o h m ] 1.E+04 1.E+03 1.E+02 ω-1 1.E+01 ω-2 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 frequency, [Hz] 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 EIS & Bode, abs(Z), phase Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. 90 1.E+05 abs(Z) Phase (°) 75 a b s (Z ), [o h m ] 45 1.E+03 30 15 1.E+02 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 Frequency, [Hz] 1.E+04 1.E+05 0 1.E+06 P h a s e (d e g r) 60 1.E+04 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Other representations Capacitance: C(ω) = Y(ω) /jω for an (RC) circuit: 1 ⎡1 ⎤ C (ω) = Y (ω) / jω = ⎢ + jωC ⎥ / jω = C − j ωR ⎣R ⎦ Dielectric: ε(ω) = Y(ω) /jωC0 C0 = Aε0/d σion d ε(ω) = Y (ω) ⋅ = ε′ − j Aε0 ωε0 Modulus: M(ω) = Z(ω) ⋅jω ω2CR 2 + jωR M (ω) = Z (ω) ⋅ jω = 1 + ω2C 2 R 2 d: thickness thickness d: A: surf. surf. area area A: EIS & Simple model Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Example: an ionically conducting solid, e.g. yttrium stabilized zirconia, Zr1-xYxO2-½x . Apply two ionically blocking electrodes, in this case thick gold. Schematic arrangement of sample and electrodes. Measure the ‘resistance’ (impedance) as function of frequency: 1 Z (ω) = jωCg + 1 1 Rion + 1 2 jωCint Equivalent circuit: (C[RC]) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Low & high f - response Low frequency regime, series combination Rion-Cint: Z (ω) = Rion − j / 12 ωCint Straight vertical line in impedance plane. High frequency regime, parallel combination of Rion//Cgeom: 2 ωRion Cgeom Rion Z (ω) = −j 2 2 2 2 2 1 + ω RionCgeom 1 + ω2 Rion Cgeom Semicircle through the origin. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. ‘Debije’ model: An ionic conductor between two blocking electrodes: 1 Y (ω) = Z (ω) Impedance representation Admittance representation EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Other representations Zimag Zreal ‘Bode’ representation Different Bode representation EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Diffusion, Warburg element Semi-infinite diffusion, Flux (current) : J = −D ∂C (Fick-1) ∂x x =0 RT Potential : E=E + ln C nF ac-perturbation: C(t ) = Co + c(t ) o Fick-2 Boundary condition 2 ∂ C ∂ C : =D 2 ∂t ∂x : C( x, t ) x→∞ = C o Redox Li-battery on inert cathode electrode. Solution through Laplace transform: next page EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Warburg element, cont. Laplace transform: c( x, t ) ⇒ C( x, p) ∂2C( x, p) Transform of Fick-2: p ⋅ C( x, p) = D ∂x2 General solution: C( x, p) = A ⋅ cosh x p / D + B ⋅ sinh x p / D RT Transform of V (t): E( p) = C( x, p) o nFC ∂C( x, p) Transform of I (t): I ( p) = −nFD ∂x x=0 (Fick-1) Boundary Boundary condition: condition: C( x, p ) x→∞ = 0 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Warburg impedance Define impedance in Laplace space! E( p) RT Z ( p) = = I ( p) (nF )2 Co D ⋅ p Take the Laplace variable, p, complex: p = s + j ω. Steady state: s ⇒ 0, which yields the impedance: RT −1/ 2 −1/ 2 Z (ω) = = Z0 (ω − jω ) 2 o (nF ) C jωD with: RT Z0 = (nF )2 Co 2D In solution: ⎛ RT 1 1 Z 0 = (σ = ) 2 2 + * ⎜ * n F A 2 ⎜⎝ CO DO CR DR ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Transmission line Real life Warburg, semi-infinite coax cable with r Ω/m and c F/m: ZW (ω) = r jωc Combination: • Electrolyte resistance, Re’lyte Equivalent • Double layer capacitance, Cdl circuit • Charge transfer resistance, Rct • Warburg (diffusion) impedance, Wdiff EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Equivalent Circuit Concept se m ic ir cl e ω 45° EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Instruments Measurement