UKC 2016 US-Korea Conference 08.10 08.13 On Science, Technology, & Entrepreneurship Co-Organized with Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST) Korea-US Science Coorperation Center (KUSCO) Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) About KSEA Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) is a 45-year-old non-profit national-level professional organization. It is open for individuals residing in the USA who are engaged in science, engineering or a related field. KSEA’s objectives are: • To promote the application of science and technology for the general welfare of society; • To foster the cooperation of international science communities especially among the US and Korea; • To serve the majority of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers and help them to develop their full career potential. KSEA has 78 Chapters/Branches, 13 Technical Groups and 27 Affiliated Professional Societies (APS) covering all major branches of science and engineering. Since its birth in 1971, KSEA has been recognized as the main representative organization promoting the common interests of Korean-American scientists and engineers toward meeting the objectives mentioned above. KSEA welcomes participation from 1.5th-generation, 2nd-generation, and 3rd-generation Korean-American scientists and engineers including the mixed-race and adoptee communities. KSEA promotes helping younger-generation Korean-Americans to be aware of the rapid advances in science and engineering occurring both inside and outside of the US. Especially, to create opportunities for young generation members to interact with talented scientists and engineers in Korea. Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) UKC 2016 US-Korea Conference (UKC 2016) On Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Co-Organized with The Korean Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST) and The Korea-US Science Coorperation Center (KUSCO) TABLE OF CONTENTS Message from UKC 2016 Chair2 Message from UKC 2016 Co-Chair3 Message from NRF/KUSCO Presidnet4 Message from Member of Congress, Sixth District, Texas 5 Message from UKC 2016 Executive Director 6 Plenary Speakers7 UKC 2016 Organizers9 KSEA Honors Finalists10 2016 KSEA Awards Finalists11 2016 Young Investigator Grant Winner13 Program at a Glance14 Program Location15 Plenary Schedule18 Symposium Physics (PHY)21 Math/Applied Math/Statistics (MAS)24 Chemistry (CHM)26 Chemical Engineering (CHE) 29 Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CIT) 32 Food, Argriculture and Nutrition (FAN)35 Materials Sciences and Engineering (MSE) 38 Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval (MAN) 41 Civil, Environmental and Architecture (CEA) 43 Electrical, Electronics & Communications (EEC) 47 Bio, Medical, Pharmacology (BMP)50 Convergence Technology (CNV)56 Government Research Policy & Regulation (GRPR) 60 Energy, Transportation and Cyber Systems (ETC) 62 Global Climate Change and the Path to Solutions (GCC) 64 Small & Medium Business Solutions (SMB) 65 ETC & GCC Joint Symposium67 Young Generation and Professional Forum (YGPF) 68 Forum Korean Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI) 74 KOFAC-AAAS75 Korea Institute of Science Technology (KIST) 76 KITECH77 Cheiljedang (CJ)78 Intellectual Property (IP) and Industry79 Korea Evalutiion Institute of Industrial Technology (KEIT) 80 Seoul City (SBA)81 Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering / Korea Federation of Women’s Science & Technology Associations (KWiSE-KOFWST)82 2016 KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarship Winners 83 UKC 2016 Sponsors84 Advertisements of UKC 2016 Sponsors87 Meeting Area Map107 / MESSAGE FROM UKC 2016 CHAIR UKC2016 Chair Howdy y’all! Welcome to sunny Texas! It is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to UKC2016, for the first time in UKC’s 18 year history, in the magnanimous state of Texas where the Sun shines all the time. Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) is celebrating its 45th year of its establishment and grew up from an organization of just 69 members in 1971 to that of about 12,000 registered members in various disciplines ranging from fundamental sciences all the way to entrepreneurship. Dr. Jaehoon Yu President of KSEA Professor University of Texas, Arlington Reflecting this variety of expertise, the US-Korea Conference, jointly organized by KSEA and The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST) which just celebrated its own 50th anniversary, is unique in the sense that it provides a forum for scientists and engineers from both U.S. and Korea in many different disciplines gather together and exchange most recent information on each area’s advancement and allow cross breeding of these very different expertise. It is this uniqueness that we all need to be ready to take full advantage of. UKC2016 consists of rich program not only in the 13 technical areas within the KSEA technical structure but also in two joint symposia that are designed to promote exchange of ideas to understand a common and immediate issue for the very existence of humanity, the global climate change, in many different directions and the government research policy. These, in the end, would allow new and different approaches to sprout to solve the issue we face and encourage the participants to exchange ideas with each other for potentially brilliant and innovative solutions. We have many prominent speakers in various sessions, including the 2011 Nobel Laureate in Medicine, Dr. Bruce Beutler of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas. In addition to the technical programs for the conference participants, for the first time in UKC series, this conference opens itself to the general public in the vicinity of the venue to share the festivity of science, technology and entrepreneurship, mingling with the participants. The effect will be amplified through various opportunities to understand the scientific and cultural advancement of Korea to share the deep and rich history of scientific mindset of Korean culture throughout the conference. The next generation with a scientific mind set is an important asset to the entire humanity. KSEA is playing a leadership role in this area and is offering the first Young Student Science and Technical Leadership Camp (YSTLC) to high school students from Korea and the U.S. These students are undergoing an intense scientific experiences, including multiple opportunities to listen and talk to leading scientists participating in UKC2016. I hope these students will take the passion from this experience and become a leader in both Korea and the U.S. and bring science fully integrated into everyday lives and people’s fabric of thoughts. Last but not least, this amazing conference could not have been possible without the strong support from many sponsors in the U.S. and in Korea. I would like to express my deepest appreciation to their steadfast support and trust to KSEA to do good work for both U.S. and Korean societies. Finally, I would like to thank many KSEA members who served as symposium chairs, session chairs and in various UKC committees and close to 100 volunteers who made this conference as successful as possible. Please enjoy the mixture of expertise, the Texan hospitality and the rich program of the conference. Please take a full advantage of talking to your colleagues outside of your own discipline, discuss your research interests and come up with a new way of thinking! I hope several of you could come up with brilliant and innovative ideas to take to the next step. This is what UKC is all about! Welcome again to sunny Texas! Jaehoon Yu, Ph.D. Conference Chair President of KSEA UKC 2016 Brochure /// 2 / MESSAGE FROM UKC 2016 CO-CHAIR UKC 2016 Co-Chair Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen! I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of my distinguished guests to attend the 2016 US-Korea Conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship(UKC). Let me express my sincere appreciation to the members of the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), including President Jaehoon Yu, for all of your dedication and commitment in hosting today’s conference. Boo-Sup Lee President of the Korea Federation of Science & Technology Societies (KOFST) Since its inception in 1971, KSEA has contributed to build up a strong network of science and technology and to lay the groundwork for the young generation scientists and engineers through a diverse range of programs such as Young Generation Technical and Leadership Conference, KSEA Scholarship. Honorable Scientists and Engineers! The UKC-2016, under the theme of “Enriching Lives through Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship” is set to propose a prosperous future based on science, technology and entrepreneurship. Recently, in its release of science, technology and innovation policies, the US government expressed its strong resolution to pioneer new industries and tackle low growth with science and technology by investing in nine strategic areas such as brain initiative, advanced vehicles and smart cities. With “Creative Economy” at the heart of the administration, the Korean government is also gearing up to identify and nurture Korea’s future growth engine through R&D innovation in science and technology. I expect that all of you here today play leading roles to ensure that this conference paves the way for scientific and technological cooperation between Korea and the US, and allows shared ideas and discussion to bring about practical cooperation. Taking this opportunity, KOFST, in collaboration with KSEA, will exert our utmost efforts to promote cooperation and development of Science and Technology among the Korean people. Once again, let me offer my special thanks to all of you who join us today, and I wish all the best and success for all of us here. Thank you. 11 August 2016 Boo-Sup Lee President of The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies 3 /// UKC 2016 Brochure / MESSAGE FROM NRF/KUSCO PRESIDENT NRF/KUSCO President Dear Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen! First of all, congratulations on “2016 US-Korea Conference” and it is my great honor and pleasure to welcome you all to this conference joined by world-renowned scientists, engineers, professors, industry experts, academic entrepreneurs and policy-makers from both the US and Korea. I would also like to extend my deepest appreciation to staff members from both countries for their hard work in putting this conference together. Min K. Chung President of Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center National Research Foundation of Korea Since 2003, we have sought to advance our relationship into more strategic, progressive, and cooperative partnership through the US-Korea Conference in direct response to the emergence of the knowledge-based society of the 21st century. The main theme of this year is “Enriching Lives through Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship”. The advancement of biological science and medical technology will profoundly reshape our future in many different ways. Furthermore, together with technology and entrepreneurship we can also explore new realm of economic development that can ultimately lead us to future prosperity. I hope that the 2016 US-Korea Conference will serve as a great opportunity to lively exchange and share valuable ideas for US-Korea cooperation, and will make significant contributions towards building a better life and a better future for mankind. At UKC 2016, I ask you to share your valuable expertise and insight with industry leading scientists, engineers, and companies from the US and Korea.Your attendance and participation will make this conference more meaningful. Thank you again for participating in UKC 2016. August, 2016 Min K. Chung President Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center National Research Foundation of Korea UKC 2016 Brochure /// 4 / MESSAGE FROM MEMBER OF CONGRESS Member of Congress Dear Attendees of the U.S. - Korea Conference on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship: As the Representative of the 6th District of Texas, I would like to welcome the attendees of the U.S. - Korea conference on Science, Technology and Entrepreneurship to North Texas. I hope you will enjoy all our area has to offer. Joe Barton Member of Congress Sixth District, Texas The U.S Korea Conference has accomplished many great things over the past two decades and serves as a model for scientific collaboration between our two nations. South Korea is one of the United States’ most trusted allies and we must continue collaboration on research and development efforts to both of our mutual benefit. Additionally, I would like to commend the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) which has grown from 69 members, at its founding in 1971, to over 6,000 membvers at present.This conference is a testament to the strength, resilience, and dedication to the mission of the KSEA. I am sure KSEA will continue playing an essential role for the benefit of our two countries. Lastly, I would like to congratulate my friend, Dr. Jaehoon Yu, on his election to the post of President of the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association. Dr.Yu has worked in the physics department at the University of Texas at Arlington since 2001, and as a professor sicne 2012. Dr.Yu has been an active member of the North Texas community as a teacher and a citizen. I am confident that he will make even bigger contributions as the president of KSEA. I am sure you conference will be a great success and sicerely hope you all enjoy your stay in North Texas. Sincerely, Joe Barton Member of Congress 5 /// UKC 2016 Brochure / MESSAGE FROM UKC 2016 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UKC 2016 Executive Director Dear UKC 2016 participants, I am honored to greet all of you attending the UKC 2016 in Dallas, Texas. With the theme “Enriching Livers through Science Technology and Entrepreneurship”, the UKC 2016 program focuses on basic science, emerging technology and industry technology, significant research findings, R&D trends, and future prospects of sciences and technologies, and an IP forum to promote with entrepreneurship. Dr. Jae Hyeon Ryu UKC 2016 Executive Director KSEA 45th Executive Director Associate Professor University of Idaho A total of 15 symposium programs and many named forums are scheduled to discuss the state-of-the art technology and engineering via emerging sciences. About 600 abstract are collected and each symposium has 6 to 8 oral sessions and 1 poster session is formed to cover the up-to-date science and technology at the venue. UKC 2016 also offers a couple of NEW special programs, including the Government Research Policy and Regulation Symposium (GRPR), Energy, Transportation, and Cyber Systems Symposium (ETC), and Global Climate Change Symposium (GCC) to increase awareness of cutting-edge science and technology along with governmental policy and regulation. Moreover, two joint symposium programs, such as ETC/GCC and BMP/CNV: Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium (BMP) and Convergence will further highlight the issue-oriented topics in real world applications. I wish to acknowledge the Symposium Chairs/Co-Chairs and their respective session chairs, volunteers, and all of the UKC 2016 participants to made this happen. With their dedication and volunteer sprit, UKC 2016 will be successful and rewarding. I hope to shake hands and welcome everyone participating in the opening ceremony scheduled for Thursday morning (August 11) into the UKC family. I also wish you go back home with unforgettable memories you may have during your stay in Texas. Welcome to UKC 2016! Jae Hyeon Ryu, Ph.D., P.E. UKC 2016 Executive Director KSEA 45th Admin Executive Director Associate Professor of Water Resources Engineering University of Idaho UKC 2016 Brochure /// 6 / PLENARY SPEAKERS Plenary Speakers 1) The New Forward Genetics: Instantly Explaining Phenotype 2) How Immunology Changed the World Dr. Bruce Alan Beutler | August 11, Thursday Bruce A. Beutler, M.D., who shared the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, is an internationally recognized leader in immunology and the Director of the Center for the Genetics of Host Defense at UT Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Bruce Alan Beutler Director Center for the Genetics of Host Defense Univerity of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Drs. Beutler and Jules A. Hoffmann of Strasbourg University in France shared the Nobel Prize “for their discoveries concerning the activation of innate immunity,” the first step in the body’s immune response. The late Dr. Ralph M. Steinman of Rockefeller University in New York was also honored in 2011. Dr. Beutler is known for his work in unlocking the secret of how the body detects infection and launches an inflammatory response. His current endeavors involve an attempt to identify every gene involved in the response to potentially infectious agents like bacteria or viruses. At UT Southwestern, Dr. Beutler runs one of the largest mouse mutagenesis programs in the world. He and his group have tracked down several hundred mutations that cause abnormalities in mice. Many of these mutations have important implications in infectious diseases or autoimmune conditions in which the body turns on itself, such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Dr. Beutler’s team also has identified many thousands of other genetic mutations that form the nucleus of a mutation archive that eventually will encompass all mouse genes. Dr. Beutler, a Regental Professor at UT Southwestern who holds the Raymond and Ellen Willie Distinguished Chair in Cancer Research, in Honor of Laverne and Raymond Willie Sr., earned his medical degree from the University of Chicago after graduating from the University of California, San Diego. His postgraduate career at UT Southwestern includes an internal medicine internship and neurology residency. During a brief fellowship and faculty appointment at Rockefeller University, Dr. Beutler isolated tumor necrosis factor, one of the most important mediators of inflammation. He then returned to UT Southwestern as a faculty member and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator from 1986 to 2000. His seminal work during this period was broadly relevant to host responses to viral infection, cancer, and autoimmunity, and ultimately led to the Nobel Prize. Between 2000 and 2011, Dr. Beutler was at The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, Calif. He was elected to both the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine in 2008, and to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2013. Dr. Beutler’s numerous awards and recognitions include the 2011 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine, the University of Chicago Professional Achievement Citation in 2010, the Albany Medical Center Prize in Medicine and Biomedical Research in 2009, the Balzan Prize in 2007, the Gran Prix Charles-Léopold Mayer from the Académie des Sciences in France in 2006, and the Robert Koch Prize in 2004. 7 /// UKC 2016 Brochure / PLENARY SPEAKERS Plenary Speakers Science and Technology: A New Vision for the Past and the Future Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA | August 12, Friday Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA, is the CEO of Richter Architects based in Corpus Christi, Texas. The firm is a recognized leader in the profession with award-winning designs. It was honored with the prestigious Architecture Firm Award from the Texas Society of Architects in 2011. Recent projects include the National Museum of the Pacific War, Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve, Del Mar College Academic and Music Complex, Manila American Cemetery Visitor Center in the Philippines, and GSA Design Excellence U.S. Land Ports of Entry in El Paso, Laredo, and Columbus, New Mexico. Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA Richter Architects, CEO 2015 President, American Institute of Architects Elizabeth was elected to serve as the 2015 national president of the American Institute of Architects (AIA). She became the first Asian-American woman and the fourth woman to served as national president in the Institute’s 158 year history.The AIA has over 87,000 members in the U.S. and abroad. Elizabeth is an honorary member of the Japan Institute of Architects, the Korean Institute of Architects, and the Australian Institute of Architects. She is frequently invited to speak on leadership, design, and the future of the architectural profession, Most recently, she lectured at the Savannah College of Arts and Design. Elizabeth believes in the power of architecture to impact lives and elevate the human spirit. As such, she has championed public outreach for decades. In addition to design, writing, and speaking, she created and co-produced The Shape of Texas, a statewide radio series on architecture broadcasted on NPR-affiliate stations across Texas. The series ran for 11 years, broadcasting over 500 episodes and reached millions. She also chaired the prestigious AIA Gold Medal/Firm Award Advisory Jury Committee and served as a juror for numerous national and regional programs that recognize design excellence such as AIA New York design awards. Active in community service, Ms. Richter served as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the San Antonio Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, and as Chairman of the South Texas Public Broadcasting System. She is a former board member of CHRISTUS Spohn Health Systems and the Board of Directors of the Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation. She recently spearheaded a community event focused on designing healthy communities. New Biology and Medicine from the Network of Protein Synthesis Enzymes Dr. Sunghoon Kim | August 13, Saturday Dr. Sunghoon Kim Professor Medicinal Bioconvergence Research Center, Seoul National University Dr. Sunghoon Kim has been studying novel functions of human aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases(ARSs) and searching for their pathophysiological connections to human diseases. He has identified potent novel tumor suppressors such as AIMP2/p38, AIMP3/p18. He has also investigated novel extracellular activities of ARSs and associated factors such as lysyl-tRNA synthetase(KRS), tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase(WRS), and AIMP1/p43. He also discovered the oncogenic variant of AIMP2, designated AIMP2-DX2, as one of the critical factors that determines the survival of lung cancer patients. More recently, he found that leucyl-tRNA synthetase(LRS) serves as an amino acid sensor for mTOR signal pathway. In summary, his research is unveiling novel regulatory network mediated by human aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases that have been regarded as housekeeping machinery for protein synthesis. The regulatory roles and implications of these proteins in human diseases have been largely overlooked for decades. His discoveries on the new function, pathology and medicine of ARSs are rapidly opening a research area that throws new insights into the central dogma of life and human diseases. He received many prestigious awards including the Donghun biochemistry award (2000), the National Presidential Award (2003), the Best Scientist of the Year (2006), The Award of Korean National Academy of Science (2012), Ho-am Prize in Medicine (2015), the TechBiz star award (2015). UKC 2016 Brochure /// 8 Conference Chair / Co-Chair Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington) UKC 2016 Chair & KSEA 45th President Boo-Sup Lee (KOFST President) UKC 2016 Co-Chair Executive Committee Jaehoon Yu (University of Texas at Arlington) UKC 2016 Chair & KSEA 45th President Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho) Executive Director Taeyoul Choi (University of North Texas) Local Arrangement Chair Jong Park (Moffitt Cancer Center/University of South Florida) Sponsorship Director Hyojoo Han (Georgia Southern University) Computing and Web Director Donghyun Shin (University of Texas at Arlington) Finance Director Ken Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology) VIP and Sponsor Care Director Yongho Sohn (University of Central Florida) Program Committee Liaison Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State University) Advisor Program Committee Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho) Executive Director Yongho Sohn (University of Central Florida) Program Committee Liaison Hee-Yong Kim (NIH) Program Committee Gyeong Soon Hwang (The University of Texas at Austin) Program Committee Hanjoong Jo (Georgia Tech and Emory University) Program Committee Sungyong In (Ichthus International Law) Program Committee Physics Symposium (PHY) Chair: Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State University) Co-Chairs: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang University and APCTP), Kyungseon Joo (University of Connecticut) Math/Applied Math/Statistics Symposium (MAS) Chair: Myles MunJu Kim (Florida Polytechnic University) Co-Chairs: Myoungjoo Kang (Seoul National University), Hyun-Kyoung Kwon (The University of Alabama) Chemistry Symposium (CHM) Chair: Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) Co-Chairs: Sungjee Kim (POSTECH), Tae-Hee Lee (Penn State University) Chemical Engineering Symposium (CHE) Chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) Co-Chairs: Su Ha (Washington State University), Chang-soo Lee (Chungnam National University) Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium (CIT) Chair: Yoohwan Kim (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) 9 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Co-Chairs: Jeho Park (Harvey Mudd College), Sungdeok Cha (Korea University) Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium (FAN) Chair: Haejung An (FDA) Co-Chairs: Hyojee Joung (Seoul National University), Hee-Yong Paik (Seoul National University) Materials Science and Engineering Symposium (MSE) Chair: Minseo Park (Auburn University) Co-Chairs: Jiyoung Kim (University of Texas at Dallas), Hyun Jae Kim (Yonsei University) Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval Engineering Symposium (MAN) Chair: Sung Kwon Cho (University of Pittsburgh) Co-Chairs: Taehun Lee (City College of New York), Jung-Hoon Chung (KIMM) Civil, Environmental, Architecture Symposium (CEA) Chair: Yong Rak Kim (University of Nebraska–Lincoln) Co-Chairs: Brian Park (University of Virginia), Seoktae Kang (KAIST) Electrical, Electronics and Communications Symposium (EEC) Chair: Jeong-Bong Lee (University of Texas at Dallas) Co-Chairs: Ken Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology), Tom Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology). James Jungho Park (Korea University) Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium (BMP) Chair: Young-Sup Yoon (Emory University) Co-Chairs: Inhyun Park (Yale University), Young-Geun Kwon (Yonsei University), Yun Soo Bae (Ewha University) Convergence Technology Symposium (CNV) Chair: Ick Chan Kwon (KIST) Co-Chairs: Ho Wook Jun (University of Alabama at Birmingham), Jennifer Shin (KAIST) Government Research Policy and Regulation Symposium (GRPR) Chair: Myeong-Hee Yu (KIST) Co-Chairs: Kil Choo Moon (UST), Youn Hee Choi (KIET) Energy, Transportation, and Cyber Systems Symposium (ETC) Chair: Duckjoo Yang (The University of Texas at Dallas) Co-Chair: Hyung Chul Ham (KIST) Global Climate Change Symposium (GCC) Chair: Yong Nak Lee (Heat Transfer Research & Development, LTD) Co-Chairs: Lee Ki-woo (President of KIER), Burt Lee (American Chemical Society), Kinney H. Kim (North Carolina Central University) Small & Medium Business Solutions (SMB Workshop) Chair: Yong Nak Lee (Heat Transfer Research & Development, LTD) Co-Chairs: Kinney H. Kim (North Carolina Central University), Thomas H. Hahn, Nak-Ho Sung, Burt Lee (American Chemical Society), Gyeong Sun Hwang (University of Texas, Austin) Young Generation and Professional Forum (YGPF) Chair: Phillip K. Han (Clockwise.MD) Co-Chair: Katherine Cho (Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership) / KSEA HONORS 2016 KSEA HONORS FINALISTS August 11, Thursday 10:00am ~ 12:00pm (Ceremony) Distinguished Service Membership Dr. Saeyoung Ahn KSEA 25th President Research Director Fuzbien Technology Institute Dr. Ahn is the Research Director of the Fuzbien Technology Institute and previously served at US Naval Research Lab for twenty-two years as Physicist. He received BS in physics at SNU (‘68) and MA & PhD in physics at Yeshiva Univ. (’71 & ‘73). Dr. Ahn has a long list of life-long services for KSEA. His service began in 1977 as a publication committee member for the 6th (’77-78) admin and has continued to the current 45th admin for 40 years, during which he has helped KSEA to carry a torch enhancing the exchange of S&T between the US and Korea. He was the 25th (’96 -‘97) President and a Founding Director of KUSCO BOD. During the 22nd admin before his presidency, he initiated joint projects between KSEA and KOSEF as an Executive Director. As Vice President and President-Elect in ‘94 and ‘95, respectively, he had helped establish the KUSCO. Especially since 2003 he has helped most Presidents-Elect to raise funds for UKC and KSEA. During his career in the US Naval Research Lab, his outstanding technical contributions to radar technology resulted in many awards from the US Navy. He contributed to K-STAR activity in Korea and was subsequently awarded a National Medal of Dong Back Jang in 1999. He also was a visiting professor at SNU and the founder of venture companies. His technical contributions also include non-linear phenomena in laser and ocean waves, medical physics, and cancer treatment. His life-long service for KSEA is exemplary and highly recognized. Distinguished Sponsor Membership Samsung has contributed exceptionally to the financial well-being of KSEA over the last 15 years. Its total contribution is one of the highest among the corporate sponsorships. Samsung’s sponsorship for a long period is highly recognized. Samsung Electronics UKC 2016 Brochure /// 10 / KSEA AWARDS 2016 KSEA AWARDS FINALISTS August 11, Thursday 10:00am ~ 12:00pm (Ceremony) Outstanding Contribution to KSEA Award (Presented jointly by KSEA and MSIP) Dr. Chai Chin Suh KSEA 19th President Retired Dr. Suh has had a distinguished career in industry having worked for Gilbert Associates Inc (1972-1990), EAE Eng. (1991-1995 & 2000-2010) and Korea Heavy Industries Corp (1995-2000). He was also a faculty member at SNU for 15 years (1951-1966) before receiving his PhD from the Univ. of Michigan in 1972. His BS and MS are from SNU (1951) and Univ. of Minnesota (1957), respectively. His research contributions are in the fields of power plant engineering, well recognized nationally and internationally. He played a leadership role in the first successful launch of Korean rocket in 1959 to open up the nation’s space programs. He promoted the R & D capabilities of Korea Heavy Industries Corp. to the point that they are now exporting nuclear power plants overseas. During his tenure as KSEA’s 19th president, he developed the first Brain Power Resources Database with a large financial support from the Korean Government through STEPI. The funding formed the basis of KSEA’s financial well-being, and enabled KSEA members’ involvement in Korean science & technology development. His additional contributions to KSEA include helping organize five regional conferences, participating in various committee activities and mentoring service for younger members in the applied math (Integral Eq., Calculus of Variations). He also served KSEA as a councilor and the founding chapter president of Lehigh Valley chapter. His service for KSEA is highly recognized. Engineer of the Year Award (Presented jointly by KSEA and KOFST) Dr. Minjun Kim Robert C. Womack Endowed Chair Professor Southern Methodist University 11 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Dr. Kim is presently the Robert C. Womack Endowed Chair Professor in the Dept. of Mech. Eng. at Southern Methodist Univ. He received his BS and MS in Mech. Eng. from Yonsei Univ. (1997) and Texas A&M Univ. (2001), respectively. He completed his Ph.D. degree in Eng. at Brown Univ. (2005). Following his graduate studies, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Rowland Inst. in Harvard Univ. He joined Drexel Univ. in 2006 as an Assistant Professor and was later promoted to Full Professor of Mech. Eng. He is a pioneering researcher of micro-bio-robotics and single molecule biophysics with a truly multidisciplinary expertise in mechanical engineering, biomedical engineering, biophysics, and biomaterials engineering. He has been recognized as the first investigator to fully utilize flagellated bacteria as micro-actuators in engineered systems. He is also a pioneer in applying solid-state nanopore systems to investigate high-resolution protein folding/binding kinetics at the single molecule level. His notable awards include the NSF CAREER Award (2008), the HFSP Young Investigator Award (2009), the ARO Young Investigator Award (2010), the Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship (2012), the KOFST Brain Pool Fellowship (2013), the ISBE Fellow (2014), the ASME Fellow (2014), and the Netexplo Award (2016). His achievements in the field of engineering is highly recognized. / KSEA AWARDS 2016 KSEA AWARDS FINALISTS August 13, Saturday 10:00am ~ 12:55pm (Ceremony) Outstanding Chapter and Chapter President Award Major Fair 2015 Dr. Joseph Jinlee Kim KSEA Southern California Chapter President Associate Professor California State University at Long Beach KSEA-SWRC 2016 Conference The Southern California Chapter has been very active over the past three years. It obtained a 501c3 status, held the first Major Fair for high school and entering college students and found a permanent home for NMSC for the foreseeable future. Both the annual NMSC and the annual Southwestern Regional Conference are well received by the local businesses whose financial support has increased substantially. These are the results of the chapter presidents’ collective leadership and members’ strong volunteerism. Chapter President Joseph Jinlee Kim, PhD, PE, has been the spearhead of these activities. He is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of Civil Eng. and Construction Eng. Management at California State Univ. Long Beach and the director of Green Building Information Modeling Lab. His research interests include advanced construction scheduling techniques for optimization, green buildings, building information modeling, and engineering educational research methods. The SC Chapter’s strong activities and CP Kim’s dedicated services are highly recognized. Young Generation Leadership Award Dr. Soojung Claire Hur KSEA 45th Publication Director Assistant Research Professor at UCLA and Assistant Researcher at Johns Hopkins University Dr. Hur is currently an assistant researcher at Univ. of California, Los Angeles and an assistant research professor in the Dept. of Mechanical Eng. at Johns Hopkins Univ. Until joining UCLA in December 2015, she has run her research group over four years as the principal investigator at the Rowland Institute at Harvard. She received her BS, MS and PhD in Mechanical Eng. from UCLA in 2005, 2007 and 2011, respectively. She co-authored 13 peer-reviewed journals, including three articles featured as journal covers, 40 conference proceedings, 3 US patents, and 2 international patents. She has received numerous awards and scholarships, including Edward K. Rice Outstanding Doctoral Student award, HSSEAS academic scholarship, MAE department’s Chevron scholarship and UCLA Dean’s special fellowship. Her research focuses on developing innovative microfluidic systems that have potential for high-throughput target cell detection, cost-effective cell separation, and sequential multimolecular delivery, useful for oncology, immunology, gene therapy and regenerative medicine. Dr. Hur has provided an outstanding YG leadership service for KSEA over a period spanning more than 10 years through various positions such as Group D Councilor,YGTLC Chair and Co-Chair,YG Director, UKC Session Chair, and NMSC Volunteer. Her leadership for YG activities is highly recognized. UKC 2016 Brochure /// 12 / KSEA AWARDS 2016 Young Investigator Grant Winner August 11, Thursday 10:00am ~ 1:00pm (Ceremony) The KSEA Young Investigator Grant is the KSEA’s highest recognition given to yount professionals who earned a doctoral degree in science or engineering, and have been working in academia, industry, or government for no more than 6 years after the degree. The grant of $10,000 will be awarded to the recipient. Dr. Seung Woo Lee is an assistant professor at George W.Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia. He received his B.S. (summa cum laude) in chemical engineering from SNU in 2004 and Ph.D. in chemical engineering from MIT in 2010. Prior to joining Georgia Institute of Technology in 2013, he was a post-doctoral researcher at MIT. He is a recipient of 2016 Hanwha Advanced Materials Non-Tenure Faculty Award and 2014 Samsung Global Research Outreach Award. Dr. Seung Woo Lee Assistant Professor George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering of Georgia Institute of Technology 13 /// UKC 2016 Brochure He has published 29 articles in coveted journals and presented 20 papers in conferences, and he also has an excellent citation record as a young investigator. With the YIG, Prof. Lee will mainly investigate nano-structured organic electrodes for electrochemical energy storage devices. The proposed work aims to improve the cycling stability and the power capability of advanced batteries without sacrificing the energy density by the development of organic electrodes.The proposed organic electrodes will be based on nanocomposite structures where redox-active molecules are conformally coated on the conductive matrix mediated by the interactions of surface functionalities between molecules and conductive substrate. / PROGRAM AT A GLANCE TIME 8/10 (WED) 8/11 (THU) 8/12 (FRI) 7:00 am – 8:00 am BREAKFAST 8:00 am – 9:45 am SYMPOSIUM / FORUM 9:45 am – 10:00 am COFFEE BREAK PLENARY SESSION / OPENING CEREMONY 10:00 am – 12:00 pm PLENARY SESSION 12:00 pm – 1:15 pm LUNCH 1:15 pm – 3:15 pm SYMPOSIUM / FORUM 3:15 pm – 3:30 pm 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm REGISTRATION OPENS 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm VIP DINNER AND SPONSOR APPRECIATION RECEPTION 8/14 (SUN) THE 45TH KSEA ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING PLENARY SESSION COFFEE BREAK SYMPOSIUM / FORUM 5:30 pm – 6:00 pm 6:00 pm – 6:30 pm 8/13 (SAT) NETWORKING DINNER POSTER SESSION CONFERENCE BANQUET DINNER (TEXAS RANGERS BASEBALL PARK) SYMPOSIUM THE 45TH KSEA ANNUAL COUNCIL MEETING 9:00 pm – 11:30 pm UKC 2016 Brochure /// 14 PROGRAM LOCATION 08/11 UKC-Wide Event Symposium Forum Sponsor Others Thursday ROOM NAME \ TIME ENTERPRISE 1-6 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Plenary & Lunch 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM 1:15 PM – 3:15 PM 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Beutler Forum Sponsor Booths ENTERPRISE FOYER DOOLIN MAVERICK YSTLC CATTLE CARONS KHIDI YSTLC LCP/APS Meeting BMP BMP ComChair Meeting Former P Meeting DEVELOPERS BMP BMP WILDCATTERS CNV CNV HOBBY GRPR GRPR MCKEE ETC ETC KITECH KITECH KIST KIST HARVESTERS CARTER KOFAC_AAAS VANDERGRIFF JONSSON GLASSCOCK CEA MIT1 MIT2 CEA CEA CEA MIT3 MAS MAS MAS CHE CHE CHM/CHE CHM CHM MIT7 FAN CJ FAN MIT8 GCC GCC GCC MIT9 EEC EEC MIT10 MAN MAN MIT11 MSE MSE MIT12 CIT CIT PHY PHY MIT4 MIT5 MIT6 MIT13 FILMMAKERS/AVIATOR PHY ENTERPRISE 7 & 8 NST 225 425 YGPF IP and IND NST NST Interview YGPF YGPF Interview DEBAKEY KIER HARVESTERS LADYBIRD MCCOMBS EXECUTIVE 1112 15 /// UKC 2016 Brochure KUSCO Board KIER PROGRAM LOCATION 08/12 UKC-Wide Event Symposium Forum Sponsor Others Friday ROOM NAME \ TIME ENTERPRISE 1-6 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Plenary MAVERICK 1:15 PM – 3:15 PM 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM 6:00 PM – 11:00 PM Sponsor Booths ENTERPRISE FOYER DOOLIN 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM YSTLC YSTLC CATTLE CARONS BMP BMP DEVELOPERS BMP BMP WILDCATTERS CNV CNV HARVESTERS CARTER ETC/GCC KEIT ETC ETC KEIT HOBBY MCKEE Seoul City VANDERGRIFF KWiSE-KOFWST JONSSON KEIT GLASSCOCK MIT1 KEIT KEIT KEIT KICT-KCEE MIT2 CEA CEA MIT3 MAS MAS MIT4 CHE CHM/CHE MIT5 CHM/CHE CHM FAN FAN MIT6 MIT7 SMB MIT8 MIT9 EEC SMB EEC KEIT MIT10 KEIT MIT11 MSE MSE MIT12 CIT CIT MIT13 PHY PHY FILMMAKERS/AVIATOR ENTERPRISE 7 & 8 YGPF 225 425 Poster YGPF YGPF KRICT KRICT Interview YGPF YGPF Interview DEBAKEY KEIT HARVESTERS LADYBIRD UNIST Interview UNIST KEIT MCCOMBS EXECUTIVE 1112 KEIT KEIT KUSCO Board UKC 2016 Brochure /// 16 PROGRAM LOCATION 08/13 UKC-Wide Event Symposium Forum Sponsor Others Saturday ROOM NAME \ TIME ENTERPRISE 1-6 8:00 AM – 9:45 AM 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM Plenary YSTLC 6;00 PM – 11:00 PM KSEA Info KSEA Council History Forum BMP DEVELOPERS WILDCATTERS 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM MAVERICK CATTLE CARONS 1:15 PM – 3:15 PM Sponsor Booths ENTERPRISE FOYER DOOLIN 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM CNV HARVESTERS CARTER HOBBY MCKEE VANDERGRIFF JONSSON GLASSCOCK MIT1 MIT2 MIT3 MIT4 CHE MIT5 CHM CHM MIT6 MIT7 MIT8 SMB MIT9 EEC MIT10 MIT11 MSE MIT12 CIT MIT13 FILMMAKERS/AVIATOR ENTERPRISE 7&8 YGPF YGPF CIT PHY YGPF YGPF YGPF 225 425 DEBAKEY HARVESTERS LADYBIRD MCCOMBS EXECUTIVE 1112 17 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Interview Interview PLENARY SCHEDULE Wednesday, August 10, 2016 5:30 PM - 9:00 PM VIP Dinner Sponsor Appreciation Reception Enterprise 1-4 Ballroom Thursday, August 11, 2016 Opening Ceremony and Plenary Session I Chairs: K. Stephen Suh (Hackensack University Medical Center) and Young Hee Lee (University of Utah) Opening Ceremony • National Anthems (Korea and USA) • Opening Remarks Jaehoon Yu (President, Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association) • Welcoming Remarks - Boo-Sup Lee (President, Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies) - Kwang Bok Lee (Director General Directorate for Basic Research in Science and Engineering) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM • Congratulatory Remarks - Sang Jin Shin (Chair, Korean National Assembly Oversight Committee on MSIP, MIC and NSSC) - Nam-ki Hong (First Vice Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning) - Joe Barton (Member, U.S. Congress, 6th district, Texas) - Joo-Hyeon Baik (Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Houston) Enterprise 5-8 Ballroom • KSEA Award Ceremony - Outstanding Contribution to KSEA Award Presented by MSIP - Engineer of the Year Award Presented by KOFST - Distinguished Service Member Award Presented by KSEA - Young Investigator Award Presented by KSEA • Plenary Keynote Speech Dr. Bruce Beutler, Reagent Professor, University of Texas Southwestern, “The new forward genetics: instantly explaining phenotype “ • Sponsor Plenary Talk - Dimos, Duane, Vice President of Research, University of Texas at Arlington - Roh, Hang Duk, President, CJ Bio Business Unit - Jong Hyun Moon, General Manager, Business Development Division, SBA - Moo-Whan Shin, President, Yonsei Institute of Convergence Technology 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM 1:15 PM - 3:15 PM Luncheon Nobel Public Lecture with Dr. Bruce Beutler, the 2011 Nobel Prize Winner “How Immunology Changed the World” Enterprise 1-4 Ballroom Enterprise 5-8 Ballroom UKC 2016 Brochure /// 18 Friday, August 12, 2016 Plenary Session II Chairs: Jun-Seok Oh (Western Michigan University) and Stella Chun (Thermo Fisher Scientific) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Plenary Session • Sponsor Plenary Talk - Sungmo Steve Kang, President, Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) - Do-Yeon Kim, President, Pohang University of Science and Tech nology (POSTECH) - Seunghwan Kim, Chairman, Korea Foundation for the Advance ment of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) - Um Sang Yun, Manager, Hyundai Motors Enterprise 5-8 Ballroom • Plenary Keynote Speech Dr. Elizabeth Chu Richter, Chief Executive Officer, Richter Archi tects, “Architecture and Community: Beyond Walls and Style” 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM Luncheon Enterprise 1-4 Ballroom Saturday, August 13, 2016 Plenary Session III Chairs: Eun-Suk Seo (University of Maryland) and Michael Lee (NJIT) Plenary Session • Plenary Keynote Speech Dr. Sung-Hoon Kim, Professor, Seoul National University “New Biology and Medicine from the Network of Protein Synthesis Enzymes” 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM 19 /// UKC 2016 Brochure • Award Ceremony - Graduate Scholarship Award - Youth Science & Technology Leadership Award - Poster Presentation Award - Outstanding Chapter and Chapter President Award - Young Generation Leadership Award Farewell Lunch • Closing Remarks - Eun-Suk Seo, President-Elect of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association - Jaehoon Yu, President of Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association Enterprise 5-8 Ballroom Enterprise 1-4 Ballroom / SYMPOSIUMS UKC 2016 will forcus on basic science, industry technology and emerging technology. Significant research findings, R&D trends, and future prospects of sciences and technologies are solicited in the areas including, but not limited to the following. Basic Science Program PHY Physics Symposium MAS Math/Applied Math/Statistics Symposium CHM Chemistry Symposium Industry Technology Program CHE Chemical Engineering Symposium CIT Computer Sciences and Information Technologies Symposium FAN Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Symposium MSE Materials Science and Engineering Symposium MAN Mechanical, Aerospace and Naval Engineering Symposium CEA Civil, Environmental, Architecture Symposium EEC Electrical, Electronics and Communications Symposium Emerging Technology Program BMP Bio, Medical and Pharmaceutical Symposium CNV Convergence Technology Symposium Special Program GRPR Government Research Policy and Regulation Symposium ETC Energy, Transportation and Cyber Systems Symposium GCC Global Climate Change Symposium SMB Small & Medium Business Solutions Workshop UKC 2016 Brochure /// 20 Symposium Program PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM (PHY) PHYSICS SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT13 PHY-A Session: General Overview Session Chair: Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang University) Time ID Title and Speaker Interpolating Relativistic World Lines 8:00 AM PHY-A1 Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State University) Heavy Ion Physics, Status and Outlook 8:20 AM PHY-A2 In-Kwon Yoo (Pusan National University) Rare Isotope Science Project of Institute for Basic Science 8:45 AM PHY-A3 Sunchan Jeong (Rare Isotope Science Project, Institute for Basic Science) Electron Ion Collider - QCD Frontier 9:05 AM PHY-A4 Kyungseon Joo (University of Connecticut) Stationary nature of structural disorder in metallic alloys 9:25 AM PHY-A5 Yong Wook Kim (Lehigh University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT13 PHY-B Session: Nuclear Physics Session Chair: Kyungseon Joo (University of Connecticut) Time ID Title and Speaker Nuclear binding near a quantum phase transition 1:15 PM PHY-B6 Dean Lee (North Carolina State University) The Quest for the Neutron Electric Dipole Moment 1:32 PM PHY-B7 Brad Plaster (University of Kentucky) What Nucleon Resonances Teach us about Nuclear Struc1:49 PM PHY-B8 ture Philip Cole (Idaho State University) DVCS in Hall-A at Jefferson Lab 2:06 PM PHY-B9 Kijun Park (Jefferson Laboratory) Searching for exotic particles 2:23 PM PHY-B10 Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National University) Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass 2:40 PM PHY-B11 Eunsuk Seo (University of Maryland) Nuclear Astrophysics Experiments of the Koreans, by the 2:57 PM PHY-B12 Koreans, and for the Koreans I.S. Hahn (Ewha Womans University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT13 PHY-C Session: Biophysics Session Chair: Harold Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology) Time ID Title and Speaker 21 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Chueng-Ryong Ji (North Carolina State University) Bum-Hoon Lee (Sogang University), Kyungseon Joo (University of Connecticut) All the speakers in the PHY Sessions are the invited speakers 3:30 PM PHY-C13 3:47 PM PHY-C14 4:04 PM PHY-C15 4:21 PM PHY-C16 4:55 PM PHY-C17 5:12 PM PHY-C18 Biomolecule Detection and Manipulation Yongki Choi (North Dakota State University) Watching single endogenous mRNA in neurons in vivo Hye Yoon Park (Seoul National University) Single-Molecule Study on the Homology Search and Strand Exchange Mechanisms in Homologous Recombination Ja Yil Lee (Columbia University Medical Center) DNA Looping Across Length Scales: Experiments and Computational Modeling Stephen Levene (University of Texas at Dallas) Genetically encoding RNA probes for live-cell imaging Kyu Young Han (university of Central Florida) DNA strand exchange through defects Harold Kim (Georgia Institute of Technology) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT13 PHY-D Session: Cosmology and Astrophysics Joined with Nuclear and HighEnergy Physics Session Chair: Kyoung-Soo Lee (Purdue University) Time ID Title and Speaker What Powers Lyman Alpha Halos? 8:00 AM PHY-D19 Kyoung-Soo Lee (Purdue University) High Precision Cosmology with Large Scale Structure 8:18 AM PHY-D20 Hee-Jong Seo (Ohio University) High-resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Study of an Ultracompact HII Region in Monoceros R2 with IGRINS 8:36 AM PHY-D21 Hwihyun Kim (Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute and University of Texas at Austin) GEM Detector R&D of Korea CMS 8:54 AM PHY-D22 Inkyu PARK (University of Seoul) Recent Results from CMS Experiment 9:12 AM PHY-D23 Un-Ki Yang (Seoul National University) Charged Pion-Argon Total cross-section measurement in 9:30 AM PHY-D24 LArIAT Animesh Chatterjee (University of Texas at Arlington) Friday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT13 PHY-E Session: High-Energy Physics Session Chair: Sung-Won Lee (Texas Technical University) Time ID Title and Speaker If the Higgs boson is the answer, what is the question? 1:15 PM PHY-E25 Fredrick Olness (Southern Methodist University) Current status and the future trends in the dark matter 1:35 PM PHY-E26 experiments Yannis Semertzidis (KAIST and IBS-Center for Axion and Precision Physics) Dark Matter Searches at Underground 1:55 PM PHY-E27 Yeongduk Kim (IBS-Center for Underground Physics) Searches for New Physics at the LHC Run II 2:15 PM PHY-E28 Kyoungchul Kong (University of Kansas) Neutrino Physics at Fermilab’s Short-Baseline Facility 2:35 PM PHY-E29 Jonathan Asaadi (University of Texas at Arlington) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 22 2:55 PM Current status and the future trends in theoretical particle PHY-E30 physics focusing on string theory Bum-Hoon Lee (APCTP and Sogang University) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 6:00pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator PHY Poster Session Judge: Sung-Won Lee (Texas Technical University) ID Title and Presenter The effect of local melting on DNA loop formation, PHY-Poster-1 Jiyoun Jeong (Georgia Tech) Decay Pipe Radius Optimization of Three Horn DUNE Neutrino PHY-Poster-2 Beam, Kimberly Nguyen (UT at Arlington) Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Understand the Structural PHY-Poster-3 Stability of Proteins in Solid-State Nanopores, Samir Iqbal (UTA and UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas) Search for exclusive Higgs with ATLAS detector, Last Feremenga PHY-Poster-4 (UT at Arlington) Horn Shape Optimization of the DUNE Neutrino Beam, PHY-Poster-5 Eric Amador (UT at Arlington) The mechanical characterization for protein materials via molecPHY-Poster-6 ular dynamics and theory Gwonchan Yoon (UNC-CH) Saturday Afternoon August 13 1:15pm – 3:30pm >> at MIT13 PHY-F Session: Optics and Condensed Matter Physics Session Chair: Myoung-Hwan Kim (University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley) Time ID Title and Speaker Surface Phonon Polaritons on Silicon Carbide at Soft 1:15 PM PHY-F31 Boundaries Myoung-Hwan Kim (University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley) Superconducting Proximity Effect on Graphene in Quantum 1:30 PM PHY-F32 Hall Regime Gil-Ho Lee (Harvard University) Non-Trivial Spin Texture and Magnetotransport Properties 1:45 PM PHY-F33 in Inversion Symmetry Broken Magnets Minhyea Lee (University of Colorado Boulder) Broadly Tunable Monolithic Cherenkov Difference Frequen2:00 PM PHY-F34 cy Generation Terahertz Quantum Cascade Laser Sources and Arrays Seungyong Jung (University of Texas at Austin) High Power Terahertz Generation from Laser-Produced 2:15 PM PHY-F35 Plasma Sheets Donghoon Kuk (University of Maryland) The dynamical mean field theory study of rare-earth nicke2:30 PM PHY-F36 lates Hyowon Park (University of Illinois Chicago) Spin polarization measurement of ferromagnetic atomic 2:45 PM PHY-F37 chains on a superconductor Sangjun Jeon (Princeton University) Single-mode continuous-wave semiconductor laser source at 3:00 PM PHY-F38 2.5 THz Jae Hyun Kim (University of Texas at Austin) Photon Blockade and Delocalization in Coupled Circuit 3:15 PM PHY-F39 QED Systems Mahn-Soo Choi (Korea University) 23 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Symposium Program MATH/APPLIED MATH/STATISTICS SYMPOSIUM (MAS) MATH/APPLIED MATH/STATISTICS SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT3 MAS-A Session: Operator Algebra Session Chair: Kyungyong Lee (University of Nebraska-Lincoln and KIAS), Co-Chair: Joonhyung Kim (Hannam Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Positivity for Cluster Algebras 8:00 AM MAS-A1 Kyungyong Lee (Univ of Nebraska-Lincoln and KIAS) Convolution Semigroups of Covariant CP-instruments on 8:25 AM MAS-A2 C*-algebras Jaeseong Heo (Hanyang Univ) The role of geometry in the classification of operators 8:55 AM MAS-A3 Hyunkyoung Kwon (Univ of Alabama) On complex and quaternionic hyperbolic Kleinian group 9:20 AM MAS-A4 theories Joonhyung Kim (Hannam Univ) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT3 MAS-B Session: Numerical Methods I Session Chair: Seungil Kim (Kyung Hee Univ), Co-Chair: Myeongmin Kang (Seoul National Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Optimized double sweeping Schwarz method with 1:15 PM MAS-B5 complete radiation boundary conditions for the Helmholtz equation Seungil Kim (Kyung Hee Univ) Mean curvature flow by the Allen-Cahn equation 1:45 PM MAS-B6 Dongsun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Inexact accelerated augmented Lagrangian method for solv2:15 PM MAS-B7 ing L1-L2 minimization with linear constraints Myeongmin Kang (Seoul National Univ) Log-Lipschitz Regularity of the 3D Incompressible Navi2:45 PM MAS-B8 er-Stokes Equations Hantaek Bae (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT3 MAS-C Session: Numerical Methods II Session Chair: Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou Univ), Co-Chair: Hae Soo Oh (UNC Charlotte) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Feedback Control of the Stochastic Burgers 3:30 PM MAS-C9 Equation with Random Input Data Hyung-Chun Lee (Ajou Univ) Myles Kim (Florida Polytechnic Univ) Myungjoo Kang (Seoul National Univ), Hyunkyoung Kwon (Univ of Alabama) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 24 Partition of Unity isogeometric analysis of singular pertur4:00 PM MAS-C10 bation problems Hae Soo Oh (UNC Charlotte) Wavelet Method of TV/L2 for image deblurring 4:30 PM MAS-C11 Yunho Kim (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Image Processing and Deep Learning 5:00 PM MAS-C12 Myungjoo Kang (Seoul National Univ) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT3 MAS-D Session: Math Bio Session Chair: Sookkyung Lim (Univ of Cincinnati), Co-Chair: Jeong-Rae Kim (University of Seoul) Time ID Title and Speaker Prognostic value from mechanical measurements of cancer 8:00 AM MAS-D13 cells: A computational study towards a new medical device Myles Kim (Florida Polytechnic Univ) Exploration of diverse pathogenesis pathways to diabetes 8:25 AM MAS-D14 with a mathematical model Joon Ha (National Institutes of Health) INVITED Analysis on the Colorectal Cancer Development 8:55 AM MAS-D15 and Metastasis based on Bio-molecular Regulatory Network Models Jeong-Rae Kim (University of Seoul) Polymorphic transformation of bacterial flagella during 9:20 AM MAS-D16 locomotion Sookkyung Lim (Univ of Cincinnati) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT3 MAS-E Session: Statistical Modeling, Inference, and Prediction Session Chair: Grace Hyun Kim (UCLA), Co-Chair: Jimin Lee (Univ of North Carolina Asheville) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Derivation of Robust Quantitative Lung Fibrosis 1:15 PM MAS-E17 Score Under Different CT Technical Parameters Grace Hyun Kim (UCLA) Parameter estimation of type-I and type-II hybrid censored 1:45 PM MAS-E18 data from the log-logistic distribution Jimin Lee (Univ of North Carolina Asheville) Constant-Stress Partially Accelerated Life Testing for 2:15 PM MAS-E19 Log-Logistic Distribution with Censored Data Seunggeun Hyun (University of South Carolina Upstate) Time-Series Data Break-Detection Methods Adopted for Bio-Related Intellectual Property Policy Setup Justification 2:45 PM MAS-E20 BeomYong Kim (Kangwon National University) and HyUP YANG (Kangwon National University) 25 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Symposium Program CHEMISTRY SYMPOSIUM (CHM) CHEMISTRY SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT5 CHM/CHE-A Session: Nanobiotechnology Session Chair: Yoonjee Park (University of Cincinnati), Co-chair: Sungmin Lee (University of Texas) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Light-responsible DNA hydrogel-gold nanopartiCHM/ cle assembly for synergistic cancer therapy 8:00 AM CHE-A1 Nokyoung Park (Myongji University) INVITED Controlled Drug Release with Ultrasound ImagCHM/ ing Monitoring Using Double Nanodroplets 8:30 AM CHE-A2 Yoonjee Park (University of Cincinnati) INVITED Biomimetic Peptide Self Assembled Nanomaterials for Catalytic and Biosensing Applications CHM/ 8:55 AM CHE-A3 Sang-Myung Lee, Namhoon Lee, Seongsoo Kim (Kangwon University) Colloidally assembled magnetic beads: magnetic label appliCHM/ 9:20 AM CHE-A4 cation in immunoassays Jooneon Park (University of Utah) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT5 CHM-A Session: Chemistry of Biological Systems Session Chair: Tae-Hee Lee (Pennsylvania State University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Subcellular Assembly of Glucose-regulating En1:15 PM CHM-A1 zymes in Cells Songon An (University of Maryland Baltimore County) INVITED Alkylation damage and DNA replication 1:45 PM CHM-A2 Seongmin Lee (University of Texas Austin) INVITED Small Molecule Modulators of Breast Cancer 2:15 PM CHM-A3 Stem Cells Jiyong Lee (Universiyt of Texas Dallas) INVITED Modulation of Protein-Protein Interactions by 2:45 PM CHM-A4 Chemical Tools Hyun-Suk Lim (POSTECH) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT5 CHM-B Session: Probing the Structure and Dynamics Session Chair: Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Polarization Raman Measurement of 3D Molecu3:30 PM CHM-B5 lar Orientation Yong Jong Lee (NIST) INVITED Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics in 4:00 PM CHM-B6 GAMESS for Condensed Phase Chemical Phenomena Cheolho Choi (Kyungpook National Unversity) Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) Sungjee Kim (POSTECH), Tae-Hee Lee (Pennsylvania State University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 26 INVITED Phase Transition Dynamics Revealed by Time-Resolved Electron Microscopy Oh-Hoon Kwon (UNIST) INVITED Molecular Optics Using Nonresonant Dipole Forc5:00 PM CHM-B8 es) Doo Soo Chung (Seoul National University) 4:30 PM CHM-B7 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT5 CHM/CHE-B Session: Materials for Energy Applications I Session Chair: Sungjee Kim (POSTECH) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Well-Defined Metal Hybrid Nanostructures for CHM/ Catalytic Organic and Photochemical Reactions 8:00 AM CHE-B5 Hyunjoon Song (KAIST) Mechanisms, Kinetics, and Applications of Melt-Processable CHM/ Carbon Fiber Precursors 8:30 AM CHE-B6 Benjamin Batchelor (University of Texas Dallas) CHM/ FR3 Dielectric Fluid 8:50 AM CHE-B7 Go Eun Han (Cargill) KEYNOTE Non-plasmonic Hot Electrons from UpconverCHM/ sion in Doped Quantum Dots for Enhanced Photocatalysis 9:10 AM CHE-B8 Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT4 CHM/CHE-C Session: Materials for Energy Applications II Session Chair: Min Kyu Song (Washington State University), Co-chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Sulfur-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite ElecCHM/ trodes for High-Energy Lithium/Sulfur Batteries 1:15 PM CHE-C9 Min Kyu Song (Washington State University) KEYNOTE YIG Award Lecture. Nanostructured Organic CHM/ Electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices 1:40 PM CHE-C10 Seungwoo Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology) KEYNOTE Block Copolymer Directed Functional Ordered CHM/ Mesoporous Materials for Energy Storages: From Function2:10 PM CHE-C11 al to Hierarchical Materials Jinwoo Lee (Postech) INVITED Pd-based Bimetallic Nanoparticles for RegeneraCHM/ tive Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells 2:40 PM CHE-C12 Su Ha (Washington State University) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator CHM Poster Session Judge: Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) ID Title and Presenter Photoacoustic Spectroscopy with SF6, an Optically Thick GreenCHM-Poster-1 house Gas Han Jung Park (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga) Development of p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells and Their CHM-Poster-2 Interfacial Dynamic Study Yejee Han (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill) 27 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Determination of Solute-Solvent Intermolecular Interactions CHM-Poster-3 using Enhanced NOE from Hyperpolarized Spin Jihyun Kim (Texas A&M University) An Aqueous, Organic Dye Derivatized SnO2/TiO2 Core/Shell CHM-Poster-4 Photoanode for Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrosynthesis Cells (DSPEC) Kyung-Ryang Wee (Daegu University) Light Harvesting Polymers for Solar Energy Conversion to Solar CHM-Poster-5 Fuels Gyu Leem (University of Texas at San Antonio) Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT5 CHM-C Session: Fundamentyals and Appliacations of Quantum Dots Session Chair: Joing-In Hahm (Georgetown University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Surface Chemistry of Nanocrystal Quantum Dots 8:00 AM CHM-C9 Sohee Jeong (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) INVITED Halogen Treatment on III-V Colloidal Quantum 8:30 AM CHM-C10 Dots for Electronic Applications Tae-Gon Kim (Samsung) KEYNOTE Quantum Dots for Imaging Applications 9:00 AM CHM-C11 Sungjee Kim (POSTECH) Colloidal Single-layer WSe2 Quantum Dots 9:30 AM CHM-C12 Ho Jin (Texas A&M Unversity) Saturday Afternoon August 13 1:15pm – 2:50pm >> at MIT5 CHM-D Session: Structure and Dynamics of Molecules and Materials Session Chair: Hyunjoon Song (KAIST) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE Single Molecule Studies Reveal Changes in the Nucleosome Structure and Dynamics Induced by Epigene1:15 PM CHM-D13 tic Modifications Tae-Hee Lee (Pennsylvania State University) INVITED Single Molecule Spectroscopic Study of Graphene Quantum Dots: Probing Multi-Chromophoric 1:45 PM CHM-D14 Emission and Effect of Dopants Doo Young Kim (University of Kenturgey) INVITED Fundamental Study of Nanoscale Protein-Poly2:15 PM CHM-D15 mer Interactions and Potential Contributions to Solid-state Protein Nanoarrays Jong-In Hahm (Georgetown University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 28 Symposium Program CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM (CHE) CHEMICAL ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT5 CHM/CHE-A Session: Nanobiotechnology Session Chair: Yoonjee Park (University of Cincinnati), Co-chair: Sungmin Lee (University of Texas) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Light-responsible DNA hydrogel-gold nanopartiCHM/ cle assembly for synergistic cancer therapy 8:00 AM CHE-A1 Nokyoung Park (Myongji University) INVITED Controlled Drug Release with Ultrasound ImagCHM/ ing Monitoring Using Double Nanodroplets 8:30 AM CHE-A2 Yoonjee Park (University of Cincinnati) INVITED Biomimetic Peptide Self Assembled Nanomaterials for Catalytic and Biosensing Applications CHM/ 8:55 AM CHE-A3 Sang-Myung Lee, Namhoon Lee, Seongsoo Kim (Kangwon University) Colloidally assembled magnetic beads: magnetic label appliCHM/ 9:20 AM CHE-A4 cation in immunoassays Jooneon Park (University of Utah) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT4 CHE-A Session: Polymeric Hydrogel Material Manufacturing Technologies Session Chair: Yoonjee Park (University of Cincinnati), Co-chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Monodirectional Oromucosal Delivery System via 1:15 PM CHE-A1 Janus Patch Sung Gap Im (KAIST) INVITED Microfluidic Synthesis of Anisotropic Multifunc1:45 PM CHE-A2 tional Microparticles for Diagnostics and Drug Delivery Kiwan Bong (Korea University) KEYNOTE Hydrogel Micropattern Incorporating Nano2:15 PM CHE-A3 structures for Fluorescence-based Biosensing Application Won-Gun Koh (Yonsei University) INVITED Triple emulsion drops with an ultra-thin layer: 2:45 PM CHE-A4 high loading efficiency and enhanced cargo retention in microcapsules Chang-Hyung Choi (Harvard University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT4 CHE-B Session: Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Technologies Session Chair: Joontaek Park (Missouri University of Science and Technology), Co-chair: Chang-Soo Lee (Chungnam National University) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE Fabrication of Lab Chips by Inkjet Printing 3:30 PM CHE-B5 Sang-Ho Lee (KITECH) 29 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) Chang-Soo Lee (Chungnam National University), Su Ha (Washington State University) 3:55 PM 4:20 PM 4:45 PM 5:10 PM 5:25 PM INVITED Mechanical Properties of Functional Thin Films for Flexible Devices