Pre-Approved Mechanical Engineering Technical Electives for

Pre-Approved Mechanical Engineering Technical Electives
for Academic Year 2013–2014
Electives taught by mechanical engineering faculty
ENGR 305 Sensors/Measurements (tech elective if not required by your bulletin)
EGRM 321 Numerical Methods (tech elective if not required by your bulletin)
EGRM 401 Mechanical Engineering Leadership
EGRM 425 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems
EGRM 426 Manufacturing Processes
ENGR 427 Robotics
EGRM 428 Polymer Processing
EGRM 436 Engineering Materials
EGRM 437 Principles of Polymer Engineering
ENGR 491 Sp. Top. HVAC
EGRM 510 Solid Mechanics and Materials Behavior
EGRN 510 Probabilistic Risk Assessment
EGRM 512 Engineering Mathematics
EGRM 515 Vibrations
EGRM 525 Feedback Control
EGRM 535 Polymeric Materials
EGRM 545 Energy Conversion Systems
EGRM 551 Experimental Methods for Engineers
EGRM 555 Smart Materials
EGRM 561 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
ENGR 565 Design Optimization
EGRM 566 Advanced Computer-aided Design and Manufacturing
EGRM 568 Robot Manipulators
EGRM 570 Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics
ENGR 570 Effective Technical Writing
EGRM 580 Flow Control
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Effective Technical Writing
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Introduction to Aerosol Science and Technology
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Law and Engineering
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Analysis
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Continuum Mechanics
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Nuclear Engineering for Mechanical Engineers
ENGR 591 Sp. Top: Turbomachinery
Special topics (ENGR 491/591) and independent study (ENGR 492) courses that are at
least 3 credit hours each may be used as technical electives.
Electives typically taught by other school of engineering faculty
Note that some approved technical elective courses outside of mechanical engineering
may have prerequisites that are not part of the required curriculum and are not accepted
as technical electives.
ENGR 334 Introduction to Microelectronic Fabrication
ENGR 454 Automatic Controls
ENGR 461 Stem Cell Engineering
ENGR 505 Characterization of Materials
ENGR 591 Sp Top: Manufacturing Processes
EGRB 307 Biomedical Instrumentation
EGRB 308 Biomedical Signal Processing
EGRB 310 Biomechanics
EGRB 403 Tissue Engineering
EGRB 406 Artificial Organs
EGRB 407 Physical Principles of Medical Imaging
EGRB 409 Microcomputer Applications in Biomedical Engineering
EGRB 420 Rehabilitation Engineering
EGRB 421 Human Factors Engineering
EGRB 427 Biomaterials
EGRB 507 Biomedical Electronics and Instrumentation
EGRC/CLSE 312 Chemical Reaction Engineering
EGRC/CLSE 325 Bioengineering
EGRC/CLSE 405 Process Synthesis
EGRC/CLSE 409 Chemical Process Control
EGRC/CLSE 543 Advanced Reaction Engineering
EGRC/CLSE 544 Applied Transport Phenomena
EGRC/CLSE 549 Process Biotechnology
EGRE 303 Electronic Devices
EGRE 307 Integrated Circuits
EGRE 309 Electromagnetic Fields
EGRE 310 Microwave and Photonic Engineering
EGRE 335 Signals and Systems I
EGRE 336 Introduction to Communication Systems
EGRE 337 Signals and Systems II
EGRE 364 Microcomputer Systems
EGRE 365 Digital Systems
EGRE 426 Computer Organization and Design
EGRE 427 Advanced Digital Design
EGRE 435 Semiconductor Processes
EGRE 436 Advanced Semiconductor Fabrication
EGRE 444 Communication Systems
EGRE 445 Digital Signal Processing
EGRE 455 Control Systems Design
EGRE 520 Semiconductor and Quantum Electronics
EGRE 521 Advanced Semiconductor Devices
EGRE 522 Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
EGRE 525 Fundamentals of Photonics Engineering
EGRE 526/CMSC 506 Computer Networks and Communications
EGRE 533 VLSI Design
EGRE 535 Digital Signal Processing
EGRE 555/MATH 555 Dynamics and Multivariable Control
CMSC 302 Introduction to Discrete Structures
CMSC 311 Computer Organization
CMSC 312 Introduction to Operating Systems
CMSC 355 Program Design
CMSC 401 Algorithm Analysis with Advanced Data Structures
CMSC 403 Programming Languages
CMSC 502 Parallel Programming
CMSC 404 Compiler Construction
CMSC 506/ENGR 526 Computer Networks and Communications
CMSC 508 Database Theory
CMSC 409 Artificial Intelligence
CMSC 411 Computer Graphics
CMSC 519 Software Engineering: Specification and Design
CMSC 525 Introduction to Software Analysis, Testing and Verification
CMSC 526 Theory of Programming Languages
Technical electives taught by the da Vinci Center
INNO 460 da Vinci Project
Technical electives in math, physics and business
Students may use only one of the following courses as a technical elective.
PHYS 320 Modern Physics (PHYZ 320 is required only if you want the physics minor)
FIRE 311 Financial Management (check prerequisites)
INFO 360 Business Information Systems (check prerequisites)
FIRE 520 Financial Concepts of Management (check prerequisites)
MATH 310 Linear Algebra (only for students using the 2006-2007 or older bulletins)