methods Bulk, conductivity: • two electrodes • pseudo-four electrodes • true four electrodes Electrode properties: • three electrodes EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Frequency Response Analyser Multiplier: Vx(ωt)×sin(ωt) & Vx(ωt)×cos(ωt) Integrator: integrates multiplied signals Display result: a + jb = Vsign/Vref But be aware of the input impedance of the FRA! Impedance: Zsample = Rm (a + jb) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Potentiostat, electrodes Vpwr.amp = A Σk Vk A= amplification Vwork – Vref = Vpol. + V3 + V4 Current-voltage converter provides virtual ground for Work-electrode. General schematic Source of inductive effects EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Data validation Kramers-Kronig relations (old!) Real and imaginary parts are linked through the K-K transforms: Kramers-Kronig conditions: • causality • linearity • stability • (finiteness) Response only Response due to input State of scales linearly signalmay system with input notsignal change during measurement EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Relations, Putting ‘K-K’ in practice ∞ 2ω Z re ( x) − Z re (ω) Real → imaginary: Z im (ω) = dx 2 2 ∫ π 0 x −ω not a singularity! ∞ 2 xZ im ( x) − ωZ im (ω) Imaginary → real: Z re (ω) = R∞ + ∫ dx 2 2 π0 x −ω Problem: Finite frequency range: extrapolation of dispersion ) assumption of a model. [1] M. Urquidi-Macdonald, S.Real & D.D. Macdonald, Electrochim.Acta, 35 (1990) 1559. [2] B.A. Boukamp, Solid State Ionics, 62 (1993) 131. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Linear KK transform Linear set of parallel RC circuits: τk = Rk⋅Ck Create a set of τ values: τ1 = ωmax-1 ; τM = ωmin-1 with ~7 τ-values per decade (logarithmically spaced). If this circuit fits the data, the data must be K-K transformable! [3] B.A.Boukamp, J.Electrochem.Soc, 142 (1995) 1885 EIS & Actual test Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Fit function simultaneously to real and imaginary part: 1 − jωi ⋅ τ k Z KK (ωi ) = R∞ + ∑ Rk 2 2 1 + ω ⋅ τ k =1 i k M Set of linear equations in Rk, only one matrix inversion! Display relative residuals: Δreal = Zre,i − Z KK, re (ωi ) Zi , Δimag = Shortcut to KKtest.lnk It works like a ‘K-K compliant’ flexible curve Zim,i − Z KK,im (ωi ) Zi EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Example ‘K-K check’ Impedance of a sample, not in equilibrium with the ambient. χ2KK = 0.9·10-4 χ2CNLS = 1.4 ·10-4 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Finite length diffusion Particle flux at x=0: ~ dC( x, t ) J (t ) = −D dt x=0 Fick’s 2nd law: dC( x, t ) ~ d2C( x, t ) =D dx2 dt But now a boundary condition at x = L. Activity of A is measured at the interface at x=0. with respect to a reference, e.g. Amet EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Finite length diffusion Replace concentration by its perturbation: c( x, t ) = C( x, t ) − C 0 Impermeable dC( x, t ) boundary at x =L: dx = 0 FSW x=l Ideal source/sink with C = CL (=C0): C( x, t ) = Cl = C 0 x=l ( General expression for permeable dC( x, t ) boundary: dx [ x =l ) FLW = −k C( x, t ) x=l − Cl ] General! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. FLD, continued Voltage with respect to reference C0 (a0): RT ax=0 RT ⎡ d ln a ⎤ E(t ) = ln 0 = c( x, t ) x=0 0 ⎢ ⎥ nF a nFC ⎣ d ln C ⎦ Current through interface at x = 0: ~ dc( x, t ) I (t ) = nF ⋅ S ⋅ J (t ) = −nF ⋅ S ⋅ D dx x=0 Assumption: Δa << a0: Relation a ⇔ C from ‘titration curve’: a a0 + Δa ⎛ Δa ⎞ Δa = ln 0 = ln ln ⎜1 + 0 ⎟ ≈ 0 0 a a ⎝ a ⎠ a da a0 dln a Δa Δa = 0 ≈ = dC C dln C ΔC Δc( x, t ) x=0 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Up to the Frequency Domain! Laplace transformation of E(t) and I(t) gives the complex impedance (with p=jω): E(ω) = FSW Z (ω) = I (ω) Z0 E(ω) Z (ω) = = I (ω) Z0 FLW Laplace space solution of Fick-2: jω ~ ~ cothl D jωD with: R T Vm ⎡ d ln a ⎤ = Z0 = 2 2 ⎢ ⎥ n F S ⎣ d ln c ⎦ Vm ⎡ d E ⎤ = ⎢ ⎥ nFS ⎣ d δ ⎦ jω ~ ~ tanhl D jωD p p C( p) = A cosh x ~ + B sinh x ~ D D EIS & Dispersions Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. High frequencies: Vs nF ⎡ d E ⎤ Cint = VM ⎢⎣ d δ ⎥⎦ −1 Z(ω) = Z0 (j ω)-1/2 = Warburg diffusion Low frequency limit: FSW = capacitive FLW = dc-resistance Impedance representation of FSW and FLW. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. General finite length diffusion Generic finite length diffusion: Z (ω) = Z0 jωD%⋅ coth l jωD% k coth l jω D% jω D% +k + jωD% If k =0 then blocking interface ⇒ FSW If k = ∞ then ideal passing interface ⇒ FLW Å Plot for different values of k. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. A Simple Example H.J.M. Bouwmeester AgxNbS2 is a layered structure, consisting of two-dimensional NbS2 layers. Insertion and extraction of Ag+ ions goes in an ideal manner (see graph). Isostatically pressed and sintered sample. Some preferential orientation (in the proper direction!) will occur. Simple cell design for EIS measurements. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Circuit Description Code The Circuit Description Code presents an unique way to define an equivalent circuit in terms suitable for computer processing. Elements: R, C, L, W Finite length diffusion: T = FSW = Tanhyp (Adm.) Cothyp (Imp.) O = FLW = Cothyp (Adm.) Tanhyp (Imp.) Constant Phase Element: Q = CPE = Y0(j ω)n (Adm.) Z0(j ω)-n (Imp.) EIS & The CPE Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Constant Phase Element: YCPE = Y0 ωn {cos(n π/2) + j sin(n π/2)} n=1 Î Capacitance: C = Y0 • n=½ Î Warburg: • n=0 Î Resistance: R = 1/Y0 • n = -1 Î Inductance: L = 1/Y0 σ = Y0 All other values, ‘fractal?’ ‘Non-ideal capacitance’, n < 1 (between 0.8 and 1?) EIS & Non-ideal behaviour Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. General observations: • Semicircle (RC ) ⇒ depressed • vertical spur (C ) ⇒ inclined • Warburg ⇒ less than 45° Deviation from ‘ideal’ dispersion: Constant Phase Element (CPE), (symbol: Q ) YCPE nπ ⎤ ⎡ nπ = Y0 ( jω) = Y0ω ⎢cos + j sin ⎥ 2 2⎦ ⎣ n n ½, nn == 1,1, ½, 0, -1, -1, ?? 0, EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. The Fractal Concept How to explain this non-ideal behaviour? 1980’s: ‘Fractal behaviour’ (Le Mehaut) = fractal dimensionality i.e.: ‘What is the length of the coast line of England?’ ) Depends on the size of the measuring stick! ) Self similarity ( EIS & Fractals Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Fractal line Self similarity! similarity! Self ‘Sierpinski carpet’ EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. ‘Fractal electrode’ ‘Cantor bar’ arrangement Impedance of the network: 1a a Z⎛(ω)⎞= R + a Z (ω) 22 Z⎜ ⎟ = R+ 2 jω CC+Z+(ω) + 2 jωaC ⎝a⎠ 1 Z ( ) ω R+ aR 22 aC++ 2 jωC aaR R + ... R aR a2R a3R EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Arriving at the ‘CPE’ a Z (ω) ⎛ ω⎞ Frequency scaling relation: Z ⎜ ⎟ = R + jωC Z (ω) + 2 ⎝a⎠ In the low frequency limit this reduces to: Which is satisfied by the formula: ⎛ ω⎞ a Z ⎜ ⎟ = Z (ω) ⎝a⎠ 2 Z (ω) = A( jω)−n with n = 1 – ln2/lna Fractal dimension of Cantor bar, d = ln2/lna Hence: n = 1 –d S.H. Liu and T. Kaplan, Solid State Ionics 18 & 19 (1986) 65-71. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. CDC CDC = ‘instruction string’ for response calculation Uses brackets: • [ … ] series combination, e.g.: [RC] • ( … ) parallel combination, e.g. (RC) Randles circuit: R(C[RW]) W EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Determining the CDC (C[(Q[R(RQ)])(C[RQ])]) EIS & CNLS data analysis Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Model function, Z(ω,ak), or equivalent circuit. Adjust circuit parameters, ak, to match data, Minimise error function: n { 2 S = ∑ wi Zre,i − Zre (ωi ) + Zim,i − Zim (ωi ) i =1 with: wi = Zi for k = 1 ..M 2 ≈ Z (ωi , ak ) 2 2 } (weight factor) d S =0 dak Non-linear, complex model function! Effect of minimisation EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Non-linear systems Function Y (a1..aM) is not linear in its parameters, e.g.: [ Z (ω) = Z0 ⋅ k + ( jω) ] β −α = Z (ω, Z0 , k , α, β) (‘Gerischer’) Linearisation: Taylor development around ‘guess values’, ajo: ∂Y ( x, a1..aM ) Y ( x, a1..aM ) = Y ( x, a ..a ) + ∑ ∂a j j ο 1 ⋅ δa j + .... ο M ο a1ο..aM Derivative of error sum with respect to δaj : ⎡ ∂S ∂Y ( xi , a1..M ) ⎤ ∂Y ( xi , a1..M ) ο = 0 = 2∑ wi ⎢ yi − Y ( xi , a1..M ) + ∑ δak ⎥ ∂a j ∂ak ∂a j i k ⎣ ⎦ EIS & NLLS-fit Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. A set of M simultaneous equations, in matrix form: α ⋅ δa = β , solution: δa = α-1⋅ β = ε ⋅ β ∂Y ( xi , a1..M ) ∂Y ( xi , a1..M ) = ∑ wi ⋅ ∂a j ∂ak i With: α j,k and: ∂Y ( xi , a1..M ) βk = ∑ wi [ yi − Y ( xi , a1..M )] ∂ak i Derivatives are taken in point ao1..M. Iteration process yields new, improved values: a’j = aoj + δaj. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Marquardt-Levenberg Analytical search: fast and accurate near true minimum slow far from minimum (and often erroneous) Gradient search or steepest descent (diagonal terms only): fast far from minimum slow near minimum Hence, combination! Multiply diagonal terms with (1+λ). • λ << 1, analytical search • λ >> 1, gradient search Successfuliteration: iteration: Successful Sold new<<S SSnew old Î decrease λ (=λ/10). λ/10). Î decrease λ (= Otherwiseincrease increase Otherwise (=λ×10) λ×10) λλ(= Bottom line: good starting parameter estimates are essential! EIS & Error estimates Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. For proper statistical analysis the weight factors, wi, should be established from experiment. Other (dangerous) method: Step 1: set weight factors, wi = g ⋅ σi-2 Step 2: assume variances can be replaced by parent distribution, hence χν2 ≈ 1 (with ν = N –M – 1) Step 3: χ 1 [ yi − Y ( xi , a1..M )] 1 1 S χ = = ∑ = S∑ = ≅1 2 2 ν ν i σi ν i wi ⋅ σi g ⋅ ν 2 ν 2 2 Hence proportionality factor, g = S/ν. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Error analysis NLLS-fit Based on this assumption we can derive the variances of the parameters: σ a2k = g ⋅ αk , k [ ] −1 = g ⋅ εk ,k Error matrix, ε, also contains the covariance of the parameters: σ ⋅σ = g ⋅ ε aj ak j ,k g⋅ εj,k ≅ 0, no correlation between aj and ak. g⋅ εj,k ≅ 1, strong correlation between aj and ak. Only acceptable for many data points AND random distribution of the ‘residuals’ EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Weight factors and error estimates Errors in parameters: • estimates from CNLS-fit procedure • assumption: error distribution equal to ‘parent distribution’ • only valid for random errors, • no systematic errors allowed! Residuals graph: Large error estimates: strongly correlated parameters (+ noise). Option: modification of weight factors. Δre = Zre,i − Zre (ωi ) Z (ωi ) , Δim = Zim,i − Zim (ωi ) Z (ωi ) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Two different CNLS-fits Example of correct error estimates: R(RC)(RC) CDC: R(RQ)(RQ) χ2 2.4⋅10-5 R1 999 R2 4000 Q3 1.03⋅10-9 -n3 0.898 R4 8020 Q5 1.03⋅10-7 -n5 0.697 0.8% 1.7% 7% 0.6% 0.9% 3.6% 0.7% And of incorrect error estimates: CDC: R(RC)(RC) Values seem O.K. but look at the residuals! χ2 3.8⋅10-3 R1 1290 4% R2 4650 2.7% C3 2.38⋅10-103.8% R4 6580 2.6% C5 6.07⋅10-9 7.3% EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Residuals plot! Systematic deviation, ‘Trace’, bad fit Good fit (not bad for a straight simulation!) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. ‘Fingerprinting’ Classification of capacitance source approximate value geometric grain boundaries double layer / space charge surface charge /”adsorbed species” (closed) pores “pseudo capacitances” “stoichiometry” changes 2-20 pF (cm-1) 1-10 nF (cm-1) 0.1-10 μF/cm2 0.2 mF/cm2 1-100 F/cm3 large !!!! Modified after: Peter Holtappels, TMR symposium ‘Alternative anodes...’, Jülich, March 2000. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Gas phase capacitance Capacitance of gas volume (e.g. O2): PV=nRT PV=nRT dE i dt or: C = dt dE O2 produced: i dt = 4F dn RT P + dP RT dP (RT )2 dn Nernst: dE = ln ≈ = 4F 4F P 4F V P Capacitance: i = C 2 Combination: C = ⎛ 4F ⎞ V ⋅ P ox ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ RT ⎠ Example: air, 700°C, Vol. = 10 mm3 Cox = 0.456 F ! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Conclusions on ‘fitting’ Many parameter, complex systems modelling: • Use Marquardt-Levenberg when quality starting values are available • Simplex (or Genetic Algorithm) for optimisation of ‘rough guess’ starting values, as input for M-L NLSF • Check residuals when calculating Error Estimates • Look for systematic error contributions, remove if feasible. • Provide error estimates in publications! It’s human to err, its dumb not to include an error estimate with a number result EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. ‘Molecular Printboard’ ferrocenyl (Fc) decorated poly(propylene imine) dendrimer β-cyclodextrin Christian A. Nijhuis, B.A. Boukamp, B-J. Ravoo, J. Huskens and D.N. Reinhoudt J. Phys. Chem. C 111 (2007) 9799 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Electrochemical response Impedance graphs of an aqueous solution of 1 mM (in Fc functionality) of G4PPI-(Fc)32-(β-CD)32 at a β-CD SAM. (10 mM β-CD at pH = 2) Potential: -0.15 V to 0.15 V Frequency: 10 kHz to 10 mHz KK-test: < 10 × 10-6 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Subtraction procedure • Partial CNLS-fit of recognizable structure Semicircle Straight line (CPE, Cap., Ind.) • Subtract dispersion as series- or parallel component • Repeat steps until ‘garbage’ is left • Be aware of ‘errors’ due to consecutive subtractions • Sometimes restart and do a partial fit of a larger group of parameters Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Impedance G-4 at 0.105 V --Zimag, Zimag,[ohm] [ohm] 3.E+04 3.E+04 2.E+04 2.E+04 1.E+04 1.E+04 SAM cap.//resist. EIS & 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 Randles response 1.E+04 1.E+04 2.E+04 2.E+04 3.E+04 3.E+04 Zreal,[ohm] [ohm] Zreal, 4.E+04 4.E+04 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Subtract Rel’lyte, CSAM 3.E+04 3.E+04 --Zimag, Zimag,[ohm] [ohm] Fit of Randles circuit: R(C[RW]) 2.E+04 2.E+04 1.E+04 1.E+04 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 1.E+04 1.E+04 2.E+04 2.E+04 3.E+04 3.E+04 Zreal,[ohm] [ohm] Zreal, 4.E+04 4.E+04 EIS & First CNLS-result Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. -Z-ima g x 1e 5 EqCWIN analysis Re a l,Ima g-e rror x 1e -2 4 Full circuit 3 2 1 