Taek-Soo Kim (KAIST) INVITED New Perspectives for Studying Microbial Biofilms CHE-B7 Using Unsaturated Systems and Microfluidic Devices Woo-Suk Chang (University of Texas Arlington) INVITED Theoretical Model for the Shape-based SeparaCHE-B8 tion of Rod-like Particles using Field-Flow Fractionation Joontaek Park (Missouri University of Science and Technology) Measurements of Saturation Pressure in Nano-porous Silica CHE-B9 Monoliths Hyeyoung Cho (University of Utah) INVITED Integrated Fabrication-Conjugation Approaches for Biopolymeric-Synthetic Hybrid Polymeric Hydrogel CHE-B10 Microparticles with Improved Protein Conjugation Sukwon Jung and Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) CHE-B6 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT4 CHE-C Session: Computational and Theoretical Approaches in Chemical Engineering Session Chair: Joseph Kwon (Texas A&M University), Co-chair: Su Ha (Washington State University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Role of Quantum Capacitance of Graphene-like 8:00 AM CHE-C11 Carbon Electrodes in Enhancing Supercapacitor Performance Eunsu Paek (Clarkson University) KEYNOTE First Principles-based Design of Carbon-based 8:25 AM CHE-C12 Electrodes for Next-Generation Supercapacitors Gyeong S. Hwang (University of Texas, Austin) INVITED Modeling and control of proppant bank height to 8:55 AM CHE-C13 achieve uniformity in hydraulic fracturing Joseph Kwon (Texas A&M University) Machine learning-aided clustering and prediction of biolog9:20 AM CHE-C14 ical methane production from coal substrates Stephen Y. Park (Southern Illinois University) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT5 CHM/CHE-B Session: Materials for Energy Applications I Session Chair: Sungjee Kim (POSTECH) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Well-Defined Metal Hybrid Nanostructures for CHM/ Catalytic Organic and Photochemical Reactions 8:00 AM CHE-B5 Hyunjoon Song (KAIST) Mechanisms, Kinetics, and Applications of Melt-ProcessCHM/ able Carbon Fiber Precursors 8:30 AM CHE-B6 Benjamin Batchelor (University of Texas Dallas) FR3 Dielectric Fluid CHM/ 8:50 AM CHE-B7 Go Eun Han (Cargill) KEYNOTE Non-plasmonic Hot Electrons from UpconverCHM/ sion in Doped Quantum Dots for Enhanced Photocatalysis 9:10 AM CHE-B8 Dong Hee Son (Texas A&M University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 30 Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT4 CHM/CHE-C Session: Materials for Energy Applications II Session Chair: Min Kyu Song (Washington State University), Co-chair: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Sulfur-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposite ElecCHM/ trodes for High-Energy Lithium/Sulfur Batteries 1:15 PM CHE-C9 Min Kyu Song (Washington State University) KEYNOTE YIG Award Lecture. Nanostructured Organic CHM/ Electrodes for Electrochemical Energy Storage Devices 1:40 PM CHE-C10 Seungwoo Lee (Georgia Institute of Technology) KEYNOTE Block Copolymer Directed Functional Ordered CHM/ Mesoporous Materials for Energy Storages: From Func2:10 PM CHE-C11 tional to Hierarchical Materials Jinwoo Lee (Postech) INVITED Pd-based Bimetallic Nanoparticles for RegeneraCHM/ tive Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cells 2:40 PM CHE-C12 Su Ha (Washington State University) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator CHE Poster Session Judge: Chang-Hyung Choi (Harvard University) ID Title and Presenter Dissolution and Precipitation of Minerals under Different Alkali CHE-Poster-1 Concentration of Brine Solution Yoonsung Goo, Hyukmin Kweon, Milind Deo (University of Utah) Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT4 CHE-D Session: Chemical Engineering Fundamentals in Emerging Manufacturing Methods Session Chair: Eunsu Paek (Clarkson University) Co-chair: Joontaek Park (Missouri University of Science and Technology) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE Performance Characterizations of Nano-bio-cat8:00 AM CHE-D15 alysts for Enzymatic Biofuel Cells Su Ha (Washington State University) KEYNOTE Revisiting complex multiple emulsions as an al8:40 AM CHE-D16 ternative way for synthesizing polymer functional hydrogels Chang-Soo Lee (Chungnam National University) KEYNOTE Nanobiofabrication: Exploiting Programmable Properties of Biological Materials and Interactions for Fab9:10 AM CHE-D17 rication of Nanocatalysts and Biosensing Platforms Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University) 31 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Symposium Program COMPUTER SCIENCES AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM (CIT) COMPUTER SCIENCES & INFO TECHNOLOGIES SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT12 CIT-A Session: Human Computer Interaction, Modeling, and Simulation Session Chair: Suejung Huh (Ohhh, Inc.), Co-Chair: Sook Ha (Virginia Military Institute) Time ID Title and Speaker Functional Neural Network and Neural Sensing Devices to 1:15 PM CIT-A1 Measure Networked Activity in the Brain Hargsoon Yoon (Norfolk State University) Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in NextGen Air Traffic Control 1:35 PM CIT-A2 System Yoohwan Kim (University of Nevada Las Vegas) Production Aspects of Speech: Data, Models and Applica1:55 PM CIT-A3 tions Jangwon Kim (University of Southern California) Impact of 3D Animated Virtual Humans on Mobile Chat 2:15 PM CIT-A4 Interactions Sin-Hwa Kang (University of Southern California) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT12 Yoohwan Kim (University of Nevada Las Vegas) Jeho Park (Harvey Mudd College), Sungdeok (Steve) Cha (Korea University) 2:15 PM PlantSimLab - An Innovative Modeling and Simulation Web CIT-A5 Tool for Plant Biologists Sook Ha (Virginia Military Institute) 2:15 PM INVITED Numerical Errors in Computer Simulations CIT-A6 Suejung Huh (Ohhh, Inc.) CIT-B Session: Data Science Research in Academia Session Chair: Jeho Park (Harvey Mudd College) Time ID Title and Speaker Content Complexity, Similarity, and Consistency in Social 3:30 PM CIT-B7 Media: A Deep Learning Approach Donghyuk Shin (University of Texas at Austin) A Prediction Model for Analyzing Reputation using Social 3:50 PM CIT-B8 Media based on Data Mining Approaches Youngsub Han (Towson University) An answer Recommendation Based on the Question Similar4:10 PM CIT-B9 ity in Community Question Answering Beomseok Hong (Towson University) Finding Keywords for Philosophical Research Using Google 4:30 PM CIT-B10 AdWords and k-Means Clustering Algorithm Tim Cheongho Lee (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) A New Approach to Network Monitoring using Clustered 4:50 PM CIT-B11 Patterns Jinoh Kim (Texas A&M University – Commerce) Bridging, Transferring, and Analyzing Big Data over 40Gb/s 5:10 PM CIT-B12 Campus-Wide Software-Defined Networks Chui-hui Chiu (Louisiana State University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 32 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT12 CIT-C Session: Data Science Education and Industry Session Chair: Jongwook Woo (California State University Los Angeles) Time ID Title and Speaker Building a Big Data Analytics Workforce in iSchools 8:00 AM CIT-C13 Jungwoo Ryoo (Penn State University) Teaching Resources for Big Data and Data Science Courses 8:20 AM CIT-C14 Jeho Park (Harvey Mudd College) Delivering Actionable Insights from Big Data 8:40 AM CIT-C15 Hugo Sheng (Qlik Technologies, Inc.) Couchbase and Spark: Electrify Your Data Pipeline 9:00 AM CIT-C16 Justin Michaels (Couchbase) INVITED Big Data Trend and Open Data 9:20 AM CIT-C17 Jongwook Woo (California State University Los Angeles) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT12 CIT-D Session: Big Data Industry Session Chair: Jongwook Woo (California State University Los Angeles) Time ID Title and Speaker Data & Analytics Challenges in Industry 1:15 PM CIT-D18 John Lee (KPMG LLP) Big Data Architectural Patterns and Best Practices on AWS 1:35 PM CIT-D19 Brad Dispensa (Amazon) Machine Learning with Spark 1:55 PM CIT-D20 Paul Hargis (Hortonworks, Inc.) Identifying Valuable Hadoop Use Cases 2:15 PM CIT-D21 Dan Kernaghan (Datameer) Big Data Expert Panel 2:35 PM CIT-D22 (Hugo Sheng, John Lee, Brad Dispensa, Paul Hargis, Dan Kernaghan, Jongwook Woo) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator CIT Poster Session Judge: Tom Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology) ID Title and Presenter An Examination of the Effectiveness of Using Social Media to CIT-Poster-1 Manage Mental Health Conditions Albert Park (University of Utah) Analyzing the problems of in Korea CIT-Poster-2 Yunju Jo (Seoul National University of Education) Analyzing the use of for Software education in KoCIT-Poster-3 rea Ahyoung Kwon (Seoul National University of Education) Automatically Detecting Controversy on the Web CIT-Poster-4 Myungha Jang (University of Massachusetts Amherst) Bring Your Own Device for Active Learning CIT-Poster-5 Jeongmin Kweon (Seoul National University of Education) Careers in the User Interface and User Experience Field CIT-Poster-6 Joosung Kim (VMware, Inc.) Collaboration Centered Java Programming Course - How to CIT-Poster-7 Learn Collaboration through a Beginning Level Program Course? Hong Gyoon Jung (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) 33 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Computational Thinking Concepts in Mathematical Textbook Gayoung Yu (Seoul National University of Education) Novel Block Placement Policy for Hadoop CIT-Poster-9 Sungchul Lee (University of Nevada Las Vegas) Potential Customer Prediction for XaaS CIT-Poster-10 Chul Sung (IBM USA) Towards Developing Cost-Effective Eye Mouse—A human comCIT-Poster-11 puter interaction for individuals with motoric disability Seul-Ye Park (University of Utah) CIT-Poster-8 Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT12 CIT-E Session: Software and Hardware Systems Session Chair: Sungdeok (Steve) Cha (Korea University) Time ID Title and Speaker How Static and Dynamic Visualizations Meet with Source 8:00 AM CIT-E23 Code to Improve Program Comprehension Jeong Yang (Texas A&M University – Kingsville) Mobile Videos: A Big Social Data 8:20 AM CIT-E24 Seon Ho Kim (University of Southern California) Using Gender-Inclusive Design to Improve Participation in 8:40 AM CIT-E25 Computer Programming Michael Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology) V2X Future Infrastructure for Connected/Autonomous Vehi9:00 AM CIT-E26 cles Nathan Byun (Absolarity, LLC) Survival in Academia: Can Active Learning Methods Increase 9:20 AM CIT-E27 Teaching Evaluation Score? Sam Chung (Southern Illinois University, Carbondale) Saturday Afternoon August 13 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT12 CIT-F Session: Cybersecurity Session Chair: Young Choi (Regent University), Co-Chair: Jungwoo Ryoo (Penn State University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED NSF Funding Opportunities in Cybersecurity Edu1:15 PM CIT-F28 cation and Research Dongwon Lee (National Science Foundation & Penn State University) INVITED Beware the Back Door: Securing Test Circuitry 1:35 PM CIT-F29 Accessed with a Reconfigurable Scan Network Jennifer Dworak (Southern Methodist University) Issues about Modeling of Modbus/TCP for Intrusion Detec1:55 PM CIT-F30 tion Systems in SCADA networks Mustafa Faisal (University of Texas at Dallas) Diverse application of image-based CAPTCHAs: From De2:15 PM CIT-F31 feating Bots to Password Generation Sungdeok (Steve) Cha (Korea University) Emotional Robotics: Theatre Arts Methodologies as Emerg2:35 PM CIT-F32 ing Technology for Human Robot Interaction Julienne Greer (University of Texas at Arlington) INVITED Cybersecurity Standardization and Future Devel2:55 PM CIT-F33 opment Trends of NIST Young Choi (Regent University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 34 Symposium Program FOOD,AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION SYMPOSIUM (FAN) FOOD, AGRICULTURE AND NUTRITION SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chairs: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT7 FAN-A Session: Nutrition Policy/ Clinical and Community Nutrition Session Chair: Hyojee Joung (Seoul National University), Co-Chair: Sun-Ok Lee (University of Arkansas) Time ID Title and Speaker 2015 Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans 8:00 AM FAN-A1 Hyojee Joung (Seoul National University) Center for Children’s Food Service Management in Korea: A 8:20 AM FAN-A2 Case of Dobong Center Youn-Ok Cho (Duksung Women’s University) Maternal Prenatal Care and Birth Outcomes among Low-In8:40 AM FAN-A3 come Women Juhee Kim (East Carolina University) In vitro Fermentation Patterns of Rice Bran Components by 9:00 AM FAN-A4 Human Gut Microbiota Tung Pham, Brett Savary, Sun-Ok Lee (University of Arkansas) Comparison of Calcium Consumption between Lactose Intol9:20 AM FAN-A5 erant and Lactose Tolerant Groups Yeon Bai (Montclair State University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT7 FAN-B Session: CJ CheilJedang Forum Session Chair: Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State University), Co-Chair: Jin-hee Kang (CJ) Time ID Title and Speaker Opening 1:15 PM Sung Woo Kim (North Caorlina State University) Welcome and Introduction 1:20 PM FAN-B6 Jae-ho Jang (CJ) Roundtable discussion #1 1:30 PM FAN-B7 Hang-duk Roh, Byung-suk Moon, Suk-woo Ji, and Jae-ho Jang (CJ) BREAK TIME 2:10 PM Roundtable discussion #2 2:20 PM FAN-B8 Hang-duk Roh, Byung-suk Moon, Suk-woo Ji, and Jae-ho Jang (CJ) Discussion and conclusion 3:00 PM FAN-B9 Jae-ho Jang (CJ) 3:10 PM 35 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Haejung An (FDA) Hyojee Joung (Seoul National University), Hee-Young Paik (Seoul National University) Closing Jin-hee Kang (CJ) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT7 FAN-C Session: Nutrition, Diet and Disease Session Chair: Dong-Mi Shin (Seoul National University), Co-Chair: Jaekyung Lee (University of Georgia) Time ID Title and Speaker EPA potentiates brown thermogenesis through FFAR4-dependent upregulation of miR-30b and miR-378 3:30 PM FAN-C10 Soonkyu Chung and Jiyoung Kim (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) Role of RGS10 in High Fat-Related Neuroinflammation 3:50 PM FAN-C11 Jaekyung Lee (University of Georgia) Novel Insights into the Anti-obesity Effect of Dietary Ellagic 4:10 PM FAN-C12 Acid Inhae Kang and Soonkyu Chung (University of Pittsburg) Effect of Sugar on Obesity and Aggression in Mice 4:30 PM FAN-C13 Dongmi Shin (Seoul National University) Yeast Casein Kinase 2 Plays an Important Role in Glucose Sensing, Morphogenesis and Cell Integrity of Candida Albi4:30 PM FAN-C14 cans Sook-In Jung, Natalie Rodriguez, Jihyun Irrizary, Peng-Yi Zhu, Jesse Garcia, and Hyunsook Park (California State University) The Relevance of ER Stress Marker, GRP78 to Obesity for 4:30 PM FAN-C15 Cancer Development Eunjeong Yoo and Stan Louie (University of Southern California) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT7 FAN-D Session: Gendered Innovations in Health and Nutrition Research Session Chair: Hee Young Paik (GIRC, KOFWST), Co-Chair: Hee-Yong Kim (NIH) Time ID Title and Speaker International initiatives for the gendered innovations in 8:00 AM FAN-D16 health research Hei-Sook Lee (GISTeR, KOFWST) National policies for R&D and intellectual properties from 8:20 AM FAN-D17 the perspectives of gendered innovations in Korea Mi Ock Mun (Member of National Assembly of Korea) Gender Considerations for Engineering Education 8:40 AM FAN-D18 Woo-il Lee (SNU, College of Engineering) NIH Policies to Balance Sex in Basic Research 9:00 AM FAN-D19 Hee-Yong Kim (NIH) Applying gendered innovations for nutrition and health 9:20 AM FAN-D20 researches Hee Young Paik (GIRC, KOFWST) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT7 FAN-E Session: Foods, Safety and Perception Session Chair: Hong-Sik Hwang (USDA), Co-Chair: Seing K. Park (Kyung Hee University) Time ID Title and Speaker Safety of Dietary Supplements: Overview 1:15 PM FAN-E21 Haejung An (FDA-US) Effects of Color on Flavor Perception and Eating Behavior 1:35 PM FAN-E22 Sungeun Cho (Michigan State University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 36 1:55 PM FAN-E23 2:15 PM FAN-E24 2:35 PM FAN-E25 2:55 PM FAN-E26 3:15 PM FAN-E27 Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator 37 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Anti-hypertensive Effect of Grape Seed Extract in Male Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Seung-Kook Park and Hyun-Ho Jang (Kyung Hee University) Molecular Signatures for Improving Feed Efficiency in Broilers, Meat Type Chickens Byung-Whi Kong (University of Arkansas) Mango Polyphenolics Reduce Inflammation in Intestinal Colitis Hyemee Kim, Nivedita Banerjee, Ryan C. Barnes, Catherine M. Pfent, StephenT. Talcott, Roderick H. Dashwood, and Susanne U. Mertens-Talcott (Texas A&M University) Effect of In Vitro Digestion on the Bioefficacy of Basil and Ginger Moonsun Yang, Judith Boateng, Martha Verghese (Alabama A&M University) Organogel as a Replacement of Saturated Fat in Food Products Hong-Sik Hwang (USDA) FAN Poster Session Judges: Chungwook Sim (Univ of Nebraska), Co-Chair: Minsu Cha (Texas A&M Univ) ID Title and Presenter Technology Innovation In Coffee Flavor: From Green Coffee Bean to Roasted Coffee Bean and Beyond FAN-Poster-1 Seung-Kook Park, Seung-Min Oh, Hyun-Ho Jang (Kyung Hee University) Symposium Program MATERIALS SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING SYMPOSIUM (MSE) MATERIALS SCIENCES AND ENG. SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 2:45pm >> at MIT11 MSE-A Session: Energy Materials Session Chair: Chang-Yong Nam (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE/INVITED Visualization of polarization, screening charges and ionic transport using piezoresponse force mi1:15 PM MSE-A1 croscopy, charge gradient microscopy and electrochemical strain microscopy Seungbum Hong (Argonne National Laboratory) Processing and Characterization of Thermoelectric Thin 1:45 PM MSE-A2 Film Devices for Micro Energy Harvesting Applications Tae Sung Oh (Hongik Univ) MoS2-Reinforced 3D Carbon Nanotubes for Next Generation 2:05 PM MSE-A3 Li-Ion Batteries Eunho Cha (Univ of North Texas) 3D Free-Standing Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs) for High-Per2:25 PM MSE-A4 formance Flexible Lithium-Ion Batteries Chiwon Kang (Univ of North Texas) 2:45 PM Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:20pm >> at MIT11 Minseo Park (Auburn University) Jiyoung Kim (University of Texas, Dallas) and Hyun Jae Kim (Yonsei University) Hyundai Motors’ PR Talk MSE-B Session: Nano and Low Dimensional Materials Session Chair: Jong-Hee Park (Formerly with Argonne National Laboratory, HECEbd. com) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Application of Resonant Energy Transfer for Enhanced Light Harvesting in Ultrathin Inorganic Solar Cell 3:30 PM MSE-B5 and Two-Dimensional Layered Semiconductors Chang-Yong Nam (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Nanoscale Structural Origin of Deformation in Metallic 4:00 PM MSE-B6 Glasses Jinwoo Hwang (Ohio State Univ) Importance of Molds for Future Applications of Nanoim4:20 PM MSE-B7 print Lithography Byung Seok Kwon (Univ of Washington) Thickness modulated large scale MoS2 atomic layers for 4:40 PM MSE-B8 transparent and flexible electronic devices Juhong Park (Univ of North Texas) Effect of exfoliated graphene nanoparticle based coatings on corrosion resistance, and UV spectral study of chemically 5:00 PM MSE-B9 modified graphene nanoparticles Melissa Wunch (Univ of Texas, Dallas) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 38 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT11 MSE-C Session: Electronic Materials Session Chair: Jiyoung Kim (University of Texas, Dallas) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Point Defects and Chemical Fluctuation in Ul8:00 AM MSE-C10 tra-wide Band Gap Semiconductors Jinwoo Hwang, Jared M. Johnson, Yuewei Zhang, Siddharth Rajan (Ohio State Univ) Crystallography of Functional Nanomaterials 8:30 AM MSE-C11 Burtrand Lee (Clemson University) Cumulative Temperature Dependence Model for Reliable 8:50 AM MSE-C12 Efficiency Prediction of Thermoelectric Materials Hee Seok Kim (Univ of Houston) Various approaches to enhance oxide thin-film transistor 9:10 AM MSE-C13 performances Hyun Jae Kim (Yonsei Univ) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:25pm >> at MIT11 MSE-D Session: Advanced Materials I Session Chair: Hyun Jae Kim (Yonsei University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Characterization of Gd-Duplex Stainless Steels for the Transportation and Storage of Spent Nuclear Fuel Yong 1:15 PM MSE-D14 Choi (Dankook Univ), Y. Baik (Dankook Univ.), B. M. Moon (KITECH), and D. S. Sohn (UNIST) Carbon fiber from melt processable acrylonitrile-co-vinylim1:45 PM MSE-D15 idazole precursor Samsuddin Mahmood (Univ of Texas, Dallas) KEYNOTE Voiding in Metals under Extreme Dimensional 2:05 PM MSE-D16 Constraints Choong-Un Kim (Univ of Texas, Arlington) Meso-porous Silicate Channels using Micelle as Template 2:25 PM MSE-D17 Choong-Un Kim (Univ of Texas, Arlington) Drug Delivery using Hollow Sodium Alginate Microfibers 2:45 PM MSE-D18 Samir Iqbal (Univ of Texas, Arlington) 3:05 PM MSE-D19 Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator 39 /// UKC 2016 Brochure DIY 3D Printing Education base on Arduino Platform Namsoo Kim (The Univ of Texas, El Paso) MSE Poster Session Judge: Hyun Jae Kim (Yonsei University) ID Title and Presenter XPS analyses of ALD-Prepared Titanium-dioxide Thin Films MSE-Poster-1 With Annealing Effect, Woon-Seop Choi (Hoseo Univ) Wholly integrated plasmonic fabrics, MSE-Poster-2 Jung Woo Leem (Purdue Univ) Carbon nanotube incorporated thin-film nanocomposite memMSE-Poster-3 brane for energy harvesting from saline water, Moon Son (GIST) Deposition and characterization of TiNi shape memory alloy thin MSE-Poster-4 films, Hyunsuk Lee (Gyeongsang National Univ) Vapor Permeation Behaviors of Cross-linked Polyelectrolyte MemMSE-Poster-5 branes, Kyung-Hye Jung (Catholic Univ of Daegu) Rotating Machinery Rubbing Diagnosis on Feature Analysis of MSE-Poster-6 Vibration Signal, HyoJung Kim (Gyeongsang National Univ) Occurrence possibility of resonance and resonance separation MSE-Poster-7 design through modal analysis, Jongmyeong Lee (Gyeongsang National Univ) Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:25am >> at MIT11 MSE-E Session: Advanced Materials II Session Chair: Minseo Park (Auburn University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Concept and design for the Hydrogen Electrochemical Engine, Jong-Hee Park (Formerly with Argonne 8:00 AM MSE-E20 National Laboratory, and Gil-Dong Kim (Korean Rail Research Institution (KRRI)). KEYNOTE Lattice Softening and Martensitic Transforma8:25 AM MSE-E21 tions in Ni-Mn-Ga Alloys, Yongho Sohn (Univ of Central Florida) Microstructural Development in Low-Enriched U-10wt.