0 -1 0.2 -2 -3 -4 1e -1 1 1e 1 1e 2 1e 3 Fre que ncy Re a l,Ima g-e rror x 1e -2 4 0.1 3 2 Circuit without Residuals plot(R[RC]) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1e -1 1 1e 1 1e 2 Fre que ncy 0 0 0.1 G4-ferrocene, 0.105 V 0.2 0.3 Z-re a l x 1e 5 0.4 1e 3 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Subtract Rel’lyte, CSAM 3.E+04 3.E+04 --Zimag, Zimag,[ohm] [ohm] Fit of Randles circuit: R(C[RW]) 2.E+04 2.E+04 1.E+04 1.E+04 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 0.E+00 1.E+04 1.E+04 2.E+04 2.E+04 3.E+04 3.E+04 Zreal,[ohm] [ohm] Zreal, 4.E+04 4.E+04 EIS & --Zimag, Zimag,[ohm] [ohm] Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Subtract Randles 100 100 00 3800 3800 3900 3900 Zreal,[ohm] [ohm] Zreal, 4000 4000 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Small difference, but … -Z-ima g x 1e 5 EqCWIN analysis Re a l,Ima g-e rror x 1e -2 4 Full circuit 3 2 1 0 -1 0.2 -2 -3 -4 1e -1 1 1e 1 1e 2 1e 3 Fre que ncy Re a l,Ima g-e rror x 1e -2 4 0.1 Circuit without (R[RC]) 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 1e -1 1 1e 1 1e 2 Fre que ncy 0 0 0.1 G4-ferrocene, 0.105 V 0.2 0.3 Z-re a l x 1e 5 0.4 1e 3 Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Equivalent Circuit Au EIS & + EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Consistency of Circuit! R2 R1 CSAM C2 Tentative model EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Modelling of diffusion Modelling diffusion: Qdiff = Q0 1 ⎛ DO ⎞ 1 ⎞ ⎛ ⎟⎟ ⎜1+ ⎟ + ⎜⎜ 1 + K θ K D θ ⎠ R ⎠ ⎝ ⎝ n 2F 2 A 2 0 with: Q0 = CFc ,tot DO RT for right hand side only. Actually: Qdiff= Qconst + Qdiff(V) nF ( η−η ) Modelling of doubleRT e Cdl = Cdl ,1θ + Cdl ,2 (1 − θ) , with: θ = layer capacitance: nF 0 1+ e RT ( η−η0 ) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Diffusion & generation σ (μF) Generation 1 to 4 measured at the same βCD SAM: ■ : G1 ▼: G2 100 ▲: G3 ●: G4 ⎛ 1 1 RT ⎜ σ= 2 2 + * * n F A 2 ⎜⎝ CO DO C R DR 10 -0.02 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 Polarization (V) 0.08 0.10 ⎞ ⎟ ⎟ ⎠ EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Stokes-Einstein Stokes-Einstein relation: D= kT 6ηπr Qdiff ÷ √D and r ÷ Generation nr. Hence: Qdiff ÷ (Gx)-1/2 The Warburg admittance corrected for the concentration of dendrimers and the number of electrons involved per molecules plotted vs the (square root of generation)-1. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Reaction Pathways Schematic of the potential-dependent surface coverage of the dendrimers (left), and a scheme of adsorption and desorption kinetics (right), Redsol = reduced dendrimers in solution, Redads = dendrimers adsorbed at the βCD SAM, Oxsol = oxidized dendrimers in solution, Oxads = oxidized dendrimers at the surface; kdr, kar, kdo and kao are adsorption (a) and desorption (d) rates of oxidized (o) and reduced (r) dendrimers; kb and kf are electrochemical rate constants. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Praise of the time domain … Intercalation cathode. Change of potential = change of aA at the interface, hence A-diffusion: dCA ( x, t ) % J (t ) = −DA dx x=0 Voltage-activity relation: RT aA, x=0 ln 0 E(t ) = nF aA Fick 1 & 2, boundary conditions V (ω) = Z (ω) = + Laplace transform: I (ω) jω coth l D% jωD% Z0 EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Real cathode: LixCoO2 10.0 10.0 Measurement Measurement Simulation Simulation e RR e Z" Z"[kΩ] [kΩ] 7.5 7.5 20Hz 20Hz 5.0 5.0 2.5 2.5 sl RR sl ct W RR ct W sl QQ sl dl CC dl 3.78V 3.78V 27Hz 27Hz 36Hz 36Hz 3.69V 3.69V 3.84V 3.84V 63Hz 63Hz 3.88V 3.88V 4.06V 4.06V 110Hz 110Hz 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 LiCoO2, RF film on silicon. Peter J. Bouwman, Thesis, U.Twente 2002. 