%8:55 AM MSE-E22 Mo Fuel System with Zr Diffusion Barrier and AA6061 Cladding, Yongho Sohn (Univ of Central Florida) Evaluation of transition from inhomogeneous flow to homo9:05 AM MSE-E23 geneous flow in aperiodic amorphous alloy at room temperature, Minha Lee (KITECH) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 40 Symposium Program MECHANICAL, AEROSPACE AND NAVAL SYMPOSIUM (MAN) MECHANICAL, AEROSPACE AND NAVAL SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT10 MAN-A Session: Interfacial Transport Session Chair: Taehun Lee (CUNY) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Dropwise gelation-dehydration kinetics during 1:15 PM MAN-A1 drop-on-demand printing of hydrogel-based materials Bumsoo Han (Purdue Univ.) Drop impact on inclined superhydrophobic surfaces 1:30 PM MAN-A2 Wonjae Choi (Univ. of Texas, Dallas) Molten Salt Nanofluids as Heat Storage in Solar Thermal 1:45 PM MAN-A3 Power Donghyun Shin (Univ. of Texas, Arlington ) Coalescence-Induced Jumping of Droplets with a Particle 2:00 PM MAN-A4 Taehun Lee (CUNY) Sung Kwon Cho (University of Pittsburgh) Taehun Lee (City University of New York), Jung-Hoon Chung (KIMM, KOREA) Laser assisted stable dispersion of nanoparticles and en2:15 PM MAN-A5 hancement of thermal conductivity of nanoparticles-dispersed polymer Tae Youl Choi (Univ. of North Texas) Tip-Induced Local Cooling from Resistive Nanothermome2:30 PM MAN-A6 ter/Heater Keuhan Park (Univ. of Utah) Frost Propagation Visualization Using Surface Plasmon Res2:45 PM MAN-A7 onance Reflectance Microscopy Chang Kyoung Choi (Michigan Technological University) INVITED Oil-Impregnated Anodic Aluminum Oxide Layer 3:00 PM MAN-A8 for Enhanced Anticorrosion and Self-Healing Properties Chang-Hwan Choi (Stevens Institute of Technology) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT10 41 /// UKC 2016 Brochure MAN-B Session: Micro/Nano Devices Session Chair: Sung Kwon Cho (Univ. of Pittsburgh) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Nanoporous Metal Electrodes for Sensor Applica3:30 PM MAN-B9 tions Hyung Jin Cho (Univ. of Central Florida) Gangnam Style in Microbiorobotics 3:50 PM MAN-B10 Minjun Kim (Southern Methodist Univ.) A Flexible Two Dimensional Force Sensor Using PDMS 4:05 PM MAN-B11 Nanocomposite Jin-Woo Choi (Lousiana State Univ.) Hybrid Two-Dimensional Micromirrors with Elastomeric 4:20 PM MAN-B12 Universal Joint Fabricated via Micro-Masonry Seok Kim (UIUC) Comparison of Elasticity Measurement Methods for Soft 4:35 PM MAN-B13 Materials Sangjin Ryu (Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln) Bubble-Powered Microswimmers with 2-D Steering 4:50 PM MAN-B14 Sung Kwon Cho (Univ. of Pittsburgh) Design and Analysis of a Mechanical Tentacle System for 5:05 PM MAN-B15 Mobile Manipulation of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Woong Yeol Joe (Tennessee State Univ.) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator MAN Poster Session Judges: Jung-Hoon Chung (KIMM), Sang Jin Ryu (Univ. of Nebrask-Lincoln) ID Title and Presenter Optimal Design of Centrifugal Pump Impeller Made by Teflon, MAN-Poster-1 Jeong-Eui Yun Design of a Flexible Soft Tether for Omnidirectional Camera MaMAN-Poster-2 nipulation within the Stomach, Woon Jong Yoon Modeling Study of the Leidenfrost Drop on the Miniaturized MAN-Poster-3 Ratchets, Jeong Tae Ok Expanded Guide Circle Method through Ego-Kinematic TransMAN-Poster-4 formation of the Obstacle Avoidance for Non-holonomic Mobile Robots, Gonwoo Kim Acceleration Noise Requirement for Drag-free Satellites on the MAN-Poster-5 Determination of the Earth’s Gravity Field, Seong Hyeon Hong Design for Life Concepts for Heterogeneous Materials, MAN-Poster-6 Kenneth Reifsnider MAN-Poster-7 Numerical Analysis on Transport Phenomena in Exhaust Pipe, Kyoungwoo Park UKC 2016 Brochure /// 42 Symposium Program CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ARCHITECTURE SYMPOSIUM (CEA) CIVIL, ENVIRONMENTAL & ARCHITECTURE SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT2 CEA-A Session: Modeling, Monitoring, and NDE Techniques for Civil Infrastructure Session Chair: Hae-Bum Yun (Univ of Central Florida), Co-Chair: Hadi Meidani (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Optimal Complexity for Predictive Modeling of 8:00 AM CEA-A1 Deteriorating Infrastructures Hadi Meidani (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) Measuring Displacement of Railroad Bridges using UAVs 8:20 AM CEA-A2 Hyungchul Yoon (Univ of Illinois) Bridge Deck Deterioration Detection Using a Fully Autono8:35 AM CEA-A3 mous NDE Robotic Assisted Bridge Inspection Tool, RABITTM Jinyoung Kim (Rutgers Univ) Advancing Drought Monitoring using a Small Unmanned 8:50 AM CEA-A4 Aerial System (UAS) Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho) Yong-Rak Kim (University of Nebraska – Lincoln) Byungkyu Brian Park (University of Virginia), Seoktae Kang (KAIST, KOREA) Fracture Criteria for Predicting Mixed Mode Crack Propa9:05 AM CEA-A5 gation Philip Park (Texas A&M University) Computer Vision-Based Approach of Automated Crack De9:20 AM CEA-A6 tection and Quantification for Civil Structures Hae-Bum “Andrew” Yun (University of Central Florida) Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT2 CEA-B Session: Infrastructure Materials Session Chair: Philip Park (Texas A&M University), Co-Chair: Chungwook Sim (University of Nebraska-Lincoln) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Development of Low Binder Content Eco-SCC 1:15 PM CEA-B7 with Aggregate Optimization Jiong Hu (Univ of Nebraska) AC Impedance Analysis of Electrically Conductive Civil 1:35 PM CEA-B8 Materials Philip Park (Texas A&M Univ) Development of Image-Based Autonomous Transverse Crack 1:55 PM CEA-B9 Mapping System Chungwook Sim (Uni of Nebraska) Effect of base types on the longitudinal response of CRCP 2:15 PM CEA-B10 Youngguk Seo (Kennesaw State Univ) Using Graphene-Oxide Nano Flakes (GONF) as addition of 2:35 PM CEA-B11 Portland Cement Composite Jinwoo An (University of Central Florida) Multiscale Modeling of Mixtures-Structures Subjected to 2:55 PM CEA-B12 Damage Yong-Rak Kim (Univ of Nebraska) 43 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT1 CEA-C Session: : Construction Engineering and Project Management Session Chair: David Jeong (Iowa State Univ), Co-Chair: Myungjin Chae (Central Connecticut State Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Heuristic Approach to Determining Optimum 3:30 PM CEA-C13 Scheduling Using CLIPS Bong Yeol Ryoo (Texas A&M Univ) Schedule Impacts of Change Order Occurrence Timing in 3:50 PM CEA-C14 Design-Build Transportation Improvement Projects Kunhee Choi (Texas A&M Univ) Measuring synonymy of data attributes from heterogeneous 4:10 PM CEA-C15 sources in transportation infrastructure projects David Jeong (Iowa State Univ) Underground Infrastructure Inspection Sampling Methods 4:30 PM CEA-C16 Myungjin Chae (Central Connecticut State Univ) State-of-Practice in Big Data Informatics 4:50 PM CEA-C17 Donghoon Lee (Texas A&M Univ) Thursday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT2 CEA-D Session: Environmental Engineering Session Chair: Seoktae Kang (KAIST), Co-Chair: Deukmo Chung (Seoul Water Institute) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Moving from National Implementation to Global 3:30 PM CEA-D18 Agenda within the context of Water and Sanitation in Korea, Jong Ahn (World Bank) Optimization of chemical cleaning conditions in FO process 3:50 PM CEA-D19 by response surface methodology Pattarasiri Fagkaew (Kyung Hee University) Evaluation of Shading Louver Type and Air Vent Perforation 4:10 PM CEA-D20 for Outdoor Noise Control and Ventilation Performance in Urban Areas Jeehwan Lee (Kansas State Univ) The Factors that Affect the Environmental Review and Proj4:30 PM CEA-D21 ect Design Durations: an Empirical Study of the Transportation Sector in Georgia Yehyun An (Georgia Tech) Optimum operating condition for MF membrane system 4:50 PM CEA-D22 Kwangjae Lee (Seoul Water Institute) Development of Analysis and Database on Contaminants of 5:10 PM CEA-D23 Emerging Concern for Drinking Water Source in Korea Kwon Haksun (Seoul Water Institute) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT2 CEA-E Session: Water for Future Session Chair: Jae Ryu (Univ of Idaho), Co-Chair: Jong Kwan Kim (NOAA) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Designing LID Systems: What do you need to know 8:00 AM CEA-E24 and why Steven Trinkaus (Trinkaus Engineering) An Integrated Safety Management Platform (WINS+®) for 8:20 AM CEA-E25 Water Infrastructures against Floods Dong-Hoon Shin (K-Water) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 44 The Reinterpretation of Concepts of Socio Hydrology in 8:35 AM CEA-E26 Stream Restoration: Learning from Anyang Stream Case Study from South Korea Chang-Yu Hong (Portland State Univ) Case Study of Geotechnical Risk Assessment for fill dams in 8:50 AM CEA-E27 Korea Jeong-Yeul Lim (K-Water) Energy and Resource Recovery for Sustainable Wastewater 9:05 AM CEA-E28 Treatment Jaewook Myung (Stanford Univ) Toward Improving Distributed Land Surface Models Jong Kwan Kim (NOAA) Building of common DB system for integrated model to assess climate change vulnerability: concentrated on climate change 9:40 AM CEA-E30 scenarios and non-climatic DB Jeongho Lee, Changsub Shim, Moung-Jin Lee, Jihyun Han, Kwan-Young Oh (Korea Environment Institute), Taejoo Park (Pusan National University) 9:20 AM CEA-E29 Firday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT1 CEA-F Session: KICT-KSCEE – Commercializable Civil Engineering Technologies Session Chair: Yong-Rak Kim (Univ of Nebraska), Co-Chair: Byungkyu Brian Park (Univ of Virginia) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED How to Commercialize the Civil Engineering 8:00 AM CEA-F31 Technology? Serji Amirkhanian (University of Alabama) 8:20 AM CEA-F32 Warm Mix Asphalt Technology Cheolmin Baek (KICT) 8:40 AM CEA-F33 BIM-GIS Technology Changhee Hong (KICT) 9:00 AM CEA-F34 KICT Research on Space Construction Hyu Shin (KICT) 9:20 AM CEA-F35 Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT2 CEA-G Session: Geotechnical Engineering – The Nexus Session Chair: Chung-Rak Song (Univ of Nebraska), Co-Chair: Boo-Hyun Nam (Univ of Central Florida) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Bridging Molecular Interactions to Macroscale 1:15 PM CEA-G36 Properties in Swelling Clays Dinesh Katti (North Dakota State Univ) Multi-Physics Technique in Geotechnical Engineering 1:35 PM CEA-G37 Chung Song (Univ of Nebraska) Effect of Granular Dissolution on the Behavior of Shallow 1:55 PM CEA-G38 Foundations – Laboratory Studies Minsu Cha (Texas A&M Univ) Evaluation of Bimodal Soil Water Characteristic Curve 2:10 PM CEA-G39 (SWCC) for Hydrating Chromium Ore Processing Residue (COPR) Jongwan Eun (New York University, Abu Dhabi, UAE) A Note on Empirical Equations for Compression Index of 2:25 PM CEA-G40 Soft Clay Jeong-Yun Won (Barr Eng.) Soil water characteristic curve in hydrate-bearing sediments Jaewon Jang (Arizona State Univ) Risk Evaluation of Sinkhole Hazard Using Geotechnical 2:55 PM CEA-G42 Subsurface Exploration Tests Boo-Hyun Nam (Univ of Central Florida) 2:40 PM CEA-G41 45 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Commercializable Construction Technologies Hosin “David” Lee (KSCEE) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator CEA Poster Session Judges: Chungwook Sim (Univ of Nebraska), Co-Chair: Minsu Cha (Texas A&M Univ) ID Title and Presenter CEA-Poster-1 Decommissioning of Offshore Structures, Jaeyoung Lee The impact of personal concerns about travel on travel behavior, CEA-Poster-2 Kyungsoo Jeong Traffic Instability and Crash Likelihood: Analysis on Vehicle CEA-Poster-3 Interaction in the Vicinity of Trucks, Kyung (Kate) Hyun Visualization of Internal Defects in Full-Scale Reinforced ConCEA-Poster-4 crete Column Using Ultrasonic Tomography, Hajin Choi CEA-Poster-5 Truss Structure Optimization, Woobin Tark Functional Stress-Strain Analysis of the Dynamic Operational CEA-Poster-6 Condition of Critical Infrastructure during Post-Disaster Recovery, Juyeong Choi Development of Electrochemical Graphene/Carbon Nanotube CEA-Poster-7 Filtration System, Sol Park Shake Table Testing of Circular RC Bridge Columns RehabilitatCEA-Poster-8 ed with Shape Memory Alloys, Donghyuk Jung HVAC Retrofit Comparison for Small- and Medium-sized ComCEA-Poster-9 mercial Buildings, Bonggil Jeon Application of Incentive on Facility Management: A Real Option CEA-Poster-10 Perspective, Soojin Yoon Degradation of BPA and its substitutes in two media, CEA-Poster-11 Younjeong Choi Criticality Analysis of Supportive Critical Infrastructure ConsidCEA-Poster-12 ering Local Community’s Social and Economic Activities: A Case Study of 2010 Flood, Kyubyung Kang Anaerobic co-digestion of food wastewater and swine manure CEA-Poster-13 with different mixing ratios, Jae-Min Choi Mitigating Biofouling in FO Membrane by Bacterial Quorum CEA-Poster-14 Quenching, Seungju Choi (KAIST) Development of carbon nanotube hollow fiber membrane as elecCEA-Poster-15 trodes for capacitive deionization, Mi-Young Lee (KAIST) Prototyping Textile Composites Panels for Building Envelopes, CEA-Poster-16 Kihong Ku (Philadelphia University) Development, Evaluation and Installation of a New Improved CEA-Poster-17 PVC (iPVC) Pipe for Water Applications, Mohammad Najafi (University of Texas at Arlington) Climatic Controls of Drainage Density Using LiDAR Data, CEA-Poster-18 Seoyoung Kim (Univ of Central Florida) Characteristics of Airborne Asbestos Concentration in Korean CEA-Poster-19 Preschools, Changkyu Kim (Seoul Metropolitan Government Research Institute of Public Health and Environment) Highway Route Planning Based on Topographic Data, Using CEA-Poster-20 Pathfinding Algorythm and Image Processing Tools, Vihita Pedaballe (Texas A&M) Criticality Analysis Of GBC-32 Dry Storage Cask With HBN #3 CEA-Poster-21 Fuel Assemblies from the Viewpoint of Burnup Credit Kwangheon Park and Hyungju Yun (Kyung Hee University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 46 Symposium Program ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS SYMPOSIUM (EEC) ELECTRICAL, ELECTRONICS & COMMUNICATIONS SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT9 EEC-A Session: Sensors/Microsystems Session Chairs: James Pak (Korea University), Jin-Woo Choi (Louisiana State University) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE Integrated Flexible Biosensors and Electrodes for 1:15 PM EEC-A1 Monitoring Brain Injury Chong H. Ahn (University of Cincinnati) Partial Desalination of Brine by Optimized Ion Concentra1:55 PM EEC-A2 tion Polarization Desalination Bumjoo Kim (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Battery Free Sensor Modules for Food and Air Quality Moni2:15 PM EEC-A3 toring Wan-Young Chung (Pukyong National University) Micro-Accelerometer using VMGFET for Low Frequency 2:35 PM EEC-A4 Vibration Measurement Applications In-Hyouk Song (Texas State University) An LED-Based Portable Fluorescent Sensing Platform 2:55 PM EEC-A5 Jin-Woo Choi (Louisiana State University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT9 EEC-B Session: Optics/Imaging Session Chair: Kyung-Chan Jin (KITECH) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Photonic Nanostructures for Energy and Biomedi3:30 PM EEC-B6 cal Applications Won Park (University of Colorado at Boulder) Fabrication and Characterization of Wideband Reflectors 4:10 PM EEC-B7 Using Serial Resonant Gratings Kyu Jin Lee (University of Texas at Arlington) GPU-Based Post-Processing in 3D SD-OCT 4:30 PM EEC-B8 Kyung-Chan Jin (KITECH) Flexible Guided Mode Resonance Devices for Sensing Appli4:50 PM EEC-B9 cations Jeong Bong Lee (University of Texas at Dallas) Jeong Bong Lee (University of Texas at Dallas) James Jungho Pak (Korea University), Ken Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology), Tae Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology) Optical Resonance Filtration in Double Gratings 5:10 PM EEC-B10 Yeong Hwan Ko (University of Texas at Arlington) 47 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT9 EEC-C Session: : Energy Session Chairs: Jae Yeong Park (Kwangwoon University), Gon Namkoong (Old Dominion University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Review on Energy Harvesting from the Human 8:00 AM EEC-C11 Body and Powering up Implant Devices Dong Sam Ha (Virginia Tech) Low-frequency Driven, Wideband Energy Harvester Using 8:40 AM EEC-C12 Impact-based Frequency Up-conversion Mechanism Jae Yeong Park (Kwangwoon University) A Silk Fibroin Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Self-Powered 9:00 AM EEC-C13 Implantable and Flexible Devices James Pak (Korea University) Investigation of Charge Carrier Dynamics of Perovskites us9:20 AM EEC-C14 ing Chemically, Spatially and Temporally Resolved Mapping Gon Namkoong (Old Dominion University) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT9 EEC-D Session: RF/Communications Session Chairs: Yong-kyu Yoon (University of Florida), Ken Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Mm-Wave Transceiver for Multi-Band Wireless 1:15 PM EEC-D15 Network-on-Chip Deukhyoun Heo (Washington State University) RF Metaconductors for 5G Communications 1:55 PM EEC-D16 Yong-Kyu Yoon (University of Florida) LTE Advanced Pro for Vehicular Communications Ki-Dong Lee (LG Electronics) Possible Defense Mechanisms in Current Automotive Cyber 2:35 PM EEC-D18 Security Younjae Kim (Southern Illinois University Carbondale) Dynamic Spectrum Access in SATCOM environments 2:55 PM EEC-D19 Bumsuk Choi (Johns Hopkins University) 2:15 PM EEC-D17 Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator EEC Poster Session Judges: Wan-Young Chung (Pukyong National University), In-Hyouk Song (Texas State University) ID Title and Presenter Flexible, transparent, conductive films using spin-capable carbon EEC-Poster-1 nanotubes, Daewoong Jung (KITECH) Highly Sensitive BioFETs with 3-Dimensional Nanonet Channel EEC-Poster-2 for Biosening Applications, Jeong-Soo Lee (POSTECH) A New Capacitance-to-Time Converter with a Wide Pulse Width EEC-Poster-3 Using a Two-step Integrator, Jiman Park (Elssen) Preparation of GAZO Transparent Conductive Film by Facing EEC-Poster-4 Targets Sputtering, Cheon Lee (Inha University), Kyung Hwan Kim (Gachon University) Physical integrity check in cooperative communications, EEC-Poster-5 Sang Kim (Iowa State University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 48 EEC-Poster-6 EEC-Poster-7 EEC-Poster-8 Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:45am >> at MIT9 EEC-E Session: Circuits/Systems Session Chairs: Tom Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology), Gyungsu Byun (Southern Methodist University) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Ultra-Low Power SoC Design for Future Micro8:00 AM EEC-E20 electronics by using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors Ken Choi (Illinois Institute of Technology) Energy-efficient Point-to-point and Multi-drop 3D I/O In8:40 AM EEC-E21 terconnect for Mobile Computing Devices Gyungsu Byun (Southern Methodist University) Development of Planary Lightwave Circuit (PLC) Based 9:00 AM EEC-E22 Biosensors Moon Hee Kang (KITECH) 9:20 AM 49 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Autonomous Driving in Urban Environments and Related Research Activities in SNU, Seung-Woo Seo (Seoul National University) Manipulation of liquid metal marble for electrical switching application Jeong Hwa Seo (Myongji University) Coexistence of OFDM and Military Radars in the 3.5 GHz Band Seungmo Kim (Virginia Tech) Intelligent Mobility Cane with Navigation EEC-E23 Tom Oh (Rochester Institute of Technology) Symposium Program BIO, MEDICAL, PHARMACOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (BMP) BIO, MEDICAL, PHARMACOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Cattle Carons KHIDI Forum on Drug and Device Development-Joint Session by BMP and CNV Co-Chairs: Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech), Ick Chan Kwon (KIST), Young-sup Yoon (Emory Univ), Sanghoon Lee (Korea Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker Introduction Remarks: BMP/ Kyung Sun (Director, Osong Medical Innovation Foundation) 8:00 AM CNV-1 Min Soo Park (Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare) Cell Therapeutics for Diabetes Mellitus BMP/ Kun-Ho Yoon (Director of KHIDI and Professor of Catholic 8:10 AM CNV-2 University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital) MicroRNA Inhibitors in Nanoparticles as Targeted TheraBMP/ peutics for Atherosclerosis 8:35 AM CNV-3 Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech) BMP/ Treatment of Cancer Patients with Lymphonenia 9:00 AM CNV-4 Sehwan Yang (CEO, Genexine/NeoImmune Tech) 9:25 AM Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Cattle Carons Young-Sup Yoon (Emory University) Young Geun Kwon (Yonsei University), Yoonsoo Bae (Ewha Women’s University), In-Hyun Park (Yale University) BMP/ uHealthcare Technology and Prospect CNV-5 Kwang Suk Park (Seoul National University) BMP-A Session: Cardiac Biology Co-Chairs: Hee-Cheol Cho (Emory University), Youngkeun Ahn (Chonnam University) Time ID Title and Speaker Heart Regenerative Biology 1:15 PM BMP-A1 Chulan Kwon (Johns Hopkins University) New insights on the mechanisms of arrhythmia initiation 1:35 PM BMP-A2 from transgenic rabbit models of long QT syndromes Bum Rak Choi (Brown University) Reprogramming of cardiac cell fates 1:55 PM BMP-A3 Young-Jae Nam (Vanderbilt University) beta-arrestin-biased beta-adrenergic receptor signaling and 2:15 PM BMP-A4 microRNA biogenesis in heart failure Ilman Kim (Augusta University) New Strategy Cardiac Commitment of Mesenchymal Stem 2:35 PM BMP-A5 Cells and Its Application Youngkeun Ahn (Chonnam National University Hospital) Cardiac regeneration with pluripotent stem cells 2:55 PM BMP-A6 Young-sup Yoon (Emory University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 50 Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Developers BMP-B Session: : Microbiome Co-Chairs: Jihyun Kim (Yonsei University), Jin-Woo Bae (Kyung Hee University) Time ID Title and Speaker Systematic Functional Profiling of Pathobiological Regulato1:15 PM BMP-B7 ry Networks in a Global Human Meningitis Fungal Pathogen Yong-Sun Bahn (Yonsei University) Relationships between drug, gut microbiota and host health 1:35 PM BMP-B8 Jin-Woo Bae (Kyung Hee University) Microbiomics and Metagenomics for Systems/Synthetic Biol1:55 PM BMP-B9 ogy Jihyun Kim (Yonsei University) Comparative Metagenomic Analysis during Wheat Nuruk 2:15 PM BMP-B10 Fermentation Ju Yeon Song (Yonsei University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Cattle Carons BMP-C Session: Neuroscience Co-Chairs: Hyung-Jun Kim (KBRI), In-Hyun Park (Yale) Time ID Title and Speaker Modeling Human Neurodevelopmental Disorders Using 3:30 PM BMP-C11 Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Jean Kim (Baylor College of Medicine) Cellular basis of dendrite pathology in neurodegenerative 3:50 PM BMP-C12 diseases associated with protein toxicity Sung Bae Lee (DGIST) Circadian rhythm regulation by antagonistic E3 ligases 4:10 PM BMP-C13 Seung-Hee Yoo (Univ. Texas, Houston) Modeling Amyotrophic lateral scrlerosis (ALS) in flies 4:30 PM BMP-C14 Hyung-Jun Kim (KBRI) Modeling Rett syndrome using human pluripotent stem cells 4:50 PM BMP-C15 In-Hyun Park (Yale) Loss of Nardilysin, a chaperone for alpha-Ketoglutarate Dehydrogenase, causes neurodegeneration in flies and humans 5:10 PM BMP-C16 and promotes mTORC1 activation Wan Hee Yoon (Baylor College of Medicine) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Developers 51 /// UKC 2016 Brochure BMP-D Session: Vascular Biology Co-Chairs: Young-Myung Kim (Kangwon Univ), Changwon Park (Emory University) Time ID Title and Speaker SoxF transcription factors are positive feedback regulators 3:30 PM BMP-D17 of VEGF signaling In-June Kim (KAIST) A Novel Function of Arginase II as a Ca2+ Regulator in Vas3:50 PM BMP-D18 cular Smooth Muscle Cells Sungwoo Ryoo (Kangwon National University) Mechanism and Potential Therapies for Arteriovenous Mal4:10 PM BMP-D19 formation Paul Oh (Univ. Florida) Context-dependent outcomes of BMP-induced angiogenesis 4:30 PM BMP-D20 Suk-Won Jin (Yale University and GIST) ETV2-mediated vascular development and function 4:50 PM BMP-D21 Changwon Park (Emory University) Direct reprogramming of human dermal fibroblasts into 5:10 PM BMP-D22 endothelial cells using ETV2 Sang-Ho Lee (Emory University) Thursday Afternoon August 11 5:30pm – 9:00pm BMP/CNV Joint Networking Dinner at Hard Eight BBQ Colony branch 5300 State Hwy 121, The Colony 75056 Tel) 972-625-8888 Bus/Vans/Cars will leave at 5:30 from Hyatt Hotel to Hard Eight BBQ (25 min drive) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Cattle Carons BMP-E Session: Cancer biology Co-Chairs: Woongyang Park (Sunggyunkwan Univ), Tae-Hyun Hwang (UT Southwestern) Time ID Title and Speaker Dynamics of distinct subpopulations in Triple Negative 8:00 AM BMP-E23 Breast Cancer Se-Jin Kim (Baylor College of Medicine) In vivo and In vitro characterization of genomic diversity 8:20 AM BMP-E24 and clonal evolution in Glioblastoma Hoon Kim (MDACC) Clinical utility of actionable genome analysis in refractory cancer patients Woongyang Park (Samsung Genome Institute) Clonal heterogeneity and therapy resistance in human can8:50 AM BMP-E26 cer Tae-Hyun Hwang (UT Southwestern) MicroRNA34c function in tumorogenesis of osteosarcoma 9:05 AM BMP-E27 and metastasis Yang-Jin Bae (Baylor College of Medicine) 8:35 AM BMP-E25 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Developers BMP-F Session: Oxidative Stress and Signaling Co-Chairs: Sangwon Kang (Ewha University), Ju-Seog Lee (MD Anderson) Time ID Title and Speaker Efficient and rapid cellular delivery of bioactive proteins us8:00 AM BMP-F28 ing EXPLOR: exosomes engineered for protein Chulhee Choi (KAIST) Novel regulation mechanism of NADPH oxidase 1 complex 8:20 AM BMP-F29 in colon cancer Yun Soo Bae (Ehwa University) Redox signaling in human diseases Sangwon Kang (Ewha University) Role of the histone modifier JARID1D in prostate cancer 8:50 AM BMP-F31 metastasis Min Gyu Lee (MD Anderson) Oxidative stress genes in cancer: Pan-Cancer Analysis of 9:05 AM BMP-F32 TCGA genomic data Ju-Seog Lee (MD Anderson) 8:35 AM BMP-F30 Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Cattle Carons BMP-G Session: Immunology Co-Chairs: Insoo Kang, MD (Yale University), Eui-Cheol Shin (KAIST) Time ID Title and Speaker Mast cell regulation of airway inflammation 1:15 PM BMP-G33 Yeonseok Chung (SNU) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 52 IL-15 and NKG2D in virus-induced immunopathogenesis 1:35 PM BMP-G34 Eui-Cheol Shin (KAIST) Two faces of interferons in cancer biology HyeonJoo Cheon, Ph.D (Cleveland Clinic) Defining human T cell subsets with cytokine receptors in 2:15 PM BMP-G36 health and disease Insoo Kang, MD (Yale University) Mitochondrial Regulation of Inflammasome Activation 2:35 PM BMP-G37 Min-Jong Kang, M.D (Yale University) 1:55 PM BMP-G35 Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Developers BMP-H Session: Genome Editing Co-Chairs: Hyongbum Kim (Yonsei University), Leonidas Bleris (Univ. Texas at Dallas) Time ID Title and Speaker Genome editing using the CRISPR-Cas9 nucleases 1:15 PM BMP-H38 Sangsu Bae (Hanyang University) Identification of genetic elements affecting cancer growth 1:35 PM BMP-H39 phenotype using CRISPR Seung Woo Cho (Stanford University) CRISPR-based mechanisms for delivery and therapeutic 1:55 PM BMP-H40 interventions Leonidas Bleris (Univ. Texas at Dallas) CRISPR-based mechanisms for delivery and therapeutic 2:15 PM BMP-H41 interventions Leonela Amoasii (UT Southwestern Medical Center) Fixing the broken heart by Myoediting 2:35 PM BMP-H42 Chengzu Long (UT Southwestern Medical Center) Efficient genome editing using programmable nucleases 2:55 PM BMP-H43 Hyongbum Kim (Yonsei University) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator 53 /// UKC 2016 Brochure BMP Poster Session Judges: Jungkyu Kim (Texas Tech University), Hyun Jung Kim (U of Texas at Austin) ID Title and Presenter Dose- and time-dependent effects of actomyosin inhibition on live BMP-Poster-1 mouse outflow resistance and aqueous drainage tissues MinHee Ko (UCLA) innovative biomarker-based cancer clinical trial designs BMP-Poster-2 Chul Ahn (UT Southwestern Medical Center) Transfer Printing Methods for Bioresorbable Implantable DevicBMP-Poster-3 es Chi Hwan Lee (Purdue) Innovative Drug Development for the Treatment of Huntington’s BMP-Poster-4 Disease Heemin Rhee (Health Research International) Discovery and mechanistic investigation of novel metabolic feaBMP-Poster-5 tures of lung cancer and their potentials of clinical applications Hyuntae Yoo (Univ. Texas Dallas) A chemically based strategy for improving adult muscle repair BMP-Poster-6 Jesung Moon (UT Southwestern Medical Center) Circulating GRP78 and its autoantibodies as a serological cancer BMP-Poster-7 biomarker EunJeong Yoo (USC) A Novel Assay for Effective Detection of Circulating Tumor Cells: BMP-Poster-8 A Clinical Pilot Study Ja Hye Myung (Univ. Illinois Chicago) BMP-Poster-9 BMP-Poster-10 BMP-Poster-11 BMP-Poster-12 BMP-Poster-13 BMP-Poster-14 BMP-Poster-15 BMP-Poster-16 BMP-Poster-17 BMP-Poster-18 BMP-Poster-19 BMP-Poster-20 BMP-Poster-21 BMP-Poster-22 BMP-Poster-23 BMP-Poster-24 BMP-Poster-25 BMP-Poster-26 BMP-Poster-27 BMP-Poster-28 Engineering serum half-life of antibody Fc Tae Hyun Kang (Univ. Texas) Cost-Effectiveness of Genotype-Guided Drug Use in Patients with Cardiovascular Disorder Kibum Kim (Univ. Florida) Rapid Solid-phase Diversification of Triptycenes for Targeting Trinucleotide Repeat Junction Ina Yoon (Univ. Penn) Dendron-Lipid Hybrid Nanoparticles as a Novel Co-delivery Platform Sin-jung Park (Univ. Illinois Chicago) Dual Effects of Dihydroxamic Acid Derivatives against beta-Lactamases and Histone Deacetylases Hyunshun Shin (MCM) Engineered Bacterial Nanopore-forming toxin for cancer targeting and drug delivery Sunwoo Koo (TAMU) Mitochondrial Hsp90 is a ligand activated molecular chaperone coupling ATP binding to dimer closure through a coiled-coil intermediate Sukyeong Lee (Baylor College of Medicine) Discovery of HKP compounds as a New Drug Candidates for Chemotherapy-induced Chronic Neuropathic Pain Hee Kee Kim (Univ. Texas MD Anderson) A Continuous-Flow Nanofluidic Device for Protein Biopharmaceuticals Quality Analysis Sung Hee Ko (MIT) Impact of Global Collaboration on Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical R&D Yun Choe (Lucas & Mercant, LLP) A Brain Regional Proteomic Atlas in Mouse Sung Yun Jung (Baylor College of Medicine) Evaluation of GEM Detector Gain for Cancer Beta Imaging Joshua Medford (Univ. Texas Arlington) Characterization of in vivo model for the lung cancer patient derived xenograft Ikjae Shin (Univ. Arkansas) Neurotrophic effects of folate Gloria Bora Kim (PSU) Study of Bacterial Cellulose Sumeen Mirza (Univ. Texas Dallas) Voltage-gated Calcium Channels (VGCCs) and Intracellular Ca2+ dysregulation as mechanisms of disease in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Byung Woo Kim (JHU) Breast Cancer Metastasis Identification on Aptamer Modified Surface Samir Iqbal (Univ. Texas Dallas) A novel regulator of demyelinating diseases Jae Kyung Lee (Univ. Georgia) Cornea tissue engineering Gilson Khang (Chonbuk National University) Exploiting the CRISPR/Cas9 PAM Constraint for Single-Nucleotide Resolution Interventions Yi Li (University of Texas at Dallas) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 54 Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Cattle Carons BMP-I Session: Systems Biology and Informatics Co-Chairs: Jonghwan Kim (Univ. Texas Austin), Tae Hoon Kim (Univ. Texas Dallas) Time ID Title and Speaker Pathway and network based approaches to study human 8:00 AM BMP-I44 diseases Insuk Lee (Yonsei University) Histone Deacetylases Activate Transcription Elongation 8:40 AM BMP-I45 Tae Hoon Kim (Univ. Texas Dallas) Decoding the Non-coding Regulatory Genome 9:00 AM BMP-I46 Jian Xu (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center) Genetic dissection of Rett syndrome 9:20 AM BMP-I47 Murim Choi (Seoul National University College of Medicine) Deciphering gene regulatory networks modulating tropho9:20 AM BMP-I48 blast lineage development Jonghwan Kim (Univ. Texas Austin) SEQing understanding in RNA regulatory control 9:20 AM BMP-I49 Zachary Campbell (Univ. Texas Dallas) 55 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Symposium Program CONVEGENCE TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM (CNV) CONVEGENCE TECHNOLOGY SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Cattle Carons KHIDI Forum on Drug and Device Development-Joint Session by BMP and CNV Co-Chairs: Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech), Ick Chan Kwon (KIST), Young-sup Yoon (Emory Univ), Sanghoon Lee (Korea Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker Introduction Remarks: BMP/ Kyung Sun (Director, Osong Medical Innovation Foundation) 8:00 AM CNV-1 Min Soo Park (Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare) Cell Therapeutics for Diabetes Mellitus BMP/ Kun-Ho Yoon (Director of KHIDI and Professor of Catholic 8:10 AM CNV-2 University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital) MicroRNA Inhibitors in Nanoparticles as Targeted TheraBMP/ peutics for Atherosclerosis 8:35 AM CNV-3 Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech) BMP/ Treatment of Cancer Patients with Lymphonenia 9:00 AM CNV-4 Sehwan Yang (CEO, Genexine/NeoImmune Tech) 9:25 AM Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Wildcatters Ick Chan Kwon (KIST) Jennifer Shin (KAIST), Ho-Wook Jun (U of Alabama at Birmingham) BMP/ uHealthcare Technology and Prospect CNV-5 Kwang Suk Park (Seoul National University) CNV-A Session: Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Co-Chairs: Gilson Khang (Chunbuk National University), Hak-Joon Sung (Vanderbilt University) Time ID Title and Speaker Polymeric Hydrogels for Translational Applications 1:15 PM CNV-A1 Hojae Bae (Konkuk University) Prohealing Multifunctional Endothelium Mimic Nanomatrix 1:35 PM CNV-A2 Ho-Wook Jun (University of Alabama at Birmingham) 3D Printed Stem Cells and Tissue-derived Bioinks for Tissue 1:55 PM CNV-A3 Engineering Application Jinah Jang (PosTech) Building Body Parts through 3D Integrated Tissue and Or2:15 PM CNV-A4 gan Printing SangJin Lee (Wake Forest University) 2:35 PM CNV-A5 Cornea Tissue Engineering Gilson Khang (Chunbuk National University) 2:55 PM CNV-A6 Copolymers Improve Adult Stem Cell Potency Hak-Joon Sung (Vanderbilt University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 56 Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Wildcatters CNV-B Session: : Mechanobiology and Biotransport Co-Chairs: Hyunjoon Kong (UIUC), Sung Gap Im (KAIST) Time ID Title and Speaker Hydrogels for Mechanobiology and Biotransport Studies 3:30 PM CNV-B7 Hyunjoon Kong (UIUC) Monodirectional Oromucosal Delivery System via Janus 3:50 PM CNV-B8 Patch Sung Gap Im (KAIST) 4:10 PM CNV-B9 Cellular Stresses During EMT Jennifer Shin (KAIST) Leveraging Biological Systems to Improve Drug Delivery 4:30 PM CNV-B10 Ji Ho Park (KAIST) Engineering of Cancer-Stromal Interactions on Chip 4:30 PM CNV-B11 Bumsoo Han (Purdue) Restoration of Cellular Biomechanics to Modulate Cell Via4:30 PM CNV-B12 bility and Function Michael Cho (U of Texas at Arlington) Thursday Afternoon August 11 5:30pm – 9:00pm BMP/CNV Joint Networking Dinner at Hard Eight BBQ Colony branch 5300 State Hwy 121, The Colony 75056 Tel) 972-625-8888 Bus/Vans/Cars will leave at 5:30 from Hyatt Hotel to Hard Eight BBQ (25 min drive) Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Wildcatters CNV-C Session: Sensors, Organ-on-chip, and Diagnostics Co-Chairs: Jungkyu Kim (Texas Tech University), Dae-hyeong Kim (Seoul National University) Time ID Title and Speaker Complicate 3D organ on a Chip 8:00 AM CNV-C13 Sanghoon Lee (Korea University) Biomimetic Electronic Layer for Wearable Biomedical Sen8:20 AM CNV-C14 sors Hyunjung Yi (KIST) Implantable and Wearable Healthcare Devices using Soft Electronics Dae-HyeongKim (Seoul National University) Motion and Noise Artifact-Resilient Atrial Fibrillation De8:50 AM CNV-C16 tection Using a Smartphone Jowoon Chong (Texas Tech University) Microfluidic Assembly, Evaluation, and Manufacturing of 9:05 AM CNV-C17 Nanomedicine YongTae (Tony) Kim (Georgia Tech) 8:35 AM CNV-C15 A Chemically Patterned Paper-Based Microfluidic Device 9:20 AM CNV-C18 for Bioassays Jungkyu Kim (Texas Tech University) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Wildcatters 57 /// UKC 2016 Brochure CNV-D Session: Neuroengineering Co-Chairs: JiYoon Kang (KIST), Martin Han (Huntington Medical Research Institute) Time ID Title and Speaker Implantable Microelectrodes as Neural Prostheses and 1:15 PM CNV-D19 Tissue Response Martin Han (Huntington Medical Research Institute) 1:35 PM CNV-D20 1:55 PM CNV-D21 2:15 PM CNV-D22 2:35 PM CNV-D23 Electrophysiological and Chemical Assessment of Deep Brain Stimulation Mechanisms Su-Youne Chang (Mayo Clinic) Multifunctional MEMS Neural Probe for Brain Research Il Joo Cho (KIST) Outside the Head Thinking: A Novel Approach for Detecting Human Brain Cognition Insoo Kim (Samsung Research America) Blood-based Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease JiYoon Kang (KIST) Brain on a Chip for Neurocircuit 2:55 PM CNV-D24 Nakwon Choi (KIST) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers CNV Poster Session Judges: Jungkyu Kim (Texas Tech University), Hyun Jung Kim (U of Texas at Austin) ID Title and Presenter Traction Microscopy to Identify Force Modulation in Sub-resoluCNV-Poster-1 tion Adhesions, Sangyoon Han (U of Texas Southwestern) Inkjet-Printed Wearable Antenna for Hyperthermia Therapy: CNV-Poster-2 Comparison between Simulation and Measurement, Minyoung Suh (North Carolina State University) Hemodynamic Performance Evaluation of Artificial Heart Valve CNV-Poster-3 using Time profile of Geometric Orifice Area, Kwonsoo Chun (Baylor College of Medicine) Long-wave-IR Camera Based Pedestrian Detection Method for CNV-Poster-4 Advanced Driving Assistance Systems, Hyun-Koo KIM (Gyeongbuk Institute of IT Convergence Industry Technology) Stereo Camera Based Speed-hump Detection Method Using TemCNV-Poster-5 poral-spatial Estimation in the Daytime, Yong-Hun Kim (Gyeongbuk Institute of IT Convergence Industry Technology) Digital Mechanical Surgical Suture Rather than Analogue Hand Sewing and Other Intelligent Surgical Systems including AuCNV-Poster-6 to-stop AI Drill, Sang Jin Yoon (Gachon University Gil Medical Center) Enzymatic Synthesis of DNA for Large Data Storage, CNV-Poster-7 Howon Lee (Harvard Medical School) Detecting Collagen Denaturation at Molecular Level in Biologic CNV-Poster-8 Scaffolds by Collagen Hybridizing Peptides, Jeongmin Hwang (University of Utah) Reprogramming of Cardiac Cell Fates, CNV-Poster-9 Young-Jae Nam (Vanderbilt University) Regulation of lineage specific differentiation by controlling the CNV-Poster-10 embryoid size using magnetic nanoparticles, Tai Hyun Park (Seoul National University) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 58 Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Wildcatters 59 /// UKC 2016 Brochure CNV-E Session: Immuno Therapies and Drug Delivery Co-Chairs: Seungpyo Hong (U of Illinois at Chicago), Kyung-Mi Lee (Korea University) Time ID Title and Speaker Gas Generating Nanoparticles for Theragnosis 8:00 AM CNV-E25 Ick Chan Kwon (KIST) NK Cell Immunotherapy in Solid Tumors: Technology to 8:20 AM CNV-E26 Overcome Hypoxia-mediated Immune Suppression in Tumor Microenvironment Kyung-Mi Lee (Korea University) Synergistic Anticancer Immunotherapy by Multifunctional 8:35 AM CNV-E27 Nanoparticle Dongin Kim (Texas A&M Health Science Center) Microphysiological Human Gut-on-a-chip: from Organ 8:50 AM CNV-E28 Mimicry to Precision Medicine Hyun Jung Kim (U of Texas, Austin) Delivery of Nanoparticle-based Synthetic Transcription 9:05 AM CNV-E29 Factors for Stem Cell Reprogramming KiBum Lee (Rutgers University) Dendritic-linear Hybrid Nanoparticles for Improved Drug 9:20 AM CNV-E30 Delivery Seungpyo Hong (U of Illinois at Chicago) Symposium Program GOVERNMENT RESEARCH POLICY AND REGULATION SYMPOSIUM (GRPR) GOVERNMENT RESEARCH POLICY & REGULATION SYMPOSIUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Hobby GRPR-A Session: Role of Government and Universities in National Innovation System Moderator: Kil Choo Moon (UST, Korea) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Science and Technology Education for Preparing 1:15 PM GRPR-A1 the Next Half Century Doh-Yeon Kim (POSTECH University) INVITED University Science Faculty and the Preparation 1:45 PM GRPR-A2 of the Next Generation of Science Teachers Ramon E. Lopez (University of Texas at Arlington) Panel Discussant (confirmed) Myung Ja Kim (KOFST: Korean Federation of Science and 2:15 PM Technology Societies) Panel Discussant (confirmed) Seunghwan Kim (KOFAC: Korea Foundation for the Advance2:25 PM ment of Science and Creativity) Panel Discussant (confirmed) 2:35 PM Ann Cavallo (University of Texas at Arlington) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:10pm – 5:30pm >> at Hobby Myeong-Hee Yu (KIST, Korea) Kil Choo Moon (UST, Korea), Youn Hee Choi (KIET, Korea) 2:45 PM Panel Discussant (confirmed) Jaeho Yeom (President, Korea University) 2:55 PM Floor Discussion GRPR-B Session: Government Policy and Regulation for Desirable Bio-Healthcare Ecosystem Session Chair: Youn Hee Choi (KIET, KOREA), Co-Chair: Gyu Ha Ryu (Samsung Medical Center) Time ID Title and Speaker Government Investment Strategy for BT and Healthcare 3:10 PM GRPR-B3 R&D in Korea Tai Hyun Park (Seoul National Univ) INVITED Government Funded Bio-Healthcare R&D in US 3:30 PM GRPR-B4 to Foster Academic-Private Business Partnerships Peter Kang (Harvard Medical School) Korean Government Project for Medical Innovation 3:50 PM GRPR-B5 Cluster Kyung Sun (Osong Medical Innovation Foundation) Proactive Approach of Precision Medicine and Digital 4:10 PM GRPR-B6 Healthcare Regulation Gyu Ha Ryu (Samsung Medical Center) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 60 61 /// UKC 2016 Brochure 4:30 PM GRPR-B7 US FDA’s role in Drug Development and Regulation Hae Young Ahn (US Food and Drug Administration/CDER) 4:50 PM GRPR-B8 Medical Device Regulation for Entering into the Korean Market Young Kim (Synex Consulting, Ltd.) 5:10 PM GRPR-B9 Current Trends in Medical Devices Development and Regulation Miok Yun (Ministry of Food & Drug Safety, Korea) Symposium Program ENERGY, TRANSPORTATION AND CYBER SYSTEMS SYMPOSIUM (ETC) ENERGY, TRANSPORTATION AND CYBER SYSTEMS Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at McKee ETC-A Session: Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Session Chair: Hyung Chul Ham (KIST, Korea) Time ID Title and Speaker KEYNOTE NiMo Alloys Supported on Mo2C as Catalysts for the Partial Oxidation of Surrogate Biodiesel 1:15 PM ETC-A1 Shreya Shah, Oscar G. Marin-Flores, M. Grant Norton, Su Ha (Washington State University, Pullman, USA) INVITED Catalysts based Electric Power Generation in Acidic and Crude Bio-Gas Conditions Sung Pil Woo1,2, Seok 1:40 PM ETC-A2 Hee Lee1, Dong-Joo Kim3 and Young Soo Yoon1 (1Gachon University, Korea, 2Yonsei University, Korea, 3Auburn University, USA) INVITED Application of Multisection Packing Concept to Sorption-Enhanced Water Gas Shift Reaction for High-Puri2:00 PM ETC-A3 ty Hydrogen Production Chan Hyun Lee, Ki Bong Lee (Korea University) INVITED Electrode Design with Highly Durable Catalysts for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Seonghun 2:20 PM ETC-A4 Cho1,2, Eun Ja Lim1, Kwang Hyun Chang1,2, Seok-Hee Park1, Gu-Gon Park1,2, Sung-Dae Yim1,2 (1Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), 2University of Science