2.5 2.5 5.0 5.0 7.5 10.0 7.5 10.0 [kΩ] Z'Z'[kΩ] 12.5 12.5 15.0 15.0 IS of a RF-film electrode: (○) ‘fresh’; (□) charged; () intermediate SoC’s. (+) CNLS-fit. Range: 0.01 Hz – 100 kHz. Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Diffusive part? The lithium diffusion process is found at lower frequencies! Compare the potential-step response time with lowest frequency of EIS experiment: teq. >> 3000 s (~ 0.3 mHz) fmin ~ 10 mHz MEASURE RESPONSE RESPONSE IN IN MEASURE THE TIME TIME DOMAIN! DOMAIN! THE 10 10 99 88 -2 Current Current[μA.cm [μA.cm-2] ] EIS & 77 4.05V 4.05V 4.10V 4.10V 66 4.00V 4.15V 4.00V 5 4.15V 5 44 4.20V 4.20V 3.95V 33 3.95V 22 3.90V 3.90V 3.85V 11 3.85V 3.80V 3.80V 0 0 1000 2000 00 1000 2000 Time[s] [s] Time 3000 3000 Current response of a 0.75μm RFfilm to sequential 50mV potential steps from 3.80V to 4.20V. EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Fourier transform Fourier transform of a temporal function X (t): ∞ X (ω) = ∫ X (t ) ⋅ e− jωt dt 0 Impedance: V (ω) Z (ω) = I (ω) E.g. with a voltage step, V0: V0 V (ω) = jω Model function: Laplace transform of transport equations and boundary conditions, with p = s +j ω. Set s = 0: ⇒ impedance EIS & Fourier Transform Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Two problems with F-T: X(t )=at + b • Data is discrete: approximate by summation (X =at + b) Xi -1 • Data set is finite (next slide) Xi Very Simple Summation Solution (VS3): L M N LX cosωt − X − j∑ M N N X (ω) = ∑ Xi sin ωti − Xi −1 sin ωti −1 + i =1 N i =1 i i ti -1 ti O b gP Q a O − b sin ωt − sin ωt g ω P ω Q a cosωti − cosωti −1 ω −1 + ω i −1 cosωti −1 i i −1 −1 EIS & Simple exponential extension Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Assume finite value, Q0, for t ⇒ ∞, this value can be subtracted before total FT. Fit exponential function to selected data set in end range: Q(t ) = Q0 + Q1 e−t /τ Full Fourier Transform: z z tN ∞ Q0 − jωt X (ω) = [ X (t ) − Q0 ] e dt − j + Q1 e −t / τ e − jωt dt ω 0 t N Analytical transform of exponential extension: z ∞ Q1 e tN −t / τ e − jωt dt = Q1 ⋅ e −t N / τ R τ cos ωt − ω sin ωt ⋅S T ω +τ −1 N 2 −2 N ω cos ωt N + τ −1 sin ωt N +j ω 2 + τ −2 U V W EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Fourier transformed data Simple discrete Fourier transform: tN X (ω) = ∫ X (t ) e− jωt dt ≈ 0 X (tk ) − X (tk −1 ) (cosωt − j sin ωt ) ∑ tk − tk −1 k =1 N Correction / simulation for t→∞: X (t ) = X 0 + X 1e −t / τ X 0 = leakage current. V (t ) Impedance: Z (ω) = I (t ) EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. V-step experiment Sequence of 10 mV step Fourier transformed impedance spectra, from 3.65 V to 4.20 V at 50 mV intervals. Fmin = 0.1 mHz EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. CNLS-fit of FT-data Circuit Description R1 R2 Code: R(RQ)OT *) Fit result: χ2CNLS = 3.7⋅10-5 *) O = ‘FLW’ T = ‘FSW’ Q3, Y0 ,, n O4, Y0 ,, B T5, Y0 ,, B : : : : : : : : 550 49 6.8⋅10-3 0.96 0.047 30 0.028 5.9 0.5 % 10 % 12 % 8 % 1.5 % 2.4 % 2.9 % 2.9 % EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Bode Graph Double logarithmic display almost always gives excellent result ! ‘Bode plot’, Zreal and Zimag versus frequency in double log plot EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Conclusions Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: • Powerful analysis tool • Subtraction procedure reveals small contributions • Presents more ‘visual’ information than time domain • Almost always analytical expressions available • Equivalent Circuit approach often useful • Data validation instrument available (KK transform) • Also applicable to time domain data (FT: ultra low frequencies possible) • Able to analyse complex systems Unfortunately, analysis requires experience! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Not just electrochemistry! Data analysis strategy is applicable to any system where: • a driving force • a flux can be defined/measured. Examples: • mechanical properties, e.g. polymers: G (ω) or J (ω) & γ • catalysis, pressure & flux, e.g. adsorption • rheology • heat transfer, etc. No need to measure in the frequency domain! EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Last slide EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. EIS & Effect of truncation Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. 10 Delta-Real Delta-Imag 8 tmax tmax = 100 = 100 s, s, τ =τ 20 = 30 sec, sec, Y Y(t(max tmax ) =) 0.67% = 3.6% 6 Delta-Real Delta-Imag Δre, Δim , [%] 4 2 tmax = 100 s, τ = 40 sec, Y (tmax) = 8.2% 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 0.01 Δim = 0.1 Zimag (ω) − Zim,tr (ω) Z (ω) 1 Frequency, [Hz] 10 Δre = 100 Zreal (ω) − Zre,tr (ω) Z (ω) EIS & More Fourier transform Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Method Martijn Lankhorst: ¾ fit polynomials to small sets m t of data points (sections): Pm (t ) t = ∑ Ak t k piece wise wise piece integration integration r q k =0 ¾ analytical transformation to frequency domain: m i +1 P (ω) t = ∑ ∑ Ai tr q i = 0 k =1 (i − 1)! (i − 1 − k )! ⋅ t i −1− k q ⋅e − jωt q −t i −1− k r ⋅e − jωt r ( jω) k +1 More general extrapolation function (stretched exponential): Q(t ) = Q0 + Q1 ⋅ e −(t / τ )α , 0 ≤ α ≤1 (Fourier transform complicated, can be done numerically) Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Non linear effects Electrode response based on Butler-Vollmer: ⎡ αRTa F η − (1−αRTa ) F η ⎤ −e I = I0 ⎢e ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ When the voltage amplitude is too large, the current response will contain higher harmonics (i.e. is not linear with V). Substituting a = αaF/RT, b = (1-αc)F/RT and a serial expression for exp(), we obtain: 0.05 0.05 Current, [A] Current, [A] EIS & 0 0 I0 = 1 mA αa = 0.4 T = 23°C -0.05 -0.05 -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.1 -0.1 0 0 Polarisation, [V] Polarisation, [V] 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 ⎡ ⎤ a2η2 a3η3 b2η2 b3η3 + + ... −1+ bη− + + ...⎥ I = I0 ⎢1 + aη+ 2! 3! 2! 3! ⎣ ⎦ ⎡ ⎤ (a2 − b2 )η2 (a3 + b3 )η3 = I0 ⎢(a + b)η+ + + ...⎥ 2! 3! ⎣ ⎦ EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. Higher-order terms At zero bias, with the perturbation voltage, ∆·ejωt, this equation yields: I (t ) 2 2 3 3 ⎡ ⎤ − + ( a b ) ( a b ) j 3ωt jωt j 2ωt = I0 ⎢(a + b)Δe + Δe + Δe + ...⎥ 2! 3! ⎣ ⎦ This clearly shows the occurrence of higher-order terms. When the polarization current is ‘symmetric’ the even terms will drop out as a = b. At a dc-polarization the response is more complex: 3 3 2 ⎧⎪⎡ ⎤ jωt ( a b ) + η 2 2 I (t ) = I0 ⎨⎢(a + b) + (a − b )η+ + ...⎥ Δe + 2! ⎪⎩⎣ ⎦ ⎡ a2 − b2 (a3 + b3 )η ⎤ j 2ωt ⎡ a3 + b3 ⎤ j 3ωt +⎢ + + ...⎥ Δe + ⎢ + ...⎥ Δe + ... 2! ⎣ 2! ⎦ ⎣ 3! ⎦ } EIS & Nano-El-Cat Nov. ‘08. The derivatives! Having the derivatives is essential! • best method, calculate the derivatives on basis of the function: accuracy and speed. • Second best: numerical evaluation* (for proper derivatives we have to calculate F(xi,a1..M) 2M +1 times!! F ( xi , a1.., a j + Δa j ,..aM ) − F ( xi , a1.., a j − Δa j ,..aM ) ∂ F ( xi , a1..M ) = ∂a j 2Δa j * This is actually an approximation