and Technology (UST)) INVITED Characteristics of SrxY1-xTiyNi1-yO3-δ (SYTN) anode in humidified methane fuel for intermediate-temperature 2:40 PM ETC-A5 solid oxide fuel cells Jeong Woo Yun (Chonnam National University, Korea) INVITED Hydrogen Production from Formic Acid Decomposition on the Pd-based Alloy Catalysts: First Principles Study 3:00 PM ETC-A6 Jin Won Cho, Sangheon Lee, Sung Pil Yoon, Jonghee Han, Suk Woo Nam, Hyung Chul Ham (KIST, Korea) Thursday Afternoon August 11 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at McKee ETC-B Session: Energy Resources and Power Plants Session Chair: Jae Um (Siemens Energy, USA) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Introduction to Idaho National Laboratory & 3:30 PM ETC-B7 Nuclear Energy Yong Joon Choi (Idaho National Laboratory, USA)) Online Learning Approach for Demand Response in Smart 3:50 PM ETC-B8 Grids Seung-Jun Kim (University of Maryland) Duck-Joo Yang (University of Texas, Dallas, USA) Hyung Chul Ham (KIST, KOREA) and Byungkyu Brian Park (University of Virginia, USA) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 62 Experimental Heat Transfer Characterization via an Additive Manufactured Turbine Airfoil Jae Um (Siemens Energy, USA) Micro Grids for the Electrification of Sierra Leone in West 4:30 PM ETC-B10 Africa Taesung Kim (New Generation Power International, USA) 4:10 PM ETC-B9 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 9:45am >> at McKee ETC-C Session: : Intelligent Transportation Systems and Sustainability Session Chair: Byungkyu Brian Park (University of Virginia, USA) Time ID Title and Speaker Analysis Bicycle Environment and Safety Using Instrument 8:00 AM ETC-C11 Probe Bicycle Jun-Seok Oh (Western Michigan University) Android App for Collecting Bicycle and Pedestrian Conflict 8:20 AM ETC-C12 Data Stephen Mattingly (University of Texas at Arlington) Highway Route Planning based on Topographic data, using 8:40 AM ETC-C13 Pathfinding Algorithm and Image Processing Tools Vihita Pedaballe (Texas A&M University) Economic Feasibility of the Next-Generation Vehicles of 9:00 AM ETC-C14 Transportation Charles Willow (Monmouth University) Estimating Transit Bus Waiting Times using WiFi Reader 9:20 AM ETC-C15 Technology Brian Park (University of Virginia) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at McKee ETC-D Session: Cyber Physical Systems Session Chair: Sang Hyuk Son (DGIST, Korea) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED A Smart New World: The Dream and Reality of 1:15 PM ETC-D16 Cyber Physical Systems Sang Hyuk Son, (DGIST, Daegu,Korea) Smart-Car Technology in GITC Yong-Hun Kim1, Soo-Young 1:45 PM ETC-D17 Suk1, Yongwan Park1,2 (1Gyeongbuk Institute of IT Convergence Industry Technology, 2Yeungnam University) Motion Analysis of Dance using Qualitative Trajectory Cal2:05 PM ETC-D18 culus and Geographic Information Science Hyowon Ban (California State University, Long Beach) Effect of Measurement Noise in Feedback Control Systems 2:25 PM ETC-D19 with Saturating Actuators Yongsoon Eun, Juseung Lee, and Gyujin Na (DGIST, Korea) Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator ETC Poster Session Judge: Duck-Joo Yang (University of Texas, Dallas, USA) ID Title and Presenter Design of the Piezoelectric Impact-based Micro Wind Energy ETC-Poster-1 harvester, Yooseob Song A Thermoelectric Power Generation System Using Waste Gas ETC-Poster-2 from a Steel Plant, Deok-Hong Kang Dispersion Stability Study of Graphene and Modified Graphene ETC-Poster-3 Nanoparticles, Melissa Wunch, JK Lee, KR Kim, YS Kim.CK Kim, SH Lee, JH Park, DJ Yang 63 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Symposium Program GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE PATH TO SOLUTIONS (GCC) GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE PATH TO SOLUTIONS Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT-8 Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT-8 Chair: Co-Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd) Lee Ki-woo (Korea Institute of Energy Research, Korea), Kinney Kim (North Carolina Central University), Burt Lee (American Chemical Society) GCC-A Session: Energy Conservation and Efficiency Improvements Session Chair: Julius Rim (MET Ltd), Co-Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd.) Time ID Title and Speaker CONGRATULATORY REMARKS 8:00 AM Lee Ki-Woo (Korea Institute of Energy Research, Korea) KEYNOTE Carbon Dioxide Capture and Sequestration by Integrating Pressure Swing Adsorption with an Open Cycle 8:05 AM GCC-A1 Supercritical CO2 Brayton Power Generation System Frank Di Bella (Concepts NREC, LLC) Full Depth Reclamation of Pavement to Alleviated Climate 8:35 AM GCC-A2 Changes Kang-Won Wayne Lee (University of Rhode Island) Green Power Muffler” Invention Process 8:55 AM GCC-A3 Julius Rim (MET Ltd.) Utilizing Recombinant DNA Enzyme Biotechnology to Im9:20 AM GCC-A4 prove Efficiency in Oil and Gas Operations Richard Lee (BASF) GCC-B Session: Energy Technologies Including Solid-State Power Generation, Renewable Energy, and Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage, Bio-Energy Session Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd.), Co-Chairs: Burt Lee (ACS)/Yi Chang-Keun (KIER, Korea) Time ID Title and Speaker Mineralogical and Petrophysical Changes in Carbon Dioxide 1:15 PM GCC-B5 Sequestration Hyukmin Kweon (University of Utah) INVITED R & D Direction on Fuel Cell 1:40 PM GCC-B6 Jong-Hee Park (ex-Argonne National Lab.) Solving Sodium of Materials Degradations 2:05 PM GCC-B7 Jong-Hee Park (ex-Argonne National Laboratory) Polymer Nanocomposites for High Density Energy Storage 2:25 PM GCC-B8 Burt Lee (American Chemical Society) 2:45 PM GCC-B9 Brief Review on Photocatalytic Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Burt Lee (American Chemical Society) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 64 Thursday Afternoon August 11 4:00pm – 6:25pm >> at MIT-8 Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 10:00am >> at Carter GCC-C Session: : Solar Cell, Fuel Cell, Rechargeable Battery, Power IT(EMS, Smart Grid, Renewable Hybrid System) Session Chair: Burt Lee (American Chemical Society), Co-Chair: Song Rak-hyun (KIER, Korea) Time ID Title and Speaker INVITED Renewable Energy Research Activities in Masdar, 4:00 PM GCC-C10 UAE: Novel Energy Storage Technology Daniel Choi (Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, UAE) Novel Methods for Preventing Carbon Deposition in a 4:30 PM GCC-C11 Bio-Fuel Fed Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Sam D. Park (University of Louisville) New Nitrogen-doped Graphene Catalysts for Fuel Cells and 4:55 PM GCC-C12 Batteries Eon Soo Lee (New Jersey Institute of Technology) SOFC Activities at Korea Institute of Energy Research 5:20 PM GCC-C13 Rak-Hyun Song (KIER, Korea) ETC/GCC Joint Session: Environment and Climate Change Session Chair: Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho, USA), Co-Chairs: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD,Ltd, USA), Burt Lee (ACS) Friday Afternoon August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT 8 SMB-A Session: Small and Medium Business Workshop Session Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd), Co-Chairs: Kinney H. Kim (NCCU), Thomas Hahn (UCLA), Nakho Sung (Tufts U), Burt Lee (ACS), Gyung Sun Hwang (UT Austin) Time ID Title and Speaker Welcome, Introduction of participants; SMB Partnerships: opportunities, challenges, strategy Workshop agenda 1:15 PM Yong Nak Lee (President, Heat Transfer R&D, Ltd., IL) SMBs in the States I, Current status, Future needs 1:45 PM Kang Pil Lee, (President, Aspen Systems, Inc., MA) SMBs in the States II, Current status, Future needs 2:00 PM SMB-A Julius J. Rim (President, Int’l Metals and Energy Technology, Ltd) SMBs in Korea, Current status, Future needs 2:15 PM Joo Jaeheoun (President, HTRD Korea, Inc., Korea) Consultations: Face-to-face between Korean Entrepreneurs 2:30 PM and KSEA members Participants Coffee Break 3:15 PM Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator GCC Poster Session Judges: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd), Lee Ki-woo (Korea Institute of Energy Research, Korea), Kinney Kim (North Carolina Central University), Burt Lee (ACS) ID Title and Presenter A Thermoelectric Power Generation System Using Waste Gas GCC-Poster-1 from a Steel Plant Deok-Hong Kang (RIST, Korea) 65 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Friday Afternoon August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at MIT-8 SMB-B Session: Small and Medium Business Workshop Session Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd), Co-Chairs: Kinney H. Kim (NCCU), Thomas Hahn (UCLA), Nakho Sung (Tufts U), Burt Lee (ACS), Gyung Sun Hwang (UT Austin) Time ID Title and Speaker Panel Discussion, Strategic plan, Identification of business issues: technical, marketing, others, Formation of partnership 3:30 PM teams, Others, Conducted in question-and-answer format Participants SMB-B Team Formation sessions; Breakout sessions, Report on breakout session results, Future action plan 4:30 PM Participants Adjourn 5:30 PM Saturday Morning August 13 8:00am – 9:40am >> at MIT-8 SMB-C Session: Small and Medium Business Workshop Session Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD Ltd), Co-Chairs: Kinney H. Kim (NCCU), Thomas Hahn (UCLA), Nakho Sung (Tufts U), Burt Lee (ACS), Gyung Sun Hwang (UT Austin) Time ID Title and Speaker SMB Committee Meeting 8:00 AM SMB-C SMB Members Adjourn 11:00 AM UKC 2016 Brochure /// 66 Joint Symposium Program ENERGY, TRANSPORTATION AND CYBER SYSTEMS/GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE (ETC/GCC) ETC / GCC JOINT SYMPOSIUM Friday Morning August 12 8:00am – 10:00am >> at Carter 67 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Chair: Co-Chair: Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho, USA) Yong-Nak Lee (HTRD, Ltd, USA), Hee-Koo Moon (Solar Turbines Inc., USA), Duck-Joo Yang (University of Texas, Dallas, USA), Kinney H. Kim (NCCU, USA) ETC/GCC Joint Session: Environment and Climate Change Session Chair: Jae Hyeon Ryu (University of Idaho, USA), Co-Chair: Yong Nak Lee (HTRD,Ltd, USA), Dr. Burt Lee (ACS) Time ID Title and Speaker CONGRATULATORY REMARKS Korea’s Environmental Policy and Climate Mitigation ETC/ Dr. Myung Ja Kim, Ph.D. (A former environment minister and 8:00 AM GCC-1 president-elect of the Korean Federation of Science and Technology (KOFST) Societies) INVITED US Environmental Policy and Climate Mitigation ETC/ Mr. Frank Princiotta (A former director of air pollution preven8:15 AM GCC-2 tion and control division, USEPA) INVITED Research on an Integrated Top-down and Bottom-up System for Greenhouse Gas in Agriculture & LiveETC/ stock” Dr. Yoon-Mo Koo (Seoul National University), Yong8:35 AM GCC-3 Gun Kim (Greenhouse Gas Inventory & Research Center), Ki-Bok Chang (Korea Environment Institute) INVITED Texas Climate Change and Water Resources Management ETC/ Dr. John Tracy (Director, Texas Water Resources Research Insti8:55 AM GCC-4 tute, Texas A&M University), Bruce McCarl (Regents Professor and Distinguished Professor at Texas A&M University) INVITED Safety Management of Water Infrastructures for ETC/ Adaptation of Climate Change in Korea 9:15 AM GCC-5 Dr. Jeong-Yeul Lim, Dong-Hoon Shin (K-Water Institute) INVITED Accelerating Renewable Technologies with MateriETC/ als Genomics 9:35 AM GCC-6 David Ginley (National Renewable Energy Laboratory, USA) Symposium Program YOUNG GENERATION AND PROFESSIONAL FORUM (YGPF) YOUNG GENERATION AND PROFESSIONAL FORUM Chair: Co-Chair: Thursday Afternoon August 12 12:00pm – 8:30pm >> at Enterprise 7 & 8 YGPF-A Session: Session Chairs: Phillip Han (Clockwise.MD), Katherine Cho (UCLA) Time Title and Speaker Opening and Welcome 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Moderators: Phillip Han (Clockwise.MD), Katherine Cho (UCLA) 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Joint session with Intellectural Property/Industry Forum Program Session I: Strengths-Based Leadership 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Moderators: Jonathan Young Kim, (CSX Technology), Kyu Hwan Han (Viasat), Amy Han (Stanford) Friday August 12 9:00am – 11:00pm >> at Enterprise 7 & 8 Friday August 12 3:30pm – 5:30pm >> at Filmmakers/Aviator Phillip K Han (Clockwise.MD) Katherine Cho (Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership) 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Break 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM YGPF Dinner YGPF-B Session: Session Chairs: Phillip Han (Clockwise.MD), Katherine Cho (UCLA) Time Title and Speaker 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM YGPF Special Topics 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Plenary Session 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM UKC Lunch Program Session II: Teams, Stages, and Development Moderators: Jonathan Young Kim (CSX Technology), Kyu 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM Hwan Han (Viasat), Amy Han (Stanford), Katherine Cho (UCLA) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Poster Sessions (room: Filmmakers) Presenters: Please see table below for poster presentation list 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM Rangers Game YGPF Poster Session: Judges: Phillip K Han (Clockwise.MD), Katherine Cho (Colin Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership) ID Title and Presenter Total Synthesis of a Bioactive Colletochlorin B Natural Product, YGPF-Poster-1 Sun Choi Senior Design Project with Idaho Department of Transportation YGPF-Poster-2 (ITD), Seung Chae Ryu UKC 2016 Brochure /// 68 YGPF-Poster-3 YGPF-Poster-4 YGPF-Poster-5 YGPF-Poster-6 YGPF-Poster-7 YGPF-Poster-8 YGPF-Poster-9 YGPF-Poster-10 YGPF-Poster-11 YGPF-Poster-12 YGPF-Poster-13 YGPF-Poster-14 YGPF-Poster-15 YGPF-Poster-16 YGPF-Poster-17 YGPF-Poster-18 YGPF-Poster-19 YGPF-Poster-20 YGPF-Poster-21 YGPF-Poster-22 YGPF-Poster-23 YGPF-Poster-24 YGPF-Poster-25 YGPF-Poster-26 YGPF-Poster-27 YGPF-Poster-28 69 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Effects of Corporal Punishment for Child Development, Seungeon Ryu Parallelizing HSPF to Improve Hydrological Simulations using a Small-Scale Supercomputer, JungJin Kim Next Generation of YouTube Video Recommendations from Content Signals, Joonseok Lee Bridge Resource Program, Refind Load Rating, Sun Ho Ro Teaching Code is Not About Creating Programmers, Hansol Hong GPU-Accelerated Monte-Carlo Simulation of Thermo-Magnetic Spin Fluctuation Using Heisenberg Model, Sookyung Kim Scholar Plot: A Compact and Scalable Visualization Method for Academic Careers, Kyeongan Kwon Using Nanoparticles to detect small tumors, Sun Kyoung Choi The Synthesis of Prescriptive Building Information Modeling Component Data for Facility Management: Case Studies, Suduck Kim How KSEA Seattle YG Promotes Networking For Young Scientific Minds, Seung-been Steven Lee A Career in the ETC Industry, Solomon Kang Occurrence and Toxicity of Disinfection Byproducts in European Drinking Waters in Relation with the HIWATE Epidemiology Study, Clara Jeong Remote laser drilling of alumina ceramic for microelectronics, Dongkyoung Lee Inactivation of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Complex mediates The Selective Effects of Butyrate on Colorectal Cancer Cells, Anna Han Phase Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Blends, Ha-Kyung Kwon Practical leadership and team management skills to take your work to the next level, Erik Reinertsen Fundamental steps for robotics with data analysis, Ryuhwa Kim Viability of Aspergillus oryzae as a host for ginsenosides production through fungal transformation, Sang Il Kwon Illumina Analysis of Microbial Community in Harvested Rainwater from Three Full-scale Residential Systems, Taegyu Kim Levels of Bevacizumab and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A from Retinal Pigmented Epithelial Cells in vivo, Jina Lim Investigating the Specificity of the Interactions between MBTHlike Proteins and Nonribosomal Peptide Synthetases, Jane Ryu Building Instant Music, Howon Song Evaluation of the Active Traffic Management on Virginia’s Interstate 66 Corridor, PilJin Chun Determination of Solute-Solvent Intermolecular Interactions using Enhanced NOE from Hyperpolarized Spin, Jihyun Kim Data Analytics and Visualization in Real World Application, Ahreum Han The Synergistic Effect of Fluoride and Laser Radiation for the Inhibition of Demineralization of Enamel Surfaces, Raymond Lee YGPF-Poster-29 YGPF-Poster-30 YGPF-Poster-31 YGPF-Poster-32 YGPF-Poster-33 YGPF-Poster-34 YGPF-Poster-35 YGPF-Poster-36 YGPF-Poster-37 YGPF-Poster-38 YGPF-Poster-39 YGPF-Poster-40 YGPF-Poster-41 YGPF-Poster-42 YGPF-Poster-43 YGPF-Poster-44 YGPF-Poster-45 YGPF-Poster-46 YGPF-Poster-47 YGPF-Poster-48 YGPF-Poster-49 YGPF-Poster-50 YGPF-Poster-51 YGPF-Poster-52 YGPF-Poster-53 YGPF-Poster-54 YGPF-Poster-55 YGPF-Poster-56 Association of Women Surgeon Student Chapter @ VCU School of Medicine, Janet Lee Key Trends in US High-Tech Entrepreneurship, Danny Kim Automatically Detecting Controversy on the Web, Myungha Jang The role of natural killer T cells during the development of acute childhood leukemia, Sumin Jo Getting out of Academia, Stella Chun Planning an Exhibition Booth for the Transplant Congress as a Medical Writer, Sahee Kim Essential Leadership Skills Need to be Successful YG Group Leaders, Jun Bae Choi There and back again, Dennis Kwon Perspectives of Millennium Village Project Stakeholders on Program Successes, Challenges, and Recommendations: A Qualitative Analysis, Claire E Kim Publication of Two Guidebooks for Teens with Epilepsy and Parents of Children with Autism, Seo Young Lee Tumor suppression via paclitaxel-loaded drug carriers that target inflammation marker upregulated in tumor vasculature and macrophages, Esther Kim Establishment of KSEA Rutgers, JiYoung Park Optimization Model for Natural Gas Supply Systems, Sang Jin Kweon The Business Side of Things in Technology, Michael Kim NanoEngineering and Technology Society at UCSD, Hyeon Woo Kim Principles, Methods, and Challenges of integrative genomic analyses in Biomedical Informatics, Yoonjung Joo The Role of Cbl-b in CD4+ Effector T Cells Resistance Mechanism against Regulatory T Cells, SeongJun Han Introduction to Video Compression, Edward Hong Challenge and response in the Francisco River Basin, Hannah Lee Multiple Sclerosis: Investigation of the Linkage between IBD and EAE Pathogensis, Yula Go Leadership Experience in Davis, Da Eun Kim Technical Feasibility and Safety of an Intraoperative Head-Up Display Device in Neurosurgery, Jang Yoon Patient Safety and Reducing Medication Errors, Richard Oh Imaging-Based Classification of Pancreatic Cancer, Yeonju Lee Measurements of Saturation Pressure in Nano-porous Silica Monoliths, Hyeyoung Cho Customized research social network for construction engineering and management, Juyeong Choi The Most Important Qualities of Cofounders, Charles Han Towards Developing Cost-Effective Eye Mouse- A human computer interaction for individuals with motor disability, Tae-gyung Yoo UKC 2016 Brochure /// 70 YGPF-Poster-57 YGPF-Poster-58 YGPF-Poster-59 YGPF-Poster-60 YGPF-Poster-61 YGPF-Poster-62 YGPF-Poster-63 YGPF-Poster-64 YGPF-Poster-65 YGPF-Poster-66 YGPF-Poster-67 YGPF-Poster-68 YGPF-Poster-69 YGPF-Poster-70 YGPF-Poster-71 YGPF-Poster-72 YGPF-Poster-73 YGPF-Poster-74 YGPF-Poster-75 YGPF-Poster-76 YGPF-Poster-77 YGPF-Poster-78 YGPF-Poster-79 YGPF-Poster-80 YGPF-Poster-81 YGPF-Poster-82 71 /// UKC 2016 Brochure MDR1 Transporter Protects Against Paraquat-Induced Dopaminergic Neurodegeneration, Dahea You Hybrid neural encoding and decoding of dynamic stimuli, Jason Ki Collaboration Emphasized in a Curriculum for a Web Application Development Workshop, Yeonhoon Park Operational characteristics of the kinetochore-based reactions of the spindle assembly checkpoint, Janice Sim Economic Impact of Natural Disasters on Construction Markets and Contractor-Submitted Bid Prices, Minsoo Baek Developing Virtual Reality Games, Sae Young Kim Automatic T-valve System to Improve the Energy Efficiency of Firefighting Robot, Jeongwan Kim Year, Non-year number distinguisher, Jem Kim Synthesis of CuO nanodot structures via thermal oxidation process as photoelectrode for organic-inorganic solar cells, Kichang Jung Developing and Growing a Local YGP Chapter, Sung Ryong Park Era of Mobility - Change in Non-Public Transportation, Il Taek Kwon Preparation and Characterization of Solid Supported Bilayers, Yeeun Kim Sleep Deprivation and Executive Functions, Se Yun Kim JTRP(Joint Transportation Research Program) Projects in CEM, Soojin Yoon Interdisciplinary graduate program in environmental and ecological science and engineering area: role and value, Younjeong Choi Various Components of Autonomous Cars, Yun Jae Cho Seven ways you can grow from leading an organization, Kyubyung Kang A Good Leader versus A Good Supervisor, Hyerin (Hailey) Yoon The remediation of oil-contaminated soils using polyacrylamide solution, Jungyeon Jang The effect of local melting on DNA loop formation, Jiyoun Jeong Tobacco Cessation and Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Soan Kim Challenges to Healthy Living in the Modern World: Headache, Daeho Lee Facing Fears or Falls and Finishing, Janice Kim The landscape architecture of apartment complex in Korea, Sun Jung Lee Maximizing the Energy Saving Potential of Radiant Floor System with Model-based Predictive Control (MPC), Jaewan Joe Money Matters, Kristen Han YGPF-Poster-83 Intercorrelation of Neurochemical Metabolites Measured with Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) of Patients w, Jeong Hwa Kim YGPF-Poster-84 OTT Video Landscape, Paul Kim YGPF-Poster-85 Using Gender-Inclusive Design to Improve Participation in Computer Programming, Michael Lee YGPF-Poster-86 Investment for the Future, Jae Hee Kim YGPF-Poster-87 An Maximization Problem for Accumulated Discounted Expected Utility of Wealth, Chaeyun Lee YGPF-Poster-88 Starting a YG Chapter, Soomin Cho YGPF-Poster-89 Journey of an MD/PhD Student, Nathanael Lee YGPF-Poster-90 The Role of an Actuary in an Insurance Company, Sunny Kang Saturday August 13 9:00am – 9:00pm >> at Enterprise 7 & 8 YGPF-C Session: Session Chairs: Phillip Han (Clockwise.MD), Katherine Cho (UCLA) Time Title and Speaker 9:00 AM - 9:45 AM YGPF Special Topics 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Plenary Session 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM YGPF Lunch Program Session III: Leadership 1:15 PM - 3:00 PM Moderators: Jonathan Young Kim (CSX Technology), Kyu Hwan Han (Viasat), Amy Han (Stanford) 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM Open Session YGPF members are encouraged to attend other UKC forums 6:00 PM - 11:00 PM UKC Dinner *The Young Generational Professional Forum (YGPF) would not have be possible without the efforts of the YGPF organizers: Kyu Hwan Han (Viasat), Linda Kim (University of California, San Francisco), DK Kim (Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute), Michelle Roh (Columbia School of Dental Medicine), Carol Rim (University of Arizona), Jina Cha (CVS Health), Junha Park (Georgia Tech), Daniel Ha (SIVA Group), Jonathan Young Kim (CSX Technology), Daniel Lee (Med Assets, Emory University), Amy Han (Stanford University), Phillip Han (Clockwise.MD), and Katherine Cho (UCLA). UKC 2016 Brochure /// 72 / FORUMS 73 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Sponsor Named Forums Time Location Aug 11, at 8:00AM Cattle Carons KHIDI Aug 11, at 8:00AM Aug 11, at 1:15PM Aug 11, at 1:15PM Aug 11, at 1:15PM Aug 11, at 1:15PM Aug 12, at 10:00AM Aug 12, at 1:15PM Carter Glasscock Jonsson MIT7 Innovation Glasscock Vandergriff KOFAC KIST KITECH CJ Intellectual Property (IP) and Indsutry Forum KEIT Seoul City Forum KWISE Forums Aug 12, at 1:15PM Jonsson Name KWiSE-KOFWST Forum Program KHIDI (KOREA HEALTH INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE) FORUM ON DRUG AND VACCINE DEVELOPMENT The KHIDI Forum on Drug and Device Development is a joint session between BMP and CNV Symposia. This Forum will bring together the leaders in development of therapeutics to treat cardiovascular and metabolic diseases in universities and industry, biomedical and healthcare devices to improve healthcare and patient well-being, and biohealth research development policies. Profs. Kun-Ho Yoon at Catholic University School of Medicine, Kwang-Seok Park at Seoul National University, and Hanjoong Jo at Emory University and Georgia Institute of Technology, and additional speakers from Korean government and pharmaceutical industry are scheduled to attend. Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Cattle Carons KHIDI Forum on Drug and Device Development-Joint Session by BMP and CNV Co-Chairs: Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech), Ick Chan Kwon (KIST), Young-sup Yoon (Emory Univ), Sanghoon Lee (Korea Univ) Time ID Title and Speaker Introduction Remarks: BMP/ Kyung Sun (Director, Osong Medical Innovation Foundation) 8:00 AM CNV-1 Min Soo Park (Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare) Cell Therapeutics for Diabetes Mellitus BMP/ Kun-Ho Yoon (Director of KHIDI and Professor of Catholic 8:10 AM CNV-2 University of Korea, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital) MicroRNA Inhibitors in Nanoparticles as Targeted TheraBMP/ peutics for Atherosclerosis 8:35 AM CNV-3 Hanjoong Jo (Emory and Georgia Tech) BMP/ Treatment of Cancer Patients with Lymphonenia 9:00 AM CNV-4 Sehwan Yang (CEO, Genexine/NeoImmune Tech) 9:25 AM Thursday Afternoon August 11 6:00pm – 9:30pm >> at Hard Eight BBQ BMP/ uHealthcare Technology and Prospect CNV-5 Kwang Suk Park (Seoul National University) BMP/CNV/GPRP Joint Networking Dinner supported by KHIDI and Osong K-Bio Time Program Transport to Hard Eight BBQ by Bus from the Conference 6:00 PM Hotel Front KHIDI & Osong K-Bio Networking Dinner Introduction of KHIDI by Kun-Ho Yoon 6:30 PM Introduction of Osong K-Bio by Sun Kyung Introduction of Attendants Dinner 7:00 PM UKC 2016 Brochure /// 74 Forum Program KOFAC-AAAS FORUM “Science for Society, Science for Diplomacy” According to the OECD Daejeon Ministerial Meeting 2015, the S&T innovation will be the solution for imminent issues such as sustainable environment, climate change, new energy development, food security, and more. Citizen science, public engagement in science, and science diplomacy among different countries are necessary to take actions for the real life issues that the humanity is facing. The KOFAC-AAAS Forum aims to search ways to promote science diplomacy of not only scientists, but also of the citizen and the whole global community based on science communication and engagement. Please join us at the forum and share your insights and opinions. Thursday Morning August 11 8:00am – 9:45am >> at Carter Organizers: • Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC) • American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS) Time Program Opening: Introduction of KOFAC-AAAS Forum 8:00 AM - 8:10 AM (Forum Chair) Dr. Myung Ja Kim, President-elect, Korean Fed(10min) eration of Science and Technology (KOFST) The Role and Aims of the Liaison Group of Associations for 8:10 AM - 8:25 AM the Advancement of Science Dr. Tom C. Wang, Chief International Officer, and Director of (15min) Center for Science Diplomacy, AAAS 8:25 AM - 8:40 AM From Science Communication to Science Diplomacy Dr. Seunghwan Kim, President, KOFAC (15min) (Discussion) (Discussant) Dr. Eun-Suk Seo, Vice President and 45th 8:40 AM - 9:10 AM President-elect (46th President), Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA) 9:10 AM - 9:15 AM Closing 75 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Forum Program KIST FORUM To celebrate KIST (Korea Institute of Science and Technology)’s 50 th Anniversary, we are pleased to host the KIST Forum on Thursday, August 11 th , 2016. It is a great honor to invite many scientists and leaders from Korea and the United States. The purposes of the KIST Forum are: 1) to share KIST’s achievements of the past 50 years; 2) to share visions for the future; and 3) to introduce KIST scholarship programs. We look forward to your participation. Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Glasscock Time Program 1:15 PM - 1:20 PM Greetings (by Dr. Tae-Hoon Lim, Vice-President of KIST) KIST’s Achievements of the Past 50 years, and Visions for the Future (by Dr. Eun Gyeong Yang, Director of KIST 1:20 PM - 1:45 PM International Affairs Division) - Presentation - Watching the KIST Vision Video Clip R&D Activities at KIST - Biomedical Research Institute (by Dr. Ick Chan Kwon, Director-General of Biomedical Re1:45 PM - 2:25 PM search institute) - Post-Silicon Semiconductor Institute (by Dr. Joonyeon Chang, Director-General of Post-Silicon Semiconductor Institute) 2:25 PM - 2:45 PM Introduction of KIST Scholarship Programs (by Dr. Oh Shim Joo , Dean of Global School for R&D) 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Networking UKC 2016 Brochure /// 76 Forum Program KITECH FORUM ON ADVANCED MANUFACTURING : INSPECTION SYSTEM, MATERIAL DESIGN, RENEWABLE BIOBASED PRODUCTS, AND PRINTED ELECTRONICS Manufacturing is of great importance in enhancing the level of human life. The Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, KITECH, aims to contribute to the growth of the national manufacturing industry through development, application and commercialization of manufacturing technologies and supports for SMEs. The KITECH Forum is planned to advance the manufacturing technologies in the areas of new materials, printed electronics, and renewable biobased products. Please join us at the forum and share your insights and opinions. Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Jonsson 77 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Chair: Dr. Byung-Wook Choi, Director, US Tech Coop Center, KITECH Time Program 1:15 PM - 1:20 PM Congratulatory Remarks : Youngsoo Lee, President, Korea (5min) Institute of Industrial Technology 1:20 PM - 1:30 PM Introduction to KITECH : Dr. Byung-Wook Choi, Director (10min) US Tech Coop Center, KITECH Open-Source Hardware Application for Inspection System 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM Monitoring : Dr. Kyungchan Jin, Principal Researcher, Korea (20min) Institute of Industrial Technology Designing of Materials for Overcoming Physical Proper1:50 PM - 2:10 PM ties : Dr. Minha Lee, Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of (20min) Industrial Technology Green Chemical Products from Industrial Biorefinery : 2:10 PM - 2:30 PM Dr. Sangyong Kim, Principal Researcher, Korea Institute of (20min) Industrial Technology Electronic Assembly Materials that Enable Products and 2:30 PM - 2:50 PM Processes used in Advanced Manufacturing : Dr. Gene Kim (20min) (Alpha) and Dr. Dan Gamota (Jabil) Thermal Treatment of Printed Electronics Application 2:50 PM - 3:10 PM Using a Laser: Dr. Kyung-Tae Kang, Principal Researcher, (20min) Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 3:10 PM - 3:15 PM Closing (5min) Forum Program CJ CHEILJEDANG FORUM Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at MIT7 Session Chair: Sung Woo Kim (North Carolina State University), Co-Chair: Jin-hee Kang (CJ) Time ID Title and Speaker Opening 1:15 PM Sung Woo Kim (North Caorlina State University) Welcome and Introduction 1:20 PM FAN-B6 Jae-ho Jang (CJ) Roundtable discussion #1 1:30 PM FAN-B7 Hang-duk Roh, Byung-suk Moon, Suk-woo Ji, and Jae-ho Jang (CJ) BREAK TIME 2:10 PM Roundtable discussion #2 2:20 PM FAN-B8 Hang-duk Roh, Byung-suk Moon, Suk-woo Ji, and Jae-ho Jang (CJ) Discussion and conclusion 3:00 PM FAN-B9 Jae-ho Jang (CJ) 3:10 PM Closing Jin-hee Kang (CJ) UKC 2016 Brochure /// 78 Forum Program INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) AND INDUSTRY FORUM The Intellectual Property (IP) Forum will provide presentation sessions about a new role of IP in the era of Creative Economy and about how to lead the rapidly-growing world IP market with a strategic cooperation between US and Korea. This year, the IP Forum will jointly host sessions with Industry Forum and Young Generation and Professional Forum (YGPF). Sessions will focus on various topics including roles of IP in our technology driven modern society, an overview of intellectual property in general, and different perspectives from the industry and/or universities or institutes. The sessions are designed to provide a gentle introduction, but an insightful view on the intellectual property to provide a deeper understanding of the intellectual property. Thursday Afternoon August 11 1:30pm – 3:00pm >> at Enterprise 7 & 8 79 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Chair: Paul T. Lee (President of KORUSIP) Time Program World Patent Disputes and Implications on R&D 1:30 PM TBD Introduction to Intellectual Property 2:00 PM Sungyong In Stories from Industry/Universities and Institutes/Venture Capitals 2:30 PM TBD Forum Program KEIT GLOBAL PLANNING FORUM KEIT(Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology) is one of most active and dynamic innovation support organization in Korea, managing R&D programs to foster innovation. The Forum is to promote the participation of Korean-American scientists and engineers in planning of Korea national R&D projects for improving R&D productivity and Global Cooperation. Korean-American scientists and engineers in various technical areas will discuss the trends of current leading technologies in this Forum with Program Directors (PD) of KEIT to generate creative and innovative ideas for national R&D projects planning. This Forum will be focused on 9 industrial technology areas : - Bio-medical, Embedded S/W, Robot, Smart Car, Nano Convergence, Industrial Convergence, Smart Electronics, Knowledge Service, Design. Friday August 12 11:00am – 5:00pm >> at Carter, Glasscock, MIT10, Harvesters and Mccombs Time Program 11:40 AM - 12:25 PM Introduction of Korea national R&D program 12:25 PM - 1:00 PM Networking Luncheon hosted by KEIT 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM Panel Discussion (5 subcommittees) at Carter, Glasscock, MIT10, Harvesters and Mccombs - Discuss recent research trends and good project ideas between KEIT PDs and Korean-American scientists/engineers Chair : KEIT PDs UKC 2016 Brochure /// 80 Forum Program SEOUL CITY FORUM The 2 nd Seoul City Forum aims at discussing 1) the preventive solutions of potential urban disasters and 2) the development of “Smart City.” Experts in each area will present the technologies available for the prevention and prompt recovery of urban disasters. Movements and recent activities about Smart Cities will also be presented by KoreanAmerican scientists and engineers. The invited panel members will join the discussion to share their experiences and provide technical advice on potential issues that the proposed technical solutions and methods may have at the time of implementing the measures. The UKC attendees are encouraged to participate in this forum to exchange their ideas and help develop better solutions. Friday August 12 1:15pm – 3:15pm >> at Vandergriff Time 1:15 PM - 1:20 PM 1:20 PM - 1:45 PM 1:45 PM - 2:10 PM 2:10 PM - 2:35 PM 2:35 PM - 3:00 PM 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM 81 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Program Greetings and Introduction Dr. Soolyeon Cho (Associate Professor at North Carolina State University) Sink Holes in Cities: Technologies for and Examples of Prevention, Recovery, and Related Issues in City Infrastructure Dr. Hae-Bum Yun (Associate Professor at University of Central Florida) Use of Information Technology (IT) in Disaster Prediction and Recovery Dr. Boong Yeol Ryoo (Associate Professor at Texas A&M University) Smart City & Energy: City Restructuring for the Development of Zero Energy Community Dr. Seoung-Eon Lee (Lead Principal Investigator, Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology) Current Trend and Status of Smart City Movement in the US and other Developed Countries: Initiatives and Technologies Dr. Soolyeon Cho (Associate Professor at North Carolina State University) Panel Discussions Forum Program KWISE-KOFWST (KOREAN-AMERICAN WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING / KOREA FEDERATION OF WOMEN’S SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATIONS) “WOMEN’S LEADERSHIP IN CHANGING WORLD” Korean-American Women in Science and Engineering (KWiSE) and Korean Federation of Women’s Science & Technology (KOFWST) invite you (regardless of gender) to the Women’s Forum entitled “Women’s Leadership in Changing World.” It is organized with UKC2016’s theme of Enriching Lives through Science Technology and Entrepreneurship to promote a spirit of pursuing scientific excellence and its practical application to current issues of the world. The goal is to harness the untapped leadership potential of female scientists and engineers to empower a future generation of women leaders in science and technology. It will be an interactive and engaging event to further foster peer networking and mentoring among attendees. KWiSE and KOFWST provide a platform for current and future leaders to meet in an environment where meaningful partnerships and friendships can be nurtured. It should be a great opportunity to exchange ideas, learn and inspire, and promote better leadership for a changing world. Chair Hee-Yong Kim Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Signaling, NIAAA, NIH & KWiSE President Co-Chair Se-Moon Park President KOFWST & President WiN Global Friday Presentation August 12 1:15pm – 2:45pm >> at Jonsson Outlook of KWiSE Hee-Yong Kim Role of the KOFWST Se-Moon Park Women’s engagement, changes and further leap in the fields of science, engineering and technology for better world: Korea’s policy and strategy Preparing for Future Opportunities Elizabeth Chu Richter, FAIA Laboratory Chief, NIH,USA KWiSE President Mi Ock Mun A member of National Assembly of Korea Discussion Panelists August 12 2:45pm – 3:15pm >> at Jonsson Richter Architects, CEO, 2015 President, American Institute of Architects Research and Teaching in US Academia: Rewards and Challenges from a Woman’s Perspective Double Dare Grace Hyun Kim Jong-In Hahm Associate Professor, Georgetown University, USA Associate Professor UCLA, USA Suejung Huh Hei-Sook Lee MiHye Kim MinHee Ko Hee Young Paik EunSuk Seo Founder & CEO, Ohhh! Inc. USA Professor, Department of Computer Science, Chungbuk National University Networking Dinner August 11 6:30pm – 8:30pm >> at TBD President, KOFWST Korea Director, Center for Gendered Innovations in Science & Technology Researches, KOFWST, Professor Emeritus, Seoul National University Principal Research Fellow, Center for Gendered Innovations in Science & Technology Researches, KOFWST, Professor Emeritus, Ewha Womans Univ. Research Scientist, Doheny Eye Institute and University of California, Los Angeles Professor, School of Engineering, University of Maryland, President-Elect, KSEA UKC 2016 Brochure /// 82 / 2016 KSEA-KUSCO GRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Sookyung Kim Georgia Institute of Technology Kyung Hyun University of California, Irvine Dahea You Rutgers University Seung-Been Steve Lee University of Washington PilJin Chun University of Virginia Jaekyo Yi Won Jun Jo Kyung Eun Kim State University of NY at Stony Brook Massachusetts Institute of Technology Georgetown University Yungjun Yoo University of Maryland Junghoon Jahng University of California, Irvine Jeyoung Woo The University of Texas at Austin Erik Reinertsen Emory University Taekeun Kim So Yun Min Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Massachusetts Jaeil Han University of Texas at Houston Taegon Oh Northwestern University Minung Kang Weill Cornell Medical College Ju Yong Koh Campbell University Yeon Ju Son University of Pennsylvania 83 /// UKC 2016 Brochure Hyeonu Heo University of North Texas / UKC 2016 SPONSORS UKC 2016 Sponsors We are grateful to the sponsors of UKC 2016. The full ads presented after these sponsor summary pages are the ones obtained by the closing date of UKC2016 program brochure. The ads for the remaining sponsors will appear in future KSEA Letters. Diamond Level Sponsors Gold Level Sponsors UKC 2016 Brochure /// 84 / UKC 2016 SPONSORS Silver Level Sponsors Bronze Level Sponsors 85 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Sponsors / UKC 2016 SPONSORS UKC 2016 Sponsors Bronze Level Sponsors Copper Level Sponsors General Level Sponsors University Health Network UKC 2016 Brochure /// 86 KOFST will play a crucial role in leading the science and technology renaissance of Korea THE KOREAN FEDERATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SOCIETIES KOFST is firmly committed to enriching and supporting science and technology societies; encouraging scientists to engage with society; protecting the rights and interests of scientists; and increasing public understanding of scientific discoveries and theories to reap even greater benefits for Korea. 87 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 88 89 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 90 투명하고 전문적인 산업기술 기획·평가·관리를 통한 국가기술경쟁력 강화 新비전 ‘세계최고의 산업기술을 선도하는 R&D지원 글로벌 리더’ 가 R&D지원 분야의 글로벌 리더로서 도약하기 위해 새로운 비전으로 새로운 도전을 시작합니다. 는 우리의 산업기술이 세계최고 기술경쟁력을 확보할 수 있도록 선진화·전문화된 기획-평가-관리를 통해 앞장서 길을 만들겠습니다. 고객의 행복이 우리의 가치입니다 91 /// UKC 2016 Brochure 청렴과 공정으로 신뢰받는 KEIT 존중과 배려로 기쁨이 넘치는 KEIT UKC 2016 Brochure /// 92 93 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 94 FORWARD THINKING. EVEN IN REVERSE. The All-New Hyundai Elantra with available Rear Cross-traffic Alert. Optional features shown. America’s Best Warranty claim based on total package of warranty programs. See dealer for LIMITED WARRANTY details. Hyundai is a registered trademark of Hyundai Motor Company. All rights reserved. ©2016 Hyundai Motor America. 95 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 96 97 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 98 보건산업 2015년 5월 Vol.41 한국보건산업진흥원 99 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 100 101 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 102 103 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 104 OSONG Medical Innovation Foundation To provide comprehensive and world class research infrastructure to support the research in developing high - tech medical technology New Drug Development Center Provide supports for Global Bio medicine Development Medical Device Development Center Provide world class comprehensive research space and system supporting the research in the areas of design, manufacturing and testing the development of high-tech medical devices Laboratory Animal Center Fast-tracking the development of New Drugs and Medical Devices Clinical Trials Drug Manufacturing Center Support the Commercialization of New Biopharmaceuticals Industry & Research Institutions 105 /// UKC 2016 Brochure UKC 2016 Brochure /// 106 / MEETING AREA MAP HYATT REGENCY DFW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PO Box 619014 2334 North International Parkway DFW Airport, Texas 75261 USA T +1 972 453 1234 Sales Fax +1 972 615 6825 Guest Fax +1 972 456 3334 FLOOR PLAN Upper Level POOL INNOVATION BALLROOM JOHN B’S TERRACE A B C D INNOVATION FOYER DENNARD KILBY MEN FRONT DESK JACOB'S SPRING GRILLE WOMEN MATTHEWS INNOVATION WING STINSON ROOM COLEMAN'S CORNER PANTRY WETZEL GIFT SHOP GAME ROOM ACES LOBBY BAR MAIN LOBBY JETT’S COFFEE BAR ELEVATORS ADMINISTRATION MEN MR. G’S STAIRS DOWN TO BALLROOM WOMEN MUNSON’S DEBAKEY HOTEL OFFICES MAIN ENTRY LUGGAGE Executive Conference Level ECL OFFICE 1111 1103 ELEVATORS 1107 1109 STAIRS WOMENS 1105 MENS 1112 1113 PANTRY 1104 1106 1108 1110 1114 107 /// UKC 2016 Brochure / MEETING AREA MAP HYATT REGENCY DFW INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PO Box 619014 2334 North International Parkway DFW Airport, Texas 75261 USA T +1 972 453 1234 Sales Fax +1 972 615 6825 Guest Fax +1 972 456 3334 FLOOR PLAN Ground Level ENTERPRISE 2 ENTERPRISE 4 ENT ENTERPRISE 1 RISE BAL LRO ENTERPRISE 6 ENTERPRISE 8 OM ENTERPRISE REG. DESK DEVELOPERS ERP 3 ENTERPRISE 5 ENTERPRISE CATTLE BARONS ELEVATORS 7 ENTERPRISE FOYER INDUST RY WIN G HARVESTER RESTROOMS DOOLIN WILDCATTERS HILL CARTER MIT MIT MIT 3 2 1 MIT 12 MIT 13 ENTRY GLASSCOCK MAVERICK FOYER FILMMAKERS JONSSON HOBBY MIT 4 LEADERSHIP WING MIT 5 MIT 6 LADY BIRD MCCOMBS MCKEE VANDERGRIFF MIT 7 MADE-IN-TEXAS (MIT) MAVERICK MIT 11 MIT 10 MIT 9 MIT 8 UKC 2016 Brochure /// 108 UKC 2016 US-Korea Conference On Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association 1952 Gallows Road, Suite 300, Vienna, VA 22182 Tel. 703-748-1221. Fax. 703-748-1331